Battery Sentence Examples
The battery in the lantern might be dead or the fall might have broken it.
Now, we know that the number of electrochemical equivalents electrolysed is proportional to the whole amount of electricity which passed through the circuit, and the product of this by the electromotive force of the battery is the work done by the latter, so that in this case also Joule showed that the heat generated was proportional to the work done.
I bought a battery, but it didn't do any good.
I just came back from a battery of tests that said nothing's wrong with me.
He bought some battery powered lights to hang on the wagon and Gerald helped him pile hay on the wagon.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
Pierre went to the battery and the adjutant rode on.
On the opposite side the enemy could be seen by the naked eye, and from their battery a milk-white cloud arose.
To the left from that village, amid the smoke, was something resembling a battery, but it was impossible to see it clearly with the naked eye.
Christ, it tastes like battery acid.
AdvertisementBy this method of transmission the battery is always to the line for the same interval of time, and alternately with opposite poles, so that the effect of electrostatic induction is reduced to a minimum.
Incoming currents pass from line through one coil of the relay, the key, and either the battery or battery resistance, according as whether the key is raised or depressed.
In circuit with this battery was placed the secondary circuit of an induction coil, the primary circuit of which contained a telephone transmitter or microphone interrupter.
Calls are registered by pressing a key, which connects a battery through a position meter of very low resistance to the socket of the line jack, thereby furnishing the necessary energy to the meter.
But he is immortal as the man against whom Kant directed his tremendous battery 1 Human attributes magnified, or their weak points thought away.
AdvertisementOn one side; another battery of Kant's was aimed against Hume.
In addition to tentacles, there may be marginal cirri (Laodice) with a solid endodermal axis, spirally coiled, very contractile, and bearing a terminal battery of nematocysts.
Dalkey Island, lying off the town, has an ancient ruined chapel, of the history of which nothing is certainly known, and a disused battery, which protected the harbour, a landing-place of some former importance.
Part of the French losses, which were disproportionately heavy, were caused by the gunboats which lay close inshore and cannonaded the left flank of the French columns, and by a heavy naval gun which was placed in battery near the position of the 28th.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, the state authorities seized the United States Arsenal at Fayetteville, which contained 37,000 muskets and a complete equipment for a battery of light artillery.
AdvertisementOn war-footing each field battery has 4 officers, 100-120 N.C. officers and men, 100-125 horses and draught animals, 3-9 ammunition wagons; each horse battery, 4 officers, 120 N.C. officers and men, 100 horses, &c., 3 ammunition wagons; each mountain battery, 3 officers, 100 N.C. officers and men, 87 horses, &c.; each howitzer battery, 4 officers, 120 N.C. officers and men, Poo horses, &c., 3 ammunition wagons.
Electric locomotives usually work on the trolley system, though a few storage battery locomotives have been successfully employed.
Any Turkish battery that was chosen for target generally ceased firing before long; and the assailants were disposed to assume that the work was definitely put out of action, whereas all that had happened in reality was that the hostile gunners had been driven from their guns.
In diffusion plants the milk of lime is added, in proper proportion, in the cells of the diffusion battery, and the chips or slices themselves act as a mechanical filter for the juice; while in the Sandwich Islands coral-sand filters have been employed for some years, in addition to the chips, to free the juice from impurities held in mechanical suspension.
A cell when filled with fresh slices becomes the head of the battery, and where skilled scientific control can be relied upon to regulate the process, the best and most economical way of heating the slices, previous to admitting the hot liquor from the next cell, is by direct steam; but as the slightest inattention or carelessness in the admission of direct steam might have the effect of inverting sugar and thereby causing the loss of some portion of saccharine in the slices, water heaters are generally used, through which water is passed and heated up previous to admission to the freshly-filled cell.
AdvertisementWhen the new cell comes into operation and becomes the head of the battery, the first or tail cell is thrown out, and number two becomes the tail cell, and so the rounds are repeated; one cell is always being emptied and one filled or charged with slices and heated up, the latter becoming the head of the battery as soon as it is ready.
In a refinery in Nova Scotia a system has been introduced by which a travelling crane above the bag filters lifts up any head bodily with all its bags attached, and runs it to the mud and washing tanks at the end of the battery, while another similar crane drops another head, fitted with fresh bags, into the place of the one just removed.
One of the best methods for doing this is to charge the Ab l condenser by the known voltage of a battery, and then d e t erdischarge it through a galvanometer and repeat this minations.
The metal slips are so placed that, as the disk revolves, the middle brush, connected to one terminal of the condenser C, is alternately put in conductive connexion with first one and then the other outside brush, which are joined respectively to the battery B and galvanometer G terminals.
These arms. are then altered until on raising or depressing the battery key there is no sudden deflection either way of the galvano meter.
A simple method for condenser comparison is to charge the two condensers to the same voltage by a battery and then discharge them successively through a ballistic galvanometer and observe the respective " throws " or deflections of the coil or needle.
South, east and west of the city are the gold mines, indicated by tall chimneys, battery houses and the compounds of the labourers.
Similar plates are often used to catch any particles of gold that may be thrown back, while the main operation is so conducted that the bulk of the gold may be reduced to the state of amalgam by bringing the two metals into intimate contact under the stamp head, and remain in the battery.
So sudden was the collision that the Prussian advanced guard battery had to fire case to clear its own front.
Marshal Bazaine had meanwhile arrived on the scene, and ordering forward fresh troops to relieve (not to reinforce) those already engaged, he rode forward with a horse artillery battery to watch the operations.
In the dust and confusion of the charge a group of the hussars approached Bazaine and his horse artillery battery, and almost carried off the marshal.
The Third Army will assist the Fourth Army with counter battery work on the enemy's guns in the region La Terriere-Villers Outreaux.
On the 2nd-13th of August 1704 Eugene and Marlborough set their forces in motion towards the hostile camps; several streams had to be crossed on the march, and it was seven o'clock (five hours after moving off) when the British of Marlborough's left wing, next the Danube, deployed opposite Blenheim, which Tallard thereupon garrisoned with a large force of his best infantry, aided by a battery of 24-pounder guns.
They consist of an electric battery cable and lamp-holders and small glow lamps; that for the hind-sight is coloured.
Delivered in three echelons, these final attacks were repulsed, the first echelon by Colin Halkett's British Brigade, a Dutch-Belgian battery, and a brigade of Chasse's Dutch-Belgian division; the second and third echelons by the Guards, the 52nd, and the Royal Artillery.
In this case one terminal of the battery is connected to the earth, and the other terminal is connected through the galvanometer with the copper wire, the insulation of which it is desired to test.
It is possible so to arrange the value of the shunt and of the high resistance R' that the same or nearly the same deflection of the galvanometer is obtained as when it is used in series with the battery and the insulation-resistance.
In these circumstances the current passing through the galvanometer is known, provided that the voltage of the battery is determined by means of a potentiometer.
Hence the resistance of the insulator can be ascertained, since it is expressed in ohms by the ratio of the voltage of the battery in volts to the current through the C C galvanometer in amperes.
To prevent leakage over the surface of the insulating covering of the wire which projects above the surface of the water, it is necessary to employ a " guard wire P, which consists of a piece of fine copper wire, twisted round the extremity of the insulated wire and connected to the battery.
Every knoll had its redoubt or battery, and the trenches were arranged line behind line, to give supporting, cross and enfilade fire in every direction.
Thus on the north front, from Chi-Kuan battery to Sung-Shu, a distance of about two miles, there were three permanent forts and seven semi-permanent works and batteries.
Fort and Battery, and was continued at intervals, varied by Russian counter-attacks, till the 2nd of November.
On the 22nd of November the Japanese assaulted the trench round Chi-Kuan battery.
A battery of 11-inch howitzers was Metre fist established only one mile away.
He had no taste for office work, and much of his time was occupied in commanding a battery of volunteers and in charge of a steam launch.
With Dr Hugo Miller as his collaborator he published several papers of a chemical character between the years 1856 and 1862, and investigated, 1868-1883, the discharge of electricity through gases by means of a battery of 14,600 chloride of silver cells.
The difficulties under which the siege corps laboured were very great, and it was not until the 7th of January 1871 that the rightmost battery opened fire.
It is used in the manufacture of carbon rods for arc lights, and for the negative element in the Bunsen battery.
Stuart discovered a position which commanded the Federal camp, and maintained his cavalry and horse artillery in this position until the afternoon of July 3, when, his ammunition being expended, he was compelled to retire before a Federal force of infantry and a battery.
Thomson 6 places spherical bulbs inside thick spiral conductors through which the oscillating discharge of a powerful battery is led.
When an electric current from a battery is sent through a tube containing hydrogen, increase of current simply means increase in the number of ions which take part where is an additional constant.
Where it is available, an alternating electric current is much superior to a battery and break.
Richards, in which the source of power was a secondary battery of 5000 cells.
At the outer end was a battery of 3 5.9-in.
The object of the attack on the mole at Zeebrugge was first to seize the battery at the seaward end and prevent it firing at the block ships, and then to demolish the structures on it as far as possible.
The battery was 250 yd.
The battery was evidently fully charged as a large spark shot out when Paul jabbed his little penknife scissors into the contacts.
The juice, previously treated with lime in the diffusion battery, flows thence into a saturator.
The horses were replaced by others from a reserve gun carriage, the wounded were carried away, and the four guns were turned against the ten-gun battery.
The commander of the artillery of the 3rd Corps, General Fouche, will place the howitzers of the 3rd and 8th Corps, sixteen in all, on the flanks of the battery that is to bombard the entrenchment on the left, which will have forty guns in all directed against it.
We can get a view from there and in our battery it is still bearable, said the adjutant.
The guns of that battery were being fired continually one after another with a deafening roar, enveloping the whole neighborhood in powder smoke.
From the battery they could be seen running back past it carrying their wounded on their muskets.
After this from amid the ranks of infantry to the right of the battery came the sound of a drum and shouts of command, and from the battery one saw how those ranks of infantry moved forward.
On the right of the battery soldiers shouting "Hurrah!" were running not forwards but backwards, it seemed to Pierre.
The electromotive force of each cell is i 07 volts and the resistance 3 ohms. The Fuller bichromate battery consists of an outer jar containing a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, in which a plate of hard carbon is immersed; in the jar there is also a porous pot containing dilute sulphuric acid and a small quantity (2 oz.) of mercury, in which stands a stout zinc rod.
He discovered a fact subsequently rediscovered by others, that a tube of metallic filings, loosely packed, was sensitive to electric sparks made in its vicinity, its electrical resistance being reduced, and he was able to detect effects on such a tube connected to a battery and telephone at a distance of 500 yds.'
In this case a closed condenser circuit is formed with a battery of Leyden jars, an inductance coil and a spark gap, and oscillations are excited in it by discharges created across the spark gap by an induction coil or transformer.
The relay itself served to actuate a Morse printing telegraph by means of a local battery.
Fleming discovered that if the filament is made incandescent by the current from an insulated battery there is a unilateral conductivity of the rarefied gas between the hot filament and the metal plate, such that if the negative terminal of the filament is connected outside the lamp through a coil in which electric oscillations are created with the platinum plate, only one half of the oscillations are permitted to pass, viz., those which carry negative electricity from the hot filament to the cooled plate through the vacuous space.
A battery with a sufficient number of cells is connected to these two electrodes so as to pass a current through the mercury vapour, negative electricity proceeding from the mercury cathode to the iron anode.
His transmitter consists of a nearly closed oscillating circuit comprising a condenser or battery of Leyden jars, a spark gap, and the primary coil of an oscillation transformer consisting of one turn of thick wire wound on a wooden frame.
The instrument was joined in circuit with a battery and another similar instrument placed at a distance; and a continuous current was made to flow through the circuit, keeping the electromagnets energized.
The current from the battery used passed from the diaphragm through the granulated carbon to the metallic back of the box.
The current from the battery passes from one of the carbon disks to the other through the particles of granulated carbon which fill the space between them.
The requisite energy is derived from the battery.
Though many types of manually operated switchboards have been brought into use, differing from each other in respect of circuit and working arrangements, yet each of them may be placed in one or other of three main classes according as the system of working is magneto, call-wire, or common battery.
There are still many magneto exchanges in existence, but when new exchanges are erected only the very smallest are equipped for magneto working, that system having succumbed to the common battery one in the case of all equipments of moderate and large dimensions.
One of the greatest advances made in the development of the art of telephony was the introduction of the " common battery relay system."
The impedance coils shown connected between the battery and the lines and between the latter and the transmitters are joined up non-inductively as regards the transmitter circuits, but inductively as regards the secondary circuits.
The conditions permit of the circulation of the alternating currents of low periodicity, which are used for operating the bells, but in respect of the battery the circuit is open until the subscriber lifts the receiver, when the hook switch, thus released, joins the transmitter with one winding of an induction coil in series across the circuit.
He therefore proposed that he should be detached with ten sail of the line, and the frigates and small craft, to pass between the Middle Ground and Saltholm Flat, and assail the Danish line at the southern end while the remainder of the fleet engaged the Trekroner battery from the north.
Having entered the British army, he went to Japan in 1867 in command of a battery of artillery.
Walker planted a battery on Loudoun Heights.
The Russian cavalry mass, after crossing the ridge, moved towards Balaklava; a few shots were fired into it by a Turkish battery and a moment later the Heavy Brigade charged.
The bombardment ceased at 5 P.M.; but a few rounds were fired by the Inflexible and Temeraire on the morning of,the 12th at the right battery in Ras-el-Tin lines.
Every effort was now concentrated upon sending an expeditionary force to Suakin, and before the end of March about 13,000 men, including a brigade from India and a field battery from New South Wales, with nearly 7000 camels and 1000 mules, were there assembled.
Graham, with two battalions of Guards and a battery of horse artillery, started for Tofrik, but returned on being assured that reinforcements were not required.
A flying column, comprising a squadron of cavalry, a field battery, 6 machine guns, 6 companies of the camel corps, and a brigade of infantry and details, in all 3700 men, under Wingate, left Faki Kohi on the 21st of November.
Not the least extraordinary feature of the battle that followed is the part played by a sangar of stones at the head of Quarry Ravine and a small battery, called the Sandbag Battery, made as a temporary emplacement for two heavy guns a few days before.
Possession of the Sandbag Battery was far more fiercely contested.
The line of defence adjacent to the battery looked downhill for about 300 yds., giving a clear field of fire for the new Enfield rifle the English carried; but a sharp break in the slope beyond that range gave the assailants plenty of "dead ground" on which to form up. For a time, therefore, the battle was a series of attacks, delivered with great fierceness by the main body of Pavlov's corps, the repulse of each being followed by the disappearance of the assailants.
Most of the division indeed had to be used to patch up the weaker parts of the line, but Cathcart himself with about 400 men worked his way along the lower and steeper part of the eastern slope so as to take the assailants of the battery in flank.
Thenard, who had no battery at their disposal, to search for a chemical method of obtaining those metals, and by the action of red-hot iron on fused potash - a method of which Davy admitted the advantages - they succeeded in 1808 in preparing potassium, going on to make a full study of its properties and to use it, as Davy also did, for the reduction of boron from boracic acid in 1809.
When the two metal surfaces are connected for a short time with the terminals of some source of electromotive force, such as an electric machine, an induction coil or a voltaic battery, electric energy is stored up in the condenser in the form of electric strain in the glass, and can be recovered again in the form of an electric discharge.
This arrangement is commonly called a battery of Leyden jars.
At one end is an insulated plate P kept at a potential of 200 volts or so above the earth by a battery.
In 1806 Davy communicated to the Royal Society of London a celebrated paper on some " Chemical Agencies of Electricity," and after providing himself at the Royal Institution of London with a battery of several hundred cells, he announced in 1807 his great discovery of the electrolytic decomposition of the alkalis, potash and soda, obtaining therefrom the metals potassium and sodium.
In July 1808 Davy laid a request before the managers of the Royal Institution that they would set on foot a subscription for the purchase of a specially large voltaic battery; as a result he was provided with one of 2000 pairs of plates, and the first experiment performed with it was the production of the electric arc light between carbon poles.
Joseph Henry, in the United States, first suggested the construction of what were then called intensity electromagnets, by winding upon a horseshoe-shaped piece of soft iron many superimposed windings of copper wire, insulated by covering it with silk or cotton, and then sending through the coils the current from a voltaic battery.
One of these coils was connected with the voltaic battery and the other with the galvanometer.
He found that at the moment the current in the battery circuit was started or stopped, transitory currents appeared in the galvanometer circuit in opposite directions.
The promontory is strongly fortified and crosses fire with a battery erected to the east of Oran.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
The needle is charged to a potential of 50 to 200 volts by means of a dry pile or voltaic battery, or from a lighting circuit.
Built on the narrow strip of sand which separates the lake from the gulf, Goletta is defended by a fort and battery.
Ampere floated a voltaic battery with a coil of wire in its circuit in order to observe the effects of the earth's magnetism on the electric circuit.
Faraday observed that a large drop of mercury, resting on the flat bottom of a vessel containing dilute acid, changes its form in a remarkable way when connected with one of the electrodes of a battery, the other electrode being placed in the acid.
On the 9th however, with the aid of a Montenegrin battery that was got up to very close range, the trenches were carried after fierce handto-hand fighting.
The British troops in cantonments consisted of three regiments of native infantry and a battery of artillery.
When this liquid is cold it is diluted with cold water, heated until all the soluble salts are dissolved, transferred to a tall, narrow beaker, and diluted to about 150 cc. The electrodes are attached to a frame connected with the battery and the beaker is placed on a stool, which can be raised so that the electrodes are immersed in the liquid and reach the bottom of the beaker.
Each cylinder has a platinum wire fused to the upper circumference to connect with a clamp from which a wire leads to the proper pole of the battery.
He must be walked about, have smelling salts constantly applied to the nose, or be stimulated by the faradic battery.
He was also the first to demonstrate experimentally the difference of action between what he called a "quantity" magnet excited by a "quantity" battery of a single pair, and an "intensity" magnet with long fine wire coil excited by an "intensity" battery of many elements, having their resistances suitably proportioned.
This was the first instance of magnetizing iron at a distance, or of a suitable combination of magnet and battery being so arranged as to be capable of such action.
On the morning of the 24th the terms of a capitulation were agreed upon - the Mexicans were permitted to retire, retaining their small arms and one field battery of six pieces with twenty-one rounds of ammunition, and an armistice of eight weeks was arranged.
Galvanic phenomena had already engaged his attention before he left Bristol, but in London he had at his disposal a large battery which gave him much greater opportunities.
A year after this paper, which gained him from the French Institute the medal offered by Napoleon for the best experiment made each year on galvanism, he described in his second Bakerian lecture the electrolytic preparation of potassium and sodium, effected in October 1807 by the aid of his battery.
The distal club corresponds to the crystal-sac of an ordinary After Wladimir Schewiakoff, simplified from rhopalium, but bears a battery a coloured plate in Morphologisches Jahrbuch, of nematocysts in place of the xv., 1889, by permission of Wilhelm Engelotoliths.
In each township there are from two to five justices of the peace, any one of whom may preside over the " small cause court," which has jurisdiction of cases in which the matter in dispute does not exceed $too and is not an action of replevin, one in which the charge is slander, trespass or assault, battery or imprisonment, or in which the title to real estate is in question.
By the addition of a new pier running north-east from the lighthouse, and protected by a heavily armed battery, Charles III.
He abandoned temporarily the study of law in Indianapolis to recruit a company of volunteers (of which he was made second lieutenant) for the Mexican War, and served in1846-1847in the First Indiana Battery.
Upon his return he took up his residence in New York City, where (1868-1869) he was engaged in superintending the construction of an experimental floating battery.
The enemy's artillery was three hundred yards away, yet the British pressed on in spite of their losses, and as some of the Light Division troops reached the "Great Battery" the Russians hurried their guns away to safety.
In the meantime, on both sides of this battery, the assailants had come to close quarters with the Russian columns, which were aided by their field guns.
A brave counter-attack was made by the Russian Vladimir regiment, 3000 strong, against the troops which had stormed the great battery, and for want of support the British were driven out again.
Keys are inserted in the battery and galvanometer circuits to open or close them at pleasure.
The operation of determining the value of the resistance R therefore consists in altering the ratio of the three resistances P, Q,, and S, until the galvanometer indicates no current through it when the battery circuit is completed or closed by the key.
The regular military force consists of a field battery, with several regiments of cavalry and battalions of infantry.
At the extremity of the peninsula is Fort St George, with a saluting battery.
The Flag Battery is the "platform before the castle" where the ghost appears in Hamlet.
At the siege of Cartagena, in March 1741, at the head of a party of seamen, he took a battery of fifteen 24-pounders, while exposed to the fire of another fort.
There are in general stationed here a native regiment, two sections of a battery and the wing of a European regiment.
A battery of vessels is so arranged that one vessel can always be made the last of the series to discharge finished meal and to be recharged with fresh meal, so that the process is practically a continuous one.
These wires are also traversed in the same direction by a constant current from a battery.
The battery might be dead or the fall might have broken it.
The battery in this cell is about gone.
The absence of fangs and the battery acid blood probably would have saved her life.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
Battery is illegal too.
The test scientifically analyzesbattery performance with a true constant current load capacity test that is graphically displayed.
He was charged with misdemeanor battery which has a bail of at least $1,000.
It is recommended that the battery is disconnected at all times to avoid any accidental starting of the car.
The Wireless was run off a wet battery we called an accumulator, we took it to a garage to be charged up.
It is powered by an external 12 volt battery or a mains supply using an optional adapter.
What's related More by Anthony More from Chemistry Ideas Story Options Mail Story to a Friend Printable Story Format Build a better battery!
One last word on battery backup systems is to match the type of battery to the system's requirements.
He entered without first turning off the key, disconnecting the battery, or blocking off the mast.
This rechargeable battery may not recharge on camera docking stations.
Single AAA alkaline battery provides up to 200 hours (approximately 6 months) of use.
But a spare battery seems a necessity to me, so I have ordered a rather more powerful one.
I recommend getting a spare rechargable battery as like all digital cameras they eat up the power.
Compact and easy to handle with Li-Ion battery so the tool is always ready for use.
DoCoMo is addressing this issue in part by increasing the capacity of its lithium-ion batteries, the most commonly used battery in handsets today.
This PowaByke electric bike comes with battery and charger.
In portable electronics, they avoid toxic cadmium and mercury battery waste.
The battery was made by NIFE Batteries Ltd and was a nickel cadmium alkaline battery designed on the standard two-part principle.
The long vaulted casemates that today face the parade were known as Eighteen Gun Battery.
These products remind me of the " automatic battery changer " whose sole function was to change its own batteries!
When charging is complete, unplug the charger from the mains first and then from the battery.
That particular problem was caused by connecting a battery charger the wrong way round.
The solar battery charger is on its way to you.
The best solution is to use an intelligent battery charger.
The battery chargers for the electric locos also used in the mine were rusting away quietly.
This entails cleaning the battery terminals and connecting a Battery Tender or similar trickle charger.
Power is provided by a Zebra liquid sodium nickel chloride battery, mounted under the floor near the center of the vehicle.
A Battery A battery provides energy to an electrical circuit.
They come complete with a " real feel ", battery powered heartbeat, and a terry cloth pouch for a feeding bottle.
This means that these chargers may be left permanently connected to the battery, for example during winter.
Features AC or battery powered The PDW-V1 can be AC or battery powered, a feature that proves convenient in the field.
A desktop synchronization cradle with an extra battery slot also comes in the box.
This player has more storage and more battery life, but it's the same old crud.
All cages - whether traditional battery or so-called ' enriched ' - are inherently cruel and cause laying hens to suffer throughout their lives.
Users have an expectation of the standby time without making the handset too cumbersome with a large battery.
This eliminates the danger of over charging the battery.
Like the Stinger, you need to have the battery changed by an authorized dealer.
Anything over 70 percent battery power is just pure decadence.
Mains fed smoke detector with battery back up fitted to hall.
Disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect the battery or batteries, removing the earth terminal first of all.
The Portable can be easily dismounted for use, utilizing the internal 9V battery or mains power.
Comes complete with front hub dynamo, rear rack mounted battery light, AXA frame lock.
When used with battery electrics it can be moved from room to room making it a versatile changing bench.
Only the salts from the battery electrolytes, which remain in the wastewater, are " disposed " rather than being recycled.
There are also electrostatic fields, e.g. between battery terminals.
These were the battery positions, each consisting off four large emplacements with smaller excrescences beside them [the dugouts] .
A battery extender which can be used to charge your iPaq battery anywhere and any time.
Never put a naked flame near a charging battery nor allow any chance of a spark in the vicinity.
Not many free-range (or indeed battery) chicken farms adjoin schools.
The quoted battery life is a lengthy 8.5 hours talk time and 400 hours standby for the tri-band handset.
They were ten very long and, to put it frankly, very hateful minutes that passed until M Battery opened with a roar.
Suitability depends on scale, from battery systems at smaller scale to pumped hydro at a larger scale.
If you have a battery hydrometer, the reading should be between 1.28 and 1.30.
Have a go at building your own LED microscope illuminator with a simple battery supply which lasts hours!
A lithium battery acts as a back up incase of power failure.
Features an led battery indicator showing the level of charge in the battery.
It can be powered by a battery supply to drive a small inverter suitable for a single element lamp.
Victron Combi pure wave inverter and charger with large domestic battery bank (4 x 110a) enabling 240v on the move.
The energy produced can be used to heat water, to charge a battery or to provide electricity via a true sinewave inverter.
We've got a jeep over there, it's just two valleys over, all it needs is a battery.
The CUB kart is a battery operated off road rally kart which is extremely safe for children between 3-10 years of age.
The hybrid systems have a wind generator with a battery bank which produces 2,500 kilowatts an hour through the day.
Features Battery status led for reliable monitoring of remaining battery life.
I noticed the article on automatic battery led lamps.
We got 8 hours 1 minute of battery life in total, with music playing right to the end.
The card is fitted with a lithium battery giving a life span of 2 years.
The lithium-ion battery contains no metallic lithium, which would be extremely reactive with almost anything.
Battery Uses a 3.0 volt lithium battery, but can be replaced with a 3.6 volt.
There is an 8 memory reading recall, room temperature display and a long life lithium battery included.
This greatly extends the cycle life of each battery between charges, and generally extends battery longevity.
The unit is mains powered but can be fitted with a back up battery in case of mains powered but can be fitted with a back up battery in case of mains failure.
Go to the lavish bar at the Ritz-Carlton, Battery Park and drink martinis.
The new NRG Power is built to make it easy to access the battery, spark plug and other mechanicals for quick maintenance.
Battery or solar operated devices can be placed in the ground to help deter moles from burrowing in your garden.
The oral morphine can be slowly stopped once the battery has been replaced.
Other features include an all-in-one power, mute and battery status light, plus a power and mute switch.
And you need proper protection for hens - electric netting + energiser + marine battery - minimum £ 200 - unless you want heartbreak.
NiCad battery capable of flights in excess of 10 minutes per charge is included.
In the areas struck by hurricane Frances, many offices have been switched to generator or battery power because of extensive electical outages.
Both magnetometers are mains or battery powered and have a 4½ digit display and analog output.
In a quest to make sure that do n't overcharge the battery, most of these err on the side of caution.
You should go to your nearest pacemaker clinic for checkups to assess your pacemaker clinic for checkups to assess your pacemaker and the amount of battery energy left.
The internal NiMH rechargeable battery pack means you can enjoy your Dualit radio anywhere in the home.
Rapper Mystikal has been denied parole from his six year sentence relating to those charges of sexual battery.
When clean, smear petroleum jelly onto the battery terminals both before and after reconnecting.
Up to 15 hours battery playtime Fast PC downloads - USB 2.0 support for speeds up to a song per second.
Ensure that all equipment which is battery powered is charged prior to 6am.
With the appropriate level of safety designed into a Li-ion pack, Li-ion offers the most attractive method of portable battery power.
The circuit board from a Symphony battery powered radiogram.
Toshiba Battery recall Toshiba have issued a recall notice for certain laptop batteries.
Audio transfers and battery recharge via USB 2.0 are quick.
Hybrid electric vehicles do not require charging as they use regenerative braking whereby the action of braking the vehicle recharges the battery.
Usage tips When you're on the road you're going to be wholly reliant on your battery powering the laptop.
At no time was I able to trigger a hard reset, the new battery system eliminates that issue which is good news!
In that case some form of dust mask, or a battery powered respirator, should be worn.
A battery of machine guns in the bows was protected by sandbags.
Both can be tared to the full range and have an auto shut-off to conserve the battery life.
Unintentional battery drain is avoided through use of automatic Phantom power detection and automatic power shut-off on disconnection of the input signal.
Is my will only the toughest sinew in all the world, that it can stand out against the battery of the word?
The used battery is then placed in the vacated slot for charging.
The drivers side battery feeds the hot side of the car up to the starter solenoid off its negative post.
We have put a stopper on the crown to prevent the battery from running out.
Some rechargeable strobes may not be supplied with a charger or even a battery.
The only problem is that the battery doesn't last for every like the Nokias but it is still super.
It also runs without the use of a battery and the ignition timing is adjustable.
The screen offers all the usual data; song title, time, battery.
Procter & Gamble / Gillette - consumer goods (including battery toothbrushes ).
These sensors are supplied power by a switching transistor to conserve power with battery operated products.
We can usually offer a 24 hour turnaround on battery repairs.
Unplug the charger and allow the battery to stand unused for a half hour.
Battery Operated vacuums A choice of two battery operated wet dry vacs from Numatic UK.
Battery Uses a 3.0 volt lithium battery, but can be replaced with a 3.6 volt lithium battery, but can be replaced with a 3.6 volt.
The sensor and recorder are both in the same enclosure, which is housed with the battery, inside a fully weatherproof case.
Repsolds also provide two insulated sliding contact rings instead of the single ring g, so that the electric current for illuminating the lamps does not pass through the instrument itself but may come to the micrometer from the storage battery through two insulated leads.
Extending his investigations to the currents produced by batteries, he found that the total voltaic heat generated in any circuit was proportional to the number of electrochemical equivalents electrolysed in each cell multiplied by the electromotive force of the battery.
Then the work done by the battery per second will be EC' or CC'R, while the heat generated per second will be C' 2 R, so that we have the difference (C - C')C'R for the energy consumed in driving the engine.
The reason why the whole of the energy of the current is not available is that heat must always be generated in a wire in which a finite current is flowing, so that, in the case of a battery in which the whole of the energy of chemical affinity is employed in producing a current, the availability of the energy is limited only on account of the resistance of the conductors, and may be increased by diminishing this resistance.
A signal is sent by depressing the key K, and so changing the contact from a to b, and thus putting the battery r -- to line.
The stop a of the key K is connected through a switch S with one pole of the battery B, and the stop b in the usual way with the other pole.
K 1 and K2 are two transmitting keys; the former reverses the direction of the line current, the latter increases the strength irrespective of direction, by joining on another battery when the key is depressed.
The apparatus consists of a sending battery B, a reversing transmitting key K, a slide of small resistance 5, three condensers C1, C2, C3, an artificial cable AC, the receiving instruments I and G, and one or more resistances R for adjusting the leakage current.
By the automatic curb sender the cable is put to one or the other pole of the battery and then to the reverse pole for definite proportionate times during u b c 0 'c' C p t e a n i m e r rn e ll i a.
A very ingenious call-bell arrangement was devised, capable of responding only to regularly reversed battery currents, but not 1 See Fahie, History of Wireless Telegraphy, p. 170; also 5th Report (1897) of the Royal Commission on Electrical Communication with Lightships and Lighthouses.
The current circuit went through S, W, C, K, A, and the primary circuit of the induction coil I to the battery B, and thence to S again.
The contrivance most generally adopted for calling attention was a call-bell rung either by a small magneto-electric machine (magneto-generator) or by a battery.
Threefundamental common battery transmissionsystemshavebeen devised and are shown in figs.
On the night of the 16th-17th December, Dugommier, Bonaparte, Victor and Muiron headed the storming column which forced its way into the chief battery thrown up by the besieged on the height behind l'Eguillette; and on the next day Hood and Langara set sail, leaving the royalists to the vengeance of the Jacobins.
Carlisle found that hydrogen and oxygen were evolved at the surfaces of gold and platinum wires connected with the terminals of a battery and dipped in water.
Just as the lines of flow of an electric current all pass in closed curves through the battery or other generator, so do all the lines of induction pass in closed curves through the magnet or magnetizing coil.
Recently, however, a well-known sugar maker in Germany has altered his battery in such manner that instead of having to open a large door below the cells in order to discharge them promptly, he opens a comparatively small valve and, applying compressed air at the top of the cell, blows the whole contents of spent slices up a pipe to the drying apparatus, thus saving not only a great deal of time but also a great deal of labour of a kind which is both arduous and painful, especially during cold weather.
One form consists of a tuning-fork electrically maintained in vibration of known period, which closes an electric contact at every vibration and sets another electromagnet in operation, which reverses a switch and moves over one terminal of the condenser from a battery to a galvanometer contact.
The ohmmeter recommends itself by its portability, but in default of the possession of an ohmmeter the insulation-resistance can be measured by means of an ordinary mirror galvanometer (see Galvanometer) and insulated battery of suitable voltage.
The lichen, however, is able to grow as the alga supplies organic food material and the fungus has developed a battery of acids (see below) which enable it actually to dissolve the most resistant rocks.
In 1908 the Egyptian army, with a total establishment of 18,000, consisted of three squadrons of cavalry (one composed of Sudanese) each numbering 116 men; four batteries of field artillery and a Maxim battery, horses and mules being used, with a total strength of 1257 of all ranks; the camel corps, 626 of all ranks (fellahin and Sudanese); and nine fellahin and si-x Sudanese infantry battalions, 10,631 of all ranks.
About this time a voluntary subscription among the members of the Royal Institution put him in possession of a new galvanic battery of 2000 double plates, with a surface equal to 128,000 sq.
The word is applied to various small compartments which build up a compound structure such as a honeycomb, to the minute compartments in a tissue, &c. More particularly the word is used, in electrical science, of the single constituent compartments of a voltaic battery, and in biology of the living units of protoplasm of which plants and animals are composed (see Cytology).
It was true that a view over nearly the whole Russian position and the greater part of the enemy's opened out from this battery.
However, he put his horse to a trot in the direction of Tushin's battery.
The French columns that had advanced beyond the village went back; but as though in revenge for this failure, the enemy placed ten guns to the right of the village and began firing them at Tushin's battery.
He delivered the order and did not leave the battery.
Prince Andrew broke the silence with his abrupt voice, you were pleased to send me to Captain Tushin's battery.
As soon as the uhlans descended the hill, the hussars were ordered up the hill to support the battery.
Moreover, his whole attention was engrossed by watching the family circle--separated from all else-- formed by the men in the battery.
Projectiles began to fall still more frequently in the battery.
On entering the earthwork he noticed that there were men doing something there but that no shots were being fired from the battery.
The French who had occupied the battery fled, and our troops shouting "Hurrah!" pursued them so far beyond the battery that it was difficult to call them back.
The prisoners were brought down from the battery and among them was a wounded French general, whom the officers surrounded.
Crowds of wounded- -some known to Pierre and some unknown--Russians and French, with faces distorted by suffering, walked, crawled, and were carried on stretchers from the battery.
Toward two o'clock the regiment, having already lost more than two hundred men, was moved forward into a trampled oatfield in the gap between Semenovsk and the Knoll Battery, where thousands of men perished that day and on which an intense, concentrated fire from several hundred enemy guns was directed between one and two o'clock.
A battery of artillery was passing in front of the regiment.
Toward the end of the battle of Borodino, Pierre, having run down from Raevski's battery a second time, made his way through a gully to Knyazkovo with a crowd of soldiers, reached the dressing station, and seeing blood and hearing cries and groans hurried on, still entangled in the crowds of soldiers.
They, the soldiers at the battery, Prince Andrew killed... that old man...
The fast charge setting will recharge the battery in less than half an hour.
Usage tips When you 're on the road you 're going to be wholly reliant on your battery powering the laptop.
So you never need to buy expensive replacement battery packs !
Unlike a battery, a fuel cell does not run down or require recharging.
At no time was I able to trigger a hard reset, the new battery system eliminates that issue which is good news !
The site is, in fact, a leveled World War Two searchlight battery.
An Aunt was a sergeant in charge of an AA battery....
Fourth, replace the battery at the end of its serviceable life.
Unintentional battery drain is avoided through use of automatic Phantom Power detection and automatic power shut-off on disconnection of the input signal.
The wiring loom had been secured by metal clips to the heavy 12 volt cable from the battery to the starter solenoid.
By this time walking wounded were arriving in a steady straggling line at the advanced dressing Station alongside the battery.
The only problem is that the battery does n't last for every like the Nokias but it is still super.
Procter & Gamble / Gillette - consumer goods (including battery toothbrushes).
A long-life lithium battery powers the unit to display independently calibrated flowrate and totalizer values.
Your automobile battery is a typical example of a traction battery.
As the engineer in the party it fell to me to lie upside down under the transom of the boat extracting the old battery.
I think you may do best to run the pump off a car battery maintained by a trickle charger.
Battery powered with a twist on/off grip action, you can have soft glow light whenever you want.
Battery Operated Vacuums A choice of two battery operated wet dry vacs from Numatic UK.
We use this type of battery because it is the smallest battery which will power a vibrator motor properly.
The power supply involved a vibrator unit for use with a 6 or 12 volt car type battery.
A six volt car battery was used to power the radio set.
Any schoolboy today knows that you can make a voltaic battery quite capable of lighting any filament lamp by simply connecting copper to zinc.
Wager of law continued in trespass where there was no battery or bloodshed.
When the electromagnet was connected to the battery, the paper clips started moving closer to it.
To increase the power of your electromagnet, use a stronger battery.
My bluetooth headphones have begun to drone intermittently when they are low on battery.
The monitor that you purchase should be equipped with both a battery and an electric A/C adaptor.
It uses standard AC power (electric outlet) and has a handy battery pack so it can be used virtually anywhere that offers a little privacy.
It comes with two receivers and a rechargeable battery pack as well.
Instead of buying a load of batteries to keep your monitor operational, Sony baby monitors offer long-term savings with a rechargeable battery that only takes a few hours to recharge.
Multiple intensity settings allow you to hear your child from any room in the house, and the rechargeable Sony battery and wireless technology gives you the freedom to hear your child even if you aren't near an outlet.
The most dangerous kind of battery is the button battery - more than 2,000 children a year swallow button batteries.
If your child swallows a battery, call poison control at 800-222-1222 right away.
Install battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms or plug-in CO alarms with battery back-up.
A lot of baby toys rely on flashing lights, sounds and battery power in order to entertain your child.
Battery life is a consideration for parents on the move.
In such cases, battery life will become an issue.
Monitors that achieve peak reception at long distances and boast a strong battery life will be expensive.
Battery life is probably the most dispensable factor as many monitors can both plug-in and function independently by battery.
There are monitors that are available that may have battery or A/C options; rechargeable batteries may also be a good choice.
A lengthy battery life is an important consideration when it comes to buying your baby monitor.