Batteries Sentence Examples
My batteries are low-- think I can Travel in an hour or so.
Durban harbour is defended by batteries with heavy modern guns.
The batteries are manned by the naval corps (150 strong) of the Natal militia.
Primary batteries have, in the case of all large offices, been displaced by accumulators.
Then chucked the batteries ' plastic wrapping in the bin.
Batteries can also leak causing internal chemical burns.
Most watches now come with batteries and this saves the fiddly winding up of the watch and ensures accurate time keeping.
Batteries or Electric - Clocks can be powered by battery or mains electric.
If you are buying a battery children's alarm clock as a gift, then it is useful to also buy batteries so that the alarm clock can be put into immediate use.
A key wound clock is mechanical and does not need batteries, electricity or another power source to make it work.
AdvertisementThere is no need to check batteries or to ensure that a spare set are packed just in case.
When buying an atomic alarm clock as a gift then it is an extra special gesture to also buy the batteries to go with it so someone can start using it straight away.
Batteries - Some alarm clocks require batteries in order for them to work.
It is important to check and see if batteries come with the clock or whether they need to be purchased.
Zen clocks are battery powered and 4 'c' batteries will power the clock for approximately two years when used every day.
AdvertisementThe batteries last a long time and need only be replaced when they start to wear down.
The Eco-Drive range of watches never require new batteries and are powered using light.
This makes the watches very environmentally friendly and means that spent batteries do not need to be disposed of.
Watch batteries will eventually run down and lose their power.
The batteries therefore need to be replaced in order for the watch to continue working.
AdvertisementThe clock runs on two AA batteries, so power failures need not be a concern.
But the Austrian gunners were intent on the Prussian batteries farther back, which as the light improved had come into action.
Not even deigning to notice the retreating columns, apparently too without escort, the batteries pressed forward till they reached the summit of the ridge trending eastward from Chlum towards the Elbe, whence the whole interior of the Austrian position was disclosed to them, and then they opened fire upon the Austrian reserves which lay below them in solid masses of army corps.
If the batteries and their artillery were somewhat out of date, the fact remained that warships steaming up the defile would be compelled to pass these fortifications at very close quarters, when the lack of range of their guns would cease to tell.
It had always been assumed during previous discussions on the question that warships adventuring the passage would try a rush, that they would endeavour to steam by the, batteries and drive the `defending gunners from their guns by concentrated fire.
AdvertisementMoreover, promising as the situation may have appeared to be from the attacking side in so far as neutralization of the Ottoman batteries was concerned, it was plain that the mine-sweepers were making disappointing progress.
This led to a mistaken idea that De Robeck's ships might have succeeded had they renewed their attack at once in spite of losses; the damage which they had done to the batteries had been almost insignificant, and they had not got within 5 m.
The chief defect of the tower was its weakness against vertical fire; its masonry was further liable to be cut through by breaching batteries.
With open-fire batteries for making the syrup, which was afterwards finished in the vacuum pan, very good sugar was produced, but at a cost that would be ruinous in to-day's markets.
The diffusion cells are closed, vertical, cylindrical vessels, holding generally 60 hectolitres, or 1320 gallons, and are arranged in batteries of 12 to 14.
The scale of the operations may be judged from the fact that the total number of troops mobilized up to the beginning of July 1905 amounted to 126 battalions, 8 squadrons and 15 batteries; the rebel leader Mahommed Yahiya had at this time a following of 50,000.
This led to a material reduction in the army, which, as reorganized, consists of 4000 officers and men, divided into seven battalions of infantry of 300 men each, seven squadrons of cavalry of 125 men each, and one regiment of mountain artillery of 590 men, with six batteries of mountain guns.
Calais, formerly a celebrated fortress, is defended by four forts, not of modern construction, by a citadel built in 1560, which overlooks it on the west, and by batteries.
Characteristic of the Rand is the fine white dust arising from the crushing of the ore, and, close to the batteries, the incessant din caused by the stamps employed in that operation.
The stamps are usually arranged in batteries of five; the order of working is usually I, 4, 2, 5, 3, but other arrangements, e.g.
Corps (7 battalions, 4 squadrons, 2 batteries) hearing from a passing officer that the I.
The French meanwhile had occupied Vionville and Flavigny, and other troops were moving down the slopes from Rezonville to their support, but the united onset of this whole German division overbore all resistance, and the French began to retire eastward, suffering terribly from the shell fire of the Prussian batteries.
Actually all available batteries had already been sent for and were trotting forward from every quarter towards the objective.
Three batteries succeeded in struggling through the mass, and, in coming into action, their left resting on St Hubert.
This was stopped almost entirely by the Prussian artillery fire; but the news of its coming spread through the stragglers in the ravine south of the great road, and a wave of panic again swept through the mass, many thousands bolting right upon the front of their own batteries, thus masking their fire at the most critical moment, and something like a crisis in the battle arose.
Tin amalgam is used for "silvering" mirrors, gold and silver amalgam in gilding and silvering, cadmium and copper amalgam in dentistry, and an amalgam of zinc and tin for the rubbers of electrical machines; the zinc plates of electric batteries are amalgamated in order to reduce polarization.
Sir Thomas Teddemaii, who was sent by Sandwich to attack the Dutch at Bergen, was suspected by the Danish governor of intending to play false, was fired on by the batteries, and was beaten off.
The works and town are carefully guarded on every side by redoubts and fortifications, and are commanded by batteries on the surrounding hills.
It is defended by several batteries armed with modern heavy guns.
On either side of this centre was the cavalry in two long lines, while in front of the centre and close to the right at Liitzen were the two batteries of heavy artillery.
The establishments in 1910 consisted of thirteen regiments and fifty separate companies of infantry, two squadrons and two troops of cavalry, four light batteries, one regiment of engineers, a signal corps of two companies and a naval militia, commanded by a captain and consisting of two battalions and two separate divisions.
During the night his torpedo-boats surprised the Russian squadron in harbour and inflicted serious losses, and later in the day the battleships engaged the coast batteries.
From time to time the torpedo-craft tried to run in past the batteries, several attempts were made to block the harbour entrance by sinking vessels in the fairway, and free and deadly use was made by both sides of submarine mines.
It is possible that these were embryonic " batteries traditores " to flank the intervals.
Thus on the north front, from Chi-Kuan battery to Sung-Shu, a distance of about two miles, there were three permanent forts and seven semi-permanent works and batteries.
Behind these was the " Chinese Wall," and behind that more batteries and trenches.
The Lun-Ho valley Where it cut through the line was closed by entanglements and fougasses, and swept by batteries on each side.
Heavier howitzers had been sent for from Japan, and on the 1st of October the first batteries of 28 centimetre (11 in.) howitzers came into action.
The siege was now pressed with vigour by the construction of batteries at and around 203 Metre, by an infantry advance against the main western defences, and by renewed operations against the eastern forts.
Outside this improved inner line, which includes the whole area of the attack and defence of 1870, lies a complete circle of detached forts and batteries of modern construction.
On the 2nd of December, when at last von Tresckow broke ground for the construction of his batteries, the French still held Danjoutin, Bosmont, Perouse and the adjacent woods, and, to the northward (on this side the siege was not pressed) La Forge.
The German batteries, as more guns arrived, were extended from left to right, and on the 13th of December the Bosmont was captured, ground being also gained in front of Bellevue.
After this failure Tresckow once more resorted to the regular method of siege approaches, and on the 2nd of February the second parallel was thrown up. La Justice was now bombarded by two new batteries near Perouse, the Perches were of course subjected to an "artillery attack," and henceforward the besiegers fired 1500 shells a day into the works of the French.
The Perches ridge was crowned with a parallel and numerous batteries, which in the end mounted ninety-seven guns.
Foote's gunboats could, and did, run the gauntlet, but a canal had to be cut right round the batteries for the transports, before the land forces could cross the river and attack the works in rear; when this was accomplished, by the skill and energy of all concerned, the place with its garrison of 7000 men surrendered at once (April 8, 1862).
Farragut from New Orleans, and the gunboat flotilla from the upper waters, had engaged the batteries in June and July, but had returned to their respective stations, while a Federal force under General Williams, which had appeared before the fortress, retired to Baton Rouge.
At last, after many trials and failures, Grant took a daring step. The troops with their supplies marched round through a network of lakes and streams to a point south of Vicksburg; Admiral Porter's gunboats and the transports along with them "ran" the batteries.
But in two months (May to June 1857) Marshal Randon made himself master of it, and built in the heart of this country Fort Napoleon (now Fort National), " the thorn in the side of Kabylia," whose batteries commanded all the Kabyle villages of the region.
McClellan had at his disposal 32 brigades and 67 batteries organized in five corps each of two or three divisions.
Lee's army consisted of 40 brigades and 59 batteries organized in eleven divisions and an independent brigade four divisions were grouped under Jackson and three under Magruder.
The reserve artillery consisted cf 23 batteries and Stuart's cavalry corps of 3 000 sabres.
It was at one time a place of great strength, and still contains a magazine, and is fortified with batteries.
From the plans of Todleben a new fort, Constantine, and four batteries were constructed (1856-1871) to defend the principal approach, and seven batteries to cover the shallower northern channel.
There is a powerful lighthouse, and since its cession by Great Britain to Germany, the main island has been strongly fortified, the old English batteries being replaced by armoured turrets mounting guns of heavy calibre.
It was therefore decided to change it from a fortress to a fortified position by constructing an outer line of forts and batteries at a distance varying from 6 to 9 m.
As Bruges was accessible by canal from Ostend, Ostend was to be blocked at the same time by the old cruisers" Brilliant "and" Sirius."The main obstacle to th3 enterprise lay in the powerful batteries.
Out to seaward were the two monitors "Erebus" and "Terror" for bombarding the batteries.
A roar of batteries answered from the shore.
The sea approaches are guarded by ten coast batteries besides the old citadel.
Their hulks and bomb-vessels were supported by batteries on Zealand; but, as the water is shallow for a long distance from the shore, these defences were too far off to render them effectual aid on the south end of their line.
It is calculated that the field army would consist, in the third week of a great war, of 633 battalions, 410 squadrons and 574 batteries, with technical, departmental and medical troops (say 630,000 bayonets, 60,000 sabres and 3444 guns, or 750,000 men), and that these could be reinforced in three or four weeks by 350 fresh battalions.
Behind these forces there, would shortly become available for secondary operations about 460 battalions of the 1st ban Landwehr, and 200 squadrons and about 220 batteries of the reserve and Landwehr.
In addition, each would leave behind depot troops to form the nucleus on which the 2nd ban Landwehr and the Landsturm would eventually be built up. The total number of units of the three arms in all branches may be stated approximately at 2200 battalions, 780 squadrons and 950 batteries.
The field (including horse) artillery consists in peace of 94 regiments subdivided into two or three groups (Abteilungen), each of two or three 6-gun batteries.
Machine gun detachments, resembling 4-gun batteries and horsed as artillery, were formed to the number of sixteen in 1904-1906.
The usual strength of the corps is, 2 infantry divisions (4 brigades, 8 or 9 regiments, 32 or 36 battalions), 1 cavalry brigade (18 squadrons), and 1 artillery brigade (16-18 batteries or 128-144 field-guns), besides technical and departmental units and in some cases fortress artillery regiments.
The military force is divided into three regiments and two batteries of artillery under the supreme command of a commandant.
There were four batteries, eight battalions, and a camel company.
On the 10th an ultimatum was sent to Toulba Pasha, the military commandant, intimating that the bombardment would commence at sunrise on the following morning unless the batteries on the isthmus of Ras-el-Tin and the southern shore of the harbour of Alexandria were previously surrendered for the purpose of disarming.
The fleet prepared for action, and the bearer of the reply, signed by the president of the council, and offering to dismount three guns in the batteries named, only succeeded in finding the flagship late at night.
Seven batteries of artillery, under Brigadier-General Goodenough, were placed in the centre.
Lyttelton (1st Northumberlands and Grenadier Guards, 2nd Lancashire and Rifle Brigade); Egyptian division, under Major-General Hunter, consisting of four brigades, commanded by Colonels MacDonald, Maxwell, Lewis and, Collinson; mounted troops2Ist Lancers, camel corps, and Egyptian cavalry; artillery, under Colonel Long, 2 British batteries, 5 Egyptian batteries, and 20 machine guns; detachment of Royal Engineers.
The most powerful of the Pindari captains, Amir Khan, had an organized army of many regiments, and several batteries of cannon.
There were Confederate batteries on the left bank of the Mississippi opposite Island No.
Behind these batteries were Reelfoot Lake and overflowed lands.
Foote proceeded against these positions; New Madrid, then in command of General John P. McGown, was evacuated on the 14th; (Admiral) Henry Walke (1808-1896), commanding the "Carondelet," ran past the batteries of Island No.
Although Cadorna was still sceptical in regard to an offensive in force, he increased Brusati's artillery strength by 18 batteries of middle-calibre guns and gave special orders for the supply and transport of ammunition.
He also detailed the 27th Div., in reserve on the Tagliamento, to be ready as a further reinforcement and formed a further artillery reserve of To heavy batteries.
But these were the French and British heavy guns (nearly 200 in number), which had been withdrawn when he stated that he could not renew his offensive, and a number of batteries now restored to the Trentino front, which had been stripped for the earlier fighting.
The word did not come to the batteries until too late, some never received it at all.
Many guns had to be left on the eastern bank, including 46 heavy batteries, which had been brought all the way from the Bainsizza.
The attacking troops, both gunners and infantry, found their task unexpectedly lightened by the absence of a heavy return fire upon their batteries, trenches, and zones of concentration.
During the siege of Gibraltar in 1780-1782, Algeciras was the station of the Spanish fleet and floating batteries.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
The "strategical" cavalry is a division of 4 brigades (12 regiments or 36 squadrons), with 2 brigades (4 batteries) of horse artillery, 4 "field troops" and wireless company R.E., and ambulances and supply columns.
The second line army consists of 14 mixed mounted brigades as protective cavalry and 14 army divisions of much the same combatant strength as the regular divisions, the only important variation being that the artillery consists of 4-gun instead of 6-gun batteries.
The army troops, divisions and mounted brigades consist of 56 regiments of yeomanry; 14 batteries and 14 ammunition columns R.H.A., 151 batteries and 55 ammunition columns R.F.A., 3 mountain batteries and ammunition column, and 14 heavy batteries and ammunition columns R.G.A.; 28 field companies, 29 telegraph companies, railway battalion, &c., R.E.; 204 battalions infantry (including to of cyclists, the Honourable Artillery Company, and certain corps of the Officers' Training Corps training as territorials); 60 units A.S.C.; 56 field ambulances, 23 general hospitals and 2 sanitary companies R.A.M.C. Told off to the defended seaports are 16 groups of garrison artillery companies and 58 fortress and electric light companies R.E.
The Indian army consists of 138 battalions of infantry, 10 regiments of cavalry, 16 mountain batteries, i garrison artillery company, 32 sapper and miner companies (2 railways companies included).
The only modern works were a certain number of safety-armament batteries distributed in the intervals, of installations for 5.7 mm.
Thus he cleared the way for unit after unit held up at the frontal wire, and, growing snowball fashion, the Bulgarian attack, soon joined by accompanying field batteries, cleared the whole line of the eastern forts by 8 A.M.
The first of the heavy batteries opened fire on the 8th of September, and on the 13th a practicable breach was reported.
Military depots occupy several of the smaller islets, and three batteries guard the entry.
The port is defended by batteries armed with modern heavy guns.
In time of peace they keep 314 squadrons, J4 infantry sotnias, and 20 batteries containing 108 guns (2574 officers, 60,532 men, 50,054 horses).
On the northern shores of this strait stretched the feudal state ruled over by Prince Choshu, who refused to recognize the clause opening the strait, and erected batteries on the shore, from which he opened fire on all ships which attempted to force the passage.
Choshu refused to give way, and suffered the consequences of his obstinacy in the destruction of his batteries and in the infliction of a heavy fine.
The defences of the port, remodelled and armed with the latest guns, consist of batteries on the islands in the harbour, in addition to which there are three large batteries on the mainland.
Near the harbour mouth are three batteries mounting nineteen guns.
Cromwell in his Scottish campaign built the Citadel in 1650 and the mounds on the links, known as "Giant's Brae" and "Lady Fife's Brae," were thrown up by the Protector as batteries.
A circle of forts and batteries defends the town and coast, and there is a permanent garrison of 7000 to 9000 men, while 30,000 men can be accommodated within the lines, and the province flooded from this point.
There are also batteries and redoubts facing landward and seaward below this fort; but the other defences have been either razed or dismantled.
Then the Austrian batteries began to bombard Venice itself, and when the Sardinian fleet withdrew from the Adriatic the city was also attacked by sea, while certain demagogues caused internal trouble.
An artillery "brigade" (field, horse, and heavy) is in Great Britain a smaller unit, forming a lieut.-colonel's command and consisting of two or three batteries.
However, they needed more supplies—additional batteries, a second flashlight, and marking chalk—all to be purchased at the variety store, which didn't open until eight o'clock.
As I said in my first post I'm really just looking for deals on bulk purchase of high mha aa and aaa batteries.
Some models use alkaline (AAA) batteries, while others use rechargeable batteries (lithium, nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride ).
An engine driven 85 amp alternator ensures that the batteries are always well charged up.
Electric wheelchairs powered by re-chargeable batteries and operated by an easy to use joy stick control on the wheelchair armrest.
They were mounted on ships and used as coastal batteries and also siege artillery.
DoCoMo is addressing this issue in part by increasing the capacity of its lithium-ion batteries, the most commonly used battery in handsets today.
The battery was made by NIFE Batteries Ltd and was a nickel cadmium alkaline battery designed on the standard two-part principle.
In practice 70% of the portable nickel cadmium batteries market would be exempt.
These were open batteries, the guns not being sited in bomb proof casemates.
These products remind me of the " automatic battery changer " whose sole function was to change its own batteries!
Especially designed plug-in charger to charge 2 or 4 high performance batteries.
To protect the controller from possible damage you should install a 20 amp circuit breaker or fuse between the controller and the batteries.
Built-in computer manages batteries, invertor, shore power, protects boat from galvanic corrosion by shore power.
Disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect the battery or batteries, removing the earth terminal first of all.
The diesel hybrid drivetrain comprises a pack of high voltage batteries to supply the electric motors.
Operates on 2xAA batteries and includes durable carrying case.
The heavy flak batteries were still pounding away at them and they were dropping to within range of the light flak.
While British gunnery was good, its impact on the shore batteries was disappointing.
Hydrogen is stored in rechargeable nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries, which have a higher energy capacity than environmentally toxic cadmium batteries.
The most up-to-date bike batteries are either nickel metal hydride or lithium polymer.
The iPod mini slots into the iBoost mini which then sits in the charging dock, simultaneously charging both batteries.
Shock flyers & full range off accessories now in stock inc lithium polymer batteries click on shock flyer to view.
Toshiba Battery recall Toshiba have issued a recall notice for certain laptop batteries.
It takes 4 hours to fully recharge the batteries.
In the event of the power not being restored and the batteries becoming exhausted, the UPS initiates a controlled server shutdown.
It holds up to four AA and two AAA batteries, and even allows simultaneous charging of the two types.
He does he contain AA batteries Ages 8 and he does he arrive skein in china.
There is a great opportunity to install smoke detectors at the same time, with 10-year batteries or hard wire.
Battery-operated smoke detectors are supplied with fresh batteries at the start of each year; they are checked regularly.
On the plus side the batteries are tiny AAA cells so carrying spares is less of a burden.
During the day, the solar panel converts sunlight into energy, which is stored in the rechargeable batteries.
They have been manufacturing quality lithium thionyl chloride batteries since 1983 and can produce custom cells if required to suit most applications.
Could you bring a powerful torchlight with ample supply of batteries?
This new spec version now includes a stronger plastic undercarriage & extra mounts for the possibility of using lithium batteries.
England's strongest xi would see the return of Flintoff despite the suspicion he could do with more time off to recharge the batteries.
The infantry division consists of 2 brigades, each of 2 regiments of 3 or 4 battalions (the 4 battalion regiments have recently been reduced for the most part to 3), with I squadron cavalry and 12 batteries, attached from the corps troops, in war a proportion of the artillery would, however, be taken back to form the corps artillery (see ARTILLERY and TACTICS).
I4 mountain batteries and 52 horse batteries (see, however, above), 18 battalions of garrison artillery, with in addition 13 companies of artificers, &c.; (d) 6.
Extending his investigations to the currents produced by batteries, he found that the total voltaic heat generated in any circuit was proportional to the number of electrochemical equivalents electrolysed in each cell multiplied by the electromotive force of the battery.
The events of the day indeed clearly indicated that the enemy's underwater devices were an even more serious obstacle to the forcing of the Dardanelles than were the Ottoman batteries.
Since on an average 70% by measurement of the normal defecated cane juice has to be evaporated in order to reduce it to syrup ready for final concentration and crystallization in the vacuum pan, and since to attain the same end as much as 90 to 95% of the volume of mixed juices has to be evaporated when maceration or imbibition is employed, it is clear that some more economical mode of evaporation is necessary in large estates than the open-fire batteries still common in Barbados and some of the West Indian islands, and in small haciendas in Central America and Brazil, but seldom seen elsewhere.
The total number of units were, in the infantry, 28 regular battalions, I reserve battalion and 3 battalions of Frontier Guards; in the cavalry some 8 squadrons; in the artillery 9 field batteries; in the engineers 1 electro-technical and 1 auto battalion, a pioneer company and a railway operating company plus an aviation corps, or a total of about 1,200 officers and 35,000 men.
But at this critical moment the leading companies of the Hessian infantry arrived, re-established the equilibrium (though not before four Prussian batteries had been temporarily overrun by the enemy), and a most obstinate fight ensued.
But in May the fleet ran past the Vicksburg batteries, mastered the Confederate forts at Grand Gulf, and made it possible for Grant's army to undertake the brilliant campaign which led to the fall of the place (see American Civil War and Vicksburg).
In 1908 the Egyptian army, with a total establishment of 18,000, consisted of three squadrons of cavalry (one composed of Sudanese) each numbering 116 men; four batteries of field artillery and a Maxim battery, horses and mules being used, with a total strength of 1257 of all ranks; the camel corps, 626 of all ranks (fellahin and Sudanese); and nine fellahin and si-x Sudanese infantry battalions, 10,631 of all ranks.
The gunboats Beacon, Bittern, Condor, Cygnet and Decoy were to keep out of fire at first and seek opportunities of engaging the Meks batteries.
The wide expanse that opened out before the heights on which the Russian batteries stood guarding the bridge was at times veiled by a diaphanous curtain of slanting rain, and then, suddenly spread out in the sunlight, far-distant objects could be clearly seen glittering as though freshly varnished.
After five o'clock it was only at the Augesd Dam that a hot cannonade (delivered by the French alone) was still to be heard from numerous batteries ranged on the slopes of the Pratzen Heights, directed at our retreating forces.
Bonaparte riding over the battlefield had given final orders to strengthen the batteries firing at the Augesd Dam and was looking at the killed and wounded left on the field.
Having inspected the country opposite the Shevardino Redoubt, Napoleon pondered a little in silence and then indicated the spots where two batteries should be set up by the morrow to act against the Russian entrenchments, and the places where, in line with them, the field artillery should be placed.
At dawn the two new batteries established during the night on the plain occupied by the Prince d'Eckmuhl will open fire on the opposing batteries of the enemy.
In the disposition it is said first that the batteries placed on the spot chosen by Napoleon, with the guns of Pernetti and Fouche; which were to come in line with them, 102 guns in all, were to open fire and shower shells on the Russian fleches and redoubts.
Avoid repeated " topping up " as this will reduce the long-term capacity of the batteries.
Firstly, I replaced the batteries, which did n't seem to alter it - sometimes it armed, sometimes it did n't.
He does he contain AA batteries were being measured roughly Ages 3 to skein of china.
There is also a European initiative to promote an annual day in the European calendar for people to check their smoke detector batteries.
Sonnet batteries let you love your iPod even longer !
Iraqi antiaircraft artillery and surface-to-air missile batteries had both been silent since Friday, said The Times.
Power is supplied from four AA batteries in a box at the rear of the webbing harness.
England 's strongest XI would see the return of Flintoff despite the suspicion he could do with more time off to recharge the batteries.
Using batteries will enable you more freedom to move around the house or yard, but you will probably want to plug your monitor in when you are basically in one area of the house.
On top of all that the swing is operated by only 4 D size batteries (which last quite a long time).
Instead of buying a load of batteries to keep your monitor operational, Sony baby monitors offer long-term savings with a rechargeable battery that only takes a few hours to recharge.
The parent's unit is a rechargeable piece so you don't need to change batteries.
The most dangerous kind of battery is the button battery - more than 2,000 children a year swallow button batteries.
You can find button batteries in some small toys.
Monitors that use batteries are great for portability but may be expensive if you have to replace batteries frequently.
There are monitors that are available that may have battery or A/C options; rechargeable batteries may also be a good choice.
Check and see what kind of batteries the units use and if AC/DC power adaptors are available for the unit you have in mind.
Power sources can range from between two and four 'AA' sized batteries for the smaller models to direct A/C current power input for the heavy-duty models.
Nearly all smaller calculators use some form of solar conversion as a power source making batteries optional.
If you choose a unit that uses batteries, check to see the size required.
If you choose a calculator that operates with double AA batteries, buy a power transformer that to plug into it.
Digital cameras eat up batteries at a pretty fast rate; after all, those batteries have a lot of work to do.
Make sure you are familiar with the kind of batteries your digital camera uses and that you always have some extra ones one hand.
Digital camcorders use a great deal of power, which is why batteries normally only last an hour or so before needing a recharge.
Learn the battery capacity for digital camcorders you are thinking about purchasing and see if you can buy longer lasting batteries for a little more money.
Before you purchase a digital voice recorder, learn what kind of batteries it uses and how often they need to be replaced.
The major complaint against iPods in the past has been that the batteries need recharging and replacing too often.
And the batteries are specific to iPods, which allows them to be priced at a premium.
The downside is that the screen isn't lit and the system requires 2 AA batteries for power.
Motorcycle batteries are very similar to car batteries in that there are, essentially, two types to consider.
Conventional batteries have chambers holding metal plates in an acidic electrolyte solution and require regular maintenance.
For example, a visit to will show that riders of a Harley Davidson FXD model motorcycle have a choice of three batteries ranging in price from $68.95 to $128.95.
Retailers, for the most part, collect old batteries and sometimes, if you don't have an old battery to recycle, they will add what's called a "core charge" to your bill.
Batteries are a leading cause of failure in motorcycles, receiving less attention than they should because they are often difficult to reach.
Shop around, check out websites focusing on batteries, and you will find what you need.
Students will need a longer battery life while other people who only occasionally leave home with their computer can get by with batteries with a shorter life.
This can relate to anything from where you will be using the charger to how many batteries you have or how often you will be charging.
The number of batteries will determine the charging configuration you will need to use.
Marine battery chargers generally come in banks of one through four, corresponding with the amount of batteries you have on board.
They generally self-regulate their input and will automatically stop charging once your batteries are full.
It is an expensive component that can have a major impact on the life of your batteries, so you should maintain an objective and even-handed approach while looking over chargers.
You will also find that there are a good amount of replacement batteries.
Beware of homemade batteries some sellers are trying to tout as official batteries.
Most stores have functioning demos, but if they don't the clerks will probably put some batteries in a couple and let you try them out.
Batteries. This is most important if you use a camera that takes double A batteries (either alkaline or rechargeable).
Running out of batteries at a critical moment is frustrating.
Purchase additional lithium batteries on extended use.
The Lithium-Ion batteries are fallible, whether they are in phones or gadgets, but with a little conscious effort, you can easily get two years out of a battery.
The batteries have a "memory" that thinks it is at maximum capacity each time you place it on the charger and charges to that limit.
They're energy-efficient, have longer-lasting batteries, and more.
Supplemental batteries can cost as much as $200 depending on the manufacturer, but if you're away from an electrical outlet quite often, it will be a purchase that's well worth it.
However, some varieties can operate on batteries alone as well.
A nice excursion to experience deep discounts at various stores might be the ticket to recharge your Las Vegas batteries.
Some have basic batteries that you replace like you would in your television remote.
Other systems use rechargeable batteries.
Simply set up the system where you want it, and it will function for approximately nine months before the batteries need to be changed.
They come with rechargeable batteries and a built-in radio modem.
The electric motor is powered by rechargeable batteries, and is the primary source of energy during low speeds, such as in heavy traffic.
The parallel hybrid has the electric motor, the batteries and the combustion engine all connected to the transmission.
It assists the brakes in slowing the car down but also uses that mechanical energy to recharge the car's batteries by turning it into electrical energy.
In the same way, when the batteries get low on their charge, the gas engine will automatically turn on to charge the batteries and run the electric motor.
Since it is the gas engine that charges the batteries, hybrids do not need to be plugged in.
The batteries are major components of the system in an electric motor.
Power is pulled from the batteries to power the motor, which in turn sends excess energy back to the batteries to recharge them as the car is running.
While the engine is running the batteries, then, are in a constant state of being recharged.
If you have kids, you buy a lot of batteries.
Many places now offer battery recycling, but you can do even better and buy rechargeable batteries.
The smallest wind turbines which are capable of generating 20-500 watt units are used for things like charging batteries for sailboats and other small, recreational applications.
You'll need storage batteries and a charge controller, as well as an inverter that will convert the DC power from the batteries into the AC power necessary to run your home or office.
This ranges from stands to hold the panels through to batteries to store the energy.
Coming in various shapes and sizes, this type of solar panel can be used for tasks ranging from charging small appliances to operating car batteries.
They change light into 12-volt electricity - enough to run appliances, computers, and batteries for smaller vehicles.
For the most part, people don't recycle batteries from cell phones, but the entire cell phone itself, but the percentage who recycle their phone at all is small.
When the time comes for you to recycle batteries from cell phones, it is important to know what type of battery your phone contains because some states ban certain kinds of batteries from being thrown in the trash.
Lithium Polymer (Li-Poly) Batteries - Most advanced battery used in cell phones.
They enjoy a longer life than NiCd batteries.
Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries - While these batteries are older technology, they are also the battery most people are familiar with.
These batteries are environmentally unfriendly, and disposing of them has become an increasing problem.
Nickel Metal Hydrid (NiMH) Batteries - Manufacturers of these batteries state that they are better for the environment than the NiCd batteries because they don't contain cadmium.
These environmentally-friendly batteries are constructed from non-toxic materials.
Some states ban phone owners from disposing of their nickel cadmium phone batteries in the trash.
California and the City of New York have bans in effect that cover all kinds of rechargeable batteries including the four types of cell phone batteries.
Only ten percent of people recycle their cell phones and batteries.
Fuel cells are similar to batteries and convert chemical energy into usable electricity.
Some energy experts are naysayers when it comes to lithium-powered batteries and wonder if using up too much of our lithium power will backfire.
Buy rechargeable batteries to replace disposable ones.
Rechargeable batteries give you the convenience of full-charged batteries, while saving you money to buy new ones.
Cell phone circuit boards, batteries and other components contain dangerous chemicals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
Also, don't forget that you may be able to recycle cell phone accessories, including cases, batteries, chargers, and headsets.
Other than the need to buy replacement batteries every ten or fifteen years, you won't incur constant energy expenses.
Some of the biggest runoff pollutants finding their way into the water supplies and oceans are from batteries.
Keep several small containers handy for the recycling of used batteries and other items that must be recycled separately.
Do you work on your own car, changing out the batteries and oil yourself?
They can frequently accept batteries, tires and used oil to recycle properly at no charge to you.
The bedroom is the room in your house where you are really supposed to be able to re-charge your batteries, where you can have the restorative rest you need and the calm and quiet you want after a long, hard day.
The tube lights up automatically every time you press the button on the lid and open the bottle, no batteries required.
Look for a model that powers down automatically to save the batteries.
Put the batteries and film/memory card into the camera.
The longer the exposures, the more batteries you will need.
Rechargeable batteries will last a lot longer and be less expensive than regular batteries.
Learn how to select the right digital camera and lenses for your photography projects, get the most from your batteries, and find ideas for experimental photos.
Mounted on a Nikon F3 body, the Kodak DCS featured a 1.3 megapixel resolution and utilized a separate over-the-shoulder Digital Storage Unit (DSU) to store images and batteries.
The camera will not power despite having new batteries and/or a reliable power source.
Finally, when shooting fireworks, don't forget to pack extra batteries, a flashlight, and several memory cards.
These include your camera, extra batteries or charger, extra memory cards or film, and a blank journal or notebook.
Another type of meditation timer uses incense rather than batteries.
You can find many different centerpieces with stars or moons and some come lighted with batteries.
For venues with candle or flame restrictions, LED candles provide the right amount of spooky, flickering light with just a few batteries.
The items she tried to lift included two celebrity gossip magazines and batteries, strangely enough.The actress was on her way to Albuquerque, New Mexico to film Love Ranch, a movie starring Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci.
A cruise to nowhere lets you unwind, be pampered, and enjoy life on the high seas just long enough for you to recharge your batteries and return with a fresh outlook on life.
A cruise to nowhere allows you to escape the daily grind just long enough to recharge your batteries and return with a fresh outlook on life.
Also, don't forget to pack your phone charger, plus extra batteries and memory cards for your digital camera.
Low battery warning - You should purchase a system that provides you the option of recharging your batteries.
Since battery life can be limited to 8 to 12 hours, you'll need to be able to swap out batteries as you charge your replacements.
Batteries - Depending upon the collar you select, batteries can vary from small watch batteries to AA batteries.
Be sure to pick up a pair of C batteries when you are shopping because the unit requires them to function.
Peticure trimmers come with rechargeable batteries.
The device is cordless and powered by two "C" batteries, which are not included with the purchase.
Make sure it is a tuner you can plug in, and make sure the tuner's batteries are fresh.
They carry many quality national brands, such as Sherwin Williams paints and Duracell batteries, as well as their own private-label items.
Super easy to install, these lights sport rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries and are weather resistant.
Change the batteries on a regular basis and keep track of the date this action was taken.
Consumers were instructed to remove the batteries from the toys immediately and contact Power Wheels to make arrangements for the cars and trucks to be examined at a service center.
It also sends a signal to the monitoring station if its batteries become low.
The company then lets the member know it is time to replace the batteries in their smoke detectors.
Many people change the batteries in their carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors when they turn their clocks back at the start of Daylight Saving Time.
Always check your carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarms after you install the new batteries.
The batteries need to be changed every six months; experts recommend changing the batteries in autumn during daylight savings time.
A light equipped with fully-charged batteries is also an essential part of a miner's work gear.
Make sure you have extra batteries on hand, and keep it tuned to the local station that provides emergency broadcast updates.
Living More members receive a daily 10 percent discount off of Rite-Aid brand products, cash prescriptions, and hearing aid batteries, a 10 percent discount off of all purchases on Tuesdays, and additional monthly coupons and specials.
In the mist of the countless chores that encompass your days, take time to recharge your own batteries, or you may find yourself burned out.
International batteries are available, too.
The battery in an integrated backup battery machine is also lighter-weight than other backup systems, as most CPAP machines require 12-volt batteries. 12-volt batteries are about the same size and weight as a car battery.
However, the machines with integrated backup batteries generally weigh less than ten pounds.
Since these batteries are sealed, there is no need to worry about battery leaks, and the system is waterproof.
These handy batteries can weigh as little as 2.5 pounds and come with a travel bag, making them very portable.
Lithium ion batteries can be rather expensive at over $200 dollars, but this price does include the necessary cords, batteries, battery charger, and the neat-and-tidy travel bag for the whole setup.
These batteries can only power a CPAP machine for about 12 hours before recharging due to their small size.
It is essential to check with the manufacturer of the CPAP machine before setting up any type of homemade battery backup system, as using certain types of batteries or cords may void the warranty or service plan on a machine.
All batteries with exposed terminals have the potential to spark, so don't use batteries with oxygen therapy.
However, these are limited by the power of the batteries you attach.
It's important to add enough LEDs for good lighting, but not so many that you prematurely drain the batteries.
Because of this, it's a good idea to use high quality long-lasting batteries and bring along some spare ones.
You get the Rigel 3200 Pro goggles along with a conversion kit, two sets of spare batteries, flashlight, and laser pointer.
These are less expensive than the Wild Planet model and require fewer batteries despite the fact that they both use LED lights for their "night vision" capabilities.
They do require five AA batteries to operate, so stock up if you purchase these goggles.
These goggles work with five AA batteries and come with an adjustable head strap so that they'll fit most people.
Think Geek has them and they make it hard for you to forget the batteries.
In the section where you select a quantity and add your goggles to the cart, you can choose to add two packs of four AA batteries while you're at it.
You'll also need two 3-volt watch batteries and filter gel, typically used in stage lighting in theater.
Remove the batteries from your goggles if they will be stored for a substantial amount of time.
Batteries that provide over thirty hours of light, and the batteries that are included with the pair are replaceable at a variety of other websites.
They run off of two AAA batteries and they weigh .45 kilograms.
They can work with or without the infrared illuminator switched on, and work 15 to 30 hours respectively on the necessary batteries.
You also get 4 AA batteries to put into the board.
You engage in such activities as collecting coins to buy a soda, finding the batteries for a teleporter, and chasing down a beam of light.
The unit runs off of 2025-sized button cell batteries.
Powered by two AA batteries for 15-30 hours of use.
Previous Game Boy systems used two (or more) AA batteries for power.
The very first Game Boy was released in Japan the spring of 1989, powered by 4 AA batteries (Nintendo also sold external rechargeable battery packs).
The Game Boy Pocket also provided a clearer screen and better battery life -- 10 hours from 2 AAA batteries.
For the first time a Game Boy didn't need batteries, as a rechargeable battery became part of the package.
The saber uses batteries so you must charge the thing every once in a while.
The Game Gear required 6 AA batteries (compared to the 4 needed by the Game Boy), and could only be used for 5 hours on a single set of batteries.
If you need to change the batteries, you will have to take the cover completely off the Board, just like you do with the Wiimote covers.
With rechargeable batteries and the Play & Charge kit, you can be guaranteed excellent wireless play anytime of the day.
This controller also comes in a wireless form, which will need batteries to function properly.
Heck, your flashlight batteries may even die (you didn't forget spares, did you?), so you won't be able to read a book in your tent.
No batteries are needed so you won't have to worry about carrying extras.
No batteries are needed, and one minute of cranking will give you eight minutes of power.