Baths Sentence Examples
Turkish baths and cafes are numerous.
She tried on every piece of clothing today and took five baths to test the different soaps.
During the summer it is a place of considerable resort for the sake of its waters - saline, chalybeate and sulphur - and it possesses the usual accessories of pump-rooms, baths and a recreation ground.
The house was far too large for us with five bedrooms and three baths but Betsy had plans!
Bakewell is noted for a chalybeate spring, of use in cases of chronic rheumatism, and there are baths attached to it.
There are pine-needle baths and a hospital for nervous diseases.
Scanty remains exist and some springs in the neighbourhood are still known as the baths of Pel.
From this pipe at various points are taken the supply pipes to baths, lavatories, sinks and other appliances.
Taps to baths and lavatories should be connected to the main services by a flow and return pipe so that hot water is constantly flowing past the tap, thus enabling hot water to be obtained immediately.
Though this industry has lapsed, there are brine baths, much used in cases of rheumatism, gout and general debility, and the former private mansion of Shrewbridge Hall is converted into a hotel with a spa.
AdvertisementNot far off are ruins probably of ancient baths, and the concrete core of a large tomb with a vaulted chamber within.
In the south-east corner of the city are the picturesque ruins of the Roman imperial palace, and near the bridge are the extensive substructures of the 4thcentury Roman baths, 660 ft.
There were then unearthed remains of several buildings fronting a broad thoroughfare, one of which is the largest Roman building, except the baths at Bath, yet discovered in England.
Of the squares, the principal is the Friedrich-Wilhelmplatz, on which lies the Elisenbrunnen with its colonnade and garden, the chief resort of visitors taking the baths and waters.
The town lay on the south side of the outer harbour, near the village of Miseno, where remains of a theatre and baths and the inscriptions relating to the town have been found.
AdvertisementIn chronic rheumatism sulphur waters taken internally and used as baths are effectual.
Gemina against the Welsh hill-tribes, its garrison was soon removed and it became a flourishing town with stately town hall, baths and other appurtenances of a thoroughly civilized and Romanized city.
The lines of its walls can still be traced, enclosing an area of 170 acres, and parts of the town hall and baths have been uncovered.
The baptistery adjacent to the cathedral was, according to Ricci, originally part of the Roman baths, converted to a Christian baptistery by the Archbishop Neon (449-452), though according to other authorities it is a Christian building dating from before A.D.
The site of the Samnite city, which in the 4th century B.C. had a coinage of its own, is not known; the Roman town lay in the valley of the Vulturnus, and its walls (4th century) enclose a circuit of 12 m., in which are preserved remains of large baths (Thermae Herculis) and a theatre.
AdvertisementIt concluded an alliance with Rome in 308 B.C. The modern village lies higher than the ancient town, and excavations on the site of the latter in 1775 and following years led to the discovery of the baths, a theatre, a basilica and other buildings.
In the baths were found a number of works of art, now in the Vatican, notably the mosaic pavement of the Sala della Rotonda, and the celebrated head of Zeus and the head of Claudius in the same room.
In the neighbouring village of Salinetas de Elda there are warm sulphur and saline baths.
The corporation owns the water supply, public baths and wash-houses and the gasworks.
The cardinal therefore obtained a bull from Pope Paul II., permitting him to recall his original donation, and in a letter dated from the baths of Viterbo, May 13th, 1468, he made over his library to the republic. The principal treasures of the collection, including splendid Byzantine book-covers, the priceless codices of Homer, the Grimani Breviary, an early Dante, &c., are exhibited under cases in the Sala Bessarione in the Zecca or mint where the library has been installed.
AdvertisementA People's Palace dedicated to the work of the Salvation Army, and containing baths, gymnasium, a public hall, a library, sleeping-rooms, an employment bureau, free medical and legal bureaus, &c., was opened in 1906.
A Venetian fleet of 1 20 sail came in 1123, and after aiding in the repulse of an attack, which the Egyptians had taken advantage of Baldwin II.'s captivity to deliver, they helped the regent Eustace to capture Tyre (1124), in return for considerable privileges - freedom from toils throughout the kingdom, a quarter in Jerusalem, baths and ovens in Acre, and in Tyre onethird of the city and its suburbs, with their own court of justice and their own church.
The antiquities include remains of a gateway, a theatre and baths, as well as numerous inscriptions.
The hot sulphur springs of Pultamarca, called the Banos del Inca (Inca's baths) are a short distance east of the city and are still frequented.
Warmbad Villach, a watering-place with hot sulphur baths, and Mittewald, a favourite summer resort, whence the ascent of the Dobratsch can be made, are in the neighbourhood of Villach.
This was the City of Hadrian (Hadrianapolis) or New Athens (Novae Athenae); a handsome suburb with numerous villas, baths and gardens; some traces remain of its walls, which, like those of Themistocles, were fortified with rectangular towers.
It has a small spa, and its sulphur baths are resorted to for the cure of rheumatism and gout.
On the east side of the lake are remains of baths, including a great octagonal hall known as the Temple of Apollo, built of brickwork, and belonging to the 1st century.
Much money was spent on public works and the restoration and beautifying of Rome - a new forum, the splendid temple of Peace, the public baths and the vast Colosseum being begun under Vespasian.
Notwithstanding the losses that the city had sustained, `Amr was able to write to his master, the caliph Omar, that he had taken a city containing "4000 palaces, 4000 baths, 12,000 dealers in fresh oil, 12,000 gardeners, 40,000 Jews who pay tribute, 400 theatres or places of amusement."
Pursuant to this order, they were distributed among the public baths, of which there was a large number in the city, where, for six months, they served to supply the fires.
These paintings, it will be seen, are simply decorative, of the same style as the wall-paintings of the baths, and those of Pompeii.
One conspicuous feature of the Bosnian land-system is the Moslem Vakuf, or ecclesiastical property, consisting of estates dedicated to such charitable purposes as poor-relief, and the endowment of mosques, schools, hospitals, cemeteries and baths.
There are said to be about fifty baths in Bagdad, but in general they are inferior in construction and accommodation.
In the city's six bath houses the average number of baths per day, per house, in 1906, was 1165.
In addition to the sacred precinct, with its temples and other buildings, the theatre and stadium have been cleared; and several other extensive buildings, including baths, gymnasia, and a hospital for invalids, have also been found.
Apparently the old faith-healing had lost its efficacy, and the priests substituted for it elaborate prescriptions as to diet, baths and regimen which must have made Epidaurus and its visitors resemble their counterparts in a modern spa.
Of the houses, most of which stood on the central hill, no traces remain; but there are ruins of three churches - the Great Basilica and the Basilica Alexander on the western hill, and the Basilica of St Salsa on the eastern hill - two cemeteries, the baths, theatre, amphitheatre and nymphaeum.
There are about thirty mineral springs, the best known being the salt baths of Ischl and the iodine waters at Hall.
Ammeters to measure the volume, and voltmeters to determine the pressure of current supplied to the baths, should also be provided.
There are Royal Brine baths, supplied with water of extreme saltness, St Andrew's baths, and a private bath hospital.
The Ivanhoe baths, erected in 1826, are frequented for their saline waters, which, as containing bromine, are found useful in scrofulous and rheumatic complaints.
Near it there are Roman baths, and the old church of St Peter and St.
Its greatest tributary is the Cachapoal, in the valley of which, among the Andean foothills, are the popular thermal mineral baths of Cauquenes, 2306 ft.
The central public baths in Infirmary Street, with branch establishments in other parts of the town, including Portobello, are largely resorted to, and the proximity of the Firth of Forth induces the keener swimmers to visit Granton every morning.
Of the lower town by the harbour, which had buildings of some importance of the imperial period (amphitheatre, baths, &c.), little is now visible, and its site is mainly occupied by a new quarter built by Pope Pius VI., who restored the Via Appia through the Pomptine Marshes.
All this excessive labour for the stage had undermined the great poet's health, and in 1725 he had determined to take the baths at Aix-la-Chapelle; but instead of going thither he wandered through Belgium to Paris, and spent the winter there.
There are swimming baths for general use.
Among the latter it has been common for the sexes to take baths together without clothing, while in England mixed bathing, even in full costume, is even now by no means universal.
As a perfume it was strewn in Greek halls, courts and theatres, and in the Roman baths.
It was a royal colour in early Greek times, though afterwards, perhaps from its abundant use in the baths and as a scented salve, it was especially appropriated by the hetairae.
With this broader and more accurate knowledge of the conditions of the health of the circulation a corresponding efficiency has been gained in the manipulation of certain remedies and new methods of treatment of heart diseases, especially by baths and exercises.
Public baths and washhouses are provided by local authorities under various acts between 1846 and 1896, which have been adopted by all the borough councils.
Metropolitan borough councils have to obtain the sanction of the Local Government Board to loans for baths, washhouses, public libraries, sanitary conveniences and certain other purposes under the Public Health Acts; for cemeteries the sanction of the Treasury is required, and for all other purposes that of the London County Council; poor law authorities, the metropolitan asylums board, the metropolitan water board and the central (unemployed) body require the sanction of the Local Government Board the receiver for the metropolitan police district that of the Home Office, and the London County Council that of parliament and the Treasury.
Compressed air or steam is also used for fashioning very large vessels, baths, dishes and reservoirs by the " Sievert " process.
Among the most recent improvements must be mentioned the Brausenwerther Platz, flanked by the theatre, the public baths, and the railway station and administrative offices.
It is celebrated for its medicinal waters, of which the Alexisbrunnen, a ferruginous spring, is used for drinking, while the Selkebrunnen supplies the baths, which are of use in feminine disorders.
According to this authority it had a circuit of 100 m., and no fewer than 12,000 bridges and 3000 baths.
When Ibn Fadlan visited Khazaria forty years later, Itil was even yet a great city, with baths and market-places and thirty mosques.
Even at the present day their value is much appreciated by the natives, who continue to bathe in the ruined Roman baths.
The baths are still frequented by the Romans, though the modern establishment is about 1 m.
He ornamented the city with baths, and surrounded the hippodrome with porticos; but it was not till the time of Caracalla that it was restored to its former political privileges.
At the base is a thermal spring, where baths have existed since the 7th century.
There are saline baths and breweries.
In the vicinity are Empfing, with baths of all kinds and a coldwater cure establishment on the Kneipp system.
Baths, lunch-rooms, restrooms, clubs, lectures, schools and kindergartens have been supplied, and the company has also cultivated domestic pride by offering prizes for the best-kept gardens, &c. From April to July 1901 there was a strike in the already thoroughly unionized factories; complaint was made of the hectoring of union men by a certain foreman, the use in toilet-rooms of towels laundered in non-union shops (the company replied by allowing the men to supply towels themselves), the use on doors of springs not union-made (these were removed by the company), and especially the discharge of four men whom the company refused to reinstate.
An alkaline mineral spring, resembling the seltzer water of Germany, was discovered in 1830, and baths were then erected, which, however, were subsequently closed.
The liquors are run off from the vats to the electrolysing baths or precipitating tanks, and the leached ores are removed by means of doors in the sides of the vats into wagons.
Its antiquities include traces of the city walls of rectangular blocks of travertine, remains of an amphitheatre of the time of Tiberius, a temple, theatre and baths (?), and numerous inscriptions.
By his will he left a large sum for the building and the perpetual repair of public baths, and the interest of a still larger sum for the benefit of one hundred freedmen of the testator and, ultimately, for an annual banquet.
On a marble slab that once adorned the public baths at Comum, his distinctions were recorded in a long inscription, which was afterwards removed to Milan.
He asks the emperor to sanction the repair of the ancient baths at Prusa, the building of an aqueduct at Nicomedia and a theatre at Nicaea, and the covering in of a stream that has become a public nuisance at Amastris.
On the Lechaeum road, on which a bewildering wealth of fountains and statues is enumerated, only the Baths of Eurycles below the plane tree were found; deep diggings were made into them, and the foundations of the facade laid bare.
It was the birthplace of both the elder and the younger Pliny, the latter of whom founded baths and a library here and gave money for the support of orphan children.
The district contains many villages of 1000 to 4000 inhabitants, the four largest being Lanjaron, with its ruined castle and chalybeate baths, Orgiba, Trevelez and Ugijar; all situated at a considerable elevation.
There are two bathing establishments, one of which preserves remains of Roman baths, and a large military thermal hospital.
Acts have been passed extending the common-law liability of employers, prohibiting the manufacture and sale of sweat-shop clothing, and authorizing cities and towns to provide free lectures and to maintain public baths, gymnasia and playgrounds.
Boston has been a leader in the establishment of municipal baths.
The place is resorted to for its salt, mud and brine baths, and its koumiss cures.
Lead, copper, sulphur, orpiment, also lignite, have been found within the confines of the province; also a kind of beautiful, variegated, translucent marble, which takes a high polish, is used in the construction of palatial buildings, tanks, baths, &c., and is known as Maragha, or Tabriz marble.
The principal sulphur springs are the old sulphur well in the centre of Low Harrogate, discovered about the year 1656; the Montpellier springs, the principal well of which was discovered in 1822, situated in the grounds of the Crown Hotel and surmounted by a handsome building in the Chinese style, containing pump-room, baths and reading-room; and the Harlow Car springs, situated in a wooded glen about a mile west from Low Harrogate.
The principal bath establishments are the Victoria Baths (1871) and the Royal Baths (1897).
The corporation owns the Stray, and also the Spa concert rooms and grounds, Harlow Moor, Crescent Gardens, Royal Bath gardens and other large open spaces, as well as Royal Baths, Victoria Baths and Starbeck Baths.
Of the once splendid villas and baths of Baiae and its district, the foundations of which were often thrown far out into the sea, considerable, though fragmentary, remains exist.
At Baiae itself there exist three large and lofty domed buildings, two octagonal, one circular, and all circular in the interior, of opus reticulatum and brick, which, though popularly called temples, are remains of baths or nymphaea.
In 33 he was chosen aedile and signalized his tenure of office by effecting great improvements in the city of Rome, restoring and building aqueducts, enlarging and cleansing the sewers, and constructing baths and porticos, and laying out gardens.
The celebrated Roman baths are all in ruins, except one massive, domed building, dating from the 6th century and still in use, although modern baths are also open, for the development of the hot springs.
The origin of its later name, meaning the "Baths of St Luke," is uncertain.
He accordingly resolved to journey to the baths of Lucca.
In the Karlsaue, a favourite public promenade lying just below the Schdne Aussicht, are the Orangerie and the marble baths.
In its neighbourhood, surrounded by pine forests, are the baths of Bartfa, with twelve mineral springs - iodate, ferruginous and alkaline - used for bathing and drinking.
There are several bazaars, baths and handsome mosques, one noted for its lofty minaret, and here the American Presbyterian mission has established a college for both sexes.
There are remains of baths and a cistern of Roman date.
The bathing establishment was built in 1705 near the site of the ancient baths of Sextius, of which vestiges still remain.
It has sulphur baths, which are largely frequented in the summer.
The springs are known to the Arabs as Hammam Meskutin (the " accursed baths ").
Being the only place within easy distance of western Europe where patients can take with safety a course of baths during the winter months, it has become a resort of invalids.
The corrupt text in Chronicles of 3000 baths would need a still longer cubit; and, if a lesser cubit of 21.6 or 18 in, be taken, the result for the size of the bath would be impossibly small.
There are two better data (2) of Epiphanius and Theodoret -- Attic medimnus = 3/2 baths, and saton (1/3 bath) = 1+3/8 modii; these give about 2240 and 2260 cub.
In 1784 wellpreserved Roman baths were discovered here.
Military baths are maintained in the town by the governments of Austria, Prussia and Saxony, and there are also bath-houses for the poor.
The thermal springs are fabled to have been discovered as early as 762, but the first authentic mention of the baths occurs in the 16th century.
In the neighbourhood of Cracow there are mines of coal and zinc, and not far away lies the village of Krzeszowice with sulphur baths.
There are also municipal baths.
Remains of Roman baths and of a theatre have been discovered in the course of excavation (Notizie degli scavi, 1877, 235; 1881, 205; 1882, 289), and the town was probably a municipium.
The spa, alleged to be the St Ronan's well of Scott's novel of that name, has a pump-room, baths, &c. The saline waters are useful in minor cases of dyspepsia and liver complaints.
W., and there are mineral springs in the vicinity - at Rockbridge Baths, io m.
There are both mineral and sea-water baths in the neighbourhood.
The municipality maintains several well-equipped public baths, and owns its water-supply system, the water being obtained from Lake Erie.
It is situated at the entrance of the Briihl valley and is a popular summer resort, possessing iron and sulphur baths.
A suite of public baths stood a little east of the forum.
In their first form the baths of Silchester were about 160 ft.
It has saline and sulphureous drinking springs and numerous brine and brine-vapour baths.
The brine used at Ischl contains about 25% of salt and there are also mud, sulphur and pine-cone baths.
There are several well-built mosques (none older than the 16th century), public baths, and several good khans.
It has a lithium spring, baths and a Kurhaus, and is famed for its red wine (Assmannshduser), which resembles light Burgundy.
There are brine baths supplied from wells near Middlesbrough, a pier, gardens and promenades.
It is much frequented as a health and summer resort, and has a variety of lake, brine, vegetable and pine-cone baths, a hydropathic establishment, inhalation chambers, whey cure, &c. There are a great number of excursions and points of interest round Gmunden, specially worth mentioning being the Traun Fall, 10 m.
A spa-house with pump-room and baths was erected in 1828.
The plural form Atlantes is the classical term in architecture for the male sculptured figures supporting a superstructure as in the baths at Pompeii, and in the temple at Agrigentum in Sicily.
Augustus banished to it his grandson, Agrippa Postumus, and some ruins of baths near the harbour still bear his name.
The ruin of Kerak answers to the description given by Josephus of the city of Taricheae, which lay 30 stadia from Tiberias, the hot baths being between the two cities.
It was a flourishing town, with municipal rights, as excavations (which have brought to light the forum, theatre, baths, &c.) have shown, but appears to have been deserted in the 4th century A.D.
Among the more important public buildings of Pompeii were the public baths (thermae).
Three different establishments of this character have been discovered, of which the first, excavated in 1824, the baths near the forum, built about 80 B.C., was for a long time the only one known.
At Pompeii the baths are so well preserved as to show at a glance the purpose of all the different parts - while they are among the most richly decorated of all the buildings in the city.
The greater thermae (the so-called "Stabian" baths), which were originally built in the 2nd century B.C., and repaired about So B.C., are on a much more extensive scale than the others, and combine with the special purposes of the building a palaestra in the centre and other apartments for exercise or recreation.
The arrangements of the baths themselves are, however, almost similar to those of the lesser thermae.
It appears, however, that these two establishments were found inadequate to supply the wants of the inhabitants, and a third edifice of the same character, the socalled central baths, at the corner of the Strada Stabiana and the Strada di Nola, but on a still more extensive scale, intended for men only, while the other two had separate accommodation for both sexes, was in course of construction when the town was overwhelmed.
It is represented by the small theatre and the amphitheatre, the baths near the forum, the temple of Zeus Milichius, the Comitium and the original temple of Isis, but only a few private houses.
The only wholly new edifice of any importance is the central baths.
On the discovery of a saline spring in 1816, baths and a pump-room were opened, but although two other springs were found later, the attempt to create a fashionable health resort failed.
It was not till the reign of Hadrian that city life on the Phrygian plateau became rich and vigorous, with its material circumstances of temples, theatres and baths.
A circus, other colonnades and great numbers of baths were built, and new aqueducts to supply them bore the names of Caesars, the finest being the work of Hadrian.
Few vestiges of antiquity survived, except the baths from which Alhama (in Arabic " the Bath ") derives its name.
The palace and the Upper Alhambra also contain baths, ranges of bedrooms and summerrooms, a whispering gallery and labyrinth, and vaulted sepulchres.
Medinet el-Fayum (or Medina), the capital of the province, is a great agricultural centre, with a population which increased from 26,000 in 1882 to 37,320 in 1907, and has several large bazaars, mosques, baths and a much-frequented weekly market.
The act of 1894, as we have seen, not only established the Local Government Board, consisting of the secretary for Scotland, the solicitor-general, the under-secretary and three appointed members - a vice-president, a lawyer and a medical officer of public health - but also replaced the parochial boards by parish councils, empowered to deal among other things with poor relief, lunacy, vaccination, libraries, baths, recreation grounds, disused churchyards, rights of way, parochial endowments, and the formation of special lighting and scavenging districts.
Some portions of the ancient town walls - of two enceintes, an inner and an outer, the former attributed to the original Umbrian inhabitants, the latter to the Romans - are preserved, and also remains of baths, amphitheatre, theatre, and a substruction wall of massive masonry, with four niches.
Remains of ancient villas and baths have been found here.
Above it is an embanking wall of irregular masonry, and below it some remains of Roman baths, including five parallel vaults of concrete.
Budapest has long been celebrated for its mineral springs and baths, some of them having been already used during the Roman period.
The principal baths are the Bruckbad and the Kaiserbad, both dating from the Turkish period; the St Lucasbad; and the Raitzenbad, rebuilt in 1860, one of the most magnificent establishments of its kind, which was connected through a gallery with the royal palace in the time of Matthias Corvin.
They include the foundations of an amphitheatre, of a temple, of an aqueduct, of baths and of a castrum.
It is divided into two parts by a small headland once the site of the villa of the empress Eugenie, between which and the main promontory are the two casinos, the principal baths and many luxurious villas and fine hotels.
The waters, which are used for drinking and in baths, are efficacious in the treatment of wounds and ulcers and in cases of scrofula, gout, skin diseases, &c. There is a military hospital, founded in 1760.
While in the baths at Sinuessa, Tigellinus received the news that he must die, and, having vainly endeavoured to gain a respite, cut his throat.
The number of baths is remarkable, and gives some idea of the luxury of the place in Roman times.
Finally, immediately to the north of this western stoa there is an extensive house of Roman times also connected with baths.
Its massive Roman walls still survive, and recent excavations have revealed a town hall and market square, a temple, baths, amphitheatre, and many comfortable houses with mosaics, &c. An inscription shows that under the Roman Empire it was the chef-lieu of the Silures, whose ordo or county council provided for the local government of the district.
They flow from the castle rock at the rate of 90 gallons per minute, and the water is conveyed through the town in pipes to supply the different baths.
Fragments of its ancient sculptures are still to be seen, and in 1847 remains of Roman vapour baths, well preserved, were discovered just below the New Castle.
Baths, the Zeirid ruler of the Maghrib, made himself independent, and substituted in prayer the name of the Abbasid caliph for that of Mostansir.
A road, the Via Ardeatina, led to Ardea direct from Rome; the gate by which it left the Servian wall was the Porta Naevia; a large tomb behind the baths of Caracalla lay on its course.
In the town itself there are remains of a theatre, of Roman baths (?), a mosaic pavement in the church of St Leoluca (patron saint of Monteleone), and some Latin inscriptions.
Near the town are some thermal baths.
The man who brought the grain from Africa to the public stores at Ostia, the baker who made it into loaves for distribution, the butchers who brought pigs from Samnium, Lucania or Bruttium, the purveyors of wine and oil, the men who fed the furnaces of the public baths, were bound to their callings from one generation to another.
It possesses brine and carbonated springs, the Juliushall saline baths being about a mile to the south of the town, and a hydropathic establishment.
Its mineral baths are frequented in summer; and the volcanic pozzolana earth (also found near Rome), used now as in Roman times for making cement and concrete, derives its name from the place.
There are also natural warm springs at Kerkuk, used to supply baths and reputed to have valuable medical properties.
The chief differences between the commercial systems of refining lie in the arrangement of the baths, in the disposition and manner of supporting the electrodes in each, in the method of circulating the solution, and in the current-density employed.
There are numerous public and private baths, the most important of which are those in the establishment at the eastern end of the Crescent.
The waters were known and used by the Romans, but to a limited extent, and no remains of their baths survive.
After the departure of the Romans the baths seem to have been long neglected, but were again frequented in the 16th century, when the chapel of St Anne was hung round with the crutches of those who were supposed to owe their cure to her healing powers; these interesting relics were destroyed at the Reformation.
The baths were visited at least four times by Mary queen of Scots, when a prisoner in charge of George, earl of Shrewsbury, other famous Elizabethan visitors being Lord Burleigh, the earl of Essex, and Robert, earl of Leicester.
The old plan of lowering it by means of cold baths was known to Musa, the physician of Augustus, and by it he saved the emperor's life; but the same treatment killed the emperor's nephew.
In chronic rheumatism the chief remedies are salicylate of soda, and its allies iodide of potassium, guaiacum and sulphur, while massage, liniments and baths are beneficial as local applications.
They are used partly for drinking, but even more so for baths.
Thus the stimulating effect of sea-bathing is more marked than simple salt-water baths, for in addition to the effect upon the skin produced by the salt and by the temperature of the water, we have the quicker removal of heat by the continual renewal of the water as the waves dash over the body, and mechanical stimulus from its weight and impetus.
Sulphur-baths and sulphur waters are chiefly used in combination for rheumatism and gout, and massage, especially under water, is frequently combined most advantageously with baths and drinking water to effect a cure.
Exercises, passive and active, are also used in diseases of the joints, as well as massage and baths, but exercises and training are even more important in cases of cardiac disease.
At Meran walks have been arranged according to Oertel's system, and at Llangammarch in Wales both Oertel's and Schott's systems are employed, and baths according to the Nauheim system are also to be found in London, Sidmouth, Leamington, Buxton, Strathpeffer, &c. Many people who have sedentary employments are unable to get as much exercise as they require because they have not either the time or the opportunity.
Hadrian, who repaired the Via Appia from Beneventum to this point, made it a colony; it has ruins of the city walls, of an aqueduct, baths and an amphitheatre; nearly 400 inscriptions have also been discovered.
Between the two is a water reservoir (called Bagno della Regina) connected with remains of baths.
The principal buildings which can still be distinguished are a temple, an aqueduct, a large theatre (enclosed by a castle of much more recent workmanship), several baths, a triumphal and other arches, three mosques, and what are known as the church and convent of the monk Boheira.
The ruins of this city include Roman baths, a brick-built temple, rock-cut tombs, and tessellated pavements; and Cranii, Proni and Samos are remarkable for stretches of Cyclopean and Hellenic walls, partly of the most irregular construction, and partly preserving almost unimpaired the results of the most perfect skill.
It was formerly the seat of a Greek archbishop, and besides the ancient citadel and palace on the summit of the hill contains several Greek churches, mosques and public baths.
The town has a public hall and baths.
Though in general ill-built and partly ruinous, the town possesses some fine mosques, with lofty minarets, public baths and busy bazaars.
Here and in the neighbourhood are the residences of many of the business class of Stockholm; and the town is in favour as a summer resort, having mineral springs and baths.
Many discoveries were made, including the ruins of a theatre, amphitheatre, city walls and gates, baths, aqueducts, pagan and Christian cemeteries, basilicas and many fragments of houses and arches.
At Corinth he built a theatre, at Delphi a stadium, at Thermopylae hot baths, at Canusium in Italy an aqueduct.
The council may supply water to public baths or washhouses, or for trade or manufacturing purposes.
The urban district council may adopt the provisions of the Baths Baths and and Washhouses Acts, and thereunder provide public wash= baths, wash-houses, open bathing-places, covered swim.
These include the Lighting and Watching Act, the Baths and Washhouses Acts, the Burial Acts, the Public Lighting Improvement Act and the Public Libraries Acts.
The Baths and Washhouses Acts have already been Baths and referred to in dealing with district councils, and it is Wash- sufficient to say that they are now adopted and ad- houses ministered in a rural parish in the manner pointed out A`"' with reference to the Lighting and Watching Act.
In 1864, however, the monastic estate was assigned to the Board of Civil Hospitals, by which a hospital and baths were opened and the mineral springs developed.
To the north-west on the Capo di Sorrento is another villa, the so-called Bagni della Regina Giovanna, with baths, and in the bay to the south-west was the villa of Pollius Felix, the friend of Statius, which he describes in Silvae ii.
It is well known as a health resort, for the grape cure and for the baths of the brine springs of Philippshalle, in the neighbourhood, which not only supply the bathing establishment, but produce considerable quantities of marketable salt.
In the Valcea department, besides many other iodine, sulphur and mud baths, there are the state-supported spas of Calimanescii, Caciulata and Govora, situated among some of the finest Carpathian scenery Most famous of all is Sinaia, the summer residence of the Court; while important springs exist at Lake Sarat, near Braila; at Slanic, in the Prahova department, where flooded and abandoned salt-mines are fitted up as baths; at the Tekir Ghiol mere, near Constantza; and at Baltzatesti (Baltate,itii), in the Neamtzu (Neamtu) department, a favourite resort of invalids from many parts of eastern Europe.
To the south was a camp for the imperial bodyguard, with baths, an amphitheatre, a large water reservoir, &c. The first legion known to have been quartered there is the II.
Of public institutions there are baths, ribats, or hospices, for poor pilgrims from India, Java, &c., a hospital and a public kitchen for the poor.
They include the custom house (1812) in the Grecian style; Trinity House (1817), also Grecian, containing Sir Henry Raeburn's portrait of Admiral Lord Duncan, David Scott's "Vasco da Gama Rounding the Cape" and other paintings; the markets (1818); the town hall (1828), with an Ionic façade on Constitution Street and a Doric porch on Charlotte Street; the corn exchange (1862) in the Roman style; the assembly rooms; exchange buildings; the public institute (1867) and Victoria public baths (1899).
E., called Vranyska Banya, with baths of hot sulphurous mineral water.
Some of these, and other places not named, add to their natural attractions the advantage of mineral springs and baths, pine-needle baths, whey cures, &c. The Harz is penetrated by several railways, among them a rack-railway up the Brocken, opened in 1898.
Other structures are the County buildings, the Public, St Margaret's, Music and Carnegie halls, the last in the Tudor style, Carnegie public baths, high school (founded in 1560), school of science and art, and two hospitals.
He gave to his birthplace the free library and public baths, and, in 1903, the estate of Pittencrieff Park and Glen, rich in historical associations as well as natural charm, together with bonds yielding 25,000 a year, in trust for the maintenance of the park, the support of a theatre for the production of plays of the highest merit, the periodical exhibitions of works of art and science, the promotion of horticulture among the working classes and the encouragement of technical education in the district.
On the southern side of the square stood the baths of Zeuxippus, and beyond them, still farther south, lay the Hippodrome, which Septimius Severus had undertaken to build but failed to complete.
All matters concerning the streets, the markets, the bazaars, the street-porters (hamals), public weighers, baths and hospitals come under his jurisdiction.
Within it were found a temple of Amphiaraus, a large altar, and a long colonnade, which may have been the dormitory where the patients slept in hope of obtaining counsel in dreams. There were also baths and a small theatre, and numerous inscriptions relating to the arrangement and observances of the sanctuary and oracle.
It is the seat of a bishop. It is fertile and contains sulphur springs and vapour baths, which were known and used in ancient times.
The Roman baths, in the centre of the modern town, serve as cellars for military stores.
The baths near Nish and Vranya are comparatively prosperous, while the beautiful surroundings attract visitors even from abroad.
Kazvin has many baths and cisterns fed by underground canals.
Gamble Institute (named after the founder) contains halls, recreation rooms, a public library and baths.
Its industries include the manufacture of sugar, cigars and buttons, and there are brine springs, with baths, in the vicinity.
There are also a theatre, well-equipped public baths and a richly endowed hospital.
The numerous small lakes in the city (there are about 200 lakes in Hennepin county) have been incorporated in the park system; among them are Lake Harriet (353 acres; in Lake Harriet Park), Lake Calhoun (on which are extensive public baths), Lake Amelia (295 acres), Lake of the Isles (loo acres), Cedar Lake, Powder Horn Lake (in the park of that name) and Sandy Lake (in Columbia Park).
Rosenheim is frequented for its saline and sulphur baths, and there are important saltworks, the brine being conveyed from Reichenhall in pipes; it has also machine factories, metalworks and breweries.
Noll employed mercury thermometers, but as he worked over a small range with vapour baths, it is probable that he did not experience any trouble from immersion corrections.
Canovas did not live to see his scheme put into practice, as he was assassinated by an anarchist at the baths of Santa Agueda, in the Basque Provinces, on the 9th of August 1897.
Here also, not far from the shore, the remains of Roman baths, with a fine coloured mosaic pavement, representing deities riding on marine monsters, were found in 1907.
The lines of intersecting streets can be easily made out, and there are ruins of two sets of baths, two basilicas and a forum.
Apart from churches, mosques and synagogues, there are a few noteworthy modern buildings, such as the Ottoman Bank, the baths, quarantine station, schools and hospitals; but the chief architectural interest of Salonica is centred in its Roman and Byzantine remains.
Canovas resumed office in March 1895 immediately after the outbreak of the Cuban insurrection, and devoted most of his time and efforts, with characteristic determination, to the preparation of ways and means for sending 200,000 men to the West Indies to carry out his stern and unflinching policy of no surrender, no concessions and no reforms. He was making up his mind for another effort to enable General Weyler to enforce the reforms that had been wrung from the Madrid government, more by American diplomacy than from a sense of the inevitable, when the bullet of an anarchist, in August 1897, at the baths of Santa Agueda, cut short his career.
The St Spiridion Foundation (due to the liberality of Prince Gregory Ghika in 1727, and available for the sick of all countries and creeds) has an annual income of over £80,000, and maintains hospitals and churches in several towns of Moldavia, besides the baths at Slanic in Walachia.
Baths containing sulphuretted hydrogen or alkaline sulphides have a slightly irritating effect upon the skin, and stimulate the general metabolism.
Each man contributes to a medical fund which maintains the fever, accident and general hospitals, providing also laundries and baths.
Oh how a morning at the baths gave ye a big hearty appetite for the bacon n eggs.
Acrylic baths are molded from sanitary acrylic sheet with fully encapsulated baseboards.
All bathrooms (except one) have baths the superior rooms and suites have balconies and Jacuzzi bathtubs.
Do not use bubble baths, oils, soaps or talcum powder for seven days. After washing dry the wound thoroughly.
You will find it on high quality cast iron cookware, microwave cooker linings, pots and pans and metal baths.
Very affectionate nature loves cuddles, baths, grooming.
Try to avoid perfumed soaps, bubble baths and vaginal deodorants as they may irritate the bladder lining.
The baths in the Ganga gave him great spiritual elation, and the first one was always taken before dawn.
This includes basins, sinks, baths, sanitary fittings and space and water heating fixtures.
Several rooms feature four-poster or brass beds along with luxury spa baths.
Ensuites have free-standing Jacuzzi baths, DVDs and brown slate floors - no chintz or battle-ax landladies in sight.
It may be relevant that nearly three-quarters of the 88 gemstones from the Fortress Baths at Caerleon were of either red jasper or cornelian.
Baths there's a for their island's tourism Jim hepplethe.
Laburnum pilot was launched on Saturday 26 June during a Street party to celebrate the Centenary of Haggerston Baths on laburnum pilot was launched on Saturday 26 June during a Street party to celebrate the Centenary of Haggerston Baths on Laburnum Street.
Bubble baths and soaps should be avoided as they remove the natural lipids from the surface of the skin and can be an irritant.
At Cosa in Italy, archeologists have found evidence for the water-lifting machinery that supplied public baths.
In the flax mill, Marshall added ventilation and heating, with baths and changing rooms added later.
What amazed me totally was that after an exceptionally rowdy baths they had fallen asleep by 9.30 - what a result!
Each has modern electric showers, rather than baths.
Take cold sitz baths which can help severely prolapsed piles.
We saw the very impressive but pretty smelly changing rooms with all the players changing areas and baths.
Freestanding claw toe baths, for example, can be purchased from many of the modern bathroom showrooms.
Then from their Turkish baths we built art galleries and placed museum vitrines in the inns where camels and camel drivers once slept.
Other options include a range of hydromassage whirlpool and/or spa baths.
Visit the pit-head baths and the Victorian steam winder.
In the provision of public gymnasiums and baths (1866) Boston was the pioneer city of the country, and remains the most advanced.
These outworks, with a few gateways, the audience hall and the baths, were the only parts of the building that survived in 1840.
The public baths were kept under strict supervision; the toga was ordered to be worn in public by senators and equites on solemn occasions; extravagant banquets were prohibited; rules were made to prevent the congestion of traffic in the streets.
The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, an organization of 1600 leading business men, is a power for varied good in the city; besides its constant and aggressive work in promoting the commercial interests of the city, it was largely influential in the federal reform of the consular service; it studied the question of overcrowded tenements and secured the passage of a new tenement law with important sanitary provisions and a set minimum of air space; it urges and promotes home-gardening, public baths and play-grounds, and lunch-rooms, &c., for employes in factories; and it was largely instrumental in devising and carrying out the so-called "Group Plan" described above.
Its hot springs and mud baths are much resorted to, and were known to the Romans as Aponi Eons or Aquae Patavinae.
Montaigne visited most of the famous cities of the north and centre, staying five months at Rome, where he had an audience of the pope and was made a Roman citizen, and finally establishing himself at the baths of Lucca for nearly as long a time.
The baths of Bath (Aquae Sulis) are exploited.
Besides these country towns, Londinium (London) was a rich and important trading town, centre of the road system, and the seat of the finance officials of the province, as the remarkable objects discovered in it abundantly prove, while Aquae Sulis (Bath) was a spa provided with splendid baths, and a richly adorned temple of the native patron deity, Sul or Sulis, whom the Romans called Minerva.
It lies in the south-east angle of the Bay of Naples, at the beginning of the peninsula of Sorrento, and owing to the sea and mineral water baths (12 different springs) and its attractive situation, with a splendid view of Vesuvius and fine woods on the hills behind, it is a favourite resort of foreigners in spring and autumn and of Neapolitans in summer.
We trace without difficulty all the separate apartments that are described to us by Roman authors - the apodyterium, frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, &c. together with the apparatus for supplying both water and heat, the places for depositing the bather's clothes, and other minor details (see Baths).
The frequent association of heat-stroke with malaria is to be borne in mind in the treatment of heat hyperpyrexia, for, should the temperature of the patient not subside rapidly after treatment with cold sponging in a current of air or cold baths and ice, an intramuscular or intravenous injection of in grains of quinine bihydrochloride should be given without delay.
The arrangement of the tanks depends largely upon the voltage available from the electric generator selected; commonly they are divided into groups, all the baths in each group being in series.
They include the custom house (1812) in the Grecian style; Trinity House (1817), also Grecian, containing Sir Henry Raeburn's portrait of Admiral Lord Duncan, David Scott's "Vasco da Gama Rounding the Cape" and other paintings; the markets (1818); the town hall (1828), with an Ionic façade on Constitution Street and a Doric porch on Charlotte Street; the corn exchange (1862) in the Roman style; the assembly rooms; exchange buildings; the public institute (1867) and Victoria public baths (1899).
And they themselves sit there nearly naked, like the signboards at our Public Baths if I may say so.
What amazed me totally was that after an exceptionally rowdy baths they had fallen asleep by 9.30 - what a result !
The facilities include a 22.86 x 10.05m Swimming Pool, with spectator accommodation, sauna and solarium suites, and slipper baths.
It can often be managed with sitz baths, stool softeners and analgesic ointment.
Can also be used in changing room lockers at sports centers / swimming baths.
Complimentary rum swizzles ship individual tuition feature marble baths.
Never leave a tap dripping in cold weather and leave the plug in sinks, basin and baths.
Soap The Romans are famous for their baths, but the Britons washed with soap long before the Romans did !
Your pediatrician will probably tell you to skip the tub baths until your infant's umbilical has fallen off, and your little boy's circumcision has healed.
Finish off the package with a group of different natural or organic baby baths and lotions.
Plus, is it any wonder that cats hate baths?
If so, at what age should I start giving her baths?
Baths should be kept to a minimum, or else you might wind up drying out her fur and scalp.
Some cats accept one of these foam baths much more calmly than being drenched.
Stop taking baths or take shorter showers.
In fact, both civilizations used solar power techniques for heating public baths.
Upcoming topics will include designing nursery rooms, kitchens, baths, painting and much more.
Garden accessories such as rustic log cabin birdhouses, cast iron bird baths and wagon wheel or whiskey barrel planters add rustic charm to a rugged lodge backyard.
Modern materials used for baths include stone, wood, cast stone and composites.
If you are considering a shower rather than a bath, take into consideration that baths increase the value of your home.
At one time, master bedrooms were reserved for the few lucky homeowners who had bedroom suites with private baths and walk-in, or even double closets.
Many of the features found in spa baths are often considered luxuries such as a towel warmer or radiant heat flooring.
Many old houses have small rooms, including closets and baths, and lack modern amenities.
Because people spend less time in powder rooms than in master baths, they're great place to experiment with bold concepts.
The beveling helps bring some elegance to the frameless mirror, enabling it to fit in with more formal baths.
It is also a good idea to avoid showers and baths for at least twelve hours after the application.
Powders, body soufflés and bubble baths will keep you smelling great all day.
From hot baths to cold ice packs and over the counter pain killers to antidepressants, finding the best way to handle stress headaches is the key to quick pain relief.
It's fun to dream of a blissful spa vacation, complete with deep tissue massages, herbal baths, and rejuvenating facials.
The AquaSpa by Elemis is an exclusive spa facility offering a range of complete sensory treatments, including aromatherapy hot stone massages, Egyptian milk baths, acupuncture, and a saltwater jetted thalassotherapy pool.
Some shampoos are self-rinsing, which means they require no water rinse and will dry without feeling tacky, and there are even dry shampoos in powder form that can provide a quick refresher between full baths.
In between baths, you could also use pet wipes to remove surface allergens from Sampson as well as his litter mate, since they could also carry to allergens to him.
I had been trying for 45 minutes to get my three well-behaved (or so I thought) dogs and one out of control 17-week-old puppy into the car to go to the vet's for baths and shots.
When selecting laminate flooring for wet areas, such as kitchens and baths, confirm that the product is adequately sealed for this application.
While having four bedrooms, three baths, and a private yard was an ideal set-up while raising kids and working full time, these amenities become not only unnecessary, but also a burden for many mature individuals.
Many older people believe their time for taking showers or baths alone is gone, which can be embarrassing and frustrating.
This model pictured here, allows people the ability to lift their leg and body up approximately four inches versus 12 inches or more in traditional baths.
The Center has three sleep rooms, all with private baths and televisions, in which patients can spend the night while being monitored from a central monitoring station.
To improve insomnia, use herbal teas, baths or infusions.
The rash may fade away and then reappear upon exposure to sunlight, hot baths, emotional distress, or vigorous exercise.
Some practitioners recommend letting a fever run its course or cooling the body with cool sponge baths.
Treatments for the itching of poison ivy, oak, or sumac rashes range from calamine lotion and oatmeal baths to over-the-counter antihistamines and topical creams.
Therapeutic baths are one form of hydrotherapy, which is a general term for the internal or external use of water for medical treatment.
Balneotherapy is the medical term for the use of baths or soaks to treat injuries or illnesses.
The remains of ancient baths have been found in the Indus Valley in India, and the Romans discovered mineral springs in various parts of Europe that are still used for balneotherapy.
Baths or soaks are an easy way to treat a variety of skin disorders involving large areas of the skin, injuries to or disorders of the muscles and joints, menstrual and menopausal discomfort, fatigue, or general stress and tension.
Hot baths are relaxing and stimulating; cool baths can reduce inflammation.
In children as well as adults therapeutic baths are useful for itchy skin, hives, sunburn, chafing, poison ivy and oak, eczema, skin irritation, and dry skin.
Many family care physicians recommend warm-water therapeutic baths as a way to relieve labor pains during childbirth without administering drugs.
Therapeutic baths are used to treat a wider variety of disorders and injuries in Europe and the French-speaking parts of Canada than in the United States.
In Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union, therapeutic baths are used to treat children suffering from the aftereffects of head trauma as well as other physical injuries.
One Italian spa lists recurrent earaches, sinus infections, and acne among the conditions that can be treated with therapeutic baths for children and adolescents as well as adults.
European doctors often use mineral water in therapeutic baths or add seaweed, dried moss, mud, or various mineral salts to the bathwater.
Different types of therapeutic baths are used for different skin conditions.
Saline (salt) water baths can be used to treat eczema in children.
Therapeutic baths to treat sports injuries or relieve menstrual cramps may use slightly warmer water than is used to relieve skin disorders.
Adolescents using therapeutic baths to relieve emotional stress may add a few drops of essential oils of lavender or other fragrant herbs to the bathwater.
Essential flower or herb oils used to scent therapeutic baths should always be added to the water; they should never be applied directly to the skin.
Therapeutic baths are a common and inexpensive treatment for a variety of skin disorders, menstrual cramps, and minor aches and pains.
Balneotherapy-The medical term for the use of baths to treat disease.
Parents can help children with their baths; encourage them to drink enough fluids; and prompt them to do deep breathing and muscle strengthening exercises.
Contact with standing water, such as bird baths, flower vases, or humidifiers, should be prevented.
Even more effective, particularly for widespread itching in hot weather, are tepid baths with corn starch and/or oatmeal (about 0.5 lb [224 g] of each per bathtub-full).
The infant may wear the helmet for up to 23 hours daily, removing it only during baths.
Oatmeal baths are very helpful in relieving the itch.
Some people believe the ancient Egyptians first created towel origami projects as way to amuse Cleopatra during her notoriously long baths.
That's why men involved in a relationship where fertility seems to be an issue are cautioned to limit time spent in saunas, hot tubs, hot baths, or from wearing tight, warm pants.
This includes using tampons, taking baths, swimming, douching, and having vaginal intercourse.
There are 25 efficiency studio rooms, all of which have cable TV, private baths, safes, voice mail and Internet data ports.
Find lodging for as low as $55 a night at this 76-room Nob Hill establishment, which offers color televisions, private baths and dial-out telephones in all rooms.
It was nicknamed the "Gingerbread Palace" and included swimming pools, a museum, a skating ring, and Sutro Baths.
The rooms also come with private baths that feature marble tile and both a bathtub and shower.
The Romans were very serious about their bathing rituals and even poorer residents had access to baths.
Dirty to Clean Newborn dolls are ready for their first baths.
You can do this by buying flowers for yourself, taking long baths, getting messages or whatever makes you feel special.
Use scented gels and bubble baths to leave skin smelling clean and fresh.