Bastian Sentence Examples
Otto Stoll's studies in Guatemala, Berendt's in Central America, Ernst's in Venezuela, Im Thurn's in Guiana, those of Ehrenreich, von den Steinen, Meyer in Brazil, or of Bandelier, Bastian, Briihl, Middendorf, von Tschudi in Peru, afford the historian of comparative sociology ample groundwork for a comprehensive grasp of South American tribes.
Bastian also edited the Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic from 1869, in conjunction with Virchow and Robert von Hartmann.
The great Swedish naturalist was possibly justified in treating the two latter creatures as quasihuman, for they seem to be grotesque exaggerations of such tailed and hairy human beings as really, though rarely, occur, and are apt to be exhibited as monstrosities (see Bastian and Hartmann, Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, Index, " Geschwanzte Menschen "; Gould and Pile, Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, 1897).