Baskets Sentence Examples
The grapes are cut and then conveyed in baskets by the Gallegos (as the labourers who come specially from Galicia in Spain for this purpose are termed) to the winery.
The bags are then sealed up, packed in oblong or circular baskets and sent to Smyrna or other ports on mules.
The chief native industries are leather-work, embroidery and filigree metal-work; and the weaving of straw mats and baskets is extensively practised.
The revolutionaries went about among the excited people with baskets, begging coppers for their destitute and miserable governor.
In 1897, at Manchester, special awards were made for fruit baskets and milk-testers.
Corn is trodden by oxen, and kept in osier baskets narrowing to the top, or clay granaries.
The leading industries comprise manufactures of tweeds, hosiery, clogs, baskets and leather, besides the timber trade, nursery gardening and the making of machinery and iron implements.
Sonsonate is the centre of a rich agricultural district, and one of the busiest manufacturing towns in the republic. It produces cotton cloth, pottery, mats and baskets, boots and shoes, sugar, starch, cigars and spirits.
The scales showed seven pounds less, he was eating baskets of fruit and goody-goody health food, plus he'd laid off the booze completely.
This figure of speech refers, not to a basket or box in which things can be stored, but to the baskets, used in India in excavations, as a means of handing on the earth from one worker to another.
AdvertisementEven at the time when they were first known to Europeans, they had stone and lava hatchets, shark's-tooth knives, hardwood spades, kapa cloth or paper, mats, fans, fish-hooks and nets, woven baskets, &c., and they had introduced a rough sort of irrigation of the inland country with long canals from highlands to plains.
Trade is in cattle, agricultural produce, wine, baskets and game.
In other cases they are planted in open baskets of wood or wire, using the porous peat and sphagnum compost.
Hats, baskets, cloths and rope are woven and are exported to a limited extent; small quantities of copra are also exported.
Basket salt takes its name from the conical baskets from which it is allowed to drain when first it is " drawn " from the pan.
AdvertisementThe salt is " drawn " from the pan and placed (in the case of boiled salts) in small conical baskets hung round the pan to drain, and thence moulded in square boxes and afterwards stove-dried, or (in case of unboiled salts) " drawn " in a heap on to the " hurdles," on which it drains, and thence is carried to the store.
The latter sometimes lapses into methods which are not usually thought compatible with prison discipline, such as the permission to play on musical instruments, the holding of concerts, the privilege of smoking and chewing tobacco, of receiving baskets of provisions, novels and newspapers from friends outside.
Weaving is an industry less important than formerly; mats and baskets are manufactured, and deep-sea fishing is an important industry.
The Navaho and Moqui Indians make woollen blankets and rugs and the Pimas baskets.
The men of Tabaco are largely engaged in the cultivation of hemp; the women in weaving cloth, baskets and mats.
AdvertisementThe inhabitants of Milis manufacture reed baskets and mats, which they sell throughout Sardinia.
They are skilful cultivators and good boat-builders, the carpenters, being an hereditary caste; there are also tribes of fishermen and sailors; their mats, baskets, nets, cordage and other fabrics are substantial and tasteful; their pottery, made, like many of the above articles, by women, is far superior to any other in the South Seas; but many native manufactures have been supplanted by European goods.
Palm-fibre mats and hats, fans, bamboo baskets and cotton fish-nets are woven here.
In the corners stood carboys of acid in wicker baskets.
Using fall and harvest oriented containers instead of predictable glass vases; copper or aluminum pails, dark wicker baskets, and hollowed out gourds are great fall containers for floral arrangements.
AdvertisementThe next step is to remove the harvested crop to the drying-shed; primed leaves are placed at once in shallow baskets or boxes, and when under cover are strung on string or on wire and hung up on laths in the barn.
The stony plains which cover so large a part of the country are often covered with acacia jungle, and in the dry water-courses a kind of wild palm, the dom, abounds, from the leaves of which baskets and mats are woven.
Coarser straw hats are made at other places, as well as hammocks, baskets, &c.
Wine, fruit, cork, baskets and sumach are exported in small coasting vessels; there are important sardine and tunny fisheries; and boats, sails and cordage are manufactured.
On the outskirts of the city, near Eastlake Park, is the Indian Crafts Exhibition, which contains rare collections of aboriginal handiwork, and where Indians may be seen making baskets, pottery and blankets.
On account of their regular form they have been used, threaded on wire, for making ornamental baskets.
In addition to these are the many small domestic industries, such as the making of straw hats, mats, baskets, pottery, ropes and rough textiles.
The city has an important trade in fruit, and has various manufactures, including paper, fruit packages, baskets, motor boats, gasolene launches, automobile supplies, hosiery and knit goods, air guns and sashes and blinds.
To the second century, lastly, belongs in part the evidence of the catacombs, on the walls of which are depicted persons reclining at tables supporting a fish, accompanied by one or more baskets of loaves, and more rarely by flasks of wine or water.
Rough weirs, formed of stakes and twigs, were erected across English rivers in Saxon times for holding up the water and catching fish, and fish-traps, with iron-wire meshes and eel baskets, are still used sometimes at weirs.
Its bark is used for the construction of canoes, and for drinking-cups, dishes and baskets.
From Sheffield Lodge, twelve years later, she applied to the archbishop of Glasgow and the cardinal of Guise for some pretty little dogs, to be sent her in baskets very warmly packed, - "for besides reading and working, I take pleasure only in all the little animals that I can get."
Both blocks and baskets are usually suspended from the roof of the house, hanging free, so that no accumulation of water is possible.
Other articles of manufacture are leather, tobacco, porcelain, cement, spirits, lead pencils (Nuremberg), plate-glass, sugar, matches, aniline dyes, straw hats and baskets.
According to his description shallow pits were sunk, and the gravel excavated was gathered into a walled enclosure where it was crushed and water was poured over it, and it was finally sifted in baskets and sorted by hand.
As they are plucked, the green leaves are thrown into baskets, and twice daily the pluckings are taken into the factory.
A procession is formed in the nave, consisting of the lord high almoner representing the sovereign, the clergy and the yeomen of the guard, the latter carrying white and red purses in baskets.
They also made various kinds of mats, baskets and fans from the leaves of the pandanus, the bark of the hibiscus, from species of bohmeria or other Urticaceous plants.
Curiously veined veneers are obtained from the roots; and the root-shoots are largely employed in the making of crates, coalcorves or baskets, hurdles, withs and bands, whip-handles and other objects.
The town is flourishing and rapidly increasing, and possesses very extensive wire factories (in connexion with which there are puddling and rolling works), machine works, and manufactories of gloves, baskets, leather, starch, chemicals, varnish, oil and beer.
Among the city's manufactures are lumber, furniture, baskets, pearl buttons, cars, carriages and wagons, Corliss engines,waterworks pumps,metallic burial cases, desks, boxes, crackers, flour, pickles and beer.
When the grapes have attained to maturity they are collected by hand and then transferred in baskets or carts to the press house.
For the same reason the grapes are collected in baskets in order to avoid excessive pressure, and are transported in these to the press house.
On the first day, which celebrated the union of Adonis and Aphrodite, their images were placed side by side on a silver couch, around them all the fruits of the season, "Adonis gardens" in silver baskets, golden boxes of myrrh, cakes of meal, honey and oil, made in the likeness of things that creep and things that fly.
Native cloth, brass wares, pot-stone wares, cartwheels, straw and reed baskets, and a small quantity of silk, form the only manufactures.
The furniture consists of earthen bowls, drinking-cups, wooden neck-rests, spoons, &c., artistically carved, mats, plaited baskets and boxes.
Their houses, of which the framework is timber and the rest lattice and thatch, are ingeniously constructed, with great taste in ornamentation, and are well furnished with mats, mosquito-curtains, baskets, fans, nets and cooking and other utensils.
They also make from straw and papyrus peel strong and beautiful mats and baskets in great variety, some of much fineness and delicacy, and also hats resembling those of Panama.
The comminuted seed is placed inside a vessel connected with an upright refrigerator on trays or baskets, and is surrounded there by the volatile solvent.
The eight side chapels alone are complete, and their pointed arches spring from Renaissance pilasters planted on black marble elephants, the Malatesta emblems, or on baskets of fruit held by children.
In 1998 the pupils of Langland School were involved in workshops, producing small personal pieces of weaving, baskets, various animals.
Watering hanging baskets may require watering more than once a day, especially during hot weather.
A4 size Paperback, 28 pages 3 color photographs Susie Vaughan handmade baskets from Nature's Colorful Materials It's back!
Fine stuff is used in Moses baskets for maximum comfort for your baby.
However with the high winds the hanging baskets had had to be removed.
Bedrooms comprises several pages of bedlinen with co-ordinating curtains, lampshades, smart seagrass laundry baskets, duvets, pillows, and quilted bedcovers.
The section is also responsible for seasonal bedding, Hanging baskets, Roses, Shrub beds, Internal plants and Floral decorations.
Color in a Basket These flowering baskets are full of trailing begonias.
Quality gourmet desserts, smoked salmon gift baskets, smoked salmon caviar, and smoked salmon cat treats!
A semi-fermented tea of fine quality, traditionally hand rolled and fired in baskets over pits containing red hot charcoal.
Most people buried in woodland sites are laid to rest in cardboard coffins or wicker baskets.
These chrome plated storage baskets simply stick to your tiles with the use of cleverly concealed suction pads - no holes needed!
Ideal for use as a high quality natural confetti or stuffing for quality gift baskets and addition to pot pourri.
The machine turns up the roots and the laborers, in a line, bend down to fill their wicker creels (baskets ).
Some of them hawked their baskets around Buxton and sold door-to-door.
From our choice of top quality online florists you will find hand tied flowers, gift baskets, hampers, muffins.
Planter boxes, wooden barrels, hanging baskets and large flowerpots are just some of the containers that can be used.
Hanging baskets try in vain to hide the rather forlorn look of the station.
The light arching fronds of ferns are a lovely addition to baskets hung in shadier positions.
A wide range of classes will include everything from hanging baskets to bonsai and from giant standard fuchsias to miniatures.
The timbered gable of the Bell Inn with its hanging baskets can be seen on the left of the road.
At the top of the hill was an old, ivy-clad church with baskets of scarlet geraniums on the window ledges.
Our luxurious range of traditional baby gift baskets & personalized gifts will bring a smile to any child's face.
Gifts & Crafts Blueberry Barn Ltd Unique and memorable hampers, gift baskets, candles and pampering gifts for any occasion.
Housewarming gift baskets, housewarming gift baskets, housewarming gifts, personalized house warming presents and unique new.. .
Hanging baskets, potted plants, climbing ivy, even a couple of real trees standing proudly in the corner.
Gourmet Foods Gift Baskets European classic caffe mocha gift basket surrounded by gourmet kosher treats!
A4 size paperback, 28 pages 3 color photographs Susie Vaughan Handmade Baskets from Nature's Colorful Materials It's back!
The fire baskets and canopies are made on site, as well as smaller items such as bellows, chestnut roasters or fire-irons.
We also have rompers, sleep suits, shower baskets and much more.
They carry conical fish baskets which they fill with charcoal above a few sprigs of leaves which are packed into the pointed base.
The bridesmaids Rich, deep red, velvet gowns with matching stoles for warmth and carrying white posies or floral baskets.
And they carried baskets of wine and bread and oxygen, so that we could party and the men would stay strong.
Culture notes An epiphytic free flowering succulent that grows to around 300mm high and 400mm across and is suitable for pots or hanging baskets.
Laundry could make washday less of a chore with brightly colored clothes bins and baskets.
The number is illustrated with fine wood engravings, and instructions are given for working borders, baskets, bags, girdles, etc.
Besides these there are numerous other black-gilled species which find a place in baskets - some species far too small to bear any resemblance to a mushroom, others large and deliquescent, generally belonging to the stumpand dung-borne genus Coprinus.
In the same way certain governments become famous for certain commodities, as Moscow for osier baskets, flower baskets, wicker furniture and lace; Kostroma for lace, wooden utensils, toys, wooden spoons, cups and bowls, bast sacks and mats, bast boots and garden products; Yaroslavl for furniture, brass samovars, saucepans, spurs, rings, &c.; Vladimir for furniture, osier baskets and flower-stands and sickles; NizhniyNovgorod for bast mats and sacks, knives, forks and scissors; Tver for lace, nails, sieves, anchors, fish-hooks, locks, coarse clay pottery, saddlery and harness, boots and shoes, and so on.
The city's manufactures include fruit baskets, preserved fruits, cider, vinegar, pickles, furniture, lumber and stationers' supplies, particularly material for the "loose-leaf ledger" system of accounting.
This representation of baskets of loaves and several fishes, or of one fish and several loaves, seems to contradict the usage of one loaf.
Shipbuilding is carried on at Las Palmas; and the minor industries include the manufacture of cloth, drawn-linen (calado) work, silk, baskets, hats, &c. A group of Indian merchants, who employ coolie labour, produce silken, jute and cotton goods, Oriental embroideries, wrought silver, brass-ware, porcelain, carved sandal-wood, &c. The United Kingdom heads the import trade in coal, textiles, hardware, iron, soap, candles and colonial products.
Some 320 species of fern have been collected, and there are large numbers of spiny and prickly plants, as well as numerous grasses, reeds and rushes, many of them of great service in the native manufactures of mats, hats, baskets, &c.
Some built little houses of the tufts in the plowed ground, or plaited baskets from the straw in the cornfield.
Rum can make an ideal gift for any occasion and some of our rum gifts are available in stylish gift boxes and baskets.
Put fittings and any other items that you remove in one of the skimmer baskets or the pump basket to avoid loss.
Blades of grass dyed with manganese were woven into the baskets in geometric patterns with a symbolic significance.
He was the unwilling recipient of baskets of fruit.
We found her coming out of a walk-through display of hanging baskets - hopefully she took some pics.
These can be placed in wicker baskets or glass bowls.
Varieties produced withies of different thickness suitable for the making of fine baskets or large strong crates.
Amblers were worsted spinners until a few years ago when Country Baskets took over the mill for their wholesale floristry business.
Gift baskets always make great presents for almost any occasion, and this is certainly true for baby showers!
New baby gift baskets make wonderful gifts.
You can give baby gift baskets at baby showers or simply present them before or after the birth of a newborn.
You don't have to choose a traditional gift basket, although wicker baskets are great containers, and they are reusable, too.
White wicker baskets are great containers for baby supplies, but don't overlook lots of other containers that will work perfectly for a sweet baby girl.
Gift basket-Place several gift baskets around the room, and invite guests to add small baby shower supplies, including socks, booties, books, skin care supplies, pacifiers, and bibs.
Gift Baskets-Twin gift baskets make the perfect gift.
Some examples of reusable baskets are a picnic basket for future picnics, a laundry basket, or a toy basket.
Baby gift baskets can range in price from $50 to $100 or more.
When searching for the perfect gift to celebrate the birth of a baby, newborn baby gift baskets are the perfect choice.
While you can order gift baskets for just about any reason, creating newborn baby gift baskets is easy and economical.
You really don't have to use a basket at all, although baskets are great to recycle for other uses.
After her parents have taken out the gift items from the newborn baby gift baskets, they can use the storage cube to house books, toys, and other baby odds and ends.
Newborn baby gift baskets can also follow a particular theme.
You can order or create specialized gift baskets, as well.
Sure, gift baskets filled with baby items will certainly be welcome, but how about creating a basket that is geared more for mom and dad's needs and wants?
Homemade decorations and centerpieces like gift baskets filled with useful baby items, diaper cakes, and baby bottle centerpieces are pretty and also practical after the baby is born.
For example, on, there are multiple companies that sell baby baskets that are all ready to go.
These baskets can range in price from $20 to $50 (and more depending on how much is in them and what kind of contents they have), and are a really easy way to get a complete gift that is fun for Mom and baby to receive.
While assembled baskets are quick and easy, making your own basket can create a truly personalized gift.
Regardless of the type of baby care package you purchase or make, newborn baby gift baskets are an excellent gift for both the new baby and the new mom.
Some people choose to bundle up a variety of these foods in pretty gift baskets.
Baby boy gift baskets make excellent gifts for newborn and toddler baby boys.
Baby boy gift baskets are the perfect solution!
Gift baskets allow you to customize so that each and every item you place into the basket is geared toward a child's likes, dislikes, wants, needs, and/or desires.
While you can certainly order baby gift baskets online, why not create yours by adding individual items that are specifically geared towards the baby boy you have in mind?
Themed basket - Consider giving baby boy gift baskets that are centered on a theme.
Other themed baskets include a nautical theme that features items decorated with sailboats, anchors, and all things ocean-themed, or try an animal-themed basket with adorable stuffed animals and blankets, t-shirts, books, and more.
If you would rather order a gift basket as opposed to creating your own, there are numerous websites that offer adorable baby gift baskets, many of which you can custom order.
Toddler birthday gift baskets make wonderful gift choices for that special toddler in your life.
Toddler birthday gift baskets are the perfect present simply because you can fill them with items sure to delight the birthday boy or girl.
Choosing one of many toddler birthday gift baskets to give doesn't have to be a chore.
You can purchase ready-made gift baskets or design your own.
Toy-Themed gift baskets - Sticking to a theme helps the gift giver narrow down the selection of toys placed into the basket.
The following websites offer a nice selection of gift baskets suitable for toddlers and children of all ages.
Gift baskets provide an opportunity for friends and family members to purchase a variety of gifts to give.
Using one of these methods ensures that the "basket" itself doesn't take up a significant portion of your budget for the gift, unless of course you know that the recipient needs baskets of certain sizes.
Baskets are often discarded to the garage or given away.
Specialty baby gift baskets are often designed with a particular theme in mind and can be found at a variety of online stores, but you might also consider creating your own unique gift basket to give to a new parent.
Gift baskets are the perfect gift choice because the baskets can be filled with numerous gifts.
Most specialty gift baskets for baby are created with certain areas of baby care in mind.
The following websites offer baby gift baskets.
Specialty gift baskets can be the perfect gift because they often fulfill many of the items on a new parent's wish list.
Choose from several unique practical baby gift baskets for your next upcoming baby shower for a friend or loved one.
These types of gift baskets typically have a main theme and are very useful to new parents.
Most new parents would be thrilled to receive unique practical baby gift baskets that focus on different themes of baby care necessities.
Some good gift containers include storage bins and baskets that will fit in easily with the nursery or the new parents' living room.
Unique gift baskets made with care will definitely be appreciated by the new parents.
If you are planning to attend an upcoming shower or are simply looking for ideas for a pregnant friend, you can choose from many different types of unique baby girl gift baskets.
Many unique baby girl gift baskets can be adorable and very useful at the same time.
Potatoes and onions should be stored in bowls or baskets in an area where there is plenty of air circulation.
The designs include flat, curved, rolled, bean bags, wicker baskets, couches and imitations of human furniture filled with polyfill, craft beads, cedar chips or cotton batting.
Shredders come with or without built in baskets for the waste paper.
These baskets can accommodate trash bags of standard sizes.
Gift baskets make great presents, no matter what the occasion.
Stocked full of fun items, novelties, and even gourmet food, gift baskets are appropriate for giving to friends, family members, co-workers, and business associates.
Gift baskets are often a good choice for those on your list who already seem to have everything.
You can find everything from new baby and wedding baskets to those created for birthdays and graduations.
Sometimes, however, the available theme baskets just don't fit the occasion or the recipient.
Custom-made baskets can include just about anything you desire and can be decorated according to your wishes.
A good choice for ordering gift baskets is the Gift Tree.
This site features an abundance of great baskets for every occasion.
On this site you'll find baskets of all sizes, shapes, and colors, filled with everything from yummy baked goods and candies to spa products and fine wines.
Food baskets can be filled with everything from chocolate and cookies to wine and cheese.
Likewise, gourmet baskets filled with cheese, crackers, sausages, and spreads, as well as an assortment of beverages and candies, make excellent gifts.
Coffee and tea baskets are also well received.
There are a number of companies that sell gift baskets tailored towards health conscious individuals.
Many people think food gift baskets can only contain non-perishable items.
The amazing selection of scrumptious baskets you find is sure to have your mouth watering and your imagination perking in no time.
This site offers an amazing selection of baskets containing everything from fresh baked goods and luscious chocolates to fine wine and gourmet foods.
Another good choice for ordering gift baskets is the Gift Tree.
Some baskets include food items like cookies, salty sweets and bread products.
Other baskets have relaxation items like soap, bath bubbles and candles.
Baskets tailored to the interests of the receiver make fun gifts.
You can find baskets filled with items such as candy, nuts, popcorn and even wine.
All baskets are presented in festive packaging and can be shipped directly to the recipient.
The company specializes in cakes, candy, chocolate, gift baskets and other miscellaneous items such as toys, jewelry and meat/cheese trays.
This amount can be anywhere from 50 to over 500 units of baskets or basket accessories.
Since the average person has little need for a large supply of baskets and basket supplies, usually this isn't a problem.
This one-stop-shop of gift packaging and floral supplies features everything you need in terms of baskets and basket supplies at low, wholesale prices.
This site offers everything you need to keep your business stocked, including items such as wicker baskets, cellophane, gift basket shred and ribbons and bows.
Basket Ware offers wholesale baskets, shrink bags and gift basket supplies both online, or in the showroom located in Dallas, TX.
Wicker baskets, although once very popular, are also subject to chewing so they don't offer the longevity provided by the other materials previously mentioned.
Learn how to make baskets out of old magazines.
Sturdy sacks can be filled with compost and used as grow bags and hanging baskets are suitable for small plants such as herbs or chillies.
Herbal tea remedies gift baskets are a perfect way to say "Get well soon!"
The use of the word basket is misleading; gift baskets can be made from almost any container from a vintage sand pail to a copper planter.
Herbal tea remedies gift baskets are an unusual and practical way to say "Get well" or "I care."
Because they are so easily personalized, the baskets are something that will be cherished while in use, and remembered long afterward.
You can make mixes of dried herbs and store them in airtight containers - you can even make dry mixes to use in gifts, such as herbal tea remedies gift baskets.
Some get saved for holiday baskets and sachets, and some get placed around the house, in wreaths, inside glass pitchers, and tied with a purple ribbon in the bath.
Rawhide lamp shades, leather, suede or cowhide upholstery and handmade willow baskets provide natural textures to the style that embraces primitive décor.
Woven baskets, brightly-painted Italian pottery, woven strands of garlic, bowls of lemons and other produce are all commonly-found items.
Woven baskets are another handy accessory to have in the kitchen due to their usefulness and rich texture.
Brightly colored baskets can serve as toy and supply bins.
Buy storage containers and baskets that match or contrast with the room's color scheme.
Take out anything that does not belong in your bedroom - Meaning, any kids items like toys, stacks of bills and laundry baskets are out.
Woven baskets are another typical feature of Italian kitchens.
Wooden cabinetry is frequently accessorized with wrought iron hardware, and countertops are adorned with woven baskets and vibrant ceramic pieces.
Wine bottles, bottles of spices, wicker baskets, fruit, nuts, and candles are inexpensive accessories that can really add texture to a room as well.
Natural wood, woven baskets, burlap sacks, fabrics such as cotton and jute - these natural, organic materials are a part of any safari and translate well into the home.
Go ahead and add picture frames, baskets or tableware made from bamboo.
Linen lined baskets are good for keeping cosmetic items orderly.
Medicine cabinets, baskets, and linen cabinets are all excellent storage solutions, but use sparingly.
Take out anything that does not belong in your bedroom - Remove the kids' toys, stacks of bills, and laundry baskets.
Add cast iron pieces, wicker baskets, overstuffed pillows, and a few well-placed lamps also in cast iron or metal.
Set out wicker baskets to hold extra throws, towels, and bath supplies.
Baskets, or plastic bins on shelves make perfect storage.
You can use baskets to hold magazines, video games, fruit, flowers, and other items.
Wicker was a common choice for baskets and furniture in the 16th and 17th centuries before modern technology allowed it to be mass produced for homes in the late 1800s.
Woven together, in various combinations, these products can become baskets, chairs, baby carriages, wheelchairs, rockers, tables, footstools, nightstands, dressers, and headboards.
You can utilize baskets for shelf storage and large units like a toy chest or cabinet storage unit.
You may wish to add several small Easter baskets to carry the theme in a runner effect down the length of your table.
Gathering baskets, dried flowers and herbs, especially lavender and braided garlic are just a few of the accessories you want to add to your kitchen.
Consider using baskets to reign in other items as well.
Place the storage baskets on shelving units.
When decorating a laundry room, be sure to use practical but pretty cabinets, practical countertops and surfaces, and smart accessories like storage baskets and hangers.
Consider using storage baskets on shelves to keep things organized.
An assortment of wicker baskets will help add an interesting texture as well.
For the kitchen or dining room, a wrought iron baker's rack is perfect for displaying your French style ceramic pottery, wine bottles, baskets filled with fruit, oil bottles or anything else you might want to display.
These large magnets are made to attach right to the front of your unit and depict bright scenes of laundry being dried on a line outdoors, or soap bubble filled wash baskets.
There are all kinds of different baskets and decorative storage containers out there that can hold your belongings so that they're visible but not unattractive.
Many studios have a variety of props, so gather up cushions, blankets and baskets - they can all be used to add setting and texture to the scene.
These treats are served in bamboo baskets and consist of 3-4 pieces of steamed meat, shrimp, buns, egg rolls, or pork.
Food gift baskets answer the question, "What do you give the person that has everything"?
In addition, grocery stores and food clubs are incorporating gift baskets into their lineup of services.
Type in "food gift baskets" and you'll have pages and pages of options to choose from.
To avoid cookie cutter type baskets, search for companies that allow you to customize your selection.
Theme baskets are where the giver has the opportunity to tailor it to the receiver's personality.
Gift jars make a welcome addition to gift baskets and a great seasonal gift.
Vendors hawking their wares may have baskets of fried rice wrapped in banana leaves, or steaming bowls of noodles.
Wicker baskets are another popular and affordable scrapbooking storage solution.
You can find nice baskets for just a few dollars at local thrift stores and at discount craft suppliers.
Boxes, baskets, jars, and shelving from other areas of your home can often be repurposed for scrapbook storage.
Paper House Productions is known for their photograph-turned-scrapbook papers, and sells Easter collections that include baskets, flowers, jelly beans, and decorated eggs.
Once you come up with a few stress free gift basket ideas, you can make your own gift baskets by purchasing baskets online or in your local stores.
Craft stores are an excellent source for baskets of all sizes, shapes, and colors.
Coupon baskets are ideal for anyone dealing with financial stress, but they also make great gifts for newlyweds and new parents.
Hobby gift baskets are as much fun to make as they are to receive.
If you are unable to come up with your own stress free gift basket ideas, or do not have the time to design your own baskets, you can purchase pre-made baskets at most stores and online. offers gift baskets for every need and occasion.
Blue Chopsticks has more than 1,600 gift baskets to choose from, and customers can search by type of basket or by price. has gifts and gift baskets for all occasions.
For example, your favorite stress reduction game may be going outside and shooting a few baskets.
Beyond its tempting taste, coconuts are used to make furniture, recreational equipment, and even household supplies like utensils, cooking oils, baskets, and cosmetics.
Use eclectic arrangements of borrowed vases to decorate tables, use a favorite decorative item as a cake topper, or used borrowed baskets to provide homes for things like wedding programs or wedding cards.
There are gift baskets available for all occasions, so why not send one in celebration of a wedding?
Flowers, potpourri, candy, fruit, marbles or even your favors will fit into small baskets in the center of the table.
Provide small baskets of ornaments for guests to carry home as thank you gifts or leave on the tree.
Baskets filled with pinecones or gold and silver or metallic red or green Christmas ornaments will also fit in with your Christmas wedding decoration theme.
There are many choices available for wedding gift baskets ranging from traditional varieties to selections that are a little more outlandish.
Wedding gift baskets containing gourmet food items are always a thoughtful and elegant selection.
These types of wedding gift baskets might also include accoutrements such as cloth napkins, a wine opener, champagne glasses and picnic blanket.
Wedding gift baskets with a subtly romantic theme, like a heart shaped champagne and chocolate basket, are also appropriate.
Grenville Station, a manufacturer of corporate gifts and gift baskets provides some wonderful selections of gourmet wedding baskets.
Pacific Basket is another company that specializes in wedding gift baskets and offers the convenience of shopping online.
Simple sunflower baskets can be placed at the corners of the head table.
Use a colorful aisle runner or line the aisles with petals or baskets of flowers if you are decorating a garden wedding.
Satin ribbons can be tied around the baskets or handles for more elegance if desired.
You can find cool pumpkin themed baskets online or in a craft supply store.
Use baskets, ribbons, and candles to set the mood.
Pull other accessories together based on the original design, and depending upon the size of your bathroom, echo the theme with essentials, like soap dishes, hand towels, toothbrush holder, waste baskets, and more.
Candles, wicker baskets, pottery, and plants are always great additions to any room regardless of the theme.
Always opt for strong, sturdy baskets that are smooth and finely woven.
There are plenty of great baskets available, ranging in color and size to seasonal themes.
Since baskets are reusable and can last a lifetime, it is definitely worth taking the time to choose one of high quality and good craftsmanship.
A great selection of empty baskets can be found at stores like Cost Plus World Market, Longaberger and Pier 1 Imports.
At Fabric Gift Baskets, a godparent can choose a whimsical onesie in white.
A luxury dog bed is a far cry from the standard hearth rugs or stiff plastic/wicker baskets that have served as dog bedding for so long.
These establishments often offer goody baskets with treats and toys for Fido, as well as pet bedding, food bowls, leashes, and other amenities.
Luxury pet beds, personalized ID tags, and goody baskets are all provided.
Pet parents enjoy giving their fur babies special treats and presents such as holiday gift baskets loaded with scrumptious munchies, stockings filled with delectable delights or gift bags holding tasty tidbits.
Doctors Foster and Smith offers two baskets filled with colorfully decorated Christmas cookies.
The Healthy Hound Bakery offers delicious healthy treats including peanut butter and carob candy canes, gift baskets and assorted Christmas cookies.
Its manufacture is closely related to the techniques used to produce snares, nets, and baskets.
It may be used in vases and hanging baskets, the pink buds being pretty.
The flexible branches were used to make baskets.
S. procumbens flowers from July till late in September, and owing to its dwarf compact growth it is useful for masses in beds or for the front rows of borders, or in suspended baskets, as the slender branches droop gracefully over.
It is of easy culture in warm positions on the rock garden and the choice border, and where the climate is too cold to grow it in the open air it may be grown in a cold frame or in baskets in the greenhouse.
They are suitable for hanging baskets, and are attractive in mixed container plantings as well.
They can also be used quite well in containers or hanging baskets.
If you plant them in containers or hanging baskets, you will probably need to replant them each year like an annual.
Hanging baskets or planter boxes may also be used.
They're ideal for hanging baskets, especially on your porch where friends and family can help themselves as they choose.
The answer to "When do you plant strawberries?" may also be as simple as "almost anytime" if you choose to grow in indoor containers or hanging baskets, and you choose a late blooming variety.
Strawberries can be grown in pots, containers, or hanging baskets too.
You can grow them in hanging baskets, special terra cotta planters called strawberry jars or planters, or directly in the garden bed.
Some other accessories that are becoming more common are colanders, basin racks, rinse baskets, water filtration systems, and disposals.
The friendship bracelets common among children and teenagers are a form of macrame, and this weaving technique can be used for many different things, including woven necklaces, baskets, pot holders, shawls, and more.
The baskets typically can be lifted by the handles to transport when they are empty, but may not be able to support the weight of the basket with baby inside.
The most popular model of organic bassinet is the Moses basket, designed after the reed baskets used in ancient times.
Health Gift Shop offers pre-made gift baskets with many different themes, as well as the ability to build your own baskets.
Cherry Moon Farms has organic fruit baskets.
Diamond Organics will ship gift baskets or sampler products for free.
You may offer a wide variety of organic gift baskets.
If you are just starting out in the gift basket business, you may need to decide on themed baskets.
If you haven't created your product categories, one great way to do this is to check out your competition and see what kind of baskets and products are being offered and the price points for each type.
If the prices aren't good enough to allow you to be competitive, your baskets aren't going to sell.
You may want to expand your basket supplies to add to your website by using ready to ship baskets that are drop-shipped from the wholesaler.
Many wholesalers also have free tips on their website to help you design better baskets and learn to make a greater profit.
Stork Baby Gift Baskets - This site sells nine different organic baby gift baskets, plus diaper cakes by prominent eco-friendly brands, such as Burt's Bees.
Amazon - This site has lots of different gift baskets to choose from, including ones that resemble boxes of cupcakes and bouquets of flowers.
Dandelion Summers carries a wide variety of sizes of mattress pads, including wool puddle pads for bassinets and Moses baskets.
Be sure to read about the contents of the basket carefully, some baskets may not contain organic ingredients.
You can buy it in bulk quantities when you find it and use it for gift baskets and small gifts for any occasion all year long.
Gift baskets allow everyone to purchase a small token.
From seniors that are sports enthusiasts or coffee lovers to those that enjoy gourmet delicacies or a relaxing day at the spa, there are retirement gift baskets to suit the interests or palettes of many people.
Many gift companies offer standard gift baskets for retirement that are filled with items that pertain to a particular interest or theme.
The following are examples of different kinds of gift baskets that are appropriate as retirement gifts.
Many coffee gift baskets include special treats such as chocolates, rum cakes or cookies.
Gift baskets for retirees who love tea or hot chocolate are very similar to coffee gift baskets.
Gift baskets for those who enjoy fishing could be made with all types of specialty foods that are fish related, such as smoked wild salmon, seafood spice rubs or a package of Swedish Fish candy.
Baskets might also include tackle items such as lures, hooks and sinkers, a fisherman's hat or a fishing-related sweatshirt.
Luxurious bath oils, sensuous body lotions and silky body creams are often combined with beautifully-scented candles, CDs of tranquil music and soft comfortable bath pillows in gift baskets made to indulge the retiree.
Spa baskets also often include delicious chocolates, cookies and other edible treats.
There are also companies, both online and in localities, that make custom gift baskets.
Most of these companies also offer premade, themed baskets for retirement.
Over the Hill Gifts offers gift baskets full of gag and humorous retirement gifts.
Retirement gift baskets are a wonderful way to celebrate this eventful time in a person's life.
Although they are called gift baskets, filling a beautiful tote bag, a tackle box or lovely gift box full of special items also makes a great retirement gift.
Things such as gift baskets, flowers, cards, books, and reminders of the joys of retirement are a few good options.
If you don't want to create the basket on your own, browse retirement gift baskets online.
Designed in approximately 500 A.D., riders were held in baskets hung in the air from a sturdy pole.
Wine baskets are a lovely and increasingly popular gift to give, for they provide the recipient with not one but many gifts-the wine, of course, but also a garland of gourmet snacks, cheeses, and candies.
It is very important that you determine whether or not a company has a dependable, solid customer service, fast shipping, and of course, an excellent selection of baskets.
Many purveyors of gift baskets create specialized wine and cheese pairing baskets.
The wine lovers in your life will appreciate wine-themed gift baskets.
The baskets make wonderful hostess gifts, as well as thoughtful birthday or anniversary presents.
Whether you purchase them pre-made or make them yourself, the baskets are a thoughtful gift for many occasions.
Along with local sources, you can find many gift baskets online.
Where can you go online to select great wine gift baskets?
This site has an assortment of gifts, including wine gifts and an entire section of wine gift baskets.
At Wine Country Gift baskets, you may find some of the following baskets.
While the selection of baskets containing wine is smaller at Gourmet Gift Baskets, the pairing of pairs quality wines with artisanal, gourmet foods makes these gifts unique and thoughtful for wine lovers.
This website offers an array of gift baskets for all occasions.
The wine gift baskets provide numerous selections for under $100, although they also have a few larger, more expensive baskets.