Basic Sentence Examples
I don't want to deny you such a basic need.
The lava is a basic augiteandesite.
Alex and Jonathan wanted to help decorate, but there were some basic things that could be done.
Wouldn't you want at least basic details?
It was his view that "the attainment of human rights in the fullest sense cannot be achieved so long as hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people lack the basic necessities for life."
Its basic idea is that the state had no right to interfere with the religion of its citizens.
Her room was plain and basic.
On heating, they decompose, forming basic tetrammine salts.
In its most basic form (which I'll discuss here for simplification's sake), it is a guarantee of a minimum income above the poverty line for every citizen.
She saw the basic good in Fred and she was correct.
AdvertisementThe restaurant is low-key and basic, but the food is delicious.
It is certain, however, that most obsidians are very acid or rhyolitic. The dark, semiopaque glassy forms of the basic igneous rocks are known as tachylytes.
What if the basic unit was a couple, a relationship, and what if that relationship had an identity?
A blue basic salt is precipitated first, which, on boiling, rapidly changes to the rose-coloured hydroxide.
In many cases it may be connected with basic oxygen, and the salt formation is assumed to involve the passage of divalent into tetravalent oxygen.
AdvertisementThat is the basic unit—me.
It was a basic fundamental principle of the way of life.
While agriculture itself is a technology, it is, in its most basic form, extremely low tech.
By the action of the acetic acid and atmospheric oxygen, the lead is converted superficially into a basic acetate, which is at once decomposed by the carbon dioxide, with formation of white lead and acetic acid, which latter then acts de novo.
Acridine and its homologues are very stable compounds of feebly basic character.
AdvertisementThe older optical glasses, now generally known as the " ordinary " crown and flint glasses, are all of the nature of pure silicates, the basic constituents being, in the case of crown glasses, lime and soda or lime and potash, or a mixture of both, and in the case of flint glasses, lead and either (or both) soda and potash.
It is a basic human right to breathe fresh air.
Even so, there was something else – something much more basic.
Cellulose has an affinity for acid stains, pectic substances for basic stains.
A basic chloride, Pb(OH)Cl, was introduced in 1849 by Pattinson as a substitute for white lead.
AdvertisementA basic nitrate, Ca(NO 3)2 Ca(OH) 2.3H 2 0, is obtained by dissolving calcium hydroxide in a solution of the normal nitrate.
As principal of Pusey House Mr Gore exercised a wide influence over undergraduates and the younger clergy, and it was largely, if not mainly, under this influence that the "Oxford Movement" underwent a change which to the survivors of the old school of Tractarians seemed to involve a break with its basic principles.
The fossils from the Rhaetic beds belong to the Avicula contorta zone, those from the Lias to the Ammonites angulatus zone, while the blocks of limestone with chert contain Inoceramus, Cretaceous foraminifera and other organisms. The materials yielding these fossils are embedded in a course volcanic agglomerate which gives rise to crags and is pierced by acid and basic igneous ricks.
The mineral gerhardtite is the basic nitrate Cu2(OH)3N03.
Basic copper phosphates are of frequent occurrence in the mineral kingdom.
The phrase has become a euphemism for the erosion of workers' basic rights.
It also forms the basic airframe for the P-3 Orion.
The final chapter in the book is Beyond Basic Style.
Students are only required to have some training in basic calculus and some familiarity with first-order difference equations.
My study will firstly focus on the role of experience in developing basic life skills in the Trinidadian guppy.
The domestic hearth is the most basic example of fire.
I use a basic gray primer to spray a thin coat all over.
The basic concept of minority groups is highly questionable.
When confronted with any thorny societal problem, I apply the same basic thought process I used on the five topics of this book.
In the specification for bridge material, drawn up by the British Engineering Standards Committee, it is provided that the steel shall be acid or basic open-hearth steel, containing not more than o.
Among the Tertiary volcanic rocks those of acid types (granites, granulites) were the first to appear and are developed latitudinally; rocks of intermediate type (dacites, andesites) characterize the Miocene and early Pliocene periods; while the basic rocks (ophites, elaeolite syenites and basalts) attained their maximum in later Pliocene and Quaternary times.
The pure carbonate is constantly used in the laboratory as a basic substance generally, for the disintegration of silicates, and as a precipitant.
According to the proportion of silica, the lava is distinguished as "acid" or "basic."
The basic lavas are usually darker and denser than lavas of acid type, and when fused they tend to flow to great distances, and may thus form far-spreading sheets, whilst the acid lavas, being more viscous, rapidly consolidate after extrusion.
Rohner (Ber., 1909, 42, p. 4 0 93) obtained a yellowish white oxide, of the formula I 4 0 9, which they regard as an iodate of tervalent iodine, Millon's oxide being considered a basic iodate.
It is a monobasic acid, forming one normal and two acid potassium salts, and basic salts with iron, aluminium, lead and copper.
Ferrous and ferric acetates are used as mordants; normal lead acetate is known in commerce as sugar of lead; basic copper acetates are known as verdigris.
The Lararnie Plains and the Green river basin, essentially a single structural basic between the east-west ranges of Rattlesnake Mountains on the north and the Uinta Range on the south, measuring roughly 260 m.
This mature weathering, resulting in the relatively complete separation of the quartz from the kaolin, and both from the calcium carbonate and other basic materials, implies conditions of rock decay comparable to those of the present time.
It is basic in character, and gives a red coloration on the addition of ferric chloride.
Chromium sesquioxide is a basic oxide, although like alumina it acts as an acid-forming oxide towards strong bases, forming salts called chromites.
Thechromites maybe looked upon as salts of chromium sesquioxide with other basic oxides, the most important being chromite (q.v.).
Chromous chloride, CrC1 2, is prepared by reducing chromic chloride in hydrogen; it forms white silky needles, which dissolve in water giving a deep blue solution, which rapidly absorbs oxygen, forming basic chromic salts, and acts as a very strong reducing agent.
The azo compounds are intensely coloured, but are not capable of being used as dyestuffs unless they contain salt-forming, acid or basic groups.
The products formed by the action of the Grignard reagent with the various types of organic compounds are usually thrown out of solution in the form of crystalline precipitates or as thick oils, and are then decomposed by ice-cold dilute sulphuric or acetic acids, the magnesium being removed as a basic halide salt.
It appears to consist chiefly of gabbro, peridotite, serpentine and other very basic eruptive rocks, which are believed to be of Cretaceous age.
The most stable basic hydroxides are those of the alkali metals, viz.
Blue or Roman vitriol ' is copper sulphate; green vitriol, ferrous sulphate (copperas); white vitriol, zinc sulphate; and vitriol of Mars is a basic iron sulphate.
His most important achievement was to define "salts" - a term formerly used in the most loose and indeterminate way - as the compounds formed by the union of acids and bases, and further to distinguish between neutral, basic and acid salts.
In addition to behaving as a basic oxide, aluminium oxide (or hydrate) behaves as an acid oxide towards the strong bases with the formation of aluminates.
Aluminium sulphate Al(S04)3, occurs in the mineral kingdom as keramohalite, Al 2 (SO 4) 3.1811 2 0, found near volcanoes and in alum-shale; aluminite or websterite is a basic salt, Al 2 (SO 4) (OH)4.71120.
In a natural state it is obtained from bones, guano and wood ashes; and in an artificial condition from basic slag or Thomas's phosphate, coprolites and superphosphate of lime.
Another kind of alteration which pyrites may suffer has been termed "vitriolization," since the products are ferrous sulphate, with free sulphuric acid and sometimes a basic ferric sulphate.
Basic lavas, with andesites, trachytes, tuffs and agglomerates are the most common Scottish rocks of this period.
In the basic Bessemer process, also, unforeseen variations in the siliconcontent are harmful, because the quantity of lime added should be just that needed to neutralize the resultant silica and the phosphoric acid and no more.
Further, an important part of the silicon may be removed in the mixer by keeping it very hot and covering the metal with a rather basic slag.
This is very useful if the iron is intended for either the basic Bessemer or the basic open-hearth process, for both of which silicon is harmful.
As the iron oxide is stirred into the molten metal laboriously by the workman or "puddler " with his hook or "rabble," it oxidizes the silicon to silica and the phosphorus to phosphoric acid, and unites with both these products, forming with them a basic iron silicate rich in phosphorus, called " puddling " or " tap cinder."
The removal of phosphorus, a very important duty of the puddling process, requires that the cinder shall be " basic," i.e.
In the basic Bessemer process phosphorus is readily removed by oxidation, because the product of its oxidation, phosphoric acid, P 2 O 5, in the presence of an excess of base forms stable phosphates of lime and iron which pass into the slag, making it valuable as an artificial manure.
But this dephosphorization by oxidation can be carried out only in the case slag is basic. If it is acid, i.e.
Though all this is elementary to-day, not only was it unknown, indeed unguessed, at the time of the invention of the Bessemer process, but even when, nearly a quarter of a century later, a young English metallurgical chemist, Sidney Gilchrist Thomas (1850-1885), offered to the British Iron and Steel Institute a paper describing his success in dephosphoriz ing by the Bessemer process with a basic-lined converter and a basic slag, that body rejected it.
Hence, for the basic process, spare converters must be provided, so that there may always be some of them re-lining, either while standing in the same place as when in use, or, as in Holley's arrangement, in a separate repair house, to which these gigantic vessels are removed bodily.
The removal of the greater part of the phosphorus takes place after the carbon has been oxidized and the flame has consequently " dropped," probably because the lime, which is charged in solid lumps, is taken up by the slag so slowly that not until late in the operation does the slag become so basic as to be retentive of phosphoric acid.
Indeed, the whole German production of acid Bessemer steel in 1899 was at a rate but slightly greater than that here given for one pair of American converters; and three pairs, if this rate were continued, would make almost exactly as much steel as all the sixty-five active British Bessemer converters, acid and basic together, made in 1899.
The " pig and ore " or " Siemens " variety of the process works chiefly by oxidation, the " pig and scrap " or " Siemens-Martin " variety chiefly by dilution, sometimes indeed by extreme dilution, as when Io parts of cast iron are diluted with 90 parts of scrap. Both varieties may be carried out in the basic and dephosphorizing way, i.e.
The length of these varieties of the process just given refers to the basic procedure.
For instance it lasts only about 82 hours when equal parts of pig and scrap are used, instead of the 112 hours of the basic process.
Thus the actual cost of conversion by the acid process is materially less than by the basic, but this difference is more than outweighed in most places by the greater cost of pig and scrap free enough from phosphorus to be used in the undephosphorizing acid process.
In the most promising form of this process an acid converter and a basic open-hearth furnace are used.
For the acid Bessemer process the sulphur-content must be small and the silicon-content should be constant; for the basic openhearth process the content of both silicon and sulphur should be small, a thing difficult to bring about, because in the blast furnace most of the conditions which make for small sulphur-content make also for large silicon-content.
In the basic open-hearth process, on the other hand, silicon is harmful because the silica which results from its oxidation not only corrodes the lining of the furnace but interferes with the removal of the phosphorus, an essential part of the process.
Where the carbon, in thus diffusing inwards, meets particles of the slag, a basic ferrous silicate which is always present in wrought iron, it forms carbonic oxide, FeO+ C = Fe+CO, which puffs the pliant metal up and forms blisters.
In the first stage the phosphorus is removed from the molten steel by oxidizing it to phosphoric acid, P205, by means of iron oxide contained in a molten slag very rich in lime, and hence very basic and retentive of that phosphoric acid.
Next the metal is covered with a very basic slag, made by melting lime with a little silica and fluor spar.
This sulphide is nearly insoluble in the metal, but is readily soluble in the overlying basic slag, into which it therefore passes.
The Roechling-Rodenhauser furnace is unfitted, by the vulnerability of its interior walls, for receiving charges of cold metal to be melted down, but it is used to good advantage for purifying molten basic Bessemer steel sufficiently to fit it for use in the form of railway rails.
Open-hearth steel is generally thought to be better than Bessemer, and the acid variety of each of these two processes is thought to yield a better product than the basic variety.
This may not necessarily be true, but the acid variety lends itself more readily to excellence than the basic. A very large proportion of ores.
But cast iron for the basic open-hearth process can be made from almost any ore, because its requirements, comparative freedom from silicon and sulphur, depend on the management of the blast-furnace rather than on the composition of the ore, whereas the phosphorus-content of the cast iron depends solely on that of the ore, because nearly all the phosphorus of the ore necessarily passes into the cast iron.
Thus the basic open-hearth process, is the only one which can make steel from cast iron containing, more than o io% but less than i 80%of phosphorus.
Under most conditions the acid Bessemer process is the cheapest in cost of conversion, the basic Bessemer next, and the acid openhearth next, though the difference between them is not great..
The increased importance of Germany and Luxemburg may be referred in large part to the invention of the basic Bessemer and open-hearth processes by Thomas, who by them gave an inestimable value to the phosphoric ores of these countries.
Semitic, on the other hand, has grammatical gender as one of its basic principles.
For these reasons, one must assume the existence of pentavalent nitrogen in the diazonium salts, in order to account for their basic properties.
These acid esters retain some of the characteristic properties of the acids, forming, for example, salts, with basic oxides.
It is only in the more northerly part of the country that the pipes are filled with blue ground (or " kimberlite "), and that they are diamantiferous; but over a great part of Cape Colony have been discovered what are probably similar pipes filled with agglomerates, breccias and tuffs, and some with basic lavas; one, in particular, in the Riversdale Division near the southern coast, being occupied by a melilite-basalt.
Further, the ilmenite, which is the most characteristic associate of the diamond in blue ground, and other of the accompanying minerals, may have come from basic rocks of a different nature.
The Inverell occurrence may prove to be another example of diamond crystallized from a basic rock.
The iron and aluminium precipitates are filtered off, and the filtrate boiled, when a basic beryllium hydroxide containing a little ferric oxide is precipitated.
BeS04 K2S04.3H20 as are also many basic sulphates.
It readily yields basic salts.
Several basic carbonates are known, being formed by the addition of beryllium salts to solutions of the alkaline carbonates; the normal carbonate is prepared by passing a current of carbon dioxide through water containing the basic carbonate in suspension, the solution being filtered and concentrated over sulphuric acid in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide.
The quick reaction and sharp criticism of unfortunate acts and decisions indicated that free speech and free press were still basic ideals in the United States.
But the hydroxide of thallium, in most of its properties, comes very close to the alkali metals; it is strongly basic, forms an insoluble chloroplatinate, and an alum strikingly similar to the corresponding potassium compounds.
Yet, unlike potassium or lead, it forms a feebly basic sesquioxide similar to manganic oxide, Mn203.
Immense -sheets of dolerite, gabbro, or allied basic rocks indicate eruptive materials intruded as sills or poured out as lavas contemporaneously with the sedimentary formations among which they lie.
Villiger (Be y ., 1901, 34, pp. 2679, 3612) showed that many organic compounds (ethers, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, &c.) behave towards acids, particularly the more complex acids, very much like bases and yield crystallized salts in which quadrivalent oxygen must be assumed as the basic element.
The ferric and aluminium sulphates present are thus converted into insoluble basic salts, and the residue yields manganous sulphate when extracted with water.
It has strong basic properties, absorbs carbon dioxide readily, and forms welldefined crystalline salts.
The sulphate is subsequently boiled with water, when a basic sulphate is precipitated.
The sulphate, Ce(SO 4) 2.4H 2 O, is formed when the basic sulphate is dissolved in sulphuric acid; or when the dioxide is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and evaporated in vacuo over sulphuric acid.
It forms yellow crystals soluble in water; the aqueous solution on standing gradually depositing a basic salt.
Griesbach, basic volcanic rocks are interbedded with the lowest part of the plant-bearing series, and enormous outbursts took place during the Neocomian period.
But the most important igneous masses are the great intrusions of syenitic granite and of basic rock which penetrate the Cretaceous beds.
Gallium forms colourless salts, which in neutral dilute aqueous solutions are converted on heating into basic salts.
When prepared by the precipitation of nickel salts with alkaline sulphide in neutral solution it is a greyish black amorphous compound which readily oxidizes in moist air, forming a basic nickel sulphate.
By precipitation of nickel salts with solutions of the alkaline carbonates, basic carbonates of variable composition are obtained.
The best example of the basic sills forms the Clauchland Hills and runs out to sea at Clauchland Point.
Finally the basic dykes of dolerite, basalt and augite-andesite are abundant and traverse the various sedimentary formations and the granite.
The hydrides of the halogens are all colourless, strongly fuming gases, readily soluble in water and possessing a strong acid reaction; they react readily with basic oxides, forming in most cases well defined crystalline salts which resemble one another very strongly.
Numerous salts of the acid are known, the basic ferric salt being occasionally used in quantitative analysis for the separation of iron from aluminium.
Copper is not affected by exposure in dry air, but in a moist atmosphere, containing carbonic acid, it becomes coated with a green basic carbonate.
It is not infrequently found in serpentine, and in basic eruptive rocks, where it occurs as veins and in amygdales.
The principal ores of copper are the oxides cuprite and melaconite, the carbonates malachite and chessylite, the basic chloride atacamite, the silicate chrysocolla, the sulphides chalcocite, chalcopyrite, erubescite and tetrahedrite.
Hydrochloric acid is applied in the same way as sulphuric acid; it has certain advantages of which the most important is that it does not admit the formation of basic salts; its chief disadvantage is that it dissolves the oxides of iron, and accordingly must not be used for highly ferriferous ores.
The advantage of this method rests chiefly on the small amount of iron required; but its disadvantages are that any silver present in the ores goes into solution, the formation of basic salts, and the difficulty of filtering from the iron oxides.
The chief impurities are basic salts of iron, free iron, graphite, and sometimes silica, antimony and iron arsenates.
Several basic salts are known, some of which occur as minerals; of these, we may mention brochantite, CuS04, 3Cu (OH 2), langite, CuSO 4, 3Cu(OH) 2, H 2 O, lyellite (or devilline), warringtonite; woodwardite and enysite are hydrated copperaluminium sulphates, connellite is a basic copper chlorosulphate, and spangolite is a basic copper aluminium chlorosulphate.
Of these we may notice libethenite, Cu 2 (OH)PO 4; chalcosiderite, a basic copper iron phosphate; torbernite, a copper uranyl phosphate; andrewsite, a hydrated copper iron phosphate; and henwoodite, a hydrated copper aluminium phosphate.
Olivenite corresponds to libethenite; clinoclase, euchroite, cornwallite and tyrolite are basic arsenates; zeunerite corresponds to torbernite; chalcophyllite (tamarite or " copper-mica ") is a basic copper aluminium sulphato-arsenate, and bayldonite is a similar compound containing lead instead of aluminium.
Scheele's green is a basic copper arsenite; Schweinfurt green, an aceto-arsenite; and Casselmann's green a compound of cupric sulphate with potassium or sodium acetate.
Normal cupric carbonate, CuCO 3, has not been definitely obtained, basic hydrated forms being formed when an alkaline carbonate is added to a cupric salt.
The antimonious compounds are decomposed on addition of water, with formation of basic salts.
The majority of these halide compounds are decomposed by water, with the formation of basic salts.
By the union of antimony trisulphide with basic sulphides, livers of antimony are obtained.
In these latter the basic aniline dyes in solution are almost exclusively used, on account of their special affinity for the bacterial protoplasm.
And Bulgaria, by evading at the last moment an obligation that was not merely part of a military scheme but was included in the basic political treaty of Feb.
Sertiirner, a German apothecary, independently obtained this same substance, naming it " morphium," and recognized its basic nature; he also isolated an acid, meconic acid.
The Devonian rocks at Yalwal are sharply folded and are associated with a series of rhyolites and basic lavas.
In a basic neck of this period at Inverell, there are eclogite boulders, containing diamonds in situ; and it is doubtless from these basic volcanic necks that the diamonds of the New England tableland have been derived.
The basic constituents are removed by dilute sulphuric acid, the acid layer removed, and the bases liberated by alkali, separated, dried, and fractionally distilled.
The mono-oxypyridines are easily soluble in water and possess only feeble basic properties.
The orthoand parasemidines can be readily distinguished by their behaviour with different reagents; thus with nitrous acid the ortho-semidines give azimido compounds, whilst the para-semidines give complex diazo derivatives; with formic or acetic acids the ortho-semidines give anhydro compounds of a basic character, the para-semidines give acyl products possessing no basic character.
Partial exploration in this region was conducted by the French Mission du Cap Horn in 1882-1883, and the geological foundations are granite and basic volcanic rocks.
It closely resembles the chloride in being deliquescent, dissolving ferric hydrate, and in yielding basic salts.
Basic salts have been prepared, and several occur in the mineral kingdom; dufrenite is Fee(OH)3P04.
Arsenides, Arsenites, &c. - Several iron arsenides occur as minerals; lolingite, FeAs 2, forms silvery rhombic prisms; mispickel or arsenical pyrites, Fe2AsS2, is an important commercial source of arsenic. A basic ferric arsenite, 4Fe2O3 As2O3.5H 2 O, is obtained as a flocculent brown precipitate by adding an arsenite to ferric acetate, or by shaking freshly prepared ferric hydrate with a solution of arsenious oxide.
Normal ferric arsenate, FeAs0 4.2H2O, constitutes the mineral scorodite; pharmacosiderite is the basic arsenate 2FeAsO4Fe(OK)3.5H2O.
Basic oxides combine with acids or acidic oxides to form salts; similarly acidic oxides combine with basic oxides to form salts also.
An oxide may be both acidic and basic, i.e.
Peroxides may be basic or acidic. Some basic oxides yield hydrogen peroxide with acids, others yield oxygen (these also liberate chlorine from hydrochloric acid), and may combine with lower acidic oxides to form salts of the normal basic oxide with the higher acidic oxide.
Acidic peroxides combine with basic oxides to form "per" salts, and by loss of oxygen yield the acidic oxide typical of the element.
Mixed anhydrides are oxides, which yield with water two acids, or are salts composed of a basic and acidic oxide of the same metal.
Even if the volcanic and intrusive basic rocks prove to be Ordovician (Lower Silurian), which is very doubtful, the metamorphic series of the core is clearly distinct, and appears to be " fundamental " so far as Ireland is concerned.
I Silurian (and Cambrian?) "Dalradian" Metamorphic Series .Diorite and allied Basic Rocks '?-t =i=' Granite and allied Acid Rocks montory the conglomerates of this period rest with striking unconformity on the Dingle Beds and Upper Silurian series.
The tri-iodide, AsI3 prepared by subliming arsenic and iodine together in a retort, by leading arsine into an alcoholic iodine solution, or by boiling powdered arsenic and iodine with water, filtering and evaporating, forms brick-red hexagonal tables, of specific gravity 4.39, soluble in alcohol, ether and benzene, and in a large excess of water; in the presence of a small quantity of water, it is decomposed with formation of hydriodic acid and an insoluble basic salt of the composition 4AsOI.
They do not possess basic properties; the halogen in the chlorine compounds is readily replaced by oxygen, and the oxides produced behave like basic oxides.
Although aniline is but feebly basic, it precipitates zinc, aluminium and ferric salts, and on warming expels ammonia from its salts.
When digested for some time with a caustic alkali it is converted into a basic salt, PbCrO 4 PbO, a pigment known as "chrome red."
It melts readily, and on cooling resolidifies to a brown mass, which at moderately high temperatures gives off oxygen and leaves a residue of a basic lead salt; for this reason fused lead chromate is sometimes made use of in the analysis of organic compounds.
When it is added that Jefferson's assertions, alike as regards Hamilton's talk 3 and the intent and tendency of his political measures, were, to the extent of the underlying basic fact - but discounting Jefferson's somewhat intemperate interpretations - unquestionably true, 4 it cannot be accounted strange that Hamilton's Democratic opponents mistook his theoretic predilections for positive designs.
The precipitated indium hydroxide is converted into a basic sulphite by boiling with excess of sodium bisulphite, and then into the normal sulphite by dissolving in hot sulphurous acid.
Gum arabic is not precipitated from solution by alum, stannous chloride, sulphate or nitrate of copper, or neutral lead acetate; with basic lead acetate it forms a white jelly, with ferric chloride it yields a stiff clear gelatinoid mass, and its solutions are also precipitated by borax.
Feeling I'd have better luck searching for notes, I began to rummage through Quinn's files, hoping to find some sort of basic directions.
Dusty wasn't sure how Pierre ever made it through the Guardian basic training with his lip.
This afternoon, we're learning some basic survival shit, since it's clear you don't know any of it.
Even so, there was something else – something much more basic.
The anomaly attacks some basic Islamic principles and propagates many belief anomalies.
Even the most basic elements of 1400 years of Islamic civilization are absent from the curricula in most of the world's schools.
Work was hampered by the basic fact that the horse chestnuts were poor quality material from which to produce acetone.
Any attempt to reject its basic historicity even in matters of detail must now appear absurd.
However I have been unable to access the Basic Setup Screen to configure the Gateway to access the Internet.
Once sufficient fissile material is obtained, designing a basic nuclear warhead can be easily accomplished.
Carol Shiels Your basic assessment of the problem seems accurate.
Speaking from this vantage point, " building a human rights state " should also include these three basic acknowledgments.
It is littered with basic presentational errors such as missing or incorrect bibliographic details, spelling errors and at least five unexplained acronyms.
It is a basic text editor which does not require any adaptation of the operating system to type Arabic.
If you search for weights aerobics, basic search finds content that contains the word weights and the word aerobics.
Take the time to learn as much as you can about basic aerodynamics and the canopy in which you fly.
The basic premise of a CSC is to develop partnerships with industrial affiliates and other government agencies to benefit human space flight.
In many cases there was not sufficient basic information on crop agronomy to specify the required weather information.
As mentioned earlier, Keown also identifies ahimsa as a basic concept at the foundation of Buddhist bioethics.
Will QCA's revised criteria improve students ' mastery of basic skills and particularly algebraic techniques?
Removal by reacting with ammonia The most likely basic substance which a hydrogen ion is going to collide with is an ammonia molecule.
This is explored some more in the page on ligand exchange reactions Amphoteric hydroxides An amphoteric hydroxides An amphoteric substance has both acidic and basic properties.
The idea is to train capable school leavers in basic animal husbandry and diagnosis and treatment of the more common problems.
The Museum has a basic APC, but so far, without the winch conversion kit.
The layout of the book takes the reader through the basic requirements of successfully maintaining aquatic and semi aquatic Chelonia in captivity.
Introduction The basic assembler, as standard, does not have any support for true floating point instructions.
For navigational purposes a more basic and sturdy version was needed, and this became known as the mariner's astrolabe.
At times, it is perhaps a basic motif of Jesus' preaching rather than a particular saying that enjoys such multiple attestation.
It must be treated as the basic axiom, since soil behavior is governed by it.
Pine is no longer supported by RedHat but has been re-installed here because many people use it. balsa is the basic graphical mail handler.
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This fairly basic folder was seen on the Concept Cycling Ltd stand near the entrance.
Windows will give you a lot of popular game options, and word processing is a pretty basic option on any OS.
The prices below are just to give you a very basic idea on the costs involved.
Refuges are quite basic but they do provide cooking facilities, which we use when we can.
Also consider getting products to provide think only a. Basic membership fee cooperative itself offered bevy of consultants of america will.
Other grants will generate new insights into basic stem cell biology to increase understanding of how stem cells function.
Recommendation 3 BBSRC has a unique role in basic and enabling bioscience for bioenergy.
Although the pathway for lignin biosynthesis was outlined many years ago, important basic features are still poorly understood.
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This course explains everything you need to know about basic manual double entry bookkeeping.
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Various construction techniques including basic carpentry would also be beneficial.
Undated, it appears to be from the 1950s and has very basic cartography showing Esso service stations and parking areas.
Data recorded on site are pro- cessed to provide basic coordinates for the production of measured plans and elevations.
The most basic safety check you need to do is to make sure your garden is secure.
To provide practice in answering some basic concepts in inorganic chemistry through assessed problem sheets.
The basic recipe is medium hot but you can add whole dried chillies if you want a hot curry.
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If this was America, I'd never have opened my door but fortunately Oxford still retains some basic civility.
It's not rocket science, just basic civility.
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Also, you will need to know very basic combinatorial concepts, in particular binomial coefficients.
I think it is about collective traits, basic to all of humanity.
In-line or linked examples can be created and the Visual Basic example code is automatically colorized in the generated output.
To better understand why air temperature alone is not a valid indicator of thermal comfort, see the six basic factors.
Professional tips and ideas blend with basic common sense to covering every room in the house, top to bottom, inside and out.
No change today Today the basic concept of the zoo has remained the same.
It said it was " gravely concerned " about the absence of basic medical facilities and schools for the Roma.
A basic search for ' reinforced concrete ' brings up a big list of results, which he has a quick browse through.
The basic setup page is the only page you need to enter data on to actually get the router connected and on-line.
Curiously, however, the basic properties of these materials (band gap, elastic constants, piezoelectric constants) are not well known.
Basic dye Cationic dyes attracted to the anionic groups on, for example, acrylic copolymers.
The choice of crotchet, dotted crotchet, or minim for indications of tempo, throws the predominant grouping of the basic " pulse.
To spice up a basic dressing, try adding ground cumin, caraway seeds or paprika.
Other development programs need to integrate into health issues (preventive and basic curative) with appropriate back-up support from the medical program.
The Web site includes an online curling manual, which is split into basic and advanced techniques.
They make a huge batch of basic curry sauce at a time then use a little for each curry sauce at a time then use a little for each curry.
Further data are provided on basic elements, such as springs, dampers and rigid bodies.
The lack of this basic human decency in their comments sent alarm bell ringing in my head.
The conference showed defiance by voting in favor of linking the basic pensions with average earnings.
You could pick a nice sit down kinda place, or find a basic deli of somesort.
As the affected individual becomes more demented, less mobile and more physically disabled, they require increasing support and basic care.
Synopsis This reference should provide dental hygienists with basic nutrition principles, and applies these principles to dental hygiene practice.
Your guide to private dentistry (46 kb) Basic advice for consumers who are considering private dentistry treatment.
The basic method followed is a new variant of the classical method which allows the simultaneous derivation of the associated series results.
In addition to these tissue specificity determinants a core set of basic pathogenicity factors will be generally required for plant colonization.
Nor does the process stop with some basic items that really are absolutely determinate.
I think that if we follow some very basic and simple guidelines then we will not violate another right to self determination.
This latest version written in Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition supports the latest detonator 40.xx drivers.
Objectives Students can construct state diagrams for modeling of basic queues.
With this, she includes a discussion of what constitutes a good basic diet.
Much more to the point, given his father's early disapproval I think Darwin faced two basic options in his life.
In some cases, effective reorganization can decrease task difficulty, implying a dissociation between frontal activity and basic memory demand.
A basic, yet high performance range of air handling units for use with distribution ductwork.
Provide guidance and advice re suitability of course and advice re additional support available Eg dyslexia support and basic skills.
In addition, a tiny minority have core capital funding earmarked for adult basic skills learning.
Yet, soil is the basic medium and driver for all terrestrial ecosystems.
Basic laboratory studies have already proved very encouraging, defining some of the basic scientific features of oral tolerance.
This paper will concentrate on basic physiology of the principle endocrine glands, the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands.
Yet, over 50 years on, the basic rights enshrined in the Charter are being violated all over the world.
Practical guidance will be delivered in workshop sessions and will provide basic instruction in either Greek or Latin epigraphy.
On the other hand, I am sure that we have become increasingly estranged from the basic facts about the background of our food.
For hourly employees address three basic medicare-active membersthat excuse it is blue cross blue shield of north carolina health insurance quote the.
One of this community's basic security philosophies is, " With enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.
They are better able to meet basic needs and to deal with sudden expenses that arise, for example from illness or crop failure.
This, unfortunately, brings us to one of the book's few weaknesses in that it presupposes a basic familiarity with Buddhism.
A basic familiarity with the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge is assumed in posting.
Training should be given on what to do to a mattress that is alarming and also to carry out basic faultfinding.
This arrangement, called feudalism, became the basic political and military system of Europe for the next 400 years (see FEUDALISM ).
It is also desirable for you to be familiar with basic research methodology and some of the research literature in your chosen field.
The Thunder Hat is a basic fleece hat that keeps the ears warm in cold winds because the earflaps are made from windproof fleece.
I got the basic information about the new house correct, but really flubbed it on the location.
But such technical flummery can obscure the basic question about what it is for.
I confess that I should like to have these basic concepts in sharper focus!
There is a " Basic Training " featurette which has behind-the-scenes footage of the training the actors went through to look like special forces.
This idea is very foreign to us in our society and yet it is basic to our understanding of Scripture.
Chicken people need more foresight, and, due to their basic reckless and erratic nature, they seesaw between being rich and poor.
In my view however, the basic legal framework is still missing.
The initiative is already pushing forward the frontiers of basic science.
Grooms Cake Traditional wedding cakes were once tiered, white cakes with basic butter cream frosting with a plastic bride and groom on top.
I am happy to make available a basic discography on this site to at least plug this gap.
These are basic questions in considering gene flow from GM to conventional cultivars.
Basic concepts in equilibrium geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and redox geochemistry are covered.
To understand the course the student should know the basic ideas of Riemannian geometry.
We could say gnosis would be sort of basic information, epignosis would be full exact rich intimate knowledge.
Basic price from £ 569 All inclusive holidays to goa All inclusive goa holiday deals at the Whispering Palms Hotel in Candolim.
Students should have some basic ability in observational drawing skills and painting, but no previous experience of using gouache is required.
We start our game with our basic transformational circus grammar by placing a chair in the real space.
I've read that restaurants use an onion gravy which, I imagine, is similar to your basic curry sauce.
The basic system is a grease activated unit using a standard grease gun.
Level 1 Basic; intended to cover the essential groundwork of the subject.
We are not here to do your basic groundwork for you.
Increasing your contribution to the management team through basic group dynamics and team work.
Second, we suggest that grouping is a very basic principle.
The basic requirement from FENSA is that the insurance-backed guarantee is offered. [Top] How will the scheme work?
At the most basic level, humans need to conserve other species because they keep the planet habitable for humans.
At what point does transport and communications technology run haywire with the basic rhythms of life?
If yes answer this question with YES, both histidine side chain nitrogens in all histidine side chain nitrogens in all histidines will be treated as basic.
Any attempt to reject its basic historicity, even in matters of detail, must now appear absurd.
All are equipped with basic cooking facilities including a 2-ring hob.
In Visual Studio 6, Visual Basic was the last major holdout.
Spring cleaning Some basic housekeeping might improve your computer's performance enough to postpone the ' upgrade or replace ' decision altogether.
Areas covered include clean hospitals, hospital food, basic care services, privacy and dignity, ward housekeeping and the healing environment.
Hence psycho-dynamic psychology does not support the idea of a basic human nature.
The basic principle is that certain metals alloys absorb hydrogen to form a metal hydride.
April 2004 - Added a whole new front end to the main pages, with better looking results, despite using basic ideas.
The notes cover the basic principles of igneous petrology including magma crystallization, igneous petrology including magma crystallization, igneous textures, magmatic differentiation and the naming of igneous rocks.
Basic democratic rights are becoming incompatible with the neoliberal agenda, which thereby becomes even more illegitimate.
This functional illiteracy means that even the nuances of stories from basic tabloid newspapers are beyond the reach of many deaf adults.
It highlights the inability of the research to measure the impact of poor basic skills on industry or regional productivity.
The insensitivity of the male protagonist and his consequent inability to satisfy the basic needs of the female is thus a recurring theme.
This is basic playground psychology, and the media is nothing if not infantile.
The basic Mormon belief is one that comes out of the morning of the earth, from the most primitive and even infantile attitude.
The basic British infantryman, like his French and German contemporaries, was issued with his uniform, webbing and a rifle with bayonet.
The findings could also shed light on the basic causes of chronic inflammation.
The Trust's modern caravan is a marvel of engineering ingenuity with every basic amenity built into the construction.
Third, the skeptics often have little to gain other than their desire to defend the basic tenets of scientific inquiry.
We start with coaching the basic skill of using the instep for kicking at goal, and passing the football.
Internet marketer there are some basic things you should know about how search engines spider and index your web site.
There may be a display of basic personality traits and emotions much the same as with alcoholic intoxication.
Dr. Rubinstein takes the viewer through a range of coin sleights from basic palms to fairly intricate changes.
Types of juice extractor There are different types of juice extractor There are different types of juice machines available, ranging from basic to expensive hi-tech power juicers.
Kabuki dance form, mentioned above, maintains a basic structure of six main sections.
Devised by the Zen Nippon kendo Renmei, this features use of the bokuto to learn basic shinai kendo techniques.
All studios have their own kitchenette (fine for basic self catering) with a microwave rather than a conventional oven.
Kite Surf Wales - Learn to kite Surf Wales - Learn to Kitesurf... basic power-kite flying through to kite buggying, kite mountain-boarding and kite surfing.
The three basic options are; not to do it at all, to use spiral lacing or to use sail ties.
They have been rendered landless, homeless and denied even their most basic human rights and dignity.
Quarry or Ceramic tiles Follow the basic requirements above, using a latex leveling compound to fill the joints between the tiles.
If power was taken from the elected leadership then this affects basic democracy.
Now we can continue the sequence ` beyond infinity ' by using the basic lemma repeatedly, starting at t w.
This means that the body's basic energy needs gradually lessen.
Current status This crustose lichen grows on the trunks of mature trees with basic bark.
He also passed out a wanted poster bearing the likeness of your basic space creature.
Previous experience is not necessary, but basic computer literacy is.
Cats with buttons and/or lockets shall be judged as their basic color with no penalty for such locket and/or button.
A basic ship's log was used as a means of estimating the speed of a vessel, and so roughly calculating the longitude.
The basic sense of it is, tho, that this continues to be former regime loyalists or recruited foreign fighters.
Examples provided in Visual used machine machine shop Basic, Delphi and C++ Builder.
The professional manicurist gives some trade secrets on a basic manicure and how to maintain healthy nails.