Bases Sentence Examples
You have some access to data bases that could be helpful.
Bases of the rhinophores surrounded by a sheath; dorsal papillae tuberculated and club-shaped, in a single row on either side of the dorsum; no cnidosacs.
But they supply the bases for that general theory which, as we have seen, is indispensable in economic investigation.
The dome is the leading idea or motif in Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture; the domes are placed over square, not circular apartments, and their bases are brought to a circle by means of pendentives.
To him belongs the merit of carrying out some of the earliest determinations of the quantities by weight in which acids saturate bases and bases acids, and of arriving at the conception that those amounts of different bases which can saturate the same quantity of a particular acid are equivalent to each other.
Every pass of importance is known and recorded; every route of significance has been explored and mapped; Afghanistan has assumed a new political entity by the demarcation of a boundary; the value of Herat and of the Pamirs as bases of aggression has been assessed, and the whole intervening space of mountain and plain thoroughly examined.
That rather covers all the bases, doesn't it?
It will be seen from this statement that Peiper bases his conclusions on grounds far too narrow; and on the whole it is perhaps more probable that Boetius wrote none of the four Christian treatises, particularly as they are not ascribed to him by any of his contemporaries.
They are yellowish-red solids, which behave as weak bases, their salts undergoing hydrolytic dissociation in aqueous solution.
It must have been rebuilt almost at once, for several bases exist, inscribed Augusto sacr(um) Perusia restituta; but, as we have seen, it did not become a colony until A.D.
AdvertisementIn 1180 they were set up with their present fine capitals and bases by a Lombard engineer, Niccolo de' Barattieri.
His first research, carried out in Liebig's laboratory at Giessen, was on coal-tar, and his investigation of the organic bases in coal-gas naphtha established the nature of aniline.
Such material, it is suspected, may form the massive bases on which barrier or fringing or atoll reefs are built up.
They give the biuret and xanthoproteic reactions, and form salts with both acids and bases.
The petals are generally white or yellow, more rarely lilac or some other colour, and between the bases of the stamens are honey-glands.
AdvertisementIt is on a consideration of these factors of t that Cayley bases his solution of the quartic equation.
A minute entosternite having the above-described structure is found in the Crustacean Apus between the bases of the mandibles, and also in the Decapoda in a similar position, but in no Crustacean does it attain to any size or importance.
Between the bases of the sixth pair cf limbs and behind the prosomatic carapace is seen the tergite of the small prae-genital somite.
Between the bases of the prosomatic limbs an anterior III and a posterior sternal plate (black) are seen.
Appendages of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pairs similar in form; their basal segments in contact in the middle line and immovably welded, except those of the 3rd pair, which have been pushed aside so that the bases of the 2nd and 4th pairs are in contact with each other.
AdvertisementThe bases of the columns are either reeded or decorated with a plait-pattern; the capital has the broad channel between the volutes subdivided by a carefully-profiled incision; and the top of the shafts is ornamented by a broad band of palmette or honeysuckle pattern.
It forms double salts with metallic chlorides and with the hydrochlorides of organic bases.
Certain departmental details were despatched to South Africa to form a working nucleus for military bases, and early in September the cabinet sanctioned the despatch to Natal from India of a mixed force, 5600 strong, while two battalions were ordered to South Africa from the Mediterranean.
The triazoles behave as weak bases, the imido-hydrogen being replaceable by metal.
They are feeble bases which distil unchanged.
AdvertisementThe nitrate of this base (known as nitron) is so insoluble that nitrates may be gravimetrically estimated with its help. These bases combine with the alkyl iodides to yield quaternary ammonium salts.
Aniline and similar bases are oxidized and partially nitrated by nitroglycerin, with the production of non-explosive compounds.
These three bases of knowledge were known as the "tripod" of the empirics.
He made a resolute attempt to reconstruct medicine on the two bases of the doctrine of the circulation of the blood and the new views of chemistry.
The conveniently situated islands of Tenedos and Lemnos (the latter offering the immense landlocked haven of Mudros as an anchorage) were occupied to serve as naval bases, and on Feb.
The arrival of German submarines 3 during this month proved 3 Already a special German submarine command had been established in the Adriatic, with bases at Pola and Cattaro, and some small boats were sent thither by rail.
The newer glasses, on the other hand, contain a much wider variety of chemical constituents, the most important being the oxides of barium, magnesium, aluminium and zinc, used either with or without the addition of the bases already named in reference to the older glasses, and - among acid bodies - boric anhydride (B20 3) which replaces the silica of the older glasses to a varying extent.
The alabastra have short necks, are slightly wider at the base than at the shoulder and have rounded bases.
The plaques thus formed could be reheated and fashioned into the bases of bowls and drinking vessels.
They are the broken bases of drinking vessels containing inscriptions, emblems, domestic scenes and portraits etched in gold leaf.
The bases containing the embedded gold leaf must have been welded to the vessels to which they belonged, in the same way as the bases are welded to the Saracenic beakers.
His pages abound in symbols representing unknown functions, the form of the function being left to be ascertained by observation of facts, which he does not regard as a part of his task, or only some known properties of the undetermined function being used as bases for deduction.
Other conjectural identifications of groups of symbols with the place-names Hamath, Marash, Tyana are bases of Sayce's system.
They are neutral to litmus and do not combine with dilute acids or bases; strong bases, such as lime and baryta, yield saccharates, whilst, under certain conditions, acids and acid anhydrides may yield esters.
It seems probable that these suckers are not the true " bothria " but are developed from accessory suckers, the bases of which have disappeared almost completely.
The sulphur exists in the soil chiefly in the form of sulphates of magnesium, calcium and other metals; the phosphorus mainly as phosphates of calcium, magnesium and iron; the potash, soda and other bases as silicates and nitrates; calcium and magnesium carbonates are also common constituents of many soils.
In regard to methods and apparatus, mention should be made of his improvements in the technique of organic analysis, his plan for determining the natural alkaloids and for ascertaining the molecular weights of organic bases b y means of their chloroplatinates, his process for determining the quantity of urea in a solution - the first step towards the introduction of precise chemical methods into practical medicine - and his invention of the simple form of condenser known in every laboratory.
Among these remains are altars, and bases for statues of gods or for golden images of animals dedicated to gods.
The crude anthracene cake is purified by treatment with the higher pyridine bases, the operation being carried out in large steam-jacketed boilers.
The crystallized anthracene is then removed by a centrifugal separator and the process of solution in the pyridine bases is repeated.
They are all strong bases, readily forming salts with the mineral acids and double salts with the chlorides of gold, platinum and mercury.
They are ionized in aqueous solution to a much greater extent than ammonia, the quaternary ammonium bases being the most ionized, and the secondary bases being more strongly ionized than the primary or tertiary bases.
On the other hand, they are much weaker bases than the aliphatic amines, their salts undergoing hydrolytic dissociation in aqueous solution.
The mixed secondary amines have basic properties, but the purely aromatic secondary amines are only very feeble bases.
Prisms deflect rays of light towards their bases.
The lophophore is a simple circle in all Polyzoa except in the Phylactolaemata, where it typically has the form of a horse shoe outlined by the bases of the tentacles.
The translucid enamels of the modern school are generally associated with decorative bases.
This paved road is easily recognized as it zigzags up the hill, with treasuries and the bases of various offerings facing it on both sides.
Auric chloride combines with the hydrochlorides of many organic bases - amines, alkaloids, &c. - to form characteristic compounds.
In Byzantine times five columns, of various diameters, with no two bases of the same size, bearing Corinthian capitals, were set up about 6 ft.
On the top of this system as a foundation were set several statue bases, one bearing the signature of Lysippus, which shows that the system stood there at least as early as the 4th century B.C. Some parts of it may have been taken from older buildings, but not the cornice nor the corner metope block which formed an obtuse angle.
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended, by Sir Isaac Newton, remarkable as an attempt to construct a system on new bases, independent of the Greek chronologers.
A pair of small plates - the tegulae - are very generally present at the bases of the fore-wings.
Since 1851 it has been known that all sea-water has an alkaline reaction, and Torniie defined the alkalinity of sea-water as the amount of carbonic acid which is necessary to convert the excess of bases into normal carbonate.
This fact explains the so-called "catalytic" action of acids and bases in decomposing such compounds as the esters.
They are strong bases and form stable monacid salts.
These lines isolate certain swellings or monticuli, the largest of which is (I) the ball of the thumb, called the mountain of Venus; (2) that at the base of the index finger is the mountain of Jupiter; (3) at the root of the middle finger is the mountain of Saturn, while those at the bases of ring and little finger are respectively the mountains of the (4) Sun and (5) of Mercury.
It compelled the Allies to gigantic military efforts far from their own territory and bases, as the only means of countering the advantages Germany gained from Turkish and Bulgarian support.
Columns stood in front, whose bases still exist and bear the names of Antoninus Pius and Julia Domna.
Their bases and shafts are not finished, though the capitals and rich entablature seem completely worked.
On the other hand, when the bottom was rocky so that the piles could not be driven, they were steadied at their bases by being enveloped in a mound of loose stones, in the manner in which the foundations of piers and breakwaters are now constructed.
Attached to one side, towards the Lateran basilica, is a fine porch with two noble porphyry columns and richly carved capitals, bases and entablatures.
Metaphysics, again, is concerned with the ultimate problems of matter and spirit; it endeavours to go behind the phenomena of sense and focus its attention on the fundamental truths which are the only logical bases of natural science.
The bases of priestly power under this system are the unity of the altar, its inaccessibility to laymen and to the inferior ministers of the sanctuary, and the specific atoning functions of the blood of priestly sacrifices.
It was an octostyle, pseudo-dipteral temple of highly ornate Ionic order, built on older foundations by Hermogenes of Alabanda at the end of the 3rd century B.C. The platform has been greatly overgrown since the excavation, but many bases, capitals, and other architectural members are visible.
Such was the situation at the period when, the French having at last resolved to keep Algeria, the ordinance of the 22nd of July 1834 laid down the bases of the political and administrative organization of the " French possessions in the north of Africa," at the head of which was placed a governor-general.
The few teeth are recurved, with swollen bases.
Great importance has been attached to the determination of this frontier by some historians, who consider that it coincided with the dividing line between the Teutonic and Romance races and languages; but nothing is known of the bases upon which the negotiations were effected, and the situation created by this treaty came to an end in 879.
The Ptolemaic copper coinage is on two bases -- the uten, binarily divided, and the Ptolemaic five shekels (1050), also binarily divided.
In the early days of the Boer War (1899-1902) Stellenbosch was one of the British military bases, and was used as a "remount" camp; and in consequence of officers who had not distinguished themselves at the front being sent back to it, the expression "to be Stellenbosched" came into use; so much so, that in similar cases officers were spoken of as "` Stellenbosched" even if they were sent to some other place.
The bases of the ears behind are black, the tips buff.
Iturbide eventually combined with Guerrero, and proclaimed the " Plan of Iguala," which laid down, as the bases of the new state, the maintenance of the Roman Catholic religion and the privileges of the clergy, the establish ment of a limited monarchy, and equality of rights Emperor, for Spaniards and native-born Mexicans.
It bears a group of long setose hairs the bases of which are connected with the nerve fibre.
Here they dwell in the "raths," old earth-forts, or earthen bases of later palisaded dwellings of the Norman period, and in the subterranean houses, common also in Scotland.
Viewed from the coast, the volcanic cones seem to rise directly from the central heights of the Sierra Madre, above which they tower; but in reality their bases are, as a rule, farther south.
Such bases occur almost exclusively in the dicotyledons, generally in combination with malic, citric, tartaric or similar plant-acids.
They may be extracted by exhausting the plant-tissues with a dilute acid, and precipitating the bases with potash, soda, lime or magnesia.
The separation of the mixed bases so obtained is effected by repeated fractional crystallization, or by taking advantage of certain properties of the constituents.
This vast area, shaped like a broad-limbed V or U, with Hudson Bay in the centre, is made up chiefly of monotonous and barren Laurentian gneiss and granite; but scattered through it are important stretches of Keewatin and Huronian rocks intricately folded as synclines in the gneiss, as suggested earlier, the bases of ancient mountain ranges.
Gills folded and the filaments at summits and bases of the folds are different from the others.
Chromium sesquioxide is a basic oxide, although like alumina it acts as an acid-forming oxide towards strong bases, forming salts called chromites.
By the treaty of Vienna of the 9th of June 1815, the powers whose territories were separated or traversed by the same navigable river, undertook to regulate by common consent all that regarded its navigation, and for this purpose to name commissioners who should adopt as the bases of their proceedings the principle that the navigation of such rivers along their whole course " from the point where each of them becomes navigable to its mouth, shall be entirely free, and shall not in respect of commerce be prohibited to anyone."
The sugar farms are mostly on the islands of Hawaii, Oahu, Maui and Kauai, at the bases of mountains; those on the leeward side have the better soil, but require much more irrigating.
F, Wooden columns on existing stone bases, forming a porticus or covered walk along the top of the wall.
This test involves only changes of velocity, and so does not distinguish between two bases, each of which moves relatively to the other with uniform velocity without rotation.
By means of agglutination, that is, by adding to the bases form-words as prefixes, suffixes or infixes, the Tibetan language has developed a considerable grammatical system and is now agglutinating rather than isolating.
There were 18 cells or cubicles on each side, divided by partitions, the bases of which remain.
Thomas Young explained the parhelic circle (P) as due to reflection from the vertical faces of the long prisms and the bases of the short ones.
He took the same course soon afterwards with four other papers, two of which - "On the quantity of acids, bases and salts in different varieties of salts" and "On a new and easy method of analysing sugar," contain his discovery, regarded by him as second in importance only to the atomic theory, that certain anhydrous salts when dissolved in water cause no increase in its volume, his inference being that the "salt enters into the pores of the water."
His most important achievement was to define "salts" - a term formerly used in the most loose and indeterminate way - as the compounds formed by the union of acids and bases, and further to distinguish between neutral, basic and acid salts.
In addition to behaving as a basic oxide, aluminium oxide (or hydrate) behaves as an acid oxide towards the strong bases with the formation of aluminates.
Results Of Missions The Christian Church bases its missionary enterprise upon the spirit, the example, and the commandment of its Founder, and regards the duty as just the same whether the results be results.
The water should, however, be so used as not to run down into the sheathing bases of the leaves.
It may be prepared by the electrolysis of acidulated water, by the decomposition of water by various metals or metallic hydrides, and by the action of many metals on acids or on bases.
When prepared by the action of metals on bases, zinc or aluminium and caustic soda or caustic potash are used.
Dixon); by passing air through solutions of strong bases in the presence of such metals as do not react with the bases to liberate hydrogen; by shaking zinc amalgam with alcoholic sulphuric acid and air (M.
He bases it on the general relationship which man bears to nature as a whole; he cannot divorce the life of man from that of the universe; he cannot think of disease otherwise than as a phase of life.
The neutral esters are as a rule insoluble in water and distil unchanged; on the other hand, the acid esters are generally soluble in water, are non-volatile, and form salts with bases.
On the western side these highlands terminate with a more or less sharply defined edge, the country sloping gradually up to their bases in gentle undulations with open, ill-defined valleys; on the eastern side they send out broad spurs enclosing deep-cut valleys, and the whole country retains more of an upland character.
Two leaves are united by their bases.
They are monacid bases, which are not very stable; they readily take up the elements of water (when boiled with acids or alkalies), yielding amides and ammonia.
Danzig, Cuxhaven and Sonderburg have also been made naval bases.
Those of the upper jaw are directed upwards from their bases, so that they never enter the mouth, but pierce the skin of the face, thus resembling horns rather than teeth; they curve backwards, downwards, and finally often forwards again, almost or quite touching the forehead.
On the inner surface is a layer of peritoneal epithelium, which is frequently ciliated, and at the bases of the retractor muscles is heaped up and modified into the reproductive organs.
Drop-shaped jars with spherical bases are typical, and scrabbled patterns of incised lines.
Meath, there is a group of about thirty stone barrows or cairns, mostly chambered, their bases measuring from 5 or 6 to 60 yds.
They are readily hydrolysed by water, and combine with bases to form alkyl ureas, and with alcohols to form carbamic esters.
Most of the straths and glens have a floor of detritus which, spread out between the bases of the boundary hills, has been levelled into meadow land by the rivers and provides almost the sole arable ground in each district.
Occasionally a ridge has been carved into a series of cones united at their bases, as in the chain of the Pentland Hills.
All the means that can be used as bases for doing right' are not worth the sixteenth part of the emancipation of the heart through love.
Villiger (Be y ., 1901, 34, pp. 2679, 3612) showed that many organic compounds (ethers, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, &c.) behave towards acids, particularly the more complex acids, very much like bases and yield crystallized salts in which quadrivalent oxygen must be assumed as the basic element.
Instead of postulating matter and form, he bases existence on matter and force.
On the northern side of this terrace, between the second temple and the Cyclopean supporting wall, a long stoa or colonnade runs from east to west abutting at the west end in structures which evidently contained a well-house and waterworks; while at the eastern end of this stoa a number of chambers were erected against the hill, in front of which were placed statues and inscriptions, the bases for which are still extant.
In practice, the crude anthracene is purified by solution in the higher pyridine bases, after which treatment it is frequently sublimed.
It forms crystalline compounds with ammonia and the organic bases.
Upon this it bases a theory of predication, which, however, is compatible with more than one reading of the metaphysical import of the ideas.
Out of the massif rise two peaks, "their bases confluent at a height of 8800 ft., their summits about 7 m.
He felt that unless he could delay the enemy advance down the Natisone and Judrio valleys by more than a mere rearguard action he ran the risk of having his centre and right, and all the mass of troops in the Udine plain, cut off from his bases.
When the velocity ratio is variable, the line of contact will shift its position in the plane C1OC2, and the wheels will be cones, with eccentric or irregular bases.
Edwards (1879), which is unique in having supplementary ramified branchiae developed at the bases of the pleopods.
This bases the claim against the insurer upon a fiction, for there has been no loss of the subject insured; in fact, the payment has been for averting such a loss.
But the bases of hagiology may fairly be said to have been laid at the time when hagiographic documents, hitherto dispersed, were first brought together into collections.
For a long series of suggested bases of classification see Raoul de la Grasserie, Des Religions Comparees au Point de Vue Sociologique (1899), chap. xii.; cf.
R CH R Ciohc R They are weak bases, and the ring system is readily split by evaporation with hydrochloric acid, or by the action of reducing and oxidizing agents.
They are strong bases characterized by a quinoline-like smell.
They are strong bases.
They behave as weak bases.
It also yields crystalline compounds with many aromatic hydrocarbons and bases.
The numerous male catkins are generally arranged in dense whorls around the bases of the young shoots; the anther-scales, surmounted by a crest-like appendage, shed their abundant pollen by longitudinal slits; the two ovules at the base of the inner side of each fertile cone-scale develop into a pair of winged seeds, which drop from the opening scales when mature - as in the allied genera.
There are three known oxides of antimony, the trioxide Sb406 which is capable of combining with both acids and bases to form salts, the tetroxide Sb204 and the pentoxide Sb205.
From the great Indus series of triangles bases have been selected at intervals which have supported minor chains of triangulation reaching into the heart of the country.
The methods used in the investigations were, however, open to objection, and it is now recognized that although organic bases may sometimes be formed, and may be toxic, the important toxins are not of that nature.
Moissan, contains only a trifling amount of morphia, and the effect produced by it is apparently due, not to that alkaloid, but to such decomposition products as pyrrol, acetone and pyridine and hydropyridine bases.
In the Amphipoda, the gills though arising from the inner side of the bases of the thoracic legs are probably also epipodial in nature.
The basic constituents are removed by dilute sulphuric acid, the acid layer removed, and the bases liberated by alkali, separated, dried, and fractionally distilled.
From this he went on to socialism, which bases its militant philosophy upon this interpretation of history.
She knows that if the wings are driven with sufficient rapidity they practically convert the spaces through which they move into solid bases of support; she also knows that the body in rapid flight derives support from all the air over which it passes.
They offer little resistance to the air when they are at rest, and when in motion the speed with which they are driven is such as to ensure that the comparatively large spaces through which they travel shall practically be converted into solid bases of support.
The nature of the substituent exerts a specific influence on the reaction; thus with chlorine or bromine, ortho-semidines and the diphenyl bases are the chief products; the dimethylamino, -N(CH 3) 2, and acetamino, -NHCOCH3, groups give the diphenyl base and the para-semidine respectively.
In height it varies from about s000 ft, close to the bases of the mountain systems to less than 3000 f t.
Antlers arising at acute angles to the median line of the skull (as in the following genera), at first projecting from the plane of the forehead, and then continued upwards nearly in that plane, supported on short pedicles, and furnished with a brow-tine, never regularly forked at first division, but generally of large size, and with not less than three tines; the skull without ridges on the frontals forming the bases of the pedicles of the antlers.
For the proper and successful erection of the frame much depends upon an accurate alinement of the column bases.
The bases are either grouted with cement, or bolted to the foundations, but where cast column bases rest on masonry piers or footings any considerable grouting is not advisable.
In transferring the loads from the column bases to the bottom of the footings the greatest care must be taken in all systems of construction that the stresses throughout at no point exceed the safe limits of stress for the various materials used.
A feature of interest in connexion with the phylogeny of cycads is the presence of long hairs clothing the scale-leaves, and forming a cap on the summit of the stem-apex or attached to the bases of petioles; on some fossil cycadean plants these outgrowths have the form of scales, and are identical in structure with the ramenta (paleae) of the majority of ferns.
Syene was one of the bases used by Eratosthenes in his calculations for the measurement of the earth.
Just as the amines are derived from ammonia, so from phosphine are derived the primary, secondary and tertiary organic phosphines by the exchange of hydrogen for alkyl groups, and corresponding to the phosphonium salts there exists a series of organic phosphonium bases.
The primary phosphines are very weak bases, their salts with acids being readily decomposed by water.
They are stable towards aqueous alkalis, but on digestion with moist silver oxide yield the phosphonium hydroxides, which are stronger bases than the caustic alkalis.
Various mineral paint bases (apart from lead, zinc, baryta and kaolin) are produced in small quantities.
The eruptive prominences, called also metallic, because it is they which show at their bases a complete bright line spectrum of the metallic elements, rush upwards at speeds which it is difficult to associate with transfers of matter; the velocity often exceeds loo m.
Bases of the alkali metals give with it four series of salts; these are stable except in alkaline solutions, in which they absorb oxygen and turn brown.
In the order Stolonifera the zooids spring at intervals from branching or lamellar stolons, and are usually free from one another, except at their bases, but in some cases horizontal solenia arising at various heights from the body-wall may place the more distal portions of the zooids in communication with one another.
The siphonozooids are very numerous and lie between the bases of the pinnae on the pararachides; they extend also on the prorachidial and metarachidial surfaces.
As respects the mode of life of the Graptolites there can be little doubt that the Dendroidea were, with some exceptions, sessile or benthonic animals, their polyparies, like those of the recent Calyptoblastea, growing upwards, their bases remaining attached to the sea floor or to foreign bodies, usually fixed.
There are, therefore, four denominations, the bases for conversion of one denomination into the next being successively four (or two), twelve and twenty.
The intellectual intuition of Schelling, as above consciousness, the pure being of Hegel, as an empty abstraction, unvindicated, illegitimately assumed, and arbitrarily developed, are equally useless as bases of metaphysics.
Possibly altars of the former class were in historical times substitutes for, and rendered the same service as, the bases of the sacred images within the temples in earlier ages.
It has also feebly acidic properties, forming ferrites with strong bases.
The leaves, which were of simple form (except in Archaeocalamites, where they forked), were inserted in whorls at the nodes; they were either free from one another or cohered by their bases into a sheath.
In the three genera, Ophioglossum, Botrychium and Helminthostachys, there is an underground rhizome, from which one leaf or a few leaves with sheathing bases are produced annually; the roots arise in more or less definite relation to the insertion of the leaves.
Some ferns have a longer or shorter erect stem often clothed by the persistent bases of the leaves; in others the stem creeps on the surface of the substratum or is subterranean.
The two genera of this group, Osmunda and Todea, have thick erect stems, covered with the closely crowded leaf bases.
He distinguishes between the actual yield and the producing capacity, and bases his comparison upon the latter.
Fused bases of the tentacles.
An oblique septum which follows the bases of the tentacles and corresponds with that of the adult animal divides the body-cavity into two portions.
Louis Philippe's government was far from satisfying his desires for reform, and he persistently urged the "broadening of the bases of the monarchy," while he protested his loyalty to the dynasty.
Conscience, as the subjective expression of the presupposed identity of reason and nature in their bases, guarantees the practicability of our moral vocation.
Rothe, amongst other moral philosophers, bases his system substantially, with important departures, on Schleiermacher's.
The foundation upon which Irenaeus bases his system consists in the episcopate, the canon of the Old and New Testaments, and the rule of faith.
In Stachys the connective is expanded laterally, so as to unite the bases of the anther-lobes and bring them into a horizontal line.
If an amount of the bases sufficient to combine subsequently with the fatty acids be present, then the corresponding salts of these fatty acids are formed, such as sodium salts of fatty acids (hard soap) or potassium salts of the fatty acids (soft soap), soaps of the alkaline earth (lime soap), or soaps of the metallic oxides (zinc soap, &c.).
In the case of incrustation the whole substance of the fossilized specimen - e.g., a stem of Sigillaria - may be replaced by mineral matter, such as sandstone or shale, giving a cast of the whole, on the outer surface of which the external markings, such as the bases of leaves and the scars left by their fall, are visible in their natural form.
In Ulodendron the large circular, distichously arranged prints were supposed to have been formed by the pressure of the bases of sessile cones, though this interpretation of the scars is open to doubt, and it is now more probable that they bore deciduous vegetative branches; in the Halonial branches characteristic of the genus Lepidophloios the tubercles may perhaps mark the points of insertion of pedunculate strobili.
The spirally arranged petioles (Myeloxylon) were of great size, and their decurrent bases clothed the surface of the stem; their (From structure is closely similar to that Studies.) of recent Cycadean petioles; in FIG.
The discovery of the fossil trunks and of their rooted bases has shown that the Cordaiteae were large trees, reaching 30 metres or more in height; the lofty shaft bore a dense crown of branches, clothed with long simple leaves, spirally arranged.
The scaly ramenta which occur in abundance on the leaf-stalk bases of fossil Cycads constitute another fern-character surviving in Mesozoic Cycadales.
A number of hairy linear bracts enclose the whole; internal to these occur 12 to 20 crowded pinnate leaves (sporophylls), with their apical portions bent over towards the axis of the flower, the bases of the petioles being fused laterally into a disk surrounding the base of the conical receptacle.
The Mount Vernon beds, which occur about the middle of the series, have as yet yielded only a small number of species, though these include the most interesting early Angiosperms. Among them are recorded a Casuarina, a leaf of Sagittaria (which however, as observed by Zeiller, may belong to Smilax), two species of poplar-like leaves with remarkably cordate bases, Menispermites (possibly a water-lily) and Celastrophyllum (perhaps allied to Celastrus).
Vent others developed at their bases.
Its formula is (C6H1005)2H20, and it forms compounds with nearly all bases which are easily soluble in water.
Where the operation is simply one of fusion, as in the ironfounder's cupola, in which there is no very great change in volume in the materials on their descent to the tuyeres, the stack is nearly or quite straight-sided; but when, as is the case with the smelting of iron ores with limestone flux, a large proportion of volatile matter has to be removed in the process, a wall of varying inclination is used, so that the body of the furnace is formed of two dissimilar truncated cones, joined by their bases, the lower one passing downwards into a short, nearly cylindrical, position.
Silica is used in furnace-building in the forms of sand, ganister, a finely ground sandstone from the Coal Measures of Yorkshire, and the analogous substance known as Dinas clay, which is really nearly pure silica, containing at most about 2-1% of bases.
I also want access to data bases that might help such as Motor Vehicle registrations, crime records, outstanding warrants; that sort of thing.
We were provided with wide range of data bases allowing us to better describe various vehicles.
The nave arcades are of four bays, with octagonal shafts, molded capitals and bases, and pointed arches.
Instead, it is very weakly acidic, reacting with strong bases.
These are the bases adenosine and guanosine (A and G respectively ).
Stalin was asked that Allied air crews be allowed to use Russian air bases.
Another is hitting Japanese air bases in the Phillipines.
Acids and Bases Robert Boyle in the seventeenth century first identified substances as either acids or bases (he called bases alkalis )... .
All aliphatic primary amines are stronger bases than ammonia.
Each set of three bases, or codon, specifies a particular amino acid.
These enable any pilot, however inexperienced, to destroy the asteroids threatening the mining bases.
That the phosphate backbone was on the outside, bases on the inside.
We design all our own cakes and all of our bases are produced in our own purpose built bakery.
British troops are largely confined to their bases for fear of much higher casualties.
Are the conjugate acids richer in protons than their conjugate acids richer in protons than their conjugate bases?
In the world of content creation this means that people with narrow skills bases need to work together to create marketable content creation this means that people with narrow skills bases need to work together to create marketable content.
Between 1983 and 2001 the UK, France and Belgium underwent a contraction in their manufacturing bases.
Relations between these various power bases aren't always cordial - links are fluid and alliances temporary.
Watson and Crick used paper cutouts of the bases and metal scraps from a machine shop to come up with their own model.
The vessels have flat bases and slightly globular or almost cylindrical bodies.
There are bases for a start, fully destructible bases.
All the locality bases are accessible and have excellent changing facilities as well as specialist transport.
More specifically, these are genes where the matching cDNAs match some bases of every predicted exon.
The tunnels at the sides and the open areas in front of the bases make for frantic firefights and nerve-wracking chases.
Data bases which contain sensitive personal data shall be protected by fire walls and access passwords.
The four concrete bases for the 25 foot steel gantry can still be seen on either side of the building.
These include ancient gravestones, votive bases and stelae, and a variety of other votive objects.
Two polynucleotides running in opposite directions are linked by hydrogen bonds between the bases forming base pairs.
Bases are substances that react with acids to form a salt and water ONLY, e.g. metal hydroxides and metal oxides.
The acidic nature of the oxides All of these oxides also react with bases like sodium hydroxide solution.
Some strong bases like calcium hydroxide aren't very soluble in water.
The superiorities of British naval bases are absolutely incontestable.
The reupholstered first class seat bases / backs have been delivered, in original pattern moquette.
The spigot mortar bases were allotted to the Home Guard.
Japanese air bases not neutralized by our fast carrier strikes are in range of us here.
The kits are suitable for a typical return landing and include newels, newel bases and newel caps also supplied as halves.
But it is enough to assume that Thermidor is accomplished for the very bases of the Oppositional platform to become nonsensical.
Straight, thin, black lines of this length were now drawn from the bases of the short petioles along the hypocotyls Fig.
Compound lipids contain phosphoric acid, sugars, nitrogenous bases or proteins, and include the phospholipids, glycolipids and lipoproteins.
The ribbons are connected by rungs which are formed by two bases, one attached to each ribbon.
Spoon onto the top of the shortbread bases and then sprinkle the remaining shortbread crumbs on top.
Dispensing with the need for locking screws, Sonos sounders and sounder beacons use Time Saver bases from sister company Apollo Fire Detectors.
In DNA, pairing by bases on opposite strands of the double helix links the two strands of the double helix links the two strands.
The pillars have sturdy, wide bases, but some of the fittings are a bit less than solid.
Unlike some existing ink bases derived from natural sources this material has good heat stability and does not sublime.
Remove the baking beans and the paper and return the tartlets to the oven to dry out the bases.
The coverage is comprehensive and includes pH titrations, speciation of acids and bases, tutorials and quizes.
The stepped lower level contains a large number of chest tombs, which have been made secure with concrete bases recently.
There are calls to combine tidal and wind power and install tidal stream turbines on the bases of offshore wind turbines.
In addition to certain details in the conformation of the skull, the horns are much more slender than in the ordinary white goat, and instead of bending regularly backwards till near their tips, curve widely outwards from their bases.
Of the 33,104 farms in the state in 1900, 25,982 were farmed by their owners, 1373 by part owners, 314 by owners and tenants, 2424 by cash tenants, 2396 by share tenants, and 615 by managers; 637 farms had more than 500 acres, 3431 were between 260 and 500 acres, 5512 between 175 and 260 acres, 10,215 between 100 and 175 acres, 6513 between 50 and 100 acres, 3511 between 20 and 50 acres, and 3285 less than 20 acres; and dairy produce was the principal source of income of more than one-half of these (16,700), live stock the principal source of income of 7323 farms, and hay and grain of 2519 farms. The general sterility of the soil except along rivers and the bases of hills has made intensive cultivation always necessary, and the competition of new and rich western farm lands has made the agriculture of Vermont develop further toward specialization in dairying and raising live stock.
Recent researches have shown that the nucleic acid can be broken up by chemical means into a number of different compounds or bases.
It is now known, however, that when weak acids or bases are used, the heat of neutralization may be either greater or less than the normal value for powerful acids and bases, so that there is no proportionality, or even parallelism, between the strengths of acids and their heats of neutralization (see Solutions).
It is worthy of note that phosphorus and arsenic bases analogous to the amines are known (see Phosphorus and Arsenic).
By his researches on the migration of the white corpuscles of the blood Cohnheim, on the bases laid by Virchow, brought the processes of inflammation within the scope of the normal, seeing in them but a modification of normal processes under perturbations of relatively external incidence; even the formation of abscess was thus brought by him within the limits of perversion of processes not differing essentially from those of health; and "new formations," "plastic exudations," and other discontinuous origins of an "essential" pathology, fell into oblivion.
Again, to obviate the necessity for excessive convergence of the eyes so common in hypermetropia, the centre of the pupil should be placed outside the centre of the corrective convex lenses; these will then act as prisms with their bases inwards.
After sixteen years' absence he returned to Bokhara, and there drew up his Sahih, a collection of 7275 tested traditions, arranged in chapters so as to afford bases for a complete system of jurisprudence without the use of speculative law, the first book of its kind (see Mahommedan Law).
Farrand speaks of physical, linguistic, geographic, and cultural criteria, the first two the more exact, the latter more convenient and sometimes the only feasible bases.
His perception of the analogy between it and ammonia led to his famous work on the amines and ammonium bases and the allied organic phosphorus compounds, while his researches on rosaniline, which he first prepared in 1858, formed the first of a series of investigations on colouring matters which only ended with quinoline red in 1887.
The conclusion is that the sum of homogenous parts, which may be similar or dissimilar in external form according to their similarity or diversity of function, and the recognition of former similarities of adaptation (see below) are the true bases for the critical determination of kinship and phylogeny.
In Polyurthra and Pteroessa they are numerous, pinnated (feathered), and are doubtless used for active swimming by jerks; they can be moved up or down by special muscles attached to their bases, which project into the body.
Thus intransitive bases seem to have begun only with soft consonants, and it is doubtful whether the parent tongue possessed hard consonants at all; while transitive bases were formed by hardening of the initial consonants and at the same time pronouncing the words in a higher tone, and these two latter changes are supposed to have been indicated by a prefix to the base-word.
Ketones do not polymerize in the same way as aldehydes, but under the influence of acids and bases yield condensation products; thus acetone gives mesityl oxide, phorone and mesitylene (see below).
Among the Malacostraca some Schizopoda, the Cumacea, Tanaidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda (sometimes grouped all together as Peracarida) have a marsupium or brood-pouch formed by overlapping plates attached to the bases of some of the thoracic legs.
The;'s` scale-leaves clothing the terminal bud are " linear-lanceolate in form, and of a brown or yellow colour; they are pushed aside as the stem-axis elongates and becomes shrivelled, finally falling off, leaving projecting bases which are eventually cut off at a still lower level.
In some cases the foliage is preserved in situ; more often, however, especially in the main stem and larger branches, S.C. /,???_ A the leaves had been shed, leaving behind them their scars and persistent bases, on which the characteristic sculpturing of the Lepidodendroid surface depends.
They then move back to lay eggs in the bases of purple moor-grass stems.
Purine bases are colored red, and pyrimidine bases are colored blue.
The bases include a naval station and an RAF military airfield, and garrison troops, infantry battalion and reconnaissance squadron units.
A restriction enzyme cuts DNA when it encounters a specific sequence of bases.
Washington blamed bin Laden and retaliated with missile strikes on his alleged bases in Afghanistan and Sudan.
New rhizomes are formed in late summer or autumn from older rhizomes or from the stem bases of aerial shoots.
Two rockeries constructed using carefully placed building rubble and using old doors as bases split the garden.
A very small section of DNA showing the double helix structure linked by bases, like the rungs on a twisted ladder.
His book is excellent for " beginners " and newcomers to Advaita simply because he covers all the bases with scrupulous honesty.
The nave arcades are of four bays, with octagonal shafts, molded capitals and bases, and pointed arches of two chamfered orders.
Spigot mortar bases are often found covering roads or lying next to pill boxes.
The British bases in Cyprus played a crucial staging post role during the 1991 air strikes against Iraq.
Tavistock, like Ashburton, was one of the key stannary power bases on the outskirts of Dartmoor.
In DNA, pairing by bases on opposite strands of the double helix links the two strands.
These Norman castles gave the Normans of 1066 power bases from which they could subjugate the English population.
We are equipped to titrate solid acids using both gaseous and liquid phase bases.
The code in DNA is a triplet code; three bases code for each amino acid (three bases make up each gene).
Codon Any triplet of bases containing information, such as a coding sequence.
Thus groups may establish bases and training camps in weak ungovernable areas.
The strikes are usually carried out by US warplanes based on aircraft carriers in the Gulf or land bases in the region.
Zap the shuffling aliens, dodging their laser missiles, using the bases for cover to achieve the highest score.
Precut bases are available in stores if you don't want to make your own.
Shades, like bases and columns, can be made of a wide range of materials, including metal, cloth, stained glass, synthetic materials or some combination of these.
Speakerphone. This feature is usually standard on the bases, but more and more handsets are including the speakerphone.
The higher-end telescopes usually have strong optics, better casing and sturdier bases.
Look for units with wide, stable bases that will prevent them from tipping over during strenuous play.
As more liquors and mixes became available and mixing techniques became more sophisticated, grenadine was incorporated into a variety of drinks with different liquor bases and mixers.
From shopping to cash advances, travelling to insurance, this particular card has its bases covered.
Unless a person is quite confident in their own abilities to cover all of the bases and consider all the consequences of the issues that may come up, it may make more sense to pay for proper legal advice.
Construction spools or reels can also make great table bases.
If you are buying a dining set, make sure you browse through the umbrellas and bases to find the perfect shade accessory for your outdoor table.
Ceiling fan lights often need candelabra bases.
Solvent bases include alcohol, glycerin, and vinegar.
Add bows in winter colors to wreaths you already have, or tie bows around candle bases.
Look for a shower with a curved side quadrant base; these bases are square, but the sides are curved instead of sharp, which will help create more space.
Another idea would be to pick up some retro-looking lamps from a thrift store and use the same technique to refinish the bases and then use the same material when making the lampshades.
Wooden lamp bases can be found in numerous profiles such as ornate carved designs or boxy rectangles.
Metal lamp bases are often made of nickel, brass, chrome, steel, or wrought iron.
In terms of colors and materials, ancient Egyptian inspired design tends to be very bold and colorful, with gold, marble, ivory and many varieties of wood being the common material bases.
The circular curls are the bases for an egg as the tree climbs upward with green, yellow and white decorated eggs on each limb.
The hardware bases are made from metal with different colors and finishes.
Bare Canvas, Untitled and Stillife Paints all make great neutral bases for any shadow.
For basic shadows, I like using earth tones, like yellow, taupe, and orange bases....
Wiggle the wand from side to side to coat the bases of lashes, then pull the brush up and through the lashes.
One of the great things about MAC, however, is its range of foundation shades in all their bases.
Since Shiseido is created in Japan, lightly colored bases and powders are popular.
Many cosmetic companies sell eye shadow bases or primers.
Used to prepare the skin to absorb color and pigments evenly, these bases can lengthen wear as well as keep blending to a minimum.
Spray on makeup bases are now often used by both makeup professionals and by average women.
Spray type bases can work well for areas like back, chest, or legs to cover flaws for special occasions and look fabulous in revealing evening wear.
The lighter shades seem to wear best as bases and don't appear to last as long on their own.
Most pressed minerals bases can be used as both a foundation and concealer, but be sure to check the specific product line to see if four in one use is advocated or it is necessary to purchase the concealer and finishing powder separately.
From matte earth tones to sparking pinks and purples, Longo's designs cover all the bases!
In the 1600s, an Irish chemist, Robert Boyle, first started sorting things into two divisions, alkalies (bases) and acids.
The products come in both plain fabric bases and fully decorated embellishments.
If you observe skiers after they have completed a day on the slopes, you will notice that they are probably paying meticulous attention to the bases of their skis.
While you clean the bases with the base cleaner, heat your iron to a temperature that is just warm enough to melt the wax.
Next, use the iron to drip a dime-sized drop of wax on the bases of your skis.
Spread the wax evenly over the bases of your skis.
These grains are essential to a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet, and many can be used as meal bases instead of starchy pasta or white rice.
Soil-free mediums allow for proper moisture delivery to the seed, without the mess of traditional dirt bases.
Both of Burpee's grow kits are counter-top friendly and use soil-free grow bases.
Chia Pet kits come with iconic or silly terra cotta bases, such as Scooby Doo, the Simpsons and various farm animal shapes.
Soup is a vegetarian staple that's actually not that easy to find in stores and restaurants, since many commercial varieties are made with bases of chicken or beef broth.
Wedding tiaras or combs with black accents, black bases, or black stones can beautifully offset any color hair on your wedding day.
Wedding hair accessories like tiaras and combs with black bases can either serve to blend in with the hair or make the accessory itself stand out.
For brides with dark or black hair, tiaras and combs with black bases will blend into the hairstyle itself, allowing the details of the tiara or the accents of the comb to stand out beautifully.
For brides with lighter shades of hair, accessories with black bases can stand out and make a dramatic statement.
Review your guest list and ceremony logistics with a close friend to cover all your bases, so you can ensure each and every loved one will enjoy your wedding day as much as you hope to.
Though we've had to place our mass roll-outs on hold, we do create certain conversion pieces on a custom bases.
Playing for the Birmingham Barons, he batted .202, had 3 home-runs, 51 RBIs, and 30 stolen bases.
Take care of it well and it should cover the bases for a long time to come.
Readily increased by cuttings or portions of the root-stock, the bases of the stems being furnished with rootlets.
They are very large, bright rose with the claws or bases of the petals white.
It is stouter and has a more profuse matted network of fibres round the bases of the leaves; the segments of the leaves are much broader, and the leaf-stalks shorter and stouter, being from 1 to 2 feet long, and quite unarmed.
They've sold millions and millions of records, played live in front of some of the largest audiences ever assembled and have one of the most devoted, passionate fan bases in the history of contemporary music.
Electric basses - The store caries a wide range of electric bases including basses by Fender, Warwick, Music Man, Peavey and more.
Closed cabinet bases conceal electronics, DVDs or board games.
Some settings and bracelet bases have floral accents in various accent colors.
A kombucha culture is fermented with assorted tea bases, vinegar, sugar, and water to create a beverage.
There are usually a lot of bases to cover in a good speech, but there are certain things to look out for that will improve any retirement speech, regardless of whether the speaker is a natural or not.
Photochromic lenses adjust their level of darkness bases on the amount of UV light they're exposed to.
All of our brands are individually developed and have their specific traits and customer bases.
You guys really have all the bases covered.