Barrier Sentence Examples
Only one barrier remained between them.
He broke the barrier between them and touched her face.
They formed a barrier against all intrusion.
Difficulty of communication was still a barrier, and technology was still highly limited.
And the more imbued he became with that principle of love, the more he renounced life and the more completely he destroyed that dreadful barrier which--in the absence of such love-- stands between life and death.
Shut off from the adjacent Indian Ocean by its mountain barrier, the drainage of the country is westward to the distant Atlantic. As its name implies, the chief rivers rise in Mont aux Sources.
Off the Queensland coast the shelf broadens, its outer edge being lined by the seaward face of the Great Barrier Reef.
He waited for the barrier before him to lift and then strode out.
With the exception of the extreme north (Commagene), which is shut off by a barrier of hills and belongs to foreign hydrographic systems, the whole country is roughly a gable-shaped plateau, falling north and south from a medial ridge, which crosses Syria at about its central point.
His newfound power had broken whatever barrier the Watcher put between them.
AdvertisementThis second barrier is one of the most mighty upheavals in the world, by reason both of its extent and its altitude.
It forms part of the long line of islands which are interposed as a protective barrier between the Asiatic coast and the outer Pacific, and is the cause of the immunity from typhoons enjoyed by the ports of China from Amoy to the Yellow Sea.
Owing to the high barrier which shuts off almost all Syria from the sea, and precipitates vapours mainly on the western slope, little of the land is highly productive without irrigation, except the narrow littoral strip which was the ancient Phoenicia, and the small deltas, such as that of Latakia (Laodicea).
The country to the west of this natural barrier may be divided geographically into three districts - northern, central and southern Albania.
The Mediterranean, however, has apparently been a barrier to the southward passage of the arcto-alpine flora which is totally wanting on the Atlas.
AdvertisementIn the case of land and fresh-water organisms the sea is the chief barrier; in the case of marine organisms, the land.
But so far from this being the case a very definite barrier is interposed.
The first of these canals, taken off on the right bank of the river a little below Hit, followed the extreme skirt of the alluvium the whole way to the Persian Gulf near Basra, and thus formed an outer barrier, strengthened at intervals with watch-towers and fortified posts, to protect the cultivated land of the Sawad against the incursions of the desert Arabs.
His death prevented the achievement of his designs; but he had broken down the barrier, he had planted the seed of the Greek's influence in the four quarters of the Persian Empire.
Barrier reefs are rare; fringing reefs are numerous, except on the east side, which is nearly free, and there are many small isolated reefs and volcanic banks among the islands.
AdvertisementAt the eastern extremity of the Coastal Plain Region an outer coast line is formed by a chain of long narrow barrier beaches from which project capes Hatteras, Lookout and Fear, whose outlying shoals are known for their dangers to navigation.
This is similar to some free casual online games, but the need for a download can be a barrier to entry.
After passing the mangrove limits, the ground to the east gradually rises till it becomes mountainous, even to the banks of the rivers, and finally culminates in the grand natural barrier dividing Burma from Siam.
The Amphibia, to which the sea is a barrier, are almost exclusively of Australian affinities.
The surveys and reports of Captain Moresby in 1874 brought home to Queensland (and Australia generally) the dangers possible to her commerce were the coasts opposite to Torres Strait and the entrance to the splendid waterway inside the Barrier Reef to fall into the possession of a foreign power.
AdvertisementMany waterfalls descend the hill-sides, the best known being the Reichenbach and the Alpbach, while the great gorge pierced by the Aar through the limestone barrier of the Kirchet is remarkable.
The Housatonic, in portions placid, in others wild and rapid, winding along the deflecting barrier of the Hoosac Hills, is the most beautiful river of the state, despite the mercantile use of its water-power.
The political history of North America till 1763 is mainly the story of the pressure of the English colonies on this paper barrier.
It is supplied by the tidaland wind-formed currents, which are drifting sand from the Long Island and New Jersey coasts, extending the barrier beaches, such as Sandy Hook, out across the entrance to New York Bay.
The importation of stoats and weasels, ferrets and cats has resulted in a process of extermination which has already made it necessary to set aside the islets Resolution, Kapiti and Little Barrier as sanctuaries.
For a century the Appalachians were a barrier to the westward expansion of the English colonies; the continuity of the system, the bewildering multiplicity of its succeeding ridges, the tortuous courses and roughness of its transverse passes, a heavy forest and dense undergrowth all conspired to hold the settlers on the seaward-sloping plateaus and coastal plains.
In especial he vindicates the propriety of resistance to kingly oppression or misrule, upholds the existence of an hereditary nobility interested in their country's good as the firmest barrier against such oppression, and maintains the authority of parliaments.
It lies between Siam and the Bay of Bengal, enclosed by mountains on three sides, viz., the main chain of the Bilauktaung on the east, rising in places to 5000 feet, which, with its densely wooded spurs, forms an almost impassable barrier, between British and Siamese territory; the Nwahlabo in the centre, which takes its name from its loftiest peak (5000 ft.); and a third.
Lithuania and the Ruthenian Palatinates continued to be incorporated with Russia as the Western Provinces and were divided from the Congress Kingdom by a customs barrier till the reign of -Nicholas I.
The customs barrier between Lithuania and the former Congress Kingdom was removed, in the hope that the influence of Russia would spread more easily over Poland.
After the assassination of Buckingham in 1628 the barrier between the married pair was broken down, and the bond of affection which from that moment united them was never loosened.
His adventurous life, his forcible character, the position of his state as a barrier between the Indian and the Russian empires, and the skill with which he held the balance in dealing with them, combined to make him a prominent figure in contemporary Asiatic politics and will mark his reign as an epoch in the history of Afghanistan.
After passing Lanchow-fu, the capital of this province, the river takes an immense sweep to the north and north-east, until it encounters the rugged barrier ranges that here run north and south through the provinces of Shansi and Chihli.
Here the broad distinction has been drawn between volcanic and coral islands; but this requires amplification, both because the coral islands follow more than one type, and because the work of corals is in many cases associated with the volcanic islands in the form of fringing or barrier reefs.
Chhattisgarh, or "the thirty-six forts," is a low-lying plain, enclosed on every side by hills and forests, while a rocky barrier shuts it off from the Nagpur plain on the west.
The Pacific ranges, standing transverse to the course of the prevailing westerlies near the Pacific Ocean, are of the greatest importance in this respect; it is largely by reason of the barrier that they form that the tempering effects of the Pacific winds are felt for so short a distance inland in winter, and that the heat centre is displaced in summer so far towards the western coast.
The barrier was originally formed of a number of long square wooden spars which could be readily handled by one man, being inclined slightly - from the vertical and placed close together for shutting the weir; but panels of wood or sheetiron closing the space between adjacent frames and sliding in grooves at the sides, and rolling-up curtains ?
Proceeding from the deserts of Turkestan, the Seljuks reached the Hellespont; but this barrier was crossed and a European power founded by the Ottomans (Osmanli).
This victory removed the only barrier that, checked the progress of the Mongols.
Barrier and fringing reefs, as well as atolls, occur in the group, but the channels between the islands are dangerous chiefly from the strong currents which set through them.
At the same time he admits, firstly, that to mark the barrier between unconscious and conscious is difficult; secondly, that it is impossible to trace the first beginning of consciousness in the lower animals; and, thirdly, that " however certain we are of the fact of this natural evolution of consciousness, we are, unfortunately, not yet in a position to enter more deeply into the question " (Riddle of the Universe, 191).
Spinozism, however, though it tramples down the barrier between body and soul, is not yet metaphysical idealism, because it does not reduce extension to thought, but only says that the same substance is at once extended and thinking - a position more akin to materialism.
The north-east barrier was pierced by underground passages (katavothra) which carried off the overflow from Copais.
The growth of national kingdoms, the anti-clerical tendencies of the emancipated middle classes, the competition of lay imperialisms, and all the other elements of resistance which had been encountered by the papacy in its progress and had at first tended only to shackle it, now presented an insurmountable barrier.
Among the loftier elevations in advance of this southern barrier the most conspicuous is the Zobten (2356 ft.).
Its great elevation causes the climate to be rather arctic than tropical, so that there is no gradual blending of the climates and physical conditions of India and Tibet, such as would tend to promote intercourse between the inhabitants of these neighbouring regions; on the contrary, there are sharp lines of demarcation, in a mountain barrier which is scalable at only a few points, and in the social aspects and conditions of life on either side.
This valley, however, is not only fortunate in possessing a noble artificial lake, but is protected by the massive walls of the Nagpathar range or Serpent rock, which forms a barrier against the sand.
The dunes form the great natural barrier against the sea behind which the province lies secure.
At any rate, Charles led various expeditions against the invaders, and tried to put a barrier in their way by having fortified bridges built over all the rivers.
A few defiles pass through this barrier to the other side of the north Greek watershed.
The Alps, however, do not present so continuous a barrier as the Himalayas, the Andes or even the Pyrenees.
Principal Passes.-Though the Alps form a barrier they have never formed an impassable barrier, since, from the earliest days onwards, they have been traversed first, perhaps, for purposes of war or commerce, and later by pilgrims, students and tourists.
In fact, one quarter of the whole kingdom, consisting of the provinces of North and South Holland, the western portion of Utrecht as far as the Vaart Rhine, Zeeland, except the southern part of ZeelandFlanders, and the north-west part of North Brabant, lies below the Amsterdam zero; and altogether 38% of the country, or all that part lying west of a line drawn through Groningen, Utrecht and Antwerp, lies within one metre above the Amsterdam zero and would be submerged if the sea broke down the barrier of dunes and dikes.
At last, after long negotiations, exhaustion compelled the French king to sign the peace of Ryswick in 1697, in which William was recognized by France as king of England, the Dutch obtaining a favourable commercial treaty, and the right to garrison the Netherland barrier towns.
In 1701 he elbowed the Dutch troops out of the barrier towns; he defied England by recognizing James III.
But they were compelled to abandon all claim to the Spanish Netherlands, which were formally handed over to the United Provinces, as trustees, to be by them, after the conclusion of a satisfactory barrier treaty, given up to the emperor, of European politics.
This step led in 1743 to their being involved in the War of the Austrian Succession, and thus being drawn into hostilities with France, which invaded the barrier country.
The French captured all the barrier towns, and in 1747 entered Dutch Flanders and made an easy conquest.
James Armstrong, and he captured the Barrier Forts near Canton.
If the membrane is of some impermeable substance, like gold leaf, the hyphae cannot dissolve its way through, but the tip finds the most minute pore and traverses the barrier by means of it, as it does a stoma on a leaf, We may hence conclude that a parasitic hyphae pierces some plants or their stomata and refuses to enter others, because in the former case there are chemotropically attractive substances present which are absent from the latter, or are there replaced by repellent poisonous or protective substances such as enzymes or antitoxins.
But it was the achievement of Wailer alone, in 1828, to break down the barrier held to exist between organic and inorganic chemistry by artificially preparing urea, one of those substances which up to that time it had been thought could only be produced through the agency of "vital force."
Several of the Latin cities, including Tibur and Praeneste, were situated on the terrace-like underfalls of these mountains, 2 while Cora, Norba and Setia were placed in like manner on the slopes of the Volscian mountains (Monti Lepini), a rugged and lofty limestone range, which runs parallel to the main mass of the Apennines, being separated from them, however, by the valley of the Trerus (Sacco), and forms a continuous barrier from there to Terra.cina.
The commercial harbour is separated from the harbour for warships (Orlogshavn) by a barrier.
Some lines of the Roman poet inform us that he heard a voice proceeding from a sacred grove, "Break off all delays, Alaric. This very year thou shalt force the Alpine barrier of Italy; thou shalt penetrate to the city."
Yet such was the dread of The France and the enfeebled state of the country that Holland retained the privilege, which had been con- Nether- ceded to her during the war, of garrisoning the principal fortresses or Barrier towns, on the French frontier, and her right to close the navigation on the Scheldt was again ratified by a European treaty.
Finding the United Provinces hampered by a war with England, he seized the opportunity to try to get rid of the impediments placed upon Belgian development by the Barrier and other treaties with Holland.
He was able to compel the Dutch to withdraw their garrisons from the Barrier towns, but was wholly unsuccessful in his high-handed attempt to free the navigation of the Scheldt.
The advantage of this arrangement was that it left all hands free to fight, a barrier could be formed with the oars and yards, and the enemy's chance of making use of his superior numbers to attack on both sides would be, as far as possible, limited - a great point when all fighting was with the sword, or with such feeble missile weapons as bows and javelins.
The latter had formed up his army between Heppignies and St Amand in what was then considered an ideal position; a double barrier of marshy brooks was in front, each flank rested on a village, and the space between, open upland, fitted his army exactly.
On the south-west they lose themselves in the sandy desert of Registan, which wraps itself round the plain of Kandahar, and forms another impassable barrier.
The exact limits of the ancient Aralo-Caspian sea are not yet settled, except in the north-west, where the Ergeni Hills of Astrakhan constitute an unmistakable barrier.
It has nothing in common with the Mediterranean climate of southern Europe, Germany being separated from that region by the lofty barrier of the Alps.
In the interior only Spandau, Custrin, Magdeburg, Ingolstadt and Ulm were maintained as defensive supporting points, and similarly on the Rhine, which was formerly studded with fortresses from Basel to Emmerich, the defences were limited to New Breisach, Germersheim, Mainz, Cohlenz, Cologne and Wesel, all of a barrier character and not organized specially as centres of activity for field armies.
For a moment, indeed, Metternich had meditated taking advantage of the popular feeling to throw the weight of Austria into the scale in favour of the Poles, and thus, by re-establishing a Polish kingdom under Austrian influence, to restore the barrier between the two empires which the partition of Poland had destroyed.
On the whole, setting aside the impassable barrier between Greek and Phoenician, other distinctions of race within the island were breaking down through the spread of the Hellenic element, but among the Greek cities themselves the distinction between the Dorian and the Ionian or Chalcidian settlements was still keenly felt.
The western region has no natural barrier for many hqndreds of miles; it is part of the vast Sahara.
Or the stream by cutting into another stream (piracy), but cutting through a barrier near its head waters, by entering a region of looser or softer rock; and by glacial drainage, may form a flood plain simply by filling up its valley (alluviation only).
They lie within a coral barrier reef, and in the south the islands are of coral, but in the north of volcanic rocks.
A second Barrier Treaty was signed between Great Britain and Holland on 29th of January 1713, by which the strong places designed for the barrier were reduced to Furnes, the fort of Knocke, Ypres, Menin, Tournai, Mons, Charleroi and the citadel of Ghent, and certain fortresses in the neighbourhood of that city and of Bruges; Great Britain undertaking to obtain the right for the Dutch to garrison them from the future sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands.
A third Barrier Treaty was signed in November 1715.
The friendship of Goethe and Schiller, of which their correspondence is a priceless record, had its limitations; it was purely intellectual in character, a certain barrier of personal reserve being maintained to the last.
The former is of no use for irrigation, except in the immediate neighbourhood of its banks, and is a barrier to cross which involves the labour of a considerable ascent at any point except its most northern section.
These narrow limits (called Wakhan) include the lofty spurs of the northern flank of the Hindu Kush, an impassable barrier at this point, where the glacial passes reach 19,000 ft.
It has been said that the declared object of this policy had been to maintain the independence and integrity of Afghanistan, to secure the friendly alliance of its ruler, and thus to interpose a great barrier of mountainous country between the expanding power of Russia in Central Asia and the British dominion in India.
On the north-east, those offshoots, under the name of the Naga and Patkoi mountains, &c., form a barrier between the civilized districts of Assam and the wild tribes of Upper Burma.
Though now pierced by road and railway, they stood in former times as a barrier of mountain and jungle between northern and southern India, and formed one of the main obstructions to welding the whole into an empire.
Across this mountain barrier there appears to be a constant flow of air, more active in the day-time than at night, northwards to the arid plateau of Tibet.
At the foot of the great mountain barrier, and separating it from the more ancient land which now forms the highlands of the peninsula, a broad plain, for the most part alluvial, stretches from sea to sea.
This plateau is swept by the south-west monsoon, but not until it has surmounted the western barrier of the Ghats; and hence the rainfall is, as a rule, light at Poona and places similarly situated under the lee of the range, and but moderate over the more easterly parts of the plateau.
It entered the Ross Sea too late to make a landing, and after wintering in Sydney returned in 1911-2, when a landing was effected on the Barrier in the Bay of Whales on Jan.
Land, and thus forming the southern boundary of the great flat Barrier surface, which apparently did not extend far beyond lat.
Evans broke down on the Barrier and was only rescued by the heroic exertions of his companions.
Two small depots of provisions were afterwards laid out on the Barrier ice as a base for land parties while the ship sought for winter quarters; but Capt.
Aeneas Mackintosh, brought an auxiliary expedition to lay out depots on the Barrier to facilitate the latter part of Shackleton's march from the Weddell Sea via the South Pole.
Between Russia and Turkey it interposed, in effect,a barrier of independent (Rumania, Servia) and quasi-independent (Bulgaria) states, erected with the counsel and consent of collective Europe.
The barrier that separated the Arabs from the conquered nations begins to crumble away.
Shen-si is divided into two parts by a barrier of mountains, consisting of the Fu-niu Shan and the Tsingling Shan, which attain elevations of over I i,000 ft., and run across the southern portion of the province from east to west.
It is assumed that some kind of land barrier separated these two provinces.
By the 33rd article of the treaty of Paris (1856) this convention, annexed to the final act, was given "the same force and validity as if it formed part thereof," Palmerston declaring in the House of Commons (May 6) that it had "placed a barrier between Russia and the north of Europe."
Velia up to the low cliffs of the Esquiline, and in another it laid waste the Aventine, the Forum Boarium and Velabrum till it reached the Tiber and the solid barrier of the Servian wall.
Coral formations are abundant; immense reefs, both barrier and fringing, skirt both coasts, often enclosing wide channels between the reef and the land.
Behind this barrier the whole country is elevated 2000 ft.
In 1697 the Barrier Act was passed, which provides that any act which is to be binding on the church is to come before the assembly as an overture and to be transmitted to presbyteries for their approval.
With the advent of the Normans, William the Conqueror, with the object of placing a firm feudal barrier between Wales and the earldom of Mercia, erected three palatine counties along the Cymric frontier.
The Andes, however, present an unbroken barrier on the east, except at a few points in the south where the general elevation is not over 5000 to 6000 ft., and where some of the Chilean rivers, as the Palena and Las Heras, have their sources on its eastern side.
The climate of northern and central Chile is profoundly affected by the high mountain barrier on the eastern frontier and by the broad treeless pampas of Argentina, which raise the easterly moisture-laden winds from the Atlantic to so high an elevation that they sweep across Chile without leaving a drop of rain.
These conditions subsist with but few modifications, if any, from the Straits northward to the 42nd parallel, the extreme humidity, abnormal rainfall and dark skies being unfavourable to the development of insect life, while the Andes interpose an impassable barrier to migration from the countries of the eastern coast.
Verses 15-17 are the indirect abstract of the speech's argument, but in verses 18-21 the apostle, carried away by the thought and barrier of the moment as he dictates to his amanuensis, forgets the original situation.
For purposes of defence the rank and file merely carried a light hide-covered shield; which the infantry, in shooting, planted before them as a sort of barrier against the enemys missiles.
Gardiner says the Instrument was "the first of hundreds of written constitutions which have since spread over the world, of which the American is the most conspicuous example, in which a barrier is set up against the entire predominance of any one set of official persons, by attributing strictly limited functions to each."
These treaty states, as they were called, were intended to serve Treat States double purpose; they would be a barrier protecting the colony from the inroads of hostile tribes, and they would enable native civilized nations to grow up (under the tutelage of the missionaries) strong enough to protect themselves from the encroachments of the whites.
The Jesuits, who aspired to be the source of all scholarship and criticism, perceived that the writings and authority of Scaliger were the most formidable barrier to their claims. It was the day of conversions.
These two channels carry the rush of mountain streams from the western slopes of the massif right across the axis of the mountains and through the intervening barrier of minor ridges to the plains of the Indus.
This is the land of the Brahui, and the flat wall of its frontier limestone barrier is one of the most remarkable features in the configuration of the whole line of Indian borderland.
The one known as the Bottomless Pit was for many years a barrier to all further exploration, but it is now crossed by a wooden bridge.
The general result of their investigations has been to prove that the o f India, Murtagh range, as it trends south-eastwards and finally forms a continuous mountain barrier together with the Karakoram, is the true water-divide west of the Tibetan plateau.
In this case the deep water round the Dogger Bank acts as a barrier to the emigration of the small plaice from the shores.
The river formed an unfordable barrier and also a useful means of communication.
From the Gomal river southward commences the true Suliman system, presenting an impenetrable barrier between the plains of the Indus and Afghanistan.
About one-eighth of the area consists of tidal marsh, lying chiefly between the long sandy ridges or barrier beaches of the Atlantic coast and the mainland.
They occupy a large area in the western districts of New South Wales, where a projection from the Archean plateau of central Australia crosses into the state from South Australia; it is best exposed in the Barrier Ranges around Broken Hill.
The explorations landward were, however, not so successful, and for many years the Blue Mountains, which rise a few miles back from Sydney, formed an impenetrable barrier to the progress of colonization.
The two great aims he had in view were to prevent the establishment of Russia on the Bosporus and of France on the Nile, and he regarded the maintenance of the authority of the Porte as the chief barrier against both these aggressions.
But if the literary side of humanism has been a barrier to the progress of scientific history, the discovery and elucidation of texts first made that progress possible.
A second barrier treaty between England and the United Provinces was signed on the 30th of January 1713, and a third treaty signed at Antwerp on the 15th of November 1715 clinched the matter.
Except where crossed by these routes the Elburz forms an almost impassable barrier to the south.
But the last barrier has yet to be passed, the Pongo de Manseriche, 3 m.
When the retort is to be charged, an iron stop or barrier is placed in the lower mouthpiece, and the door closed.
The shoot is placed in the upper mouthpiece, and the stop or door, which retains the coal in the chamber, is released; the coal is then discharged into the retort, and rushing down the incline, is arrested by the barrier, and banks up, forming a continuous backing to the coal following.
For the withdrawal of the residual coke at the end of the carbonization, the lower mouthpiece door is opened, the barrier removed and the coke in the lower part of the retort is "` tickled" or gently stirred with an iron rod to overcome a slight adhesion to the retort; the entire mass then readily discharges itself.
He created in those highlands a strongly fortified frontier, which, if his successors had been capable, should have proved an effective barrier against the invasions of the Seljuk Turks.
Three roads lead to Athens from the Boeotian frontier over the intervening mountain barrier - the easternmost over Parnes, from Delium and Oropus by Decelea, which was the usual route of the invading Lacedaemonians during the Peloponnesian War; the westernmost over Cithaeron, by the pass of Dryoscephalae, or the "Oakheads," leading from Thebes by Plataea to Eleusis, and so to Athens, which we hear of in connexion with the battle of Plataea, and with the escape of the Plataeans at the time of the siege of that city in the Peloponnesian War; the third, midway between the two, by the pass of Phyle, near the summit of which, on a rugged height overlooking the Athenian plain, is the fort occupied by Thrasybulus in the days of the Thirty Tyrants.
The black coral (Antipathes abies), formerly abundant in the Persian Gulf, and for which India is the chief market, has a wide distribution and grows to a considerable height and thickness in the tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.
On the north coast the houses are not built on piles; the walls, of bamboo or palm branches, are very low, and the projecting roof nearly reaches the ground; a barrier at the entrance keeps out pigs and dogs.
Across this barrier the old road from Kabul to India ran before the Khyber Pass was adopted as the main route.
It was Demosthenes who went to Byzantium, brought the estranged city back to the Athenian alliance, and snatched it from the hands of Philip. It was Demosthenes who, when Philip had already seized Elatea, hurried to Thebes, who by his passionate appeal gained one last chance, the only possible chance, for Greek freedom, who broke down the barrier of an inveterate jealousy, who brought Thebans to fight beside Athenians, and who thus won at the eleventh hour a victory for the spirit of loyal union which took away at least one bitterness from the unspeakable calamity of Chaeronea.
At Galway Bay the mountain barrier is broken, where the great central plain strikes down to the sea as it does on the east coast north of Dublin.
The camp was almost unapproachable from the west by reason of the precipitous hillsides and Valley Creek, a small stream flowing northward at their base into the Schuylkill river which afforded a barrier on the north; on the east a series of intrenchments and rifle-pits were built.
Richelieu obtained Alsace, Breisach and the forest-towns on the Rhine; while in the north, thanks to the Dutch and owing to the conquest of Artois, marshals de la Meilleraye, de Chtillon and de Brz forced the barrier, of the Netherlands.
Lastly, to come to the bottom of the social scale, there were the common people, taxable at will, subject to the arbitrary and burdensome forced labor of the corve, cut off by an impassable barrier from the privileged classes whom they hated.
For them the right to work had been asserted, among others by Turgot, as a natural right opposed to the caprices of the arbitrary and selfish aristocracy of the corporations, and a breach had been made in the tyranny of the masters which had endeavoured to set a barrier to the astonishing outburst of industrial force which was destined to characterize the coming age.
The Kebbi flows west, and soon after leaving Tuburi passes through a rocky barrier marked by a series of rapids and a fall at Lata of 165 ft.
The only insuperable barrier to a barragania was the previous marriage with the blessing, the full religious marriage, of the woman to another man.
In this way a barrier was erected between the Christians of Nubia and those of Abyssinia.
On the arrival of his successor, Pietro Doria, with reinforcements, they appeared off the Lido, the outer barrier of the lagoon of Venice, in July, and in August they entered on a combined naval and military attack on the city, in combination with the Carrarese and the Hungarians.
The barrier here approaches close to the mainland, and the position facilitated the co-operation of the Genoese with the Carrarese and Hungarians, but Chioggia is distant from Venice, which could only be reached along the canals across the lagoon.
There was an innate immunity at the mucosal barrier.
This reiterates the fact that, beyond the time barrier, the children are quite safe.
The upper deck five sailing vessels barrier reef aquatic dioramas.
Addressing These Challenges Do such challenges provide an insurmountable barrier to deployment?
In the game, it looks like an invisible barrier.
It also creates a physical barrier between the teeth to protect them from further damage.
Elan researchers have recently shown for the first time that certain monoclonal antibodies can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Today not only was he introduced to wet weather racing, but he also had an introduction to a crash barrier.
Even more importantly it also acts as a vapor barrier preventing condensation forming and steel rusting from within the inside.
The east side of the island has the barrier reef as a back drop and is a mere stone's throw from the island.
The barrier reef, which is 185 miles long, is the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.
However, the organizational difficulties that often beset engineering projects may be a barrier to the idea of open source.
However, Badger have broken the price barrier in a big way with their new oval brolly, so what's the catch?
Ipratropium bromide does not penetrate the blood brain barrier.
Using shrub species to act as a barrier between wood and roadside (holly, hawthorn, hazel, dog rose, buckthorn ).
On a macro-scale the new bullring has gone a long way to creating the ' barrier free ' city envisaged by the City Council.
North West Island - the largest coral cay on the Great Barrier Reef, covering an area of 91 hectares.
Interceed absorbable adhesion barrier is composed of oxidized regenerated cellulose.
The leftist elite obviously fears an armed citizenry, which is, of course, the sole barrier to tyranny.
Fresh Start rapidly removes these toxic chemicals and minerals and contains a natural colloid which coats the fish with a protective barrier.
They would be advised to use barrier methods (Eg condoms with spermicidal creams) instead.
You should always have the necessary barrier contraception handy, ie condoms.
Condoms are barrier contraceptives made from latex rubber or a very thin plastic called polyurethane.
It should also be noted that having a criminal record or unspent convictions is not an automatic barrier to becoming a custody visitor.
Page 13 1 [Inuyasha passes through a crackling barrier.] FX barrier crackle Inuyasha!
Color imbalance The main barrier to recycling glass is the shortage of clear cullet collected in the UK.
Conventional cotton undergarments absorb moisture and the cotton fibers swell which closes up fabric pores forming a barrier against water vapor diffusion.
As the water dries from the skin it draws out natural lipids which maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier and cause dryness.
The barrier phenotype of the brain endothelium is induced and maintained by chemical factors released by brain cells, particularly perivascular astrocytic end feet.
Integrated fares using the Oyster card would be extended to rail services, cutting ticket office and ticket barrier queues and reducing fare evasion.
Jacksons fencing is a market leader in gate and barrier automation, utilizing the latest technologies to satisfy domestic and commercial security applications alike.
You can buy anything for agility from jumps to barrier fencing, training books to wooly fleeces.
These considerations at present impose a rather formidable barrier to new investment.
The paper finds that the main barrier to employment is the widening skills gap.
This type of arrangement is found in the kidney glomerulus, where the basal lamina acts as a permeability barrier or sieve.
This surface coat is a monolayer of five million variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) dimers that form a macromolecular diffusion barrier.
A barrier method of contraception should be used while taking griseofulvin and for at least 7 days afterward.
By the time Editors arrived on stage Fibbers was full, with the array of young aspiring groupies hugging the stage barrier.
The lorry was caught by a gust of wind and blown through a barrier at the side of the bridge.
It will not allow a firm handhold to be gained, and so provides an effective barrier.
A barrier of prickly hedge may be all the protection you need around your property.
Further to the left the cliff becomes more hospitable with the odd barrier of overhangs and smooth wall thrown in to add spice.
Prof Luke O'Neill provided a keynote talk on the functioning of innate immunity at the mucosal barrier.
Portable and personal, they pose a virtually impenetrable barrier to fraud.
To prevent infection, a physical barrier should be applied to ulcerated lesions to prevent contamination.
Barbiturates readily cross the placental barrier and are distributed throughout fetal tissues with highest concentrations in placenta, fetal liver and brain.
The barrier of presentational markup Presentational HTML can wreak havoc.
The cyano substituent also reduces the barrier height 3-2 ' from 5.3 to 0.3 kcal mol -1.
Intact skin provides an effective barrier to invasion by pathogenic organisms - it is an important part of the body's external defense mechanisms.
There is existing overcapacity which will act as a barrier to entry.
This may be because of the problems with possible damp penetration from a horizontal barrier in the cavity wall.
Provides a fully waterproof secondary barrier to moisture penetration.
My best plaice weighed 3 lbs 15 ozs - just short of the magic 4 lbs barrier.
The tracks stopped with no ceremony or barrier beyond a thick plank of wood nailed to two posts in the ground.
Read the preface... Miss England II, the legendary British powerboat, was the first speedboat to cross the 100mph barrier.
At a stroke MVNO could remove the absolute barrier to entry arising from the finite available radio spectrum.
One report indicates that a simian retrovirus akin to HIV has crossed the species barrier to human hunters.
The optimist sailors dutifully paddled out through the shark barrier, drifted about on the tide for an hour and then paddled back in.
Soon after the barrier was built, plants began to grow on the former seashore.
Two areas of exposed vegetated shingle occur at the extremes of the barrier.
A naked singularity, by contrast, has no such protective barrier.
Sharp 903 3G Phone Review - three megapixel snapper The three-megapixel barrier has finally been breached courtesy of the Sharp 903.
There is now a barrier at the East end of Railroad Wood with hard standing for a very few cars.
Although the Hunter was the first aircraft to fly supersonic, the P1 was the first to break the sound barrier in level flight.
The grant will pay for the installation of flat and cradle swings and a swing barrier.
We also cross the Antarctic Convergence, a biological barrier where cold polar waters sink beneath the warmer waters of the more Temperate Zones.
Over ST in fence at bottom of field, thru scrub, thru barrier then downhill along L edge of field.
This can be prevented by installing moisture barrier beneath the roofing tiles.
A twin axle trailer up to 3m in length A hire van A car that is unable to fit under height barrier.
But breach the pain barrier and you experience something almost transcendental.
If using a foil underlay on concrete there is no need to lay a plastic film moisture barrier first.
Pit ponies, pulling wagons along rails, transported these items to the end of the barrier.
They were all put into an enclosure, and a barrier of hazel wand defied further molestation.
Used in combination with fleece material to provide a completely windproof, waterproof barrier with the added advantage of condensation management.
Hugh Taylor was the other angler to break the 13lb barrier taking again a personal best zander weighing 13lb 8oz.
I felt as before that I loved God, that my mind embraced and accepted that ideal of justice, tenderness and holiness which I had never doubted, but with which I had never held direct communion, and now at last I felt that this communion was consummated, as though an invincible barrier had been broken down between the source of infinite light and the smouldering fire of my heart.
During the War of Independence the movement to create another state beyond the Alleghanies was revived, and a petition (1776) for the establishment of " Westsylvania" was presented to Congress, on the ground that the mountains made an almost impassable barrier on the east.
The shores of the larger islands are fringed in some parts with a dense barrier of mangroves, backed by an often impenetrable thicket of tropical undergrowth, which, as the ridges are ascended, give place to taller trees and deep green bushes which are covered with orchids and trailing moss (orchilla), and from which creepers hang down interlacing the vegetation.
For Russian ambition the barrier was a formidable one, but it did not entirely preclude possibilities of expansion in a more or less remote future.
The highest summits create serious obstructions to the movements of nearly three-fourths of the mass of the air resting on this part of the earth, and of nearly the whole of the moisture it contains; the average height of the entire chain is such as to make it an almost absolute barrier to one-half of the air and three-fourths of the moisture; while the lower ranges also produce important atmospheric effects, one-fourth of the air and one-half of the watery vapour it carries with it lying below 9000 ft.
When, then, on the 10th of June 1810, the prince's body was conveyed to Stockholm, and Fersen, in his official capacity as Riksnzarskalk, received it at the barrier and led the funeral cortege into the city, his fine carriage and his splendid robes seemed to the people an open derision of the general grief.
The mining laws of the colonial regime and political disorder together raised a barrier to the employment of the large amount of capital needed, while the frequent outbreaks of civil war made it impossible to work any large enterprise because of its interference with labour and the free use of ports and roads.
Dingli, the Crown advocate, who was the interpreter of the law, and largely its maker, as well as the principal depository of local knowledge, able to prevent the preferment of rivals, and to countenance the barrier which difference of language created between governors and governed.
He argued that the best way to keep the Turk from Poland was for Austria to incorporate Hungary, in which case the Austrian dominion would be a strong and permanent barrier against a Mussulman invasion of Europe.
The weir is raised by admitting water from the upper pool into a wedge-shaped space left below the sector when it is lowered in the drum, which by its pressure lifts the sector out of the drum, forming a barrier, 7 ft.
Early cars tried to be faster and faster, to break the 60 mph barrier.
Barrier H is applied as a spray directly onto the plants and destroys ragwort at all stages of growth.
Once diamond is formed, therefore, it cannot reconvert back to graphite because the barrier is too high.
He reiterates the fact that beyond the time barrier, the children are quite safe.
In the last four years, we 've been able to offer local channels, which has removed the last barrier for many consumers.
The finance side to furthering my studies has been a major barrier and I am very resentful of that fact.
Even retired secretaries canât jump this barrier without help.
This was significant in that infectivity of spleen tissue with BSE agent could be shown once the species barrier had been passed.
We also cross the Antarctic Convergence, a biological barrier where cold polar waters sink beneath the warmer waters of the more temperate zones.
Tryptophan breaches the blood-brain barrier and is necessary for the production of the 'feel-good ' brain chemical serotonin.
In this case the originally purely imaginary impedance of the undersized waveguide obtained a real part and the barrier was annihilated.
The Director of Personnel said the Crime Fighting Fund was a barrier to workforce modernisation and was untenable in the long term.
Ultimately, a baby needs the best barrier between his soft skin and his irritating byproducts.
The bolster is there to provide a barrier between your fingers and the knife edge.
Silicone cleaners can seep into the finish and create a barrier that won't allow a stain or lacquer to bond with the furniture, making it impossible to refinish or touch-up.
Polishes are recommended because they contain detergents, which clean dirt from the furniture, emulsifiers which give the furniture body and mineral oil, which acts as a barrier to dirt and moisture.
This tissue lines all of the body cavities and is important barrier against bacteria entering the body.
If you're pregnant or nursing, avoid goldenseal, since it is unknown whether it crosses the placental barrier or is excreted in breast milk.
This line will form the bottom barrier for the stencils.
These ingenious textiles are designed to cover or partially cover furniture to create texture, interest and color, or even just to offer a protective barrier where children and animals use the furniture too.
Titanium Dioxide, a mineral that resists absorption, so it forms a protective barrier over your skin to block out UV rays and environmental pollutants.
Use a barrier cream or lotion on your knuckles, knees, ankles, etc. so the tan doesn't turn out too dark there.
The company claims that these crystals essentially overlap each other when applied, forming a protective barrier while still allowing the skin to breathe.
Binders and fillers fluff up traditional cosmetics and add yet another barrier between natural pigments and the skin.
Available at drugstores world wide, this German beauty staple will provide a thick barrier of protection that will have skin glowing come morning, without the risk of breakouts.
Due to the language barrier facing most Americans attempting to book a vacation in Europe, online services offering complete Europe ski packages are often the best way to plan your overseas ski trip.
Parents are very overprotective at times when you are a young teen, and so breaking through the family barrier is important.
Very often the crisis onset creates negative coping behavior creating personal or psychological barrier issues for the individual and the family.
Just like with the hands and arms, crossed legs and feet are an indication that a barrier is being created and a person is trying to protect himself.
In the summer, these same draperies will act as a barrier to reduce or prevent heat gain.
As movies and television evolved and expanded, a few Native Americans broke through the invisible barrier and were featured prominently on film.
They absorb perspiration and reduce foot odor, and they provide a barrier of comfort between shoes and skin.
Down is an excellent insulator, creating a barrier between the warmth inside the jacket (produced by the body), and the cold air circulating outdoors during the winter months.
Before making the reservation, it's good to ask how high the barrier on the balcony is and also if the door has a lock that children cannot reach.
Because this language barrier exists, it is important to limit commands to one or two words at the most.
Create a barrier around new plants with a toilet paper roll or a collar cut from a plastic bottle.
Mulch provides an extra barrier on top of the soil.
When added on top of landscape fabric, rubber mulch creates a barrier that's almost impervious to weed seeds.
Rubber mulch prevents sunlight from touching the weed seeds and also creates an unfriendly barrier for searching weed roots looking to retain a foothold.
Water hits the barrier formed by the pine needles, preventing it from gouging grooves or channels into the earth.
You can choose insulation that already has a vapor barrier on one side, or you can create your own vapor barrier by laying sheets of plastic down where you will eventually lay the insulation.
Don't purchase insulation with a vapor barrier for this second layer.
It may also be necessary to install a moisture barrier under the new floor to protect it from cupping.
Each length has a nailing tab at the top and an interlocking piece at the bottom that allows you to hook panels together to create a protective barrier.
This layer will act as a moisture barrier, will make your floor warmer and more comfortable.
You'll also want to determine how to handle the joints of the vapor barrier strips.
Some people opt to weather windows with a plastic barrier that blocks drafts and windblown rain.
Some windows are also double-paned, providing an additional insulating vacuum barrier.
For stronger moisture control and an added insulation barrier, consider applying window and door insulation tape around the window so it covers the nailing fin completely.
While dust mites cannot be eradicated, they can be controlled by using a barrier between you and the dust mites.
You can also use lava rock to surround the garden as a physical barrier that slugs find it difficult to move through.
Timberwolf's dry food is protected by an oxygen barrier designed to prevent oxidation.
The inserts are primarily responsible for absorbing the fluids produced by babies and toddlers; covers act as the waterproof barrier that prevents fluids from leaking.
You can purchase floating row covers to protect your plants by placing them under a squash bug-proof barrier.
Although much of the fashion industry seems to solely focus on women who are a size eight or under, famous plus size models have broken through this weighty barrier to inspire millions of women who don't fit into the size six mold.
PreCip® technology produces a textile with a barrier technology that prevents large water molecules from passing through the fabric, but allows small molecules, like skin moisture, to be absorbed.
This practical joke can be done in several different ways, but the most effective is to keep your barrier in the lower two feet of the doorway.
Most people don't pay attention to where their feet are going, so they'll be surprised when they stumble over the barrier.
Remember that other newcomers to the senior center's scene may also be shy; if you get past this barrier you are likely to find a new community bursting with fun activities for you to participate in.
Age is not a barrier to living a fruitful and satisfying life.
Once the disease achieves the second stage, passing the blood brain barrier, confusion, sleep problems and fatigue become more pronounced.
Then, it crosses the blood to brain barrier, entering the central nervous system.
The parasite has entered the central nervous system by crossing over the blood to brain barrier.
The problem here is that the drug also needs to be able to cross the blood to brain barrier in order to reach the parasite and kill it.
Insulation and a vapor barrier are also required in a stone or concrete cellar that uses a cooling system.
Sleeping pads provide a barrier between the ground and your tent and are water resistant.
This acts as a protective barrier to stomach acids.
The condom is a barrier that prevents sperm from entering a woman's uterus.
The outside layer of skin normally forms a protective barrier that prevents infection; when the barrier fails, the child may develop a rash in the area covered by the diaper.
Barrier ointments can be valuable to treat rashes.
As an alternative, landscaping fabric or another barrier can be placed over poison ivy, oak, or sumac to kill the plants and prevent future growth.
Barrier methods include male condom and female condom, diaphragm, and cervical cap.
Spermicides work best when they are used at the same time as a barrier method.
Barrier protection will not, however, prevent the spread of wart-causing HPV to uncovered areas such as the pubis and upper thighs.
Barrier creams and such protective clothing as gloves, masks, and long-sleeved shirts are coping devices to reduce the chance of contact dermatitis when avoidance is impossible, though they are not always effective.
If avoidance is difficult, barrier creams and protective clothing can be tried.
Because CMV can cross the placental barrier, initial infection in a pregnant woman can lead to infection of the developing baby.
In other cases, transmission may occur during pregnancy, if the infectious agent can cross the placental barrier, and it may occur during breastfeeding, if the infectious agent can be found in breast milk.
Use of a barrier method of contraceptive (e.g. condom) can prevent transmission of some sexually transmitted infections during intercourse.
Children whose native language is not English may not receive appropriate education due to their language barrier.
The innate immune system is made up of the skin (which acts as a barrier to prevent organisms from entering the body); white blood cells called phagocytes; a system of proteins called the complement system; and chemicals called interferons.
If delivery cannot be delayed, the mother may be given a steroid hormone, similar to a natural substance produced in the body, which crosses the barrier of the placenta and helps the fetal lungs to produce surfactant.
The third generation drugs, cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, ceftriaxone, and others, cross the blood-brain barrier and may be used to treat meningitis and encephalitis.
Levodopa can cross the blood-brain barrier that protects the brain.
These antibodies cross the placental barrier, but not all types are transmitted equally.
After the skin has dried, the patient should apply a skin lubricant to seal moisture in the skin and create a barrier against further dryness or irritation.
One of the great advantages to taking hip hop classes is that there is no real barrier to entry in terms of equipment.
Healthy green sprouts eventually grow through the wax barrier.
Two sheaths are present on the outside of the follicle serving as a protective barrier.
This can create a very complicated barrier between parent and child because it is difficult to gauge the overall success of the child's progress on a day-to-day basis when one is isolated from the subject matter.
By the time a student has completed the third level, he will have learned the language basics to navigate in Latin American countries without too much of a language barrier.
If you're trying not to get pregnant, either avoid intercourse entirely during your fertile period, or use a barrier method like a condom or diaphragm.
Your doctor will probably suggest that you keep taking your pills but also use condoms, a diaphragm, or another barrier method.
Use a barrier method, like a condom, to protect yourself.
In any of these cases, protect yourself by using a barrier method of birth control.
It works by thickening the cervical secretions, which then acts as a barrier against sperm entering the female reproductive tract.
In light of this, women are explicitly advised to use a barrier method of contraception, such as condoms, at any time when a risk medication may be taken.
Condoms are possibly the most well-known barrier method.
Besides condoms, you could also use other barrier methods of birth control.
Barrier methods often cost less than hormone options.
Another thing to consider about barrier methods is that they require you to be comfortable touching your own genitals.