Barrage Sentence Examples
At this point a barrage is built across the river.
The buildings blocked the sun, and the barrage of sensations overwhelmed her.
The old man opened the door with a barrage of questions, allowing Dean no chance to escape the interrogation.
Each barrage was provided with locks to pass Nile boats 160 by 28 ft.
He returned to his rocker, sipped his beer and began to patiently answer the barrage of Fred's questions about his day's activities.
Assiut stands near the west bank of the Nile across which, just below the town, is a barrage, completed in 1902, consisting of an open weir, 2733 ft.
During the summer of 1898 the Rosetta barrage was worked under a pressure of 14 ft.
The barrage rests entirely on the alluvial bed of the Nile.
He was barely persuaded from ordering the barrage to be built with stone from the pyramids!
The barrage is the greatest, but by no means the only important masonry work in Lower Egypt.
AdvertisementThere being at its head no weir across the Nile, the water in the Ibrahimia canal used to rise and fall with that of the river, and so the supply was apt to run short during the hottest months, as was the case with the canals of Lower Egypt before the barrage was built.
It unleashed an artillery barrage of paper on the staff rooms of England.
A 10-mile tidal barrage has been proposed for the Severn estuary from the west of Cardiff to Somerset.
The second of our unsigned events focus's on the non-stop barrage of rock bands coming out of Britain in 2004.
The barrage failed to cut the enemy wire and deep dugouts protected German troops.
AdvertisementApproaching the coastline they were suddenly coned in searchlights and caught in a barrage of very accurate flak.
I only heard it because there had been a momentary lull in the barrage from the big guns.
The proposed Severn Barrage has sluices to allow water to enter the storage basin behind the dam.
Slept all morning thro ' terrific barrage of our guns supporting 151 Bde.
On a night out whether they're facing a barrage of paparazzi or not!
AdvertisementIf you asked a fellow Christian single a barrage of moral and ethical questions on the first date, this could easily be perceived as bombastic and even rude.
A barrage of rumors hit the press, some blaming Lopez for the split with others placing responsibility squarely on the shoulders of Anthony.
Unfortunately, contrary to what seems like a barrage of praise, the game is far from perfect.
Life is hard enough for little ones to acclimate to without a barrage of ever-changing rules.
Electronics companies continue to release a steady barrage of mini stereo systems and radio clocks for public consumption.
AdvertisementA detoxification fasting diet is said to halt the barrage of dietary toxins while supporting your natural detoxification system using fruit and vegetable juices and, sometimes, herbal teas.
This " barrage scheme " was discussed at considerable length, and its theoretical advantages were not universally admitted.
At the western end of the barrage begins the Ibrahimia canal, the feeder of the Bahr Yusuf, the largest irrigation canal of Egypt.
The barrage at the head of the Nile delta, and the regulating sluices across the Nile at Assiut and Esna in Upper Egypt below Assuan, are examples of draw-door weirs, with their numerous openings closed by sluice-gates sliding on free rollers, which control the discharge of water from the river for irrigation.
The heads of the existing old canals, taken out of the river at intervals throughout the delta, were to be closed, and the canals themselves all put into connexion with the three high-level trunk lines taken from above the barrage.
As originally designed, the flooring of the barrage from up-stream to downstream face was 111.50 ft.
The western, or Behera, canal was thoroughly cleared out and remodelled; and thus the whole delta irrigation was supplied from above the barrage.
The outlay on the barrage between 1883 and 1891 amounted to about £460,000.
Since 1890 the barrage has done its duty without accident, but a work of such vast importance to Lower Egypt required to be placed beyond all risk.
He projected a railway to the Sudan, and also the reparation of the barrage.
A barrage could supply much of South Wales and the West Country, but would dramatically alter the local environment.
In the field opposite to us close to Bablake playing field, there used to be barrage balloon based.
They advanced behind a creeping barrage - a curtain of falling shells which crept forward just ahead of them.
Some in the group are strong enough to withstand the continuous barrage, dishing it back or just ignoring the stupid, vicious taunts.
Between the two of them, they keep up a relentless barrage of badinage.
Imagine the effect of a sustained barrage of this ferocity on even a lightly manned trench.
German bombers passed through the balloon barrage at Billingham.
The barrage traps high water creating a head of water, like a hydroelectric dam.
That barrage had yet to unfold in its full ferocity.
Not so for DJ Sam Seed, who played his set of fabulous full-on funky hip-hop under a barrage of some stunningly gormless heckling.
This barrage of quantitative performance indicators makes the whole educational process measurable, calculable.
He rushed to open a third story window after listening to hours of droning monotone on the Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill.
In the meantime German artillery kept up their relentless barrage on allied positions.
As he well expected, he then came under a barrage of abuse, and was swaggering about, reveling in the attention.
Even though the units flew off shelves, Sony received a barrage of complaints of units shipping with defects.
This game is basic, but with its barrage of cuteness and support, Count It Out will get your kid counting to 20 in no time.
Second, truly, when you have multi distractions, the TYPE of learning changes -- too many studies indicate that a quiet place of studying, without a barrage of distractions is much better for internalizing and really understanding concepts.
Using these, Dante can leap into the air and rain a barrage of bullets down on his opponents, all the while keeping himself airborne with the blasts of his pistols.
A great game that receives little press or little hype goes hidden in the barrage of other blockbuster titles and gets swept away into gaming heaven.
The cerebellum sends out electrical signals to modify movements as they progress, "sculpting" the barrage of voluntary commands into a tightly controlled, constantly evolving pattern.
When you're courting, you're both careful not to get too irritable with each other, or nag, or issue a barrage of personal complaints over a nice dinner out.
This barrage of sensations can over-stimulate the empath and even manifest as erratic behavior.
In the hospital, not only will anorexics be given proper alimentation (by tube if they refuse to eat by mouth), but a barrage of tests will be done to assess the damage that has been done to the body.
Even in his quiet moments, Paul set was a constant barrage of rhythm.
Starting at 1500 hours on 14 Aug the Germans conducted a 10 min mortar barrage on the Russian held wood.
The barrage will be made from a series of huge caissons (concrete blocks that are common in underwater construction ).
Surely ' Country Classics ' does a better job of venting your spleen than a barrage of tuneless indie dirge.
There is a seemingly never ending barrage of new reality shows, and they all seem to find an audience.
The crossing of the narrow defile over the canal between Inchy and Moeuvres was carried out according to programme, thanks in large measure to the intensity of the barrage covering the operation.
The Habra barrage holds 38,000,000 cubic metres; that on the Sig 18,000,000.
The task of constructing this great work was committed to Mougel Bey, a French engineer of ability, who designed and constructed the great barrage across the two branches of the Nile at the apex of the delta, about 1 2 m.
An essential part of the barrage project was the three canals, taking their water from just above it, as shown in fig.
They soon resolved that it would be very much better if the original scheme of using the barrage could be carried out, and after a careful examination of the work they were satisfied that this could be done.
The Assiut weir is constructed on a design very similar to that of the barrage in Barrage.
On July 18th 1917, a heavy artillery barrage was launched at the German lines.
The experiment was repeated year after year till 1867, when the barrage cracked right across from foundation to top. A massive coffer-dam was then erected, covering the eleven arches nearest the crack; but the work was never trusted again, nor the water-surface raised more than about 3 ft.
The so-called Esna barrage across the Nile (built 1906-1908) is 30 m.
Thus the whole system broke down, the barrage was pronounced a failure, and attention was turned to watering Lower Egypt by a system of gigantic pumps, to raise the water from the river and discharge it into a system of shallow surface-canals, at an annual cost of about £250,000, while the cost of the pumps was estimated at £700,000.
To render the basin lands of the Kena province independent of the flood being bad or good, another barrage was built across the Nile at Esna at a cost of £i,000,000.
In 1847 Mehemet Ali laid the foundation stone of the great barrage across the Nile at the beginning of the Delta.
Definite orders had been given both by Cadorna and by Capello that immediately upon the opening of the enemy's bombardment the Italian artillery should reply with a fire of " counter-preparation " upon the enemy's trenches and zones of concentration, and that they should lay down a violent barrage as soon as there were signs of movement.
Remains of Christian churches were disclosed by the thorough exploration carried out in1895-1896in view of the Barrage scheme, under the direction of Captain Lyons.
Mougel's barrage, as it may now be seen, is a very imposing and stately work.