Barium enema Sentence Examples
At that time he was interested in the then relatively new technique of the double contrast barium enema.
The rectal balloon catheter used for barium enema can very rarely cause perforation.
They will consist of some form of endoscopic examination (either sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy ), often followed by a barium enema radiological examination.
If complete colonoscopy is not feasible, flexible sigmoidoscopy followed by a double-contrast barium enema is an acceptable alternative.
Sometimes a lighted, flexible fiber optic instrument (sigmoidoscope) may be inserted rectally in conjunction with a barium enema to visualize the bowel.
In infants, a barium enema may reverse intussusception in 50-90 percent of cases.
It may be necessary to do more invasive tests, such as a barium enema or upper GI series, if the obstruction is mechanical.
In such cases a barium enema should always be done first.
Diagnostic tests may include stool or blood tests, hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema.
When symptoms continue even after treatment or to rule out the presence of other illnesses with similar symptoms, the diagnostic evaluation may include blood tests, a hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema.
AdvertisementThe diagnosis is confirmed by a barium enema x ray, which shows a picture of the bowel.