Barbs Sentence Examples
Regardless, Clarissa's sugar coated barbs hit their mark all too often.
Meanwhile, the two executives traded barbs, with Ballmer taking the first jab.
The sternum has no keel, and ossifies from lateral and paired centres only; the axes of the scapula and cora.coid have the same general direction; certain of the cranial bones have characters very unlike those possessed by the next order - the vomer, for example, being broad posteriorly and generally intervening between the basisphenoidal rostrum and the palatals and pterygoids; the barbs of the feathers are disconnected; there is no syrinx or inferior larynx; and the diaphragm is better developed than in other birds.'
In this the feathers of the top of the head are very singular, looking like glossy curled shavings of black horn or whalebone, the effect being due to the dilatation of the shaft and its coalescence with the consolidated barbs.
Some grass seeds have small barbs or hooks which make removal difficult.
Pliers Use them for flattening the barbs on hooks.
Tools barbless hooks Barbless hooks or hooks with the barbs pinched are easiest to remove.
Over the years there has been some debate to whether green tiger barbs are dyed.
He's taken a stand and stuck to his message, ignoring the cruel barbs of cynical hipsters.
He could see another smaller hook with sharp pointed barbs imbedded in his leader's cheek.
AdvertisementThe tiny splinter barbs do no impair the penetration of the hook and alleviates damage to the fish when removing the hook.
Barbless hooks / micro barbless hooks / micro barbs ONLY Please report any breaking of the rules or problem s to the bailiff immediately.
The barbs possess further branches called the barbules, and adjacent barbules are attached to one another by hooks which stiffen the vane.
My assembled tank included discus, paradise fish, guppies, a Siamese fighter and a gang of tiger barbs.
Alternatively, the barbs can be removed using fencing pliers.
AdvertisementHe concisely cites (p. 238) no fewer than eight other characters of more or less value as peculiar to the Carinate Division, the first of which is that the feathers have their barbs furnished with hooks, in consequence of which the barbs, including those of the wing-quills, cling closely together; while among the rest may be mentioned the position of the furcula and coracoids, 4 which keep the wing-bones apart; the limitation of the number of the lumbar vertebra to fifteen, and of the carpals to two; as well as the divergent direction of the iliac bones - the corresponding characters peculiar to the Ratite Division being the disconnected condition of the barbs of the feathers, through the absence of any hooks whereby they might cohere; the non-existence of the furcula, and the coalescence of the coracoids with the scapulae (or, as he expressed it, the extension of the scapulae to supply the place of the coracoids, which he thought were wanting); the lumbar vertebrae being twenty and the carpals three in number; and the parallelism of the iliac bones.
The homely terseness of his style, his abounding humour - rough, cheery and playful, but irresistible in its simplicity, and occasionally displaying sudden and dangerous barbs of satire - his avoidance of dogmatic subtleties, his noble advocacy of practical righteousness, his bold and open denunciation of the oppression practised by the powerful, his scathing diatribes against ecclesiastical hypocrisy, the transparent honesty of his fervent zeal, tempered by sagacious moderation - these are the qualities which not only rendered his influence so paramount in his lifetime, but have transmitted his memory to posterity as perhaps that of the one among his contemporaries most worthy of our interest and admiration.
While all have a general resemblance in the serrated edges of the bill and many other characters, Momotus has the normal number of twelve rectrices, while the rest have only ten, which in Hylomanes have the ordinary configuration, but in adult examples of all the others the shaft of the median pair is devoid of barbs for the space of about an inch a little above the extremity, so as to produce a spatulate appearance, such as is afforded by certain humming-birds known as "racquet-tails" (see HUMMING-BIRD), kingfishers of the genus Tanysiptera (see KINGFISHER), and parrots of the group Prioniturus.
During mating, the barbs on a male cat's penis actually stimulate the cat's ovaries to begin releasing eggs.
Ryan and Brian Dunkelman traded barbs and jokes during the entire first season of the talent show.
AdvertisementThe duo did speak openly about their relationship and often exchanged barbs on Kimmel's show Jimmy Kimmel Live.
What was supposed to be a basic promotional interview broke down into an exchange of catty insults and barbs between the two women.
Not only are the barbs at Jessica mean, they're outright rude.
In a detraction from her normal foot-in-mouth barbs regarding movies like Knocked Up and shows like Grey's Anatomy, that made her career, Heigl's comments about her early Grey's departure were rather subdued.
Jellyfish venom is delivered by barbs called nematocysts, which are located on the creature's tentacles and penetrate the skin of people who brush up against them.
AdvertisementThe right notes included the homage to their history and Katherine's memories of their many confrontations, barbs and bad blood.
The barbs are used to interlock the fibers as the needles are pushed and pulled through them.
Felting is a process that uses heat, moisture, and friction or, in the case of needle felting, just friction, to open the scales so that they will interlock and act as barbs, making felt.
By the time the reunion rolled around the cast was ready to confront the fallout of the conflicts on the show as well as barbs traded in the interim between Gretchen and Tamra on the internet.
The implements found in the relic bed under it were axe-heads of stone, with their haftings of stag's horn and wood; a flint saw, set in a handle of fir wood and fastened with asphalt; flint flakes and arrow-heads; harpoons of stag's horn with barbs; awls, needles, chisels, fish-hooks and other implements of bone; a comb of yew wood 5 in.
The plumage, which clothes the whole body, generally consists of small scale-like feathers, many of them consisting only of a simple shaft without the development of barbs; but several of the species have the head decorated with long cirrhous tufts, and in some the tail-quills, which are very numerous, are also long.'
When feathered or provided with secondary barbs the setae will respond to movements or vibrations in the surrounding water, and have been supposed to have an auditory function.
Maui slew monsters, invented barbs for fish-hooks, frequently adopted the form of various birds, acted as Prometheus Purphoros the fire-stealer, drew a whole island up from the bottom of the deep; he was a great sorcerer and magician.
It has been alleged that these horses were Barbs from Morocco, but a still more likely theory is that they existed only in name, and never reached either England or Scotland.