Baptized Sentence Examples
Edward, prince of Wales, was born on the 13th of October 1453 and baptized by Waynflete the next day.
Baptized on the 25th of February 1806, in the same year Neander went to Halle to study divinity.
About 722 he visited Hesse and Thuringia, won over some chieftains, and converted and baptized great numbers of the heathen.
The cathedral occupies the site of the wooden church in which King Edwin was baptized by Paulinus on Easter Day 627.
Wallis Budge, to whom the present writer owes his information, was shown the stream in which their last christ had been baptized.
Perhaps they merely rejected the idea that the numen or divine grace can be confined by priestly consecration in water and by mere washing be imparted to persons baptized.
Therefore, let them not be baptized in a font.
The validity of heretical baptism was denied by the church of Asia Minor as well as of Africa; but the practice of the Roman Church was to admit without second baptism heretics who had been baptized with the name of Christ, or of the Holy Trinity.
The church of Preshute, largely rebuilt, but preserving its Norman pillars, has a curious piscina, and a black basalt font of great size dating from 1100-1150, in which according to a very old tradition King John was baptized.
Seeking out Nonnus, she overcame his canonical scruples by her tears of genuine penitence, was baptized, and, disguising herself in the garb of a male penitent, retired to a grotto on the Mount of Olives, where she died after three years of strict penance.
AdvertisementPope Liberius baptized him in 360; three years later the news of the death of the emperor Julian came to Rome, and Christians felt relieved from a great dread.
Vladimir, prince of Kiev, conquered Chersonesus (Korsun) before being baptized there, and restored it to the Greeks on marrying (988) the princess Anna.
Among its principal buildings are the church of St Andrew (Andreaskirche), which contains numerous monuments of the counts of Mansfeld; the church of St Peter and St Paul (Peter-Paulkirche), containing the font in which Luther was baptized; the royal gymnasium (classical school), founded by Luther shortly before his death in 1546; and the hospital.
In conditional baptism the Latins, since about the year 1227, use the formula, " If thou art not baptized, then do I baptize thee," &c. The Latins further insist on a strict observance of the traditional matter and form.
None are to partake of it save those who have been "baptized in the name of the Lord" (an expression which is of interest in a document which prescribes the threefold formula).
AdvertisementThe story of his having baptized Constantine is pure fiction, as almost contemporary evidence shows the emperor to have received this rite near Nicomedia at the hands of Eusebius, bishop of that city.
The Engrians, together with the Eastphalians and the Westphalians who dwelt on either side of them, made a formal submission and many of them were baptized; but about the same time some Frankish troops met with a serious reverse at Liibbecke near Minden.
The work of conversion was renewed, and an important event took place in 785 when Widukind, assured of his personal safety, surrendered and was baptized at Attigny together with many of his companions.
In the inner apartment the principal object was the baptismal font (KoXv Ai * pa, or piscina), in which those to be baptized were immersed thrice.
Baptisteries belong to a period of the church when great numbers of adult catechumens were baptized, and when immersion was the rule.
AdvertisementEducated there in a missionary school, he was baptized on the 11th of December 1825.
Constantine, recognizing the growing strength of the Church and wishing to enlist the loyal support of the Christians, treated them with increasing favour, and finally was baptized upon his death-bed (337).
Thus there grew up the sacrament of penance, which secured for those already baptized the forgiveness of post-baptismal sins.
Charles was baptized by St Rigobert, bishop of Reims. At the death of his father in 714, Pippin's widow Plectrude claimed the government in Austrasia and Neustria in the name of her grandchildren, and had Charles thrown into prison.
Nor was it enough that the person baptized should himself enter the water; the baptizer must pour it over his head, so that it run down his person.
AdvertisementIt was in the waters of the Dnieper opposite the town that Prince Vladimir, the first saint of the Russian church, caused his people to be baptized (988), and Kiev became the seat of the first Christian church, of the first Christian school, and of the first library in Russia.
The whole population of Garz was then baptized, and Absalon laid the foundations of twelve churches in the isle of Rugen.
It is baptized and feted and mourned for like a human being at its death.
But let no one eat or drink of your Thanksgiving (Eucharist), but they who have been baptized into the name of the Lord; for concerning this the Lord hath said, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs.'
The Baptized alone are admitted to this Supper, and they only after confession of their sins.
He seemed momentarily to approach the doctrinal position of the Baptists, but by his statement, "I will be baptized only into the primitive Christian faith," by his iconoclastic preaching and his editorial conduct of The 'Christian Baptist (1823-1830), and by the tone of his able debates with Paedobaptists, he soon incurred the disfavour of the Redstone Association of Baptist churches in western Pennsylvania, and in 1823 his followers transferred their membership to the Mahoning Association of Baptist churches in eastern Ohio, only to break absolutely with the Baptists in 1830.
In the first place, there were in early days far more bishops in proportion to the number of believers than is the custom now; and, secondly, it was the rule (except in cases of emergency) to baptize only in the season from Easter to Pentecost, and the bishop was always present and laid his hands on the newly baptized.
And to this day in the Eastern Church the infant is baptized, anointed and communicated by the parish priest in the course of a single service; and thus the bishop and the laying on of hands have disappeared from the ordinary service of confirmation.
The child was baptized at once, that it might be admitted to the Church, while the completion of its baptism was put off till it could be brought to a bishop. Western canons insist on both points at once; baptism is not to be deferred beyond a week, VI.
And still the rubrics of the English Prayer-Book direct that the person who is baptized as an adult is to "be confirmed by the bishop so soon of ter his baptism as conveniently may be."
Of late years there has been a controversy among Anglican theologians as to the exact nature of the gif t conveyed through confirmation, or, in other words, whether the Holy Spirit can be said to have come to dwell in those who have been baptized but not confirmed.
Under its terms baptized persons of moral life and orthodox belief might receive the privilege of baptism for their children and other church benefits, without the full enrolment in membership which admitted them to the communion of the Lord's Supper.
In 1823 Keopuolani, the king's mother, was baptized; and on a single Sunday in 1838 Coan baptized 1705 converts at Hilo.
Constantine, while strongly disposed at first to enforce the Nicene decrees, was gradually won to a more conciliatory policy by the influence especially of Eusebius of Caesarea and Eusebius of Nicomedia, the latter of whom returned from exile in 328 and won the ear of the emperor, whom he baptized on his death-bed.
Some of these were essays, such as his Baptized Property, an attack on serfdom; others were periodical publications, the Polyarnaya Zvyezda (or Polar Star), the Kolokol (or Bell), and the Golosa iz Rossii (or Voices from Russia).
For three years, it is true, the founders of the "Free Press" went on printing, "not only without selling a single copy, but scarcely being able to get a single copy introduced into Russia"; so that when at last a bookseller bought ten shillings' worth of Baptized Property, the half-sovereign was set aside by the surprised editors in a special place of honour.
It insists on the erection of fonts; on distinction of grades among the ordained clergy; on not postponing baptism too long; on bishops and priests alone, and not deacons, being allowed to baptize and lay hands on or confirm the baptized; on avoiding communion with Arians; on the use of unleavened bread in the Sacrament, &c. We learn from it that the bishop of Basen and Bagrevand was an Arian at that time.
In baptism the rubric ordains that the baptized be plunged three times in the font in commemoration of the entombment during three days of the Lord.
In New Zealand Maui, the divine hero of Polynesia, was not properly baptized.
While still a youth his talent became known to Sulpicius Severus, who had estates in that neighbourhood, and in 395 Sulpicius, who probably baptized him, sent him with letters to Paulinus of Nola, where he met with a friendly reception.
When the tsar Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) began the great advance of Russia into Northern Asia, a large number of missionaries accompanied the troops, and during the 17th century many thousands of Tatars were baptized, though from lack of fostering influences they lapsed into heathenism.
The first converts were baptized in 1882 and the establishment of a British Protectorate (1884-1888) gave the work a new impetus.
In 1813 he was joined by a colleague, William Milne, and in 1814 baptized his first convert.
In 1857 there were only about 400 baptized Protestant Christians in the whole of China.
That number was reached in 1865, and in 1910 there was a Protestant community of 214,546 church members and baptized Christians.
Conspicuous among their achievements was the conversion of Mexico, 200,000 converts being enrolled within six years after the capture of the capital (1521), and a million baptized by the Franciscans alone within thirty years.
She cheered the wife of her English secretary, now under arrest, with promises to answer for her husband to all accusations brought against him, took her new-born child from the mother's arms, and in default of clergy baptized it, to Paulet's Puritanic horror, with her own hands by her own name.
Here St Ambrose baptized St Augustine; here he closed the doors against the emperor Theodosius after his cruel massacre at Thessalonica; here the Lombard kings and the early German emperors caused themselves to be crowned with the iron crown of Lombardy, and the pillar at which they took their coronation oaths is preserved under the lime-trees in the piazza.
In the apocryphal Acts of Barnabas, which profess to be written by him, he speaks of himself as having been formerly a servant of Cyrillus, the high priest of Zeus, and as having been baptized at Iconium.
This Carthaphilus had afterwards been baptized by the name of Joseph.
After the accession of Oswald, who married Cynegils's daughter, to the throne of Northumbria, both Cynegils and Cwichelm were baptized.
After a brief reign Ceadwalla went to Rome, where he was baptized, and died shortly afterwards, leaving the kingdom to Ine.
In the second year of his pontificate he baptized King Ceadwalla of Wessex at.
Instead of baptizing in the name of the Trinity, he baptized in the name of the Creator and into the death of Christ.
At a house (now the Johnson Museum) in the Market Square, Lichfield, Samuel Johnson was born on the 18th of September 1709 and baptized on the same day at St Mary's, Lichfield.
After this Peter's attention was directed to the growth of Christianity in Samaria, and he and John made a journey of inspection through that district, laying hands on those who had been baptized in order that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
He was a magician who had been converted by Philip and baptized; he desired to obtain the power of conferring the Spirit, and offered Peter money for this purpose, but was indignantly repulsed.
Cornelius was accordingly baptized.
The Cathars fell into two classes, corresponding to the Baptized and the Catechumens of the early church, namely, the Perfect, who had been "consoled," i.e.
In 820 Herioldus was baptized at Mainz and received from the emperor a grant of Riustringen in N.E.
Eanfrid, by his marriage with a Pictish princess, became the father of the Pictish king Talorcan, while Oswald was baptized into the Columban church at Iona.
Some sects calling themselves Spirituales or Perfecti also held that the baptized cannot sin, a very ancient tenet.
According to Bede, dEthelwald, king of Sussex, had been previously baptized in Mercia at the suggestion of Wulfhere, who presented him with the Isle of Wight and the district about the Meon.
The king was soon afterwards baptized and Christianity was nominally established as the national religion.
A Portuguese garrison was maintained in it, and the monarch himself from the year 1607 onwards was little more than a puppet who was generally baptized by the Dominicans with a Portuguese name.
Moreover, few of the writers who, whatsoever it was that they baptized with the name of logic, were at least earnestly engaged in an endeavour to solve the problem of knowledge within a circle of ideas which was on the whole Kantian, were under the dominance of a single inspiration.
Bare or indeterminate being, for instance, the first of the determinations of Hegel's logic, as the being of that which is not anything determinate, of Kant's thing-in-itself, for example, positively understood, implicated at once the notion of not-being, which negates it, and is one with it, yet with a difference, so that we have the transition to determinate being, the transition being baptized as becoming.
In the Christian Church there was from the earliest age a leaning to excessive asceticism, and it needed a severe struggle on the part of Paul, and of the Catholic teachers who followed him, to secure for the baptized the right to be married, to own property, to engage in war and commerce, or to assume public office.
Although the Franciscan missionaries by 1617 had built seven churches and had baptized 14,000 Indians, there were in this year only 48 soldiers and settlers in the province.
Nestor's chronicle, that Vladimir was baptized in 988 after he had captured the city.
Hubmaier brought 110 new adherents with him, and in 1525 himself baptized 300 converts.
Blaurock and Grebel baptized each other, and many adherents, kneeling together in an ordinary room.
Hubmaier baptized his 300 from one bucket.
On the 7th of March 1526 the Zurich Rath issued an edict threatening all who were baptized anew with death by drowning, and in 1529 the emperor Charles V., at the diet of Spires, ordered Anabaptists to be put to death with fire and sword without even the form of ecclesiastical trial.
Up to this time a great majority of the Baptists admitted none either to membership or communion who were not baptized, the principal exception being the churches in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, founded or influenced by Bunyan, who maintained that difference of opinion in respect to water baptism was no bar to communion.
The difference now under consideration is expressed by the terms "strict" and "open," according as communion (or membership) is or is not confined to persons who, according to their view, are baptized.
About March 1639, with eleven others, he decided to restore believers' baptism and to form a church of baptized believers.
Ezekiel Holliman, who had been with him at Plymouth and shared his separatist views, first baptized Williams and Williams baptized the rest of the company.
Mark Lucar, who was baptized by immersion in London.
Henry Dunster (1612-1659), the first president of the college at Cambridge (Harvard), had by 1653 become convinced that "visible believers only should be baptized."
These, with Gould, were baptized (May 1665) and joined with those who had been baptized in England in a church covenant.
Francis Doughty, an English Baptist, who had spent some time in Rhode Island, laboured in this region in 1656 and baptized a number of converts.
From 1711 onward Valentine Wightman (1681-1747) of Connecticut (General Baptist) made occasional missionary visits to New York at the invitation of Nicolas Eyres, a business man who had adopted Baptist views, and in 1714 baptized Eyres and several others, and assisted them in organizing a church.
For this reason the catechumens are anointed with holy oil both before and after baptism; the one act (of eastern origin) assists the expulsion of the evil spirits, the other (of western origin), taken in conjunction with imposition of hands, conveys the spirit and retains it in the person of the baptized.
Near the town is a fountain, erected to mark the spring in which Otto, bishop of Bamberg, baptized the first Pomeranian converts to Christianity in 1124.
Her father, Constant d'Aubigne, was the son of Agrippa d'Aubigne, the famous friend and general of Henry IV., and had been imprisoned as a Huguenot malcontent, but her mother, a fervent Catholic, had the child baptized in her religion, her sponsors being the duc de la Rochefoucauld, father of the author of the Maxims, and the comtesse de Neuillant.
In 1796, when he named his first child David Hartley, but would not have him baptized, he held by the "Christian materialism" of the writer in question, whom in his Religious Musings he terms "wisest of mortal kind."
About the year 873 the Bohemian prince Bofivoj was baptized by Methodius, and the Bohemians now rapidly adopted the Christian faith.
He was baptized by Babylas, bishop of Antioch; preached with much success in Lycia; and was martyred about A.D.
He was, however, a baptized Christian, and accepted with meekness the rebuke of Peter.
The writer says that on the strength of the words of John, that " we were to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire," the Simonians maintained that the orthodox baptism was a mere form, and that they had the real baptism, for, as soon as their neophytes went down into the water, a fire appeared on it.
The " Chrisom " or " chrysom," a variant of " chrism," lengthened through pronunciation, is a white cloth with which the head of a newly baptized child was covered to prevent the holy oil from being rubbed off.
In deference to his mother's Protestantism he was baptized in the chapel of the British embassy, thus becoming a member of the Church of England.
According to the legend, the boy is said to have once baptized some of his playmates and thereupon to have been taken into his house"by Bishop Alexander, who recognized the validity of this proceeding.
According to Bede, Edwin was favourably disposed towards Christianity owing to a vision he had seen at the court of Roedwald, and in 626 he allowed Eanfled, his daughter by rEthelberg, to be baptized.
A letter of Pope Boniface helped to decide him, and after consulting his friends and counsellors, of whom the priest Coifi afterwards took a prominent part in destroying the temple at Goodmanham, he was baptized with his people and nobles at York, at Easter 627.
Now before the baptism, let him that is baptizing and him that is being baptized fast, and any others who can; but thou biddest him who is being baptized to fast one or two days before.
About the year 300, those desirous of being baptized were (a) admitted to the catechumenate, giving in their names to the bishop. (b) They were subjected to a scrutiny and prepared, as to-day in the western churches the young are prepared for confirmation.
In the Montanist churches women baptized, and of this there are traces in the earliest church and in the Caucasus.
The Teaching of the Apostles, indeed, prescribes baptism in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but on the next page speaks of those who have been baptized into the name of the Lord - the normal formula of the New Testament.
In the East, " so-and-s6, the servant of God, is baptized," &c. The Greeks add Amen after each person, and conclude with the words, " Now and ever and to aeons of aeons, amen."
He denies that the precedents of the eunuch baptized by Philip or of Paul baptized without hesitation by Simon (to which the other party appealed) were relevant.
Why should persons still in the age of innocence be in a hurry to be baptized and win remission of sins ?
Tertullian's scruples were not long respected in Carthage, for in Cyprian's works (c. 250.) we already hear of new-born infants being baptized.
In the same region of Africa, however, Monica would not let her son Augustine be baptized in boyhood, though he clamoured to be.
In the Greek world thirty was a usual age in the 4th century for persons to be baptized, in imitation of Christ.
The Roman church already foreshadowed the change and gave a peculiar salience to confirmation as early as the 3rd century, when it decreed that persons already baptized by heretics, but reverting to the church should not be baptized over again, but only have hands laid on them.
So Epictetus remarks that he only really understands Judaism who knows " the baptized Jew " - (TOP 1 3€ aµpE'ov).
The Spirit falls on the disciples and others at Pentecost without any baptism at all, and Paul alone of the apostles was baptized.
Nor in these is it recorded that the disciples baptized during their Master's lifetime; indeed the very contrary is implied.
And as the legal manumission dissolved a son's previous agnatic relationships, so, too, the person baptized gave up father and mother, &c., and became one of a society of brethren the bond between whom was not physical but spiritual.
It was also known formerly as White Sunday, being still officially termed by the Roman Catholic Church Dominica in albis, " Sunday in white garments," in allusion to the white garments anciently worn on this day by those who had been baptized and received into the Church just before Easter.
But it should be noted that the primary reference of "binding and loosing" is, according to rabbinical usage, rather to the laying down of rules than to condoning breaches of them; and nothing is said to confine the words "Whose soever sins ye forgive" to the offences of Christians already baptized, and they should be held to include preaching the Gospel and baptizing converts as well as the administration of internal discipline.
But what was to be done with the baptized Christian who fell into grievous sin?
For other grave sins the baptized person was allowed to undergo discipline once, but only once in his life; if he relapsed again, he must remain excommunicate like the adulterer.
Essex, which had received its first bishop from Augustines hands but had relapsed into heathenism after a few years, also owed its ultimate conversion to a Northumbrian preacher, Cedd, whom Oswio lent to King Sigeberht after the latter had visited his court and been baptized, hard by the Roman wall, in 653.
The terms were that they should give hostages, that they should depart for ever from Wessex, and that their king Guthrum should do homage to Alfred as overlord, and submit to be baptized, with thirty of his chiefs, Not only were all these conditions punctually fulfilled, but (what is more astonishing) the Danes had been so thoroughly cured of any desire to try their luck against the great king that hey left him practically unmolested for fourteen years (878892).
In 1594 Prince Henry was baptized in the chapel royal, which had been rebuilt on a larger scale.
About 348 a synod of Catholic bishops, who had met to record their gratitude for the effective official repression of the "Circumcelliones" (Donatist terrorists), declared against the rebaptism of any one who had been baptized in the name of the Trinity, and adopted twelve canons of clerical discipline.
His son Benjamin, who had been admitted to it with the usual rites eight days after his birth, was baptized at St Andrew's church in Holborn on the 31st of July 1817.
The lady was duly baptized and remained a Christian; but the adversaries of Stephen, especially Ottakar II.
According to Gregory of Tours, 3000 Franks were baptized with Clovis by Remigius on Christmas Day, 496, after the defeat of the Alamanni.
His conversion is said to have taken place after an intense mental struggle; he was baptized by sprinkling, and without episcopal confirmation, when in hourly expectation of death; and on his recovery his Christianity retained all the gloomy character of its earliest stages.
For instance, Amlaib Cuaran was formally converted in England in 942 and was baptized by Wulfhelm of Canterbury.
In New Zealand, Maui was not properly baptized.
An address delivered to them at this crisis by Ambrose led to his being acclaimed as the only competent occupant of the see; though hitherto only a catechumen, he was baptized, and a few days saw him duly installed as bishop of Milan.
In October 13 23 representatives of the archbishop of Riga, the bishop of Dorpat, the king of Denmark, the Dominican and Franciscan orders, and the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order assembled at Vilna, when Gedymin confirmed his promises and undertook to be baptized as soon as the papal legates arrived.
At the same time Gedymin through his ambassadors privately informed the papal legates at Riga that his difficult position compelled him for a time to postpone his steadfast resolve of being baptized, and the legates showed their confidence in him by forbidding the neighbouring states to war against Lithuania for the next four years, besides ratifying the treaty made between Gedymin and the archbishop of Riga.
Born at Jesi near Ancona on the 26th of December 1194, he was baptized by the name of Frederick Roger, chosen German king at Frankfort in 1196, and after his father's death crowned king of Sicily at Palermo on the 17th of May 1198.
The New England Half Way Covenant of 1657, which extended church membership so as to include all baptized persons, was sanctioned by the general court in 1664.
As part of the induction he was baptized with wine and took some solemn oaths pledging allegiance to the Clan Chief.
Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
We were all baptized by, or with, or in one Spirit.
That night he had a vision of Jesus and was soon baptized.
A great number of children growing up in these cities are not baptized.
Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?
The question is not, " have you been baptized or are you a regular communicant?
Equally ingenious is their cavil, that women should not be baptized if baptism is to be made conformable to circumcision.
However, in the various Protestant denominations there is some debate over whether babies should be baptized.
She showed violent displeasure against our baptized Quaker, saying, " God had showed her, he would destroy all outward things.
We do not become hermaphrodites or for that matter genderless, sexless beings when we are baptized.
They had all been " received into the church " in early infancy, that is, baptized.
We baptized the infant and had all the usual trappings of Xmas, a tree, and plum pudding and even an open hearth.
We were completely irreligious but always had the children christened (baptized) at my wife's insistence.
Having been baptized, she refused to marry a pagan patrician and so was martyred for Christ in Rome.
Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do?
Fourteen were immediately baptized, including a leading Swiss figure in an internationally known sect.
He crowned Katherine at Westminster (loth, February 1421), and on the 6th of December baptized her child Henry VI.
At one of the meetings the father of a newly-born child explained that he could not go outside France to seek a pure baptism and that his conscience would not permit his child to be baptized according to the rites of the Romish Church.
He was also sent, with the rank of bishop, on a mission for the conversion of such heathen as remained in Asia Minor, and informs us that the number of those whom he baptized amounted to 70,000.
The ceremony may be the spiritualized descent of the primitive oriental practice of drinking or being baptized in the blood of an animal, based upon a belief that the strength of brute creation could be acquired by consumption of its substance or contact with its blood.
So let them not impose these things on those to be baptized.
The statements that he had been a slave and was never baptized appear to be malicious inventions of his theological opponents.
Just then the Meletian schism, which arose over the relation of the orthodox to Arian bishops and to those baptized by Arians, distressed the church at Antioch (see Meletius Of ANTioex), and Jerome as usual eagerly joined the fray.
Both obey the general injunctions of the Sikh gurus, but the Sahijdhari Sikhs have not accepted the pahul or baptism of Guru Govind Singh, and do not wear the distinguishing habiliments of the Kesadhari, who are the baptized Sikhs, also called Singhs or lions.
For, as not a single pilgrim passes through the Wicket Gate in infancy, and as Faithful hurries past the House Beautiful without stopping, the lesson which the fable in its altered shape teaches, is that none but adults ought to be baptized, and that the eucharist may safely be neglected.
Thus St Thekla baptized herself in her own blood, and St Nino, the female evangelist of Georgia, baptized king Mirian (see " Life of Nino," Studia Biblica, 1903).
In relation to the publicans and soldiers who, smitten with remorse, sought out John in the wilderness, his baptism was a purification from their past and so far identical with the proselyte's bath; but so far as it raised them up to be children unto Abraham and filled them with the Messianic hope, it advanced them further than that bath could do, and assured them of a place in the kingdom of God, soon to be established - this, without imposing circumcision on them; for the ordinary proselyte was circumcised as well as baptized.
When she met Dr. Furness, the Shakespearean scholar, he warned her not to let the college professors tell her too many assumed facts about the life of Shakespeare; all we know, he said, is that Shakespeare was baptized, married, and died.
Another five days passed, and then the young Prince Nicholas Andreevich was baptized.
Of these, 13 were baptized on the thirteenth of that month.
Whatever the truth of the matter, Antonio was officially baptized on 6 May.
He was a sickly baby, who was baptized quickly, underlining the fact that he was not expected to survive.
For example, the Churches of Christ believe that one must confess his or her belief publicly, then be baptized for the remission of sins before becoming a Christian.
Sprinkling is not acceptable under this particular doctrine, and a person must be of an accountable age in which she understands why she needs to be baptized.
Parents often have their babies baptized through a sprinkling ceremony.
Baptism may not occur until several weeks later during a baptismal ceremony in which all of those who have professed the name of Christ in recent weeks are baptized during the same ceremony.
If you are in search of a new church for you and your family or you are searching for a church in which to have your baby baptized, you might want to discuss the following questions with the church leaders.
The first customs were introduced to France by Romans, with the first celebration in 496 when Clovis and his warriors were baptized.
Sunday school lessons for kids on the baptism of Jesus should focus on how Christians are baptized as well as why it is important.
The dove symbolizes the same for those baptized today.
Spencer and Heidi were baptized by another contestant on the show, Stephen Baldwin.
Three weeks later, baby Claire Elizabeth LeBlanc was baptized at St. Bernard's Catholic Church with Betsy and Ben Gustefson as godparents.
Some of them were baptized; the territory which was afterwards known as the duchy of Normandy was ceded to them; but the story of the marriage of their chief Rollo with a sister of the king, related by the chronicler Dudo of Saint Quentin, is very doubtful.
Haedo sets forth that a young Arab who had embraced Christianity and had been baptized with the name of Geronimo was captured by a Moorish corsair in 1569 and taken to Algiers.
He is said to have baptized the emperor Philip and his son, to have done some building in the catacombs, to have improved the organization of the church in Rome, to have appointed officials to register the deeds of the martyrs, and to have founded several churches in France.
The result was parlia mentary chaos, baptized Irasformismo.
The spiritual courts in the East have permanently acquired jurisdiction in the matrimonial causes of baptized persons; the Mahommedan governments allowing to Christians a personal law of their own.
The Moguls, though baptized, are in fact believers in fetishism as much as the unconverted Samoyedes.
Cynegils was converted to Christianity through the preaching of Birinus, and was baptized in 635 at Dorchester in Oxfordshire, where he founded a bishopric. He was succeeded as king by his son Cenwalh.
This was done; but on the death of the eldest (Joseph) the child first baptized Nabulion received the name Joseph; while the third son (the second surviving son) was called Napoleon.
He insisted on baptizing children by trine immersion, and refused the Communion to a pious German because he had not been baptized by a minister who had been episcopally ordained.
Nothing is known of the history of the city from the time the Romans withdrew from Britain in 410 until 627, when King Edwin was baptized there, and where shortly afterwards Paulinus, the first archbishop, was consecrated.
It is no voluntary society; if people are not born into* it they are baptized into it when they cannot help themselves.