Band Sentence Examples
A live band started playing a waltz and he dropped a hand to her waist.
The band struck up the newly introduced mazurka.
Maybe the band would help settle him down.
The band played "Fly Me to The Moon".
The band had started to play The Way You Look Tonight.
She waved her arm band, and the door opened.
Her auburn curls were drawn up into a decorative band at the side of her head.
The band immediately struck up "Conquest's joyful thunder waken..."
School was out for the summer, but by the time they could get a band going good, it would be time to go back.
At that moment the band began playing.
AdvertisementWe didn't band together to stop her, because she had …dirt on all of us, he explained.
I'm trying to get a group together for a band.
Jonathan and his new band were going to play for them.
What had appeared to be a thick, gold, hard band of about three inches in width had molded around her arm and felt no heavier than the clothing she wore.
The band was 1150 yds.
AdvertisementHe pushed her sleeve up to see her band.
The band's playing a foxtrot while you're waltzing around the floor, Fred grumbled.
If he had simply wanted different clothes, she might have complied, but what he wanted to do was slice his clothing up with a razor blade and get jeans so long that they shredded from being walked on – like the other band members.
She met Keaton at the door, scratching at a new spot under the band of her bra in the back.
He reached out and claimed her hand, running a finger around the white band where her engagement ring had been.
AdvertisementBand and earth up cardoons.
Across the room, Darkyn held the tension of a taut rubber band.
A band tooted practice blasts, someone was yelling directions through an old fashioned megaphone, which were ignored, and Suzanne, whose nightly music show serenaded the tourists, warmed up the Star Spangled Banner in a voice that needed no mike.
Liz plopped a straw hat with a red, white, and blue band on Dean's head just as three jets in close formation screamed overhead, buzzing the town in a deafening roar.
She looked at the band on her arm, then down the hall toward Kiera before propping her chin on his chest to gaze at him.
AdvertisementShe smashed into it as another quake rumbled beneath her, then rose and waved her band before the door.
Kiera lowered the shirt, glad she'd never convinced herself to remove the band.
Jonathan had band practice with his friends and Alex was in his recliner, reading a letter from a wildlife management area in Colorado.
Jonathan's band played a few country and western songs.
Jessi's hands visibly shook, and he reached out to her, taking the hair band she was trying to use on her hair.
He gathered together a band of supporters, plans were drawn up, and at length all was ready for the rising.
The same firm is also constructing a micrometer in which the readings of the head are printed on a band of paper instead of being read off at the time of observation.
They have a kind of short kilt, stiff, made of black wool, with a band from back to front between the legs; under this they wear short linen trousers, which come a little below the knee, and black woollen leggings with boots.
See Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, Band viii.
It's so heady that the dance floor nation may miss the point entirely and the band couldn't care less.
The arrival of Dolokhov diverted Petya's attention from the drummer boy, to whom Denisov had had some mutton and vodka given, and whom he had had dressed in a Russian coat so that he might be kept with their band and not sent away with the other prisoners.
On the same band a tuning-fork electrically maintained and a seconds clock actuating another style wrote parallel records.
When the plate vibrated the mirror was vibrated about the fixed edge, and the image of a reflected slit was broadened out into a band, the broadening giving the amplitude of vibration of the plate.
In 1833 he had welcomed as workers among his people a band of French Protestant missionaries, and as the Boer immigrants began to settle in his neighbourhood he decided to seek support from the British at the Cape.
Originally the diaconal stole would seem to have been a narrow strip of folded linen, and it appears in the pictures of the 9th century as a narrow band ornamented with crosses.
Among several editions may be mentioned the one in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, chronica minora, Band II.
From that time he gave up his life to study and scientific research, and soon took a prominent place in the band of inquirers, known as the "Invisible College," who devoted themselves to the cultivation of the "new philosophy."
But the headquarters of the opposition was Germany, and its leader was Dollinger, whose high reputation and vast stores of learning placed him far above any other member of the band of the theological experts who now gathered around him.
In October 1511 he was teaching Greek to a little band of students in Cambridge; at Basel in 1516 he produced his edition of the Greek Testament, the first that was actually published; and during the next few years he was helping to organize the college lately founded at Louvain for the study of Greek and Hebrew, as well as Latin.
As a teacher he was remarkably successful, and always commanded an enthusiastic band of followers.
Again Laomedon broke his word; whereupon Heracles returned with a band of warriors, attacked Troy, and slew Laomedon and all his sons except Priam.
Their proper title is "Clerks Regulars of the Society of Jesus," the word Societas being taken as synonymous with the original Spanish term, Compania; perhaps the military term Cohors might more fully have expressed the original idea of a band of spiritual soldiers living under martial law and discipline.
For the seven years following he was the chief speaker among the small band of anti-Imperialists in the French chamber, and was regarded generally as the most formidable enemy of the empire.
He was one of that band of young scholars, among whom were also Ernest Lavisse, Gabriel Monod and Gaston Paris, whose enthusiasm was aroused by the principles and organization of scientific study as applied beyond the Rhine, and who were ready to devote themselves to their cherished plan of remodelling higher education in France.
Fort Ticonderoga, the key to the passage of Lakes George and Champlain to Canada, was surprised and, taken on the 10th of May by a small band under Colonel Ethan Allen, while Colonel Benedict Arnold headed an expedition through the Maine woods to effect the capture of Quebec, where Sir Guy Carleton commanded.
The horns of the bucks are heavy, and have a peculiar forward curvature at the tips; the colour of the coat is red-fawn, with a broad brown band down the back.
In most parts the Laurentian hills are bare roches moutonnees scoured by the glaciers of the Ice Age, but a broad band of clay land extends across northern Quebec and Ontario just north of the divide.
We have now reduced the law for the bands to a form which we have found applicable to a series of lines, but with this important difference that while a in the case of line spectra is a small corrective term, it now forms the constant on which an essential factor in the appearance of the band depends.
Halm,' to whom we owe a careful comparison of the above equation with the observed frequencies in a great number of spectra, attached perhaps too much weight to the fact that it is capable of representing both line and band spectra.
A discussion of band spectra on a very broad basis was given by Thiele,' who recommends a formula - q +qi(s+c)+ +qr(s+c)r n in the discharge, except within the region of the kathode glow.
Dufour' discovered that the lines into which the band spectra of the fluorides of the alkaline earths may be resolved widen towards the red under increased pressure.
There is a region within the band where µ = o, and this would give an infinite shift in the opposite direction.
We therefore should expect a band in place of the line, which is the case, but our calculation is not able to give the displacement of the most intense portion, which is what we require for comparison with experiment.
The spectra experimented on by Paschen were band spectra, but as these split up into fine lines the possibility of homogeneous radiation in pure thermal oscillation may be considered as established.
Thus in the ethyl series we find an absorption at 740, and a characteristic band, one edge of which is at 892 and the other at 920.
If we find a body containing the 740 absorption and a band with the most refrangible edge commencing at 892, or with the least refrangible edge terminating at 920, we may be pretty sure that we have an ethyl radical present.
If that line be connected with a band we may feel certain that some derivative of benzene is present.
The only trace we can find at present is in ethyl bromide, in which the radical band about 90o is curtailed in one wing.
The larva is seen in optical section, and its distinguishing feature is the ciliated lobed band (vl, sl, dl), which corresponds to the pre-oral ciliated band of a trochosphere-larva..
It is a top-shaped, free-swimming organism provided with a preoral band of cilia,.
We cannot but suppose that at a time when the number of the original band of disciples of Jesus who survived must have been becoming noticeably smaller, and all these were advanced in life, the importance of writing down that which had been orally delivered concerning the Gospel-history must have been realized.
When the outer face of the stone band is left rough so that it forms what is known as rusticated masonry, the description would be bevelled and rusticated.
The most common article of defensive armour was the shield, which was small and circular and apparently of quite thin lime-wood, the edge being formed probably by a thin band of iron.
In some cases, as in all the varying hares, in addition to the eyes retaining their normal pigmentation, areas similar in extent and situation to those on the Himalayan rabbits also retain their pigmentation; and in the ptarmigan there is a black band on each side of the head stretching forwards and backwards from the eyeball, and the outer tail feathers are black.
Its colour is dark grey, with a white or whitish band passing across the chest from shoulder to shoulder.
The chin, whiskers and a broad band across the forehead, as well as the under-parts, are white, and the head and back olive-green.
He regarded the monstrous system of misrule for which they were primarily responsible with indignation, made no secret of his sentiments, and soon gathered round him a band of young officers of strong royalist proclivities, whom he formed into a club, the so-called Svenska Botten (Sweden's groundwork).
As Stubbs says " the thegn seems to be primarily the warrior gesith " - the gesithas forming the chosen band of companions (comites) of the German chiefs (principes) noticed by Tacitus - " he is probably the gesith who had a particular military duty in his master's service "; and he adds that from the reign of Athelstan " the gesith is lost sight of except very occasionally, the more important class having become thegns, and the lesser sort sinking into the rank of mere servants of the king."
The vestment was at first a perfectly plain white cloth, but in the 12th century the custom arose of decorating the upper border with a band of embroidery, the parure (parura) or "apparel."
In Scotland Robert Haldane sold his estate and devoted f, 25,000 to the cause; with others he would have gone to India himself but for the prohibition of the East India Company, one of whose directors said he would rather see a band of devils in India than a band of missionaries.
Mills, Gordon Hall and James Richards, three students at Williams College, Massachusetts, formed themselves into a mission band which ultimately became the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (June 1810), an organization which, like the London Mission, originally undenominational and still catholic, has become practically Congregational.
In 1869 the American Board (Congregational) sent its first band; in 1870 Verbeck was called on to organize a scheme for national education.
This, between the Dauphine and the borders of Hungary, forms a broad band convex towards the north, while most of the valleys lie between the directions west to east and south-west to north-east.
The clayey siderite of the British coal measures is called " clay band," and that containing bituminous matter is called " black band."
The magnetite ore bodies which supply this industry lie in a band about 180 m.
Near Dinant they are folded amongst the Devonian beds, but the most important band runs along the northern border of the Ardennes.
In this band lie the coalfields of Liege, and of Mons and Charleroi.
The Oligocene forms a band stretching from Antwerp to Maastricht, and this is followed towards the north by a discontinuous strip of Miocene and a fairly extensive area of Pliocene.
This fell to the lot of the second band of Jesuits, Cataldino, Mazeta and Lorenzana, who began work in 1605.
The first "godly band" is dated December 1557; but more important is the covenant of 1581, drawn up by John Craig in consequence of the strenuous efforts which the Roman Catholics were making to regain their hold upon Scotland, and called the King's Confession or National Covenant.
The northern half of the province is flat, and even marshy along the coast, and consists of a broad band of alluvium formed by the series of parallel rivers descending from the south.
It was occupied for a time in 1561 by Aguirre and his band of outlaws.
Ahaziah despatched a captain with a band of fifty to arrest him.
He gained the respect of all the crusaders, and acted as Richard's principal agent in all negotiations with Saladin, being given a place in the first band of pilgrims that entered Jerusalem.
Along the southern margin of the Triassic area there is a long band of Jurassic beds dipping towards the Danube; and at its eastern extremity this band is continuous with a synclinal of Jurassic beds, running parallel to the western border of the Bohemian massif, but separated from it by a narrow strip of Triassic beds.
Henry was surprised by a band of rebels in his fortress at the Harzburg; he fled to Hersfeld and appealed to the princes for support, but he could not compel them to aid him and they would grant him nothing.
Frequently an arc or band is visibly composed of innumerable short rays separated by distinctly less luminous intervals.
These rays are more or less perpendicular to the arc or band; sometimes they are very approximately parallel to one another, on other occasions they converge towards a paint.
Triassic rocks form a discontinuous band along the northern coast, and are especially well developed in the neighbourhood of Palermo.
The Eocene and Oligocene form a broad belt along the northern coast, very much more continuous than the Mesozoic band, and from this belt a branch extends southwards to Sciacca.
But it was as a member of the Rochdale Juvenile Temperance Band that he first learned public speaking.
At this period a band of Sikh fanatics called "akalis," attacked Sir Charles Metcalfe's escort, and the steadiness with which the disciplined sepoys repulsed them, so impressed the maharaja that he decided to change the strength of his army from cavalry to infantry.
The short streak of light thus obtained moves with Mirror, .l 4,Stindd Boom Balance Weight, j/?/?j?jj/ Masonry Column Lamp Br.mide Paper_ On- Need,Le o 0 the movement of the boom over a second slit perpendicular to the first and made in the lid of a box containing clockwork driving a band of bromide paper.
The XVIIIth Dynasty used a rather softer ware, decorated at first with a red edge or band around the top, and under Tethmosis (Tahutmes) III.
His mother Khamko, a woman of extraordinary character, thereupon herself formed and led a brigand band, and studied to inspire the boy with her own fierce and indomitable temper, with a view to revenge and the recovery of the lost property.
But in January 878 they made a sudden swoop on Chippenham, a royal vill in which Alfred had been keeping his Christmas, " and most of the people they reduced, except the King Alfred, and he with a little band made his way.
Such groups may be carved out of a continuous band of rock extending into the regions beyond.
The Cambrian system - including the Upper (Durness-Eriboll Limestone) and the Lower (Serpulite grit, Fucoid Beds, Quartzite) - forms a narrow band which can be traced for too m.
More than one-third of the iron ore (that chiefly worked being Black Band Ironstone) comes from mines which also yield coal.
The Bruce party took up arms, and from the terms of their " band," or agreement, obviously contemplated resistance to the rights of the Maid of Norway, while declaring their fealty to Edward.
Yet, during the siege of Stirling (11th of June 1304), Bruce had entered into a secret band with Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews, for mutual aid.
The country, over, but in 1385 a great band of French knights landed in.
Invited again, in 1557, he shrank from the scene of turmoil, but a " band " of a Protestant tendency was made by nobles, among them Mary's natural brother James Stewart, later the Regent Murray (3rd of Dec. 1557).
Maitland of Lethington, the Achitophel of his day, also deserted the regent; but in November the reformers were driven by the regent and her small band of French soldiers from Edinburgh to Stirling.
The evidence on these points is disputable, but now, or not long after, Huntly, Bothwell, Lethington and Argyll signed a " band " for Darnley's murder.
In February 1638 the Covenant, practically a " band " of the whole country, enforced on reluctant signers, was ranters The.
Legists differ as to whether the band was legal or not, but revolutions make their own laws, and the Covenant could not be more illegal than the imposure of the liturgy.
War was at hand, but Montrose formed a party by " the band of Cumbernauld," to suppress the practical dictatorship of his rival and enemy, Argyll, who, he understood, was to be one of a triumvirate, and absolute north of Forth.
The town being besieged by Francis of Waldeck, its expelled bishop (April 1534), Matthiesen, who was first in command, made a sally with only thirty followers, under the fanatical idea that he was a second Gideon, and was cut off with his entire band.
In his hands Sevres became the leading porcelain factory in Europe, and the researches of an able band of assistants enabled him to lay the foundations of ceramic chemistry.
He was one of the band that for a moment seized the reins of power on the 31st of October, and for his share in that outbreak he was again condemned to death on the 17th of March of the following year.
Presently Judas arrived with a band of armed men, and greeted his Master with a kiss - the signal for His arrest.
It is in the main basaltic, but a band of quartz-porphyry runs from the centre in a north-westerly direction to the coast, and there is some oolitic rock on the north shores.
John is said to have owed his education in philosophy, mathematics and theology to an Italian monk named Cosmas, whom Sergius had redeemed from a band of captive slaves.
The young Humanists would have gladly welcomed him into their select band.
In the midst of this series there is an inconstant band of fossiliferous limestone, which has been found in the Wadi Nasb and at other places on the southern border of et-Tih, and also along the western escarpment of the Edom plateau.
Illinois College (Presbyterian), founded in 1829 through the efforts of the Rev. John Millot Ellis (1793-1855), a missionary of the American Home Missionary Society and of the so-called Yale Band (seven Yale graduates devoted to higher education in the Middle West), is one of the oldest colleges in the Central States of the United States.
On the south this great band of roughly undulating central plateau is bounded by the Koh-i-Baba, to the west of Kabul, and by the Hindu Kush to the north and north-east of that city.
The same current also supplies with rain the broad band across India, which includes the Satpura range, Chota Nagpur, the greater part of the Central Provinces and Central India, Orissa and Bengal.
The first of many editions was published in 1513 and the best is in Band vi.
Among his writings in this connexion may be mentioned the Vita Deoderici, Mettensis episcopi, which is published in Band iv.
The spectrum consists of of a continuous band of light crossed by a greater or Spectra .
Roused by these crying evils, a small band of earnest men formed themselves into an association for the improvement of prison discipline.
But the majority were merely a band 1 Noldeke, Tabari, 246.
Moawiya, a great-grandson of Ali's brother Ja t far, put himself at the head of a band of Shiites and maulas, made himself master of Kufa and marched upon Hira, where, since Yusuf b.
A little before sunset a procession is formed at the house of the bridegroom, and proceeds with a band of music, amid great pomp and ceremony, to the house of the bride's father.
He was himself taken prisoner by a Thracian band, and provoked his captors, who were ignorant of his identity, to put him to death.
An intelligent patron of literature and art, he attracted to his court the leading scholars in Germany; Goethe, Schiller and Herder were members of this illustrious band, and the little state, hitherto obscure, attracted the eyes of all Europe.'
In violation therefore of international amities, and practically in disobedience of orders, he broke the peace, caused a band of Mexican cavalry mounts to be seized, and prompted some American settlers to occupy Sonoma (14th June 1846).
They are associated with a thin band of lava visible on the west side of the island near Auchencar and traceable inland to Garbh Thorr.
Contemporaneous lavas, highly decomposed, are intercalated with this division on the north side of North Glen Sannox where the band is highly faulted.
Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous beds form a band south of the Sea of Marmora, probably the continuation of the Mesozoic band of the Black Sea coast.
Friction of Cords and Belts.A flexible band, such as a cord, rope, belt or strap, may be used either to exert an effort or a resistance upon a pulley round which it wraps.
In either case the tangential force, whether effort or resistance, exerted between the band and the pulley is their mutual friction, caused by and proportional to the normal pressure between them.
Let Ti be the tension of the free part of the band at that side towards which it tends to draw the pulley, or from which the pulley tends to draw it; 1, the tension of the free part at the other side; T the tension of the band at any intermediate point of its arc of contact with the pulley; 0 the ratio of the length of that arc to the radius of the pulley; do the ratio of an indefinitely small element of that arc to the radius; F=TiT2 the total friction between the band and the pulley; dF the elementary portion of that friction due to the elementary arc do; f the coefficient of friction between the materials of the band and pulley.
Then, according to a well-known principle in statics, the normal pressure at the elementary arc do is TdO, T being the mean tension of the band at that elementary arc; consequently the friction on that arc is dF =JTdo.
The sexes do not differ appreciably in colour, which is of a dark brown, somewhat lighter beneath; but the primaries have at the base a patch of white, visible even when the wings are closed, and forming, when they are spread, a conspicuous band.
He also stopped a band of the Alamanni who wished to invade Italy.
The author of the sermo pointedly rejects the two theories that connected the holy virgins with the Theban band and brought them as pilgrims from the East to the West; but he adds that even in his days there still existed an inscription in the church, showing how it had been restored from its foundations by a certain "Clematius, vir consularis, ex partibus Orientis."
The conquest of the Seven Cities was determined upon, and a band of adventurers, led by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, set out in 1539.
In heraldry a "pale" is a band placed vertically in the centre of a shield, hence "in pale" or "to impale" is used of the marshalling of two coats side by side on a shield divided vertically.
Of this distinguished band the most memorable names are those of Bishop Richard Davies (c. 1501-1581) and of William Salesbury, the squire-scholar of Llanrwst (c. 1520-c. 1600) in Denbighshire, who is commonly credited with the honour of having produced the first printed book in the Welsh language, a small volume of proverbs published in London about the year 1545.
She wore long woollen robes; a veil and a kerchief for the head, her hair being plaited up with a purple band in a conical form (tutulus); and shoes made of the leather of sacrificed animals; like her husband, she carried the sacrificial knife.
Below the small band of Teutonic divinities were the elves of forest and field, the water-elves or nixes and spirits of house and home.
Then, so the story ran, she drew him from his indolence, continuing the work of Joan of Arc, both by nerving the king to warlike enterprises - she did apparently induce him to take part personally in the conquest of Normandy - and by surrounding him with that band of wise advisers who really administered France during her ascendancy.
Originally meeting in all probability for more thoroughgoing study of the Cartesian philosophy, they looked naturally to Spinoza for guidance, and by and by we find him communicating systematic drafts of his own views to the little band of friends and students.
Her mother, Elizabeth, co-heiress of Aske in Yorkshire, was the earliest of that little band of women-friends whose correspondence with Knox on religious matters throws an unexpected light on his discriminating tenderness of heart.
South of Antofagasta the old rocks form a nearly continuous band along the coast, extending as far as Cape Horn and Staten Island, and occupying the greater part of the islands of southern Chile.
In the north both the Cretaceous and Tertiary beds of this zone are limited in extent, but towards the south Mesozoic beds, which are at least in part Cretaceous, form a band of considerable width.
They are printed in Band xvi.
Many of the rioters were disguised as women and were on horseback; each band was led by a captain called "Rebecca," his followers being, known as "her daughters."
Emboldened by success, a large band of rioters marched into the town of Carmarthen on the 10th of June and attacked the workhouse, but on this occasion they were dispersed by a troop of cavalry which had hurried from Cardiff.
The crown-prince, Chosroes, was, on the other band, wholly orthodox; and, towards the close of his fathers reign, in conjunction with the chief Magian, he carried through a sacrifice of the Mazdakites, who were butchered in a great massacre (528).
On the 8th of March 1722 the richly dressed hosts of Persia appeared before the little band of Afghans, who were scorched and disfigured by their long marches.
At this time (c. 1815-1840) numbers of persons brought discredit on the missionary cause by their illiteracy, narrow-minded prejudices his advice it was decided to create a band of native states on the northern and eastern frontiers of the colony.
On the 15th of August 1792, he led a band of peasants to prevent the departure of the volunteers of St Ouen, near Laval, and retired to the wood of Misdon, where they lived in huts and subterranean chambers.
In 1793 Cottereau came to Laval with some 500 men; the band grew rapidly and swelled into a considerable army, which assumed the name of La Petite Vendee.
Where this intervening band is not covered by recent gravel deposits, it exhibits beds of limestone, clays and sandstone with fossils, which, in age, range from the Lower Eocene to the Miocene.
Here it assumes a westerly curve, till it points north-west, and finally merges into the broad band of mountains which hedge in the Quetta and Pishin uplands on the north and east.
But on the 15th of March 1147 Alphonso stormed the fortress of Santarem, and about the same time a band of crusaders on their way to Palestine landed at Oporto and volunteered for the impending siege of Lisbon.
Luiza and her confidential adviser, Joao Pinto Ribeiro, recruited a powerful band of conspirators among the disaffected nobles.
In the following year he and Gaspard Monge were chosen chiefs of a commission charged with the task of selecting in Italy the choicest specimens of ancient and modern art for the national galleries of Paris; and in 1798 he was one of the band of scientific men who accompanied Napoleon to Egypt, there forming themselves into the Institute of Egypt on the plan of the Institut National.
Attaching himself at once to the formidable band of discontented Whigs known as the Patriots, whom Walpole's love of exclusive power had forced into opposition under Pulteney, he became in a very short time one of its most prominent members.
On the night of the 11th of March 1801 Paul was murdered in his bedroom in the St Michael Palace by a band of dismissed officers headed by General Bennigsen, a Hanoverian in the Russian service.
They got together a band of about twenty men ready to sacrifice their lives for an idea, and set sail on their desperate venture on the 1 2th of June 1844.
But they did not find the insurgent band which they had been told awaited them, and were betrayed by one of their party, the Corsican Boccheciampe, and by some peasants who believed them to be Turkish pirates.
A detachment of gendarmes and volunteers was sent against them, and after a short fight the whole band were taken prisoners and escorted to Cosenza, where a number of Calabrians who had taken part in a previous rising were also under arrest.
David's Theological College, Lampeter, where he gathered about him a band of earnest religious enthusiasts, known as the Lampeter Brethren, and was eventually ordained to the curacy of Charlinch in Somerset, where he had sole charge in the illness and absence of the rector, the Rev. Samuel Starkey.
The magazine was attacked by the mutineers, but the little band defended to the last the enormous accumulation of munitions of war stored there, and, when further defence was hopeless, fired the magazine.
For the laws see the Leges in Band I.
After the capture of the city he gathered a band of fugitives in Bithynia and established himself in the town of Nicaea, which became the chief rallying-point for his countrymen.
Their decoration is confined to a band round the upper part of the pot, or often only a projecting flange lapped round the whole rim.
When Dionysus, with his band of frenzied women (Maenads) arrived at Thebes (his native place and the first city visited by him in Greece), Pentheus denied his divinity and violently opposed the introduction of his rites.
In later installations, under the 1895 patent, the anodes are placed horizontally on a porous tray resting within the solution above an endless silver band revolving, also horizontally, over rollers placed near the ends of a long shallow tank.
The revolving band forms the cathode, and at one end makes a rubbing contact with a travelling belt placed at an angle so that the crystals of silver detached thereby from the cathode are conveyed by it from the solution and deposited outside.
On the morning of the 7th the band, numbering about 36 persons, confessed and heard Mass, and then rode away to Holbeche, 2 m.
It remained undisturbed till the night of the 22nd of November, when a band of about 40 men dressed as Indians, in imitation of the Boston party, broke into the cellar and made a bonfire of the tea.
The highland rocks no doubt once extended along the whole length of the state from north to south; but they are now crossed by a band of Upper Palaeozoic sediments, which extend up to the valley of the Hunter river and separate the Blue Mountains and the Southern Highlands of New South Wales from the New England tableland to the north.
On the evening of that day Christian summoned his captains to a private conference at the palace, the result of which was quickly apparent, for at dusk a band of Danish soldiers, with lanterns and torches, broke into the great hall and carried off several carefully selected persons.
The remarkable features of the scenery of South Devon and Cornwall are due to a narrow band of Archaean rock which appears in the south of the peninsulas terminating in Lizard Head and Start Point, and to huge masses of granite and other eruptive rocks which form a series of great bosses and dykes.
In these circumstances he decided to leave Scotland, but a variety of causes prevented his departure; and meanwhile at Craigmillar a band of nobles undertook to free Mary from her husband, who refused to be present at the baptism of his son, James, at Stirling in December 1566.
The Annales Corbejenses 648-1148 of the monks can be read in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, Band iii.
In the centre of the fan lies a band of crystalline rocks which disappears towards the east.
The crystalline band is lost.
The geological sequence begins with the granite and schists of the central zone, which form a band extending from Fisht on the west to a point some distance beyond Kasbek on the east.
On the advice of a member of Gung'l's band who had taken up his residence in Edinburgh, Mackenzie was sent for his musical education to Sondershausen, where he entered the conservatorium under Ulrich and Stein, remaining there from 1857 to 1861, when he entered the ducal orchestra as a violinist.
This thread gives rise to a spiral ciliated band lying in a depression on the body of each spermatozoid; the large spermatozoids eventually escape from the pollen-tube, and are able to perform ciliary movements in the watery liquid which occurs between the thin papery remnant of nucellar tissue and the archegonial necks.
The roots of many conifers possess a narrow band of primary xylem-tracheids with a group of narrow spiral protoxylem-elements at each end (diarch).
Collecting a band of peasants and smugglers, he took the château of Gallais, where he captured a cannon, christened by the Vendeans the "Missionary"; he then took the towns of Chemille, Cholet, Vihiers and Chalonnes (March 1793).
Rumania begins on the seaward side with a band of territory called the Dobrudja; and broadens westward into the form of a blunted crescent, its northern horn being called Moldavia, its southern Walachia.
Outside the band of Miocene beds the Sarmatian, Pontian and Levantine series, often concealed by Quaternary deposits, cover the great part of the Danube plain.
Next, covering the north-eastern and south-western corners of the state, and connecting them with a narrow belt, are the lower Carboniferous measures (which also appear in a very narrow band along the Mississippi for some distance below St Louis).
The band spectrum, which corresponds to the compound or at least to the molecule of titanium, certainly belongs to a lower temperature than the line spectrum of the same metal.
As the supply of sodium was increased, the lines, besides becoming broader, did so unsymmetrically, and a shaded wing or band appeared on one side or the other according as the beam impinged on one side or the other of the flame.
On the 5th of October he was attacked by a band of assassins and left for dead, but the wounds were not mortal.
Each nation contributed a band of colonists, who selected the island of St Kitts or St Christopher, in the West Indies, where the settlers of both nations were simultaneously planted.
And thus the Pacific, ravaged so long by this powerful and mysterious band of corsairs, was at length at peace.
The caliphs substituted a covering of figured brocade, and the Egyptian government still sends with each pilgrim caravan from Cairo a new kiswa of black brocade, adorned with a broad band embroidered with golden inscriptions from the Koran, as well as a richer curtain for the door.'
When the pull of the band, A, comes upon the wheel, B, it revolves through a certain angle in the direc - tion of the arrow until the three forces, viz.
The disk carries a weighted brass cylinder rigidly attached to it, which is pulled into an oblique position by the steel band until equilibrium is established.
When the poise is at the zero end, and there is no load on the platform, the end of the steelyard is down, and has locked the ratchet wheel by means of the pawl; the shaft being thus locked, the sprocket wheels are stopped, the drum-shaft runs free by the friction clutch, and the two pulleys which are connected by the crossed band are running idle.
This victory he owed mainly to the valour of the Sacred Band, a picked body of 300 infantry.
At the battle of Leuctra (371) he contributed greatly to the success of Epaminondas's new tactics by the rapidity with which he made the Sacred Band close with the Spartans.
A pulley carried on a rotating shaft and connected to another pulley on a second shaft by an endless band consisting of a flat belt, rope, chain or similar connector serves for the transmission of power from the one shaft to the other and is known as a driving pulley; while combinations of pulleys or "sheaves," mounted in fixed or movable frames or "blocks," constitute mechanisms used to facilitate the raising of heavy weights.
The rims of pulleys, round which flat bands are wrapped, may be truly cylindrical, in which case the belt will run indifferently at any part of the pulley, or the rim may be swelled towards the centre, when the central line of the band will tend to run in the diametral plane of the pulley.
This self-guiding property may be explained by the tendency which a flat band has, when running upon a conical pulley in a direction normal to its axis, to describe a spiral path as it wraps on to the surface because of the lateral stiffness of the material; the advancing side therefore tends to rise towards the highest part of the cone.
When pulleys are mounted on shafts which are parallel to one another, the band will retain its position, provided that its central line advances towards each pulley in the diametral plane of this latter.
The uniformly reddish or chestnut-brown specimens approach most nearly to the wild mouflon or urial in colour, but the chestnut extends over the whole of the underparts and flanks; domestication having probably led to the elimination of the white belly and dark flank band, which are doubtless protective characters.
Above this and below the stalagmite there is in one part of the cave a black band from 2 to 6 in.
All criticism of this is inconsequent; " fighting gear " was notoriously the only effective asset of Missourians in Kansas, every Southern band in Kansas was militarily organized and armed, and the free-state men armed only under necessity.
Immediately after the sack of Lawrence, John Brown and a small band murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men, on Pottawatomie Creek; a horrible deed, showing a new spirit on the freestate side, and of ghastly consequence - for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.
Not merely did it produce the great band of missionaries who converted heathen GermanyWilliEli h brord, Suidbert, Boniface and the restbut it excelled church, the other national churches in learning and culture.
A few years later another band appeared, rising unexpectedly from the sea to sack the famous Northumbriars monastery of Lindisfarne (793).
Then he crossed to England with a band of mercenaries, and seized Windsor and Wallinglord castles.
Yet he was so frankly impossible as a ruler that, save the earls of Pembroke and Chester, all his English followers had left him, and he had no one to back him but the papal legate Gualo and a band of foreign mercenaries.
There was first his Poitevin chancellor, Peter des Roches, bishop of Winchester, with a numerous band of his relations and dependents.
Several more of Edwards scanty band of friends the earl of Arundel and the bishop of Exeter and otherswere also slain.
In 1712 the slaughter of a band of Foxes near Detroit was the signal for hostilities which lasted almost continuously until 1740, 1 and in which every tribe in the Wisconsin country was sooner or later involved either in alliance with the Foxes or with the French; the Chippewa, always hostile to the Foxes, the Potawatomi and the Menominee sided with the French.
This pro-British spirit, however, did not dominate the whole Wisconsin region, and while De Langlade was harassing the Pennsylvania and Virginia frontier, Godefrey de Linctot, a trader of Prairie du Chien, acting as agent for George Rogers Clark, detached several western tribes from the British adherence, and personally led a band of French settlers to his aid.
Friction between the settlers and the Indians could not long be avoided, and in 1827 Red Bird and his band of Winnebago attacked the whites, but after some bloodshed they were defeated by Major William Whistler (1780-1863) of Fort Howard.
Its prevailing colour is grey, with a broad black band, bordered with white, commencing on the chest, and passing obliquely over the shoulder, diminishing gradually in breadth as it approaches the loins, where it ends in a point.
The usual colour is yellowishwhite, with a broad black lateral band, covering nearly the whole of the side of the body.
Along the straight edge there is usually a broad band, and at the neck is attached the "hood" (in Latin, the clypeus or shield), i.e.
The violet-coloured face, which has no beard, is fringed by large bushy whiskers and surmounted by a white band above the brows.
On or near the site of the city stood a village of the Mankato ("blue earth") band of the Mdewakanton Sioux, who derived their name from one of their chiefs, "Old Mankato."
The life of Agobard in Ebert's Geschichte der Litteratur des Mittelalters (1880), Band ii., is still one of the best to consult.
Perhaps the finest existing statue of her is the Diana of Versailles from Hadrian's Villa (now in the Louvre), in which she wears a short tunic drawn in at the waist and sandals on her feet; her hair is bound up into a knot at the back of her head, with a band over the forehead.
His band was completely dispersed, and he himself was captured by a party of Winnebagoes.
In the young spike, which arises when the leaf is still very small, a band of tissue derived from superficial cells is distinguishable along either side; this sporangiogenic band gives rise to the sporogenous groups, the sterile septa between them, and the outer walls of the sporangia.
During the 8th century a large band of women, under a certain Vlasta, carried on war against the duke of Bohemia, and enslaved or put to death all men who fell into their hands.
In the view of primitive Christians ordinary human society was a world temporarily surrendered to Satanic rule, over which a swift and sudden destruction was impending; in such a world the little band who were gathered in the ark of the church could have no part or lot, - the only attitude they could maintain was that of passive alienation.
The unit of Icelandic politics was the homestead with its franklin-owner (buendi) its primal organization the hundredmoot (thing), its tie the gooorc5(godar) or chieftainship. The chief who had led a band of kinsmen and dependants to the new land, taken a " claim " there, and parcelled it out among them, naturally became their leader, presiding as priest at the temple feasts and sacrifices of heathen times, acting as speaker of their moot, and as their representative towards the neighbouring chiefs.
Strassburg in 1515, Otto's writings are now found in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, Band xx.
In the extreme north-east the crystalline scnists of the Carpathians extend to the south side of the Danube, and stretch parallel to the Morava in a band along its right bank.
They are often admirable artisans and musicians, almost every town possessing a gipsy band.
They were accordingly taken up anew by a band of continental inquirers, primarily by three men of untiring energy and vivid genius, Leonhard Euler, Alexis Clairault, and Jean le Rond d'Alembert.
A beam of sunlight admitted into a darkened room through a narrow aperture, and there dispersed into a vario-tinted band by the interposition of a prism, is not absolutely W continuous.
Here Calvin was welcomed by the band of scholars and theologians who had conspired to make that city the Athens of Switzerland, and especially by Oswald Myconius, the chief pastor, Pierre Viret and Heinrich Bullinger.
In September, however, in concert with Gustav von Struve, he crossed the Rhine from Switzerland at the head of a band of volunteers, and proclaimed a republic in Baden.
On the 15th of July 1895 he was attacked and barbarously mutilated by a band of Macedonian assassins in the streets of Sofia, and succumbed to his injuries three days later.
Its bill is shorter than its head; its tarsi are reticulated instead of scutellated in front, with the upper part feathered instead of being bare; and the plumage of its body and wings is very different, each feather being tipped with a distinct whitish band, while that of the head and neck is greyishbrown.
A third band, the Firbolg proper, took possession of Munster.
About the 1st of May 1169 Fitzstephen landed on the Wexford shore with a small force, and next day Maurice de Prendergast brought another band nearly to the same spot.
But although this band of free-lances was a menace to Mr Redmond's authority and to the solidarity of the " pledge-bound" Irish parliamentary party, the two sections did not differ in their desire to get rid of the " veto " of the House of Lords, which they recognized as the standing obstacle to Home Rule, and which it was the avowed policy of the government to abolish.
With a little band of fifty-six followers he attempted to provoke a rising of the 42nd regiment of the line at Boulogne, hoping afterwards to draw General Magnan to Lille and march upon Paris.
A narrow band, of Cretaceous age, occurs also on the east coast, for about 120 m., between Vatomandry and Mananjary.
A narrow band of these deposits extends along the west coast, from north of Cape St Andrew nearly to the extreme southern point of the island.
Gold is found almost all over the region of crystalline rocks, except in and around the Antsihanaka province, the richest auriferous districts being a band of country parallel with the east coast and spreading at its southern end into the interior; and another tract, whose centre is about 100 m.
A band of Dorians united with a body of Aetolians to cross the Corinthian Gulf and invade the Peloponnese from the north west.
Nevertheless, it is not probable that without the training introduced by Lycurgus the Spartans would have been successful in securing their supremacy in Laconia, much less in the Peloponnese, for they formed a small immigrant band face to face with a large and powerful Achaean and autochthonous population.
It was a system of Greek thought, expressed in a Semitic tongue, and modified by Oriental influences, called into existence amongst the Moslem people by the patronage of their more liberal princes, and kept alive by the intrepidity and zeal of a small band of thinkers, who stood suspected and disliked in the eyes of their nation.
On the opposite side of the river, in addition to the cultivated portions of the bank, there is a large tract extending from south of Kuhak, or the Seistan dam (band), to the gravelly soil below the mountain ranges which separate Seistan from Baluchistan and Narmashir.
Between the Kuhak band and Rudbar they are mainly Baluch.
They are diverted by means of a large band or dam, known indifferently as the " Amir's," the Seistan " or the "Kuhak " band, It is constructed of horizontally laid tamarisk branches, earth and perpendicular stakes, and protected from damage by a fort on the left and a tower on the right bank of the river.
On the southern side they are not found except in the axial zone, and the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits are reduced to a narrow band.
The smallest member of the genus (C. reevesi) occurs in southern China and has a reddish-chestnut coat, speckled with yellowish grey and a black band down the nape.
The broad fact remained that while Mr Chamberlain's activity gathered round him the bulk of the Unionist members and an enthusiastic band of economic sympathizers, the country as a whole remained apathetic and unconvinced.
A strong ligamentous band behind the metapodium, arising from near the upper extremity of its posterior surface, divides into two at its lower end, and each division, being first connected with one of the paired upper sesamoid bones, passes by the side of the first phalanx to join the extensor tendon of the phalanges.
The oesophageal orifice is small, and guarded by a strong crescentic or horseshoe-like band of muscular fibres, supposed to be the cause of the difficulty of vomiting in the horse.
Since the tenuous edge of the lens extends beyond the earth's orbit it follows that there must be some zodiacal light, whether it can be seen or not, passing entirely across the sky, along or near the ecliptic. Observations of this zodiacal band are therefore of great interest.
From what has been said of its position it is evident that the zodiacal band, when seen across the sky, must include it.
It may therefore be regarded as an intensification of this band, possibly produced by the increased intensity of the light when reflected nearly back toward the sun, and therefore toward the earth.
From the description given of the zodiacal band and the Gegenschein, it is clear that these objects should be best seen at the highest elevation, especially within the tropics.
He saw the zodiacal band at midnight as a complete arch spanning the sky, agreeing in this point with the observations of Barnard.
Another anomaly is that he never saw the Gegenschein, but describes the band as equally bright in all its parts, except near the horizon.
It is noteworthy that he could see the zodiacal band across the entire sky during the whole of every very clear moonless night in tropical regions.
The question whether the Gegenschein can be accounted for by the reflection of light from the same matter as the zodiacal band is still unsettled.
Taking the general consensus of the observations it would seem that its light must be so much brighter than that of the band as to imply the action of some different cause.
He may be enrolled among the band of English statesmen who have distinguished themselves in literature.
Within them lies the usual frontier band of parallel ridges, alternating with narrow valleys.
The latter is buttressed against hills at a much higher elevation than the Kharan desert, which is separated from the great expanse of the Helmund desert within the borders of "Afghanistan by a transverse band of serrated hills forming a distinct watershed from Nushki to Seistan.
It was known as the Band i Kaisar (the Caesar's Dike), but after having been repaired by Mahommed Ali Mirza, a son of Fath Ali Shah, in the early part of the 19th century, it was called Band i Shahzadeh, or Prince's Dike.
A little distance below this dike begins the artificial cutting in the sandstone rock and at half a mile from it is a second band, 60 yds.
At the end of the pavement stand the band and bridge ascribed to the Roman emperor Valerian.
The band is called Band i Mizan, the bridge Pul i Kaisar.
Seventy yards of band and bridge were swept away in 1885.
With the break of the band in 1885 the level of the main river has fallen and the Minab canal is not properly filled, causing much damage to cultivation in the district.
Then the Band i Mizan and the great bridge were erected across the river and finally a dam was constructed across the Gerger canal, where is now the Pul i Bulaiti, so as to turn back the Karun into its original channel, but a later, by means of sluices and tunnels, the flow of water was regulated in such a manner that two-sixths of the water flowed east and four-sixths west of the town.
His one ally was the Franciscan friar, Giovanni da Capistrano (q.v.), who preached a crusade so effectually that the peasants and yeomanry, ill-armed (most of them had but slings and scythes) but full of enthusiasm, flocked to the standard of Hunyadi, the kernel of whose host consisted of a small band of seasoned mercenaries and a few banderia of noble horsemen.
Prorocentraceae (Schutt) (=the Adinida of Bergh); body surrounded by a firm shell of two valves without a girdle band; transverse groove absent; transverse flagellum coiled round base of longitudinal.
In 1842 he withdrew to Littlemore, and lived there under monastic conditions with a small band of followers, their life being one of great physical austerity as well as of anxiety and suspense.
This formation helps to build up the central plateau, and a band outcrops around its edge.
There is no continuous band of ancient gneiss, nor indeed of any beds older than the Jurassic. There is very little over-folding or faulting, and the structure is that of the Jura mountains rather than of the Alps.
Recruits were added, in some cases by compulsion, until the band numbered about sixty.
The outer surfaces of the walls are usually divided by a horizontal moulding into two unequal zones, the lower one plain with a band of sculptured ornaments at the base, and the upper elaborately sculptured.
In an old fashioned Mead black marble composition book, secured with a rubber band, I found what I believed to be a summary of all those settings.
We didn't band together to stop her, because she had …dirt on all of us, he explained.
The name was black against a band the color of red wine, both intricate and bold, with odd characters etched into the edges of the band.
He broke free of attackers before reaching the camouflaged door and waved his band in front of what would look like just another boulder to someone unfamiliar with the path.
She'd never even seen Damian prior to the Schism, when the Guardians exiled to the mortal world were a small band struggling to stay alive.
The band wasn't a bad idea – as long as he wasn't doing it to impress the girls.
There were five boys in their band – two of them a rebellious age of fifteen.
If he had simply wanted different clothes, she might have complied, but what he wanted to do was slice his clothing up with a razor blade and get jeans so long that they shredded from being walked on – like the other band members.
Seldom can any band have turned adversity to such advantage.
In anticipation for the arrival of the band, the stage came alive with strobe lights and atmospheric smoke.
It was an auspicious start for the new Bedford Town Band.
As a belated welcome, "Many greetings to our two new female members who now grace our band."
In 2005, its members announced that the band was on "indefinite hiatus."
After a lengthy hiatus, the band has released a few more tracks and will have a string of shows planned for the near future.
They held the prevalent notion of how a rock band should be.
These are perfectly proficient musicians doing a perfectly proficient rendition of an average pub rock band.
I offer my deepest sympathy to his family, also to the band which I hope will carry on, given time to reflect.
It also signaled the point at which the band was at its best and feeding off the massive audience acclaim.
During the show you provide live accompaniment with a band of three others.
I hear some Trusts have banded directorate accountants at band 6!
Musically the band were excellent, although if you expect mostly acoustic think again.
Please note it is THE FULL BAND and not acoustic, check out the on tour commentary by guitarist Frankie Lee.
Alice band to give a bit of height.
The Swifts went from basically an allover green, to an allover green, to an allover green with a broad cream band across the middle.
A different marker on 3p14.2 showed an identical shifted band in the three tumors indicative of a common microsatellite alteration.
The BOGS has always been a completely adult band of singers with a male alto top line.
Sadly however, our experience is cut short by a curfew, tho the band is quite amiable about it.
The split with Oasis seems amicable - do you think you would ever rejoin the band?
The pretend dentist was known to pitch his booth next to a show band; he never used an anesthetic.
The Band will celebrate its 25th anniversary in October, 2005!
The band's anthem ' Battle Metal ' was undoubtedly a highlight of the day.
We eagerly looked forward to his virtuoso playing with the Old Rope String Band and the crazy on-stage antics.
But let it suffice here that The Band stands as the moment when the group achieved apotheosis.
The deafening applause that greeted the band back on stage for the encore was enough to impress the most hardened industry big-wig.
But I was genuinely astonished to play with a band with a worse name on the same tour.
Her band The True Warriors were rather more elegantly attired in a Japanese styled suit get up.
The band wowed the audience with their brand of rap ultimately slamming the audience with their chart hit ' ' Where Is The Love?
I'll unwind the world like a rubber band on a golf ball 's insides every morning, put it back together every night.
Alright Stew - joined the band, does that mean you got a blow job?
Mario Kart's infamous elastic band AI has also been given the heave-ho.
First prize goes to Gary Beckwith, who scoops a £ 100 bet with Blue Sq for producing our new favorite band.
These are the rhythms of life for a big band like Delirious?
Passing through one village we even had a brass band blocking our route.
My eldest boy of 21 is in a ska punk band.
Who knows, you may still play in a ' rock band ' one day!
Green Day tribute band Green Date Added on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 This is Green Date a Green Day tribute band.