Baled Sentence Examples
The crop is picked, ginned and baled in the usual way, the Macarthy style action roller gins being almost exclusively employed.
Temple is situated in a rich farming country; cotton is ginned and baled here, and there are various manufactures.
Several fields have now been harvested and the straw baled into the large round bales that are now the norm.
The peat is produced in sod form and then granulated, graded and baled.
This was a fire involving approximately 150 tons of baled hay.
Some was on baled ground, some was on chopped straw.
We built out of organic, specially baled straw on a foundation of concrete and blocks.
Vast areas of land have been ploughed and sown with lucerne (alfalfa); magnificent permanent pasturage has been created where there were coarse and hard grasses in former days, and Argentina has been able to add baled hay to her list of exports.