Bald Sentence Examples
The little man shook his bald head.
A wax candle stood at each side of the minister's bent bald head with its gray temples.
And he was bald and beardless."
Murimuth has no merits of style, and gives a bald narrative of events.
Similarly the emperor Charles the Bald is reckoned as Charles II.
Soon after Prince Andrew's return the old prince made over to him a large estate, Bogucharovo, about twenty-five miles from Bald Hills.
He rose, took Prince Andrew by the arm, and went to meet a tall, bald, fair man of about forty with a large open forehead and a long face of unusual and peculiar whiteness, who was just entering.
The old men, dim-eyed, toothless, bald, sallow, and bloated, or gaunt and wrinkled, were especially striking.
Keep your eyes peeled for whales and bald eagles.
Bald eagles are found only in North America.
AdvertisementIn personal appearance he was tall and corpulent, of a dignified presence and extremely powerful physique, with a bald forehead, close-cropped hair and short moustaches.
His head was large and bald, surrounded with a fringe of dark hair.
But not far from Bald Hills he again came out on the road and overtook his regiment at its halting place by the dam of a small pond.
It was becoming more and more dangerous to remain at Bald Hills, and next day they moved the prince to Bogucharovo, the doctor accompanying him.
The old prince used to approve of them for their endurance at work when they came to Bald Hills to help with the harvest or to dig ponds, and ditches, but he disliked them for their boorishness.
AdvertisementShe vividly recalled the moment when he had his first stroke and was being dragged along by his armpits through the garden at Bald Hills, muttering something with his helpless tongue, twitching his gray eyebrows and looking uneasily and timidly at her.
Of late he had received so many new and very serious impressions--such as the retreat from Smolensk, his visit to Bald Hills, and the recent news of his father's death--and had experienced so many emotions, that for a long time past those memories had not entered his mind, and now that they did, they did not act on him with nearly their former strength.
Prince Andrew told Kutuzov all he knew of his father's death, and what he had seen at Bald Hills when he passed through it.
But Napoleon came and swept him aside, unconscious of his existence, as he might brush a chip from his path, and his Bald Hills and his whole life fell to pieces.
In that 'extend' were my father, son, and sister, at Bald Hills.
AdvertisementIn the foremost place, immediately under the icons, sat Barclay de Tolly, his high forehead merging into his bald crown.
In the winter of 1813 Nicholas married Princess Mary and moved to Bald Hills with his wife, his mother, and Sonya.
In another three years, by 1820, he had so managed his affairs that he was able to buy a small estate adjoining Bald Hills and was negotiating to buy back Otradnoe--that being his pet dream.
Whole families of the Rostovs' and Bolkonskis' relations sometimes came to Bald Hills with sixteen horses and dozens of servants and stayed for months.
At that table were his mother, his mother's old lady companion Belova, his wife, their three children with their governess and tutor, his wife's nephew with his tutor, Sonya, Denisov, Natasha, her three children, their governess, and old Michael Ivanovich, the late prince's architect, who was living on in retirement at Bald Hills.
AdvertisementBecause such treatment triggers hair growth in bald patches but does not eradicate the disease, however, new bald patches can occur in other parts of the scalp even if new growth occurs.
Simultaneously with this work he carried on the publication of the annals of the Carolingian epoch on the model of the German Jahrbitcher, reserving for himself the reign of Charles the Bald.
Quickly attaining a prominent position among the Frankish nobles, he appears as rector of the abbey of Marmoutier in 852, and as one of Charles the Bald's missi dominici, in 853; but soon afterwards he was among those who rebelled against Charles, and invited the king's halfbrother, Louis the German, to invade West Francia.
In 853 and the following years Louis made more than one attempt to secure the throne of Aquitaine, which the people of that country offered him in their disgust with the cruel misrule of Charles the Bald.
At the former of these, held in the Liebfrauenkirche, took place the reconciliation of Louis the German with his half-brother Charles the Bald.
The only portion of Erigena's life as to which we possess accurate information was that spent at the court of Charles the Bald.
In this capacity he took part in the second Bull Run campaign, and his corps displayed the utmost gallantry in the unsuccessful attacks on Bald Hill.
In accepting in 1645 the Westminster Directory of Public Worship she tacitly gave up her own liturgy which had been in use till recently, and committed herself to a bald and uninviting order of worship, in which no forms of prayer were allowed to be used.
The author of the Harmonica Institutio wrote numerous lives of the saints and a curious poem on bald men, dedicated to Charles the Bald.
A strong party, however, cast some doubts upon the legitimacy of the young princes, as the marriage of their parents had not been recognized by the emperor Charles the Bald; consequently it was proposed to offer the crown to the East Frankish ruler Louis, a son of Louis the German.
The skargard of the Cattegat, north of Varberg, is bald and rugged.
There was then a fairly long period of peace; but Nomenoc rebelled against Charles the Bald, defeated him, and forced him, in 846, to recognize the independence of Brittany.
His successors carried still farther the practice of dressing up the rather bald chronicles of earlier writers with all the ornaments of rhetoric. The old traditions were altered, almost beyond the possibility of recognition, by exaggerations, interpolations and additions.
In other cases his desire to give a vividness and point to what he doubtless considered the rather bald and dry style of Polybius leads him into absurdities and inaccuracies.
He has passed far beyond the bald and meagre diction of the early chroniclers.
Certain Carolingian monarchs, probably copying the practice of the papal chancery, issued diplomas authenticated by leaden seals, examples of the reign of Charles the Bald being still extant.
Genealogies also pass from the bald verse, which was the vehicle for oral transmission, to such elaborate tables as those in which Manetho has preserved the dynasties of Egyptian Pharaohs.
In the controversy about election, when appealed to by Charles the Bald, Ratramnus wrote two books De praedestinatione Dei, in which he maintained the doctrine of a twofold predestination; nor did the fate of Gottschalk deter him from supporting his view against Hincmar as to the orthodoxy of the expression "trina Deitas."
After the death of Louis the Pious (840) Hincmar supported Charles the Bald, and received from him the abbacies of Notre-Dame at Compiegne and St Germer de Fly.
Hincmar energetically supported the policy of Charles the Bald in Lorraine, less perhaps from devotion to the king's interests than from a desire to see the whole of the ecclesiastical province of Reims united under the authority of a single sovereign, and in 869 it was he who consecrated Charles at Metz as king of Lorraine.
Hincmar experienced another check when he endeavoured to prevent Wulfad, one of the clerks deposed by Ebbo, from obtaining the archbishopric of Bourges with the support of Charles the Bald.
Charles the Bald, however, upheld the rights of Ansegisus at the synod of Ponthion.
To Carloman, on his accession in 882, Hincmar addressed his De ordine palatii, partly based on a treatise (now lost) by Adalard, abbot of Corbie (c. 814), in which he set forth his system of government and his opinion of the duties of a sovereign, a subject he had already touched in his De regis persona et regio rninisterio, dedicated to Charles the Bald at an unknown date, and in his Instructio ad Ludovicum regem, addressed to Louis the Stammerer on his accession in 877.
Besides the works already mentioned, he was the author of several theological tracts; of the De villa Noviliaco, concerning the claiming of a domain of his church; and he continued from 861 the Annales Bertiniani, of which the first part was written by Prudentius, bishop of Troyes, the best source for the history of Charles the Bald.
On his way home he married Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald.
Ash, oaks, black and sweet gums, chestnuts, hickories, hard maple, beech, walnut and short-leaf pine are noteworthy among the trees of the Carolinian area; the tupelo and bald cypress of the embayment region, and long-leaf and loblolly pines, pecans and live oaks of the uplands, among those characteristic of the Austro-riparian.
The bald cypress, a southern tree, seems to be an anomalous growth.
The birds of prey include the red-shouldered, redtailed, broad-winged, Cooper's, sharp-shinned and sparrow hawk and the bald eagle; the great horned, barred, barn, snowy, shorteared and screech owls.
He was strongly opposed to the schemes of the empress Judith for a redivision of the empire in favour of her son Charles the Bald, which he regarded as the cause of all the subsequent evils, and supported Lothair and Pippin against their father the emperor Louis I.
However, asthe boundary between the possessions of Charles the Bald and those of Louis was not strictly defined, and as Lothairs kingdom, having no national basis, soon disintegrated into the kingdoms of Italy, Burgundy and Arles, in Lotharingia, this great undefined territory was to serve as a tilting-ground for France and Germany on the very morrow of the treaty of Verdun and for ten centuries after.
Charles the Bald was the first king of western France.
Charles the Bald thus spent his life sword in hand, fighting unsuccessfully against the Bretons, whose two kings, Nomeno and Erispo, he had to recognize in turn; and against the people of Aquitaine, who, in full revolt, appealed for help to his brother, Louis the German.
To check the Bretons and the Normans, who were attacking from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Charles the Bald found himself obliged to entrust the defence of the country to Robert the Strong, ancestor of the house of Capet and duke of the lands between Loire and Seine.
Hence the sixty years of terror and confusion which came between Charlemagne and the death of Charles the Bald suppressed the direct authority of the king in favor of the nobles, and prepared the way for a second destruction of the monarchy at the hands of a stronger power (see FEUDALISM).
In vain Charles the Bald affirmed his royal authority in the capitularies of Quierzy-sur-Oise (857), Reims (860), Pistes (864), Gondreville (872) and Quierzy-sur-Oise (877); each time in exchange for assent to the royal will and renewal of oaths he had to acquiesce in.
Far from forbidding the relation of lord and vassal, Charles the Bald imposed it upon every man in his kingdom, himself proclaiming the real incapacity and failure of that theoretic royal power to which he laid claim.
The degeneration of the monarchy was clearly apparent on the death of Charles the Bald, when his son, Louis the Stammerer, was only assured of the throne, which had passed by Louis the right of birth under the Merovingians and been Stan,hereditary under the earlier Carolingians, through his election by nobles and bishops under the direction (877-879).
Eudes was victor in the struggle, and was crowned and anointed at Compigne on the 29th of February 888; but five years later, meeting with defeat after defeat at the hands of the Normans, his followers deserted from him to Charles the Simple, grandson of Charles the Bald, who was also supported by Fulk, archbishop of Reims.
Charlemagnes vassals, however, had needed him; while from Charles the Bald onward it was the king who needed the vassalsa change more marked with each successive prince.
But vassalage could only be a cause of disintegration, not of unity, and that this disintegration did not at once spread indefinitely was due to the dozen or so great military commands Flanders, Burgundy, Aquitaine, &c.which Charles the Bald had been obliged to establish on a strong territorial basis.
If Mercury is in the sign of the Scorpion he will be bald, &c."
This was Roxana (1718) by the Bald Galloway, her dam sister to Chanter by the Akaster Turk, from a daughter of Leedes's Arabian and a mare by Spanker.
Spanker himself was by D'Arcy's Yellow Turk from a daughter of the Morocco Barb and Old Bald Pegg by an Arab horse from a Barb mare.
In person he is said to have been "red, bald and short-sighted," but with good features and a pleasing countenance.
He is bald now, but in his chevalier Garde uniform he is magnificent still, and very striking."
Bald Eagle - I went a bit overboard with the farmyard noises on this, but I liked the way Winston hit the anvil.
From the bald assertion of her husband's guilt, Lois Jenkins makes a sudden leap to unexplained hints.
Some will sit all alone some will line in pairs, some will be completely bald whilst others might have hairs.
This pecking, combined with feather loss from rubbing against the cage bars, can result in almost totally bald birds.
The brow was rather bald, and the eyes bright and blue, which Devine had last seen obscured with a broad straw hat.
Sometimes they can be quite bald statements which people find harder to take.
A refusal notice under clause 15 will be very bald.
He looked at a skull going bald, on top a few greasy strands smeared over like a bar code.
In a girl the condition has to be inherited from both parents for her to run any risk at all of becoming bald.
The litany, for example, looks bald to a degree in the music copy.
Of nesting bald also made their where darkness covers.
For the first time in my life I felt bald.
Wildlife sightings may include bald eagles, beavers, moose, and bears.
American bald eagles and gopher tortoises, as well as many endangered plants are found here.
The avifauna includes the federally endangered southern bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus and peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus which successfully breeds here.
Are you inspired by America's symbol, the magnificent bald eagle?
Gasp at his bloated belly, bald head, hunched back and stripy trousers!
Top bald bloke on the sleeve for the ladies too!
His thinning hair was plastered meticulously over his bald tome scarcely concealing the pink scalp.
Indeed, in some places it is almost too spare and too curt in its bald simplicity.
The CSC vehicles parked outside the window gleam in their ' bald eagle ' paint jobs.
He was also completely bald and had no eyelashes or eyebrows.
He was an elderly man, with a thin, projecting nose, a high, bald forehead, and a huge grizzled mustache.
A bald head with an elongated whisper of hair encircling that wondrous globe which is the swimmer's bonce.
The bald patches have now spread to cover approximately 40 percent of my facial hair, at least creating less area to shave daily.
The population of bald ibis has been in decline and the species is in danger of extinction.
The sucker is fixed to a bald patch on top of the skull.
With his bald pate, he looked like his head had been put on upside down.
He had quite a large paunch, and his hair was sparse, tho his scalp was not completely bald.
If a guinea pig develops bald patches on its face, this could indicate the fungal disease ringworm.
Cruise crew were of nesting bald civil war storyteller crowd from the.
A bald eagle swoops across the bay and perches on a tall spruce.
If the literary style in which the exegetic discussion of the texts and rites is carried on in the Brahmanas is, as a rule, of a very bald and uninviting nature, it must be borne in mind that these treatises are of a strictly professional and esoteric character, and in no way lay claim to being considered as literary compositions in any sense of the word.
Perhaps his edition of the Leges Visigothorum (1579) was his most valuable contribution to historical science; in the same line he edited the Capitula of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, and Charles the Bald in 1588, and he also assisted his brother Francois in preparing an edition of the Corpus juris canonici (1687).
Their duties became merged in the ordinary work of the bishops and counts, and under the emperor Charles the Bald they took control of associations 1 The history of the practice of elevating the host seems to have arisen out of the custom of holding up the oblations, as mentioned in the Ordo Romanus (see above).
Erigena's next work was a Latin translation of Dionysius the Areopagite (see Dionysius Areopagiticus) undertaken at the request of Charles the Bald.
He is described by Pain Gatineau as "a well-knit, handsome man, bald (from his illness at Acre), of agreeable face and ruddy complexion, loving good cheer, wine and women.
He was quite an old little man and his head was long and entirely bald.
Despite the massive advertising campaigns of ruthless businesspeople preying on the vulnerabilities of bald people to make a quick buck.
The symptoms are bald, scaly patches with broken hairs on the patch.
In the same room, there is a man with no hair, just a bald shaven head.
She teased me saying that tubby bald men were cute !
Some have huge bald patches where mats have just been yanked off by the owner, and the skin is red and sore.
She's getting a bald patch on her back right in front of her tail on both sides of her spine.
About a week ago he started developing a bald spot on the top of his head.
She excessively grooms her tummy and inner thighs, so she is completely bald.
My kitten has a circular bald spot on the back of his ear.
Mange (skin will usually cover over the bald areas with a grayish-yellowish crust).
I just noticed a bald spot on the back of one of my cat's ears.
It seemed as though she was no longer itching, and I have been watching to see if her hair was returning, when, in the last three days, she seems to have been showing signs of bald spots again.
The only thing more difficult than watching your cat grow bald patches is figuring out the cause for the hair loss.
Maybe your cat has developed random bald patches.
If you have Bob Dylan hair, or a Sinead O'Connor bald 'do, don't put up last year's picture of your screaming orange dye job.
Bald and overweight, Carl dresses casually in a stained wifebeater and sweats, while sporting a gold chain and green flip flops.
Los Angeles news channel KABC-TV posted video of the newly bald Spears on its Web site.
Jeff Bridges went bald for his role in the upcoming movie, Iron Man.
Young actress Natalie Portman went bald during a scene in V for Vendetta.
In 2005, Etheridge played at the annual Grammy Awards ceremony - a memorable performance because she was still bald as a result of the chemo.
Tom Cruise - This leading man, now more commonly known as Suri Cruise's father and Katie Holmes' better half, is horrified at the thought of going bald.
According to the Twilight's website, cruisers can witness roughly 20 to 30 bald eagles on each trip.
He is beginning to shed a lot of hair and has some areas that are looking more bare although not completely bald.
From the roots of old trees its curious excrescences arise in the shape of great bald knobs 3 or 4 feet high.
Only the bald cypress is as well-adapted to swamp conditions as the tupelo.
Like the bald cypress, tupelo tree living in constantly wet conditions have swollen trunks.
The existing flooring may have a bald spot or a discolored section under the existing cabinet.
If you have thinning hair in the front, you may need to opt for shorter layers that can be poofed a bit and used to camouflage a bald spot.
Make sure that your field of vision is not obscured and that the hat hides whatever you are trying to hide, such as a bald spot.
Eagle Ridge - This exhibit offers an exciting look at American bald eagles.
It's kind of hard not to love the adorable bald guy who looks like grandpa but dances like your son.
Also returning to battle are such favorites as Bald Bull, Don Flamenco, Glass Joe, Great Tiger, Sandman, Soda Popinski, and Piston Hondo (previously known as Piston Honda).
He is known for his bald head painted with three red stripes, the string of skulls around his neck, and his shorts held up by rope.
Apparently a roogle is the Australian equivalent of an American jackelope and it's an oddball animal with a kangaroo's bottom torso and a bald eagle's head.
And if you wonder why the bald eagle is an endangered species this may be the reason.
Visitors can also enjoy tubing, whitewater rafting, hiking, and horseback riding in the Helen area, as well as visiting other natural Georgia attractions such as the Appalachian Trail and Brasstown Bald.
Tires should not be terribly worn or "bald".
Sometimes inflamed and filled with pus, scalp ringworm lesions can cause crusting, flaking, and round bald patches.
It can take six to 12 months for new hair to cover bald patches, and three to 12 months to cure infected fingernails.
The individual with trichotillomania will have bald spots on the head or missing eyelashes or eyebrows.
A hair transplant uses your own hair to fill in bald or thinning spots.
The surgeon takes the hair from what is called a permanent donor site, which is an area of the scalp that is not likely to become bald, and moves it to a bald location.
Think about that fringe that is often left on even very bald men.
According to Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration, transplanted hair from that fringe isn't likely to fall out, even when placed in a previously bald spot, because that hair is not affected by the hormones that cause hair loss.
This type of transplant may require several sessions over many months to adequately fill in a bald or thinning area.
Another method involves cutting a flap of hair-bearing skin and then simply rotating that flap into the bald area.
Scalp reduction involves removing some of the bald skin and then stretching the remaining skin over the area.
It probably won't return your hair to its original thickness, but many people find that it does enough to camouflage a bald or thinning spot.
The most popular type of hair transplant involves taking thin strips of hair from areas of the scalp that aren't balding, diving the strips into smaller pieces, and then placing that hair in thinning or bald spots.
The transplanted hair should be taken from what is called a permanent donor site, an area of the scalp that isn't likely to become bald.
In a scalp reduction surgery, part of the bald area is removed and the remaining, hair-bearing skin stretched to cover the spot.
A skin flap procedure involves cutting a flap of hair-bearing skin from one part of the scalp and rotating or moving it to fill in a bald space.
These color-sprays may help to fill in bald spots that aren't quite significant enough for a hair piece.
The classic baldness pattern begins with a receding hairline forming a characteristic "M" shape with a peak reaching down the forehead, combined with a thinning crown or bald spot at the top and back of the head.
If most of the men in your family are bald, chances are you will lose some hair as well.
Much like the toupee, the wig will cover your bald area with realistic-looking hair.
Jane, and no one can deny just how stylish Sinead O'Connor's bald head has always made her look.
While a full head of hair is always desirable, never forget that bald can also be beautiful!
Some of the babies come with hair, while others are available with bald, shiny heads.
Patient's hair falls out, leaving them bald.
Gay Free Sites-This mega Web site offers lot of links to other free sites, including Asians, bald men, interracial, cartoons and Hentai, and private webcams.
Fat, bald, no personality, looks like Hitler, and not very wealthy (except maybe this newfound income) and also married.
One of the most memorable season finale's of the series involved Kimberly pulling off a wig to reveal a bald head and a wicked scar she received in a previous accident.
A proud bald eagle makes a striking tattoo.
The American Bald Eagle is the national emblem of the United States of America, and has been since 1782.
Since bald eagles eat mainly fish, they're most often found where water is nearby.
Bald eagles take on their distinctive appearance at about age four or five.
Bald eagle designs often symbolize patriotism.
You can go old school with the standard evil skull, complete with hollow eyes, bald head and bony looking teeth.
It is not unheard of to find these tough tattoos in unexpected places such as the inner lip or on a bald head.
Several other high profile, out of control incidents followed, including unflattering photos of a bald Spears lunging at photogs wielding an umbrella.
Kate Gosselin's stomach surgery was deemed a success and in May 2009 the reality TV mom flaunted her tight abs during a highly publicized vacation to Bald Head Island, North Carolina.
One of the main reasons why the question, "Is Bret Michaels bald?" is so difficult to answer is because he is almost always seen wearing a bandana on his head.
While most people would quickly assume that the presence of the bandana automatically means that Bret must be trying to avoid revealing a bald head, it is important to remember where Bret comes from.
He was shaved bald.
The older, which extends to 150 B.C., set forth, in bald, unattractive language, without any pretensions to style, but with a certain amount of trustworthiness, the most important events of each successive year.
It is mentioned so early as the 7th century and in 868 Baldwin of the Iron Arm, first count of Flanders, who had been entrusted by Charles the Bald with the defence of the northern marches, built a castle here against the Normans raiding up the Scheldt.
In the swamps are the bald cypress, the white cedar and the live oak, usually draped in southern long moss; south of Cape Fear river are palmettos, magnolias, prickly ash, the American olive and mock orange; along streams in the Coastal Plain Region are the sour gum, the sweet bay and several species of oak; but the tree that is most predominant throughout the upland portion of this region is the long-leaf or southern pine.
The olive complexion, a face emaciated by austerities, the large forehead, the brilliant and small eyes, the high bald head tell their own tale.
In 819 he married Judith, daughter of Welf I., count of Bavaria, who in 823 bore him a son Charles, afterwards called the Bald.
Some years afterwards (perhaps in 1228) Leonardo dedicated to the well-known astrologer Michael Scott the second edition of his Liber abaci, which was printed with Leonardo's other works by Prince Bald.
In the hill tracts and the marshy depression of the Ob they are unbroken, except by the bald summits of the loftier mountains (goltsy); they have the aspect of agreeable bosquets in the Baraba steppe, and they are thinly scattered through south-eastern Transbaikalia, where the dryness of the Gobi steppe makes its influence appreciably felt.
There is a story - based, however, on no good evidence - that Walaf rid devoted himself so closely to letters as to neglect the duties of his office, owing to which he was expelled from his house; but, from his own verses, it seems that the real cause of his flight to Spires was that, notwithstanding the fact that he had been tutor to Charles the Bald, he espoused the side of his elder brother Lothair on the death cf Louis the Pious in 840.
But Collier never got beyond a bald assertion of the fact, while Berkeley addressed himself to an explanation of it.
All this time the Normans had not ceased ravaging the country; a brave man was needed to defend it, and finally towards 861, Charles the Bald entrusted it to Robert the Strong, but he unfortunately met with his death in 866 in a battle against the Normans at Brissarthe.
His extant works are - (i) a speech before Arcadius, De regno; (2) Dio, sive de suo ipsius instituto, in which he signifies his purpose to devote himself to true philosophy; (3) Encomium calvitii (he was himself bald), a literary jeu d'esprit, suggested by Dio Chrysostom's Praise of Hair; (4) De providentia, in two books; (5) De insomniis; (6) 157 Epistolae; (7) 12 Hymni, of a contemplative, Neoplatonic character; and several homilies and occasional speeches.
Among birds of prey a bald eagle and a golden eagle are occasionally seen in secluded places.
There are also hooped or bowed canaries, feather-footed forms and top-knots, the latter having a distinct crest on the head; but the offspring of two such top-knotted canaries, instead of showing an increased development of crest, as might be expected, are apt to be bald on the crown.
He was simply Faust's "other self," appearing in various guises - as a bear, as a little bald man, as a monk, as an invisible presence ringing a bell - but always recognizable as the same "familiar."
When the elder Louis died in 840 and his eldest son Lothair claimed the whole Empire, Louis in alliance with his half-brother, king Charles the Bald, defeated Lothair at Fontenoy on the 25th of June 841.
The comparative weakness of these kingdoms, together with the disorder caused by the matrimonial troubles of Lothair, afforded a suitable opening for the intrigues of Louis and Charles the Bald, whose interest was increased by the fact that both their nephews were without male issue.
Charles the Bald accordingly seized the whole kingdom; but Louis, having recovered, compelled him by a threat of war to agree to the treaty of Mersen, which divided it between the claimants.
Meeting his daughter Engelberga, the wife of Louis II., at Trent in 872, Louis made an alliance with her against Charles the Bald, and in 874 visited Italy doubtless on the same errand.
The emperor, having named Carloman as his successor, died in August 875, but Charles the Bald reached Italy before his rival, and by persuading Carloman, when he did cross the Alps, to return, secured the imperial crown.
The Austroriparian zone has the long-leaf and loblolly pines, magnolia and live oak on the uplands, and the bald cypress, tupelo and cane in the swamps; and in the semi-tropical Gulf strip are the cabbage palmetto and Cuban pine; here, too, Sea Island cotton and tropical fruits are successfully cultivated.
It was enriched by Charles the Bald with two castles, and a Benedictine abbey dedicated to Saint Corneille, the monks of which retained down to the 18th century the privilege of acting for three days as lords of Compiegne, with full power to release prisoners, condemn the guilty, and even inflict sentence of death.
In Towns county, in the Appalachian Region, is the highest point in the state, Brasstown Bald, also called Enota Mountain (4768 ft.).
The avifauna include - among the birds of prey - the red-shouldered hawk, red-tailed hawk, marsh hawk, Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and sparrow hawk; the great horned owl, the barn owl and the screech owl; and bald eagles are not uncommon in the mountainous regions along the larger rivers.
It represents an ancient Roman with an almost completely bald forehead and a double chin; and is almost certainly a portrait, not of Pliny the Elder, but of Pompey the Great.
Again, among the Franks we find Charlemagne girding his son Louis the Pious, and Louis the Pious girding his son Charles the Bald with the sword, when they arrived at manhood.
The war was brought to an end by the treaty of Verdun (August 843),which gave to Charles the Bald the kingdom of the western Franks, which practically corresponded with what 1 For Charles I., Roman emperor, see Charlemagne; cf.
In 875, after the death of the emperor Louis II., Charles the Bald, supported by Pope John VIII., descended into Italy, receiving the royal crown at Pavia and the imperial crown at Rome (29th December).
For fifty years the main efforts of Louis were directed to defending his kingdom from the inroads of his Slavonic neighbors, and his detachment from the rest of the Empire necessitated by these constant engagements towards the east, gradually gave both him and his subjects a distinctive character, which was displayed and emphasized when, in ratifying an alliance with his half-brother, the West-Frankish king, Charles the Bald, the oath was sworn in different tongues.
Important as is the treaty of Verdun in German history, that of Mersen, by which Louis and Charles the Bald settled in 870 their dispute over the kingdom of Lothair, second son Louis the of the emperor Lothair I., is still more important.
In the early Church other bishops commonly described themselves as vicars of Christ (Du Cange gives an example as late as the 9th century from the capitularies of Charles the Bald); but there is no proof in their case, or indeed in that of " vicar of St Peter " given to the popes, that it was part of their formal style.
In the 9th century Charles the Bald bestowed the fief on the bishop of Liege, and after being shared between Brabant and Flanders it passed into the hands of Philip the Bold, founder of the house of Burgundy, in 1384.
The California vulture is very rare; various species of hawks and golden and bald eagles are common.
The countess in turn, without omitting her duties as hostess, threw significant glances from behind the pineapples at her husband whose face and bald head seemed by their redness to contrast more than usual with his gray hair.
At Bald Hills, Prince Nicholas Andreevich Bolkonski's estate, the arrival of young Prince Andrew and his wife was daily expected, but this expectation did not upset the regular routine of life in the old prince's household.
Though in the new reign he was free to return to the capitals, he still continued to live in the country, remarking that anyone who wanted to see him could come the hundred miles from Moscow to Bald Hills, while he himself needed no one and nothing.
When the little princess had grown accustomed to life at Bald Hills, she took a special fancy to Mademoiselle Bourienne, spent whole days with her, asked her to sleep in her room, and often talked with her about the old prince and criticized him.
When he saw the pretty little Bourienne, Anatole came to the conclusion that he would not find Bald Hills dull either.
When she saw the count, she stretched out her arms to him, embraced his bald head, over which she again looked at the letter and the portrait, and in order to press them again to her lips, she slightly pushed away the bald head.
The quiet home life and peaceful happiness of Bald Hills presented itself to him.
Partly because of the depressing memories associated with Bald Hills, partly because Prince Andrew did not always feel equal to bearing with his father's peculiarities, and partly because he needed solitude, Prince Andrew made use of Bogucharovo, began building and spent most of his time there.
Prince Andrew remained at Bald Hills as usual during his father's absence.
And I won't--not even if Bonaparte were here at Smolensk threatening Bald Hills--even then I wouldn't serve in the Russian army!
In the evening Andrew and Pierre got into the open carriage and drove to Bald Hills.
It was getting dusk when Prince Andrew and Pierre drove up to the front entrance of the house at Bald Hills.
Prince Andrew spent half his time at Bald Hills with his father and his son, who was still in the care of nurses.
He asked his sister to forgive him for not having told her of his resolve when he had last visited Bald Hills, though he had spoken of it to his father.
He shifts the Dukes about as I might move my serfs from Bald Hills to Bogucharovo or my Ryazan estates.
If the old man came round it would be all the better to visit him in Moscow or at Bald Hills later on; and if not, the wedding, against his wishes, could only be arranged at Otradnoe.
Before joining the Western Army which was then, in May, encamped at Drissa, Prince Andrew visited Bald Hills which was directly on his way, being only two miles off the Smolensk highroad.
During his stay at Bald Hills all the family dined together, but they were ill at ease and Prince Andrew felt that he was a visitor for whose sake an exception was being made and that his presence made them all feel awkward.
The crowd drew up to the large table, at which sat gray-haired or bald seventy-year-old magnates, uniformed and besashed almost all of whom Pierre had seen in their own homes with their buffoons, or playing boston at the clubs.
In this letter Prince Andrew pointed out to his father the danger of staying at Bald Hills, so near the theater of war and on the army's direct line of march, and advised him to move to Moscow.
Bald Hills, Prince Nicholas Bolkonski's estate, lay forty miles east from Smolensk and two miles from the main road to Moscow.
The same evening that the prince gave his instructions to Alpatych, Dessalles, having asked to see Princess Mary, told her that, as the prince was not very well and was taking no steps to secure his safety, though from Prince Andrew's letter it was evident that to remain at Bald Hills might be dangerous, he respectfully advised her to send a letter by Alpatych to the Provincial Governor at Smolensk, asking him to let her know the state of affairs and the extent of the danger to which Bald Hills was exposed.
The prince allowed no one at Bald Hills to drive with ringing bells; but on a long journey Alpatych liked to have them.
Bald Hills will be occupied by the enemy within a week.
So tell them that I shall await a reply till the tenth, and if by the tenth I don't receive news that they have all got away I shall have to throw up everything and come myself to Bald Hills.
On the tenth of August the regiment Prince Andrew commanded was marching along the highroad past the avenue leading to Bald Hills.
Alpatych, having sent his family away, was alone at Bald Hills and was sitting indoors reading the Lives of the Saints.
He ordered the militiamen to be called up from the villages and armed, and wrote a letter to the commander-in- chief informing him that he had resolved to remain at Bald Hills to the last extremity and to defend it, leaving to the commander-in-chief's discretion to take measures or not for the defense of Bald Hills, where one of Russia's oldest generals would be captured or killed, and he announced to his household that he would remain at Bald Hills.
Alpatych, arriving from the devastated Bald Hills estate, sent for his Dron on the day of the prince's funeral and told him to have twelve horses got ready for the princess' carriages and eighteen carts for the things to be removed from Bogucharovo.
Without saying anything of this to the princess, Alpatych had his own belongings taken out of the carts which had arrived from Bald Hills and had those horses got ready for the princess' carriages.
And she recalled in all its detail the night at Bald Hills before he had the last stroke, when with a foreboding of disaster she had remained at home against his will.
As in every large household, there were at Bald Hills several perfectly distinct worlds which merged into one harmonious whole, though each retained its own peculiarities and made concessions to the others.
Many wondered why he would bother to wear a bandana while fighting for his life in a hospital bed and people pointed to this as proof that he is not only bald, but also intent on making sure that the public does not see his bald head.
Theories abound as to whether Bret is bald or not.
There is a good chance that the debate will continue unless Bret comes forward and definitively makes the statement that yes, he is bald.
Simple pictures meant to symbolize larger issues (such as a bald eagle or a man in full combat gear).
In art he generally appears as a little pot-bellied old man, with a snub nose and a bald head, riding on an ass and supported by satyrs; or he is depicted lying asleep on his wine-skin, which he sometimes bestrides.
The "deciduous cypress," "swamp cypress" or "bald cypress," Taxodium distichum, is another member of the order Coniferae (tribe Taxodineae), a native of the southern United.
Among birds of prey are the golden eagle, bald eagle, hawks and owls.
I guess my biggest reason is I don't want to lose her and let's face it, when I'm toothless and bald and she is still as beautiful as today, she's not going to want me.
The real founder of the house, however, was Robert the Strong, who received from Charles the Bald, king of the Franks, the countships of Anjou and Blois, and who is sometimes called duke, as he exercised some military authority in the district between the Seine and the Loire.
Farther east, on the southern shore of Lake Baikal, Khamar-daban rises to 6900 ft., and the bald dome-shaped summits of the Barguzin and southern Muya Mountains attain elevations of 6000 to 7000 ft.
As an example of the minuteness of description, an inquirer, thinking of a brother in India, an officer in the army, whose hair had suffered in an encounter with a tiger, had described to her an officer in undress uniform, with bald scars through the hair on his temples, such as he really bore.
The best argument in its favour is the improbability of anybody having taken the trouble to forge so bald and awkward a heap of details.
From this centre, the Scheldt, the viking raids extended on either side; sometimes eastward as far as the Rhine, and so into Germany proper, the territory assigned to Louis the German; at other times westward to the Somme, and thus into the territory of Charles the Bald, the future kingdom of France.
They have sequenced the cacao tree, the mosquito, coral, the Tasmanian devil, the bald eagle, the leafcutter ant, a germ that attacks wheat plants, and the extinct woolly mammoth.
Jim and the buggy followed, the old cab-horse being driven by Zeb while the Wizard stood up on the seat and bowed his bald head right and left in answer to the cheers of the people, who crowded thick about him.
The only customers were two paint-splattered workmen arguing baseball with the bartender, an overweight bald man in a wrinkled apron.
I have had a letter from my brother, who announces his speedy arrival at Bald Hills with his wife.