Baker Sentence Examples
The next large river is the Las Heras, or Baker, through which the waters of Lakes Buenos Aires and Pueyrredon, or Cochrane, find their way to the Pacific. Both of these large lakes are crossed by the boundary line.
Among the islands which thickly fringe this part of the coast, the largest are Azopardo (lying within Baker Inlet), Prince Henry, Campana, Little Wellington, Great Wellington and Mornington (of the Wellington archipelago), Madre de Dios, Duke of York, Chatham, Hanover, Cambridge, Contreras, Rennell and the Queen Adelaide group of small barren rocks and islands lying immediately north of the Pacific entrance to the Straits of Magellan.
Baker Inlet also receives the waters of still another large ArgentineChilean lake, San Martin, whose far-reaching fjord-like arms extend from lat.
This came to him in the following year, when General Charles George Gordon, who had recently succeeded Sir Samuel Baker as governor of the equatorial provinces of Egypt, invited Schnitzer, who was now known as "Emin Effendi," to join him at Lado on the upper Nile.
The principal cities are Portland, Astoria, Baker City and Salem, which is the capital.
She travelled throughout France, preaching revolution, and in 1883 she led a Paris mob which pillaged a baker's shop. For this she was condemned to six years' imprisonment, but was released in 1886, at the same time as Prince Kropotkin and other prominent anarchists.
The sudden departure of Pat Baker at the end of October has caused a slight hiatus in the work of Hewlett-Packard.
Abney and Baker have shown that the pure dry chloride does not blacken when exposed in a vacuous tube to light, and that the blackening is due to absorption of oxygen accompanied by a loss of chlorine.
Grant, descending the Nile after their discovery of its source, met, on the 15th of February 1863, Mr (afterwards Sir) Samuel Baker and his wife who were journeying up the river.
In 1871 Baker, then governor-general of the equatorial provinces of Egypt, established a military post at Gondokoro which he named Ismailia, after the then khedive.
AdvertisementBaker, " List of Charts, Maps, and Publications relating to Alaska," in United States Pacific Coast Pilot, 1879; Monthly Catalogue United States Public Documents, No.
Baker showing that a trace of water vapour was necessary for combination to occur.
At first Livingstone thought the Nile problem had been all but solved by Speke, Baker and Burton, but the idea grew upon him that the Nile sources must be sought farther south, and his last journey became in the end a forlorn hope in search of the "fountains" of Herodotus.
He was created a baronet in 1890 on the completion of the Forth bridge, of which with his partner Sir Benjamin Baker he was joint engineer.
The late Sir Benjamin Baker, F.R.S., suggested that the stresses might be measured by experiments with elastic models, and among others, experiments were carried out by Messrs Wilson and Gore a with indiarubber models of plane sections of dams (including the foundations) who applied forces to represent the gravity and water pressures in such a manner that the virtual density of the rubber was increased many times without interfering with the proper ratio between gravity and water pressure, and by this means the strains produced were of sufficient magnitude to be easily measured.
AdvertisementIn Union county is a great amount of blue limestone, and there is limestone, also, in Baker, Grant, Wallowa, Jackson and Josephine counties.
There is some roofing slate along the Rogue river, natural cement, nickel ore, bismuth and wolframite in Douglas county, gypsum in Baker county, fire-clay in Clatsop county, borate of soda on the marsh lands of Harney county, infusorial earth and tripoli in the valley of the Deschutes river, chromate of iron in Curry and Douglas counties, molybdenite in Union county, bauxite in Clackamas county, borate of lime in Curry county, manganese ore in Columbia county, and asbestos in several of the southern and eastern counties.
The largest of these are the Kansas Wesleyan University (Methodist Episcopal, 1886) at Salina and Baker University (Methodist Episcopal, 1858) at Baldwin.
In the i4th century there is a significant deterioration in the monastic chroniclers, and their place is taken by the works of secular clergy like Adam Murimuth, Geoffrey the Baker, Robert of Avesbury, Henry Knighton and the anonymous author of the Eulogium historictrum.
Bethune Baker vehemently denies that these great leaders were contented with Homoiousianism.
AdvertisementAfter the discovery of Albert Nyanza by Sir Samuel Baker in 1864, the whole country was overrun by Arabs, Levantines, Turks and others, whose chief occupation was slave raiding.
The region was claimed as part of the Egyptian Sudan, but it was not until the arrival of Sir Samuel Baker at Gondokoro in 1870 as governor of the equatorial provinces, that any effective control of the slave traders was attempted.
The climax came with the rumour that the court was preparing a new military coup detat, a rumour that seemed to be confirmed by indiscreet toasts proposed at a banquet by the officers of the guard at Versailles; and on the night of the 5th to the 6th of October a Parisian mob forced the king and royal family to return with them to Paris amid cries of We are bringing the baker, the bakers wife and the little bakers boy!
The Sudan at this time (c. 1862) is described by Sir Samuel Baker as utterly ruined by Egyptian methods of government and the retention of the country only to be accounted for by the traffic in slaves.
Both Baker and ' The government monopoly in trade ceased after the death of Mehemet Ali in 3849.
AdvertisementFor the middle period of Egyptian rule see Sir Samuel Baker's Ismailia (1874); Col.
Its principal manufactures are Remington typewriters and Remington fire-arms (notably the Remington rifle); other manufactures are filing cabinets and cases and library and office furniture (the Clark & Baker Co.), knit goods, carriages and harness, and store fixtures.
In the November following Hicks Pasha's force of io,000 men was destroyed at Kashgil, and in the same year the mandi's lieutenant, Osman Digna, raised the tribes in the eastern Sudan, and besieged Sinkat and Tokar, near Suakin, routing General Valentine Baker's force of 2500 men at El Teb in February 1884.
Captains Speke and Grant, who had travelled through Uganda and came down the White Nile in 1863, and Sir Samuel Baker, who went up the same river as far as Albert Nyanza, brought back harrowing tales of the misery caused by the slave-hunters.
The command of the expedition was given to Sir Samuel Baker, who reached Khartum in February 1870, but, owing to the obstruction of the river by the sudd or grass barrier, did not reach Gondokoro, the centre of his province, for fourteen months.
It was to succeed Baker as governor of the equatorial regions that the khedive asked for Gordon's services, having come to the conclusion that the latter was the most likely person to bring the affair to a satisfactory conclusion.
From Khartum he proceeded up the White Nile to Gondokoro, where he arrived in twenty-four days, the sudd, which had proved such an obstacle to Baker, having been removed since the departure of the latter by the Egyptian governor-general.
Baker's work begins the scientific study of naval architecture.
Take an early morning stroll to buy freshly baked bread from the local baker in the village square.
He drove off in his baker's van, in his rackety tackety baker's van, in his rackety tackety baker's van, muttering under his breath.
Genesis chapter 40 (TEV) 1 Some time later the king of Egypt's wine steward and his chief baker offended the king.
Johnson also indicated part of my back to the quot Jonathan baker.
Learn to bake in Cumbria with an artisan baker.
They are all are freshly made on organic brown or the beautiful seeded white bloomers from a local baker.
The Valley 1970 The Valley 1970 The Valley lay derelict in 1985 Picture taken by Charlton fan Ron Baker.
Aside On my way here today I took a detour by Baker Street to pay homage to Sherlock Holmes.
If you have a baker's dozen or so of good poems, why spread them thin, or sit on them?
It gives a very brief exegesis, briefer even than Baker's.
Soon nearly everyone from the baker to the king became falconers.
However, baker's honey may contain additives and be partially fermented as it is not suitable for sale to consumers without processing.
More resources needed to tackle vat fraud, says Baker Tilly Press release Read more.. .
Baker's personal life was soon thrust into the limelight, along with the mysterious goings-on at the Quorum Club.
But it lacks important core shops and services, such as baker, butcher, specialist greengrocer, hardware store and bank.
Labeling with information about origin or regional source cannot be applied to either baker's honey or filtered honey.
As a boy, John Clarke started work at the mill by feeding the livestock going on to become master baker.
Gavin Berry, winemaker and general manger at Plantagenet wines in Mount Baker, Western Australia has made this wines.
I've even helped put words into the mouths of luminaries such Alistair Darling, Stephen Byers and former newsreader Richard Baker.
A Serious Collection These slightly portentous thoughts were provoked by a recent visit to Mr Don Baker's museum in Mill Lane.
Baker, a former newspaper reporter, declined to comment.
His rider, George Baker, picked up a two day ban for careless riding.
A presentation of the Doctor Who appreciation society with guests Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Paul Darrow, plus more to be announced.
Dean Baker on keyboards introducing some excellent new synth sounds to these established tracks.
Member for Lewes (Norman Baker ), who made a particularly thoughtful contribution.
Baker Tilly advised the vendors ensuring that the process didn't gather any dust.
American guitar virtuoso Duck Baker is followed by Canadian acts Christina Smith & Jean Hewson, then Dan McKinnon.
Baker on the influence of moisture on chemical combination have shown the difficulty of removing the last traces of water.
C. Druce, an upholsterer of Baker Street, London, who, in 1851, married Annie May.
His dismissal from the service was an inevitable consequence; it must be stated, however, that the view taken of the circumstances by good authorities was that Baker's conduct, when judged by conventional standards, admitted of considerable extenuation.
Albert Nyanza was first reached by Sir Samuel Baker on the 14th of March 1864 near Vacovia, a small village of fishermen and salt-makers on the east coast.
It is the seat of the Baker School for Nervous and Backward Children, a private institution; of St Olaf College (Norwegian Lutheran), founded in 1874; and of Carleton College (founded in 1866 by Congregationalists but now non-sectarian, opened in 1870), one of the highest grade small colleges in the West, and the first in the North-west to abolish its preparatory academy.
Syringe calibration factors for radionuclides used in nuclear medicine Tyler, D K, Baker, M, Woods, M J Int.
Having read the report of Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, I expect Baker 's question will resound again in another congressional investigation.
At the top of Baker Street is the Parish Church and the ruins of the Priory.
A presentation of the Doctor Who Appreciation society with guests Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Paul Darrow, plus more to be announced.
The baker had someone asking for soda bread and another for spelled bread, both of which he can make.
They carried a flintlock Baker rifle and sword bayonet.
Member for Lewes (Norman Baker), who made a particularly thoughtful contribution.
By the coal yard was a wheelwright 's business owned by Mr. David Baker who lived next door to my grandmother in Woodland Grove.
The baker began to knead the dough early in the morning, knowing she had a long day ahead of her.
The baker did an excellent job of creating formulae for making her cakes perfectly moist and delicious.
If you don't see the cake you want, ask the baker if you can bring in a photograph of a cake design for her to copy.
You can find them from Baker's Secret, Chicago, Calphalon, Cuisinart, Norpro, Silicone Solutions, Wilton, Rachel Ray, and more.
If you've been avoiding making cat treats because you thought it would be difficult and time consuming, the following tips will make you an expert treat baker in no time!
Some of the outlet store names include famous design duo Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams, Drexel Heritage, Henredon, Thomasville, and Baker.
Baker Furniture outlets are great places to get Baker furniture at lower than usual prices.
Baker is a high-end furniture name that is synonymous with quality and style.
More concerned with creating furniture to last a lifetime than following trends, Baker creates furniture to suit just about every style and period one can imagine.
Baker prides itself on making furniture of the utmost quality with the best materials and as a result it tends to be somewhat expensive.
Fortunately, Baker furniture outlets allow people to buy these great products for less than their regular prices.
Purchase furniture at Baker stores or seek out independent dealers who sell Baker items.
As with many furniture manufacturers, Baker knows the value of having outlet stores.
Known as the Baker Odds and Ends stores, they carry Baker items that have either been overstocked, discontinued, or perhaps purchased and returned from other locations.
To find Baker outlet store locations, visit the website and check the Frequently Asked Questions section.
If going to one of the Baker furniture outlets isn't feasible, perhaps visiting the outlet store of an independent dealer is.
Baker understands this and thus offers some of their products in outlet locations.
A Baker's Odyssey offers a how-to video on how to make saffronbrod (bread).
Wrought iron furniture is also commonly seen in this decorating style, such as baker's racks and overhead hanging pot holders.
For the kitchen or dining room, a wrought iron baker's rack is perfect for displaying your French style ceramic pottery, wine bottles, baskets filled with fruit, oil bottles or anything else you might want to display.
My Mom did not see well, so if my brother and I did not want her to look like Tammy Faye Baker - I needed to step in and learn to do her makeup!
Chemical Chemical leaving is when the baker adds a chemical to the batter or dough to get the same basic effect as adding yeast without adding any flavor to the product.
Advanced terrain, large snowfalls and beautiful scenery are some of the things that Mt. Baker Ski Resort has to offer.
If you are in the Washington state area, consider checking out the Mt. Baker Ski Resort.
Mt. Baker also has the record for snowfall in one season which is 1,140 inches.
Mt. Baker's ski season generally lasts from November to April, depending on conditions.
Other great features of Mt. Baker are its 38 marked trails and nine lifts which consist of two handle tows and seven quad chair lifts.
Mt. Baker also has a trail, White Salmon which is 1.75 miles long.
Mt. Baker offers no overnight lodging or childcare at the resort but both can be found in the town of Bellingham.
For people who are just learning to ski, Mt. Baker's Best for Beginner lessons are a must.
Mt. Baker offers a ski and snowboard instructor certification program.
Every Thursday is Senior Thursday at Mt. Baker.
Mt. Baker offers a range of other amenities designed to make your experience at the resort all it can be.
Luckily, Mt. Baker offers specialty items to satisfy any appetite.
No trip to Mt. Baker is complete without checking out the retail stores at the resort.
You can also find a range of items featuring the Mt. Baker logo.
If you have any questions or concerns about Mt. Baker, the resort's contact email is
You can purchase the groom's cake from the same baker from which you purchase the wedding cake.
Choose the baker who can make the tastiest cake and the best design.
Sugared Flowers - Your cake baker will love decorating with hand made sugared flowers.
If this is the case for you, ask for recommendations to find a baker and decorator that can do the original design you want.
When looking for a groom cake that requires using licensed characters, teams, or other copyright-protected material, you need to ask the baker if he or she is licensed to produce the image.
Your cake baker can recommend fillings that go with your cake choice and frostings that will work for the design you choose.
Flavors outside the baker's normal repertoire may cost extra as well.
When it comes to creating seasonal cakes, your baker is sure to have book upon book of ideas and designs.
The amount spent depends on the overall budget, the design of the desired cake, and how important having a particular baker or cake is to the bride and groom.
This can increase labor costs from the baker or may present additional wedding cake design challenges.
Whittle your list down to three or four ideas that really excite you, then have a talk with your baker.
Make sure your cake is at least three tiers high and ask the baker to decorate with gum paste ribbons.
If your baker doesn't have much experience with dowel rods, however, you may want to choose an alternate cake style.
Whether you're a bride or groom making your own cake or a passionate baker who's making a cake for a friend, keep a few tips in mind that can help you create the best dessert possible.
Some couples have a hard time leaving their wedding cakes in the hands of anyone who isn't a professional baker or decorator, which is completely fine.
If design isn't your strong point, another option is to make appointments with a variety of decorators, describe what you want in a cake, taste a few samples, and go with the baker who seems best equipped to handle your request.
If you're interested in a heart shaped cake, it's helpful to narrow down wedding cake design options before you have your first conversation with a baker or decorator.
Always taste samples before picking a baker so that you know you're getting the best quality you can.
Have your baker combine fresh or frozen raspberries with sugar and boil them down to a coulis that he or she can decoratively drizzle over the top and sides of the cake.
You can go as traditional or wild as you want with looks and flavor, so make sure to flip through a few wedding cake galleries before you consult with a baker and decorator and share your best ideas.
Find a baker and decorator who are enthusiastic about what you want and will carry your visions of taste and presentation through all the way to your wedding day.
If you're more of the DIY type, you can find a professional baker and decorator who will agree to use a recipe you provide, or you can even make the cake yourself.
Sensibly, the simplest cupcakes are also the most affordable, since they require less work on the parts of the baker and decorator.
Ask the baker to fill each cupcake with fruit curd, mousse, ganache, or a second flavor of frosting.
The shapes of these pans are quite detailed, making it easy for the baker to follow outlines and shapes when decorating to end up with a finished cake that closely resembles the intended character.
In 1979, Wilton, the U.S.'s premiere manufacturer of cake-decorating supplies and products for the home baker, released a frog cake pan (number 2105-2452) that is no longer sold on its website.
The instructions are detailed and thorough, but the special pieces of equipment and ingredients that most designs call for, including sugar glue and edible decorating powder, aren't likely to be on hand in a beginning baker's kitchen.
If you're a baker who likes Star Wars, the question of "How do I make a Star Wars cake?" has likely flickered through your mind during repeated viewings of The Empire Strikes Back.
However, following instructions such as those below has huge advantages, as it can help even an amateur decorator turn out a cake that looks as if a professional baker prepared it.
After her mother died from brain cancer at the age of 61, she co-founded Head to Hollywood with Ken Baker.
The pilot, Sarah Lemmen, co-pilot James Bland, Charles Still and Chris Baker died in the crash.
Would people remember a Norma Jean Baker or were they more likely to remember the alliterative Marilyn Monroe?
An easier way to evaluate potential choices is to browse a directory, such as the Baker's Guide Christian Distance Learning Degree and Program Directory.
If you are not a baker, your canine companions can still enjoy the special gourmet flavor of Christmas treats baked by companies such as Pampered Dog Gifts or Waggy Tail Treats.
As a baker, I love to have cookies on hand for all my guests whether they have four legs or two.
Hemerocallis Aurantiaca Major - This is the name given by Mr Baker, of Kew, to a new and handsome kind from Japan, and of which a colored plate was given in The Garden, 23rd November 1895.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds sells untreated non-GMO heirloom vegetable seeds from all over the world.
The British Baker - Located in England, the bakery offers some of the sweetest treats in the form of funnel cake, hot and fresh and perfect for the carolers or for listening to caroling.
Matthew Baker, a reluctant squad leader about to make a hellish drop into combat through flak-filled skies.
Matt Baker, that we hear chronicling his own emotional state throughout the game.
Children who have had a severe allergic reaction to baker's yeast should not take the hepatitis B vaccine.
The gene encoding the DNA for HBsAg is introduced into common baker's yeast.
Children should not receive HBV if they are allergic to baker's yeast or thimerosal, are allergic to any other components in a combination vaccine, or have had a previous allergic reaction to HBV.
Obvious examples of surnames based on occupation include names like Baker, Barber, Carpenter, Carver, Painter, Potter, and Shoemaker.
A new favorite of the Mission District, bike baker Natalie delivers rustic, handmade pies all over the neighborhood by peddle power.
Baker's Dozen is one of the easier solitaire games to pick up and play and is close to the Klondike game.
Baker's Dozen is one of the easier solitaire games to pick up and play.
If you're more of a baker than you are a chef, you can always make your partner their favorite cookie or cake in a heart shape.
Even a novice baker can find an easy recipe to allow the decadent indulgence in everyone's favorite Thanksgiving dessert or a slice of your favorite fruit pie..
Even if you are not a baker at heart, you can still make a delicious gluten-free pastry with no trouble at all.
Mixes are getting more user friendly all the time, and even a novice baker can usually produce soft gluten-free bread with a good mix and a little practice.
However, it takes an experienced baker to understand the cooking modifications this flour involves.
The non-grain gluten-free flours present a baker with nutritious options naturally high in fiber.
The cast of The Ring Two includes names such as Naomi Watts and Simon Baker.
Baker mansion was built in 1849 by Elias Baker who was a well-known Ironmaster.
The Baker family occupied this twenty-eight room mansion until the youngest Baker, Anna, died in 1914, leaving the home empty.
Community legend is that the house is haunted by the Baker family; however, many of the ghosts that are seen seem unrelated to the Bakers.
The Baker Mansion is now headquarters for the Blair County Historical Society and is located in Blair County, Pennsylvania. have two pages of Jessica Simpson shoes, from sandals to cowboy boots, while Baker's Shoes, Zappos, and Bizrate are also essential stops on your search for shoes in the style of Jessica.
Baker shoes offers casual, tailored, and dress boots for your pleasure.
Centuries ago shoe cobblers were just as important as the baker, the butcher and the candlestick makers.
British designer Ted Baker is quickly becoming a household name.
Although Ted Baker takes the grass root approach and refuses to advertise, his modern footwear can be found online and in high end department stores.
From materials ranging from buffalo leather to pig skin, Ted Baker is certainly a unique, up and coming footwear designer.
I've also had scenes with three other great actors, John Callahan who plays Dr. Baker, Eric Martsolf (Brady Black), and Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera).
It serves as the residence for Jarrod "Toadfish" Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney) and his adopted son Callum Jones (Morgan Baker).
With painstaking attention to detail, the horologists who design Wenger watches proudly offer a baker's dozen of collections to choose from including the exceptional series listed below.
Whether you were a corporate executive, a stay-at-home mom, a baker, or a world traveler, these life experiences have undoubtedly shaped your yoga practice, so explain how.
The baby doll really took off when actress Carroll Baker sported one in the 1956 movie Baby Doll.
This jazz project goes under the name Monstrance and includes fellow XTC alum Barry Andrews and Martyn Baker.
What kind of icing (buttercream is standard, but there are many choices if you go to a baker)?
Most bakeries can accommodate a birthday cake order with only a few days' notice, but if it is a very busy cake season (like June, when a lot of people are getting married) call two weeks in advance to see what the baker's schedule is like.
The rainbow has been a source of gay pride since Gilbert Baker created a flag with the colors of the rainbow in 1978.
If you really want to go all out, however, visit a bakery that specializes in themed cakes and ask the baker if she can create a cake that incorporates a princess and a pirate into one cake.
The show follows baker Buddy Valastro, his employees, and his family as they work hard to meet deadlines, create unique cakes, and interact with one another.
Buddy Valastro is the owner and master baker at Carlo's Bakery, which is located in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Joe Faugno - Joe is married to Grace, and works in the mixing room as a baker.
The sisters have a friendly yet persistent rivalry between the two of them because they both claim to be the better baker.
In the same episode featuring the cupcake fire truck, Katherine and Sophie enlist the help of firefighters to have a bake-off in an attempt to settle once and for all who is the better baker.
Played by Kenny Baker in a cylindrical suit, and sometimes by a mechanical version, Artoo is an 'astromech' droid; that is, he is an all-around space vehicle mechanic.
Baker and Smith of the Sydney Technical College, have brought to light many other valuable products likely to prove of commercial value.
To this list should be added the names of those who, like Sir Samuel Baker, explored the Blue Nile.
A triennial parliament, a cabinet, a privy council, and an elaborate judicial system were established, and the cumbrous machinery was placed in the hands of a " prime minister," a retired Wesleyan missionary, Mr Shirley Baker.
Baker induced the king to break off his connection with the Wesleyan body in Sydney, and to set up a state church.
Mr Basil Thomson (who after Baker's deportation had carried out reforms which the natives, when left alone, were incapable of maintaining) was sent in 1900 to conclude the treaty by which the king placed his kingdom under British protection.
Less than a year later Colonel Baker's career in the British army came to an untimely end.
With this division Baker sustained the brilliant rearguard action of Tashkessan against the troops of Gourko.
When the Sudan War broke out, Baker, hastening with 3 500 men to relieve Tokar, encountered the enemy under Osman Digna at El Teb.
Baker Pasha accompanied the British force, and guided it in its march to the scene of his defeat, and at the desperately-fought second battle of El Teb he was wounded.
William Parker died about 1516, and his widow married a certain John Baker.
The khedive Ismail in 1869 appointed Sir Samuel Baker to the command of a large force with which he was " to strike a direct blow at the slave trade in its distant nest."
Baker, the writings of Livingstone, and the biographies of Gordon may be consulted, besides the many documents on these subjects published by the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society.
In nonflowering plants the works usually followed are for ferns, Hooker and Baker's Synopsis filicum; for mosses, Muller's Synopsis muscorum frondosorum, Jaeger & Sauerbeck's Genera et species muscorum, and Engler & Prantl's Pflanzenfamilien; for algae, de Toni's Sylloge algarum; for hepaticae, Gottsche, Lindenberg and Nees ab Esenbeck's Synopsis hepaticarum, supplemented by Stephani's Species hepaticarum; for fungi, Saccardo's Sylloge fungorum, and for mycetozoa Lister's monograph of the group. For the members of large genera, e.g.
Oxford Street, with its handsome shops, bounds the borough on the south, crossing Regent Street at Oxford Circus; Edgware Road on the west; Marylebone Road crosses from east to west, .and from this Upper Baker Street gives access to Park, Wellington, and Finchley Roads; and Baker Street leads southward.
The designs of Mr Herbert Baker were accepted for two large blocks of identical design connected by a semicircular colonnade (passing behind the narrow kloof which bisects the shelf).
The Metropolitan railway has a line from Baker Street through north-west London to Harrow, continuing to Uxbridge, while the original main line runs on to Rickmansworth, Aylesbury and Verney Junction, but has been worked by the Metropolitan and Great Central companies jointly since 1906.
Experiments on a short section of the line were made in 1900, and later schemes were set on foot to electrify the District system and bring under one general control this railway, other lines in deep level " tubes " between Baker Street and Waterloo, between Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead, and between Hammersmith, Brompton, Piccadilly, King's Cross and Finsbury Park, and the London United Tramways Company.
His youngest daughter, Sophia, who married Henry Baker, left a considerable correspondence, now in the hands of her descendants.
The city is served by the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, and by the Sumpter Valley railway, a short line (62 m.) extending from Baker City to Austin, Oregon.
Baker City lies in the valley of Powder river, at the base of the Blue Mountains, and has an elevation of about 3440 ft.
The county and the city were named in honour of Edward Dickinson Baker (1811-1861), a political leader, orator and soldier, who was born in London, England, was taken to the United States in 1815, was a representative in Congress from Illinois in 1845-1846and 1849-1851, served in the Mexican War as a colonel (1846-1847), became a prominent lawyer in California and later in Oregon, was a Republican member of the United States Senate in 1860-1861 and was killed at Ball's Bluff, Virginia, on the 21st of October in r 861, while serving as a colonel in the Federal army.
General Gordon, who succeeded Baker, and who had Dr Emin Bey (afterwards Emin Pasha) as lieutenant, attempted through Colonel Charles Chaille Long, in 1874, not only to annex Unyoro but also Buganda to the Egyptian dominions, and thoroughly established Egyptian control on Albert Nyanza.
The leached guanos and phosphatized rocks, which are grouped with them for commercial purposes, have been obtained in great quantities in many islands of the Pacific Ocean (such as Baker, Howland, Jarvis and McKean Islands) between long.
These are Mount Rainier or Tacoma (14,363 ft.), Mount Adams (12,470 ft.), Mount Baker (10,827 ft.), Glacier Peak (10,436 ft.) and Mount St Helens (io,000 ft.).
Baker stated that it had required patching for ninety years, because the arch and the high side arches would not work together.
Baker at the Forth bridge showed that on a surface 30 ft.
Baker described the condition of opinion as to the safe limits of stress as chaotic. " The old foundations," he said, " are shaken, and engineers have not come to an agreement respecting the rebuilding of the structure.
Baker then described the results of experiments on repetition of stress, and added that " hundreds of existing bridges which carry twenty trains a day with perfect safety would break down quickly under twenty trains an hour.
Baker and others, show that the breaking stress of a bar is not a fixed quantity, but depends on the range of variation of stress to which it is subjected, if that variation is repeated a very large number of times.
For Burghley's early life, see Cooper's Athenae Cantab.; Baker's St John's Coll., Camb., ed.
Baker, or Romelius Langenbacher, after the death of Rapp in 1847, and during the Civil War had about $500,000 buried away.
Mexico City (1828), among them that of a French baker, gave a basis for the foreign claims which, ten years later, caused the " Pastry War " with France.
The biography by James Baker, A Forgotten Great Englishman (London, 1894), is too partial.
The Cascade Range is in essence a maturely dissected highland, composed in part of upwarped Colombian lavas, in part of older rocks, and crowned with several dissected volcanoes, of which the chief are (beginning in the north) Mts Baker (Io,827 ft.), Rainier (14,363 ft.), Adams (12,470 ft.) and Hood (11,225 ft.); the first three in \Vashington, the last in northern Oregon- These bear snowfields and glaciers; while the dissected highlands, with ridges of very irregular arrangement, are everywhere sculptured in a fashion that strongly suggests the work of numerous local Pleistocene glaciers as an important supplement to preglacial erosion.
South of the Cotton Belt is the Lime Sink Region, which includes Miller, Baker, Mitchell, Colquitt and Worth counties, the northern portions of Decatur, Grady, Thomas, Brooks and Lowndes, the eastern parts of Dooly and Lee, and the eastern portions of Berrien, Irwin, Wilcox, Dodge, and some parts of Burke, Screven and Bulloch.
It is on the site of the Roman Pistoriae, which is hardly mentioned in ancient times, except for the destruction of Catiline's forces and the slaughter of their leader near it in 62 B.C., and as a station on the road between Florentia and Luca; and earlier still by Plautus, but only with jesting allusion to the similarity of the name to the word pistor (baker).
Her younger daughter married Mr Richardson, a baker, of Croydon; the elder, Margaret, married John James Ruskin.
They next seated themselves quietly in the dining hall, where the baker set bread in order, and the cook brought each a single dish of one kind of food.
The possibility that it had been brought to England by Cabot or some of his successors earlier in the century is not to be overlooked, and reasons will presently be assigned for supposing that one of the breeds of English turkeys may have had a northern origin;' but the of tenquoted distich first given in Baker's Chronicle (p. 298), asserting that turkeys came into England in the same year - and that year by reputation 2524 - as carps, pickerels and other commodities, is wholly untrustworthy, for we know that both these fishes lived in the country long before, if indeed they were not indigenous to it.
Its next white visitors were Sir Samuel and Lady Baker, who in 1864 discovered the Albert Nyanza.
At this time ivory and slave traders, nominally Egyptian subjects, penetrated as far south as Unyoro, and a few years later (1870-74) Baker, as governorgeneral of the Equatorial Provinces, extended Egyptian influence over the country and placed a garrison at Foweira on the Victoria Nile.
General Gordon, who succeeded Baker, established posts at Masindi and Mruli.
Baker Pasha, with about 4000 constabulary, who were old soldiers, attempted to relieve Tokar in February 1884.
At El Teb, however, in 1884 he allowed himself to be slaughtered by tribesmen formerly despised, and only about one-fourth of the force under General Valentine Baker escaped.
Baker Pashas force was termed constabulary, yet his men were all old soldiers, though new to their gallant leader and to the small band of their brave but strange British officers.
The strength of this military police force was fixed at 4400 men with 2562 horses, and Baker Pasha (General Valentine Baker) was entrusted with its formation, with the title of inspectorgeneral.
In 1865 Suakin and Massawa were assigned to Egyptian rule by the sultan, and in 1870 Sir Samuel Baker proceeded up the Nile to the conquest of the Equatorial provinces, of which General Gordon was appointed governorgeneral in 1874.
On the 23rd of December General Valentine Baker, followed by about 2500 men, gendarmerie, blacks, Sudanese and Turks, with 10 British officers, arrived at Suakin to prepare for the relief of Sinkat and Tokar.
He was a director in many organizations, including the Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., Old Colony Trust Co., Puget Sound Light & Power Co., Walter Baker Co., and Ames Plow Co.
Here the sect had gained considerable influence, through the adhesion of Rothmann, the Lutheran pastor, and several prominent citizens; and the leaders, Johann Matthyszoon or Matthiesen, a baker of Haarlem, and Johann Bockholdt, a tailor of Leiden, had little difficulty in obtaining possession of the town and deposing the magistrates.
His grandfather had been a baker in the village of Bittenfeld, near Waiblingen; his father, Johann Kaspar (1723-1796), was an army-surgeon, who had settled in Marbach and married the daughter of an innkeeper, Elisabeth Dorothea Kodweis (1732-1802).
Baker, appeared in 1904.
The man who brought the grain from Africa to the public stores at Ostia, the baker who made it into loaves for distribution, the butchers who brought pigs from Samnium, Lucania or Bruttium, the purveyors of wine and oil, the men who fed the furnaces of the public baths, were bound to their callings from one generation to another.
If the daughter of one of the baker caste married a man not belonging to it, her husband was bound to her father's calling.
By tendering coin of the time of Decius at a baker's shop he roused suspicion, and was taken before the authorities as a dishonest finder of hidden treasure.
The Las Heras discharges into Martinez Inlet, the northern part of a large estuary called Baker or Calen Inlet which penetrates the mainland about 75 m.
Azopardo (or Merino Jarpa) island lies wholly within this great estuary, while at its mouth lies a group of smaller islands, called Baker Islands, which separate it from Messier Channel.
After a short north-westerly course the Toro discharges into Baker Inlet in lat.
Neither must it be forgotten that in the previous war in 1745 an unhappy young lieutenant, Baker Phillips by name, whose captain had brought his ship into action unprepared, and who, when his superior was killed, surrendered the ship when she could no longer be defended, was shot by sentence of a courtmartial.
When Capt. Baker gets well he will take me in his big ship to Africa.
Late in the afternoon, as he was resting in the thick woods south of Walden, he heard the voice of the hounds far over toward Fair Haven still pursuing the fox; and on they came, their hounding cry which made all the woods ring sounding nearer and nearer, now from Well Meadow, now from the Baker Farm.
Under the leadership of Ethan Allen, Seth Warner and Remember Baker (1737-1775), they refused obedience and took up arms in defence of their rights.
But be this as it may, he had no sooner adopted his new creed than he resolved to profess it; " a momentary glow of enthusiasm " had raised him above all temporal considerations, and accordingly, on June 8, 1753, he records that having " privately abjured the heresies" of his childhood before a Catholic priest of the name of Baker, a Jesuit, in London, he announced the same to his father in an elaborate controversial epistle which his spiritual adviser much approved, and which he himself afterwards described to Lord Sheffield as having been " written with all the pomp, the dignity, and self-satisfaction of a martyr."
In the Crimean War Baker was present at the action of Traktir (or Tchernaya) and at the fall of Sevastopol, and in 1859 he became major in the 10th Hussars, succeeding only a year later to the command.
His men became panic-stricken at the first rush and allowed themselves to be slaughtered like sheep. Baker himself with a few of his officers succeeded by hard fighting in cutting a way out, but his force was annihilated.
In April 1895 the long-standing dispute as to the boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela was brought to a crisis by the action of the Venezuelan authorities in arresting Inspectors Barnes and Baker, of the British Guiana police, with a few of their subordinates, on the Cuyuni river, the charge being that they were illegally exercising the functions of British officials in Venezuelan territory.
Messrs Barnes and Baker were subsequently released, and in due course made their report on the occurrence.
The former company combined with the Great Western Company as regards the electrification of, and provision of stock for, the lines which they had previously worked jointly, from Edgware Road by Bishop's Road to Hammersmith, &c. The Baker Street & Waterloo railway (known as the " Bakerloo ") was opened in 1906 and subsequently extended in one direction to Paddington and in the other to the Elephant and Castle.
In the early 'seventies Sir Samuel Baker (who had discovered Albert Nyanza) extended the rule of the Egyptian Sudan as far south as the Victoria Nile.
But the circumnavigation of the lake by Gessi Pasha (1876), and by Emin Pasha in 1884, showed that Baker had been deceived as to the size of the lake.
It was the year Mildred Baker bought the Manor, remodeled it, and turned it into a boarding house.
P. Baker (Boston, Mass., 1907), are interesting additions to the literature of the subject.