Baffling Sentence Examples
He walked through the halls quickly, the emerging thoughts in his head baffling him.
The results were even more baffling.
The Guardian's parting words were baffling, but like many things she'd experienced the past few days, she knew she'd probably never figure them out.
She still found it baffling how different he was in person than over the net.
He counted on baffling them by forming a counter league of the principalities of northern Italy, and by raising the Turks against Venice, and the Germans and Swiss against France.
The latter, after long baffling the king's attempts to bring him to battle, had taken up a strong position south of the town behind a morass.
Near the body, police have found a baffling cipher.
In April the British admiral Arbuthnot did indeed succeed in baffling an attempt of the French to carry reinforcements to the American cause in Virginia.
With them it began, and successive generations of inquirers into a strange career and a character still shrouded and baffling refer to them as settled starting-points of investigation.
The FM radio is a bit baffling... Is it just not on there or do we have to download some firmware?
AdvertisementPurchasing a new home can be confusing enough, but when you purchase a home with the intent of utilizing it as an investment the process can be even more baffling.
Families love the puzzle and skill involved in working their way through the baffling field of corn.
If you do not understand why the information is required or if you find the terminology baffling, simply ask for clarification.
Thermians always tell the truth; lying is a baffling concept to them.
At the time in history when our future has never looked brighter, it is baffling that some people are more pessimistic than ever.
AdvertisementThis is a more affordable style of comforter whereas a baffle box construction seals the feather inside the inner walls of the baffling and therefore maintains the integrity of the lofting.
On the other hand, the Air signs may prove to be a bit too whimsical, if not downright baffling, for Scorpio.
We know that these sexy and elusive men can, at times, display some baffling romantic behavior.
The baffling apparel and insignia on both sides could not persist and an attempt to set regulations ensued.
This interesting people, whose origin is to this day the most baffling of ethnographical puzzles, originally d welt amidst the forests and marshes of the Upper Niemen.
AdvertisementTo recover from one of the most baffling, insidious, compulsive addictions will require diligent effort.
In a somewhat baffling move, the board changed the rating for all of the versions of the game (it is available for the PC, Playstation 2 and Xbox) even though the sex scene could only be viewed in the computer version.