Backburner Sentence Examples
While your preemie is in the hospital, clothes shopping can be put on the backburner.
Formal dinners are often on the backburner for young families, so make your dining room functional instead of fancy.
Needless to say, that novel is now very much on the backburner as I am working for MakeUseOf full time.
While the megapixel quality should be there, Sony left any good things about the camera on the backburner.
Without these heavy hitters, you may in fact be all too happy to put marriage on the backburner and instead, champion one of your many causes.
In fact, while some fans mourned the move, other fans cheered at the prospect of David Canary moving off the backburner (where he seemed stuck since late 2007, early 2008).
Eventually the pairing faded to backburner and then off screen.