Back-away Sentence Examples
Jenn fought the urge to back away.
Many people subconsciously will back away from you if you get too close.
It is fun to see your pets zip through tunnels, go up and down ramps, travel through rooms and back away from closed doors.
He slid back away from the table, grabbing a napkin to dam the tea from the edge of the table.
She pushed back away from him into the seat as much as possible.
It's far better to back away from something that might be dangerous and possibly be a bit embarrassed than to ignore our gut instincts and have something far worse happen.
If you're creating the look yourself, all you need to do is brush your hair back away from your face and pull into a ponytail.
Some cats will respond quicker than others so you'll have to take your time, watch the cat closely and use your best judgment on when to pet or back away.
It was not until she was safely back away from the area where she saw the skunk and was laughing (because I am panicking) that she told me what she saw.