Back-and-forth Sentence Examples
I travel back and forth to check on the kids.
The back-and-forth motion also engages your legs and your core.
He paced back and forth across the room, deep in thought.
Jump again almost immediately after your feet make contact with the ground and return to the starting position, and repeat for a continuous, back-and-forth hopping.
Some of the tools, such as back-and-forth print correspondence, are older but still valuable.
Señor Medena's attention shifted back and forth between Dulce and Alex, but neither offered any explanation.
If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, the baby is a boy.
Linda texted back and forth with her husband for a few minutes.
The current version allows the cable to swivel, which allows for a smooth back-and-forth motion.
He swiveled his head, back and forth between sides, unwilling as usual to make a decision.
AdvertisementAre you constantly shuttling papers back and forth between the office and home?
He went back and forth with the canvas from his bedroom to the music room, unsure where to hang it.
This type of kiss involves intense interaction with a lot of spit transferring back and forth.
The fourth girl was pacing back and forth near the doorway.
Jog in place by hopping from one foot to the other and creating a kind of sideways movement with your body going back and forth in a movement similar to speed skating.
AdvertisementSeñor Medena's attention shifted back and forth between Dulce and Alex, but neither offered any explanation.
He drove the distance to his house in record time and barely got the truck in the garage before strong winds began bending the trees back and forth.
After being bitten by a dog, he changes back and forth between a human and a shaggy sheepdog!
Your baby can happily rock back and forth or twist around in his chair as he plays with the many attached objects on the center.
Rhythmic and repetitive motion comes naturally to moms and dads, and it's evident anywhere you go as you witness daddy's bouncing their babies on their knees and moms swaying back and forth with babies on their shoulders.
AdvertisementHave you ever noticed a mother sitting with her baby gently swaying back and forth.
Chances are, parents will be going back and forth to the nursery in the wee hours of the morning during those first months of life when infants don't sleep through the night.
All you'll want to do is cast out just a bit, and keep your eye on the tip-if the tip flickers back and forth quickly, you've got a good pole.
So you don't have to look back and forth from the road to the unit, voice prompts alert you when it's time to turn, to change course, or your destination is approaching.
Ice cream curses fly back and forth between us all day long.
AdvertisementChildren are fascinated by snow blowers and may want to run back and forth through the stream of snow that the machine creates.
At first, switching back and forth between the buttons and the touch screen will feel a little awkward, but luckily it becomes second nature after a little while with the game.
This feature also allows you to switch back and forth between the front and back camera of the iPhone at any time during a phone call.
Moving your head back and forth in a half circle is another variation.
This repeats like the grapevine, either in one direction or back and forth.
In a playful back and forth struggle, this dance number near the end of the hit musical Grease is a fun moment in every production.
It is important to consider how easy it will be for you to commute back and forth to work from the neighborhoods that interest you.
Thrush is common in young babies and the infection easily passed back and forth between mother and baby.
Ferries shuttled cars, trucks and pedestrians back and forth from the foot of Hyde Street to Sausalito.
To operate the treadle machine, the home seamstress would place her foot on the treadle and rock it back and forth.
If it rocks back and forth easily, it has been well maintained.
A good conversation is like a good tennis volley, back and forth.
For a great game the ball goes back and forth between two people.
She responded via facebook (online) and so we went back and forth a couple times that way.
Also, make sure there is some movement as you kiss, such as tilting your heads back and forth or varying the kisses and kissing her neck or ears.
If there is a locked drawer, a teacher might opt to keep an older laptop designated just for work to avoid carrying a computer back and forth.
The second season, due to premiere in the summer of 2008, plans to have closer ties to the daytime drama with storylines flowing back and forth between them.
She convinces Ben that she is indeed traveling back and forth between time, after prompting a phone call with his father who is ill.
She stays in the hospital for a few days, and it is proven that she is in fact traveling back and forth through time.
Because of its relative thinness and light weight, it can be rolled into a tight and compact bundle, making it perfect for toting back and forth from class, taking on a trip, or carrying along while walking or hiking.
For this reason, yoga students who favor Manduka mats commonly store them where they practice as opposed to carrying them back and forth.
Self-stimulating or stimming behavior is related to sensory processing and can include hand flapping, licking objects or rocking back and forth.
That way the user can simply click back and forth instead of having to open a new file each time.
It is recommended to buff silver in a straight back and forth motion, not circular.
Move back and forth without exerting too much pressure, as you want to remove dust, not crimp the blinds.
Then, single crochet back and forth until the desired length is reached.
Pace back and forth while returning phone calls.
To amp up your walking routine, find some hills to walk up and down, and make sure your arms swing back and forth for the duration of your workout.
Next, take the rolling pin and place it in each ridge, slowly rocking it back and forth to widen the ridge.
Some ideas include bouncing a basketball back and forth or passing around a microphone.
Instruct kids to begin tossing the crab back and forth to each other.
Teams are allowed to go back and forth between tasks until one is completed.
She is not married, but goes back and forth with her boyfriend as to whether they should move in together, break up, or revamp the relationship entirely.
Slide Share - This tutorial for Twitter is in slideshow format, so you can take your time and move through the sections while going back and forth between your own Twitter windows.
If you rapidly move a row back and forth repeatedly, the chuzzles in that row will start to get dizzy.
He picked the ring up and stared at it absently, rolling it back and forth between his thumb and index finger.
I can remember more than one time with a case of flu in the dead of winter - running back and forth to the outhouse.
The buffalo cow faced them, her massive head swaying back and forth in warning.
Felipa looked back and forth at the telephone and Carmen, obviously at a loss for words.
Of course, that meant almost four hours of driving back and forth.
She loved their back and forth and how he made her feel.
First we will consider the types of apparatus which are used to record the rapid back-and-forth movements of earthquakes which can be distinctly felt and at times are even destructive.
Although by compounding corresponding portions of the diagrams given by instruments of this type, it is possible to determine the range and direction of the movement of which they are the resolved parts, their chief value is that they enable us to measure with ease the extent of any vibration, half of which is called its amplitude, and the time taken to make any complete back-and-forth movement, or its period.
Her border counties furnished the bogus citizens who invaded Kansas to carry the first territorial elections, and soon guerrilla forays back and forth gave over the border to a carnival of crime and plunder.
You take a mooring rope forward and behind the mooring cleat to reduce the potential for the boat to swing back and forth.
The ball itself was spinning, but was also moving back and forth across the trailing edge of the FT.
Anyway, last year I worked back and forth with Skip on new liner notes and we got it together.
Going back and forth between these strategies is problematic, to say the least.
These wash back and forth in shallow water on a sandy bottom, and are sometimes cast on the shore.
Searchlights made effective patterns as they stabbed the reddened sky with their beams, which swept back and forth in wide arcs.
This was a century of great religious turmoil with power seesawing back and forth between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants.
After being bitten by a dog, he changes back and forth between a human and a shaggy sheepdog !
They wave the siphon back and forth to detect where the smell of food is coming from.
This aspect also adds less compatibility to the relationship as it vacillates back and forth from positive direction to grim outlook.
Electrons are happy to move back and forth zillions of times without worry.
If you'll be inside, you can get by with a frilly dress or thin suit, as long as you are able to pair it with a warm sweater or jacket when traveling back and forth between the car.
Adjustable frame timing-Because many dual monitoring systems switch back and forth between one receiver and another, purchasing a system that allows for frame timing adjustment is important.
With this action, you slide the forestock back and forth to get the ammunition in place.
For fifty-six seconds this languid feline duo proceeds to mew quietly back and forth as if engaged in the world's most tired conversation.
Deal with the other parent directly; don't have your children taking messages back and forth between the two of you.
A hold allows both parties to make unhurried decisions about the fate of their marriage and prevents any unwanted back and forth scenarios in the courtroom.
The child may go back and forth between each parent's home, or in some cases the parents are the ones who switch homes while the children stay in the same residence all the time.
This is especially true if there are children involved because they should not be exposed to parents who bicker back and forth about who was at fault for what.
While the details of the custody arrangement may have to be negotiated back and forth between the parents, most couples attempt to work these details out so a comprehensive custody arrangement can be presented to the divorce court.
Some of the popular uses for these types of bags were for bringing things back and forth from work.
Once cooking outside meant running back and forth to a portable grill, but today's outdoor kitchens are much more than that.
Forget running back and forth to the stores, trying out and returning various things or living with a design idea that just doesn't look the same in real life as it did in your head.
Always message back and forth with a person a few times before arranging for a date and you'll have little trouble separating real women looking for a date from businesses looking to make a fast buck.
Ezines and newsletters are similar to mailing lists, except there's no back and forth conversation.
The tension you feel inside will outlet itself into the ball as you squeeze or vigorously move it around your hand or throwing it back and forth.
Have a ball at graduation - Blow up a beach ball and start bouncing it back and forth at graduation.
Divide the players into teams and have the players kick a balloon back and forth across the net while remaining in a "crabwalk" position, balancing on hands and feet.
As they are agonizing over the numerous details of their weddings, many brides go back and forth of whether or not to wear a bridal tiara, questioning whether it's too much.
Book the limousine early to bring the bride and bridal party back and forth to nail, hair and makeup appointments.
People with this condition go back and forth between idolizing the people they are involved with and devaluing them.
While some people may unintentionally dart their eyes back and forth when telling a lie, other people can do it while maintaining strong eye contact.
If you are making these yourself, be sure you allow enough room for the curtain to be moved back and forth on the rod.
Over the next several years, she was repeatedly sexually abused by various male relatives and was shuffled back and forth between her parents.
After much back and forth banter about how Brody believed he could be friends with any one he chooses, he basically replied with a "Bro, puh-lease," effectively ending their friendship.
Unlike some celebrities who act exclusively on the big screen, Brewster bounces back and forth between film and television work.
The classic method of distance learning is print correspondence, which involves students and professors sending printed materials back and forth through postal mail.
What's more, with everything located in a centralized area, you have more time to spend bonding with your loved ones instead of wasting precious minutes traveling back and forth to various attractions.
People everywhere go back and forth between feeling stunned and amused when they watch the amazing video footage of Rookie the Golden Retriever and his human, Carolyn, trip the light fantastic.
This pure rock anthem from Women and Children First features a classic Van Halen breakdown in the middle where the vocals and the guitar trade riffs back and forth.
The carriage of the garage door slips into the track and moves back and forth along the track when the garage door opener motor is operated.
Start at the farthest point, like the corner of the attic, and spray the foam while moving the nozzle back and forth.
This look was revived in the early 18th century and has gone back and forth in vogue several times since then.
The cover moves back and forth on tracks, and you will need to find room for these as well.
If you find that the appointments are becoming cumbersome, talk to your physician to see if there is a way to consolidate some of the appointments so you don't have to go back and forth.
Soft foam balls are great for a game of catch, or play volleyball by hitting a balloon back and forth.
For instance, an Alzheimer's patient may enjoy sitting in a wheelchair quietly moving back and forth as other residents take part in a sing along.
Pressure on the nose and forehead - Some users like to switch back and forth between a nasal or full face mask and nasal pillows.
The obvious advantage to this type of CPAP battery backup is the simplicity of switching back and forth from electrical to battery power, which requires absolutely no effort from the person using the machine.
During this stage of sleep, the eyes dart back and forth rapidly as though they are watching or reading something interesting.
In most instances it's very easy to see the eyes darting back and forth even though the eyes are closed.
The dentist places the pharyngometer between a patient's teeth, and has the patient move his or her jaw back and forth.
You won't have to switch your glasses back and forth if you need to look up every now and then at something far away.
Franklin was both near-sighted and far-sighted and grew frustrated of switching back and forth between different glasses to be able to see throughout the day.
Riders swing back and forth at a steep arc while 137 feet in the air.
Simply put, a shuttle roller coaster is a coaster that shuttles back and forth between two points along the same section of track rather than completing a loop around a continuous circuit.
And with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, you'll have a blast visiting your friends' towns and writing letters back and forth.
For instance, check out what happens when you move a row of Chuzzles back and forth vigorously.
This will save you from dragging and dropping items back and forth.
Watch as the Hanenbows ricochet back and forth on the leaves and create a beautiful symphony of sound.
Mouse over chair - Man tips it back and forth.
Grab your dog's tail by touching it with the stylus and wag it back and forth.
Some you will simply have to jump over, others you will have to run along walls or bounce back and forth between different areas.
If you were going fast in one direction and you need to switch sides, you felt the heaviness and swayed back and forth as you turned you machine around.
For example, you can play Madden 09 on the PS3, then continue your season and play games on the PSP and transfer the schedule, wins, losses, and stat updates back and forth.
They should use a gentle, back and forth motion when brushing and finish by brushing the tongue.
In uncircumcised males, it is most common to grip the skin of the penis and move it up and down, resulting in repeated sliding of the foreskin back and forth over the head of the penis until orgasm is reached.
Even if you already have wavy hair, what you want to do to get this look is apply a good defining hair product on dry hair and then rock a ceramic straightening iron back and forth down the head, following the hair's natural pattern.
According to Shelter Off Shore, nodding means the same there as it does in the United States, but shaking your head back and forth will imply that you don't know the answer, rather than no.
The interest rates the Fed adjusts affect how easy it is for financial institutions to move money back and forth.
He will be thrilled to parade around the parks or your house singing while bopping his head back and forth pretending to be one of the world's most famous characters.
Though experts seem to go back and forth on the effectiveness of these claims, many people swear by vitamin C supplements.
According to a rotary electric razor is most effective when the user makes circular motions around the face in combination with a back and forth stroking action.
Maneuvering the unit back and forth is easy because of the Easy-Glide wheels that are set on the backside of the appliance.
Questions that require a yes or no will lead to a dead end and make it difficult to keep the conversation going back and forth.
Send plenty of e-mails back and forth to get to know who you are talking to before agreeing to meet in person.
This also applies if you are typing in an instant message or texting back and forth.
There is nothing worse than going back and forth with getting back together and then dumping your partner again.
For example, a question about family or siblings could easily turn into a 30-minute conversation that bounces back and forth.
You'll want to strut back and forth through the airport for hours with this gorgeous wheeled carry-on by Roxy.
Each player continues hitting the ball back and forth until a player misses.
She negotiated both long and short breaks into her contract so she could travel back and forth frequently.
And, unlike visiting the individual airline sites, you can shop for a large number of airlines all at the same time - no switching back and forth between sites to compare prices.
In the early 1930s, Blancpain released the revolutionary Leon Hatotes model which featured roller winding technology that enabled the movement to turn back and forth.
After all, five minutes back and forth adds up to 10 minutes total travel time, and many studio lunch classes last 45 minutes.
Because of their heavy weight, some Manduka mats can weigh as much as eight pounds, and this weight must be considered if the mat will be carried back and forth to class as opposed to storing it there.
However, if you drive back and forth from your office to business meetings throughout the day and your company does not provide reimbursement, that mileage may be deductible.
In affected vehicles, the wiring harness could become damaged when the front seat was moved back and forth.
To do so get a medium-bristle scrub brush and rub it across a bar of Fels-Naptha soap, then gently rub the brush back and forth on the canvas.
It's best to shake the can side to side instead of back and forth.
For example, partners can sit facing each other on a stability ball and toss a medicine ball back and forth while performing crunches.
Although the instruction online is comprehensive for many courses, you don't get to have back and forth conversations, so next you need to find places to test drive your French.
They whisper back and forth so as not to be discovered shopping at Progressive, but then Flo throws her arms up in celebration and announces, "It's an office party!"
Also, Athleta, a division of the Gap, has an organic cotton cami available in six colors, with adjustable straps and a pretty shirred front so you can go back and forth from yoga in style.
Different stories have been tossed back and forth throughout the years, each one proving vastly different from the others.
Shows are 60 minutes in length and flip back and forth as they document the progress each person is making.
I waver back and forth between which one I think is the absolute worst, so I present them both for your loathing.
In Daggerspell, Jill is the first one of the reincarnates that we meet, although the story swings back and forth through time introducing us to other versions of the same people.
The image of actress Tricia Helfer in the red slinky dress became synonymous with the Cylons replacing the red eye tracking back and forth in the metallic skull from the original series.
His moods flipped back and forth so fast it was hard to know how he would respond to anything.
I fiddled with it a little bit, dragging it back and forth.
Fred began to pace the room, patting the cat as he walked back and forth.
Great armour plates can indeed be made by rolling, because in making such flat plates the ingot is simply rolled back and forth between a pair of plain cylindrical rolls, like BB of fig.
Would she spend the rest of her life traveling back and forth from a hospital or nursing home?
Howie didn't like the arrangement but realized we couldn't commute back and forth every weekend and maintain a life.
We adults passed banalities back and forth while Howie opened wine, of an obvious expensive vintage us Gustefsons only admired.
Dean began to shuttle back and forth to the dining room, helping Cynthia.