Back Sentence Examples
Do you have to go back right away?
It was a long time back, before they were married.
I'm going back home.
Finally she drew back, breathless.
Turning the truck around, he headed back down the drive.
He hurried back to the pathway, and then ran to his mother.
His warm hands slid under her jacket, caressing her back through the thin T-shirt.
Tell me what news I may take back to my poor boy.
I make them because I believe I can back them up with convincing proofs and arguments.
His warm hands slid around her waist, pulling her back against him.
AdvertisementStrong arms slipped around her waist, drawing her back against him.
I'll be back in a little while, sweetheart.
Sometimes the new technology so overwhelms the old that when looking back, we explain the old technology in terms of the new.
Back outside, she headed for the barn.
Alex climbed into the car beside Carmen and placed his arm protectively on the back of the seat behind her neck.
AdvertisementThe lad jumped awkwardly back into the room, tripping over his spurs.
At last, however, the sea, as if weary of its new toy, threw me back on the shore, and in another instant I was clasped in my teacher's arms.
One of the chairs pushed back from the table, and this was so astonishing and mysterious that Dorothy was almost tempted to run away in fright.
The emissaries, who themselves did not know the correct answer, were to bring the replies of the oracles back to the king.
A trip back to the house to drop off the eggs revealed a house still silent.
AdvertisementEd merely looked at them and then back at Carmen.
He looked through them and then handed them back without comment.
She returned his kiss passionately, and when he pulled his head back, she gazed up at him.
Carmen went back to wrapping her present.
The shepherd led them gently back to the hut and gave them their usual supper of bread and milk.
AdvertisementHe turned and walked briskly back to the market.
I'm going to make myself a sandwich and get back to work.
The Christmas tree could only be seen from the back of the house, but that didn't matter.
Her anxious gaze went from Carmen to Alex and back again.
Connie returned with a cool damp rag which she placed on Lisa's face and then the back of her neck.
Don't go back to the house.
She closed the tin and handed it back to him.
Then he commanded his army to march back to the city of Antium.
But the truth is that almost all furniture back in the day was cheaply made junk and only a very few high-quality pieces survived.
Humans require relatively little oxygen, and plants are constantly transforming the carbon dioxide we exhale back into useful oxygen.
Oh, the delight with which I gathered up the fruit in my pinafore, pressed my face against the smooth cheeks of the apples, still warm from the sun, and skipped back to the house!
Dolokhov's back in his white shirt, and his curly head, were lit up from both sides.
He leaned back, looking perplexed.
He asked her to go back to Houston with him, enticing her with rides on the beach - and love all night.
Leaning forward she reached up with one hand and cupped the back of his neck.
She had to go back to get them.
The white sand reflected the hot sun back at them until they were dripping with perspiration.
Let's give the mules a rest while I look over our back trail.
He lowered the glasses and rolled over on his back, gazing up into her face.
He pushed the hat back on his head and gazed up at her with troubled eyes.
He didn't seem concerned that she had refused to go back.
After a few hours of limited rest, they were back in the saddle again.
Several stories of empty rooms rewarded their search, but nothing more; so after a time they came back to the platform again.
Soon, with the gun in one hand, he crept back into the cave.
He was glad to go back to England to see his home and his friends once more.
A contest awhile back called for people to speculate what would be the best device to hook up to the Internet.
Mr. Balcom, a promising young architect, designs it on the back of his Vitruvius, with hard pencil and ruler, and the job is let out to Dobson & Sons, stonecutters.
Morning brings back the heroic ages.
Assured that it had not, she turned back to him.
Grabbing her hands, he pushed her back on the bed and held her down.
Carmen met his gaze for a moment - long enough to reunite, and then they both turned back to the others.
A long sigh escaped her lips as she slid back down under the covers.
The shock of what happened gave way to fury as Felipa turned back to them.
Leaning her back against the wall, hands behind her back, she watched him in the mirror.
When her attention came back to Alex, he was watching Jonathan.
So you're back to that again.
Finally he came back to the house and put his gun up.
When it came back to her face, a slow smile erased the creases between his brows.
He planted a lingering kiss on her lips and drew back.
Somewhere in the back of her mind Lisa knew it felt good.
She was putting supper on the table when she glanced out the window and noticed Giddon riding Diablo back into the yard.
But then, there was the package, and the money he wanted back.
Fritz was slumped on the back of his mule, half-asleep, his stocky frame rolling with the gait of the mule.
His troubled gaze came back to her face, pacing from her eyes to her lips.
He picked up the coffee cup and leaned back in his chair, eyeing her thoughtfully.
He was right about the coat, but she wasn't about to go back and get it.
Destiny glanced up at Carmen from her elevated chair at the table and then her attention swung back to Alex.
Thinking back, her parents had done both in front of her.
It was neither good nor bad in her mind back then - it simply was.
Finally he arched one brow and turned back to the roast.
Did she ever regret going back to her husband?
He came back from a trip down there one time and was upset because he said Uncle Fabrice treated him like a dunce in front of customers.
Katie said he came back one time upset.
If he decided to go back to Texas, they would all go together.
Well, I do need to freshen up, but I'll be back.
She has to talk to father about it and she will call back later this morning to let me know when she will be here.
Her fever goes down, but then comes back up again.
Destiny woke several times during the night, but went back to sleep when she saw Carmen was there.
Once she asked for daddy, but went back to sleep when Carmen told her he was asleep.
Destiny woke and ate a few bites before going back to sleep.
She threw the covers back and went down the hall to the stairway.
It was only two thirty in the afternoon, but she didn't want to go back to sleep.
He'll be back later.
Yet when they brought her back, she was asleep.
After their conversation, she leaned back in the chair to get some rest.
Destiny cried harder, clinging to her hands and trying to get back into her arms.
Destiny immediately followed her command, looking back at the skunk.
When she was close enough to the house, she ran to the courtyard and slipped in through the back door.
I've got to get back to work.
The twinkle came back into his eyes.
He leaned his head back and smiled up at her.
I'll be right back.
Carmen leaned back in his arms and smiled up at him.
She pushed back the feeling of shame.
When she pulled back, his dark chocolate gaze turned sultry, quickening her pulse.
As his fingers traced a warm tingly path to the back of her dress, hers traced his lips.
She started to get up so she could lead him to their bedroom, but he tugged her back down to the window seat.
Katie leaned back, a triumphant look on her face as if she had made a point.
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.
As soon as she said it she wished she could take it back.
Then he drew back, his gaze running over her face in that familiar confident way.
If they presented a united front, Tessa might back up.
He shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck.
Within a week, they were back at the hacienda.
Maybe the last situation was what gave her the courage to speak up when the inheritance tension came back.
When it finally came back to her, the frown was still there, but his expression was cognitive.
His gaze came back to her.
Like two bull Elk, they were each so focused on pushing the other back that they had forgotten anyone else existed.
She shrank back into her chair.
Alex gently patted her on the back.
Carmen stroked his cheek again and Matthew went back for another try.
She leaned her head back and looked up at him, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
Tears continued to flow as her attention shifted back to Matthew.
He leaned back in his chair, observing Alex over the rim.
Alex ran a hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck.
Behind it, sixteen cars were jammed together all the way back to the highway.
Even the way she wore her hair, with those braids wrapped around the top of her head like a crown and the long shiny blond curls falling around her shoulders and down her back – she wasn't simply beautiful.
He turned back to Lathum.
Lisa pulled a curtain back to examine the sky.
Spots flickered in her eyes as she leaned back.
Let's move back and give her some air.
I can come back.
It won't bring them back.
I'm going back to the old place in the mountains.
Maybe a vacation would be good right now, but don't go back there.
Back into the fuzzy recesses of her mind she crawled – back where it was safe.
Maybe when she got back she could replace her old one.
If he came back, he wouldn't find her there.
Dropping the bag in the back seat, she sank into the driver's seat.
For a few moments the car hung there, the back half solidly on the ground, the front hanging precariously over the cliff.
Her first instinct was to scramble to the back of the bus and climb out.
Snaking her upper torso over the back of the seat, she began to shift her weight toward the back of the car.
I'll ride back to the house and get my car and a chain.
A grinding noise jerked her attention back to the car.
Feeling dizzy, she stepped back and turned to the man hesitantly.
Her spirits did a roller coaster as she desperately watched his retreating back, and then comprehended his words.
Maneuvering the car around skillfully, he started back up the road.
At the door, he opened it and stepped back, motioning for her to enter first.
The car slid off the cliff before I got back.
It's a long way to drive from Fayetteville, and then they'd have to bring you back in the morning.
His moods flipped back and forth so fast it was hard to know how he would respond to anything.
She stared at his broad back, testing a hand full of his Jacket gingerly.
When they stopped beside a wide shallow creek, he crouched with his back to her.
Hop on my back and I'll take you across.
She regarded his broad back skeptically, instantly reminded of her father.
The windows were all broken and the front end was smashed back to the windshield.
She rocked back and fourth, tears coursing down her cheeks unchecked.
In fact, he was under no obligation to help her get back, either.
His hands gently pulled her head back and before she comprehended his intent, he kissed her lips.
The chances were slim that she would ever come back.
Good. Pack your clothes and come back with me.
If you need time to take care of things, I can come back and get you.
Come on back and help me pack.
Take me back to my house.
He turned back to the wheel, chuckling.
Glancing at the road behind them he pulled back onto the highway.
The trip back to his house was uneventful.
She felt the hair rising on the back of her neck.
It took her mind back to childhood memories of barefoot strolls down dusty lanes.
Diablo stood hip-shod, his eyes half-closed as Giddon tossed a saddle blanket over his back and then swung up the saddle.
She took a quick step back and he dropped his hands.
He had been perfectly content to step back and let her bear the brunt of Giddon's anger, even knowing that he had arrived uninvited.
She didn't look back, but his muffled curse chased after her.
Walking so fast that it created a breeze that caught the loose hair hanging down her back, she turned her ankle slipping off her sandals.
A wisp of blond hair hung over one eye and Lisa brushed it back.
His smile was so disarming that she couldn't help smiling back.
Lisa drew further back into the brush as the car drove by.
Giddon went back into the building and Lisa made her way through the darkening woods to the spot in the drive where she had entered.
His long fingers traced her jaw to the hair on the back of her neck.
She stepped back and glared at him.
It was time to fall back and rebuild another.
She glanced back to make sure she wasn't being observed.
When the back door closed, she emerged from her room.
Back at the house she showered and changed before starting lunch.
I'll see enough of the city when I go back to college.
Her plan was to approach the building from the back parking lot.
At any rate, Giddon would be back soon.
A sharp pain shot through her ankle and a cry escaped her lips as she dropped back to the ground.
Her troubled gaze followed her trail back up the hill and she gasped.
Giddon deposited Lisa on the animal's back and, putting a foot in the stirrup, swung up behind her.
She felt his breath on the back of her neck and stiffened as one arm slipped around her waist.
After having her wiggle her toes and move her ankle this way and that, he finally stepped back and observed her with a frown.
His piercing gaze lifted to her face and the hair rose on the back of her neck.
He was back almost immediately, carrying an ace bandage.
She glanced back at Lisa and smiled mischievously.
He leaned back in the chair, tossing his glasses on the table.
She glanced back at him sharply and caught her breath.
He leaned back in his chair again and stretched his legs out, his piercing gaze sorting through the secrets of her mind.
They climbed back on the ATV and crossed the creek.
She tucked her suspicions back into a corner of her mind.
His hands worked up her back moving gradually as he massaged every inch of the muscles on either side of her spine.
Finally his big hands left her waist and moved to her shoulders, working out the stiffness in them, and then on to the back of her neck.
They had to get away from here - back to the house where there were other people.
The trip back was every bit as exciting.
Len glanced at Yancey uncertainly and then shifted his attention back to her.
He glanced back at Lisa.
If I did, I wouldn't be bringing you back here.
She was still smiling when she walked back into the kitchen.
He turned and leaned back against the counter, surveying her with obvious distaste.
The braids not only held it out of her eyes, but thinned the bottom part down enough that it would lay loose across her shoulders and down her back without frizzing.
As they blended in with the rest of the dancers, she glanced back at the table where the man sat.
He chuckled softly as he pulled her closer, his hand gently caressing her back.
When the music stopped, he cupped one of her elbows and led her back to their table.
A cold chill crept up her spine, raising the hair on the back of her neck.
The ride back was quiet, but the silence was a comfortable one, only becoming awkward when they reached the door of his house.
Her arms stole around his neck and she ran trembling fingers through the soft hair on the back of his head.
The smell of coffee brought Yancey back into the room a little later.
She put the letter back in the envelope.
She took a step back from him.
Her own words bounced off the wall and came back as a flash of memory and imagination.
At the car, he opened the door and glanced back at her, his expression reflective.
She walked slowly back to the kitchen.
It always came back to that.
She had to get back there and see what was in the building.
Enough time to walk back to the building.
She brushed the hair back over her shoulders.
Maybe she shouldn't go back to the Giddon home.
She pulled the car back on the road and continued toward the Giddon place.
Still looking back at it, he started for the house.
Back in his arms, Tammy leaned forward with her nose on his, looking into his eyes.
I miss that and I'm not going to be held back simply because you're afraid to have me wandering around on my own.
Yancey stopped beside her and looked back down at the house.
He stepped back, a twinkle in his eyes.
Instantly the hand dropped and he turned back down the trail, speaking over his shoulder.
He never looked directly at her, but the way he held back branches was indication enough that he knew she was there and was thinking of her.
He glanced back, his eyes mocking her.
She stared at his back.
Well, do you want me to come back home?
Lisa put the receiver back to her ear.
Finally she threw back the covers and rolled out of bed.
In her words, "Go now so you can be back before dark."
Yancey wasn't back yet when she left, but she didn't need his approval.
Soon she would need to come back home to get ready for college.
Finally she leaned back sucked her lungs full.
Jerking away from him, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
He stepped back and raised his hands.
Leaning back, she gazed solemnly up into his eyes.
He nodded and leaned back against the porch post.
Finally she released him and leaned back to view his reaction.
I'll follow you back to the house.
Then he pulled back out onto the road.
You'll strain your back.
Without looking back, she dashed to the house, past a startled Sarah, and then to her room.
Cautiously, she crept up to the door and peered around it, jerking her head back instinctively when she spotted Yancey unlocking a door to an inner office.
She waited until Yancey came back in, but he only locked the door to the office and left, closing the door to the building.
Wiggling through the small opening, she turned and pulled the sash back down.
She reached the door and looked back, expecting to find him right behind her, but he wasn't.
He was walking down the path, back to the building.
She forced herself to walk, not run, back to the house.
Lisa put the phone back to her ear, still watching Yancey cautiously.
Look, I'm going to go back to the house and pack my things.
Yancey didn't get out, but he did wait until she had her car started before he turned his car around and headed back to the house.
He glanced at her and then turned his attention back to the can in his hand.
Mom will be back soon.
Tammy was in the back seat asleep, so she carefully unbuckled her and carried her to the house while Sarah brought in the shopping sacks.
She leaped back from the suitcase, paralyzed with fear.
He grabbed a handful of her clothes from the suitcase and put them back in the drawer.
He calmly picked the clothes up and put them back in the drawer.
He stuck his hands in his back pockets and frowned, his gaze searching hers.
Yancey glanced that way and then back at her.
Her attention shifted back to Yancey.
You told her you weren't going to let me go back to college.
Howard slapped Len on the back playfully and turned to leave the building.
He rubbed the back of his neck.
She relaxed her grip on his shirt and allowed him to guide her back to the couch.
She leaned back on the couch instead, trying to reassure him with a weak smile.
If you want to wait until I get off work, I'll try to leave a little early so we won't get back so late.
Are you running back to check on your parents again?
Michael turned around and came back to her.
Brandon's blue Neon was already in the parking lot, and he was lounging with his back against it, arms folded across his chest.
She threw the covers back and gasped as her feet hit the cold floor.
Then you get back up and continue the climb.
Brandon rode ahead of her most of the time, dropping back beside her when they emerged from the forest.
She glanced back at him.
She stretched; realizing her back was getting sore.
We'd better go back.
At times he seemed on the verge of revealing it to Adrienne, only to draw back into himself and avoid her for days.
I told Julia and Rachel that I'd come back if I didn't find you here.
We'd better get back to the apartment.
Back at the apartment, he paused at the door, key in hand.
He grabbed her waist before she could back away, and pulled her into his arms.
His warm hands slid under her jacket and explored her back through her T-shirt.
She stepped back and let them enter.
It has living quarters at the back.
Without a word, she dashed back to her room and crammed a change of clothes in a bag, along with her books.
Still, the car weaved as he guided it back into the right lane.
Just sit back and don't distract me.
I know you need to get back for your finals tomorrow.
They were silent for a long time on the way back.
Adrienne nodded, choking back tears.
His hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her back so that he could see her face.
Finally, she turned and sauntered back into the apartment.
He's gone back to that farm, and that's where he'll stay.
I don't believe Brandon will ever come back here to finish his schooling.
No, he'd be back, and he'd finish his schooling.
He went back to the ranch that night, saying that he had cattle to take care of.
He pulled back and gazed down at her inquisitively.
All that aside, Brandon didn't want her back.
The envelope had a mind of its own, and it drew her back to the coffee table - demanded that she tear it open and read the answer.
Her hair was drawn back severely into a bun and she had black eyes that could render a lie detector machine obsolete.
The lint he tucked back into his pocket, and the ring he tossed on the table in front of Adrienne.
And personally, I hope you decide to take that back.
He picked the ring up and stared at it absently, rolling it back and forth between his thumb and index finger.
The stone flipped back and forth, winking at her as it caught the light.
I want my best friend back, too.
Tucking a wayward strand of curly brown hair back into her bun, she replaced her hat and wrapped the lead lines around the wagon break.
He tipped his hat back, fixing her with a bright blue gaze that stunned her vocal cords.
He walked back to his horse and untied something from the saddle.
She sullenly glanced back at the group of men.
When all the wagons were ready, she snapped the whip over the back of the mules.
Then they would have to hitch them back up again.
Two times she had been back to visit her siblings, both times at Christmas.
She dashed them away with the back of her hand.
It brought her closer to the time when she could go back to the ranch.
She stepped back and waved at Pete, pointing at the dust.
She slapped her hat back on to hide the color in her cheeks and scrambled onto her wagon seat.
They'd bring her back and beg us to hold her while they ran.
She watched Pete's bowlegged figure lurch back to his wagon.
Releasing the break, she slapped the lines on the back of the mules and clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.
Throwing back the covers that had protected her from the cold night air, she grabbed one of her boots.
It darted back toward her, and she scrambled to get out of its path, tossing sand at it.
She lifted her whip and expertly popped it over the back of the lead mule.
Bordeaux jumped back as her wagon moved to catch up with the others.
She screamed and jumped back before she realized the snakes were dead.
What did you do with that scorpion this morning - go back and eat it?
His horse snorted and took a step back.
You'd better put your hat back on.
Bordeaux stepped forward, and before she had time to protest, he swept her up and deposited her on the back of the bay.
He gently pulled his arm away and stepped back.
Four more days and she would go back to the ranch.
They would find someone to drive the wagon back across the desert.
It was a hot evening and they were well back from the fire.
Royce scooted back from the fire and laughed nervously.
I was hoping to find someone to take back with me.
Fritz, Royce and Davis wandered back to their wagons.
She shot back, kicking sand in his direction.
He left us kids to fend for ourselves and now he thinks he can come back and pick up where he left off.
I hate him and I'm not going back!
Go back and let him explain.
I'm not going back and you can't make me.
She watched his retreating back and knew there would be little sleep for her tonight.
She dropped back on the blanket and yanked it over her body.
We could get married in Ashley and take the stage back.
She packed all the dishes and stashed them in the back of one of the wagons.
I'm not going back to see him.
Pete walked back to her, signaling to the other men to join them.
Anyway, maybe he decided not to come back.
Since his back was to the danger, he was unaware when the man gunned the engine and started to drive towards him.
She sat back on her heals.
She dropped her head back to the blanket.
He chuckled again and glanced back at the others, who were trailing behind.
You feel betrayed, but you need to go back and talk to him.
About 10 feet back into the cave water oozed from the wall, slowly dripping into a small rock pool.
She could hardly wait to get back to Texas.
What was there to go back to?
Bordeaux lay against her back, one arm around her waist and one leg thrown carelessly over hers.
His breath warmed the back of her neck with long relaxed puffs.
He drew back and studied her face with hungry eyes.
She sat up, tucking her shirt back into her pants.
Let's get back to the others.
They shouldered the full canteens and, picking up their rifles, started back to the camp.
He scowled at their tracks, visible all the way back around the dune.
Not if they don't come back this way.
As they walked back down the dune, she dragged her hand in a wavy line, trying to obliterate their tracks.
She wanted to ask him to slow down, but she was already holding him back.
Bordeaux would be back.
She curled into a ball and tried to go back to sleep.
Still, she wished he would get back soon.
He removed his hand and they moved back against the rock wall of lava that swirled over them.
She stared at his retreating back.
A shot would bring the others back.
Apparently he wasn't going to tell her he had killed the Indian to get his horse back.
Cassie shrank back against the rocks, hoping the Indians wouldn't look up.
At the end of the pool, it seeped back into the ground between some more rocks.
He ducked under the water and came up, wiping the water from his eyes and pushing his hair back.
She leaned back and held her nose as she completely immersed herself.
She turned her back on Bordeaux and pulled her shirt from her pants, unbuttoning it so that the water could reach the sweat stained area under her breasts.
She admired his magnificent back and shoulders and then looked away.
He stepped forward and reached for her, but she took a step back.
She threw back the robe and sat up stiffly.
She filled the canteens and started back to camp, pausing when Bordeaux emerged from the bushes below.
Cassie glanced back at Bordeaux.
We just got back about an hour ago.
We came back with help, though, but we couldn't find you.
They had given up, deciding that if they hadn't found their bodies, they must still be alive and would find their way back to Ashley.
The rider on the black horse turned back.
Did Bordeaux actually love her or was it a contrived affair to get her back to the ranch?
She dropped the package on the bed and eagerly tore back the brown paper wrapping.
He turned his back to her, facing the girl.
I can't go back.
Was he giving her a way to back out gracefully?
You're going back to your ranch?
She broke his grip and stepped back.
Instead his retreating back filled her with shame.
She felt his sympathetic gaze on her back as she turned toward the stairs.
Darcie leaned back and stared out the window.
I told him I wasn't going back to the ranch.
Darcie leaned back in the seat and watched Cassie reflectively for a few minutes.
Carmen tried to shut them out by thinking about something else, but her mind kept going back to the same thing.
You decided to come back and talk to your father.
You did bring her back.
She came back by herself.
Bordeaux said he couldn't get you to come back with him, but I guess he was wrong.
I didn't come back with him.
Besides, he did come back Cassie could feel Bordeaux's intent gaze.
I said that bringing you back was my job.
The twins begged me to bring you back, so I made it part of my plans.
He turned and stalked back to the buggy.
Finally he drew back and slid her over to the seat beside him.
Darcie couldn't stand the gossip and rude behavior in every town, so she finally went back to the Indians.
She fell in love with a trapper and he took her back to what we all describe as civilization.
He never came back and I didn't find out until recently.
I know she wanted him to come back.
She leaned back in arms.
Cassie went back to the ranch to live with her father and the twins until their wedding day.
So when Mr. Cade strode into the diner Friday night, Cynthia's clothes were packed and stored in the back room of the diner.
She led him to the back room where her things were piled and then resumed her last hour of work at the diner.
Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
He stepped back to let her enter first.
The sting of his cool hospitality was quickly replaced with awe as she turned back to the room.
They trekked back down the hallway to the family room and then into a spacious kitchen.
They kept popping back open.
She threw the covers back and then gasped.
He pushed his chair back and stood.
She set the coffeepot back on the stove.
His attention was back on his food.
She shoved the book back into its place and gave the shelf a last swipe, curbing her tongue as she dismounted the chair.
She turned and rested her hands on the back of one of the kitchen chairs.
She shrugged and went back for an armload of wood.
She crunched through the snow back to the house and removed her coat and boots before entering the living room.
Scraps from the table coaxed him out even during the daylight hours - but only when she stepped back into the house.
Leaning into one stirrup, she forced her other leg over the back of the horse and dismounted.
The fish flipped and dived back into the water.
She tried to work the muscles in her lower back with her fingertips, but the effort was worse than the benefit.
Do you want to go back?
Lunch finished, they mounted and started back to the house.
The wolf finally decided they were no threat and turned his back on them, trotting away across the vast grassland.
The blood bounded back into her neck.
Mary smiled and the twinkle came back into her eyes.
Thankful for the change of subject, Cynthia launched into a description of her latest conquests with the cat, again tucking that nagging doubt to the back of her mind.
Finally he finished his meal and scooted his chair back.
She scooted her chair back without responding and went to the laundry room where the pie was cooling.
He finished his pie and leaned back in his chair, his gaze meeting hers.
He leaned back and gazed into the room.
He tucked his hands in his back pockets and shuffled his feet, the color in his face deepening.
I forgot my rope in the barn and had to come back yesterday.
He took a few steps and then paused, glancing back at her.
As they packed the last of the items into the back of his truck, he glanced up at her.
Finally he stepped back from the vehicle and wiped his hands with a rag.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
If it does, then you can pay me back if you want.
He could always find another maid and she could go back to the diner.
Finally her gaze came back to Cynthia.
She quirked a brow and made an exaggerated point of putting her hair back in order, tossing her head pertly and smiling up at him.
During and after supper, conversation seemed to continually migrate back to Cynthia.
She threw back the covers.
Everyone laughs behind his back.
Lifting the hair off the back of her neck, he applied the cool towel.
His face was pale and drawn as he shoved the range back into place.
Glancing into the family room, he turned back to Cynthia.
This time there would be no holding back.
Looking back, her words did sound like a challenge.
Maybe I can get back before dark.
The back door was too far away for her rubbery legs, and the only alternative was the sink.
And then cool hands were pulling her hair back and turning on the water.
Cade handed her a towel and gently rubbed her back.
He brushed the hair back from her face and stroked her cheek gently.
I know what to get, now you go lay down on the couch until I get back.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Pulling back the covers on her bed, she slipped between the cool sheets and let exhaustion take its course.
She rolled on her back and smiled up at him.
He felt her forehead and rubbed her back.
I was out there yesterday when I came back from riding and noticed that the barn was almost as clean as this house.
I'll take that back down on my way.
He picked up a piece of straw and leaned his back against the tree, picking his teeth.
I'd better get this stuff back into the house before it's crawling with ants.
She turned to go back to the house and realized she wouldn't be able to make it before the storm caught up with her.
She threw the covers back and dashed to the patio doors, staring outside.
She took a quick step back.
He drew back, gazing down at her with a perplexed expression.
His hand moved down her side to her waist and then down to her leg, caressing the back of her knee in a delightful way.
Time couldn't be turned back.
Would he prefer she wasn't here when he got back tonight?
A hawk made a wide swing across the grassland and then suddenly dived, jerking up at the last second, its great wings straining as it pumped back into the air with added weight.
She pushed away from the ground stiffly and rubbed at the sore muscles in her back while she surveyed the house.
He pulled his hands from behind his back and held them out to her.
I'd better put it back before Scruffy comes looking for it.
He hated cats, but he carried the kitten all the way to the kitchen and back simply to show her one.
She smiled wistfully and turned back to the table.
Finally she cleared the table while he sat back with a cup of coffee.
His hands slid down her back to her waist and stopped, drawing her against his warm body.
If she went back to the diner she would be lonely and broke.
His hands touched her waist and then he slipped his arms around her from behind and drew her back against his chest.
You can run away from him, stay in the same relationship, or set your foot down and get things back into control.
But you could put an ATV in the back of your truck.