Bachelor Sentence Examples
Maybe I've been a bachelor too long.
The life of a bachelor has too many advantages.
He just happens to be the most eligible bachelor in Benton County.
He was bachelor in 1502 and master in 1505.
On the continent of Europe the degree of knight bachelor disappeared with the military system which had given rise to it.
This was an old bachelor, Shinshin, a cousin of the countess', a man with "a sharp tongue" as they said in Moscow society.
While he fancied himself at least an experimental, if not good cook, in his present state of mind he found himself reverting to bachelor days of quick-is-best.
That probably came from being a bachelor so long.
After fifteen bachelor years with Fred O'Connor he had heard it all.
So keen was his opposition to the new learning that his oration on the occasion of taking his degree of bachelor of divinity was devoted to an attack on the opinions of Melanchthon.
AdvertisementHe ceased keeping a diary, avoided the company of the Brothers, began going to the club again, drank a great deal, and came once more in touch with the bachelor sets, leading such a life that the Countess Helene thought it necessary to speak severely to him about it.
He became a licentiate of arts in 1367, procurator of the French "nation" in 1372, bachelor of theology in 1372, and licentiate and doctor in that faculty in 1381.
At, or only a very little beyond, the usual age he entered the recently (1348) founded university of Prague, where he became bachelor of arts in 1393, bachelor of theology in 1394, and master of arts in 1396.
A brilliant examination for the degree of bachelor procured him, in 1588, admittance on the foundation to the university of Tubingen, where he laid up a copious store of classical erudition, and imbibed Copernican principles from the private instructions of his teacher and life-long friend, Michael Maestlin.
He adds that he took his degree at the proper time; but in fact, upon any computation and from whatever cause, he remained at Magdalen Hall five, instead of the required four, years, not being admitted as bachelor till the 5th of February 1608.
AdvertisementHe came to the United States with his father in 1846; graduated at Harvard in 1855, subsequently studying engineering and chemistry, and taking the degree of bachelor of science at the Lawrence scientific school of the same institution in 1857; and in 1859 became an assistant in the United States Coast Survey.
After five or six years from the date of beginning his studies (matriculation) and being twenty years of age (these conditions varied at different periods), a bachelor was permitted to present himself for the examination for the licentiateship, which was divided into two parts.
Of his former bachelor acquaintances many were no longer in Petersburg.
Was that why he had remained a bachelor until he was thirty?
In modern times, however, by certain regulations, made in 1823, and repeated and enlarged in 1855, not only is it provided that the sovereign's permission by royal warrant shall be necessary for the reception by a British subject of any foreign order of knighthood, but further that such permission shall not authorize " the assumption of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege appertaining to a knight bachelor of the United Kingdom."
AdvertisementHe entered the faculty of medicine there on the 16th of September and became bachelor on the 1st of November, a remarkably short interval, which shows what was thought of his acquirements.
I've been living in the bachelor pad with the guys for three months now.
Mount Hood (11,225 ft.), which is the highest point in the state, Mount Jefferson (10,200 ft.), the Three Sister Peaks, Mount Adams, Bachelor Mountain, and Diamond Peak (8807 ft.) all have one or more glaciers on their sides.
He took orders, became a preacher in 1614, and in 1615 proceeded to the degree of bachelor in divinity.
These excellent novels were, however, succeeded by one very inferior, The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish (1829); by The Notions of a Travelling Bachelor (1828), an uninteresting book; and by The Waterwitch (1830), one of the poorest of his many sea-stories.
AdvertisementHe was educated at Broadgates Hall, now Pembroke College, Oxford, graduating bachelor of civil and canon law in June 1519.
He went to Cambridge as a sizar of Magdalene College in 1616, migrated to Peterhouse in 1618, was bachelor in 1619 and master of arts in 1623.
It offers courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, in electrical engineering and in chemistry.
He graduated in law (bachelor, 1665, doctor, 1670), but made medicine his profession, and "became noted for his practice therein, especially in the summer time, in the city of Bath."
The bachelor and the banneret were both equally knights, only the one was of greater distinction and authority 3 Du Cange, Dissertation, xxi., and Lancelot du Lac, among other romances.
The knight bachelor whose services and landed possessions entitled him to promotion would apply formally to the commander in the field for the title of banneret.
The student was admitted without examination as bachelor after from four to six years' study, and after from six to eight years' study became qualified as a candidate for the doctorate.
Marie, Queene of Scotland, by Eusebius Dicaeophile (London, 1569), reprinted, with alterations, at Liege in 1571, under the title, A Treatise concerning the Defence of the Honour of Marie, Queene of Scotland, made by Morgan Philippes, Bachelor of Divinitie, Piae a?licti animi consolationes, ad Mariam Scot.
His father, a physician, died in July 1813, and the boy was under the care of a bachelor uncle until he was fourteen, when his uncle married and Douglas was thrown upon his own resources.
Since his divorce was finalized on June 30, 2006, Lachey has been enjoying life as an eligible bachelor.
In 1989, he graduated from Yale University with a bachelor's degree in political science.
Taking this bachelor concept to the reality world, Baio has signed on with VH1 for Scott Baio is 45…and Single.
Andrew Firestone, who starred on the third season of The Bachelor, is engaged… for the second time.
The show involves the bachelor selecting his mate from among 25 women, eliminating one each week during the rose ceremony.
At the finale of Firestone's run on The Bachelor, he proposed to "last woman standing" Jennifer Schefft.
Mary Delgado, who won the sixth season of the reality show, The Bachelor, was recently arrested for battery.
Mary Delgado was a contestant on The Bachelor 6, and went on to win the heart of bachelor Byron Velvick (pictured above on right) in the finale.
Andrew Firestone, who appeared on the third season of The Bachelor, is working on a career change.
Andrew Firestone entered the reality television scene in 2003, appearing on the third season of The Bachelor.
Andrew Firestone didn't find love on The Bachelor, but that doesn't mean he's unlucky in relationships.
True to her word, Natalie earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and graduated from Harvard in 2003.
Matthew McConaughey received his Bachelor's Degree in 1993.
Even though he was a poor student, Ford was accepted at Ripon College in Wisconsin and almost graduated with a Bachelor's degree in English.
Ford reportedly missed receiving his Bachelor's degree due to a serious bout of depression during his college career.
Appearing on the first season of The Bachelor, Alex Michel chose Amanda Marsh over Trista in the final episode.
He received his bachelor's degree from Amherst.
Move over McConaughey (last year's winner and no longer a bachelor), Mario Lopez has been crowned the "Hottest Bachelor" of 2008 by People magazine.
Well, that goofy looking fuzzy haired boy that once was is now the Hottest Bachelor of 2008 - looking smoldering in his revealing (in more ways than one) spread in the special edition of the magazine set to hit the stands on June 20th.
Newly minted bachelor Mario had been dating Dancing with the Stars partner Karina Smirnoff since they met on the set in 2006.
Lopez is well-known for his flirtatious ways with the ladies, so, is he going the way of perennial bachelor George Clooney?
In the latest installment of the show, that looking back, seems to serve no purpose but make it okay for one man to date 25 women at one time, Brit bachelor Matt Grant chose 22-year old Shayne Lamas to present with the final rose.
The Bachelor also went on to say that he believes in the beginning of any relationship, people need space and that "…moving in together after knowing one another for only four months is probably a little bit quick."
The premise for Jenner's new upcoming reality show Bromance is similar to The Bachelor - but without all the kissing.
After attending the prestigious Collegiate School for Boys in New York (he was class valedictorian), he graduated from Princeton University and later from Yale University with bachelor and master's degrees in English Literature.
While receiving her bachelor's degree in Music Composition, Performance and Education from the University of Missouri, she started singing with the local band, Cashmere.
Former The Bachelor and The Bacherlorette contestant Jenn Schefft has announced her engagement.
Okay, just for a little refresher about just who Jenn Schefft is, she was the girl on The Bachelor chosen by Andrew Firestone way back in season three.
Well, as these things go with The Bachelor, Schefft and Firestone split less than a year after they were engaged.
The Bachelor winner Mary Delgado brawled again and was subsequently arrested.
The final rose ceremony for the latest installment of The Bachelor had single dad choosing Melissa…for a little while anyway.
Both girls seemed like just lovely ladies and they got on famously with The Bachelor Jason Mesnick's son Ty as well as with his family.
The 19-year old and four other friends were traveling home from a bachelor party when Aldridge lost control of his truck, causing it to flip.
Forget that he was coming home from a bachelor party.
Melissa Rycroft, who was recently and briefly engaged to The Bachelor star Jason Mesnick, has announced that she is once again engaged, this time to boyfriend Tye Strickland.
Rycroft first appeared as one of the bachelorettes on the thirteenth season of the popular dating show The Bachelor.
Jason Mesnik, who was the actual bachelor on the show, chose Rycroft in the end and proposed to her.
Dallas-based insurance agent Tye Strickland had been dating Rycroft on and off for two years before she appeared on The Bachelor.
She was one of the bachelorettes on the twelfth season of The Bachelor, and ended up being selected by bachelor Matt Grant.
Shayne was approached by producer Mike Fleiss, who is behind The Bachelor, with the idea to created the Lamas family reality show.
Just before graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts in 1988, Sandler landed a supporting role on the sitcom The Cosby Show, playing Theo's friend Smitty.
After graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in History and Architectural History, Stewart went on to become a stock broker.
In September of 2009, the seemingly perennial bachelor gave an interview saying that he was finally ready to settle down and expressed his desire to start a family.
She went on to Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or professional degree.
Associate's degrees can also be used as a start towards a bachelor's degree.
When you attend a college or university, your earned degree will be either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Sciences.
While bachelor's degrees have traditionally been seen as "four-year" degrees, with scheduling difficulties, internships, and other obstacles, they frequently take five years for even full-time students to complete.
Like the bachelor's degree, students earning a master's degree can receive a Master of Arts or a Master of Science.
Admission policies of grad schools first require you to attain a bachelor's degree.
Students must possess a bachelor's degree granted from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning.
Applicants need a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
You should begin considering where you intend to apply for your graduate studies by the third year of your bachelor's program.
For students concerned about the future financial burden of student loans, graduates with a bachelor's degree make 60% more in many cases than they would if they only had a high school diploma.
The school's staff features high numbers of professors with advanced degrees (93% of the staff have more than a bachelor's degree).
The University of West Florida offers associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in a variety of areas.
North Dakota State University features over 100 bachelor's degree major areas ranging from agribusiness to equine studies to microbiology to zoology.
This is in order to allow as many students as possible to pursue a bachelor's degree in their field after completing two years of coursework at Bucks County.
Credits are then transferred to a bachelor's degree granting institution.
If you completed part of a college degree or completed an associate's or bachelor's degree and would now like to pursue a master's degree, there are additional considerations in making your back to school choice.
Look for accelerated bachelor's programs if you already hold an associate's degree in your field.
Kaplan University is an online college granting associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees in many fields, from nursing, to education, to business.
Academic programs at Ashford University include a variety of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees; choose from a substantial list ranging from biology to special education classroom teaching.
By 1966, it became an official four-year college and was allowed to award bachelor's degrees.
The Culinary Institute of America holds a yearly apple-pie-baking recipe contest that awards one winning student $25,000 toward a bachelor's degree at the school or $12,500 toward an associate's degree.
The school features over 125 degree and certificate programs as well as a 60+60 Bachelor's Degree Transfer Program that guarantees PPCC associate degree graduates transfer to any four-year university in Colorado as a junior.
The wide range of bachelor's degrees cover areas like Computer Game Design, Equine Studies, Early Childhood Education, and Laboratory Animal Management.
In 2009, students were able to apply their classes towards a Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management.
A bachelor's degree is typically a four-year degree found at a state or private university.
This longstanding community college decided to start offering a bachelor's degree in interior design in January of 2010 and found that students prefer to have their college designated as a state school.
The school is the only community college in the state with a partnership with several Ohio universities to allow the school's students to obtain bachelor's and master's degrees.
Several types of programs offer high school and college students financial assistance for completing an associate's or bachelor's degree.
Candidates cannot have received their bachelor's degree yet and must have a clear explanation of how their education will help not only their families, but their communities in general.
If you have a bachelor's degree, you would have to take graduate classes.
South Seattle is one of the few institutions that allow students to receive a bachelor's degree on campus after earning an associates degree.
If you have a bachelor's degree in accounting and you are interested in furthering your education, you may want to consider obtaining an online accounting MBA.
Because this is a graduate-level degree, you will be required to have a bachelor's degree already, preferably in a finance-related field, as a financial background will be helpful when earning this type of advanced degree.
The MBA is a graduate degree, which requires the completion of a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite.
Students in associate degree programs usually complete basic course requirements and then transfer into bachelor's degree programs for advanced instruction in bioengineering.
Bachelor's degree programs usually consist of four years of study, although some students take five years to complete such a program.
Students who complete a bachelor's degree program may choose to enter an advanced program.
Distance learning doctoral research programs generally require far longer to complete than bachelor's or master's degrees.
At the minimum this requires a bachelor's degree.
One of the prerequisites to a doctorate program for Naturopathy is a bachelor's degree.
If not, you should seek out programs that offer a bachelor's degree paired with certification or start from scratch with earning a four-year degree at an on-site school.
In general, it's simpler to find master's programs related to reading and literacy than it is to find bachelor's programs.
Bachelor's candidates may want to consider alternate degree fields of education, communications, or English.
Christian colleges' distance learning programs for bachelor's degrees range from general religious studies to Bible-specific curricula, ministry studies, theology, and church leadership.
Since doctoral programs are more intensive than bachelor's or master's options, they may require on-site visits, practical demonstrations, or extensive independent research projects.
While a bachelor's degree in business can help employees land a variety of entry-level jobs, an MBA is likely to present more professional opportunities and give graduates the tools they need to advance their own careers.
The University of Natural Medicine located in Santa Fe, New Mexico offers bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in health sciences.
The University and Colleges of Natural Health also offers a number of different degrees from the bachelor's to the doctorate level.
Most online business doctoral programs evolved at for-profit and state universities that offered bachelor's and later master's degrees in business.
Associate's degree graduates will be ready to enter a bachelor's degree program to further their career objectives.
Southern New Hampshire University offers an entirely online program which earns students a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and English.
With its bachelor's program in art, University of Phoenix offers an accredited online learning program that is designed to give adults a competitive edge in a highly competitive area of art.
Troy State University offers associate, bachelor's, and master's degree programs in a variety of areas.
Troy's Associate of Science degree is available to students seeking a two-year final degree, or who are utilizing this program as a stepping stone towards a bachelor's degree.
Troy's bachelor's degree programs require between 120 and 124 hours of course work, depending on the major.
For students who already have completed a bachelor's segree, Troy offers online master's programs that vary from 30 to 36 semester hours.
Both are best known for their four-year courses of study that offer bachelor's degrees in dozens of subject areas.
Although there are some exceptions, most college attendees are full-time students and are working toward bachelor's degrees.
A college traditionally offers a four-year bachelor's degree, either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science.
The AFCEA Distance Learning/Online Scholarship is one example, intended for students who are pursuing bachelor's or master's of science degrees through online programs.
Murphy Center for Continuing Education and Distance Learning, students can earn bachelor's and associate's degrees in accounting, business administration, criminal justice, information systems and human services.
Program paths include certification, bachelor's and master's programs.
In addition to offering bachelor's degree programs in nearly every subject that's available at traditional universities, online colleges offer master's degrees and even doctoral degrees in certain subjects.
You might be surprised to learn that you can earn your associate's, bachelor's, master's, or even doctoral degree online through the Phoenix program.
Students can earn a bachelor's degree in Special Education, and receive official certifications through the Special Education General Curriculum.
Liberty University distance learning includes a vibrant and growing online program offered on the high school, associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.
Online bachelor's degree programs are more expansive with a wider range of concentrations and accompanying minors.
Doctoral degree programs aren't as widely offered in a distance learning capacity as bachelor's or even master's programs are.
That's partly because there are fewer doctoral students than there are bachelor's or master's students, but it's also due to a common need for doctoral students to be on site with access to research equipment or specialized resources.
It also takes more work, more money, and a greater time investment than a bachelor's degree.
Many of the more established PhD programs online still require you to have earned a bachelor's degree, so don't think you'll be able to skip that step.
The school also offers a Bachelor of General Studies degree.
A master's degree is worth as much as 10,000 dollars more per year compared to a bachelor's degree.
The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau offered the following statistics on the average annual earnings of workers with bachelor's, master's and doctoral level degrees.
The university offers two curriculum tracks for students, one for those with a bachelor's or master's level degree in public health and one for those who have unrelated lower degrees.
Nationally accredited and well-known amongst online paralegal students, NPC offers certification within seven months, an associate's degree in 15 months, or a bachelor's degree in legal studies in less than three years.
One way to begin a career in law is to get a paralegal bachelor degree online.
When searching the Internet for a paralegal bachelor degree, make sure you research each institution you find.
There are hundreds of places you can obtain a paralegal bachelor degree online.
They also have an advanced start program that you can begin if you've already earned your associate's degree, which means you only need to study for two additional years to receive your bachelor's.
Your chances of having a satisfying and fulfilling academic experience depend on the considerations you make about the online school you choose to obtain a paralegal bachelor's degree.
An alternative to an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree in paralegal studies, a paralegal certificate is generally faster to obtain, making it an excellent choice for those who are looking to begin their careers as soon as possible.
If you're interested in working as part of the medical field but don't want to be a doctor, nurse, or aide, a bachelor's degree in healthcare administration might help you land an applicable job.
Master's degrees in the field are also available for more advanced entry-level positions, and some institutions offer online classes for bachelor's or master's options.
Many open positions won't consider candidates who hold only a bachelor's degree, preferring those who have graduated with a master's instead.
Associate programs award you with a degree in just two years rather than the four that a bachelor's degree takes.
If you're interested in pursuing further education after getting your associate degree, the university offers a much larger range of bachelor's and master's programs as well.
Do you want to earn a bachelor's degre or an associate degree?
A student seeking a bachelor's degree may easily spend 800 hours of classroom and study time over four years.
The average cost of a bachelor's degree varies depending on where the student attends.
You can also add to the fun by wearing matching T-shirts during your cruise that say, "Maggie's Bachelorette Cruise" or "Ty's Bachelor Bash" on the front.
During the high school years, it's important to get outstanding grades and take as many biology and chemistry courses as you possibly can in preparation for the next four years you'll spend earning a Bachelor's Degree (BA) in college.
Devry. The Devry Institute offers a bachelor's degree in Game and Simulation Programming.
Corpse brides are also needed for men who never married while alive, and die as a bachelor.
Having received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Landscape Management, Ms. Robertson does landscape design consulting working from a perspective that is energy based.
Following the completion of a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, I moved to Mountain Pass, California where, in 1983, I met and married my husband, Owen, a heavy equipment operator.
In order to give the SAT to your child, you must have a bachelor's degree, have completed and submitted the application for testing, and have been trained in testing administration.
You must possess a bachelor's degree or have teaching experience in a classroom in order to give this test.
I have a Bachelor of Arts majoring in French and I am currently completing a Diploma in Education, specializing in ESl and LOTE.
If you decide to go to medical school, you'll have to complete a Bachelor's degree first.
Sometimes an Associate or Bachelor's degree is required.
In some cases, a Bachelor's degree will be required.
These top six medical careers are each available for online instruction for both the associate and bachelor's degrees.
Most people currently working as surveyors have a Bachelor's degree.
After becoming an LPN, you may enter a program to become an RN or to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a four-year degree that requires no previous experience in nursing.
If you have a Bachelor's Degree from a liberal arts college that is not in nursing, you may earn a BSN as a second degree in two years or less in an accelerated program, depending on the prerequisite classes you have taken.
Veterinarians must attend four years of vet school after receiving a Bachelor's degree, and must pass licensing exams in the state of their practice.
Optometrists must attend a school of optometry after receiving a Bachelor's degree in a scientific field.
After receiving a bachelor's degree in a science-based field, occupational therapists must receive a Master's degree in occupational therapy.
While many companies may hire a margin department supervisor who doesn't have a degree, notes that this job may require four to six years of experience in a related field, and/or a bachelor's degree in the area of speciality.
Careers in nursing do require education and training, but you can secure a job as a nurse with a Bachelor's or Associate degree and an LPN or RN certfication.
While some retail operations managers have bachelor's degrees in business or management, this career path doesn't require a college degree.
Some outdoor recreation jobs require an associate or bachelor's degree.
Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's degrees in recreation, leisure studies or outdoor pursuits, and some universities even offer master's and doctorate programs.
For example, most formal school settings require summer school teachers to have a minimum of a bachelor's degree along with an appropriate state teaching certification.
More informal classroom or tutoring settings may only require summer teachers to have a bachelor's degree or real-world expert knowledge in a given subject area.
This usually involves earning a Bachelor's degree and two more years of advanced practice education, leading to a Master's degree.
The Hamilton Beach MealMaker and George Forman 360 are versatile grills perfect for the bachelor, college student, or someone who is constantly on the go as it can cook healthy and full meals quickly.
As a player, you select bachelor or bachelorette, and input some basic things about yourself.
Make it a special occasion trip for a milestone birthday, bachelorette or bachelor party, even just to celebrate single living.
Dan Abelon is originally from New York, where he earned his bachelor's degree from Columbia University.
She holds a bachelor's degree from George Mason University and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.
Unlike a bridal shower or bachelor party, which celebrates only one person in the couple, an engagement celebration puts both the future bride and groom in the spotlight.
An engagement party is meant to celebrate the couple, and any gift exclusively for either the bride or groom is best left for the bridal shower or bachelor party.
They host the bridal shower and bachelor parties.
This online course is open to graduates who have completed a Bachelor's degree.
The ideal background for a sports reporter is a bachelor's degree in journalism, preferably with a concentration in sports journalism.
Herman's masters degree is in music education, and she also holds a bachelor's degree in music.
She has a bachelor's degree from California's Pitzer College and has more than 12 years of classical piano training.
Another graveyard that is famous for its ghostly activity is Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago.
Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is said to host a diverse population of spirits ranging from ghosts of people, animals, and even a ghost house that appears and then disappears,.
She graduated with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts in theater arts.
The new soap gig proved to be a rumor; however, Budig did make the move from New York to Los Angeles with her husband, former The Bachelor contestant Bob Guiney.
When Santa Barbara ended, Walker returned to Pine Valley and Liza, as a foil for Dixie's relationship with husband Tad.For over a decade, Walker portrayed Liza Colby as she matched wits with some of the most eligible bachelor's in town.
The actress graduated from the University of Southern California's School of Theatre where she earned a bachelor of fine arts in acting.
Business degrees online can be attained as an associates degree, bachelor's degree or master's degree.
An associates degree usually prepares a student for the bachelor's program in business.
Before you can enter into a master's degree program, you should have your bachelor's degree in business.
You may find some college schedules available that allow you to work towards your bachelor's degree and master's degree simultaneously, and sometimes courses can overlap, to shorten the time it takes to complete both programs.
Many business schools offer courses and an increasing number offer bachelor or masters degrees in the field, and many forensic accountants have either the Certified Public Accountant or Certified Fraud Examiner designations.
She was forty-three at the time and graduated after four years with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration (with her major in accounting).
An associates or bachelor's degree can help you stand out from the crowd.
She began her career by receiving a Bachelor's degree in Nutritional Science.
They are medical professionals who have completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree and have current Registered Nurse credentials.
Today, panties for men are often purchased as gifts for anniversaries, birthdays, and bachelor parties.
She majored in Music Composition, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, and she played in a local band called Cashmere.
Weddings - Bachelor and bachelorette parties, wedding showers and more!
Bachelor parties, sometimes called stag parties, are thrown for men who are about to get married.
Bachelor parties mean different things to different people.
A bachelor party is traditionally organized by either the best man or the groom-to-be's male sibling.
However, some bachelor parties are planned by a close male friend.
The groom-to-be should not pay for any activities associated with the bachelor party.
However, bachelor parties should be "guys only" events.
When you're planning a bachelor party, it's important to respect the groom-to-be's wishes.
If money is no object and you're looking to plan a truly memorable event, consider an Adventure Bachelor Party.
There can be pressure on the best man or other groomsmen to plan and execute an over-the-top bachelor party that the groom will never forget.
Any man will appreciate the thought and planning that goes into a successful bachelor party, whether it ends up being a wild night on the town or something a little quieter.
Most small affairs, such as birthday parties, slumber parties, and even bachelor parties do not need expert coordination, but elaborate events may run more smoothly with professional services.
A bridal shower is not a bachelor party.
Another product line you may find at party stores is "adult" items and gag gifts for bachelor and bachelorette parties.
Limousine buses are a great choice for transportation to and from bachelor and bachelorette parties or a wedding if you have a large party and want to all ride together.
Have you ever wondered what couples are still together from The Bachelor?
An updated version of the traditional matchmaker concept, ABC's reality show The Bachelor presents one very lucky single guy with 25 beautiful bachelorettes from which to choose his perfect mate.
Each episode ends in a rose ceremony where the women who get to continue vying for the bachelor receive a rose and an invitation to stay a while longer.
In the final episode, the bachelor must choose between the two final women remaining.
Find out what couples are still together from The Bachelor so far.
Bachelor Alex Marshall chose Amanda Marsh in the final episode.
Bachelor Jason Mesnick returned from his stint as runner-up on season four of The Bachelorette to search for love.
Trista and Ryan Sutter - The Bachelor and The Bachelorette introduced audiences to these two who somehow seemed to find real love on TV.
For Love or Money - The final winning contestant can either take home a million bucks or continue dating the bachelor.
Mary Delgado, who was chosen by The Bachelor Byron Velvick to win the show's sixth season, was arrested in 2007 on suspicion of assault following a dispute at the couple's Florida home.
Devin Haman - The co-founder of Sunset Tan, L.A. has a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.
The Bachelorette TV show is a spin off of the wildly successful Bachelor TV series.
Much like The Bachelor, the woman whittles the group down to two men from whom she ultimately picks her supposed true love.
The Bachelorette also has the distinction of producing the only marriage from the entire Bachelor franchise.
The idea for The Bachelorette arose after viewers of the first season of The Bachelor fell in love with runner-up Trista Rehn.
Trista and Ryan's relationship is the only relationship spawned by The Bachelor franchise that has stood the test of time.
Phillips had appeared on the fourth season of The Bachelor but was ultimately passed over.
Viewers had gotten to know Jen when she was on the third season of The Bachelor.
She was ultimately picked by Bachelor Andrew Firestone and the two were engaged briefly.
The bachelor who does not receive a rose is the person who is eliminated during that round.
Aside from the first elimination ceremony, during which several contestants are sent home, there is typically only one bachelor eliminated each round.
The show is a competition between 16 females and 16 males to see who can win over Tila's love, much like The Bachelor or The Bacherlorette.
The mothers, who are there to provide advice and help choose women to spend one on one time with their sons, move into a house with the women while the guys get a bachelor pad all their own.
Single people looking for love arrive and spend the next several weeks competing for alone time and attention from the main bachelor or bachelorette.
He also starred in the movie Bachelor Party, and hosted the 1980s TV show Dance Fever.
The Bachelor is one of the oldest dating reality TV shows.
In each season, one bachelor is brought in and introduced to a number of single ladies who all want to have a relationship with him.
The women live together, and the Bachelor spends time with them on group and individual dates.
Red roses are handed to the women the Bachelor wants to keep, while the others are sent home.
As the season comes to a close, there are only two women left, and only one will be chosen by the Bachelor.
The very first Bachelor was Alex Michel.
Andrew Firestone was the third Bachelor, and his final two ladies were Jennifer Schefft and Kristen Buschbacher.
Professional football player Jesse Palmer was the fifth Bachelor, and he ended up having to choose between Jessica Bowlin and Tara Huckeby.
Our sixth Bachelor was pro bass fisherman Byron Velvick.
Bachelor number seven was actor Charlie O'Connell.
Season nine was filmed in Rome, with Prince Lorenzo Borghese as the Bachelor.
In season ten, the Bachelor was Andy Baldwin.
Brad Womack, a bar owner, was the eleventh Bachelor.
Though his final two consisted of DeAnna Pappas and Jenni Croft, Brad made The Bachelor history by not choosing either of the women.
Season twelve brought us Matt Grant as the Bachelor, and the show was filmed in London.
The thirteenth Bachelor was Jason Mesnick, a single dad.
Jake Pavelka starred as the fourteenth Bachelor, and the women who lasted until the end of the season were Vienna Girardi and Tenley Molzahn.
For more information on The Bachelor, visit the official website at
The Bachelor show is a dating show that has one bachelor selecting a woman from a pool of contestants.
The first couple of episodes each season is introductions; the bachelor gets to the know the girls in a crowd setting.
From that point, the bachelor then goes on a number of dates with the women.
Since it's up to the bachelor who he wants to go on a date with some of the contestants are left feeling as though they didn't get a chance, especially if they are eliminated early.
The bachelor sometimes goes on single dates, but some can be with two or more of the women at the same time.
Also, the bachelor and the girls meet each other's family and friends.
Most often there is one-on-one time between the bachelor and the contestant's mom and dad, and one-on-one time with the bachelor's mom and dad and the potential winner.
The Bachelor show uses a Rose Ceremony to eliminate contestants.
Depending on how the dates went, the bachelor must eliminate one of the contestants.
The bachelor gives a rose to the women he wants to keep on the show to continue a relationship with.
During the Rose Ceremony, the bachelor gives a short speech on why he is keeping a certain potential wife.
This is usually done as the bachelor walks the woman to the limo or outside the house where the Rose Ceremony occurs.
The last episode of The Bachelor Show has the bachelor choosing one girl to either propose to or ask to continue a relationship with.
The bachelor doesn't necessarily have to ask the woman he chooses to marry him or he doesn't even have to pick any of the women.
From The Bachelor show came some bachelorettes when ABC decided to do some spin-offs called The Bachelorette.
Trista Rehn was from the first season of The Bachelor and was the first Bachelorette.
She chose Ryan Sutter and they are one of the few couples matched from The Bachelor or The Bachelorette twho are still together.
Jen Shefft was picked by Andrew Firestone in the third season of The Bachelor, but their relationship ended.
DeAnna Pappas also came from The Bachelor.
Jason went on to be the bachelor in the 14th season of The Bachelor show.
In order to find the one person who will restore his faith in women, the singer invites 14 ladies to move into his bachelor mansion.
In 2003, Fox was fined $91,000 for airing episodes of a dating reality show called Married by America that showed sexually explicit bachelor and bachelorette parties with breasts and behinds.
The show follows the classic format of one bachelor looking for love amongst a group of single ladies, but the difference with this program is that the bachelor himself and all of his suitors are overweight.
The show features bachelor Luke Conley, who meets 20 single women in his search for his perfect mate.
The show's creator Mike Fleiss is also the man behind The Bachelor franchise, so it's no surprise that the show's format follows the same premise.
Luke Conley, the bachelor on More to Love, is 26 years old.
She graduated from the University of Arizona (Tuscon), where she graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in Theater Arts.
The Hunk is a dating competition show similar to The Bachelor or VH1 Celebreality dating shows.
Jon's new bachelor pad, which is situated near Broadway, in Manhattan's ritzy Upper West Side, rents for about $5,000 per month.
She played a young Carly Jacks on General Hospital in 2005, but she really made a splash when she became one of the women vying for attention on The Bachelor in 2008.
Bachelor Matt Grant ended up choosing Shayne in the end, and the pair were engaged for a while.
Eventually, however, they broke up, like most of the Bachelor couples do.
Those looking for a more traditional romance-based reality show should stick to The Bachelor.
The new lineup for Dancing with the Stars 2010 was announced on the season finale of The Bachelor on March 1st, 2010.
Melissa Rycroft is a former contestant on The Bachelor, during the thirteenth season of the show.
Melissa Rycroft appeared as one of the bachelorettes on season thirteen of The Bachelor, with Jason Mesnick as the bachelor.
During the After the Final Rose special, which usually follows each Bachelor season, Mesnick dropped a bomb.
Hot on the heels of The Bachelor finale, Rycroft only had two days to practice before Dancing With the Stars premiered.
Not long after the commotion over The Bachelor died down, Rycroft announced that she was engaged to her on-again off-again boyfriend of several years, insurance broker Tye Strickland.
The pair had been separated when Rycroft went to film The Bachelor, and after she returned they realized that they really wanted to be together.
The show, called Seducing Cindy, was a dating program in which Margolis started out with 24 suitors, and eliminated them a few at a time in the same style as The Bachelor.
The show was loosely modeled after The Bachelor as it followed actress and model Cindy Margolis in her pursuit of love.
Just as The Bachelor has a rocky track record of couples staying together, so goes the match made on Seducing Cindy.
The Bachelor has enough troubles as it is with its horrible track record of couples staying together.
The show took a different turn at the end of season 13 when Bachelor Jason Mesnick proposed to Melissa Rycroft, who accepted.
He has a love/hate relationship with The Bachelor, and spent several seasons writing sarcastic and very funny recaps of the show.
He reported it, and has been the go-to source for Bachelor spoilers ever since.
The granddaddy of the dating themed reality shows, The Bachelor debuted in 2002 and quickly led to a spin-off, The Bachelorette.
On this show a group of women compete for the attention of an eligible bachelor, with the expectation that the bachelor will propose to someone at the end of the series.
The Bachelor's picks are almost always controversial but rarely actually end in marriage.
This Krisily Kennedy interview explores the experiences of the woman who made a big impression on viewers when she appeared as a bachelorette on season seven of The Bachelor.
In the summer of 2010, Krisily became part of the cast for Bachelor Pad, a hybrid of sorts that brought back memorable bachelors and bachelorettes to compete for $250,000 - and perhaps a second chance at love.
The Bachelor people had been calling for about a year, and I kept saying no.
On The Bachelor you're not trying to make friends so you can really speak your mind, but on this show you had to try and fit in.
The Bachelor is a great franchise and they've been really good to me.
Bachelor Pad was a great concept, and I'd be surprised if it didn't come back next year.
Krisily will be blogging about The Bachelor on her website, where you can also keep up with what she's doing and her thoughts on her time on the show.
Donna graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and spent the next 24 years developing some of the highest quality designs and graphics for businesses and organizations.
I thought you were determined to remain a bachelor.