Baboon Sentence Examples
The baboon have cheek pouches in which they can store food.
This creature has been identified as a yellow baboon.
At least two potentially worrisome baboon viruses, for example, don't show up on any existing commercial tests.
Squirrels and hares are numerous, as are several kinds of monkeys, notably the guereza, gelada, guenon and dog-faced baboon.
They have, for example, a demon of the waterfall, a demon of wild-beast tracks, a demon which interferes with snares for wild-fowl, a baboon demon, which takes possession of dancers and causes them to perform wonderful feats of climbing, &c. But it is impossible to do more than deal with a few types, which will illustrate the main features of the demonology of savage, barbarous and semicivilized peoples.
The above-mentioned anubis baboon, P. anubis (with the subspecies neumanni, pruinosus, heuglini and doguera), ranging from Egypt all through tropical Africa, together with P. sphinx, P. olivaceus, the Abyssinian P. lydekkeri, and the chacma, P. porcarius of the Cape, represent the subgenus Choeropithecus.
The named Arabian baboon, P. hamadryas of North Africa and Arabia, dedicated by the ancient Egyptians to the god Thoth, and the South Arabian P. arabicus, typify Hamadryas; while the drill and mandrill of the west coast, P. leucophaeus and P. maimon, constitute the subgenus Maimon.
At least two potentially worrisome baboon viruses, for example, do n't show up on any existing commercial tests.
The typical representative of the genus is the yellow baboon (P. cynocephalus, or babuin), distinguished by its small size and grooved muzzle, and ranging from Abyssinia to the Zambezi.
On the farm is a captive baboon, Piet, who becomes startlingly involved in his new life.
AdvertisementThe Tsaobis baboon population is comprised of several troops of chacma baboons Papio ursinus.
This is a long-term study of the behavior, ecology, and genetics of a desert baboon population.
The results of this experiment with the baboon and of those with the birds are precisely what would be expected if the theory of mimicry is true.
The jackal stands for Anup, the hawk for Har, the frog for Hekt, the baboon for Tahuti, and Ptah, Asiri, Hesi, Nebhat, Hat-hor, Neit, Khnum and Amun-hor are all written out phonetically, but never represented in pictures.
A peculiar form of baboon, Cynopithecus, and the singular ruminant, Anoa, found in Celebes, seem to have no relation to Asiatic animals, and rather to be allied to those in Africa.
AdvertisementThe baboon took it, held it in her hands for a few moments, and then let it escape uninjured without trying to taste it.
Of the approximate size of an English mastiff, this powerful baboon is blackish grey in colour with a tinge of green due to the yellow rings on most of the hairs.