Babel Sentence Examples
A tradition similar to that of the tower of Babel is found in Central America.
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In a proclamation issued after his victory Cyrus guarantees life and property to all the inhabitants and designates himself as the favourite of Marduk, the great local god (Bel, Bel-Merodak) of Babel.
The grant also funded theater Babel to assemble a large company to rehearse over an extended period.
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If you visit the Dulce Rubio website, you'll find that the whole thing is written in Spanish, so if you don't speak the language, be sure to visit through a site translator like Babel Fish.
In 530, having appointed his son Cambyses king of Babel, he set out for a new expedition against the East.
His empire extended over the three Indies, including that Farther India, where lay the body of St Thomas, to the sun-rising, and back again down the slope to the ruins of Babylon and the tower of Babel.
AdvertisementAfter that the kingship of Babel was definitely abolished.
Some of the best authorities believe that it was this ambitious but incomplete and ruinous ziggurat, existing before the time of Nebuchadrezzar, which gave occasion to or afforded local attachment for the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel.
Jastrow, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (Boston, 1898); see also BABYLON, BABEL.
On a tablet dated from the first year of Cyrus, Cambyses is called king of Babel.
Babel towers scarred with roads.
AdvertisementOakeshott, M. (1948), 'The tower of Babel ', reprinted in Rationalism in Politics.
Delitzsch in the notes appended to his first lecture Babel u.
Kugler, Sternkunde and Sterndienst in Babel (Freiburg, 1907; - to he completed in 4 vols.); Ch.
Babel of jarring voices; among the vanquished the sullen silence of despair.
About the same time Dobais was killed, a prince of the family of the Banu Mazyad, who had founded the Arabian state of Hillah in the vicinity of the ruins of Babel in 1102.
AdvertisementWritten during the time of the civil war in Germany, it contrasts Jerusalem and Babel, the heavenly and the earthly kingdoms, but also contains much valuable information about the history of the time.
It was this, probably, that induced him in 484 to renounce his title of king of Babel, and to remove from its temple the golden statue of Bel-Marduk (Merodach), whose hands the king was bound to clasp on the first day of each year.
On the walls of the grand marble staircase, which rises to the full height of the building, Kaulbach's cyclus of stereochromic pictures is painted, representing the six great epochs of human progress, from the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel and the dispersion of the nations to the Reformation.
On the other hand the multitude of native American languages suggested that the migration to America took place after the building of the tower of Babel, and Siguenza arrived at the curiously definite result that the Mexicans were descended from Naphtuhim, son of Mizraim and grandson of Noah, who left Egypt for Mexico shortly after the confusion of tongues.
The meeting took place at `Aqr in the vicinity of Babel, and Yazid was completely defeated and fell in the battle.