Ba Sentence Examples
The necromancer of ba`al 'obh was held to be possessed of the spirit who spoke through him with a hollow voice.
For a single quantic of the first order (ab) is the symbol of a function of the coefficients which vanishes identically; thus (ab) =a1b2-a2bl= aw l -a1ao=0 and, indeed, from a remark made above we see that (ab) remains unchanged by interchange of a and b; but (ab), = -(ba), and these two facts necessitate (ab) = o.
Such slags contain S10 2 =3033%, Fe(Mn)O =27-50%, Ca(Mg, Ba)O =12-28%, and retain less than 1% lead and I oz.
It is remarkable that Mobius employs the symbols AB, ABC, Abcd In Their Ordinary Geometrical Sense As Lengths, Areas And Volumes, Except That He Distinguishes Their Sign; Thus Ab = Ba, Abc= Acb, And So On.
The siege was raised in the third month on the news of the death of Yazid, but not before the Ka`ba had been destroyed.
In the centre of the town stands Meshed (strictly Meshhed) `Ali, the shrine of `Ali, containing the reputed tomb of that caliph, which is regarded by the Shi`ite Moslems as being no less holy than the Ka`ba itself, although it should be said that it is at least very doubtful whether `Ali was actually buried there.
He was originally called Abd-el-Ka`ba ("servant of the temple"), and received the name by which he is known historically in consequence of the marriage of his virgin daughter Ayesha to Mahomet.
The Cathars even held it necessary, in case a bishop fell into mortal sin, to repeat his ba p tisms and ordinations, for they had been vitiated by his sins.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under B to Ba.
If the observer be stationary at B, the star will appear in the direction BS; if, however, he traverses the distance BA in the same time as light passes from the star to his eye, the star will A B appear in the direction AS.
AdvertisementBa was composed; and soon after Charles had allied himself with a Catholic, the Life by Cresacre More issued from the press.
As each city or district had its own Ba'al, the author of its fertility, the " husband " (a common meaning of ba'al) of the land which he fertilized, so there were many Ba'als, and the Old Testament writers could allude to the Ba`alim of the neighbouring Canaanites.
We find her associated with Ba`al and called " the name of Ba'al," i.e.
Mahomet himself made a concession to heathen traditions when he recognized the Ka`ba and the black stone; and the worship of saints, which is now spread throughout Islam and supported by obviously forged traditions, is an example of the same thing.
D a r Illana Ba S Sea e a Is Palmas Agno rises in the mountains on the north border, flows south, south-west and north-west, and discharges through several channels into the Gulf of Lingayen.
AdvertisementSho`ba was appointed governor of Kufa.
Sho`ba to bring his countryman to reason.
Sho`ba, eventually broke down the resistance of Ziyad, who came to Damascus to render an account of his administration, which the caliph ratified.
Eleven days before a fire, caused by imprudence, had consumed all the woodwork of the Ka`ba and burst the black stone in three places.
Ibn Zobair, however, was occupied at Mecca with the rebuilding of the Ka`ba, and Mus`ab was harassed not only by the Kharijites, but also by a noble freebooter, Obaidallah b.
AdvertisementHajjaj pulled down the enlargements and restored the Ka`ba to its old state.
Eutychius and others pretend that he desired to substitute Jerusalem for Mecca, because Ibn Zobair had occupied the latter place, and thus the pilgrimage to the Ka`ba had become difficult for the Syrians.
They began by marching in solemn procession round the palace, as if it had been the Ka`ba.
Immediately on his arrival in the Holy City he applied himself, at the request of the inhabitants, to the renewal of the curtains which covered the exterior walls of the Ka`ba.
Each of the parties concerned swore to observe faithfully every part of this deed, which the caliph caused to be hung up in the Ka`ba, imagining that it would be thus guaranteed against all violation on the part of men, a precaution which was to be rendered vain by the perfidy of Amin.
AdvertisementAmin, in anger, caused the will of his father, which, as we have seen, was preserved in the Ka`ba, to be destroyed, declared on his own authority that Mamun's rights of succession were forfeited, and caused the army to swear allegiance to his own son Musa, a child of five, on whom he bestowed the title of an-N atiq bil-Haqq (" he who speaks according to truth"), A.H.
In the year 848-849 Ibn Ba`ith, who had rendered good service in the war against Babak, but had for some cause been arrested, fled from Samarra to Marand in Azerbaijan and revolted.
Not without great difficulty Bogha, the Turkish general, succeeded in taking the town and making Ibn Ba`ith prisoner.
Next year Mecca was taken and plundered; even the sacred Black Stone was transported to Lahsa, where it remained till 339 (950), when by the express order of the Imam, the Fatimite caliph, it was restored to the Ka`ba.
The force corresponding to AB may be replaced by the two components marked x, y; and a force corresponding to BA may be represented by the two components marked x, y.
Ba da explains that his version represents the sense only, not the arrangement of the words, because no poetry, however excellent, can be rendered into another language, without the loss of its beauty of expression.
This poor fragment is all that can with confidence be affirmed to remain of the voluminous works of the man whom Ba da regarded as the greatest of vernacular religious poets.
P. 'Wolin (1859), the Ba,ltespannare (belt-bucklers), representing an early form of duel in Scandinavia, in which the combatants were bound together by their belts.
Barium hydroxide, Ba(OH) 2, is a white powder that can be obtained by slaking the monoxide with the requisite quantity of water, but it is usually made on the large scale by heating heavy spar with small coal whereby a crude barium sulphide is obtained.
This sulphide is then heated in a current of moist carbon dioxide, barium carbonate being formed, BaS+H 2 O+CO 2 =BaCO 3 +H 2 S, and finally the carbonate is decomposed by a current of superheated steam, BaC03+H20 = Ba(OH) 2 + C02, leavingaresidue of the hydroxide.
A saturated solution of the hydroxide deposits on cooling a hydrated form Ba(OH) 2.8H 2 0, as colourless quadratic prisms, which on exposure to air lose seven molecules of water of crystallization.
Barium bromate, Ba(Br03)2, can be prepared by the action of excess of bromine on barytawater, or by decomposing a boiling aqueous solution of loo parts of potassium bromate with a similar solution of 74 parts of crystallized barium chloride.
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, and separates from its aqueous solution as Ba(Br03)2.H20.
It crystallizes in monoclinic prisms of composition Ba(103) 2 H 2 O, and is only very sparingly soluble in cold water.
Barium nitride, Ba 3 N 2, is obtained as a brownish mass by passing nitrogen over heated barium amalgam.
Barium amide, Ba(NH 2) 2, is obtained from potassammonium and barium bromide.
Barium nitrate, Ba(N03)2, is prepared by dissolving either the carbonate or sulphide in dilute nitric acid, or by mixing hot saturated solutions of barium chloride and sodium nitrate.
Similarly the Jewish synagogues have each their eternal lamp; while in the religion of Islam lighted lamps mark things and places specially holy; thus the Ka`ba at Mecca is illuminated by thousands of lamps hanging from the gold and silver rods that connect the columns of the surrounding colonnade.
Purged of elements obviously heathen, the Ka`ba became the holiest site, and the pilgrimage the most sacred ritual observance of Mahommedanism, drawing worshippers from so wide a circle that the confluence of the petty traders of the desert was no longer the main feature of the holy season.
The mosque is enclosed by houses with windows opening on the arcades and commanding a view of the Ka`ba.
After the sherifs, the principal family of Mecca is the house of Shaibah, which holds the hereditary custodianship of the Ka`ba.
Long before Mahomet the chief sanctuary of Mecca was the Ka`ba, a rude stone building without windows, and having a door 7 ft.
The Ka`ba has been rebuilt more than once since Mahomet purged it of idols and adopted it as the chief sanctuary of Islam, but the old form has been preserved, except in secondary details;2 so that the "Ancient House," as it is titled, is still essentially a heathen temple, adapted to the worship of Islam by the clumsy fiction that it was built by Abraham and Ishmael by divine revelation as a temple of pure monotheism, and that it was only temporarily perverted to idol worship from the time when `Amr ibn Lohai introduced the statue of Hobal from Syria' till the victory of Islam.
It was, as it still is, a frequent religious exercise of the Meccans, and the first duty of one who returned to the city or arrived there under a vow of pilgrimage; and thus the outside of the Ka`ba was and is more important than the inside.
The Ka`ba of Mahomet's time was the successor of an older building, said to have been destroyed by fire.
The Ka`ba was again entirely rebuilt after the flood of A.D.
On the other side of the door, against the same wall, is a shallow trough, which is said to mark the original site of the stone on which Abraham stood to build the Ka`ba.
Here the growth of the legend can be traced, for the place is now called the "kneading-place" (Ma`jan), where the cement for the Ka`ba was prepared.
The feeling of religious conservatism which has preserved the structural rudeness of the Ka`ba did not prohibit costly surface decoration.
The interior of the Ka`ba is now opened but a few times every year for the general public, which ascends by the portable staircase brought forward for the purpose.
Here, in the time of Ibn Jubair, the Maqam or standing stone of Abraham was usually placed for better security, but brought out on great occasions.2 The houses of ancient Mecca pressed close upon the Ka`ba, the noblest families, who traced their descent from Iosai, the reputed founder of the city, having their dwellings immediately round the sanctuary.
To the north of the Ka`ba was the Dar el-Nadwa, or place of assembly of the Koreish.
From (24), (26) we see that the width of the bands is of the order {ba(a+b)la}.
Omar, Othman and Ibn Jubair had all a share in this work, but the great founder of the mosque in its present form, with its spacious area and deep ' The old kiswa is removed on the 25th day of the month before the pilgrimage, and fragments of it are bought by the pilgrims as charms. Till the 10th day of the pilgrimage month the Ka`ba is bare.
After the Ka`ba the principal points of interest in the mosque are the well Zamzam and the Maqam Ibrahim.
The latter closes with a visit to the Ka`ba, but its essential ceremonies lie outside Mecca, at the neighbouring shrines where the old Arabs gathered before the Meccan fair.
There is a tradition that the Ka`ba was a temple of Saturn (Shahrastani, p. 431); perhaps the most distinctive feature of the shrine may be sought in the sacred doves which still enjoy the protection of the sanctuary.
Though ignorant of the legal ritual and prayers, they performed the tawaf with enthusiasm, throwing themselves against the Ka`ba and clinging to its curtains as a child clings to its mother.
Next, if the line S2 touch at b the arc aa so that the two portions ab, ba lie on the same side of the line Sl, then projecting the figure as before, the tangent at b, that is, the line S2 itself, is projected to infinity; the arc ab is projected into a parabolic leg, and at the same time the arc ba is projected into a parabolic leg, having at infinity the same direction as the other leg, but so that the two legs may or may not belong to the same branch.
They copied the Ba by Ionian asterisms, appropriated Babylonian knowledge of the planets and their courses, and learned to predict eclipses by means of the " Saros."
There are also in this island the Navua and Sigatoka (flowing S.), the Nandi (W.), and the Ba (N.W.).
Pasht, the cat, was the god of Bubastis; Apis, the bull, of Memphis; Hapi, the wolf, of Sioot; Ba, the goat, of Mendes.
I've known him since I was about ten and discovered through an argument between my parents that I was a ba...
Christmas double as Uppies take men's ba ' Clutching his prize, Uppie Garry Cooper is congratulated after winning the ba ' .
Further surviving timbers were recovered (see ba, October 2002, May 2003 ).
Hundreds of men or boys depending on which game is being played, will endeavor to get the ba ' to their goal.
Even late at night I never had a ba d feeling or felt that I shouldn?t be there.
Repeating their Christmas Day victories, the Uppies took both ba 's today.
The Uppies have had another double victory on Christmas Day when uppie Raymond Stanger won the ba ' .
Plans are afoot for the development of a rival film studio to be constructed in an old military ba... Walliams Swims!
If you are looking for a ' ba gua how to ' book for dummies, then you're ba gua how to ' book for dummies, then you're barking at the wrong door.
Of course no surf song would be complete without some ba ba ba ba bas, which were also duly delivered.
Use as a toy box, dressing up box or laundry ba... .
Around Burraton resistivity anomalies were generally coincident with soil Ba anomalies, but there was no coincident gravity anomaly.
You will also, of course, gain a prestigious UK BA or BSc honors degree.
Characterisation of a novel methanol dehydrogenase containing a Ba 2+ ion at the active site.
This would appear to be a clear breach of BA's duty to minimize delays in the system.
After an initial flurry of punches, the site has now been ba... .
Peach Gel ba Where does hairdresser go on holiday?
Congratulations on getting a BA honors degree in English literature.
Lo and behold BA came begging with a generous offer of compensation.
The only ultimate would be an ultimate said by Mi pham and others to be a relative nyi tshe ba'i stong pa nyid.
Studying Music at St Hilda's The BA syllabus has recently undergone considerable change.
Hiving off catering and other services did reduce bottom line staff numbers but in other areas BA seems as unwieldy as ever.
The commutative law in arithmetic, for instance, states that adb and b+a, or ab and ba, are equal.
From King's Cross downward the banks were so steep and high that the stream was called Scale Mile n aokney Htti hburJ ' "' e?I b r?_ Ba r r ????
The solidarity action by BA workers to come out on strike in support of Gate Gourmet staff was illegal in the UK.
Eastern recently took over much of BA 's regional turboprop operation, which was sold to the national airline by BMi.
Studying Music at St Hilda 's The BA syllabus has recently undergone considerable change.
She holds an MA from New York University and a BA from the University of Texas at Austin.
While still dabbling in the arts, he continued his education and earned a BA in Communications, majoring in journalism, at the University of Technology in Sydney.
Universities also offer BA and BS degrees, but in addition, they extend opportunities for post-graduate study and invite students to earn master's or doctoral degrees.
During the high school years, it's important to get outstanding grades and take as many biology and chemistry courses as you possibly can in preparation for the next four years you'll spend earning a Bachelor's Degree (BA) in college.
Make a Ba gua map of your bedroom - This will tell you where your career and reputation areas of your room are according to the Lo Shu square.
When translated ba means eight and gua means areas or sectors.
Stacy has enjoyed a successful career that began after she graduated from Vassar College with a BA in both 20th century philosophy and German literature.
Maryann holds a BA and MA in theater arts.
Dr. Kevin went on to college and received a BA in Business.
After landing the lead roles in her high school musicals, she moved on to Marymount College at Fordham University, graduating with a BA degree in drama in 1968.
Now local worship means the differentiation of the personality worshipped in the varied local shrines, in other words Ba`alim or Baals.
E Arabian Sea Ba Of G A L e Geological information incomplete Desert Deposits Quaternary Tertiary Mesozoic Palaeozoic Archaean and Metamorphic Younger Volcanic Rocks English Miles b iuHi iiiiuiiiiii after llargl,aua Geology The geology of Asia is so complex and over wide areas so little known that it is difficult to give a connected account of either the structure or the development of the continent, and only the broader features can be dealt with here.
The earliest mosque erected was that at Mecca, which consisted of a great court, in the centre of which was the Ka`ba or Holy Stone.
If a line S2 cut an arc aa at b, so that the two segments ab, ba lie on opposite sides of the line, then projecting the figure so that the line Sl goes off to infinity, the tangent at b is projected into the asymptote, and the arc ab is projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the asymptote at one extremity; the arc ba will at the same time be projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the same asymptote at the other extremity (and on the opposite side), but so that the two hyperbolic legs may or may not belong to one and the same branch.