Ayr Sentence Examples
The birthplace of Bruce is not certainly known, but was probably Turnberry, his mother's castle on the coast of Ayr.
Feudal law required that the king should take seisin of the earldom before regranting it and receiving the homage, and the sheriff of Ayr was directed to take it on Baliol's behalf.
Shortly afterwards Bruce appears again to have sided with his countrymen; Annandale was wasted, while he, as Walter of Hemingford says, "when he heard of the king's coming, fled from his face and burnt the castle of Ayr which he held."
Quitting Rathlin, he had made a short stay in Arran, and before Edward's death had failed to take Ayr and Turnberry, although he defeated Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke, at Loudoun Hill in May 1306.
Having been elected M.P. for the Ayr burghs in 1818, he devoted the greater part of his life to the promotion of Liberal reforms. In 1820 he married the only daughter of Sir Samuel Romilly.
The enthusiasm of the nation he had saved forgot his tardy adhesion to the popular cause, and at the parliament of Ayr on the 25th of April 1315 the succession was settled by a unanimous voice on him, and, failing males of his body, on his brother Edward and his heirs male, or failing them on his daughter Marjorie and her heirs, if she married with his consent.
Ayr proper lies on the south bank of the river, which is crossed by three bridges, besides the railway viaduct - the Victoria Bridge (erected in 1898) and the famous "Twa Brigs" of Burns.
The Ayr Advertiser first appeared on 5th of August 1803, and was the earliest newspaper published in Ayrshire.
The outstanding attraction of Ayr, however, is the pleasant suburb of Alloway, 22 m.
The "auld clay biggin" in which Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January 1759, has been completely repaired and is now the property of the Ayr Burns's Monument trustees.
AdvertisementNothing is known of the history of Ayr till the close of the 12th century, when it was made a royal residence, and soon afterwards a royal burgh, by William the Lion.
During the wars of Scottish independence the possession of Ayr and its castle was an object of importance to both the contending parties, and the town was the scene of many of Wallace's exploits.
When Scotland was overrun by Cromwell, Ayr was selected as the site of one of the forts which he built to command the country.
In 1824, after an interval of fourteen years, the third volume appeared, giving, under the same headings, a description of the seven south-western counties - Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown, Ayr, Lanark, Renfrew and Dumbarton.
Through the favour of Lord Bute, he was returned to parliament for the Ayr burghs in 1761.
AdvertisementHe died at Ayr Feb.
The burning of the Barns of Ayr, the quarters of English soldiers, in revenge for the treacherous slaughter of his uncle, Sir Ronald Crawford, and other Scottish noblemen, followed.
With Ayr, Campbeltown, Inveraray and Irvine (the Ayr burghs), it unites to send one member to parliament.
He went from place to place in peril of his life denouncing the errors of Rome and the abuses in the church at Montrose, Dundee, Ayr, in Kyle, at Perth, Edinburgh, Leith, Haddington and elsewhere.
The chief areas for tree and small fruit are Clydesdale and the Carse of Gowrie, but there are also productive orchards in the shires of Haddington, Stirling, Ayr and Roxburgh, while market-gardening has developed in the neighbourhood of the larger towns.
AdvertisementThe ironproducing counties in the order of their output are Ayr, Lanark, Renfrew, Linlithgow, Dumbarton, Fife, Midlothian and Stirling, the first three being the most productive.
Sandstone, of which the total production in 1905 was 1,142,135 tons valued at £320,761, is quarried in nearly every county, but the industry flourishes particularly in the shires of Lanark, Dumfries, Ayr and Forfar.
The counties in which the manufacture is now most largely carried on are Forfar, Perth, Fife and Aberdeen, but Renfrew, Lanark, Edinburgh and Ayr are also extensively associated with it.
For parliamentary purposes some counties have been united, as Clackmannan and Kinross, Elgin and Nairn, Orkney and Shetland, and Peebles and Selkirk, and others divided, as Aberdeen, Ayr, Lanark, Perth and Renfrew, while others retain in certain respects their old subdivision, Lanarkshire for assessment purposes being still partitioned into the upper, middle and lower wards.
On the other hand, William of Malmesbury prefers to read Heruligena, which would make Scotus a Pannonian, while Bale says he was born at St David's, Dempster connects him with Ayr, and Gale with Eriuven in Hereford.
AdvertisementReturning to Scotland, however, he entered Glasgow University and there qualified for the Scottish ministry, being licensed as a preacher by the presbytery of Ayr.
The castle where Wallace surprised the English garrison and threw their corpses into the dungeon, grimly styled "Wallace's Larder," was finally destroyed by Cromwell, who is said to have used part of its masonry for the construction of the fort at Ayr; but its ruins still exist.
But as they pushed for the opening goal the Ayr defense held tight to keep the scoreline blank at half time.
Ayr harbor is a point of historical interest and the south side has recently been redeveloped to include luxury flats.
Riverside Cottage (ground level) & Harbourview Apartment (1st floor) are situated near the mouth of the River Ayr.
First she went to Ayr where in 2003 Beechgrove visited a housing estate that desperately needed a garden to crown their community achievements.
Executry paralegal Ayr Ref 1211 A new opportunity exists for an experienced trust and executry paralegal to join an established firm in Ayr.
Ayr also exports virgin log pulp to Finland, with regular shipment sizes in excess of 3,000 tons.
Then, scientists at Ayr University, led by Victor Zammit, published a study showing that eating between-meal snacks is a bad idea.
A month later, very sudden my uncle mark was killed in a car crash in Ayr.
Every aspect of Welsh 's ministerial effort at Ayr was marked by extraordinary zeal for the glory of God, and by careful circumspection.
Ayr, Asonor and a host of other brands offer throat sprays to help you stop snoring.
Four members of the band performed together for a charity event in Ayr in 1998, which sparked rumours of a band reunion.