Ay Sentence Examples
The burnt clay moreover carried Cl ay with it potash and other materials in a state readily available to the crops.
Go straight on at first roundabout and then take the first exit ay the next.
Return to Top of SEO Glossary PPC Abbreviation for P ay P er C lick.
At first, the main network was the existing sh ay kh à network throughout Iran.
We were also given the chance to talk and p r ay with the leader s who were all really nice.
Programs=== If you have one of the advanced audio editing programs like Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition or something similar, then you can chop down an audio clip to ay section you want in superb detail.
The w ay f orward Following this public consultation, the draft framework will be revised to take account of the views expressed.
It is the Council's intention to have any additional funding consequent to designation available from the beginning of the AY 2001-02.
They said that a gentleman farmer, who was behind the scenes, wanted to double his money, which, as I understood, amounted to half a million already; but in order to cover each one of his dollars with another, he took off the only coat, ay, the skin itself, of Walden Pond in the midst of a hard winter.
There was not much more to say, but as Sam'l sidled off the hen-house, he murmured politely, Ay, ay.
AdvertisementYou never want to go into the arena of sub-prime lenders unless you're really desperate, because you'll ay dearly for it.
Pardonnez-moi (pronounced par donn ay mwah) means excuse me.
Murray, as the result of his study, g divided the earth's surface into three zones - the continental to Al d ay.
It does not seem to have been the author's original intention to publish any letterpress to this enormous work, but to let the plates tell their own story, though finally, with the assistance, as is now known, of William Macgillivray, a text, on the whole more than respectable, was produced in five large Ma egil- octavos under the title of Ornithological Biography, of liyr ay.
There may be a number of forms ay,bi,ci,...
AdvertisementThe simultaneous system of two quadratic forms ai, ay, say f and 0, consists of six forms, viz.
Even in the worst cases, therefore, only vegetable forms, easily destroyed by boiling, can find their ay into the milk from the body of the cow.
The very names of the islands indicate their nature, for the terminal a or ay is the Norse ey, meaning "island," which is scarcely disguised even in the words Pomona and Hoy.
In his eyes it was blasphemy when he heard that Alexander proclaimed in public that " as God is eternal, so is his Son, - when the Father, then the Son, - the Son is present in God without birth (ayevviircos), ever-begotten (aecyev'is), an unbegotten-begotten (ay Evvnroyev17s)."
So, although the warlike character of Hera was not elsewhere prominent, she assumed a militant aspect in her two chief cities; a festival called the Shield (iuriris, in Pindar ay Wv X6XKEos) was part of the Argive cult, and there was an armed procession in her honour at Samos.
AdvertisementOne more adherent of his named Ay, a priest, ruled for a short time, but now Aton was only one of many gods.
Alhama was taken by the Spanish marquis of Cadiz in 1482; and its fall is celebrated in an ancient ballad, Ay de mi, Alhama, which Byron translated into English.
To complete our N, representation of the universe, it is therefore necessary ay.
The principal vineyards in the valley, on the right bank of the river, are those at Ay, Dizy, Hautvillers and Mareuil; on the left bank, on the slopes of Epernay and parallel with the river, those at Pierry and Moussy;.
The principal centres of the champagne trade are at Reims, Epernay, Ay and Avize.
AdvertisementThen, wholly unexpectedly, came a letter from Capo d'Istria upbraiding Ypsilanti for misusing the tsar's name, announcing that his name had been struck off the army list, and commanding him to ?ay down his arms. Ypsilanti's decision to explain away the tsar's letter could only have been justified by the success of a cause which was now hopeless.
In this reaction the proportions of aldehyde and acetoacetic ester may be interchanged and ay disubstituted pyridines are then obtained.
Sometimes the ny becomes reduced to y; one occasionally meets in manuscripts with seyor, ay, for senyor, any, but this pronunciation has not become general, as has been the case with the y having its origin in it.
Ay, it's spring again, WI aa the twists an turns that Mother Nature can throw at's.
Mrs ay said she had never slept well all the time she has been in Europe, always fearing the police would deport her.
On the finished columns raised panels depict Ay and his wife adoring cartouches.
You shouldn't really, ay, but you can't help laughing can you?
Ay Family - has their 16 year Odyssey finally come to an end!
And here wis me thinkin ' mod wis a movement comprised ay working class folk.
Demonstrative adjectives and adverbs are formed by prefixing the syllable ha (=ecce, " behold") to other pronominal elements, and interrogatives similarly by prefixing the interrogative syllable ay; but there are other interrogative pronouns.
We should live in all the ages of the world in an hour; ay, in all the worlds of the ages.
So many autumn, ay, and winter days, spent outside the town, trying to hear what was in the wind, to hear and carry it express!
Ay, every leaf and twig and stone and cobweb sparkles now at mid-afternoon as when covered with dew in a spring morning.
Ay, the deep Walden Pond and cool Brister's Spring--privilege to drink long and healthy draughts at these, all unimproved by these men but to dilute their glass.
You may tell by looking at any twig of the forest, ay, at your very wood-pile, whether its winter is past or not.
It not only divides states and churches, it divides families; ay, it divides the individual, separating the diabolical in him from the divine.