Awed Sentence Examples
He felt awed, and no clear picture presented itself to his mind.
Alex gazed in awed silence at the brilliant sunset.
Deidre touched him tentatively, awed by his size and the gentleness of his touch.
She looked up at him, awed once again by his size.
She eased against him, awed by his pure strength yet determined not to appear as stupid as she felt.
Agitated by him and the fire he caused, she was also awed by how small and delicate his muscular frame made her feel.
He watched the massive white cliffs grow closer, awed by their size.
Jenn held Darian's golden gaze, feeling awed at his transformation.
Deidre watched the sunrise, awed by the colors that filled the sky.
She felt both awed and terrified watching his rippling, shapely muscles move beneath the olive skin.
AdvertisementHe gave the words of greeting, and the first regiment roared "Hurrah!" so deafeningly, continuously, and joyfully that the men themselves were awed by their multitude and the immensity of the power they constituted.
Awed by the power she had over him, she began to understand the extent of his solitary existence for the millennia of his life.
He turned her to face him, and she gazed up at him, once again awed by his size, heat, and intensity.
Alex's expression could only be described as awed.
She ran all the way to the Guardians' barracks and stopped, awed.
AdvertisementThere was a sort of awed hush around the set.
At Northampton and at each successive show the audience seemed quite awed by this visual effect.
He was walking one night and was awed by the sparkle of snow on the fir trees in the moonlight.
Beautiful, mysterious and otherworldly creatures, these fairies are awed, revered and feared.
She had the impression of extreme intelligence and extreme determination, a combination that awed and intimidated her.
AdvertisementGerald was the first to her side, his expression clearly awed.
Eye scent this poem threw it I am shore ewe awed too no, Its letter perfect awl the whey.
Gwyneth Paltrow awed onlookers in a pink Ralph Lauren gown in 1999.
However, she was left a runner-up when McCarroll's collection awed judges and Fashion Week attendees alike.
The giants battled, and she couldn't help feeling awed by the prisoner's abilities as he met the blows of all three foes and remained standing.
AdvertisementJackson felt awed by the love Marie and Frederick shared.
Assassins were sent to kill him in his cell; but awed, it is said, by Savonarola's words and demeanour they fled dismayed from his presence.
Never mind she felt awed by how sexy he was lying in bed beside her, his muscular chest inches from her and his large hand resting possessively on her stomach.
There is no doubt you will be awed and inspired by the area surrounding the Nile, thanks to one of the knowledgeable Egyptologists that will be traveling with you.
Don't expect to be awed and moved by the quasi-mystical ending; I have it on good authority that it makes the most sense if you view the movie while stoned.
She walked into the chamber, awed by the drawings and writings on the walls.
Tallien showed himself one of the most vigorous of the proconsuls sent over France to establish the Terror in the provinces; though with but few adherents, he soon awed the great city into quiet.
Such supplies might be obtained by forcible raiding or as tribute of conquered countries, or perhaps as the free offerings of simple savages awed by the arrival of ships and civilized well-armed crews, or again by royal missions in which rich gifts on both sides were exchanged, or lastly by private trading.
Various charges were brought against him, and the senate, awed by the presence of large bodies of troops, had no alternative but to condemn him to death.
The Roman Catholics were neither awed nor conciliated.
Her eyes stayed on Rhyn, and she.d never been as awed as she was watching him fight a flawless battle against the full- blooded demon and the assassin.
The nobles were awed by her warlike preparations or won over by adroit diplomacy, and their league was broken up. St Louis owed his realm to his mother, but he himself always remained somewhat under the spell of her imperious personality.