Awakes Sentence Examples
When he awakes at night, he needs you to help him get back to sleep.
Sleep may overtake the patient in the midst of the sweating stage, and he awakes, not without some feeling of what he has passed through, but on the whole well, with the temperature fallen almost or altogether to the normal, or it may be even below the normal; the pulse moderate and full; the spleen again of its ordinary size; the urine that is passed after the paroxysm deposits a thick brick-red sediment of urates.
Then there is least somnolence in us; and for an hour, at least, some part of us awakes which slumbers all the rest of the day and night.
But in correspondence to the first stirring of the Divine existence there awakes in God Himself an inner reflective perception, by means of which - since no object is possible for it but God - God beholds Himself in His own image.
Drugged, he awakes to find himself buried alive glass coffin with only a gun for company.
The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
Will you be the last voice she hears at night before she goes to bed or the first voice she hears when she awakes?
When Dr. Brown finally, agrees, the surgery is successful and Colin awakes.
On Naxos she is discovered by Dionysus on his return from India, who is enchanted with her beauty, and marries her when she awakes.
Jewish apocalypse also awakes to fresh developments in the Mahommedan period, and shows a close relationship with the Christian Antichrist literature.