Awakening Sentence Examples
He stopped as if awakening from a dream and lifted his head.
The morning, which is the most memorable season of the day, is the awakening hour.
From that day an awakening from life came to Prince Andrew together with his awakening from sleep.
Middle school math can be a rude awakening compared to the math skills that were required in elementary school.
This gig felt like an awakening of potential, a revving of the engine for a long dusty trip to come.
There was nothing terrible or violent in this comparatively slow awakening.
Dedicated to helping hair achieve health as well as beauty, the company offers the Full Repair and Root Awakening collections.
The Root Awakening products are infused with ingedients like natural eucalyptus and help dry hair gain strength and resiliance.
It is Alice's abilities, her awakening as a vampire with no memories of a human life, that gives her a near zen-like quality among the more troubled members of her family.
Sending this kind of message is a rude awakening to the recipient.
AdvertisementIt's up to you whether or not you choose to develop them.If you're interested in learning more, continue on to Awakening Psychic Abilities.
In this exclusive LTK interview, Dr. Kevin Emery, on awakening psychic abilities, discusses how he gave up a corporate life to become a spiritual teacher and medical intuitive.
You can learn more from Dr. Kevin Emery on awakening psychic abilities by visiting his website, and watching his instructional videos.
For example, the offers available during the first week of May 2010 included free samples of Parent's Choice baby formula, Prilosec OTC, Eucerin body lotion, U by Kotex, and John Freida Root Awakening hair care.
Therefore new developments in alarm clocks, including the sunrise alarm clock can meet the needs of people who need a gentler option for awakening.
AdvertisementHaving the weather forecast available right from the point of awakening means that there is plenty of time to plan and consider the day's activities.
Yoga Journal's Energy Balance Yogais a 60-minute workout with separate sections for awakening, centering, creativity, reflection, and surrender.
But your dedication to practice and respect for the gradual awakening of your body and mind will help you see the path more clearly.
Practitioners of Taoist yoga expand their spiritual awakening and sense of purpose through focused breathing, movement, and learning.
In some Kriya practices, rather than awakening the being within you, you invite it into your physical body from the outside.
AdvertisementPractitioners of Tao yoga use the gentle flowing movements of tai chi and yoga to encourage our natural healing processes and invite spiritual awakening.
Some believe the song is about sexual awakening, while others believe the song is about life as a homosexual.
Elvis' musical awakening began when his family moved to a predominantly African-American neighborhood in Tupelo, Mississippi.
Townshend had been studying Baba's writing and believed he had experienced a spiritual awakening.
He wove this awakening into the story of Tommy.
AdvertisementWhile catatonic, Tommy's subconscious comes to life in the form of a figure in silver robes that leads him on a journey of spiritual awakening.
Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis include a pus-like discharge and crusty eyelids after awakening.
Sleep paralysis, a frightening inability to move shortly after awakening or dozing off.
Nightmare disorder is a parasomnia in which the child is repeatedly awakened from sleep by frightening dreams and is fully alert on awakening.
These patterns include inability to fall asleep at bedtime, repeated awakening during the night, and/or inability to go back to sleep once awakened.
The idea here is that since they're "good" and you've cut the ties with your old habits, you can now safely ease up a little on the anti-carb stance without awakening the now slumbering cravings.
The euphoria of his awakening from the coma passed as other symptoms persisted.
After awakening feeling at peace, he was close to pulling a Rhyn and decimating the world around him in an explosion of raw fury.
She confided it to her husband late one night, awakening him from his sleep as Edith Shipton had just awakened him but a week before.
The fury he'd felt since awakening from the dark place the Black God kept him started to fade.
Despite the fact that with the exception of the period of the "Great Awakening" (1740-1742), when he preached as an itinerant in several neighbouring colonies, his active labours were confined to his own parish, his influence on the religious thought of his time in America was probably surpassed only by that of his old friend and teacher Jonathan Edwards.
During the separation the synod of Philadelphia decreased from twentysix to twenty-two ministers, but the synod of New York grew from twenty to seventy-two ministers, and the New Side reaped all the fruits of the Great Awakening under Whitefield and his successors.
The terrible losses sustained by whole communities of farmers, planters, foresters, &c., from plant diseases have naturally stimulated the search for remedies, but even now the search is too often conducted in the spirit of the believer in quack medicines, although the agricultural world is awakening to the fact that before any measures likely to be successful can be attempted, the whole chain of causation of the disease must be investigated.
In proportion to its population China has the least railway development of any of the great countries of the world; the probability that its present commercial awakening will extend seems large, and in that case it will need a vast increase in its interior communications.
It had a wide influence in awakening popular piety, and the works that issued from it formed the textbooks of mystical and pietistic minds in the centuries that followed.
In several passages of his writings he expressly dates his philosophical awakening from the appearance of the Treatise of Human Nature.
Thenceforward, while the Oxford Movement was awakening one section of the people of England the Primitive Methodists were making themselves felt among other classes of the population.
He believes that he is once more with Briinnhilde on the Valkyries' mountain height; and the harmonies of her awakening move in untroubled splendour till the light of life fades with the light of day and the slain hero is carried to the Gibichung's hall through the moonlit mists, while the music of love and death tells in terrible triumph more of his story than he ever knew.
Her abandonment and awakening are celebrated in the beautiful Epithalamium of Catullus.
In keeping with this, her festivals at Naxos present a double character; the one, full of mourning and sadness, represents her death or abandonment by Theseus, the other, full of joy and revelry, celebrates her awakening from sleep and marriage with Dionysus.
This concession, given under strong pressure from Russia, aroused the deepest resentment of the Greeks, and was the principal factor in the awakening of the Bulgarian national spirit which subsequent events have done so much to develop. Russian influence at Constantinople had been gradually increasing, and towards the end of 1870 the tsar took advantage of the temporary disabling of France to declare himself no longer bound by those clauses of the Treaty of Paris which restricted Russia's liberty of possessing warships on the Black Sea.
The reform of medicine in France must be dated from the great intellectual awakening caused by the Revolution, but more definitely starts with the researches in anatomy and physiology of Marie Francois Xavier Bichat (1771-1802).
His chief work is a philosophical romance, in which he describes the awakening and growth of intellect in a child removed from the influences of ordinary life.
But besides the vocation he had freely selected and assiduously laboured to fulfil, two more external influences helped to shape Martineau's mind and define his problem and his work; the awakening of English thought to the problems which underlie both philosophy and religion, and the new and higher opportunities offered for their discussion in the periodical press.
The Manichaean system of dualism, with its severe asceticism, and its individualism, which early passed into antinomianism, was attractive to many minds in the awakening of the 11th century.
Unfortunately, however, the solid work achieved was accompanied by much superficial excitement among emotional persons for whom the so-called " Great Awakening " was merely a passing sensation.
Thus Ultramontanism is not to be conceived as a theological movement, but as the programme of a party whose principles are in fundamental opposition to modern culture, modern education, modern tolerance and the modern state - a party which seeks to carry out its campaign against the society of to-day, not by bridging the gulf betwixt creed and creed, but by widening it, by awakening religious fanaticism, and by closing the way to a peaceful co-operation of Catholics and non-Catholics in the highest tasks of culture and human civilization.
Christianity, with its one God, and its promise of redemption and a blessed immortality based upon divine revelation, met as no other contemporary faith did the awakening religious needs.
An impressive announcement of the Easter Communion Service, made by the Rev. Pryce Davies, vicar of Talgarth, on the of March 1735, was the means of awakening Howell Harris (1714-1773) of Trevecca, and he immediately began to hold services in his own house.
During the winter these animals retire to their burrows, sleeping the greater part of the time, but awakening about February or March, when they feed on the garnered grain.
The word "awakening" in this sense was frequently (and possibly first) used by Jonathan Edwards at the time of the Northampton revival of 1734-1735, which spread through the Connecticut Valley and prepared the way for the work in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut (1740-1741) of GeorgeWhitefield, who had previously been preaching in the South, especially at Savannah, Georgia.
Some separatist churches were formed as a result of the Awakening; these either died out or became Baptist congregations.
Lummis, " The Awakening of a Nation " (New York, 1898, previously in Harper's Magazine), are valuable as giving information (especially the last named) and points of view.
This series of calamities was accepted by the Doukhobors as a punishment from God, and a spiritual awakening of a most energetic character ensued.
At the time of the "Great Awakening" of 1740-1743 and afterwards, Chauncy was the leader of the so-called "Old Light" party in New England, which strongly condemned the Whitefieldian revival as an outbreak of emotional extravagance.
To quicken this by awakening deeper insight into the real objects of "faith," as these bore on their actual life, he develops his high argument on the lines already indicated.
The Bororos of Brazil fancy that in that shape the soul of a sleeper passes out of the body during night-time, returning to him at his awakening.
Germany was now about to be aroused from the torpor into which she had been cast by the Thirty Years War; but her awakening was due, not to the action of the Empire, of which was more and more seen to be practically dead, but to the rivalry of two great German states, Austria and Prussia.
Some of those who were discontented with this decision retired from the preliminary parliament, and a few of them, of republican sympathies, called the population of Upper Baden to arms. The rising was put down by the troops of Baden, but it did considerable injury by awakening the fears of the more moderate portion of the community.
He determined, therefore, to publish his paper in Boston, and, having issued his prospectus, set himself to the task of awakening an interest in the subject by means of lectures in some of the principal cities and towns of the North.
It arises from a general awakening to the fact that the growth of our psychological and biological knowledge must profoundly transform the traditional epistemology.
The awakening of Germany at the Renaissance was not, like the awakening of Italy a generation or two earlier, a movement almost exclusively intellectual.
Many of his contemporaries were awakening to the importance of German thought, and Carlyle's knowledge enabled him before long to take a conspicuous part in diffusing the new intellectual light.
He had not to deal with the opposition of a recalcitrant monk, but with the awakening of a nation.
Above all Luther had good grounds for believing that at the conference at Memmingen friends of Zwingli had helped to organize a Peasants' War and to link the social revolution to the religious awakening.
The immense and incalculable problems involved in the rise of Japan, the awakening of China, and their relations to the European powers and to America - known as the Far Eastern Question - are comparatively but affairs of yesterday.
Morality, important though it be as preparatory to the "higher life," does not alone lend itself to that awakening of the spiritual faculties without which progress along the Path is not possible.
In this period of degeneracy there were none the less an awakening to religious needs and a profound longing for a new revelation of truth, which should satisfy at once the intellect and the religious emotions.
The decades preceding the "Great Awakening" of 1740-1743 were a time of religious declension.
The First Church, Newport, had been rent asunder by Arminianism, and the nominally Calvinistic remnant had itself become divided on the question of the laying on of hands and showed no sympathy with the Great Awakening.
But the fact that the Great Awakening in America was conducted on Calvinistic principles was sufficient to prevent their hearty co-operation.
And yet the Baptists ultimately profited by the Great Awakening beyond almost any of the denominations.
Among the Baptist leaders gained from Congregationalism as a result of the awakening was Isaac Backus (1724-1806), who became the New England champion in the cause of religious liberty and equality, and the historian of his denomination.
The Baptist cause in New England that had profited so largely from the Great Awakening failed to reap a like harvest from the War of Independence.
The Sassanid Empire, indeed, is completely dominated by this formalism and ritualism; but the earlier testimony of Darius in his inscriptions and the statements in Herodotus enable us still to recognize the original healthy life of a religion capable of awakening the enthusiastic devotion of the inner man.
But they were continued and edited by men in whom the critical spirit was awakening, as when the chroniclers of Ionian towns began the criticism of Homer.
But the relapse was brief, and the Northampton revival, which had spread through the Connecticut valley and whose fame had reached England and Scotland, was followed in1739-1740by the Great Awakening, distinctively under the leadership of Edwards.
He considers " bodily effects " incidentals to the real work of God, but his own mystic devotion and the experiences of his wife during the Awakening (which he gives in detail) make him think that the divine visitation usually overpowers the body, a view in support of which he quotes Scripture.
In spite of Edwards's able pamphlet, the impression had become widespread that " bodily effects " were recognized by the promoters of the Great Awakening as the true tests of conversion.
At last the fear of awakening Yasodhara prevailed; he tore himself away, promising himself to return to them as soon as his mind had become clear, as soon as he had become a Buddha, - i.e.
In the early 18th century Arminianism presented itself in New England, and sporadically elsewhere; this tendency was largely accelerated by the reaction from the excesses of the "Great Awakening" under Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.
The awakening of literary ambition among these Servians of the Adriatic coast was originally due to the influence of immigrant Greek scholars who came to Ragusa after the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
The heroic but foolhardy attempt of the brothers Bandiera, Venetians who had served in the Austrian navy against the Neapolitan Bourbons in 1844, was the first event to cause an awakening of Venetian patriotism, and in 1847 Manin presented a petition to the Venetian congregation, a shadowy consultative assembly tolerated by Austria but without any power, informing the emperor of the wants of the nation.
A happy awakening, although it went too far in establishing royal absolutism; and a victory too complete, in that it enervated all the forces of resistance.
She stared at the map for a long moment as the awakening demon shifted within her.
The opening of these will quickly bring the awakening of your latent psychic abilities.
Then experience the awakening of the tree in the spring.
On 6th March of this year, the sleepy world of Dutch politics received a rude awakening.
Instead you get the awakening inside a castle, followed by tutorial session.
Then I saw an all-out awakening, followed by the second coming of Christ.
In 1995, she had a spiritual awakening with an Angel.
There was to be a rude awakening, however, for all at Elland Road.
A spiritual awakening two years ago opened the way for seeing the world through new eyes.
Here, the parent gently arouses the child about 30 minutes before the typical spontaneous awakening, and consoles their charge.
In a parallel survey of 224 first year university students, I found that 83% claimed to have had a false awakening.
Current revision A few words mid this morning awakening.
The symptom of difficulty awakening is consistent with the phase delay hypothesis of SAD.
Skeletor has a plan to attack Adam by awakening the behemoth that lives in the Labyrinth.. .
Linger to see the moonlight scattered through the temple ruins, or rise early for the gently awakening dawn over the acropolis.
Prepare Yourself But awakening the kundalini is not always going to be helpful to you if your mind is not clean.
On awakening, he found that his hand was indeed perfectly normal.
No mere synopsis can adequately convey the strangeness of cinematic vision expressed in Awakening of the Beast.
The campaign of 1796 which led to the awakening of the Italian people to a new consciousness of unity and strength is detailed in the article NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS.
His son, Leif Ericsson, and others of his followers were concerned in the discovery of the North American coast (see Vinland), which, but for the isolation of Iceland from the centres of European awakening, would have had momentous consequences.
While Arab learning flourished during the darkest ages of European ignorance, the last of the Arab geographers lived to see the dawn of the great period of the European awakening.
His adage was Qui sophistice loquitur odibilis est, and his influence has been exercised ever since in warning the Christian orator against artificiality and in urging upon him the necessity of awakening the heart.
Joseph Bajza was a lyricist of a somewhat melancholy cast, but his Borenek (Wine Song), Sohajtds (Sigh), Ebreszto (Awakening) and Apotheosis are much admired.
From the modest and simple art of the patriotic poets and novelists of the first half of the 19th century, whose work nevertheless was an influential factor in the awakening of a national sentiment among the common people, Czech literature, after a period characterized by the romanticism of Macha and the critical realism of Havlicek, arrived at a school which, while it took its inspiration from the sources of the national spirit, did not shut itself out from foreign influences.
See Joseph Tracy, The Great Awakening (Boston, 1842); Samuel P. Hayes, "An Historical Study of the Edwardean Revivals," in The American Journal of Psychology, vol.
I recall many incidents of the summer of 1887 that followed my soul's sudden awakening.
Any prospect of awakening or coming to life to a dead man makes indifferent all times and places.
Yes, death is an awakening!
And compared to the duration of life it did not seem to him slower than an awakening from sleep compared to the duration of a dream.
Following this, Dr. Hoover and four others met every day at five o'clock to pray for spiritual awakening.
And an added incentive for timeous awakening. from scratch !
In an eco-friendly culture awakening, you may want to consider going green whenever you can.
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we try to carry this message to other addicts and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Her career on Broadway is extensive, with plays such as Ragtime, Fiddler on the Roof, and Spring Awakening, and she appears on some of the original cast recordings for these plays.
The constant awakening with each apnea keeps the person from having uninterrupted sleep cycles and keeps the body from being able to refresh itself during sleep.
Remembering the details to your dreams is a good indication that you were awakened during the REM stage, but not being able to recall details of your dreams indicates you were in an NREM stage of sleep upon awakening.
Link's first Game Boy adventure in Link's Awakening did not take place in Hyrule.
The symptoms of adult inclusion conjunctivitis are a foreign body sensation, watery eyes, and eyelids that stick together upon awakening.
Nightmares occur during REM, or dream-time, sleep and trigger a partial or full awakening.
These frightening dreams occur during rapid eye movement sleep (REM), or dream-time sleep, and trigger a partial or full awakening.
Illness with high fever may bring about delirium with frightening episodes of nighttime awakening.
The practice of Kundalini yoga is rooted in awakening spiritual energy.
I wanted to share the awakening and benefits I experienced with others.
These mesh with other principles within Kriya yoga, which stem from awakening the loving and divine being (or inviting the divine into the physical body) through meditation.
If you're just having a Bob Marley awakening, this link will take you 12 other Marley songs as well.
This was notably the case in Servia, where the temporary domination of Austria, to which the treaty of Sistova (1791) put an end, had had the effect of awakening the national spirit of the people.
Scientific zoology really started in the 16th century with the awakening of the new spirit of observation and exploration, but for a long time ran a separate course uninfluenced by the progress of the medical studies of anatomy and physiology.
It shows us the Lord Jesus entering on the mission predicted by the Baptist without declaring Himself to be the Messiah; attracting the multitudes in Galilee by His healing power and His unbounded sympathy, and at the same time awakening the envy and suspicion of the leaders of religion; training a few disciples till they reach the conviction that He is the Christ, and then, but not till then, admitting them into the secret of His coming sufferings, and preparing them for a mission in which they also must sacrifice themselves; then journeying to Jerusalem to fulfil the destiny which He foresaw, accepting the responsibility of the Messianic title, only to be condemned by the religious authorities as a blasphemer and handed over to the Roman power as a pretender to the Jewish throne.
In addition to these great and beneficent changes, means were taken for developing more rapidly the vast natural resources of the country, public instruction received an unprecedented impetus, a considerable amount of liberty was accorded to the press, a strong spirit of liberalism pervaded rapidly all sections of the educated classes, a new imaginative and critical literature dealing with economic, philosophical and political questions sprang into existence, and for a time the young generation fondly imagined that Russia, awakening from her traditional lethargy, was about to overtake, and soon to surpass, on the path of national progress, the older nations of western Europe.
And with the decision and tenderness that often come at the moment of awakening, she embraced her friend, but noticing Sonya's look of embarrassment, her own face expressed confusion and suspicion.
It seemed that all these men, now that they had stopped amid fields in the chill dusk of the autumn evening, experienced one and the same feeling of unpleasant awakening from the hurry and eagerness to push on that had seized them at the start.