Awaited Sentence Examples
A town car with darkened windows awaited them.
Her father awaited her in the foyer.
Mansr awaited a response.
Her shoulders hunched as she awaited the flurry of arrows that struck Sami.
She looked again at what awaited them and then up at Brady.
With painful dejection he awaited the end of this action, in which he regarded himself as a participant and which he was unable to arrest.
A steaming bowl of soup awaited her on the coffee table.
Hilden awaited her, frowning.
Gabriel awaited her on the beach near where they'd first sat together two weeks before.
She pushed the door to her room open slowly, surprised to see who awaited her.
AdvertisementThe ship anchored near the shore, where barbarians in ill-fitting clothing made of animal skins awaited them.
Rousing himself, Pierre followed Anna Mikhaylovna out of the carriage, and only then began to think of the interview with his dying father which awaited him.
For the Rostov family the whole interest of these preparations for war lay in the fact that Nicholas would not hear of remaining in Moscow, and only awaited the termination of Denisov's furlough after Christmas to return with him to their regiment.
Grande and Lon awaited them in the living room, and they rose as she approached.
She called a portal when she stepped into the hallway to see who awaited her.
AdvertisementEven at such a young age, Rhyn.s features were troubled and somber, as if he knew what kind of a life awaited him.
A'Ran awaited her with two swords looking alert, as if he'd been up long enough for his first cup of coffee to kick in.
He rose and took her arm, leading her into one of the small bedrooms, where a grey bed awaited her.
After handshakes and a brief chat, the pair left in Dean's pool car for the motel where Vinnie Baratto awaited.
Jenn drew a knife and obeyed, guessing whatever awaited her couldn't be much worse than the Black God or Original Vamp.
AdvertisementThe Black God awaited him.
He went grudgingly, not wanting to deal with what awaited him.
They walked to the tent, and her gaze settled on Taran, who awaited them in the shade of the tent with two of her advisors.
In these circumstances the only outlet for discontent was sedition, and the malcontents awaited impatiently a favourable opportunity for an attempt to curb or overthrow the autocratic power.
Meanwhile he had also prepared a fresh line of retreat towards Bohemia, and, certain now of having his men in hand for the coming battle, he quietly awaited events.
AdvertisementThe Zulu, however, made no attempt to enter Natal, while Lord Chelmsford awaited reinforcements before resuming his advance.
He retired in the direction of Whitchurch, and awaited the enemy about 32 m.
On the night of the 22nd the great bridge was repaired, and the army awaited the arrival of reinforcements, not in Vienna, but in Lobau.
It remained for the more robust faith of a Schliemann to show that such scepticism was all too faint-hearted, by proving that at such sites as Tiryns, Mycenae and Hissarlik evidences of a very early period of Greek civilization awaited the spade of the excavator.
The arrival of the emperor had been awaited in the capital with an impatience which is expressed by Pliny and by Martial.'
Bruno had been well received at Toulouse, where he had lectured on astronomy; even better fortune awaited him at Paris, especially at the hands of Henry III.
Napoleon now awaited further information from his wing commanders at Charleroi, where he massed the VI.
Poland and Lithuania, however, abounded with superstitions and legends which only awaited the coming poet to put them into verse.
All Europe awaited with eager expectation the results of so great an assembly.
The fate of Poland and Saxony hung in the balance; Germany awaited an entirely new reorganization; Italy was again ready for dismemberment; rumours went that even the pope and the sultan might be largely affected.
The reptiles awaited a great classifier, and such a one appeared in England in the person of Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), the direct successor of Cuvier and a comparative anatomist of the first rank.
Having raised a permanent force for the war called the Continental Line, they awaited further operations of the enemy.
The Board of Trade was asked to supply full figures, and while its report was awaited the uncertainty of attitude on the part of the government afforded grateful opportunity for opposition mischief-making, since the Liberal party had now the chance of acting as the conservative champions of orthodox economics.
Henry had good cause to complain of the ecclesiastical courts, and had only awaited a convenient season to correct abuses which were admitted by all reasonable men.
And as he came out from the chapel the master cook awaited him at the door and claimed his spurs as his fee, and said, 1 Selden, Titles of Honor, 639.
It is easy, therefore, to imagine what humiliations and privations must have awaited the novice who had still to earn a name.
All Germany awaited with anxiety the reply of Frederick William.
One of the chief questions which awaited him was that of relations with the Gurkha state of Nepal.
Under improved conditions the area of cultivated land, or land in process of reclamation, had risen in 1906 to 5,750,000 acres, while another 500,000 acres of waste land awaited reclamation.
A horrible fate awaited those who had shut thelnselves up in the Barkukia.
The results of future research on the cytology of the group will be awaited with interest.
On the failure of his plans he retired to the country and awaited events.
In October 1765, Goethe, then a little over sixteen, left Frankfort for Leipzig, where a wider and, in many respects, less provincial life awaited him.
Disappointment in more senses than one awaited Goethe on his return to Weimar.
A more formidable hostile combination, however, awaited the government of India.
Sahl, a Zoroastrian of great influence, who in 806 had adopted Islam, reanimated his courage, and pointed out to him that certain death awaited him at Bagdad.
At each of the great festivals, which to please him were for once crowded into a single year, he entered in regular form for the various competitions, scrupulously conformed to the tradition and rules of the arena, and awaited in nervous suspense the verdict of the umpires.
A similar development awaited his successful rival the chancellor.
Mary, who had been warned by her ambassador to the pope that prison awaited Pole, prevented the breve ordering the cardinal to proceed to Rome from being delivered, and so Pole remained in England.
The premature royalist rising, however, in August 1659 was defeated, and Charles, who had awaited the result on the coast of Brittany, proceeded to Fuenterrabia on the Spanish frontier, where Mazarin and Luis de Haro were negotiating the treaty of the Pyrenees, to induce both powers to support his cause; but the failure of the attempt in England ensured the rejection of his request, and he returned to Brussels in December, visiting his mother at Paris on the way.
He reached London on the 29th, his thirtieth birthday, arriving with the procession, amidst general rejoicings and " through a lane of happy faces," at seven in the evening at Whitehall, where the houses of parliament awaited his coming, to offer in the name of the nation their congratulations and allegiance.
Like persecution awaited him elsewhere, and at last he passed over to Holland, being aided by certain wealthy English merchants who wished him to controvert the supporters of the English church in Leiden.
It is said that couriers awaited his arrival at all the home ports to offer him the choice of the Ordnance or the Horse Guards.
Nevertheless he proceeded to Epirus before the battle of Pharsalia, and awaited the result at Dyrrachium in the company of Cicero and Cato.
But they did not find the insurgent band which they had been told awaited them, and were betrayed by one of their party, the Corsican Boccheciampe, and by some peasants who believed them to be Turkish pirates.
Under the circumstances the first message from President Taylor was awaited with great interest.
For a few hours the native troops of the British garrison awaited the turn of events; but when it became apparent that the British troops from Meerut were afraid to move, there was a general flame of revolt, and Delhi at once became the headquarters of the Mutiny.
A new AngloGerman agreement had been negotiated in 1913-4 and only awaited signature when the World War put an end to the negotiations.
Ormonde was forced to surrender Dublin to the Parliamentarians (July 1647), and the inextricable knot awaited Cromwell's sword.
I awaited a revelation about our recent guest but not so.
The anxiously awaited Friday return occurred not with a bang but the hiss of a deflated balloon as Howie snuck out early and remained invisible the entire weekend.
Czerno gave Darian a warning look, and Dusty stepped onto the dais, where Talon awaited him.
They Transported to the study where Sofi, Bianca, and the Grey God awaited.
Eventually, he'd reveal the fate that awaited traitors and order her to fight him.
A single figure already awaited him at the edge of the invisible wall that kept the demons out of the sacred grounds.
Katie awaited him in his dreams, looking as she had the day he lost her. They stood in the spot where he'd fought his friend, Gabriel, and the demon lord, Darkyn. She wore a sweater that made her light eyes glow.
No vamps awaited her there.
Vamps awaited her in the foyer.
The woman infuriated him, inflamed him, but no woman deserved what awaited her at the hands of kingdoms like Landis!
This long awaited album is finally in the shops and will soon be in your heart forever.
At long last, the eagerly awaited day of opening drew near - Sunday 2nd October 1927.
The keenly awaited 'new build ' has finally begun.
The long awaited King, the Messiah was here.
Was the most awaited the amazing question Bernard lewis inside cabin with.
A table full of deserts, including fresh fruit salad and cream, profiteroles, and raspberry cheesecake, awaited us.
In the lion's den he awaited the judge's verdict.
We then packed and awaited the departure of the return " red-eye " to Brize Norton.
Fit for a king Cornwall's new specialist food emporium has been long awaited.
The solution to this problem awaited identification of the substances produced by the future endoderm.
Due for release in June, details regarding the long- awaited follow-up to 2002's mega-selling Stripped are a bit sketchy at present.
Last week he invited me round his new gaff for a long awaited reprise.
More first-hand accounts of, or scurrilous gossip about, these events are eagerly awaited and will be linked in.
As with other new bearing couples longer-term clinical results are awaited with the metal-on-metal surface replacement hips.
Transportation awaited the poor, or those whose right to land proved inconvenient to the powerful.
Was the most awaited the amazing question bernard lewis inside cabin with.
What a truly majestic sight awaited us along this road.
Their eagerly awaited game menu will include mallard, teal, pigeon, venison and later in the season, pheasant.
Phone calls sometimes have an almost miraculous ability to speed up a long awaited response.
Notification was awaited of the proposed modifications to the order.
All well tired we retired and awaited the morrow.
With the crowd assembled, a pregnant pause awaited his answer.
His long awaited new CD, recorded in New York with Cuban master percussionist Roberto Rodriguez is to be released in spring 2006.
At Derry, similar honors awaited us, and by the end of the day my Harriet had got quite pompous.
The area is finally reaping the long awaited benefits of the Objective 1 Program.
It was believed that, on death, the soul either awaited reincarnation or turned into an evil spirit.
Fortunately this won't be a problem with Neverwinter Nights 2, the long awaited sequel due for release later in the year.
The weather was glorious and the Irish crowd awaited an exciting showdown.
Dj Clipz returns on Full Cycle with a long awaited dancefloor smasher that has been doing the rounds on dubplate for many months.
At last the long awaited successor to the well received (and now out of print) KINGS CROSS.
And guess what, all those thing we thought were so urgent actually awaited our return.
Long awaited and much anticipated latest model from one of Germany's most successful watchmakers, Sinn Uhren.
The long awaited rural white paper was published in November 2000.
The Left, conscious of its strength, impatiently awaited the moment of accession to power.
A still more formidable enemy awaited him; the Rana Sanga of Mewar collected the enormous force of 210,000 men, with which he moved against the invaders.
The Turks, in the absence of the fleet which was to have brought them supplies, were forced to retreat (August 6); the Greeks, inspired with new courage, awaited them in the pass of Dervenaki, where the undisciplined Ottoman host, thrown into confusion by an avalanche of boulders hurled upon them, was annihilated.
After securing his flank and rear by taking Norham, Wark and Eitel castles, he awaited the approach of Surrey's army at Ford castle, behind which lies Flodden Edge, a strong position, which he presently occupied.
Torture and imprisonment awaited them, whether of high or low degree, if he fancied that they were betraying him.
When he saw Mack and heard the details of his disaster he understood that half the campaign was lost, understood all the difficulties of the Russian army's position, and vividly imagined what awaited it and the part he would have to play.
In society he always awaited an opportunity to say something striking and took part in a conversation only when that was possible.
To be able to crush it absolutely he awaited the arrival of the rest of the troops who were on their way from Vienna, and with this object offered a three days' truce on condition that both armies should remain in position without moving.
They all rushed out of the village again, but Tushin's guns could not move, and the artillerymen, Tushin, and the cadet exchanged silent glances as they awaited their fate.
They were drinking tea, and only awaited Prince Bagration to begin the council.
When the sun had entirely emerged from the fog, and fields and mist were aglow with dazzling light--as if he had only awaited this to begin the action--he drew the glove from his shapely white hand, made a sign with it to the marshals, and ordered the action to begin.
He winked at the butler, whispered directions to the footmen, and awaited each expected dish with some anxiety.
Prince Andrew sat in another room, faint with fear lest the baby should be drowned in the font, and awaited the termination of the ceremony.
Flushed and agitated she went about the house all that day, dry-eyed, occupied with most trivial matters as if not understanding what awaited her.
These guests--the famous Count Rostopchin, Prince Lopukhin with his nephew, General Chatrov an old war comrade of the prince's, and of the younger generation Pierre and Boris Drubetskoy--awaited the prince in the drawing room.
He seemed in better spirits than usual and awaited his son with great impatience.
Having finished his second glass of punch, Napoleon went to rest before the serious business which, he considered, awaited him next day.
Nobody seemed yet to realize what awaited the city.
At the moment when Vereshchagin fell and the crowd closed in with savage yells and swayed about him, Rostopchin suddenly turned pale and, instead of going to the back entrance where his carriage awaited him, went with hurried steps and bent head, not knowing where and why, along the passage leading to the rooms on the ground floor.
Without haste or agitation he awaited what was coming.
In the shed everyone was ready, dressed, belted, shod, and only awaited the order to start.
When they had descended to the bridge Petya and Dolokhov rode past the sentinel, who without saying a word paced morosely up and down it, then they descended into the hollow where the Cossacks awaited them.
But the French troops quite rightly did not consider that this suited them, since death by hunger and cold awaited them in flight or captivity alike.
Fortunately this wo n't be a problem with Neverwinter Nights 2, the long awaited sequel due for release later in the year.
Being Caithness, lifeboats awaited survivors of these musical shipwrecks.
Amidst great media attention the long awaited book about the infamous Haw Bridge torso murder mystery was launched today at Haw Bridge.
Long awaited and much anticipated latest model from one of Germany 's most successful watchmakers, Sinn Uhren.
Although parents may prepare for the much awaited homecoming to a beautifully decorated nursery with every material item the baby could need, the essential hands-on care needs to be achieved first.
Not knowing what to expect, the show's cast, crew, writers and producers anxiously awaited the public's response…and what a response it was.
This hearing was to be the long awaited reunion of sorts between Rihanna and Chris Brown.
In addition, several selections from the highly anticipated and long awaited album Chinese Democracy are also included.
A few anxiously awaited titles have had their release dates shifted back.
Nintendo's long awaited follow-up to the Zelda series has finally arrived, launching alongside the Wii with a stunning world to explore via motion-sensitive controls.
LucasArts is the publisher of this much awaited action shooter, developed by Pandemic Studios.
Namco's long awaited American release for the gamecube, Tales of Symphonia seems to have slipped by some of the most avid gamers out there.
Namco's long awaited American release for the GameCube, Tales of Symphonia, seems to have slipped by some of the most avid gamers out there.
Many genealogists using Apple products eagerly awaited the release of Family Tree Maker Mac at the end of 2010.
The SI Swimsuit Edition is the most eagerly awaited issue of this popular magazine each year.
The long awaited album 'When The World Knows Your Name' was finally released in April of '89.
Filming continued through the summer of 2008 and the long awaited release of this character driven film met with much anticipation by Harry Potter fans in mid July, 2009.
These graphics feature a constantly updating clock marking off the months, days, hours, and seconds until the awaited time.
We nodded our approval and awaited more revelations.
I almost dreaded returning to the motel where awaited what I saw as the last thread of hope.
A car awaited them when they exited.
Damian and Dustin awaited them.
His bike awaited, but when he divided the hundred promised miles a week by seven, the number was daunting.
She crossed to the pantry again, suddenly curious about what kind of new, intense flavors awaited her in the assortment of boxes and cans.
Was this what awaited her?
Jade awaited him, as he expected.
He loped along the trail through the forest and trotted into the park around the castle, where the person he least wanted to see awaited him with a glower and crossed arms.
He padded down the hall to his room, where Sasha awaited him.
They left the row house for the park across the street, where a small spacecraft awaited them.
She awaited some sort of reprimand, already wounded by the thought of being publicly embarrassed.
Several figures awaited them, and she saw a low building with glowing lights in the distance.
Dean pitied his wife, knowing the grueling trip that lay before her over the next several hours, not knowing what awaited her landing.
Beyond the fencing was a second massive gate, where more guards awaited.
At the same time, she knew whatever Rhyn faced outside the dreamscape was as bad as what awaited her, if not worse.
A man in a hood awaited them.
As they approached she saw that it was Memon who awaited her with one of his advisors at one side and Vara on his left.
After her come-to-Jesus moment with Jonny, he'd left a further reminder in the form of a letter that awaited her on the pillow beside hers when she woke.
Returning to Caprera, Garibaldi awaited events.
These triumphs, however, had all been obtained by force of arms; the more difficult task now awaited Cromwell of governing England by parliament and by law.
There he awaited the arrival of Macdonald with the an y of Naples.
In any case exile, and death in the prisons of Cayenne, now awaited the timid champions of law and order; while parliamentary rule sustained a shock from which it never recovered.
She understood all that awaited her only when, after stepping over the red baize at the entrance, she entered the hall, took off her fur cloak, and, beside Sonya and in front of her mother, mounted the brightly illuminated stairs between the flowers.
Something flickered in his gaze, and she guessed he had an inkling of what awaited him.
Past the fencing was a sandy stretch where the landmines awaited those foolish enough to cross.
He couldn't tell if any traps awaited him outside his bedroom door.
He bobbed his head and awaited more information.
Toni awaited him in the foyer.