Await Sentence Examples
I'll await your call.
I must await word of the messengers.
Now I was the one to anxiously await contact.
Sofia pulled over to the side of the road to await the text and load the address into the car's GPS.
Tell it to stop and await my orders.
Her body shook from the inside out before they stepped into the chilly night to await her fate.
After a short detention in a police cell, an offender, unless disposed of summarily, passes into one of His Majesty's prisons, there to await his trial at sessions or assizes.
He returned to the house to await Darian, not surprised to see Bianca's black and white cat darting down the stairs.
Lydia Larkin spun out of the meadow in a cloud of dust, leaving Dean to await its dissipation before following in his open vehicle.
At the same time it should be remembered that many points await elucidation, and it is unwise to assume conclusions in advance of the evidence.
AdvertisementThe lot fell upon Hesione, who was chained to a rock to await the monster's coming.
We await the outcome of this early in the New Year.
This church, decorated with elaborate symbolism, was styled the "Ark of the Covenant," and in it the elect were to await the coming of the Lord.
Awe-inspiring views of dramatic mountain passes and snow-capped peaks await at every turn.
The point is not to fill guests up, but satisfy them just enough as they await the start of the dinner.
AdvertisementThe plants and animals await study and classification.
Later in the year Theodore became more civil, and the British party on arrival at the king's camp in Damot, on the 25th of January 1866, were received with all honour, and were afterwards sent to Kwarata, on Lake Tsana, there to await the arrival of the captives.
Taken to England to await ransom, John was at first installed in the Savoy Palace, then at Windsor, Hertford, Somerton, and at last in the Tower.
Sheltered by him they could await foreign succour or a reaction at home.
The other men go back to their homes or to the factories in the cities, where they await the harvesting and threshing season.
AdvertisementThe question, however, is one of much difficulty, and the exact course of the reaction appears to await solution.
These were carried at the first rush, and the troops were ordered to lie down and await orders.
Primitive Inhabitants.The origin and character of the early inhabitants of the Peninsula are unknown; recent conjectures on the subject, which have been many, are more bold than probable, and we must await the result of further excavations of prehistoric sites and further inquiries into the native inscriptions before we can hope for much certainty.
Only in love with spirituality I await to be placed in my eternal abode, Which Allah has promised His servants.
He carries her to the infirmary to await an ambulance to take her for an X-ray.
AdvertisementAny plans to excavate a selected oval barrow would need to await the outcome of the initial study and the identification of suitable examples.
My second, as I saw a long black beard against a steel cuirass, was to halt and await him.
Further advances in the field await the development of safe, effective drugs that will enhance fibrinolysis.
My longing grows for you grows fierce, Breathlessly, I await you.
Tree buyers camped outside a shopping center hours before dawn on Saturday to await a shipment of 130 noble firs flown in from Oregon.
Their capacity to cope with the trials which await them in Malaysia will be seriously impaired.
Harsh penalties await any organization with an established duty of care that neglects these precautions.
It architecture was published in 1982, tho we still await publication of the finds which will clarify aspects of the dating.
It is laid into the ground to await the rebirth of the person into the next life.
In what more perfectly named village could a queen of whodunits await the resurrection?
All the way through The Sixth Sense you eagerly await revelation; shots of the depression pills and the cellar door demand explanation.
Wed 18th November - Took a day off work today to await installation of digital satellite.
It will join a few others in cold storage to await transportation to the show.
In spite of the fact that he was pursued by the armies of four Powers, he succeeded in reaching San Marino; but his force melted away and, after hiding in the marshes of Ravenna, he fled across the peninsula, assisted by nobles, peasants and priests, to the Tuscan coast, whence he reached Piedmont and eventually America, to await a new call to fight for Italy (see GARIBALDI).
As opposed to Jaures, he contended that the Socialists should co-operate actively with the Radicals in all matters of reform, and not stand aloof to await the complete fulfilment of their ideals.
The interpretation of this dialogue which first suggests itself is that the prophet is referring to wickedness within the nation, which is to be punished by the Chaldaeans as a divine instrument; in the process, the tyranny of the instrument itself calls for punishment, which the prophet is bidden to await in patient fidelity.
These teachers, genuinely touched with a sense of the scantiness of our knowledge, of our confidence in abstract terms, of the insecurity of our alleged "facts," case-histories and observations, alienated from traditional dogmatisms and disgusted by meddlesome polypharmacy - enlightened, moreover, by the issue of cases treated by means such as the homoeopathic, which were practically "expectant" - urged that the only course open to the physician, duly conscious of his own ignorance and of the mystery of nature, is to put his patient under diet and nursing, and, relying on the tendency of all equilibriums to recover themselves under perturbation, to await events (Vis medicatrix naturae).
In the English Mint the pyx is the chest in which are placed one coin from every 15 lb of newly coined gold and one from every 60 lb of newly coined silver to await the "trial of the pyx" (see Mint).
While advising Congress to " abstain from the introduction of those exciting topics of sectional character which have hitherto produced painful apprehensions in the public mind," he favoured the admission of California as a free state, and counselled the legislators to await the action of the people of New Mexico and Utah upon the slavery question.
They tell me that if the fox would remain in the bosom of the frozen earth he would be safe, or if he would run in a straight line away no foxhound could overtake him; but, having left his pursuers far behind, he stops to rest and listen till they come up, and when he runs he circles round to his old haunts, where the hunters await him.
Then we await the resurrection at the rapture of the church.
Fishing for the camera, I scuttled off across the ridge to await the sunrise.
I let the Montrose go (she is heading across toward Wemyss Bay) and await the tardy arrival of Saint Columba.
These now await a trial fit, the tongue & groove boarding for the vestibule ceiling has been cut.
Some of the best gifts you'll receive as you await the arrival of your baby are baby books.
One of the most exciting times you'll experience as you await the arrival of your baby is registering for gifts.
The choices that await you can be overwhelming, but if you follow the advice below for selecting and purchasing eyeshadow, you'll have your lids looking beautiful and striking in no time at all.
Skis from such popular manufacturers as Salomon, Burton, K2 and Fischer await you at ProPeak Sports.
Today, seven storage choices await music lovers.
Late and missed payment fees or higher interest rates may await you after the introductory period.
You will be surprised by the many options that await you!
By the grace of God my mother found it outside the nursery... in the hallway... on her way to the foyer to await the beginning of the ceremony!
The bridesmaids and my mother had left before me and were heading up the hall to the church foyer to await the beginning of the ceremony.
Children who celebrate Christmas eagerly await this holiday every year.
If you do decide to purchase vampire contact lenses, horror may await you in a different way than you intended if you don't handle them with care.
The announcement of a new Harry Potter theme park from Universal has led to tremendous excitement in the wizarding and muggle communities alike as eager fans await the opportunity to experience a truly magical theme park getaway.
When parks are closed and rides are quiet for the season, coaster fans can play roller coaster games for excitement and thrills while they await the newest attractions on opening day.
Islands of Adventure - If you're looking for thrill rides, head to Islands of Adventure, where coasters, water rides and 3-D attractions await.
Keep on reading and find out what other goodies await you in this weapon-filled battle for the ages.
Surprises await, but you have to find them first.
If you are ready to get some fresh air, then beautiful hiking trails in New York await both beginner and experienced hikers.
Are you willing to await an inspection from a competent appraiser before buying the house?
Prospective mortgage brokers must await the approval of their license before they are allowed to legally act as a mortgage broker within the state of Florida.
Vicki Iovine's The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy makes a great gift for pregnant women who need a humorous and candid guide to the changes that are happening as they await the birth of their child.
But for many couples, this does not depict their true feelings as they await the arrival of their baby.
The baby's heart rate brings a sigh of relief to every expectant parent, while health providers await the beat to ensure the baby's lungs and heart are growing and functioning properly.
A whopping 684 guest rooms await you at the San Francisco Airport Marriott, all of which come equipped with high speed Internet access, just a mile away from the airport.
Terrific eating and drinking opportunities await you in the nearby Mission and Castro neighborhoods.
Men the world over eagerly await the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition that comes out every year.
Every year, sports fans (and even those who don't care much about sports) eagerly await a certain sports magazine's swimsuit issue and Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition 2009 is no exception.
The substance lacks long term studies, and resveratrol supplements still await FDA approval.
Children can be excited and anxious on Christmas Eve as they await the arrival of Santa Claus, and watching Santa radar is a fun way for families to spend time together on a very special holiday night.
Whether you enjoy a cycling tour through the streets of Italy, an adventurous trek across the high lands, or a historic bus tour of Europe, single tour groups await.
You can also be prepared for certain pitfalls that may await your relationship and allow you to avoid or overcome any obstacles.
If, however, the seeker tags the hider before kicking the can or any of the hiders who are running to hide after the can is kicked, she must return to base to await another opportunity.
Some are perplexed why such a bad fate would await them, while others are determined to change their lives to avoid such a final ending.
Chanel devotees eagerly await the fall collections each year because they know this brand is going to showcase the latest in sexy fall shoes.
There, a terrific pair of wood Pirate clogs await.
Eight acres of cornfields carved into a challenging maze await tourists.
Over four hundred guest suites await lucky travelers.
And St. Mark's Square is surrounded by several intriguing shops, cafes, and boutiques that await your exploration.
Coverage is not instantaneous, however, so it is imperative that applicants await the arrival of their United Concordia identification cards in the mail prior to seeking dental care.
Seamed stockings are a seductive segue into the bedroom where even greater things await.
Covers of Velvet Underground songs, Beach Boys songs, and the best song by the Zombies ever await, so get to clicking.
Lots of free PSP music downloads await you!
This American Idol contestant walked away not only with the top prize on the show but also with a massive fan base who eagerly await his next moves.
They offer an atmosphere and food that kids already love, plus many include games run by staff members or allow children to play arcade or carnival-style games while they await food.
If the guests will mingle for more than an hour, plan to have easy party appetizers on hand for guests to munch on while they await the dinner.
Many unknown dangers and wonders await the crew of DS9, and the show never fails to explore those possibilities.
In the meantime, a host of episodes, movies and books await the eager explorer of the galaxy.
We await a review copy of this intriguing novel.
He didn't want to try to interpret the look or await her scathing return, not when he needed to find a place for them go to.
Rhyn leapt down from the tree a few meters in front of her and sat to await her as she slid and maneuvered the muddy trail.
He wouldn't await word from the Council but would warn his counselors and advisors to avoid Kisolm's planet.
They cannot await the results of another planting, A'Ran mused.
Did you await the signs?
The news caused the most widespread sensation, and public opinion in Italy was greatly agitated at what it regarded as an act of brigandage on the part of Austria, when Signor Tittoni in a speech at Carate Brianza (October 6th) declared that Italy might await events with serenity, and that these could find her neither unprepared nor isolated.
Although these and other phenomena cannot yet be safely placed in a historical frame, the methodical labours of past scholars have shed much light upon the obscurities of the exilic and post-exilic ages, and one must await the more comprehensive study of the two or three centuries which are of the first importance for biblical history and theology.
The great future that seemed to await the application of steam power to the tillage of the soil proved illusory.
It was cheaper to seize Louisiana than to await the settlement of doubtful points.
Its democracy obliterated the distinctions between rich and poor; slave and senator became subject to the same rule, eligible for the same honours, partook of the same communion, and were interred in the same type of sepulchre, to await the same resurrection.
The two opposing theories express at bottom, in the phraseology of their own time, the radical divergence of pantheism and individualism - the two extremes between which philosophy seems pendulum-wise to oscillate, and which may be said still to await their perfect reconciliation.
Most of the antiquities of Axum still await excavation; those that have been described consist mainly of obelisks, of which about fifty are still standing, while many more are fallen.
It would be rash, considering the buried treasures that may yet await the future explorer, to assert that such records as those in question can never come to light.
To ascertain the facts we must await the tabulation of the population by periods of life, and ascertain how many of the inhabitants of the United States of 7890 were under ten years of age."
McClellan lingered north of Richmond, despite President Lincoln's constant demand that he should "strike a blow" with the force he had organized and taken to the Yorktown peninsula in April, until General Lee had concentrated 73,000 infantry in his front; then the Federal commander, fearing to await the issue of a decisive battle, ended his campaign of invasion in the endeavour to "save his army"; and he so far succeeded that on July 3 he had established himself on the north bank of the James in a position to which reinforcements and supplies could be brought from the north by water without fear of molestation by the enemy.
Early in August Cornwallis retired to Yorktown to rest and await developments.
His editors have contented themselves with republishing his "Practical Works," and his ethical, philosophical, historical and political writings still await a competent editor.
Murad Bey attempted to resist, but was easily defeated; and he with Ibrahim decided to fly to Upper Egypt and await the trend of events.
The envoy brought a firmn confirming Mehemet Ali and ordering Khorshid to go to Alexandria, there to await further orders; but this he refused to do, on the ground that hI 1, he had been appointed by a hatt-i-sherff.
For this offence six leaders, headed by the Rev. John Wise, minister of the Chebacco Parish (now Essex), were prosecuted, found guilty, imprisoned for three weeks to await sentence and then disqualified for office; they were also fined from £15 to L50 each, and were required to give security for their good behaviour.
After the loss of a reconnoitring party sent south, Bartlett decided to await the return of daylight before making a move, but Murray, Forbes Mackay, Beuchat and a sailor, eager to attempt the journey, set off for the land, with Bartlett's permission but contrary to his advice.
The Afghan did not await his coming, but retired to his government of Tabriz.
According to his instructions he was merely to march to the Saxon frontier, and there await further orders from the estates; there seems, however, little doubt that he was secretly instructed to afford aid to the German Protestants.
After the inspector has finished his work the cars are resealed with the state seal, and await orders of the purchaser.
As usual, Two took up his place in the corner to await his master's orders.
The grilled pineapple with sauteed grapes and butterscotch ice cream and the white chocolate and passion fruit mousse will have to await another visit.
Not seeing any ducks, he hid his boat on the north or back side of an island in the pond, and then concealed himself in the bushes on the south side, to await them.
I shall await your most gracious permission here in hospital, that I may not have to play the part of a secretary rather than commander in the army.
But he had no time to utter the decisive word which the expression of his face caused his mother to await with terror, and which would perhaps have forever remained a cruel memory to them both.
So tell them that I shall await a reply till the tenth, and if by the tenth I don't receive news that they have all got away I shall have to throw up everything and come myself to Bald Hills.
To keep one another back, to breathe in that stifling atmosphere, to be unable to stir, and to await something unknown, uncomprehended, and terrible, was becoming unbearable.
About the middle of the Arbat Street, near the Church of the Miraculous Icon of St. Nicholas, Murat halted to await news from the advanced detachment as to the condition in which they had found the citadel, le Kremlin.
On reaching the bottom, Dolokhov told the Cossacks accompanying him to await him there and rode on at a quick trot along the road to the bridge.
And all he said--that it was necessary to await provisions, or that the men had no boots--was so simple, while what they proposed was so complicated and clever, that it was evident that he was old and stupid and that they, though not in power, were commanders of genius.
You also can forget about being put on hold as you await your bank balance.
Bridesmaids and my mother had left before me and were heading up the hall to the church foyer to await the beginning of the ceremony.
Women waiting for the arrival of a new baby eagerly await the signs of impending labor.
Homemade cheesecakes and four-layer cakes await those who have room for dessert.
Noodle bowls, stir fries and even more tempting treats await the hungry diners.
All Alexius had to do was to sit still, keep out of his father's way as much as possible and await the natural course of events.
It is usual to place a glass ball on a dark ground, to sit with the back to the light, to focus the gaze on the ball (disregarding reflections, if these cannot be excluded), and to await results.
The Sultan placed his troops under the veteran Mustapha, and his galleys under his youthful relative Piali, he hesitated to make either supreme and ordered them to await the arrival of Dragut with his Algerian allies, before deciding on their final plans.
It was accordingly arranged that Wellington and Blucher should await in Belgium the arrival of the Austrian and Russian masses on the Rhine, about July 1, before the general invasion of France was begun.
There can be scarcely any doubt as to the propriety of considering this genus the type of a separate family of Psittaci; but whether it stands alone or some other forms (Pezoporus or Geopsittacus, for example, which in coloration and habits present some curious analogies) should be placed with it, must await future determination.
When the ripening is perfected, the resting process must be aided by keeping the temperature in which they await the forcing process as low as each particular subject can bear.
She did not, and in the summer of 1884 Bismarck decided no longer to await her pleasure, and the south-west coast of Africa from the frontier of the Portuguese possessions to the Orange river, with the exception of Walfish Bay, was taken under German protection.
A letter from Gordon, dated the 4th of November and received on the 17th of November, stated that his steamers would await the expedition at Metemma, and added, We can hold out forty days with ease; after that it will be difficult.
The Vishnu Purana says, "The house-holder is to remain at eventide in his courtyard as long as it takes to milk a cow, or longer if he pleases, to await the arrival of a guest."
I moseyed out by the pool to await my wife's return.
As she did every day, she went to the table near his cluttered desk to await her blood draw and any other experiments he wanted to do.
She stepped into the hallway, unwilling to await a purposely slower-moving Romas, and touched the wall.
Her body had been cut free and moved to the downstairs to await a hearse from Montrose.
Taran drew a deep breath and steeled himself against what confrontation was certain to await him.
You have little time to await them, brother.
She wasn't going back in the cellar to await the psycho Other.
That event frustrated Grindal's proposed elevation to the episcopal bench and he did not consider himself bound to await the evils which he had foretold.
I'm already here and will await you.