Average cost Sentence Examples
The average cost of constructing an exchange circuit in the metropolitan area (including the installation of telephone instruments and of exchange apparatus, but excluding the provision of spare plant) has been £33.
The line was designed, surveyed and constructed by Turkish engineers - employing Ottoman navvies and labourers - in a highly efficient and economical manner, the average cost per mile having been £3230, although considerable engineering difficulties had to be overcome, especially in the construction of the Haifa branch.
The average cost per pupil in these schools was 35 s.
The average cost per student in the lyceum was 8, os.
The draining of the marshes around Pinsk was begun by the government in 1872, and by 1897 8,000,000 acres had been drained at an average cost of 3s.
The inland transit of goods is almost entirely on the backs of bulls carrying from 450 to 600 lb, on ponies carrying 200 ib, and on men carrying from l00 to 150 lb, bringing the average cost up to a fraction over 8d.
Third, what is the average cost of a decent meal at the university cafeterias?
The average cost to make these homes decent is £ 16,000 each, or some £ 43 billion in total.
Therefore, the average cost of preventing a fatality in the first year would be in the region of £ 6.5m.
The marginal cost curve must also intersect the average cost at its minimum.
AdvertisementThe average cost of maintaining an ordinary pauper was 5s.
The weekly average cost per head, for in-door paupers, including clothing, was 2s.
In 1909 the average cost of producing " plantation " rubber in Ceylon and Malaya.
The US Census data for 2002 shows the average cost of childcare across all groups as $95 a week.
Peruse catalogs featuring patio furniture to get an idea of what you like, as well as the average cost of specific items you're looking to purchase.
AdvertisementThe average cost for each vary, depending on location and use, and whether you are supplying power for a single, small home or for an entire neighborhood.
Since the average cost of a grid-intertied solar system is roughly $16,000, this would result in a complete repayment of the solar installation within three years.
All in all, that's a pretty average cost for a department store foundation/powder.
Currently, the average cost for tuition and fees at a four-year public college or university is $5,491, while private schools cost an average of $21,235 per year.
The average cost per unit is $130; however, the school awards over $1,160,000 in scholarships, grants, and deferred federal loans.
AdvertisementAs of the Fall 2010/Spring 2011 semesters, the average cost of an online MBA degree was more than $20,000, with minimum costs hovering around $10,000.
The average cost of a bachelor's degree varies depending on where the student attends.
The average cost of our pet insurance is about a dollar a day.
The average cost of getting a dog through his first year of life is around $1,500 dollars.
However, depending on the agency and its specialty, the average cost can run into the thousands.
AdvertisementThe average cost for this type of living arrangement can range from $75 per day on up.
A lower than average cost of living, moderate weather year round, and affordable housing make this historic city the retirement choice of many seniors that want a peaceful and quiet place to live.
The average cost is between $2,000 and $3,000.
The average cost here is about $20.00, as is the case with Imposter City.
Eyeglass Repair will fix your glasses with eyeglass replacement parts, with the average cost totaling $22.
The average cost of replacement of a major part, such as the lenses, is in the range of $22.
The average cost for frameless readers is less than $20.00 though in some cases you may find the price to be closer to $40.00 or even $50.00.
The average cost of Nintendo 64 games vary depending on what games you want and where you go to buy them.
Some gamers continue to use the system and if you are one of those people who want to know the average cost of Nintendo 64 games, you've come to the right place.
A final reason for wanting to know the average cost of Nintendo 64 games is simple curiosity.
The average cost is lower for used games than new games.
This is a good place to research the average cost of Nintendo 64 games.
Make sure the average cost of each shipment falls into your target area.
The average cost of a home in the Twin Cities is around $225,000, but there are homes in this location that cost far less and far more.
While each family's expenses vary, the average cost of having a baby can be calculated by counting the essentials.
In the end, you'll probably discover the average cost of having a baby is worthy of the outcome.
The average cost of the Little Tikes Endless Adventures PlayCenter Playground is $1,160.
The current average cost of an engagement ring varies depending on the source consulted, but most jewelers and industry experts estimate that couples are spending between $3,000 and $4,500 on an engagement ring in the United States.
That figure, however, can fluctuate for many reasons, and over time the average cost is increasing.
In addition to historical trends, several factors can affect engagement ring prices and therefore an average cost.
Modern rings are often larger and more intricate, dramatically increasing the average cost of engagement rings.
This also goes for embellishments such as engagement ring engraving and diamond ring wraps, which in turn raise the average cost.
According to Care.com, the average cost to employ a nanny ranges from $325.00 per week to more than $800 per week, depending on the nanny's age and experience and the area of the country in which you live.
Cost Helper reports an average cost of preschool at between $3,800 and $10,900 plus admissions fees, application fees and other additional charges.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, which calculates the average cost of raising children, as of 2008, daycare costs account for 16 percent of the total cost spent on raising a child.
On the other hand, childcare tax credits, employer reimbursement, or accounts that allow you to pay for childcare with pre-tax dollars can lower your average cost.
If you have more children, your average cost for the second child may be slightly lower, since many daycare providers offer a discounted rate for the second child.
According to the NACCRRA, the average cost of before-and-after school care for a school age child in a daycare center ranges from $2160.00 in Mississippi to $10,719.00 in Hawaii.
A 2009 study from America's Health Insurance Plans pegs the average cost of health insurance annually for someone under the age of 18 at $1,350 compared to $5,755 for those between the ages of 60 and 64.
Your family may never know the difference, and at an average cost of $2 per pound, tofu can be a more cost effective option than many ground meats.
These income guidelines are then adjusted based on the average cost of living where the applicant lives.
The average cost of this sneaker is about $150.00 US.
They run about 20 USD, which seems to be the average cost.
The average cost is about $80, so they aren't terribly expensive for what you get.
The average cost for a pair is $49, so a discount can make a big difference.
Whether online, over the phone or in person, being knowledgeable about what printers are out there, their average cost and what you need makes it easier for you to purchase one.
In 2009, the average cost of a new car was $26,249.
It is also slightly more expensive than the Genesis, at an average cost of 75 US dollars.
Getting married is a major event, and since the average cost of tying the knot in the United States is approximately $27,000, it makes sense to buy affordable protection to guard against loss.
The calculator uses an average cost per square foot for construction in the event that your entire home has to be rebuilt worse case.
An average cost for monthly website hosting is around $10 to $20 a month for a single website.