Average Sentence Examples
Our kind tend to live much longer than the average human.
She was of above average height with long, dark blonde curls loosely captured at her neck.
It has a length of 52 m., and an average width of 1 2 m.
What are their average salaries?
I'm of above average height by an inch and above average weight by ten pounds.
Just half a century ago, Americans on average spent more than 20 percent of their income on food.
But Josh wasn't the average man.
On the other hand, if you take the forty richest countries, each person earns on average around $33,000.
Even so, he managed to communicate better than the average person, and when he did say something, it was generally well thought out.
So, let's say on average the pan is worth $2,000 to everyone who uses it—all the way from the people who just think it is "cool" to the people who it saves from food poisoning to the people whose lives and houses it saves.
AdvertisementThe rainfall of New South Wales ranges from an annual average of 64 in.
The thermal effect of the aldehyde group has the average value 64.88 calories, i.e.
That would average over three SMS messages per day per person on the planet.
I don't know how you keep such a high grade average.
The result, if considered alone, inevitably leads to an underestimate of the average amplitude of the regular diurnal variation.
AdvertisementThe basal plain of these terraces is the bed of the ocean, which on the Pacific side has an average depth of 15,000 ft.
The coastal districts average about 42 in.
The average value for the carboxyl group is 119.75 calories, i.e.
The thermal effect of the ether group has an average value of 34.3 1 calories.
The original drawings for this map had to be done with exceptional neatness, the draughtsman spending twelve months on that which he would have completed in four months had it been intended to engrave the map on copper; yet an average chart, measuring 530 by 630 mm., which would have taken two years and nine months for drawing and engraving, was completed in less than fifteen months - fifty days of which were spent in " retouching " the copper plate.
AdvertisementYet I have no doubt that that people's rulers are as wise as the average of civilized rulers.
I mean, look at Alex and I. We're both short, and both Mom and Dad were average height.
Near Seathwaite, below Styhead Pass, the largest annual rainfall in the British Isles is recorded, the average (1870-1899) being 133.53 in., while 173.7 was measured in 1903 and 243.98 in.
Besides, how would I look if all my people were average?
The average area occupied by it in the years from 1896 to 1905 was 1,043,000 acres, the total average production being 262,364,000 cwt.
AdvertisementThe decrease in the annual average production of cocoons is shown in the preceding table.
The preceding table shows the average output of the chief coal-groups for the years 1901-1905 inclusive.
The table below gives the average production of zinc, argentiferous lead, iron-pyrites and other ores during the quinquennial period 1901f 905.
Salt, &c.Rock-salt is worked chiefly in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle,which produces more than half the average annual product of salt.
Metallurgy.The average production and value of iron and steel manufactured in France in the last four decades of the I 9th century is shown below Cast Iron.
A permanent body (the commission permanente des valeurs) fixes the average prices of the Imporis.
The average value of the principal articles of import and export (special trade) over quinquennial periods following 1890 is shown in the two tables below.
The terrace closest to the land, known as the continental shelf, has an average depth of 600 ft., and connects Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania in one unbroken sweep. Compared with other continents, the Australian continental shelf is extremely narrow, and there are points on the eastern coast where the land plunges down to oceanic depths with an abruptness rarely paralleled.
The range is here called the Muniong, but farther north it receives the name of Monaro Range; the latter has a much reduced altitude, its average being only about 2000 feet.
The higher steppes, as far as they are known, consist of Ordovician and Cambrian rocks, with an average elevation of 1500 to 3000 ft.
Besides state schools there were 2145 private schools, with 7825 teachers and 137,000 scholars, the average number of scholars in attendance being 120,000.
Average Weekly Cash Wages of ordinary Agricultural Labourers employed on certain Farms in England and Wales.
The benefits attaching to membership and the number of the members were increased during the Empire, when the average number somewhat exceeded thirty thousand.
The success of Bonaparte in reorganizing France may be ascribed to his determined practicality and to his perception of the needs of the average man.
The average elevation of the state above the sea is about 850 ft., but extremes vary from 425 ft.
The till plains of north-western Ohio are drained chiefly by the Maumee and Sandusky rivers, with their tributaries, and the average fall of the Maumee is only 1.1 ft.
The average annual fall of snow is about 37 in.
The average size of the farms decreased from 125.2 acres in 1850 to 99.2 acres in 1880 and 88.5 acres in 1900.
But the average of two presi dential votes was 85.37%; and the maxima, minima and means for mayors and governors were respectively 83.86, 74.99, 78.36 and 8 4.73, 61.7 8, 75.7 2.
The average yearly expenditure for ten years preceding 1904 was $27,354,416.
The running expenses per capita in 1900 were $35.23; more than twice the average of 86 leading cities of the country (New York, $23.92; Chicago, $11.62).
The average interest rate on the city obligations in 1907 was about 3.7%.
Egyptian cotton in length of staple is intermediate between average Sea Island and average Upland.
Three to four inches of rain per month is the average.
It seems to make little difference exactly what distance they are, so long as they are not wider apart on average land than i ft.
The picking season will average ioo days.
There is in the cotton states a rural population of over 7,000,000, more or less occupied in cottongrowing, and capable, at the low average of ioo lb a day, of picking daily nearly 50o,000 bales.
The average yield of lint per " saw " in the United States, when working under perfect conditions, is about 6 lb per hour.
Some of the American ginners are very large indeed, a number (Bulletin of the Bureau of the Census on Cotton Production) being reported as containing on the average 1 156 saws with an average production of 4120 bales of cotton.
Using average prices paid for nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash when bought in large quantities and in good forms, these ingredients, in a ton of cotton seed, amount to $9.00 worth of fertilizing material.
The hulls thus burned produced an ash containing an average of 9% of phosphoric acid and 24% of potash - a very valuable fertilizer in itself, and one eagerly sought by growers of tobacco and vegetables.
The boll worm is most destructive in the south-western states, where the damage done is said to vary from 2 to 60% of the crop. Taking a low average of 4%, the annual loss due to the pest is estimated at about 1 - 2,500,000, and it occupies second place amongst the serious cotton pests of the U.S.A. The boll worm is widely spread through the tropical and temperate zones.
The table indicates the chief cottonproducing islands, the acreage in each, yield, average value per pound and total value of the crop in 1905-1906.
Up to the year 1885 there was an average yearly export equivalent to about 2140 bales of 500 lb, after which date the export practically ceased.
Now, however, ginning is a distinct business, and one gin willserve on an average about thirty farmers.
It is sometimes assumed that this is measured perfectly by the standard deviation,' which is obtained by taking the squares of the differences between the average and the individual prices, summing them and extracting the square root.
Now frequency of movement, average daily price variation, and range of price movements are matters of fundamental importance to the public. Hence for practical purposes we require several kinds of measurement of price movements, and it is impossible to weigh exactly the one against the other in respect of importance.
The points just noted apply also to the average fluctuation and the standard deviation, but it is probable in these cases that daily or even weekly quotations would be sufficient to yield the information sought for with sufficient exactness for purposes of comparison.
Average Quantities of Raw Cotton imported Annually into the United Kingdom from the following Countries in the Periods 1896-1900 and 1901-1904.
He assumes that in what is considered a good producing district the amount of petroleum which can be obtained from a cubic foot of rock would not be more than a gallon, and that the average thickness of the oil-bearing rock would not exceed 5 ft.
The average annual rainfall is about 30 in.
Some 60,000 Basuto (annual average) find employment outside the Territory, more than half of whom seek farm and domestic service.
Seven-eighths of the revenue comes from the hut tax and customs. The average annual revenue for the five years 1901-1905 was £96,880; the average annual expenditure £69,559.
There are over zoo schools, with an average attendance exceeding io,000.
The average elevation of the surface of the state above the sea-level is less than that of any other state except Louisiana, but there is not the monotony of unbroken level which descriptions and maps often suggest.
As the number of farms increased faster than the cultivated area from 1850 to 1900, the average size of farms declined from 444 acres in 1860 to 140 in 1880 and to 106.9 in 190o, the largest class of farms being those with an acreage varying from 20 to 50 acres.
In 1907 the average farm prices of tobacco was 45 cents per lb higher than that of any other state.
The average annual rainfall is 33 in.
Milwaukee River remains closed on an average for one hundred days - from the beginning of December to the middle of March.
The average date of the opening and closing of navigation at the strait of Mackinac, where the ice remains longest, is the 17th of April and the 9th of January respectively.'
The principal crop is Bermuda onions; in 1909 it was estimated that 150o acres in the vicinity were devoted to this crop, the average yield per acre being about 20,000 lb.
The average annual rainfall on the north-east coast, at the foot of El Yunque Mountain, is 120 in.
At San Juan the average annual rainfall is about 55 in.; nearly two-thirds of this falls from J une to November inclusive.
There were over 39,000 farms, nearly all of them small, and the average number of acres cultivated on each was not more than fifteen.
The average daily attendance in the public schools increased from 47,277 in 1906-1907 to 74,522 in 1908-1909.
In the latter division are comprised the two Vindhyan districts of Saugor and Damoh, Jubbulpore at the head of the Nerbudda valley, and the four Satpura districts of Mandla, Seoni, Betul and Chhindwara, which enjoy, owing to their greater elevation, a distinctly lower average temperature than the rest of the province.
During 1897 the death-rate for the whole province rose to sixty-nine per thousand, or double the average, while the birth-rate fell to twenty-seven per thousand.
It therefore appears that the difference between the heats of combustion of two adjacent members of a series of homologous compounds is practically a constant, and that this constant has two average values, viz.
The average value for primary alcohols is 44.67 cal., but many large differences from this value obtain in certain cases.
Agriculture is better conducted than in most of the departments of France, and the average yield per acre is greater.
The whole region is characterized by a remarkable degree of physical uniformity, and may be broadly described as a vast plateau of an average elevation of 3000 ft., bounded westwards by the Ethiopian and Galla highlands and northwards by an inner and an outer coast range, skirting the south side of the Gulf of Aden in its entire length from the Harrar uplands to Cape Guardafui.
On an average the coast-belt temperatures are some 10 0 higher than those of the plateau.
The Midgan, who are of slightly shorter stature than the average Somali, are the most numerous of these peoples.
The average annual rainfall at Berbera is about 8 in., and more than half of this amount has fallen in one day.
Bryan Edwards estimated the total import into all the British colonies of America and the West Indies from 1680 to 1786 at 2,130,000, being an annual average of 20,095.
There are several hundreds under 5 acres, but the average holding runs from 5 to 20 acres.
The average rainfall does ndt exceed 35 in.
The boundary line follows the crest of the principal chain or ridge (Riesenkamm), which stretches along the northern side of the group, with an average height of over 4000 ft.
Its breadth along the Mississippi within Louisiana ranges from to to 50 or 60 m., and that along the Red river and the Ouachita has an average breadth of to m.
The size of the average farm decreased in the two preceding decades from 171.3 to 95.4 acres.
Cereals and forage plants can be successfully grown everywhere, and varied and profitable agriculture is possible even on the " pine-barrens " or uplands of the N.; but more intelligent and more intensive farming is necessary than that practised by the average " pineywoods " farmer.
The salaries of white teachers advanced from a monthly average of $38.87 in 1903 to $61.84 in 1906.
The average attendance of enrolled black and white pupils is practically identical, but the enrolment of whites (about 52% in 1902) is somewhat higher and that of the blacks about a third lower than their ratio in the population.
The average size of a farm in 1899 was 143 acres.
In 1904-1906 the yearly average sent to the United States was 234,063,652 cigars, 29,776,429 lb of leaf and 14,203,571 packages of cigarettes.
In the quinquennial period 1890-1894 (immediately preceding the War of Independence) the average yearly commerce of the island in and out was $86,875,663 with the United States; and $28,161,726 with Spain.'
The average of settlement per square mile varied from 169.7 in Havana province to 11.8 in Camaguey, and was 46.4 for all of Cuba; the percentage of urban population (in cities, that is, with more than 1000 inhabitants) in the different provinces.
In the last days of Spanish rule (1894), there were 904 public and 704 private schools, and not more than 60,000 pupils enrolled; in 1900 there were 3550 public schools with an enrolment of 172,273 and an average attendance of 123,362.
There has been a great change in the budget of Cuba since the advent of the Republic. In 1891-1896 the average annual income was $20,738,930, the annual average expenditure $ 2 5,9 6 7, 1 39.
Of the expenditure more than ten million dollars annually went for the public debt, 5.5 to 6 millions for the army and navy, as much more for civil administration (including more than two millions for purely Peninsular services with which the colony was burdened); and on an average probably one million more went for sinecures.
The average annual value of imports is somewhat over £300,000, and of exports £200,000.
The line was designed, surveyed and constructed by Turkish engineers - employing Ottoman navvies and labourers - in a highly efficient and economical manner, the average cost per mile having been £3230, although considerable engineering difficulties had to be overcome, especially in the construction of the Haifa branch.
The budget of Eyubi Effendi is particularly interesting as giving the statement of revenue and expenditure for an average year, whereas the budget of Ainy-Ali was a budget of expenditure only, and even in this respect the budget of Eyubi Effendi is far more detailed and complete.
The arrears in civil and military salaries average annually about £T1,750,000.
The only exception made to this rule was in the case of revenues showing a yearly increase, such as Post Office revenue, tobacco, salt, for which were taken the figures of 1323 (1907) increased by a certain average."
Table A gives the produce of the revenues in 1881-1882, the last year of the administration of the " Galata Bankers," the average product of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth quinquennial periods since the public council was established, and of the year 1907-1908.
He himself tried versification, and some of his lines which have come down to us appear quite equal to the average work of his contemporaries.
He had much territory to occupy, and in the long march of on an average 85 days, he considered that they could be organized, equipped and drilled en route.
The mountainous tract has probably an average altitude of between 6000 and 7000 ft., with a temperate climate and regular rainfall, and is fertile and populous.
In the city's six bath houses the average number of baths per day, per house, in 1906, was 1165.
It has an average height of over 1 i,000 ft., whereas the loftiest peaks in Algeria do not exceed 8000 ft., and the highest in Tunisia are under 6000 ft.
For instance, Ryder found that the Upernivik glacier had an average velocity of only 33 ft.
The average number of seals killed annually is about 33,000.1 The 1 Owing to representations of the Swedish government in 1874 as to the killing of seals at breeding time on the east coast of Greenland, and the consequent loss of young seals left to die of starvation, the Seal Fisheries Act 1875 was passed in England to provide for the establishment of a close time for seal fishery in the seas in question.
The point of this leading shoot is subsequently pinched off, that it may not draw away too much of the sap. If the fruit sets too abundantly, it must be thinned, first when as large as peas, reducing the clusters, and then when as large as nuts to distribute the crop equally; the extent of the thinning must depend on the vigour of the tree, but one or two fruits ultimately left to each square foot of wall is a full average crop. The final thinning should take place after stoning.
The average elevation is about 1275 ft.
About the time of the maxima there must be a longer tidal range (that is, a greater rise and fall than the average); the difference between neap tides and spring tides will also be increased, and as results of these conditions there must be great tidal floods breaking over lowlying coasts and producing extensive denudation.
In 1881-1890, on an average they numbered 90,000 a year (of whom 60,000 proceeded to the United States).
On the view of the process of conduction described above, the amount of electricity conveyed per second is measured by the product of the number of ions, known from the concentration of the solution, the charge carried by each of them, and the velocity with which, on the average, they move through the liquid.
The concentration is known, and the conductivity can be measured experimentally; thus the average velocity with which the ions move past each other under the existent electromotive force can be estimated.
The yield of rubber varies, but it is stated on an average to be Io lb of rubber per tree, and if carefully tapped one tree will yield this amount for many years in succession.
The tree is ready for tapping at about the same age as Hevea and the average yield of rubber is about the same.
The former becomes narrower and barely attains an average altitude of 3200 ft.
In the case of the peasants the allotments vary on an average from 32 to 102 acres (in some cases from 21.6 to 240 acres); the Transbaikal Cossacks have about 111 acres per male head, and the indigenous population 108 to 154 acres.
The southern parts of Tobolsk, nearly all the government of Tomsk (exclusive of the Narym region), southern Yeniseisk and southern Irkutsk, have in an average year a surplus of grain varying from 35 to 40% of the total crop, but in bad years the crop falls short of the actual needs of the population.
As nearly as can be estimated, the total imports into Siberia amount approximately to £5,000,000, the amount having practically doubled between 1890 and 1902; the total exports average about £9,000,000.
An average price for cut sheets of all sizes is about 4s.
The average elevation of the province is considerable, and the maximum height (6593 ft.) is reached in the Pena Trevinca on the eastern border of Orense.
The height of the river at Lechlade is 237 ft., the average fall between Lechlade and London, 1434 m., being rather less than 20 in.
The average gaugings at Teddington for the summer months of the years 1883 to 1900 were in July 413,000,000 gallons a day, in August 395,000,000 gallons, and in September 375,000,000 gallons.
Casuistry came to the aid of average human nature - that is to say, pupils began to confront the master with hard cases taken from daily life.
Parshall quotes tests of six samples of iron, described as of good quality, which showed an average hysteresis loss of 3070 ergs per c.cm.
If, however, this non-magnetic substance is cooled to a temperature a few degrees below freezing-point, it becomes as strongly magnetic as average cast-iron (µ = 62 for H = 40), and retains its magnetic properties indefinitely at ordinary temperatures.
A portion of the estate, equal in size to the average holdings, is left to the owner, without, however, the proviso that this portion must necessarily coincide with the administrative centre, the manor or family house.
The churches retain land not exceeding the average size of a holding, including the buildings.
The average annual value of the imports for the years 1901-1905 was X23,926,000 (L22,287,000 for 1896-1900), of exports £6,369,000 (4,48r,000 for 1896-1900).
The average grotto held from fifty to a hundred persons.
The greatest elevation is on its eastern or Atlantic margin where the average is about 3280 ft.
The northern and western parts of this plateau have an average elevation a little less than that of the Atlantic margin, and their slopes are toward the south and east, those of Goyaz and Matto Grosso being abrupt and deeply eroded.
The average rainfall throughout the whole Amazon valley is estimated by Reclus as " probably in excess of 2 ' metres " (78.7 in.), and the maximum rise of the great flood is about 45 ft.
The returns also show a total of 3,038,500 domiciles outside the federal capital, which gives an average of 5.472 to the domicile.
The tree has an average height of 12-13 ft., begins bearing five years after planting, requires little attention beyond occasional irrigation, bears two crops a year (June and December), and produces well until it is forty years of age - the yield being from 490 to 600 lb per acre of 100 trees.
In the extreme north of Upper Burma the rainfall is rather less than in the country adjoining Rangoon, and in the dry zone the annual average falls as low as 20 and 30 in.
Attached to the university are four residential colleges at which the number of students average two thousand.
If the distribution of the thrust is not uniform, as, for instance, on a vertical or inclined face or wall of a reservoir, then P/A represents the average pressure over the area; and the actual pressure at any point is the average pressure over a small area enclosing the point.
Thus water being about Boo times denser than air and mercury 13.6 times denser than water, k/h = 6,/p = 800 X 13.6 = Io,880; (2) and with an average barometer height of 30 in.
The atmospheric pressure is thus due to an average head of 30 in.
The average rainfall is about 372 inches.
A tree may yield 3 gallons of juice a day and continue flowing for six weeks; but on an average only about 4 lb of sugar are obtained from each tree, 4 to 6 gallons of sap giving 1 lb of sugar.
The sap is drawn off from the upper growing portion of the stem, and altogether an average tree will run in a season 350 lb of toddy, from which about 35 lb of raw sugar - jaggery - is made by simple and rude processes.
At the present day, thanks to the careful study of many years, the improvements of cultivation, the careful selection of seed and suitable manuring, especially with nitrate of soda, the average beet worked up contains 7% of fibre and 93% of juice, and yields in Germany 12.79% and in France 11.6% of its weight in sugar.
The average weight per acre was over 252 tons, and the mean percentage of pure sugar in the juice exceeded Isl.
When, in April 1908, Mr Asquith became premier, and Mr Lloyd George chancellor of the exchequer, the sugar convention The world's trade in cane and beet sugar in tons avoirdupois at decennial periods from 1840 to 1870, inclusive, and yearly from 1871 to 1901 inclusive, with the percentage of beet sugar and the average price per cwt.
The cane and beet sugar crops of the world for 1909-1910, with the average of the crops fdr the seven preceding years from 1902-1903.
The method introduced by Dyer of dissolving out the mineral constituents of the soil with a i% solution of citric acid, which represents about the average acidity of the roots of most common plants, yields better results.
Without a sufficient supply plants remain stunted and the crop yield is seriously reduced, as we see in dry seasons when the rainfall is much below the average.
In the case of fair average farm crops it has been shown that for the production of one ton of dry matter contained in them from 300 to 500 tons of water has been absorbed and utilized by the plants.
In the semi-arid regions of the United States, Argentina and other countries where the average annual rainfall lies between ioa to 20 in., irrigation is necessary to obtain full crops every year.
The average yield per acre in the States as a whole in 1906 was 857.2 lb.
New Hampshire had the highest average, 1785 lb per acre, and Mississippi the lowest, 440 Ib.
During recent years the average value of the product has fallen, due apparently to deterioration in'quality.
The material as mined will probably not average over 10 per cent.
They yield yearly an average of 80,000 lb of silver and 1900 tons of lead.
The average annual rainfall is about 60 in., September being the wettest month.
In the interior of northern and central Arabia, however, where the average level of the country exceeds 3000 ft., the fiery heat of the summer days is followed by cool nights, and the winter climate is fresh and invigorating; while in the highlands of Asir and Yemen in the south-west, and of Oman in the east, the summer heat is never excessive, and the winters are, comparatively speaking, cold.
In the Tehama occasional showers fall during the winter months; at Aden the average rainfall for the year is 2.97 in., but during 1904 only 0.5 in.
By these magnificent works of regulation the new bed was brought nearer to the town, and the new river channel has an average width of 915 ft.
It stretches inland for an average distance of 40 m., and measures about 225 m.
The average length is about 300 m., and the average breadth 150 m.; consequently the area may be estimated at 50,000 sq.
The average elevation of this country is about 2000 ft.
The rainfall in the first geographical division is pretty constant, and may reach a yearly average of about 22 in.
Over the second and third divisions the rainfall is less constant, and its yearly average may not exceed 17 in.
Perhaps if an average could be struck it would amount to 9 or ro in.
It is certain that, in the general average, year after year, the force with which Mercury is drawn toward the sun does vary from the exact inverse square of its distance from the sun.
Callao (q.v.) is a noteworthy exception, and Paita and Pisco are something more than the average coast village.
The average, however, for the whole of the city is 126 per acre, or 80,640 per sq.
The average heights are from 80 to 40 m.
In the rich display of the 12th of November 1833, the average distance of the particles was computed as about 15 m., in that of the 27th of November 1885 as about 20 m., and in that of the 27th of November 1872 as about 35 m.
It may be described as a flat, open country, hemmed in by mountains on the north, west and south, but opening eastwards on to the great plain of the Carnatic; the average height of the plain above sea-level is about 900 ft.
The number of farms remained about the same-5385 in 1850 and 5498 in 1900; but the average area decreased from 102.9 acres to 82.9 acres.
The average value of farms increased from in 1850 to $4909 in 1900.
The average number of employes in 1850 was 20,967; in 1890, 81,111; and in 1 The 1905 census of manufactures gives statistics only for establishments under the factory system, excluding the hand trades, and gives factory statistics for 1905 and for 1900.
On the other hand, the average depth of the Japan Sea is only 1200 fathoms, and its maximum depth is 3200.
Thus in the thirteen years ending in 1897that is to say, the first period when really scientific apparatus for recording purposes was availableshe was visited by no fewer than 17,750 shocks, being an average of something over 33/4 daily.
In the capital (Tokyo) the average yearly number of shocks throughout the 26 years ending in 1906 was 96, exclusive of minor vibrations, hut during the 50 years then ending there were only two severe shocks (i8S4 and 1894), and they were not directly responsible for any damage to life or limb.
Whereas in Tokyo the number of frosty nights during a year does not average much over 60, the corresponding number in Sapporo on the north-west of Yezo is 145.
Japan is emphatically a wet country so far as quantity of rainfall is concerned, the average for the whole country being 1570 mm.
They come from tile adjacent continent of Asia, and they de- Wind velop considerable strength owing to the fact that there is an average difference of some 22 mm.
A comparison of the force habitually developed by the wind in various parts of the islands shows that at Suttsu in Yezo the average strength is 9 metres per second, while Izuhara in the island Tsu-shima, Kumamoto in KiOshi and Gifu in the east centre of the main island stand at the bottom of the list with an average wind velocity of only 2 metres.
The meteorological record for ten years ended 1905 shows a total of 120 typhoons, being an average of 12 annually.
The total loss, including cost of repairs, was estimated at nearly 3 millions sterling, which may be regarded as an annual average.
The number of houses in Japan at the end of 1903, when the census was last taken, was 8,725,544, the average number of inmates in each house being thus 5.5,
Thus the average height of the Japanese male is only 5 ft.
Finally, there is marked paucity of hair on the face of the average Japaneseapart from the Ainuand what hair there is is nearly always straight.
In support of that theory it is pointed out that the average Japanese, man or woman, will recount a death or some other calamity in his own family with a perfectly calm, if not a smiling, face.
Whatever may be said of the upper class, it is probably true that the average Japanese will not sacrifice expediency on the altar of truth.
The average Japanese may be said to live without artificial heat; his paper doors admit the light but do not exclude the cold.
Their vivid realism appealed strongly to the taste of the average foreigner.
A majority of the artists are content to copy old pictures of Buddhas sixteen disciples, the seven gods of happiness, and other similar assemblages of mythical or historical personages, not only because such work offers large opportunity for the use of striking colors and the production of meretricious effects, dear to the eye of the average Western householder and tourist, but also because a complicated design, as compared with a simple one, has the advantage of hiding the technical imperfections of the ware.
The average speed of passenger trains in Japan is 18 m.
To say that this represented an average Nationalof 91 m.
The average height of adults is from 4 ft.
However, although they run very swiftly, when their size and heavy build is considered, they are no match for an average good horse.
The average number of passengers between Dover and Calais for the years 1902-1906 inclusive was 315,012.
The average elevation of the Sierra Madre within the state is slightly under 5500 ft.
The rains usually begin at the end of June and last till the middle of September; average annual rainfall, 55 in.
The average fall from Allahabad to Benares is 6 in.
The Greek mina weights show (44), on an average of 37,9650 (= stater of 193), varying from 186 to.
At Athens it was 2 x 4900, and on the average of all the Greek weights it is 2 x 4825, so that 4950 -- the libra -- is as close as we need expect.
In the Libra, as in most other standards, the value which happened to be first at hand for the coinage was not the mean of the whole of the weights in the country; the Phoenician coin weight is below the trade average, the Assyrian is above, the Aeginetan is below, but the Roman coinage is above the average of trade weights, or the mean standard.
Rejecting all weights of the lower empire, the average (44) of about l00 is 4956; while 42 later Greek weights (nomisma, &c.) average 4857, and 16 later Latin ones (solidus, &c.) show 4819.
Countries whose average income is $1,500 tax at 20 percent.
China pulled out all the stops, dividing its farmland into about twenty-five thousand collective farms with an average of five thousand households each.
Stout, about the average height, broad, with huge red hands; he did not know, as the saying is, how to enter a drawing room and still less how to leave one; that is, how to say something particularly agreeable before going away.
The prices are a bit higher than what you'd expect to pay at an average burger joint...but then again, these aren't your average burgers.
The number 30 stands obviously in connexion with the thirty days as the average extent of his course until he stands again in conjunction with the sun.
On an average day in this part of the peninsula the temperature in a European house ranged from 88° to 68°.
The average number of weeks in the "legal schools" (about 95% of the public schools) was 32 weeks in 1907-1908.
There is no doubt that under average conditions of atmospheric density, the .005 should be replaced by 003, for many independent authorities using different methods have found values very close to this last figure.
In cases where the density of the air is not of average value, as on a high mountain, or with an exceptionally low barometer for example, an allowance must be made.
In the experiment imagined by Lord Rayleigh a porous diaphragm takes the place of the partition and trap-doors imagined by Clerk Maxwell, and the molecules sort themselves automatically on account of the difference in their average velocities for the two gases.
The limit of speed of lift of hand cranes has already been mentioned; for steam jib cranes average practice is represented by the.
It was about one-tenth of the average value.
The husbandman was bound to carry out the proper cultivation, raise an average crop and leave the field in good tilth.
The average speed is obtained very accurately from solar and stellar observations for the position of the ship. The difference between the speed of the ship and the rate of paying out gives the amount of.
In the period from 1855 to 1868 the number of messages carried annually by all the telegraph companies of the United Kingdom increased from 1,017,529 to 5,781,989, or an average annual increase of 16.36 per cent.
During this period the Electric Telegraph Company's average receipts per message fell from 4s.
The Belgian state telegraphs were started in 1850 and were at first very profitable, but for the years 1866-9 they yielded an average profit of only 2.8 per cent., and subsequently failed to earn operating expenses, the reasons for the steady decline of the profits being the opening of relatively unprofitable lines and offices, increases in wages, and a diminution in growth of the foreign and transit messages which had constituted the most profitable part of the whole business.
In 1868 there were in France over 300 telegraph offices whose average receipts did not exceed 8 per annum.
The average perpendicular distance between the two lines, which are roughly parallel, is 2.8 m.
By stretching on the island and mainland parallel wire circuits earthed at each end, good telephonic communication over an average distance of 62 m.
The Postmaster-General agreed also to buy the private wire plant of the company at a value based upon three years' purchase of the net profits on the average of the three years ending 31st of December 1911.
The average cost of constructing an exchange circuit in the metropolitan area (including the installation of telephone instruments and of exchange apparatus, but excluding the provision of spare plant) has been £33.
The Po itself, which is here a very large stream, with an average width of 400 to 600 yds., continues to flow with an undivided mass of waters as far as Sta Maria di Ariano, where it parts into two arms, known as the Po di Maestra and Po di Goro, and these again are subdivided into several other branches, forming a delta above 20 m.
This mountainous tract, which has an average breadth of from 50 to 60 m., is bounded west by the plain of Campania, now called the Terra di Lavoro, and east by the much broader and more extensive tract of Apulia or Puglia, composed partly of level plains, but for the most part of undulating downs, contrasting strongly with the mountain ranges of the Apennines, which rise abruptly above them.
The average expectation of life at birth for the same period was 52 years and II months, 62 years and 2 months at the age of three years, 52 years at the age of fifteen, 44 years at the age of twenty-four, 30 years at the age of forty; while the average period of life, which was 35 years 3 months per individual in 1882, was 43 yearf per individual in 1901.
This shows a considerable improvement, largely, but not entirely, in the diminution of infant mortality; the expectation of life at birth in 1882, it is true, was only 33 years and 6 months, and at three years of age 56 years I month; but the increase, both in the expectation of life and in its average duration, goes all through the different ages.
The vine is cultivated throughout the length and breadth of Italy, but while in some of the districts of the south and centre it occupies from 10 to 20% of the cultivated area, in some of the northern provinces, such as Sondrio, Belluno, Grosseto, &c., the average is only about I or 2% The methods of cultivation are varied; but the planting of the vines by themselves in long rows of insignificant bushes is the exception.
The exportation in I902 only reached about 45 million gallons (and even that is double the average), while an equally abundant vintage in France and Spain rendered the exportation of the balance of 1907 impossible, and fiscal regulations rendered the distillation of the superfluous amount difficult.
During the period 1900190 the average annual production of silk cocoons was 53,500 tons, an of silk 5200 tons.
The average production is about i8o,ooo hectolitres per annum.
It is estimated that the total production of the finer wares amounts on the average to 400,000 per annum.
The average mortality under one year for the whole of Italy in 1893I 896 was only 16-66%.
The Italian parishes had in 1901 a total gross revenue, including assignments from the public worship endowment fund, of 1,280,000 or an average of 63 per parish; 51% of this gross sum consists of revenue from glebe lands.
The Italian sees (exclusive of Rome and of the suburbicarian sees) have a total annual revenue of 206,000 equal to an average of 800 per see.
The high average in Sardinia is chiefly due to cases within the competence of the conciliation offices.
The peace strength under the new scheme is nominally 300,000, but actually (average throughout the year) about 240,000.
On an average Italian landowners pay nearly 25% of their revenues from land in government and local land tax.
After being depressed between 5885 and 1894, the prices in Italy and abroad reached, in 1899, on the Rome Stock Exchange, the average 01 100.83 and of 94.8 on the Paris Bourse.
Unfortunately, the new survey was made largely optional, so that provinces which had reasor to hope for a diminution of land tax under a revised assessment hastened to complete their survey, while others, in which the average of the land tax was below a normal assessment, neglected to comply with the provisions of the scheme.
When we recollect the empiricist starting-point of science, it is curious to observe with what vehemence the average man of science now rejects free will.
The average height of males is 4 ft.
Iwanzov [27] has brought forward strong grounds for the latter view, pointing out that the cnidoblast has no contractile mechanism and that measurements show discharged capsules to be on the average slightly larger than undischarged ones.
The increasing number of measurements of the height of land in all continents and islands, and the very detailed levellings in those countries which have been thoroughly surveyed, enable the average elevation of the land above sea-level to be fairly estimated, although many vast gaps in accurate knowledge remain, and the estimate is not an exact one.
Thus the best approximation to the average depth of the ocean is little more than an expert guess; yet a fair approximation is probable for the features of sub-oceanic relief are so much more uniform than those of the land that a smaller number of fixed points is required to determine them.
Density of population is measured by the average number of people residing on a unit of area; but in order to compare one part of the world with another the average should, strictly speaking, be taken for regions of equal size or of equal population; and the portions of the country which are permanently uninhabitable ought to be excluded from the calculation.'
Fifteen grains constitute an exceedingly dangerous dose for an adult male of average weight.
An acre used to yield on an average 300 tons of phosphatic nodules, value £750.
The pseudo-coprolites of the Suffolk Crag have been estimated by Herapath to be as rich in phosphates as the true ichthyo-coprolites and saurio-coprolites of other formations, the proportion of P 2 O 5 contained varying between 12.5 and 37.25%, the average proportion, however, being 32 or 33%.
During the eighteen years that he was inquisitor-general it is said that he burnt 10,2 20 persons, condemned 6860 others to be burnt in effigy, and reconciled 97,321, thus making an average of some 6000 convictions a year.
The average rainfall is about 38 in.
This compares with an average of 54.63 inches at Bishop's Court, Newlands, at the foot of the mountain on the east and with 2 5.43 inches at Cape Town at the northern foot of the mountain.
The Dzungarian Ala-tau Mountains, which separate it from Kulja, extend south-west towards the river Ili, with an average height of 6000 ft.
The average annual birth-rate is about 35 per 1000, and the death-rate about 15.5 About 26% of the births are illegitimate.
In provincial matters each province is independent, holds its own synods, makes its own laws, and elects its own governing board; but the General Synod meets, on the average, every ten years at Herrnhut, and its regulations are binding in all the provinces.
The highest volcanoes, Tabanan, Batur and Gunung Agung (Bali Beak), have respectively heights of 7545 ft., 73 8 3 ft., and 10,497 ft., the central chain having an average altitude of 3282 ft.
It is, however, but thinly peopled on the average, including only one-twelfth of the inhabitants of the earth.
Russia, which is going on from Esthonia and Finland to the Kola peninsula and Novaya Zemlya, at an average rate of about two feet per century.
Thus from 1860 to 1897 the population increased 742%, and from 1897 to 1904 26.3, an average annual increase of about 31% as compared with an average annual increase of 21% during the period 1860-97.
The average number of women to every 100 men in the Russian governments proper was 102.9; in Poland, 98.6; in Finland, 102.2; in Caucasia, 88.9; in Siberia, 93'7; and in Turkestan and Transcaspia, 83 o.
During the two following years it amounted to an average of over 160,000, but in the years 1901-3 to an average of 84,638 per annum.
The total expenditure on primary schools in 1900 was 5,30o,000 (about the average in recent years), of which 20%.
On the whole, February and March continue to be cold, and their average temperatures rise above zero nowhere except on the Black Sea coast.
In Kovno, Vilna, Mogilev, Grodno, Volhynia, Podolia, Minsk, Vitebsk, Kiev, Bessarabia and Kherson, they constitute, on the average, 12 to 172% of the population, while in the cities and towns of these governments they reach 30 to 59% of the population.
In the twelve central governments they grow, on the average, sufficient rye-bread for only 200 days in the year - often for only.
The average allotment in Kherson is only 0.90 acre, and for allotments from 2.9 to 5.8 acres the peasants pay 5 to 10 roubles of redemption tax.
Out of an average of some 2,700,000 tons of pig-iron produced annually in the whole of the Russian empire, 61.5% is produced in the basin of the Donets, and out of an average of 2,160,500 tons of worked iron and steel 48.7% are prepared in the same region.
The growth of the sugar industry is shown by the fact that in 1888-93 the average annual production of sugar was 444,520 tons, in 1902-3 it was 1,180,293 tons.
The amount of capital which parliament authorized railway companies to raise was about 42 millions on the average of the two years 1842-1843, 174 millions in 1844, 60 millions in 1845, and 132 millions in 1846, though this last sum was less than a quarter of the capital proposed in the schemes submitted to the Board of Trade; and the wild speculation which occurred in railway shares in 1845 contributed largely to the financial crisis of 1847.
Moreover, the average tractive power per locomotive and the average capacity per freight car advanced greatly in this period, although specific figures cannot be given.
The total paid-up railway capital of the United Kingdom amounted, in 1908, to £1,310,533,212, or an average capitalization of £56,476 per route mile, though it should be noted that this total included £196,364,618 of nominal additions through " stock-splitting," &c. Per mile of single track, the capitalization in England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the United Kingdom, is shown in Table VIII.
In Europe the average route-mile capital is £27,036, and Table IX.
The average length Table Xii.-Detail Causes Of Certain Accidents -continued.
The average value of the product of these percentages, namely o 65 Xo 09 =0.06 say, may be used to investigate generally the working of a locomotive; the actual value could only be determined by experiment in any particular case.
The average velocity is 15 m.
This would be distributed between three coupled axles giving an average of 1.38 tons per axle, though the distribution might not in practice be uniform, a larger proportion of the weight falling on the driving-axle.
The figures in this column indicate that o 06 is a good average value to work with.
The expression for the indicated horse-power may be written I.H.P. =pay/550 (27) where v is the average piston speed in feet per second.
Their boilers are of relatively large proportions for the train weight and average speed, and the driving wheels of small diameter, a large proportion of their total weight being " adhesive."
In the United States there is in most cases nominally only one class, denominated first class, and the average fare obtained by the railways is about id.
The inclusive speed over a long journey is of course a different thing from the average running speed, on account of the time consumed in intermediate stops; the fewer the stops the more easily is the inclusive speed increased, - hence the advantage of the non-stop runs of 150 and zoo m.
Over shorter distances still more rapid running is occasionally arranged, and in Great Britain, France and the United States there are instances of trains scheduled to maintain an average speed of 60 m.
But isolated examples of high speeds do not give the traveller much information as to the train service at his disposal, for on the whole he is better off with a large number of trains all maintaining a good average of speed than with a service mostly consisting of poor trains, but leavened with one or two exceptionally fast ones.
On the continent of Europe the average carrying capacity is rather higher; though wagons of less than io tons capacity are in use, many of those originally rated at io tons have been rebuilt to hold 15, and the tendency is towards wagons of 15-20 tons as a standard, with others for special purposes holding 40 or 45 tons.
About 1875 their average capacity differed little from that of British wagons of the present day, but by 1885 it had grown to zo or 22 short tons (z000 ib) and now it is probably at least three times that of European wagons.
Since high average speed on a line with frequent stops depends largely on rapidity of acceleration, the tendency in modern equipment is to secure as great an output of power as possible during the accelerating period, with corresponding increase in weight available for adhesion.
Over an average of years it appears that 27% of the capital cost was found by the state, 28% by the province, 40.9% by the communes and 4 .
Over the lowlands of the Basin, taken generally, there is an average precipitation of perhaps 6-7 in., while in the Oregon region it is twice as great, and in the southern parts even less.
A catena of opinions may be produced in favour of almost any theory; but formularies express the collective or average belief of any given period, and changes in them are a sure indication that there has been a general change in ideas.
In any case, the Samoans are the most perfect type of Polynesians, of a light brown colour, splendid physique, and handsome regular features, with an average height of 5 ft.
In the central, north-eastern and north-western sections, embracing the counties of Nye, Elko and Humboldt, the average annual rainfall varies from 7 to 8 in.; in the west-central section, at the foot of the Sierra, the average is about 10 in.
In 1899 the average size of the farms was 1174 acres.
In 1909 in the amount of barley per acre (38 bushels) Nevada ranked third, and in the average farm price per bushel ($0.75) ranked first among the barley-producing states of the country, but in the total amount produced (304,000 bushels) held only the twenty-second place; and in the same year the average yield of potatoes per acre in Nevada was 180 bushels, exceeded in two states - the average for the entire country was 106.8 bushels per acre - but the total crop in Nevada (540,000 bushels) was smaller than in any state or Territory of the Union, except New Mexico.
The average rainfall for the year is about 80 ins.
Crime is infrequent, and morality, always above the Polynesian average, has improved.
On these the average yearly expenditure between 1898 and 1905 was £13,404.
The communal tax did not exceed on the average two francs annually for each family.
Along the eastern border of this delta, and southward of it, along the Mississippi itself, extends a belt of hills or bluffs (sometimes called "cane-hills"), which is cut by deep ravines and, though very narrow in the north, has in the south an average width of about to m.
After the abolition of slavery, farms greatly decreased in size and increased in number; the number grew from 68,023 in 1870 to 220,803 in 1900; the average size fell from 369.7 acres in 1860 to 82.6 acres in 1900.
The average precipitation for the state is about 52 in.
On the Khasi hills, at an elevation of about 4500 ft., the average of ten years is more than 550 in.
The average man is pessimist or optimist not on theoretical grounds, but owing to the circumstances of his life, his material prosperity, his bodily health, his general temperament.
The exports through the Black Sea ports of Batum, Poti and Novo-rossiysk average in value a little over £ro,000,000 annually, though showing a tendency to increase slightly.
The annual average value maybe put at not quite £2,000,000, machinery and tin-plate being a long way the most important items. There is further a small transit trade through Transcaucasia from Persia to the value of less than half a million sterling annually, and chiefly in carpets, cocoons and silk, wool, rice and boxwood; and further a sea-borne trade between Persia and Caucasian.
The average price of wheat for the whole period was 89s.
In 1891 excessively heavy autumn rains washed the arable soils to such an extent that the next season's corn crops were below average.
Between these two occurrences came the disastrous decline in the value of grain in the autumn of 1894, when the weekly average price of English wheat fell to the record minimum of 17s.
Its average depth is 3 ft.
The average annual world's production for certain periods from 1801 to 1880 in ounces is given in Table I.
On the other hand, the output of California, which was producing over £3,000,000 per annum in 1876, has fallen off, the average annual output from 1876 to 1900 being £2,800,000; in 1905 the yield was £3,839,000.
The cavalry of his left wing stood fast, west of Doon Hill, as a pivot of manoeuvre, the northern face of Doon (where the ground rises from the burn at an average slope of fifteen degrees and is even steeper near the summit) he left unoccupied.
From 1851 to 1901 the total emigration from Ireland was 3,881,246 or 72.5% of the average population.
The average height does not appear to have exceeded that of either of the existing species of elephant.
Pleasant north-east winds blow for an average of 150 days a year, cool northerly winds for 31 days, east winds 70 days, west for 34 days.
The average rainfall is in.; it is, however, uncertain; periods of drought have extended over three years.
The rent of average land is about £2 an acre, of very good land over £3; favoured spots, irrigated from running springs, are worth up to £12 an acre.
The average cost per pupil in these schools was 35 s.
A lyceum in Malta had an average attendance of 464.
The average cost per student in the lyceum was 8, os.
The Hindenburg line had been breached on a front of nine miles, and an average advance of seven miles effected in the face of the most formidable obstacles, both natural and artificial.
Reynolds, in his investigation, introducing no new form of law of distribution of velocities, uses a linear quantity, proportional to the mean free path of the gaseous molecules, which he takes to represent (somewhat roughly) the average distance from which molecules directly affect, by their convection, the state of the medium; the gas not being uniform on account of the gradient of temperature, the change going on at each point is calculated from the elements contributed by the parts at this particular distance in all directions.
The rainfall is on an average greater than in any province except those of the extreme north-west.
At the beginning of the 20th century an ave