Autocad Sentence Examples
Other desirable attributes would include analog and digital circuit design, AutoCad, networking and an understanding of the Marine environment.
Users do not need extensive knowledge of AutoCAD or MicroStation to produce 3D piping models with I-View CAD.
For bedroom designs that require the alteration of the physical space, such is the case when a closet or trim is added, a quick mock up in AutoCAD or SketchUp may be useful.
If you have AutoCAD or a 3D rendering program like Maya or any similar blueprint making program, then your answer is yes.
You are still drawing lines, but you'll end up with a 3D frame, rather than a "stick-ship" if you use AutoCAD.
General education and program elective courses are required along with courses in things like fundamentals of design, basic drafting, space planning and AutoCAD.