Auto-immune Sentence Examples
Today it is recognized to be the second most common auto-immune rheumatic disease.
Patients with auto-immune thyroid diseases are usually referred for blood tests if such symptoms develop.
Psoriasis, like many auto-immune conditions, manifests itself as a skin inflammation involving itching scaly plaque and redness.
However, parents who may have a history of auto-immune disorders in their family should be aware that a preservative, thimersal, which contains mercury and is used in vaccines, has a possible link to autism and auto-immune disorders.
Most people with this disorder have frequent infections, and some also experience auto-immune phenomena, such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia or rheumatoid arthritis.
Inflammation is the cause of a number of health problems including arthritis, heart vessel disease and auto-immune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
A celiac develops specific anti-bodies to fight gluten, but as the result of what some believe to be an auto-immune reaction, the celiac's immune system begins to attack its own tissue, specifically the small intestine.
The disease, after all, manifests itself as an auto-immune disease.
Lupus is a serious auto-immune disorder, often requiring lifelong treatment.
The symptoms look like auto-immune disease, the same kind (albeit milder) that hit the people who took the contaminated tryptophan.
AdvertisementThe vet may also prescribe corticosteroids if the condition is related to an auto-immune disorder.
There has been some success with managing the pain from diabetic neuropathy; however it is less effective with neuropathy stemming from auto-immune diseases.