Authorized Sentence Examples
This board is authorized to establish and alter sub-districts.
The information in all these records is accessible to authorized users.
In the event of its not being voted before the 31st of December, recourse is had to the system of provisional twelfths (douzimes provisaires), whereby the government is authorized by parliament to incur expenses for one, two or three months on the scale of the previous year.
I authorized the dispersal of two tons of water and twenty cases of rations from the emergency site in Raleigh along with hazmat drivers and twelve vehicles.
An inspector of the board or of the local authority was by the same act authorized to enter premises and examine sheep. Each year the disorder runs a similar course, the outbreaks dwindling to a minimum in the summer months, June to August, and attaining a maximum in the winter months, December to February.
In October 1784 Bonaparte and three other Briennois were authorized, by a letter signed by Louis XVI., to proceed as gentlemen cadets to the military school at Paris.
A rigid adherence to the boundary authorized in 1787, however, would have resulted in the loss to Ohio of 470 sq.
He was much struck by English manners, was deeply penetrated by English toleration for personal freethought and eccentricity, and gained some thousands of pounds from an authorized English edition of the Henriade, dedicated to the queen.
On the dispersion of the Jesuits the Bollandists were authorized to continue their work, and remained at Antwerp until 1778, when they were transferred to Brussels, to the monastery of canons regular of Coudenberg._ Here they published vol.
There, owing to measures taken in 1565-1566 to enforce clerical subscription to the authorized order of worship, especially touching vestments, certain persons of humble station began to assemble in houses " for preaching and ministering the sacraments " (Grindal's Remains, lxi.).
AdvertisementThe strongly Latinized vocabulary of this version was not without its influence on the next great venture in English translations of the Bible, the Authorized Version.'
On the 26th Nelson changed his attitude and authorized Sir William Hamilton, the British minister, to inform the cardinal that he (Nelson) would do nothing to break the armistice; while Captains Bell and Troubridge wrote that they had Nelson's authority to state that the latter would not oppose the embarcation of the Republicans.
In 1798 he joined Jefferson in opposing the Alien and Sedition Laws, and Madison himself wrote the resolutions of the Virginia legislature declaring that it viewed "the powers of the Federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them."
A law passed on the 1st of July 1902 requires that all private schools must be authorized by the state, and arranges for their periodical inspection, for the enforcement of proper sanitation and discipline, and for the appointment of a suitable staff of teachers.
Only loading, down loading, arming and dearming evolutions are authorized to be conducted in the rearming area by the individual stores.
AdvertisementRemember to bring your authorized receipt along to the course with you !
Other Authorized Signatories may be applied or substituted at the discretion of the Vise President (Student Activities).
If you are already authorized to operate any authorized UK duty suspensive regime you must have a proven satisfactory record of operation.
However, Section 10 of the 1949 Act provides for regulation of non-wireless telegraphy apparatus which causes undue interference to authorized radio services.
Everybody authorized to carry a sidearm is trying to get their hands on one.
AdvertisementThere are many more authorized deposit takers registered with the FSA than appear on the MPA Lending List.
Effortless Teleconferencing With MeetingPoint any authorized user can set up and conduct a teleconference from any tone phone from anywhere in the world.
In September 1974, on the eve of a General Election, the Government authorized the start of a 2-year experiment of broadcast teletext.
It is a criminal offense to deal in trademarked merchandise that has not been authorized or licensed by the trademarked merchandise that has not been authorized or licensed by the trademark holder.
The obstruction of an authorized enforcement officer in enforcing a writ will continue to be a criminal offense.
AdvertisementLicences on the 1st of July, the 22nd of July 1477 and the 12th of February 1479, authorized additions to the endowment.
The most common in modern times is that of a diplomatic convention debated between the authorized mandatories of the high contracting parties and subsequently ratified by the latter; as, for example, the French concordat of 1801.
The Assembly of 1906 authorized (but did not make mandatory) the use of a book of common worship; the question of a liturgy had been opened in (1883); a board of church erection in 1844; a board of work for freedmen; and a board of ministerial relief; after the union of 1869 the Board of Home Missions was removed from Philadelphia to New York City.
This famous charter, which was amplified, under the influence of the clergy, in 1231, when its articles were placed under the guardianship of the archbishop of Esztergom (who was authorized to punish their violation by the king with excommunication), is generally regarded as the foundation of Hungarian constitutional liberty, though like Magna Carta it purported only to confirm immemorial rights; and as such it was expressly ratified as a whole in the coronation oaths of all the Habsburg kings from Ferdinand to Leopold I.
Without FSA authorisation, solicitors are obliged to refer financial services business to authorized third parties such as independent financial advisers (IFAs).
It was held that although generally speaking every sovereign may decide to whom he will accord the right to fly his flag, yet in this case such right was limited by the general act of the Brussels conference of July 1890 relative to the African slave trade, an act which was ratified by France on the 2nd of June 1892; that accordingly the owners and master of dhows who had been authorized by France to fly the French flag before the last-named date retained this authorization TABLE II.
A further point decided was that the owners or master of dhows duly authorized to fly the French flag within the ruling of the first point, did not enjoy, in consequence of that fact, any such right of extraterritoriality as would exempt them from the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the sultan.
It is modelled after the Argentine Conversion office, and is authorized to issue notes to bearer against deposits of gold at the rate of 15 pence per milreis although exchange was above 17d.
Metallic money is limited to nickel and bronze coins, but in 1906 the government was authorized to purchase bar silver for the coinage of pieces of the denomination of two milreis, one milreis and 500 reis (2-milreis).
Livingston, the resident minister, in obtaining by purchase the territory at the mouth of the Mississippi, including the island of New Orleans, and at the same time authorized him to co-operate with Charles Pinckney, the minister at Madrid, in securing from Spain the cession of East and West Florida.
Congress finally (in 1826) authorized the payment of $30,000 to him, and after his death appropriated a small amount for the purchase of his papers from his heirs.
Basta was authorized to Germanize and Catholicize without delay, and he began by dividing the property of most of the nobles among his officers, appropriating the lion's share himself.
He said that he was authorized by the queen, and showed the jewellers the conditions of the bargain approved in the handwriting of Marie Antoinette.
Prince Frederick Charles was warned to guard the left flank of his marching troops and authorized to attack any forces of the enemy he might encounter in that direction, if not too strong for him.
In the authorized version of the Bible, the word "incense" translates two wholly distinct Hebrew words.
A tunnel between Rotherhithe and Ratcliff was authorized in 1897 and opened in 1908.
The horse-drawn cabs which ply for hire in the streets, or wait at authorized " cab-stands," are of two kinds, the " hansom," a two-wheeled vehicle so named after its inventor (1834) and the " four-wheeler."
Amyraut consented to be orator only if the assembly authorized him to stand.
This is an authorized history, in which everything unflattering to the Burmese monarchs was rigidly suppressed.
On the pewter badge which they wore were their name and the words "pass and repass," which authorized them to ask alms. In 1833 the appointment of bedesmen was stopped.
But the attitude of the opposition remained no less hostile than before, and in March 1837 the governor was authorized to reject the demand for constitutional reform and to apply public funds in his control to the purposes of government.
In 1830 he was placed in charge of the division of instruments and charts, and in 1838 was appointed to command an exploring and surveying expedition in the Southern Seas, authorized by Congress in 1836.
The only legal tender is the Mexican dollar, and the British and Hong-Kong dollar, or other silver dollars of equivalent value duly authorized by the governor.
It appeared in the English Bible in Tyndale's translation of the Pentateuch (1530), and is found in all English Protestant versions of the 16th century except that of Coverdale ('' 1 535) In the Authorized Version of 161 i it occurs in Exod.
Cutler's original intention was to buy for the Ohio Company only about 1,500,000 acres, but on the 27th of July Congress authorized a grant of about 5,000,000 acres of land for $3,500,000; a reduction of one-third was allowed for bad tracts, and it was also provided that the lands could be paid for in United States securities.
But the Union troops steadily advanced, growing in strength as they went, and a few days after Lee's surrender at Appomattox Johnston advised President Davis that it was in his opinion wrong and useless to continue the conflict, and he was authorized to make terms with Sherman.
It is thus at least doubtful whether Convocation has a right even to express an opinion unless specially authorized to do so by the crown, and it is certain that it cannot do anything more.
Waite (1887); and The Arcane Schools, by John Yarker (1909), may be consulted with advantage, though not authorized publications of the Society.
Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments, by Archbishop Ussher, whose dates have by some means gained a place in the authorized version of the Bible.
Bolivar then marched upon Lima, which the royalists evacuated at his approach; and entering the capital in triumph, he was invested with absolute power as dictator, and authorized to call into action all the resources of the country.
He immediately assumed the extraordinary powers which by the constitution the president was authorized to exercise in case of rebellion.
The powers thus appealed to occupy a position analogous to that of seconds in a duel, who are authorized to arrange an "affair of honour" between their principals.
Other important waterways which have been authorized by the United States government and on which work was proceeding in 1910 are canals from the Rio Grande river to the Mississippi river at Donaldsonville, Louisiana; and "a navigable channel depth of 5 ft.
At last, after the British government had authorized its agents to treat with the commissioners as representatives of an independent power, thus recognizing American independence before the treaty was made, Franklin acquiesced in the policy of Jay.
The city, which then got its water supply from the Los Angeles river bed, in 1907 authorized the issue of $23,000,000 worth of 4% bonds for the construction of an aqueduct 209 m.
The states in the Catholic League were permitted to retain for their own uses about one-fifth of the ecclesiastical revenue; the clergy was to be subjected to careful discipline; and only authorized preachers were to be tolerated, who based their teachings on the works of the four Latin Church fathers.
These experiments resulted in the legislation of 1855, when the use of duty-free alcohol mixed with 10% by volume of wood naphtha, known as methylated spirits, was authorized for manufacturing purposes only.
The Netherlands legalized the use of denatured alcohol in 1865; in 1872 France permitted its use under a special tax, and in Germany its employment was authorized in 1879, the other European countries following, Austria in 1888, Italy in 1889, Sweden in 1890, Norway in 1891, Switzerland in 1893, and Belgium in 1896.
His name is the first on the list of divines appointed to make the authorized version of the Bible.
The royal assent was given by commission authorized by resolution of both Houses.
During his latter years he took great interest in the revision of the authorized version of the Bible, and was chairman of the revisers of the Old Testament.
In both respects the reflex action of the Novatianist and Donatist controversies upon Catholicism was disastrous to the earlier idea of church-fellowship. Formal and technical tests of membership, such as the reception of sacraments from a duly authorized clergy, came to replace Christ's own test of character.
As, however, this decline was accompanied with a considerable decrease in the proportion of the country's exports which passed through the port of New York, interest in the canals revived, and in 1903 the electorate of the state authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $101,000,000 for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the Erie, the Champlain and the Oswego canals, to make each navigable by barges of 1000 tons burden.
By a law of 1908 the board of education of any city is authorized to establish industrial schools for children who have completed the elementary school course or have attained the age of fourteen years, and trade schools for children who are more than sixteen years old and have completed the elementary school course or a course offered by any of the industrial schools.
The county supervisors, with or without the aid of three commissioners whom they are authorized to appoint for the purpose, constitute a county board of equalization.
On the expiration of the charter of the New Netherland Company (1618) the StatesGeneral refused to grant a renewal, and only private ventures were authorized until 1621, when the West India Company was chartered for a term of twenty-four years; to this company was given a monopoly of Dutch trade with the whole American coast from Newfoundland to the Straits of Magellan.
It was authorized to plant colonies and to govern them under a very limited supervision of the States-General, such as the approval of its appointment of a governor and of its instructions to him; and its own government was vested in five chambers of directors and an executive board or college of nineteen delegates from those chambers, eight of the nineteen representing the Chamber of Amsterdam.
It authorized its committee, which had been appointed to correspond with the New York agent in London, to correspond also with the committees in the other colonies and this committee represented New York in the Stamp Act Congress, a body which was called at the suggestion of Massachusetts, met in New York City in October 1765, was composed of twenty-seven members representing nine colonies, and drew up a declaration of rights, an address to the king, and a petition to each house of parliament.
A few days after the fight at Lexington and Concord, Connecticut authorized an expedition under Ethan Allen which surprised and captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point.
The former (authorized in 1905) provided for the irrigation of about 10,000 acres in Okanogan county by means of two reservoirs of an aggregate area of 650 acres, main canals and main laterals 20 m.
The state had a bonded debt in 1909 of $384,000, authorized by popular vote in November 1908; by the constitution the aggregate indebtedness of the state was limited to $100,000 except in case of war, invasion or insurrection, or in case a measure authorizing a greater indebtedness should be submitted by the legislature to the electorate and should receive a majority of the votes cast.
The first source of its power is under charters which the Crown of Great Britain was authorized by act of parliament to grant, the other is from several charters derived from the emperor of the Moguls ....
Milwaukee county was set off from Brown county in 1834, and in 1836 the establishment of townships was authorized.
Congress, in a joint resolution, tendered its thanks to Commodore Dewey, and to the officers and men under his command, and authorized "the secretary of the navy to present a sword of honor to Commodore George Dewey, and cause to be struck bronze medals commemorating the battle of Manila Bay, and to distribute such medals to the officers and men of the ships of the Asiatic squadron of the United States."
No poll tax is levied for state purposes, but counties are authorized to levy such a tax for school purposes.
In 1819 the canton (the new portions of which were inhabited mainly by Romanists) was annexed to the bishopric of Lausanne, the bishop in 1821 being authorized to add "and of Geneva" to his episcopal style.
Bancroft was "the chief overseer" of the authorized version of the Bible.
The diet authorized the king to issue a proclamation dissolving the rokosz, and the rokosz retorted with a manifesto in which an insurrection was declared to be as much superior to a parliament as a general council was to a pope.
The committee's decision was that the Board of Grounds and Buildings was not authorized to let the decorating and furnishing of the state house; that it had illegally authorized certain expenditures; and that architect and contractors had made fraudulent invoices and certificates.
Luther, like his countrymen of to-day, judged the contents of the New Testament by the light of his leading convictions; and in his German translation, which occupies the same place in Germany as the Authorized Version of 1611 does in English-speaking lands, he even placed four of the books (Hebrews, James, Jude, Apocalypse) in an appendix at the end, with prefaces explanatory of this drastic act of criticism.
Calvo, The Republic of Costa Rica (Chicago, 1890), gives a partisan account of local politics, trade and finance, authorized by the government.
The most remarkable representative of this family was Abdullah Khan (1556-1598), who greatly extended the limits of his kingdom by the conquest of Badakshan,, Herat and Meshhed, and increased its prosperity by the public works which he authorized.
Child labour is regulated by an act passed by the General Assembly in 1908; this act prohibits the employment of children less than 14 years of age in any gainful occupation during the session of school or in stores, factories, mines, offices, hotels or messenger service during vacations, and prohibits the employment of children between 14 and 16 unless they have employment certificates issued by a superintendent of schools or some other properly authorized person, showing the child's ability to read and write English, giving information as to the child's age (based upon a birth certificate if possible), and identifying the child by giving height and weight and colour of eyes and hair.
Since 1648 the standard Presbyterian catechisms have been those compiled by the Westminster Assembly, presented to parliament in 1647, and then authorized by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (July 1648) and by the Scottish parliament (January 1649).
Surely no higher praise can be accorded to it than that it should have been taken as a basis by the translators of the Authorized Version, and thus have lived on through the centuries up to the present day.
This letter was written on the 4th of August 1537, and the impatient words at the end refer to an authorized version which had been projected several years before, and which was, in fact, at that very time in preparation, though not proceeding quickly enough to satisfy Cranmer.
Concerning the printing of this authorized Bible more details are known.
Seventy years afterwards it assumed the form ever since known as the Authorized Version, but its Psalter is still embedded, without any alteration, in the Book of Common Prayer.
Some time after the accession of Queen Elizabeth an attempt was made to improve the authorized Great Bible, and in this way to challenge the ever growing popularity of the Calvinistic Genevan Bible.
The English Bible, which is now recognized as the Authorized Version wherever the English language is spoken, is a revision The of the Bishops' Bible, begun in 1604, and published Authorized in 1611.
Still the work of improving and correcting went on through the centuries, and a modern copy of the Authorized Version shows no inconsiderable departures from the standard edition of 1611.
P the effect " that Convocation should nominate a body of its own members to undertake the work of revision, who shall be at liberty to invite the co-operation of any eminent for scholarship, to whatever nation or religious body they may belong "; and shortly afterwards two companies were formed for the revision of the Authorized Version of the Old and New Testaments.
The results of modern critical methods could not fail to make the incompleteness of the " Received Text," and of the " Authorized Version," which was based on it, obvious.
The changes in the Greek text of the Authorized Version when compared with the textus receptus are numerous, but the contrast between the English versions of 1611 and 1881 are all the more striking because of the difference in the method of translation which was adopted.
The marginal references given in the original edition of the Authorized Version of 1611 have been retained as far as possible.
The general effect of so many small alterations was to spoil the familiar sonorous style of the Authorized Version.
Parallel editions of the Bible, showing both the Authorized and Revised Versions, a large-type edition for public use, a reference edition, and (1900) a "Two Version " edition, have been issued by one or both the University Presses.
The Marriage Act 1898 dispensed with the necessity of the attendance of a registrar at marriages celebrated at a nonconformist place of worship, substituting in place thereof a person duly authorized by the trustees of the place of worship, if the persons intending to be married so desire; but the parties may, if they wish, still require the presence of the registrar.
Public education for Mobile was authorized by the legislature of 1826, but it was not provided until 1852.
The constitution of 1868 authorized " a thorough system of general education, to be for ever free to all children of the State," and in 1870 the first public school law was enacted.
Taking advantage of a petition presented by the Polish landed proprietors of the Lithuanian provinces, praying that their relations with the serfs might be regulated in a more satisfactory way - meaning in a way more satisfactory for the proprietors - he authorized the formation of committees "for ameliorating the condition of the peasants," and laid down the principles on which the amelioration was to be effected.
Two chambers were established, the one formed of nobles and the other of elected representatives; but although they were authorized to control the finances, their power with regard to legislation was very circumscribed.
In 1726, together with Malhar Rao Holkar, the founder of the house of Indore, he was authorized by the peshwa to collect tribute (chauth) in the Malwa districts.
The fourth form of service was retained in its old shape till 1901, when a new form, or rather new forms of service, having been prepared by Convocation, were authorized by royal warrant on the 9th of November.
Every child between the ages of six and fifteen must attend either a public school or a duly authorized private school.
Opinions differ upon the question whether the apostles were chosen as representatives of the ecclesia to be founded (Hort) or as men fitted to become its duly authorized teachers and leaders from the beginning (Stone).
The Fathers of the Church had repeated times without number that the priesthood stands above even the supreme secular authority; the Bible was full of stories most aptly illustrating this theory; nobody questioned that, within the Church, the pope was the Vicar of Christ, and that, as such, his powers were unlimited; as proof positive could be cited councils and decretals - whether authentic or spurious; at any rate all authorized by long usage and taken as received authorities.
In 1909 the state legislature passed an act authorizing any city, borough or township of the first class to acquire, subject to the approval of the commissioner of forestry, a municipal forest; and it authorized the distribution of seedling forest trees, at cost, to those who would plant and protect them, for growing private forests.
In 1824 the state legislature authorized the appointment of a commission to explore routes from the Schuylkill to Pittsburg, and from the West Branch of the Susquehanna to the Allegheny, and in the three or four succeeding years the state committed itself to a very extensive system of internal improvements.
On the 3rd of October, therefore, the British government authorized the occupation of the Chumbi valley, and an advance to Gyantse in Tibet and military preparations, with the difficult attendant problem of transport, were undertaken.
It has since remained, with the exception of the cope (q.v.), the sole vestment authorized by law for the ministers, other than bishops, of the Church of England (for the question of the vestments prescribed by the "Ornaments Rubric" see Vestments).
The university was founded as a Roman Catholic Academy in 1789, was opened in 1791, transferred to the Society of Jesus in 1805, authorized in 1815 by Congress to confer college or university degrees, and by the Holy See in 1833 to confer degrees in philosophy and theology, incorporated as Georgetown College by Act of Congress in 1844, and began graduate work about 1856.
He rendered good service as one of the revisers of the authorized version.
In April of the same year the Belgian chambers authorized the king to be the chief of the state founded by the Association, which had already taken the name of Etat Independant du Congo.
The Conversion Office, which is authorized to sell or lend gold, receives a fixed revenue of £30,000 from certain import and export dues; it was reorganized in 1903 for the administration of the public debt.
Charters to the burghers authorized fairs on the days of St Peter and of St Simon and St Jude in 1554, on St Bartholomew's day in 1605, in Mid-lent week in 1665, and on the feast of the Purification and on the 2nd of May in 1685; these fairs have modern representatives.
The Authorized Version, following the corrupt cursives, is often wrong.
The beginning is given in the Authorized Version as "A prologue made by an uncertain author."
Such seems to have been Pitt's intention, though there has been much controversy as to how far Lord Fitzwilliam (q.v.) had been authorized to pledge the government.
A further law authorized the Prussian government to spend 5,000,000 in purchasing estates from Polish families and settling German colonists on the land.
The bishops from their prisons continued to govern the dioceses; for this purpose they appointed representatives, to whom they transferred their rights as Qrdinary and secretly authorized priests to celebrate services and to perform the other duties of an incumbent.
Only those text books authorized by the central department may be used.
In 1787 he was authorized to raise a patriotic legion to help the Dutch against the stadtholder William IV.
Vienna itself, where on the 14th of March the establishment of a National Guard was authorized by the emperor, was ruled by a committee of students and citizens, who arrogated to themselves a voice in imperial affairs, and imposed their will on the distracted ministry.
During the deadlock (June 2, 1905) Kossuth had obtained the adoption of a motion to authorize the compilation of an autonomous Hungarian tariff, and on the 28th of May 1906, the Coalition cabinet was authorized by the crown to present the Szell-Korber tariff to the Chamber in the form of a Hungarian autonomous tariff distinct from but identical with the Austrian tariff.
The duke of Alva authorized him to exclude certain classes of books from the Netherlands and, in 1570, while engaged in this work, he was decoyed on to a ship at Antwerp and conveyed to Yarmouth.
The Caisse was authorized, after payment of the coupons on the debt, to make good out of their balance in hand the difference between the authorized expenditure and the non-assigned revenue.
The principal bank is the National Bank at Copenhagen, which is the only one authorized to issue notes.
The first edition of a Danish Reineke Fuchs, by Herman Weigere, appeared at Lubeck in 1555, and the first authorized Psalter in 1559.
A Moorish custom-house is placed on the Spanish border beyond the fort of Santa Isabel, and is the only authorized centre of trade on the Riff coast between Tetuan and the Algerian frontier.
It remains to deal with the censorship of messages from authorized British correspondents on the several fronts.
As a result of further urgent representations by the Association, represented by Lord Burnham, Lord Northcliffe and Sir George Riddell, the following correspondents were authorized in May 1915 - Mr. John Buchan (Times and Daily News), Mr. Percival Landon (Daily Telegraph and Daily Chronicle), Mr. (afterwards Sir) Percival Phillips (Morning Post and Daily Express), Mr. Valentine Williams (Daily Mail and Standard), Mr. Douglas Williams (Reuters).
Under the old Internment Statute of 1789, the Attorney-General was authorized by the President to intern dangerous enemy aliens and by an Act of Congress the Alien Property Custodian assumed charge of enemy aliens' property.
In 1814, before the site of this proposed institution had been chosen, Thomas Jefferson was elected a trustee, and under his influence the legislature, in February 1816, authorized the establishment of Central College in lieu of Albemarle Academy.
Merthyr Tydfil draws its supply from the lesser Taff, while Cardiff's main supply comes from the Great Taff valley, where, under acts of 1884 and 1894, two reservoirs with a capacity of 668 million gallons have been constructed and a third authorized.
Ridsdale, 1876 (1 P. & D., 316), a metal crucifix on the centre of the chancel screen was declared illegal as being in danger of being used superstitiously, and in the same case pictures or rather coloured reliefs representing the "Stations of the Cross" were ordered to be removed on the ground that they had been erected without a faculty, and were also considered unlawful by Lord Penzance as connected with certain superstitious devotion authorized by the Roman church.
He had authorized the English Bible and some approach towards Protestant doctrine in the Ten Articles.
The Forth and Clyde canal was authorized in 1767 and opened from sea to sea in 1790.
In a quarrel of church and state the legate had been authorized to lay an interdict on Scotland; William and the country merely disregarded it; and in 1191 a new pope absolved the Scottish king.
The traditions of early Rome indeed represent the patricians as receiving the Claudii by a collective act into their body; but the first authenticated instance of the admission of new members to the patriciate is that of the lex Cassia, which authorized Caesar as dictator to create fresh patricians.
At the general election in November 1908 the people of Illinois authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000,000 to provide for the canalizing of the Desplaines and Illinois rivers as far as the city of Utica, on the latter river, and connecting with the channel of the Chicago Sanitary District at Joliet.
In 1903 the legislature authorized the municipal ownership of public service corporations, and in 1906 the city of Chicago took steps to acquire ownership of its street railways - a movement which seemed to have spent its force in 1907, when the municipal ownership candidates were defeated in the city's elections - and in 1902 the right of that city to regulate the price of gas was recognized by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals.
In 1863 he was given a prebendal stall at St Paul's, and from 1869 to 1874 he was a member of the committee appointed by Convocation to revise the authorized version of the Old Testament.
Nor can we regard " Plato and his followers as the authorized teachers of the Greek nation and the sophists as the dissenters."
In a word, the present writer agrees with Grote that the sophists were not a sect or school with common doctrine or method; that their theoretical and practical morality was neither above nor below that of their age, being, in fact, determined by it; and that Plato and his followers are not to be regarded as the authorized teachers of the Greek nation, nor the sophists as the dissenters, but vice versa.
It further authorized the addition of two members to the executive councils at Madras and Bombay, and the creation cf an executive council in Bengal and also (subject to conditions) in other provinces under a lieutenantgovernor.
The result was, however, that the powers authorized Austria to march an army into Naples to restore the autocratic monarchy.
As a member of the fourth provincial congress he drafted a resolution by which the delegates of New York in the Continental Congress were authorized to sign the Declaration of Independence.
In religion Alaric was an Arian, but he greatly mitigated the persecuting policy of his father Euric towards the Catholics and authorized them to hold in 506 the council of Agde.
The formal annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria (Oct.5, 1908) was an unauthorized conversion of an "occupation" authorized by the Treaty of Berlin (1878), which had, however, for years operated as a de facto annexation.
In February 1905 Congress authorized the Philippine government to aid and encourage the construction of railways by guaranteeing 4% interest on bonds; the duty on imported materials used in the construction of railways and the internal revenue on Philippine forest products used for that purpose have also been removed.
A census was authorized and was taken in 1903.
The act of 1 9 02 also authorized the purchase of land belonging to the friars.
The Authorized Version keeps the Syriac word.
Authorized by Musa, Tariq now sent, in Ramadan 91 (July 710), 500 Berbers under the command of Tarif to reconnoitre the, country.
But this scheme was never fully carried out, and in 1835 another statute authorized the appointment of a lieutenant-governor for the North-Western Provinces, as they were then styled.
The elder, Gaius, now fifteen years old (5 B.C.), was formally introduced to the people as consul-designate by Augustus himself, who for this purpose resumed the consulship (12th) which he had dropped since 23 B.C., and was authorized to take part in the deliberations of the senate.
In 1862-1863 various victories threw more than half the state, mainly the north and east, under the Federal arms. Accordingly, under a proclamation of the president, citizens within the conquered districts were authorized to renew allegiance to the Union, and a special election was ordered for March 186 4, to reorganize the state government.
All schools are generously supported, salaries are unusually good, and pension funds in all cities are authorized by state laws.
Fremont had information beyond that of ordinary men that made him believe early hostilities between the United States and Mexico to be inevitable; he was also officially informed of Larkin's secret task and in no way authorized to hamper it.
According to the varying extent of the liberties conceded them, there may be distinguished towns governed by an elective body and more or less fully authorized to exercise jurisdiction; towns possessing some sort of municipal organization, but no rights of jurisdiction, except that of simple police; and, thirdly, those governed entirely by seignorial officers.
This project was authorized in 1904; it will affect, when completed, 131,900 acres, of which in 1909 about 10,000 acres were actually under irrigation.
The constitution also forbids the creation of a state debt in excess of i% of the assessed value of the taxable property in the state; of a county debt in excess of 2 of the assessed value of the taxable property in the county; or of a municipal debt for any other purpose than obtaining a water supply in excess of unless for building sewerage, when a debt of 4% may be authorized.
For the latter reason the National Congress on the 19th of May 1846 authorized the construction at intervals along the trail of military stations for the protection of the emigrant trains, and Fort Kearny was built (1848) and Fort Laramie was purchased (1849).
It must be inferred from the whole practice of indulgences as at present authorized that the pains of purgatory are measurable by years and days; but here also everything is indefinite.
Virginia and Maryland promised such a cession; President Washington was known to be in favour of a site on the Potomac, and in July 1790 Alexander Hamilton, in return for Thomas Jefferson's assistance in passing the bill for the assumption of the state war debts by the Federal government, helped Jefferson to pass a bill for establishing the capital on the Potomac, by which the president was authorized to select a site anywhere along the Potomac between the Eastern Branch (Anacostia) and the Conococheague river, a distance of about So m., and to appoint three commissioners who under his direction should make the necessary surveys and provide accommodations for the reception of Congress in r800.
But Berkeley meanwhile had outlawed Bacon, whose forces now marched on the capital demanding recognition as the authorized army of defence.
One can already discern a movement in various quarters towards a recognition of impersonal theism, and towards fixing the teaching of the philosophical schools upon some definitely authorized system of faith and morals, which may satisfy a rising ethical standard, and may thus permanently embody that tendency to substitute spiritual devotion for external forms and caste rules which is the characteristic of the sects that have from time to time dissented from orthodox Brahminism."
The act of 1829 forbids the assumption by any person, other than the person authorized by law, of the name, style or title of an archbishop, bisop or dean of the Church of England.
The authorized version of the Bible had also been recently given to the people - so that almost at the same period of time England obtained in the vernacular an extensive library of ancient and modern authors.
An act of 1909 provides that election campaign expenses shall be borne "only by the state and by the candidates," and authorized appropriations for this purpose.
In 1907 the total bonded debt of the state was $393500; the General Assembly in 1906 authorized the issue of $900,000 worth of bonds to fund outstanding military certificates of indebtedness incurred in suppressing insurrections at Cripple Creek and elsewhere in 1903-1904.
The governor by military appointment, Colonel John Munroe (1796-1861), refused to surrender his jurisdiction in favour of the state officials until authorized to do so by Congress, and for a time there was much writing of pronunciamentos by the military and the quasi-state officials.
An act of 1851 forbade servants from leaving masters to whom they were indebted, and in 1853 sheriffs were authorized in some instances to dispose of the debtor's labour to the highest bidder.
The Scottish Benefices Act of Lord Aberdeen, 1843, gave the people power to state objections personal to a presentee, and bearing on his fitness for the particular charge to which he was presented, and also authorized the presbytery in dealing with the objections to look to the number and character of the objectors.
Church music has been cultivated and improved in a marked degree; and hymns have been introduced to supplement the psalms and paraphrases; in 1898 a committee appointed by the Church of Scotland, the Free Church, the United Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland issued The Church Hymnary, which is authorized for use in all these churches alike.
This Commission was authorized to " inquire into the origin, nature, amount and application of the temporalities, endowments and other; properties of the Church of England in Wales and Monmouthshire; and into the provision made and the work done by the Churches of all denominations in Wales and Monmouthshire for the spiritual welfare of the people, and the extent to which the people avail themselves of such provision."
Such appear to be the facts, but Tyrrell's relations with Rome were such that a good deal of mystery was made as to whether he really received the last rites of his Church in any authorized manner.
According to a return laid before the House of Commons in the session of 1878, the total length of tramways authorized by parliament up to the 30th of June 1877 was 363 m., and the total length opened for traffic 213 m., comprising 125 m.
Even when it came to be authorized by Roman law under certain restrictions, it was still looked upon as a pernicious crime.
In addition to the prerogatives commonly invested in his office, the president is authorized to supervise the judiciary, to nominate candidates for the higher ecclesiastical offices, to intervene in the enforcement of ecclesiastical decrees, papal bulls, &c., to exercise supervisory police powers, and to appoint the intendants of provinces and the governors of departments, who in turn appoint the sub-delegates and inspectors of subordinate political divisions.
A conversion fund was also created, and, although the government afterwards authorized two more large issues, the beneficial effects of this law were so pronounced that the customs regulations were modified in 1907 to permit the payment of import duties in paper.
In 1904 another issue of 30,000,000 pesos was authorized and the date of conversion was still further postponed, and in 1907 a more general act provided that the maximum paper circulation should not exceed 150,000,000 pesos of the value of 18d.
The gold coins authorized by this law are the condor of 20 pesos, the 7nedio condor, or doblon, of to pesos, and the escudo of 5 pesos.
The plan of public works authorized in 1887 was reconsidered, and the construction of portions of the various undertakings recommenced.
The authorized capital was four millions sterling, but the bank started with a capital of one million, and began its business in Persia in October 1889.
This was accomplished by the treaty of Tordesillas (June 7, 1 494) which modified the delimitation authorized by Pope Alexander VI.
Jones; he was rescued and taken to Lawrence; the city disclaimed complicity, but Jones persuaded Governor Wilson Shannon that there was rebellion, and Shannon authorized a posse; Missouri responded, and a pro-slavery force marched on Lawrence.
Besides being authorized to veto motions, the strategus (general) had practically the sole power of introducing measures before the assembly.
The United States military authorities in August 1847 authorized a municipal government.
The government in 1903 authorized the issue of treasury notes for the department of Beni and the National Territory to the amount of one million bolivianos (£87,500), for the redemption of which 10% of the customs receipts of the two districts is set apart.
Their names were inserted by Petrus de Natalibus in his Catalogus Sanctorum (c. 1380), and Cardinal Baronius included them in the official Martyrologium authorized by Sixtus V.(1585-1590) under the date of the 27th of November.
The next development was on the east side of the river where the natural inlet of Fabian's Bay, inside the harbour mouth, was utilized for the construction of the Prince of Wales's Dock (authorized 1874, opened October 1881, extension opened March 1898).
But the personal relation of the original Palestinian apostles to Jesus himself as Master gave them a unique fitness as authorized witnesses, from which flowed naturally, by sheer spiritual influence, such special forms of authority as they came gradually to exercise in the early Church.
At this point the armistice suspended operations, but Shukri Pasha was not authorized by its terms to revictual his garrison and the defenders continued therefore to consume their resources.
The bishops are still authorized by law to dedicate and set apart buildings for the solemnization of divine service, and grounds for the performance of burials, according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England; and such buildings and grounds, after they have been duly consecrated according to law, cannot be diverted to any secular purpose except under the authority of an act of parliament.
The estates met at Prague in March 1608, and, though again submitting their demands concerning ecclesiastical matters to Rudolph, authorized him to levy troops for the defence of Bohemia.
He further granted to the Protestant estates the control over the university of Prague, and authorized them to elect the members of the Utraquist consistory.
An authorized version of the Scriptures in ancient Greek is also one of the works undertaken by this institution.
This measure (amended) became law on the 1st of May, and provided for the repeal of the NonIntercourse Act of 1809, authorized the president, "in case either Great Britain or France shall before the 3rd day of March next so revoke or modify her edicts as that they shall cease to violate the neutral commerce of the United States," to revive non-intercourse against the other, and prohibited British and French vessels of war from entering American waters.
An act approved on the loth of April 1908 authorized a Civil Service Commission of four members appointed by the governor, who choose a chief examiner and a secretary of the commission.
Three years later townships were authorized to levy taxes for maintaining schools for poor children.
He was a railway expert, becoming secretary-general of the Railway Commission established in 1842, government commissioner to the authorized railway companies, administrator of the Lyons-Mediterranean railway, and commissioner to examine foreign railways.
In all other respects the business of the council is regulated by standing orders which the council are authorized to make.
The county council may, with the consent of the Local Government Board, borrow money on the security of the county fund or any of its revenues, for consolidating the debts of the county; purchasing land or buildings; any permanent work or other thing, the cost of which ought to be spread over a term 'of years; making advances in aid of the emigration or colonization of inhabitants of the county; and any purpose for which quarter sessions or the county council are authorized by any act to borrow.
The loans authorized may be raised by debentures or annuity certificates under these acts, or by the issue of county stock, and in some cases by mortgage.
The order is directed to the county treasurer, by whom authorized payments are then made.
Any owner of property or ratepayer may attend the audit and object to the accounts, and either on such objection or on his own motion the auditor may disallow any payment and surcharge the amount on the persons who made or authorized it.
Under these acts a sanitary authority is authorized to take proceedings to restrain interference with the due flow of a stream or the pollution of its waters by throwing into it the solid refuse of any manufactory or quarry, or any rubbish or cinders, or any other waste or any putrid solid matter.
The council are not authorized to promote any bill, and although they frequently do so, they incur the risk that if the bill should not pass the members of the council will be surcharged personally with the costs incurred if they attempt to charge them to the county rate.
For this purpose they are authorized to levy a rate not exceeding 2d.
Under the Light Railways Act 1896 a county council may be authorized by order of the light railway commissioners to Light construct and work or contract for the construction or railways.
The only one of these that need be noticed is that which provides that after the market is opened for public use every person, other than a licensed hawker, who shall sell or expose for sale in any place within the district, except in his own dwelling-place or shop, any articles in respect of which tolls are authorized to be taken shall be liable to a penalty.
First, in the case of boroughs where from the time of the first adoption of the Sanitary Acts these expenses have been paid out of the borough rate, the expenses continue to be so paid; and in an urban district which was formerly subject to an Improvement Act, the expenses may be payable out of the improvement rate authorized by that act.
Moreover, the expenses must, before they can be charged to the rates, be examined and allowed by some person authorized by a secretary of state or the Local Government Board, as the case may be.
But the state was authorized by an amendment adopted in 1868 to issue bonds for the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by its cities, towns, and plantations on account of the Civil War, and these bonds, with those issued by the state itself during the Civil War, constituted the largest part of the state's bonded indebtedness.
In1838-1839the territory in dispute between New Brunswick and Maine became the scene of a border " war," known as the " Aroostook disturbance "; Maine erected forts along the line she claimed, Congress authorized the president to resist any attempt of Great Britain to enforce exclusive jurisdiction over the disputed territory, and an armed conflict seemed imminent.
In April 1885 the Belgian chamber authorized King Leopold "to he the chief of the state founded in Africa by the International Association of the Congo," and declared that "the union between Belgium and the new State of the Congo shall be exclusively personal."
The region between i Forced labour had, however, been authorized in 1891 and exacted in practice since the foundation of the state.
In 1888 and 1889 bearer bonds to the amount of £2,800,000 were issued out of an authorized issue of £6,000,000.
They create and alter subdivisions, levy taxes, care for the poor, construct, maintain and make regulations for roads and bridges, erect and care for public buildings, grant franchises, issue licences, supervise county officers, make and enforce proper police regulations (but the authority does not extend to incorporated towns or cities), and perform such other duties as may be authorized by law.
He remained in Europe, spending most of his time at Paris and holding blank commissions which he was authorized to fill in at his discretion in case the presence of a Confederate commissioner should seem desirable at any particular European court.
Besides bronze coins of less value than 2 le g, nickel pieces worth 5, 10 and 20 bani were authorized by a law of 1900.
The most prominent statesman in the new Conservative-Junimist ad- - ministration was P. Carp, who in the spring of 1889 succeeded in passing a bill which authorized the distribution of state lands among the peasantry.
By the end of the 17th century Rumanian had become the authorized language of the Church, and the Rumanian translation of the Gospels (printed 1693) had become the Authorized, Version.
The office of vicepresident is abolished, and the president is authorized to choose a temporary substitute from his cabinet, and in case of his death or resignation his successor is chosen by the cabinet or the governor of a department who happens to be nearest Bogota at the time.
The president is authorized to appoint the governors of departments, the intendants of territories, the judges of the supreme and superior courts, and the diplomatic representatives of the republic. His salary, as fixed by the 1905 budget, is £3600 a year, and his cabinet ministers receive f1200 each.
On October 16, 1899 - the outstanding circulation then amounting to 46,000,000 pesos, - the government decreed an unlimited issue to meet its expenditures in suppressing the revolution, and later on the departments of Antioquia, Bolivar, Cauca, and Santander were authorized to issue paper money for themselves.
In 1903 Congress adopted a gold dollar of 1.672 grammes weight .900 fine (equal to the U.S. gold dollar) as the monetary standard created a redemption bureau for the withdrawal of the paper circulation, prohibited the further issue of such currency, and authorized free contracts in any currency.
Provision was made in 1880 for a settlement of the boundary dispute with Costa Rica, and in July of that year the federal Congress authorized the formation of a naval squadron.
There is no bridge below this, but the construction of the Rotherhithe Tunnel was authorized in 1 9 00.
What they would do would be to call a colonial conference; and they wished to be authorized to meet colonial views if in the conference the colonies considered a duty on wheat to be necessary.
The Public Money Drainage Acts 1846-1856 authorized the advance of public money to landowners to enable them to make improvements in their lands, not only by draining, but by irrigation, the making of permanent roads, clearing, erecting buildings, planting for shelter, &c. The rapid absorption of the funds provided by these acts led to further legislative measures by which private capital was rendered available for the improvement of land.
The chair was not exactly offered to him, as has been sometimes asserted, but the electors, having met and talked over the subject, authorized one of their number, who was Hamilton's personal friend, to urge him to become a candidate, a step which his modesty had prevented him from taking.
An issue of bonds (to be redeemed from the sale of public lands) for a privately built canal at Oregon City was authorized in 1870.
Hence the separation, increasingly marked, between the common law and the local laws, which cannot derogate from the common law except by concession of the Holy See, or by right of a lawfully authorized custom.
By its constitution of that year the English Church in South Africa adopts the laws and usages of the Church of England, as far as they are applicable to an unestablished church, accepts the three creeds, the ThirtyNine Articles, the Book of Common Prayer, the decisions of the undisputed general councils, the Authorized English Version of the Scriptures, disclaims the right of altering any of these standards of faith and doctrine, except in agreement with such alterations as may be adopted by a general synod of the Anglican Communion.
In1906-1907the state school tax was increased from 11 6 cents per $100 to 13.6 cents per $100; an educational standard was provided, coming into effect in August 1908, for public school teachers, in addition to the previous requirement of a written test; a regular system of normal training was authorized; uniform courses were provided for the public high schools; and small township schools with twelve pupils or less were discontinued, and transportation supplied for pupils in such abandoned schools to central school houses.
There are a Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home at Knightstown (1868), and a State Soldiers' Home at Lafayette (1896); a School for FeebleMinded Youth (1879), removed from Knightstown to Fort Wayne in 1890; a village for epileptics at New Castle (1907); and a hospital for the treatment of tuberculosis, authorized in 1907, for which a site at Rockville was purchased in 1908.
The legislature authorized the issue of $1,50o,000 in treasury bonds, which by 1842 had fallen in value to 40 or 50% of their face value.
In the following session (1548-1549) the first Act of Uniformity authorized the first Book of Common Prayer.
The language of the public press and of Englishmen visiting Denmark confirmed theimpression which the words of the prime minister had produced; and there is unfortunately no doubt that Denmark was encouraged to resist her powerful opponents by the belief, which she was thus almost authorized in entertaining, that she could reckon in the hour of her danger on the active assistance of the United Kingdom.
But, so far as railways are concerned, none of the great trunk lines had been constructed in 1837; the whole capital authorized to be spent on railway construction did not exceed 55,000,000; and, five years after the reign had begun, there were only 18,000,000 passengers.
The paid-up capital of British railways in 1901 exceeded I,Ioo,000,000; the passengers, not including season ticket-holders, also numbered x,Ido,ooo,000; and the sum annually spent in working the lines considerably exceeded the whole capital authorized to be spent on their construction in 1837.
Both contain occasional state papers, and not very trustworthy reports of parliamentary proceedings., The publication of debates was not authorized till the last quarter of the century; parliamentary papers begin earlier, but only slowly attain their present portentous dimensions.
The doctrine of Atonement, destined to be the focus of Protestant evangelicalism, has remained undefined in Catholic circles,' an implicate or presupposition, but no part of the explicit and authorized creeds.
Before its dissolution the Assembly had authorized the creation of 1 800 o00 000 livres of assignats and The g the depreciation of its paper had begun.
This last was authorized by his father's will to sell the estate to the United States government, and in 1847 offered the property for $108,000, but the offer was refused.
The Islands Bank in Reykjavik (1904) is authorized to issue bank-notes up to £133,900 in total value.
The Book of Common Prayer, which came into general use at the Revolution, is now the authorized service book.
The creation of state vine-nurseries, stocked with American plants, was authorized by a law of 1908.
To meet these expenses the foreign ratepayers are authorized to levy taxes on land and houses, to levy wharfage dues on goods landed or shipped, and to charge licence fees.
A state board of arbitration, composed of two farmers, two employers and two employes is authorized to investigate the causes of any strike affecting the public interests, and publish what it finds to be the facts in the case, together with recommendations for settlement.
A state dispensary system for the sale of intoxicating liquors was authorized by the constitution, but the popular vote in 1908 was unfavourable to the continuance of the system, the sentiment seeming to be for rigid prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors.
When the allotments were nearly all made Congress in 1906 authorized Oklahoma and Indian Territories to qualify for admission to the Union as one state.
In 1650-54 he published the work which was long accounted his most important production, the Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, in which he propounded a now disproved scheme of Biblical chronology, whose dates were inserted by some unknown authority in the margin of reference editions of the Authorized Version.
The total authorized capital of all Irish railways, exclusive of light railways, at the end of 1905 was £42,881,201, and the paid-up capital, including loans and debenture stock, amounted to £37,238,888.
In 1882 the Commissioners of Public Works were given further powers to lend money to fishermen on the recommendation of the inspectors of fisheries; and under an act of 1883 the Land Commission was authorized to pay from time to time such sums, not exceeding in all £250,000, as the Commissioners of Public Works might require, for the creation of a Sea Fishery Fund, such fund to be expended - a sum of about £240,000 has been expended - on the construction and improvement of piers and harbours.
The authorized note circulation is £6,354,494 and the actual note circulation in June 1906 was £6,310,243, two of the banks not being banks of issue.
Many Irish parishes grew out of primitive monasteries, but other early settlements remained monastic, and were compelled by the popes to adopt the rule of authorized orders, generally that of the Augustinian canons.
The county in which the crime occurs is, without regard to the conduct of the officers, liable in damages of not less than $2000 to the legal representative of the person lynched; the county is authorized, however, to recover this amount from the persons engaged in the lynching.
Towards the middle of 1882 the relations between the native government and that of France became much strained, and to settle, if possible, these causes of dispute, two Franco- Hova officers of high rank were sent to France as Malagasy ambassadors, but as they were not authorized to war 1883-850f.
The volume is dedicated to the king of England, where Convocation at Cranmer's instance had, in December 1534, petitioned for an authorized English version of the Scriptures.
There is no definite mention of the original Greek and Hebrew texts; but it has considerable literary merit, many of Coverdale's phrases are retained in the authorized version, and it was the first complete Bible to be printed in English.
Russia was also authorized to levy tolls intended to cover the expenses of any works of improvement that might be undertaken by her.
These Christian communities, disguised under the legally authorized name of burial societies, gradually formed a vast secret cosmopolitan association, superimposed upon Roman society but incompatible with the Empire.
This was a compromise between the royal government and the Huguenot government, the latter giving up the question of public worship, which was only authorized where it, had existed before 591 and in two towns of each bailliage, with the exception of Paris; but it secured liberty of throughout the kingdom, state payment for its ministers, admission to all employments, and courts composed equally of Catholics and Protestants in the parlements.
Authorized after many difficulties to organize a private bank of deposit and account, which being well conceived prospered and revived commerce, Law proposed to lighten the treasury by the profits accruing to a great maritime and colonial company.
On the refusal of the privileged classes and after an interval of six weeks, the third estate, considering that they represented 96% of the nation, and in accordance with the proposal of Sieys, declared that they represented the nation and therefore were authorized to take resolutions unaided, the first being that in future no arrangement for taxation could take place without their consent.
After controverting the doctrine of the Millenaries, he urged various practical suggestions for the repression with a strong hand of current blasphemies, for a thorough revision of the authorized version of the Scriptures, for the encouragement of a learned ministry, and for a speedy settlement of the church.
At the close of the 19th century the remodelled hank charter, which is only to expire in 1921, authorized a maximum issue of 100,000,000.
The Cortes authorized the government to negotiate with the foreign bondholders with a view to cancelling that agreement.
The secret ballot was adopted in 1891; the use of the voting machines was authorized in 1899; and the nomination of candidates by primaries was made mandatory in 1907.
By a provision unique in 1875, the constitution authorized the legislature to provide that the electors might express their preferences for United States senators; but this was not treated as mandatory on the legislature, and though votes were at times taken (1886, 1894), they were not officially canvassed, nor were any senatorial The amendment increased the pay of members from three dollars to five dollars a day " during their sitting," and provided that sessions should last at least sixty days, and that members should not receive pay " for more than sixty days at any one sitting"; the original constitution had provided that they should " not receive pay for more than forty days at any one session " and had prescribed no minimum length for a session.
Articles, suggesting that their negations were not directed against the authorized creed of Roman Catholics, but only against popular errors and exaggerations.
Special religious instruction is allowed to be given after school hours by teachers duly authorized by the various religious denominations, and this privilege is somewhat extensively used by the Church of England.
This reading is adopted by the authorized version, but the Hebrew, as it stands, will not support it.
The debt was increased in April 1909 by the issue of bonds for $1,000,000 (out of $7,000,000 authorized in 1907).
But his most famous work was his new edition and English translation of the Authorized Daily Prayer Book (first published in 1870), a work which has gone through many large editions and which has probably been the most popular (both with Jews and Christians) of all books published by an English Jew.
The officers of the penitentiary and of the reformatory for boys are authorized to advise the governor with respect to an application for the pardon of an inmate of their institution, but he is not bound by their advice and there is no real restriction on his power to pardon except that he is not permitted to pardon in cases of impeachment.
State, county and municipal taxes are assessed by a county assessor, who is elected for a term of four years, and one or more deputies whom the assessor is authorized to appoint.
The policy of state aid to internal improvements found advocates very early in spite of the Republican affiliations of the state, but a definite programme was not laid out until 1829, when commissioners for internal improvements were appointed and an expenditure of $150,000 was authorized.
He liaises direct with the applicant to allocate him or her to one of the authorized show judges.
There were 5.8% authorized absences and 0.9% were unauthorized.
In comparison, 20% of the S1 pupils were authorized absentees while 2% were unauthorized absentees.
Eligibility The applicant must be either the owner of the property or an authorized agent of the owner.
The Imams are, in Shi`i doctrine, the authorized interpreters of the Qur'an as well as the supreme arbiters of the Holy Law.
No other use of the materials and of any information incorporated therein is hereby authorized.
You may make no use of Materials not expressly authorized herein or by prior express written authorization from Company.
These utterances, however, reveal Paul's conviction of being a legitimate, duly authorized apostle.
National governments still wield tremendous leverage both on the territories they govern and as the only legally authorized participants in international deliberations.
We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of personal data, to access your personal information.
Why do I get a " not authorized (xx h) - READ THE FAQ " error?
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Convention.
The first is the working archive of Peter Conradi, Iris Murdoch's authorized biographer.
This authorized biography by broadcaster John Keith has been written with the co-operation of the Paisley family.
A company may not do any act or conduct any business that is not authorized by its Memorandum of Association.
The authorized share capital is the maximum number of shares a company can issue.
Memorandum contains the name of the company, authorized share capital, initial members and object clause (if any ).
The fees of incorporation are based on the IBC's authorized share capital.
Only those in the authorized wedding celebrants table can conduct marriage ceremonies that have legal status.
If this is the case you will need to have the printer serviced at an Epson authorized service center.
But his treatment reveals some commonality of origin for government budgetary control and for company accounts with their Authorized, Issued and Called items.
The money used to pay the compensation comes from charges levied on authorized firms.
The exception to this rule is the case of authorized consignees under 6.3. top ^ 9.4 What seals are used?
Therefore, we strongly recommend that authorized consignors make the necessary arrangements to obtain a fallback stamp as soon as possible.
From a remote console, an authorized user has the ability to perform centralized management, configuration and administrative functions across multiple zones.
By completing box 59 an agent can be authorized to handle correspondence on behalf of the purchaser.
There will be two categories of custodian - authorized custodian and recognized custodian.
Like the Stinger, you need to have the battery changed by an authorized dealer.
There are no exchange controls but transactions in foreign currency must be through an authorized dealer.
You will be entitled to have a meeting with the managing director or his/her authorized deputy to discuss the matter.
Historically, the court has authorized disclosure beyond these restrictions and/or imposed additional restrictions in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction.
All our stock is 100% genuine and we source all items from authorized distributors around Europe.
More mundane matters also occupied the committee - on 6th May 1898 the Librarian was authorized to obtain a new doormat!
In 1998, in circumstances that turned farcical, a Paris journalist was given authorized access to military archives.
The Biometric devices scan the fingerprint or retina of the eye to allow only authorized personnel to gain access to secure areas.
For example, we must give information to authorized benefit fraud investigators where fraud investigators where fraudulent benefit claims are suspected.
At least once a year each grower must pass a stringent inspection by an authorized inspector.
The quality approval at our factory is made by a national authorized quality institution.
As an authorized insurer the Mutual will be eligible to purchase cover from Pool Re.
The term authorized interruption of study is now used in preference to previous descriptions.
For example, we must give information to authorized benefit fraud investigators where fraudulent benefit claims are suspected.
A number of retired judges are authorized to sit in one or more of these jurisdictions.
The overdraft is an authorized overdraft limit (APR 0 %) available automatically to all Student Package Account holders.
It is a criminal offense to deal in trademarked merchandise that has not been authorized or licensed by the trademark holder.
However, his defense of the Authorized Version is somewhat misdirected.
I've traded as an authorized sales dealer, selling and delivering new (and reconditioned) Hoover washing machines.
Also, where attendance is necessary, this can be carried out by the supervisor or his authorized nominee.
Should the composer feel obliged to stick to a form of words found in a translation authorized for liturgical use?
The penalty for wilfully obstructing or delaying an authorized officer is a maximum fine at level five.
Within 6 months there will be an increase of IS authorized arrest officers from 70 to 200.
The charges on authorized overdrafts & loans - these vary from bank to bank.
Authorized Users are faculty, staff, students and walk-in patrons of its libraries.
The couple will also have to give a notice of civil partnership to an authorized person of the registration authority in which they live.
A list of authorized personnel who are allowed in the Heavy Lab to be compiled.
You must be logged on as a page owner or as an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges.
Ensuring that details of your service are only discussed with you or your authorized representative.
Venezuela ' Supreme Court has authorized the extradition request under Venezuelan law, maintaining the charges against Posada Carriles are still valid.
Items found to be unsafe for use should be segregated and NOT used, until made serviceable by an authorized person.
There is no minimum authorized or issued share capital requirement.
Reports must be dated and signed by at least one trustee authorized for the purpose.
In two categories illinois will get unionized industrial employers and other authorized personnel.
Once it has been authorized the application is streamed to the consumer via a carousel operated by the uplink provider.
Where authorized, amendments were largely made to those parts of the programs characterizing later forms of xenograft rejection and its management.
Of course, for high-end oven ranges like those from Wolf/Sub Zero and Viking, you can visit the individual company’s website and either order direct or find an authorized dealer near you.
Many stores offer flatware, but if you choose a designer brand, be sure you are working with an authorized retailer to avoid potential problems and scams.
In many cases, there will be a multitude of used copies available from authorized sellers.
Ask your authorized iPod dealer what is available.
All brick and mortar stores who carry TVs in stock are authorized to sell them, and you are guaranteed a manufacturer's warranty.
Is the online store an authorized dealer?
Most online dealers are not authorized to sell their products.
That doesn't mean they are shady or untrustworthy, it just means they won't be able to offer some of the same rebates or promotions the manufacturer is giving those who are authorized.
It could be you want to buy some miles to use at a hotel or restaurant authorized by the airlines.
To maximize your spending, consider buying used or factory reconditioned models, utilizing a discount directly from Apple, shopping at tax-free authorized retailers, buying inexpensive Macs on eBay, or trading in your old system for a Mac.
Apple authorized retailers have the red "stamp of approval" from the manufacturer, but their prices are typically the same as the Apple store.
If you are uncertain or skeptical, ease your fears by purchasing a refurbished Mac from an Apple authorized partner>.
The used carts have been sent back to the manufacturer or authorized dealer or repair center and inspected.
The best advice for those is to ensure you are purchasing them from a reputable dealer or authorized to repair the laptops.
Refurbished Apple laptops, for example, can only be repaired and checked by an authorized Apple center or computer repair service.
Make sure you select a company that is Dell certified, which means the company has been authorized to repair Dell computers.
However, you need to carefully monitor your employees and anyone else who has been authorized to use the card to make sure it isn't abused.
Additional cards - Cardholders can request additional cards for users authorized by the cardholder.
Owners can also track the spending on each card to make sure that only authorized purchases are made.
This process is necessary to ensure that the information you supplied is valid, and that you are indeed an authorized user on the account from which you want to make payments.
Gas stations, grocery stores, and shopping centers across the country are now authorized to carry Amazon gift cards.
Any Western Union location across the United States is an authorized dealer of Amazon gift cards.
If you have any concerns about whether a certain dealer is authorized to sell Amazon gift cards, or if the cards are legitimate, contact a representative of or peruse its help pages.
It offers 25,000 bonus miles for signing up, plus 5000 bonus miles by adding an authorized user.
The Continental Airlines OnePass Plus Card allows users to earn 25,000 bonus miles for signing up, and then earn 5000 bonus miles when you add an authorized user to your card.
The Thomasville NJ (formerly The Back Room) is an authorized Thomasville retailer.
Many Thomasville stores and authorized Thomasville retailers have some floor samples, discontinued and clearance merchandise on-site.
The company has authorized dealers nationwide in the U.S. and you can also order Hooker furniture online.
You will need to enter your zip code in the search box to see if there is an authorized Hooker furniture dealer in your area.
See the MAC store locator to find the authorized locations nearest you.
This can also present legal problems, as you may not be authorized to view content in this manner.
In fact, there are several authorized repair options to choose from if you don't want to send your broken camera back to the manufacturer.
There was a time when professional shooters had exclusive access to authorized Nikon parts.
However, the boom in technology and growth of digital photography has made it possible for even casual shutterbugs to acquire reputable repair services from authorized Nikon dealers.
If your camera's warranty has expired or you simply don't feel comfortable dealing directly with Nikon, you have the option of visiting independent authorized repair facilities.
Authorized repair stations service Nikon cameras exclusively.
This is a helpful tool as authorized repair stations are independent businesses.
However, the most popular are direct Sony camera repair and authorized repair dealers.
Another option is to select an authorized Sony camera dealer to fix your broken model.
If you have the skills to fix your own camera, you may opt to contact an authorized Sony camera parts shop.
An authorized retailer of Cricut cartridges, Creative Memories has a great selection of items for the die cut machines.
Alternately, the site may provide links to online stores authorized to sell their particular clothing line.
Another example is Tommy Hilfiger, which has an authorized e-store right on their site.
Tiffany Designs has a complete list of authorized retailers on their website.
Another way to view the latest designs is to attend a Maggie Sottero trunk show, an event where authorized detailers show off the new dresses of the season.
The song, which featured fiancé Spencer Pratt rapping, was well-received by listeners, but Montag insisted it was not the authorized version for airplay.
As Corian is only available through authorized distributors or retail stores including Lowe's Home Improvement Stores and Home Depot, it is best installed by professionals trained to meet installation specifications.
A toll-free number is available for those who want to schedule an appointment with an authorized design consultant, but their website also provides a link for those who want to do business online.
After you make a request for an appointment, an authorized design consultant from a dealer near you will meet with you in your home to help in color selection and design options.
You can purchase Sikkens products through authorized paint, hardware, building supply and home improvement stores throughout the United States and Canada.
The window replacement may be insured, but only if you have an authorized installer perform the work.
Current collections are sold through authorized Chanel Jewelry Boutiques.
As with any designer jewelry item, take care to purchase only from authorized, reputable sellers.
Baccarat earrings are available worldwide at Baccarat retail boutiques and fine jewelry and department stores that are authorized to carry the line.
Silpada jewelry is not sold at retail stores but is available through authorized representatives.
Discount Elegant Bridal is an authorized dealer for many designer brand formal dresses in sizes to 26.
In 2006, it authorized employee contributions up to $20,000 towards employer-sponsored retirement plans, and a maximum of $5,000 per year into IRAs.
The consultation is either handled by the company founder or authorized representatives.
After the document is signed, give a copy of it to your doctor, your estate executor, your lawyer, or someone else authorized to act on your behalf.
Provide those authorized to act on your behalf with the new version and ask them to destroy the previous version.
Congress authorized The Senior Community Service Employment Program, also called SCSEP, as part of the Older Americans Act of 1965.
In 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized ropinirole as a specific treatment for RLS.
When shopping for your Resmed device, be sure to check authorized distributors for the right equipment at the right prices.
That way you won't be stuck making up what you saved in the initial purchase by paying for repairs that would have been covered under a warranty had you gone with an authorized Maui Jim retailer.
Be sure to buy from an authorized dealer, or your warranty may not be valid.
Live Eyewear products are sold exclusively through eyecare professionals, specialty sporting goods stores, and our authorized online partners.
That said, Sunglass Giant is an authorized seller of Mauis so the odds are very good that the process of fixing your defective pair will be quite similar to the one you'd find on the Maui site.
You can also purchase them at other authorized stores.
To ensure that you don't buy counterfeit Police glasses by mistake, make sure that you are buying from an authorized dealer.
Besides making sure you are purchasing from an authorized Versace dealer, look for a guarantee on your glasses -- if it is the real product, the retailer should readily stand behind its quality.
To find an authorized DeWalt retailer in your area, visit DeWalt's store locator featured on the website.
There are some authorized Disney vacation planners designed to help only Disney World customers, so right there you will save some money over using a regular travel agent.
Spend some time hanging out at if you want to take a tour around this authorized website that features links to every division of the Walt Disney Company.
They are a Disney authorized travel agency.
There are many ways to buy amusement park tickets, including in person at the park gate, online from the park's website or another authorized retailer, or at local stores or banks that offer tickets.
Finally, Small World Vacations is a travel agency in the United States that is an authorized Disney vacation planner.
Many of the systems are returns that have been fixed by an authorized Nintendo repair center or by Nintendo itself.
Repairs are done by an authorized repair center.
Request a Shipping Label if you need to send the unit to Nintendo or an authorized repair site.
Like MAME, the legal issues may offer more risk than reward, so it is perhaps best to stick to the fully legal and authorized channels instead.
Most Internet sites that sell these flash carts will display a disclaimer stating that Nintendo does not license or approve these products, nor is the sale of such products authorized or endorsed.
Within a few days of its release, the CEO of Mythic Entertainment has authorized the ban of 400 gold sellers with more everyday.
There are more than 350 documented grapes authorized by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The company has partnered with large corporations to create a plethora of licensed and authorized products.
Visit the Henri Lloyd website to find the complete list of authorized dealers who sell Henri Lloyd products.
Be sure to check the official Henri Lloyd website for information about authorized dealers before making your purchase.
You can find Net10 phones online or at Radio Shack or other authorized dealers.
Some of these applications can be found though the iPhone App Store, while others may not be authorized by Apple for some reason or another.
One of the main reasons why some people choose to sell prepaid phones is that they do can do so without being an authorized dealer, selling the phones online and through eBay.
Some communities have authorized the police to patrol neighborhoods where truant youth are likely to spend the school hours.
Ten years later, Congress authorized the construction of the Lincoln Memorial on February 9, 1911.
You have the choice of receiving an authorized or informational copy.
The informational and authorized copies have the same information but the informational one cannot be used to prove identity.
Keep in mind that only certain people are allowed to have an authorized copy.
The first census was authorized by Congress for 1790 to count residents for the purpose of apportioning Congressmen to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Moreover, certain professional lines are available only by authorized retailers such as salons or Sephora stores nationwide.
Big Sexy products are only found in authorized salons, including both large chains such as Trade Secret or SmartStyle (located in WalMart stores), as well as independent salons.
However, to make purchasing matters even more difficult, this product does not have a wide release and is limited to Matrix salons and some authorized distributors.
Applicants who do not have prior experience as air traffic controllers must pass a pre-employment test authorized by the FAA.
To find a lender in your area that is authorized to provide FHA loans, visit the Find an FHA Lender page of the government's Housing and Urban Development site.
Lenders approved by FHA or those authorized Department of Veterans Affairs to originate loans qualify.
Contact an agent authorized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and make sure that you have your facts straight.
In 1924 the War Department, which owned the land on both ends of the Golden Gate Strait, authorized the construction of the bridge, agreeing that the bridge would not hinder military activities or shipping traffic.
Pfaff - If you are considering a Pfaff machine for your embroidery projects, it is important to note that authorized dealers are not allowed to sell Pfaff machines over the Internet.
Singer - Singer's website provides a list of national and regional retailers, as well as a list of authorized e-tailers.
If you're considering purchasing your very first dive suit, you'll probably want to visit an authorized dealer with the expertise to walk you through the process.
That's why it's best to leave at least your initial fitting to an authorized dealer.
Instead, visit local stores that are authorized by the designer.
Discount bikini styles can be purchased online from authorized Marc Jacobs vendors such as Bluefly, and these swimsuits can also be obtained online from
There are more than 300 authorized service centers across the country, and consumers can also contact the customer service toll-free line at 1-800-348-0751, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m (EST).
Consider shopping at stores luxury discount stores authorized to sell designer names, such as
The only place authorized to sell an All Clad Deluxe Slow Cooker is Williams-Sonoma.
Kenmore has authorized Sears to sell Kenmore microwave replacement parts.
The company does use two authorized dealers for buying replacement parts online.
However, there are two authorized sellers that you can buy repair parts from online.
While Braun does not offer parts on their website, the company has authorized two companies to sell replacement parts for Braun razors.
Remington has authorized several retailers to sell authentic parts.
Emerald City Espresso Machines is an authorized seller for the appliances, and Hooked on Espresso also carries the line.
Authorized Astra sellers have their own return policies.
Brand new Rainbow vacuum cleaners are only available for purchase through Authorized Rainbow Distributors/Dealers.
If you are not able to fix your vacuum cleaner by changing the belt or unclogging the unit, you may need the assistance of an Oreck authorized service center.
The easiest way to repair your Oreck vacuum is to visit a local Oreck Store or authorized service provider.
Under the service plan, you will receive round the clock toll free service and an authorized service technician to help you fix or repair your appliance.
To find an authorized dealer near you or to buy direct from Miele, visit the official Miele website.
Many manufacturers have their own authorized repair centers or allow you to send the product into the company directly for repair.
If the can opener breaks within the first year, you can take the appliance to an authorized Black and Decker repair center and the company will repair or replace the can opener free of charge.
Black and Decker Dust Buster filters are available directly from the manufacturer or one of its authorized dealers.
Under the warranty, customers can take their humidifier to an authorized service center for repairs providing they have a proof of purchase, such as a sales receipt.
The in-store service plan is cheaper to purchase, but the customer must bring the dehumidifier into an authorized repair center if the appliance needs serviced.
To purchase one, you will need to find an authorized dealer.
To be protected and to guarantee that you are getting an authentic product, only buy from an authorized Sub-Zero representative.
Scentsy - Scentsy products can be purchased online or in person, through an authorized Scentsy consultant.
Be careful to only purchase Asscher diamonds from The Royal Asscher Diamond Company's authorized dealers to make sure you get a real Asscher diamond.
Though they are known primarily as an authorized dealer for fine and rare watches, their line of gemstone jewelry features elegant and original artistic designs.
Only De Beers boutiques are authorized to sell the company's work, making each piece even more sought after and exclusive.
Tiffany gifts are only available through authorized boutiques, not online sellers or chain merchants.
In each unique design, careful attention is paid to ensure the ring is meticulously crafted and superbly set before it is authorized to be sold as part of a Daniel K collection.
Verragio does not directly offer retail sales and all Verragio designs must be purchased through an authorized retailer.
Savvy couples should price compare among several authorized Benchmark dealers to ensure they are getting the best deal on the ring design they are interested in.
Harley Davidson wedding rings and other related jewelry can be found at authorized Harley Davidson retailers as well on online merchants.
Verragio is known for listening to customer feedback and his authorized retailers and responding to their needs when he creates new designs.
Verragio advises customers to only purchase Verragio rings from local authorized retailers to guarantee authenticity.
The Verragio website has a store locator feature which allows customers to put in their zip code to find local authorized retailers.
Interested customers should call 1-888-841-7676 or visit Daniel K's official website for information on authorized retailers.
The Infinite Jewelry CO. sells the only authorized version of the Twilight engagement ring.
In addition to the authorized version of the Twilight engagement ring, a number of jewelry artists have also created engagement rings inspired by the story.
If you want your ring to be as close to Bella's engagement ring as possible, select either one of the authorized versions of the Twilight engagement ring or a Twilight inspired ring with a yellow gold band.
Asscher has authorized certain dealers to sell the diamonds in their stores.
Some retailers who are authorized to sell Asscher cut diamond engagement rings include Neiman Marcus, Lee Michaels, Elleard Heffern and Hyde Park.
All authorized diamonds are graded by experts from Royal Asscher.