Authentic Sentence Examples
The effigy on it may be taken to be an authentic portrait.
He had some knowledge of authentic history, and rejected the more marvellous elements of the story.
You can enjoy pizza cooked in an authentic wood stove.
Of his authentic works the doctrinal essential is very simple.
There was no authentic instance of any inscription having been found there or elsewhere in Rhodesia.
Even before authentic history begins, the elements of religion and society had already crystallized into a solid coherent structure which was to persist without essential modification.
Keep it authentic, and your blog will be great.
We tend to regard information that comes to us through our friend network as more authentic and reliable than information we receive from traditional media.
But there are no authentic data before the 9th century concerning his history.
We offer excellent cuisine, with a great selection of authentic dishes to tantalize the taste buds.
AdvertisementThe restaurant's atmosphere is casual, and the menu is extensive and authentic.
Nothing that is authentic is known about him.
The authentic doctrine of the Gathas had no room either for the cult of Mithra or for that of the Haoma.
The graphic description of this journey is contained in the Safarnama, which possesses a special value among books of travel, since it contains the most authentic account of the state of the Mussulman world in the middle of the 11th century.
The authentic history of Etruria is very meagre, and consists mainly in the story of its relations with Carthage, Greece and Rome.
AdvertisementYou shouldn't expect to find a real pair for under $100, and most authentic glasses will be closer to the $200 mark - at least.
With smart shopping, finding an authentic designer handbag can actually be much more affordable than many women believe.
But authentic examples of his work now remaining, printed in three colors, seem to show a technique too complete for an origin quite so recent.
The first was the Memoirs of a Cavalier, which Lord Chatham believed to be true history, and which William Lee considers the embodiment at least of authentic private memoirs.
Your lover wants to hear how you sincerely feel, so communicate in your own way for the most authentic romantic love letter ever.
AdvertisementThe incidents of his life are shrouded by uncertain traditions, which naturally sprang up in the absence of any authentic record; the earliest biography was by one of the Sorani, probably Soranus the younger of Ephesus, in the 2nd century; Suidas, the lexicographer, wrote of him in the 11th, and Tzetzes in the 12th century.
Although the treatises IIEpi Kpwviuwv cannot be accepted as authentic, we find in the Ilpoyvwvr,KOV evidence of the acuteness of observation in the manner in which the occurrence of critical days in disease is enunciated.
The explanation is found, so the Assyriologist assures us, in the fact that both Hebrew and Greek historians, writing at a considerable interval after the events, and apparently lacking authentic sources, confused the peaceful occupation of Babylon by Cyrus with its siege and capture by a successor to that monarch, Darius Hystaspes.
It was ably argued by Sir George Cornewall Lewis, in connexion with his inquiries into early Roman history, that a verbal tradition is not transmitted from one generation to another in anything like an authentic form for a longer period than about a century.
The nature of these documents - authentic, forged, or partly forged, partly genuine - has been the theme of much discussion.
AdvertisementIf authentic throughout, they afford perfect proof of Mary's complicity in the murder of her husband, Henry, Lord Darnley.
At the beginning of the r4th century Girard of Amiens made a dull compilation known as Charlemagne from the chansons de gests, authentic history and the pseudoTurpin.
It gives copious details, and, as he had access to the correspondence and official documents of the Spanish leaders, it is, although necessarily possessing bias, the fullest and most authentic record existing of the events it relates.
Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769) was translated into French by Barbeu Dubourg (Paris, 1773); Vaughan attempted a more complete edition, Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces (London, 1 779); an edition in three volumes appeared after Franklin's death (London, 1806); what seemed the authentic Works, as it was under the care of Temple Franklin, was published at London (6 vols., 1817-1819; 3 vols., 1818) and with some additional matter at Philadelphia (6 vols., 1818).
Temple Franklin, deciding to print, got from le Veillard the copy sent to him in 1788 (sending in return the original with autograph alterations and the final addition), and from the copy published (London, 1817) an edition supposed to be authentic and complete.
Dehra Dun only emerges from the mists of legend into authentic history in the 17th century A.D., when it formed part of the Garhwal kingdom.
The earliest authentic record of the town is that of the building of a chapel - afterwards destroyed by the heathen Frisians - by Dagobert I., king of the Franks, in 636; but the importance of the place began when St Willibrord (q.v.), the apostle of the Frisians, established his see there.
The history of Berar belongs generally to that of the Deccan, the country falling in turn under the sway of the various dynasties which successively ruled in southern India, the first authentic records showing it to have been part of the Andhra or Satavahana empire.
With the exception of what the South-Arabian Hamdani relates of his own observation or from authentic tradition, the Mahommedan Arabic accounts of South Arabia and Sabaea are of little worth.
The first authentic explorations in what is now South Dakota were made by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804 and 1806.
Similarly, in Notre Dame de Lorette; etude critique sur l'authenticite de la Santa Casa (1906), he dissipated by the aid of authentic documents the legend which had embellished and falsified the primitive history of that sanctuary.
Nicholas received them with some reserve; he refrained from giving them his sanction, and only borrowed from them what they had already borrowed from authentic texts, but in general he took up the same attitude as the forger had ascribed to his remote predecessors.
The Fathers of the Church had repeated times without number that the priesthood stands above even the supreme secular authority; the Bible was full of stories most aptly illustrating this theory; nobody questioned that, within the Church, the pope was the Vicar of Christ, and that, as such, his powers were unlimited; as proof positive could be cited councils and decretals - whether authentic or spurious; at any rate all authorized by long usage and taken as received authorities.
On the ground of this extremely dubious declaration, designed to compensate for the absence of any authentic and firm foundation in ecclesiastical law, the Pisan assembly on the 5th of June announced the deposition of Gregory XII.
Thus the Simplon is first certainly mentioned in 1235, the St Gotthard (without name) in 1236, the Lukmanier in 965, the San Bernardino in 941; of course they may have been known before, but authentic history is silent as regards them till the dates specified.
With the exception of one or two glimpses of him that we obtain from authentic historical documents, the recorded events of his later as of his earlier life rest on no more certain authority than that of Blind Harry.
To this, which seems authentic, is usually added the tradition (due to the abbe Boileau) that afterwards he used at times to see an imaginary precipice by his bedside, or at the foot of the chair on which he was sitting.
He left behind him a historical work of great extent and of great value as a storehouse of authentic materials for history.
There is, of course, nothing improbable in this, and even if r Peter be not authentic, it is early evidence for such a tradition, but it is also possible that Peter wrote to converts whom he had not personally made.
The origin of this kingdom, famous alike in the political and religious history of India, is lost in the mists of antiquity; and though the Brahmanical Puranas give lists of its rulers extending back to remote ages before the Christian era, the first authentic dynasty is that of the Saisunaga, founded by Sisunaga (c. 600 B.C.), whose capital was at Rajagaha (Rajgir) in the hills near Gaya; and the first king of this dynasty of whom anything is known was Bimbisara (c. 528 B.C.), who by conquests and matrimonial alliances laid the foundations of the greatness of the kingdom.
A more authentic tradition represents Lysias as having spoken his own Olympiacus at the Olympic festival of 388 B.C., to which Dionysius I.
When such discrepancies came to the cognizance of Mahomet it was doubtless his desire that only one of the conflicting texts should be considered authentic; only he never gave h i mself much trouble to have his wish carried into effect.
He now submitted his earlier poetical work to careful revision, and it was in the revised versions of The Wanderings of Usheen and The Countess Kathleen, and the lyrics given in his collected Poems of 1895 that his authentic poetical note found adequate expression and was recognized as marking the rise of a new Irish school.
Arabic literature appears to, be entirely barren of authentic information regarding the earlier condition of the country.
Authentic drawings done by him in boyhood, however, exist, including one in silver-point of his own likeness at the age of thirteen in the Albertina at Vienna, and others of two or three years later in the print room at Berlin, at the British Museum and at Bremen.
Indefatigable in sifting original documents, Aubigne had amassed a wealth of authentic information; but his desire to give in all cases a full and graphic picture, assisted by a vivid imagination, betrayed him into excess of detail concerning minor events, and in a few cases into filling up a narrative by inference from later conditions.
Vischer (1867) has carefully traced out the successive steps in the growth of the legend, and Rochholz (1877) has worked out the real history of Gessler as shown in authentic documents.
Themselves giving up this world as hopeless, and looking for salvation in the next, they naturally thought the Buddhists must do the same, and in the absence of any authentic scriptures, to correct the mistake, they interpreted Nirvana, in terms of their own belief, as a state to be reached after death.
And it is a most fortunate chance that this - the oldest, the most complete, and the most authentic collection of folklore extant - has thus been preserved intact to the present day.
The labours of Gratian are said to have been rewarded with the bishopric of Chiusi, but if so he appears never to have been consecrated; at least his name is not in any authentic list of those who have occupied that see.
In response Lord Minto was sent to Rome as " an authentic organ of the British Government," but the policy in question proved abortive.
The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000, but no authentic official census exists from which satisfactory information on this point is obtainable.
It will be perceived that an objective attitude to the subjective writings must be adopted, the starting-point is the writings themselves and not individual preconceptions of the authentic history which they embody.
The authentic history of the south does not begin until the 9th and 10th centuries A.D., though the kingdoms are known to have existed in Asoka's time.
The early records of the Chera kingdom are still more meagre; and the authentic list of the rajas of Travancore does not begin till A.D..1335, and the rajas of Cochin two centuries later.
In southern India at this time authentic history begins with the Hindu empire of Vijayanagar, which exercised an ill-defined sovereignty over the entire south from the 14th to the 16th century.
The Jewish community of Worms (about 1300 in number) claims to be the most ancient in Germany and to have existed continuously since the Christian era, though the earliest authentic mention of it occurs in 588.
The speeches abound in details which may be accepted as authentic, either because there is no reason for misrepresentation or on account of their circumstantiality.
The authentic history of the Huns in Europe practically begins about the year A.D.
In the interval he wrote Madame de Maintenon d'apres sa correspondance authentique (2 vols., 1887), in which he displayed his penetrating critical faculty in discriminating between authentic documents and the additions and corrections of arrangers like La Beaumelle and Lavallee.
The numerous legends which have grown up round his name yield very little that can fairly be regarded as authentic. It seems that he carried on the democratic tradition of his house by helping to overthrow an oligarchic government which succeeded the tyranny in Agrigentum, and was invited by the citizens to become their king.
The first authentic mention of Nuremberg, which seems to have been called into existence by the foundation of the castle, occurs in a document of 1050; and about the same period it received from the emperor Henry III.
We may be forced to conclude that the interest of the whole affair, so far as authentic history is concerned, is really nugatory, and that the romantic imagination has created a mystery in a fact of no importance.
Her life during the next thirty years can be fully studied in her letters, of which many authentic examples are extant.
Volter, who applies this method to the other Pauline epistles, admits that Galatians,whether authentic or not, is substantially a literary unity (Paulus and seine Briefe, 1905, pp. 2 29-285).
It was no mere school for the learned, disclosed no mysteries for the privileged, but sought to lay the foundation of the Christian community on the pure gospel, the authentic institutes of Christ.
These variations have arisen chiefly through cross-breeding, though not entirely so, there being a few cases upon record of the production of "sports" from tubers that have become the parents of new varieties, but authentic cases of the sporting of tubers are few and far between.
His effigy in the cathedral chantry and a bust on the groining of the muniment tower at Winchester college are no doubt authentic portraits.
We shall not err in supposing that we have here (what we find nowhere else) an authentic expression of the feeling entertained by a majority of the Roman senate concerning Stilicho.
The first authentic document concerning the former is from the year 1237, concerning the latter from the year 1244, and it is with these dates that the trustworthy history of the city begins.
Here again the inference is that the Latin treatises printed from the 15th century onwards as the work of Geber are not authentic, regarded as translations of the Arabic author Jaber, always supposing that the Arabic MSS.
Stettin is said to have existed as a Wendish settlement in the 9th century, but its first authentic appearance in history was in the 12th century, when it was known as Stedyn.
Foxe based his accounts of the martyrs partly on authentic documents and reports of the trials, and on statements received direct from the friends of the sufferers, but he was too hasty a worker and too violent a partisan to produce anything like a correct or impartial account of the mass of facts with which he had to deal.
There is an authentic story of Petracco's flinging the young student's books of poetry and rhetoric upon the fire, but saving Virgil and Cicero half-burned from the flames at his son's passionate entreaties.
On the site now occupied by the town there was a Roman camp, the castrum Tiberii, and the authentic records of Lindau date back to the end of the 9th century, when it was known as Lintowa.
All the grammatically correct texts, together with those portions of the Avesta which have intrinsic worth, especially the metrical passages, are indubitably authentic and taken ad verbum from the original Avesta.
Of authentic preparatory studies for this work there remain but few.
Does this consciousness represent an authentic insight into ultimate fact, or is it a pitiful illusion of the nerves, born of man's hopes and fears and of his fundamental ignorance?
The anecdotes of Swift related in Spence, Laetitia Pilkington, Wilson's Swiftiana, Delany's Autobiography, &c., though often amusing, can hardly be accepted as authentic.
The Koran, the sole authentic authority in all matters, legal or civil, never accurately distinguished between the sheikh and the cadi, and its phrases, besides, are vague and capable of admitting different and even opposite interpretations.
With the r3th century, at latest, begins the authentic political history of the Vlachs in Rumania, but it is not the history of a united people.
The same writer represents Milo as discharging a mission among the Vascones, or Basques, the very people to whom authentic history has ascribed the great disaster which befell the army of Charlemagne at Roncesvalles.
The Historia Caroli Magni was declared authentic in 1122 by Pope Calixtus II.
The first authentic allusions to it are in a canon of the council of Toledo (656), and another of the council of Constantinople "in Trullo" (692), forbidding the celebration of all festivals in Lent, excepting the Lord's day and the Feast of the Annunciation.
The earlier lives, however, contain a substratum of authentic historical fact, which recent critics have supposed to be derived from a lost work by a contemporary writer, described by one of these scholars as "the last great Roman historian."
A really authentic narrative, however, is Captain James Burney's History of the Buccaneers of America (London, 1816).
This involves a minute investigation of the history of that battle, to ascertain if there are any authentic traces of this incident, or any opportunity for it to have taken place.
From the same source and at the same date came two other forged documents - firstly, a collection of Capitularies, in three books, ascribed to a certain Benedict (Benedictus Levita), 2 a deacon of the church of Mainz; this collection, in which authentic documents find very little place, stands with regard to civil legislation exactly in the position of the False Decretals with regard to canon law.
In spite of some hesitation, with regard rather to the official character than to the historical authenticity of the letters attributed to the popes of the earlier centuries, the False Decretals were accepted with confidence, together with the authentic texts which served as a passport for them.
All later collections availed themselves indiscriminately of the contents of this vast collection, whether authentic or forged, without the least suspicion.
At this point the official collections stop. The two last, which have found a place in the editions of the Corpus, are "Extrava- collections of private authority, but in which all the gantes" of documents are authentic. Evidently the strict pro John hibition of the publishing of collections not approved XXII.
The rigorously authentic character of these laws, relating to, and dealing with, the actual realities of life, and with institutions and a state of society nowhere else revealed to the same extent, the extreme antiquity both of the provisions and of the language, and the meagreness of continental material illustrative of the same things, endow them with exceptional archaic, archaeological and philological interest.
Authentic documents were considered good evidence.
It has been frequently asserted that the image of a calf is kept in a niche, and traces of phallic and gynaecocratic worship have been vaguely suspected; but there is no authentic information in support of either statement.
One of the most authentic sayings attributed to him is his criticism of Otto I.
God is made known to man especially by the Scriptures, whose writers were "sure and authentic amanuenses of the Holy Spirit."
But no thorough attempt was 33 0 made to separate the authentic works from those spurious works which had even then become mingled with them.
It would seem that the Fir Galeoin who play such a prominent part in the Tain had been crushed before authentic history begins.
Fournier (Paris, 1852), is based on authentic sources.
In the 17th century the characteristics which so clearly mark off Deuteronomy from the other four books of the Pentateuch were frankly recognized, but the most advanced critics of that age were inclined to pronounce it the earliest and most authentic of the five.
The speech which he pronounced on this occasion was engraved on tables of bronze at Lyons, and is the first authentic record of Gauls admission to the citizenship of Rome.
It is an amplification and interpolation, by means of spurious decretals, of the canonical collection in use in the Church of Spain in the 8th century, all the documents in which are perfectly authentic.
Thus the authentic elements were calculated to serve as a passport for the forgeries, which were, moreover, quite skilfully composed.
In it the authentic texts are printed in two columns, the forgeries across the whole width of the page; an important preface of ccxxviii.
The Visigoth king was routed and disappears from authentic history.
This is the first authentic account we have of the importation of Arab blood, and the Stud-Book says he was the first of that breed ever seen in England.
The modern Gymnospermous orders have but few authentic representatives in Palaeozoic rocks.
From the Ordovician and Silurian, however, a certain number of authentic remains of Algae (among many more that are questionable) have been investigated; they are for the most part either verticillate Siphonae, or the large - possibly Laminariaceous - Algae named Nematophycus, with the problematical but perhaps allied Pachytheca.
The last authentic instance of the creation of a knight banneret was that of John Smith, created banneret at the battle of Edgehill by Charles I.
It is for this reason, they UNANIMOUSLY agreed that the most authentic book after the Book of Allah IS Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Most are made today around Mandalay in Myanmar, tho the vendor will try to persuade you that they are authentic antiques.
The total absence of authentic Upper Paleolithic assemblages is equally significant.
Also a great base for anyone who enjoys horse riding who wants something wonderfully authentic and different.
For a truly authentic feel, finish the planting off with a mulch of chipped bark.
Lovely little Austrian village, totally authentic, with old buildings and cobbled, narrow streets.
Nay more, they would have been equally authentic.
Using events from his life and actual quotes from others, he has made Shuttleworth an utterly authentic, believable personality.
The scenes in and around the law firm are absolutely authentic.
And Bellocchio cleverly weaves images and sounds, as well as news footage and old movie clips to make it all seem frighteningly authentic.
A former commander of the regiment, retired Colonel David Black, told British radio Monday the photos do not look authentic to him.
Rockstar San Diego really did a good job at making this feel authentic by adding some very cool features.
The one good thing about the way things are now is that artists are sounding more authentic, using their own natural accents.
Or would like your business to remain authentic even after you have attracted funding Authentic Capital may be for you.
To be considered authentic, it should also contain (among other things) vinegar, molasses, cloves, garlic and onion.
An authentic Queen stage set complete with lighted gangways, risers and stairways fitted with audience blinders.
In this case " the domestic Church " is virtually the only environment in which children and young people can receive authentic catechesis.
Click here to visit our website A specialist supplier to the trade of authentic, high quality terracotta cookware & kitchen accessories.
To sound credible, you should believe in the authentic intentions of your client.
The Hotel has an excellent restaurant where guests may savor all the specialties of an authentic Tuscan cuisine.
A wealth of authentic engravings inspires the Blue Room collection - a comprehensive selection of items in an array of traditional patterns.
These lanes have kept their integrity with authentic crumbled facades and darkened corners, where little pubs serve mulled wine on chilly nights.
The lounge and dining areas are well furnished with local items giving an authentic feel.
If you're looking for authentic flamenco then this, most definitely, is not it.
Its pubby interior tries desperately to be authentic old school, even flogging real ales.
Newly revised and updated, no true foodie should venture there without it and he's even thrown in some authentic recipes too.
The aroma of fresh coffee together with the creamy smoothness of milk and a rich authentic froth to top.
Greene reflected upon the fact that he doesn't appear overly graceful, hacking away with his stubby, tho authentic, sword.
Equipment includes handguns, cannon, authentic tents, archery, crossbows.
In the 1990s the taste for authentic rockabilly music seems inexhaustible.
Many ministers like to provide the couple with an authentic Universal Life Church Marriage Certificate for them to include among their wedding keepsakes.
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During the tour, the children visited the kitchen and were shown how to make authentic naan.
In the authentic ambiance it was a momentous occasion to look back to the future.
When we first made it, we also made authentic strudel dough using olive oil and flour.
It is used to produce authentic Javanese music, which combines simple melodies with sometimes complex improvised ornamentation.
From the scimitar-horned oryx to the Galapagos giant tortoise, gamers will discover and interact with a menagerie of exotic and authentic animals.
Flatfoot Shakers - High heeled lovin ' machine The Flatfoot Shakers are an excellent authentic sounding Australian rockabilly outfit.
Authentic Online Readers Psychics Network Information and guidance using palmistry, numerology, tarot and astrology.
Unpretentious and authentic little patisserie sited between a strip club and an old pub.
Diligent search was made for the oldest and most authentic texts with the support of the royal patrons.
For the ultimate authentic Italian beverage, visitors can choose from the selection of cafes that will also surround the piazza.
In either case, the likelihood of professionals and family members establishing authentic partnerships on behalf of the child in question appears problematic.
A real, raw authentic performance - no matter how rehearsed this is an ironic take on the loftiness given to artworks using psychoanalysis.
They may even let you taste some of their cooking from authentic recipes of the time.
This is an authentic recreation of Hermione's Time Turner as seen in the movie Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.
The soul of the authentic European, however indifferent he may be to his past, is not so riven.
This traditional sailboat provides a truly authentic Egyptian experience.
Very often an authentic solution will have an elegant simplicity, like a well-designed spade or teapot.
Even so, the need for an authentic spirituality is clearly identified here.
In your free time try authentic apple strudel and Viennese coffee.
We had the vegetarian pad Thai which was very authentic and also deep fried beancurd which was incredibly tasty.
Truth to tell, it is hard to imagine an idea more consonant with authentic Thomism.
A driving rhythm section and three-piece horn section give exciting, authentic backing to a young guy with a great soulful voice.
Authentic Soho Italiana, but the atmosphere is somewhat vitiated by the large projection TV.
He was authentic in every detail, right down to long side whiskers.
His chief literary work is La Congiura dei baroni, a history of the unsuccessful conspiracy of the Neapolitan barons against King Ferdinand L of Naples in 1485; it is based on the authentic records of the state trials, but is prejudiced in favour of the royal power.
He was one of the executors of Edward IV.'s will in 1483, and the story of the future Richard III., while preparing Morton's arrest, joking with him about the strawberries the bishop grew in his garden at Holborn is well known and apparently authentic. Oxford University in vain petitioned for Morton's release, and after some weeks in the Tower he was entrusted to the duke of Buckingham's charge at Brecknock.
The record of his voyage is interesting from the fact that he was the first to carry back to Europe an authentic account of the western coast of Australia, which he described in any but favourable terms. It is to Dutch navigators in the early portion of the 17th century that we owe the first really authentic accounts of the western coast and adjacent islands, and in many instances the names given by these mariners to prominent physical features are still retained.
Besides the works, properly so called, there is a considerable amount of traditional matter - anecdotes, sayings, sermons - preserved in the biographies and in the Fioretti; 1 a great deal of this matter is no doubt substantially authentic, but it is not possible to subject it to any critical sifting.
The first account, although now essential to the canonical history, clearly gives a less authentic account of the change from the " judges " to the monarchy, while the second is fragmentary and can hardly be fitted into the present historical thread (see Saul).
Outside the domain of myth, the earliest connexion of the Greeks with that part of the world would appear to have been through the maritime colonies, such as Dioscurias, which the Milesians founded on the Black Sea coast in the 7th century B.C. For more than two thousand years the most powerful state in Caucasia was that of Georgia, the authentic history of which begins with its submission to Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. The southern portion of Transcaucasia fell during the ist century B.C. under the sway of Armenia, and with that country passed under the dominion of Rome, and so eventually of the Eastern empire.
The latter has other interesting pictures, including a fresco representing an apprentice with pestle and mortar (Pestapepe), the only authentic work in Forli of Melozzo da Forli (1438-1494), an eminent master whose style was formed under the influence of Piero della Francesca, and who was the master of Palmezzano; the frescoes in the Sforza chapel in SS.
Its introduction and six chapters present with rare lucidity the earliest conceptions of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Son of God, the Church, Christian dogma and Catholic worship; and together form a severely critico-historical yet strongly Catholic answer to Harnack's still largely pietistic Wesen des Christentums. It develops throughout the principles that "what is essential in Jesus' Gospel is what occupies the first and largest place in His authentic teaching, the ideas for which He fought and died, and not only that idea which we may consider to be still a living force to-day"; that "it is supremely arbitrary to decree that Christianity must be essentially what the Gospel did not borrow from Judaism, as though what the Gospel owes to Judaism were necessarily of secondary worth"; that "whether we trust or distrust tradition, we know Christ only by means of, athwart and within the Christian tradition"; that "the essence of Christianity resides in the fulness and totality of its life"; and that "the adaptation of the Gospel to the changing conditions of humanity is to-day a more pressing need than ever."
Yet the great bulk of the sayings remain substantially authentic; if the historicity of certain words and acts is here refused with unusual assurance, that of other sayings and deeds is established with stronger proofs; and the redemptive conception of the Passion and the sacramental interpretation of the Last Supper are found to spring up promptly and legitimately from our Lord's work and words, to saturate the Pauline and Johannine writings, and even to constitute an element of all three synoptic Gospels.
But it is not impertinent, and is at the same time an excuse for what has been already said, to repeat that Villehardouin's book, brief as it is, is in reality one of the capital books of literature, not merely for its merit, but because it is the most authentic and the most striking embodiment in contemporary literature of the sentiments which determined the action of a great and important period of history.
The accounts in Sozomen are mainly based on Jerome's Vita; but Otto Zocker has shown that Sozomen also had at his disposal authentic local traditions (see "Hilarion von Gaza" in the Neue Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche Theologie, 1894), the most important study on Hilarion, which is written against the hypercritical school of Weingarten and shows that Hilarion must be accepted as an historical personage and the Vita as a substantially correct account of his career.
These epitomes have been ascribed without sufficient reason to Florus (2nd century); but, though they are probably of even later date, and are disappointingly meagre, they may be taken as giving, so far as they go, a fairly authentic description of the original.
Monstrelet's own writings, dealing with the latter part of the Hundred Years' War, are valuable because they contain a large number of documents which are certainly, and reported speeches which are probably, authentic. The author, however, shows little power of narration; his work, although clear, is dull, and is strongly tinged with the pedantry of its century, the most pedantic in French history.
But as the collection of authentic decretals does not begin till Siricius (385), the pseudo-Isidore first forges thirty letters, which he attributes to the popes from Silvester to Damasus; after this he includes the authentic decretals, with the intermixture of thirty-five apocryphal ones, generally given under the name of those popes who were not represented in the authentic collection, but sometimes also under the names of the others, for example, Damasus, St Leo, Vigilius and St Gregory; with one or two exceptions he does not interpolate genuine decretals.
Any attempt at an authentic translation of an Euripidean vision is consistently obscured by the quotidian world of Irish sexual politics.
Classroom RE will be a challenging educational engagement between the pupil, the teacher and the authentic subject material.
About Part 1 Open Cloze You will read an authentic text which has 15 gaps.
This is an authentic recreation of Hermione 's Time Turner as seen in the movie Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.
It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.
This self-centered way of living and being is exactly the " sin " that all authentic traditions of spirituality would save us from.
It 's about high quality produce and authentic food, served in stylish surroundings at value for money prices.
Authentic teddy boy era drama of two groups of hot headed kids in tight jeans.
We had the vegetarian pad thai which was very authentic and also deep fried beancurd which was incredibly tasty.
She also gives an authentic thirties style to this album Amazing its as if she is streamlining Billie !
The sound effects are also worth a mention, and are very authentic, for being pumped through a single tinny speaker.
Authentic Cypriot fare is also in abundance in the waterside tavernas where you can dine al fresco on the fresh catch of the day.
The only authentic and genuine way of living is that which is freely chosen by the individual themselves.
I wanted to surprise my parents by making Grandma's authentic Mexican tamales, but I couldn't find ancho chile peppers at the grocery store.
If it feels perfectly smooth the pearls are not authentic.
An authentic oriental rug is handmade one of two ways.
Decide on whether you want to invest in an authentic oriental rug or just add the look of one to your home.
The price for an eight foot long oriental style rug may be $300, but the cost of an authentic Persian rug could run $12,000 or more.
While machine made rugs will primarily consist of man-made materials, authentic oriental rugs may be made from many different materials.
If you decide to get an authentic rug, and especially if it is an antique, be sure to get a certificate of authenticity or other paperwork that ensures that the rug you are buying is what the seller says it is. has a variety of authentic oriental rugs from new to historic.
They are all authentic and the site has an interesting selection of tribal rugs.
In general, authentic jerseys come with sewn on numbers and logos, whereas replicas are printed.
A good-quality replica is perfect for fashion, but if you have the extra money to spend, you can go for the more "authentic" look, as it were, with an authentic jersey (the same that the pros wear on the field).
Authentic Hamadans are woven by hand, and will have slight imperfections.
Gabbeh- Gabbeh in the Farsi language means "something raw or natural, which is the perfect description of the types of authentic Persian rugs you will find on this website.
You can't hand an authentic guitar to a two year old and not expect the toddler to rip it apart.
Make sure the ties are authentic by looking for that special Garcia signature indicating that it's his brand.
It's still high-quality, authentic Tommy Hilfinger merchandise, it's just not his absolute latest line of products.
Make certain you have all of the ingredients before you begin to mix this drink because it just won't taste authentic if anything is left out.
Aside from these four Mint Julep ingredients, you need the right hardware and accessories to pull off an authentic version of this classic cocktail.
Sure, you can use a plain straw, but if you really want to be authentic, purchase a set of mint julep straws.
The thief would have access to all this information, which is more than he needs in order to steal the identity of the laptop's authentic owner.
The unsuspecting person clicks on the link and lands on a website that appears to be authentic, so the person supplies personal information in an attempt to rectify whatever supposed problem there is with the account.
If you search for Amish furniture online, you'll see that there are quite a few retailers selling authentic Amish furniture.
If you are searching for an authentic antique be sure to carefully look over the construction details, such as the drawers, the door hinges and make certain that the shelves are still sturdy.
The store's authentic Amish furniture inventory includes reproduction furniture such as Hoosier cabinets, chests and children's wooden toys.
Sustainable Living magazine is a non-profit effort to bring authentic green living information to the public.
These ¼" sheets come in a wide variety of finishes at a fraction of the price of installing authentic beadboard.
If you weren't blessed with an authentic tin ceiling, don't despair.
These can be real structural beams or the more manageable decorative beams made of fiber glass, but which appear the same as authentic oak beams.
Many of the authentic antique farmhouse kitchen tables come from French and English sources.
Another twist on antique farmhouse kitchen tables is the creation of new pieces which are made from aged materials like authentic rustic barnwood.
Consider a combination of chairs and benches for an authentic farmhouse table look.
Lighting - You can make your Italian kitchen instantly feel more authentic by keeping the lighting soft.
The more you invest in these parts of the room, the more your room will give you an authentic theater experience.
While an exposed tin finish may currently be popular, painted tin ceiling panels are the most authentic.
Paint is the most common and authentic of all of the tin ceiling finishes.
If you can obtain some authentic or replica artifacts from one of the Mediterranean countries, you can mix these with more modern accent pieces for a well blended Mediterranean home design.
For homeowners interested in Asian style home decorations, consider checking interior design and art history books for examples of authentic decor.
There are several popular choices for creating an authentic feeling beach décor.
Monitor color settings can greatly differ from the authentic color of the tile.
Patterns of tiny rose buds mixed with larger floral designs all come together in an authentic feel for the Victorian era.
If your ceiling and budget allow, exposed rough darkly-stained beams will give your room an authentic flair.
While you may wish to use wood flooring, the more authentic look for your kitchen floor is flagstone, terra cotta tile, brick, and other stone flooring.
Linens and cottons are authentic fabric choices in Jacquard or damask patterns.
Wood countertops would have been the popular choice in an authentic country home, but modern materials give you quite a few choices that blend contemporary design with period-style design.
You have many choices of fabrics, textures, colors, and furniture for your French country kitchen that should work together to create a cohesive and authentic design.
Primitive artwork and sculpture are often white-washed for an aged and authentic look.
Projector screens provide an authentic theater experience but can be surprisingly pricey.
Display the new menu board on plate stand for an authentic look.
Many of these designs are authentic replicas while others are created as abstract modern interpretations of ancient symbols.
As great as washable rugs are, there are definitely times when you're going to want some natural or authentic rugs in your home.
We've mentioned using brass and pewter, but don't forget hurricane lamps and hurricane-look lamps for an authentic touch.
Look for toilets that allow you to customize their front with inset panels of stone or tile and sinks made of metal, leather or stone for a more authentic look.
A quality, authentic Southwestern lamp will contain many of the elements found in the deserts and mountains of the American Southwest.
Fortunately, you don't have to travel to the American southwest to buy an authentic looking Southwestern themed lamp.
Keep in mind that sunless tans are not a true tan and will not offer any natural sun protection like an authentic tan would.
Providing all authentic products, retails women's and men's perfumes, gift sets, testers, hair and skin care, and candles.
Keep in mind that some products are unboxed; they are authentic, however.
Authentic German Nivea products can also be purchased online at
The Oxford Dictionary, in an effort to stay authentic, includes both versions of the words since those words are still used.
You don't absolutely have to have a wok to create Chinese recipes, but a wok will make the job easier and the results more authentic.
Recipes for lasagna, polenta, risotto, and other authentic dishes can be found in many Italian cookbooks.
Purchase one of these and begin the journey of cooking Italian or give Italian cookbooks as gifts to your family and friends so that they can experience the richness of authentic dishes from Italy.
In order to make an authentic Mojito, you will need to muddle the mint with a tool called a muddler.
Likewise, the lucky recipient will feel good because she'll know it's an authentic note from you and not some practical joke.
Just about any age group can wear trends, but it's with the teen set that you can wear them at their authentic best.
There are many online retailers that also offer Tiffany dresses, but be careful that you are purchasing an authentic Tiffany and that the size will fit.
Never give up on your dreams, but be smart and educate yourself about authentic opportunities and scams.
You can find many 80s-inspired prom dresses these days at department stores like Macy's or Dillards, but if you're looking for an authentic vintage dress, there are other great options.
One giveaway of an authentic dress from the 1980s would be shoulder pads sewn into the seams.
Flapper style prom dresses in black, red or gold look especially authentic.
Blue Velvet Vintage carries both one-of-a-kind, authentic vintage gowns and vintage-inspired styles from a number of different eras so you can be sure to find the look you desire.
Posh Girl Vintage is an online retailer that exclusively sells authentic vintage clothing.
Because the dresses are authentic vintage, there is usually only one to go around and sizes are limited.
Unique Vintage sells both authentic vintage items and vintage-inspired gowns.
If you’re wondering whether you should choose an authentic vintage prom dress or a vintage-inspired gown, consider a few factors, such as price and durability.
Collectors love authentic vintage clothing because it is unique, and it therefore comes with a hefty price tag.
Your dress doesn’t have to break the bank if it’s just vintage-inspired instead of authentic.
Even if you've never been to Hawaii, you can replicate the atmosphere of an authentic Hawaiian wedding ceremony by getting married at a local beach surrounded by lush tropical flowers.
However, you will have to go to an authentic wedding bakery, as opposed to a bakery that merely sells wedding cakes.
Some people may tell you their sea glass is authentic, when it is not, in order to charge a higher price.
These structures look more authentic than tents and are perfect for a couple who want a traditional look to their Asian wedding, from the wedding kimono to the pagoda reception area.
At ECVV, several different styles of Armani suits are available, and again, the site strives to give that authentic catalogue "feel".
Often, they're adorned with various types of embellishments, ranging from buckles to chains, which ups the punk factor and lends them an edgy, authentic appearance.
Check out authentic discount True Religion men's jeans for a great deal on this popular trend.
Be aware that there are many fakes out there claiming to be authentic.
A very low price is a big indicator that the jeans are not authentic.
The authentic color is a deep rich brown, almost burgundy.
You can even find authentic frontier wear.
Additionally, there are shops throughout North America that carry authentic Harris jackets - the site will guide you to your options.
You can shop by size and style to find what you're looking for and get tips on making a vintage style that much more authentic.
Another aspect of your business is selecting quality authentic organic products to sell as specialty basket groups.
At EO Organic, their mission statement says, "We are an impassioned team working collectively to make responsible, sustainable, and authentic personal care products."
You can buy these pre-made or borrow a work outfit from a friend or family member for a more authentic look.
You can also add in a clipboard or whistle for a more authentic feel.
You'll need to do a bit of homework to ensure that when you pay for a pair of Maui Jims, you're getting an authentic pair rather than replicas.
If they're not authentic, that not only pointlessly compromises your wallet, but it compromises your eyes' safety as well.
When buying circle lenses, it is important that the lenses you order are authentic, because fake circle lenses not only look different than real ones, they can also be damaging to your eyes.
If you love the style of Dior but can't fathom breaking the bank for a pair of authentic ones, knock-offs are your answer.
Their looks are a little bit pricier at $24.95 a pair, but that's pennies compared to the authentic look you'll be getting.
Do not forget about HiSunglasses offering free shipping on all famous designer brands, 100% authentic.
Legal replicas are those that are designer inspired and do not claim to be authentic or use copied logos or trademarks.
You are not going to pick up an authentic pair of Fendis for $50 ... or even $100.
You can be sure they're not only authentic, but covered under their warranty.
Popular Glasses guarantees authentic products, so these should not be mere replicas. has an extensive collection of Chanel look-alikes, some of which are quite authentic looking.
However, it's not always possible to go the authentic route.
This way, you can try the look out and then decide at a future date whether or not you' d like to purchase an authentic pair.
We'll also offer tips on whee to buy, how to save money, and distinguishing authentic shades from fakes.
Those sold with a logo that is done to look like the real version or claim to be authentic are not legal to sell.
To ensure that you are looking at authentic Ralph Lauren frames, look for the appropriate logo.
When ordering the spare part, check that it clearly states that the parts being sent are genuine and authentic Ray-Bans.
In that case, any old dark pair of swim goggles absolutely won't do and you'll want to find the most authentic copy available.
If you want some truly authentic Riddick goggles, it'll cost you!
Authentic Serengetis, with the signature "S" logo on the wearer's right lens, are covered under a one-year warranty, with proof of purchase.
If you purchase an authentic vintage pair of frames from the internet, however, be prepared to pay more than you would for a more contemporary pair.
While it is possible to get discounts online, purchasing authentic Oakleys at wholesale prices requires a distributor license, which most regular consumers and small businesses can not obtain.
For an authentic pair of vintage shades, check out eBay, which has a large selection of some of the most popular styles produced.
For a brand that's not usually discounted significantly, you may wonder why you should bother to exert the energy and time to locate the cheapest authentic pair you can find.
Be sure that you only buy from a reputable seller who can verify that the pair you are purchasing is authentic.
Oliver Peoples has the authentic pair, of course, and despite some reports that the 55 mm lens size was discontinued in favor of the 58 mm size, the only one listed is 55.
For example, if you want a pair of authentic Ray-Bans, you won't be able to shop on just any website.
Many families search for printable online Cedar Point coupons to help make their visit to this northern Ohio amusement park more affordable, but finding authentic deals can be a challenge.
It features strong G-forces and plenty of other authentic space adventurer experiences perfect for anyone looking for a big thrill.
Here you will find the Kilimanjaro Safaris, where you will be able to view and discover real animals as you go through a mock Africa exhibit, authentic down to its safari trucks and plant life.
Authentic Japanese food is what sets this menu apart from the other Kemah Boardwalk restaurants.
The 67,000-gallon pool is designed to simulate the force of an authentic Adirondack Whitewater adventure.
I found that higher difficulty modes (Difficult and Authentic) were fun if I felt like revisiting past levels with more fragile soldiers, but didn't offer much beyond that.
The authentic old west atmosphere is absolutely unbeatable and the game emphasizes gameplay over run-and-gun shooting (though it has plenty of that too).
A large selection of authentic weapons are available, perfect for the free-roaming gameplay of this shooter.
The controls are also remarkably tight, and fighting your way through an authentic 82-game schedule is simply blissful.
Ace Combat 1-5 - Series of combat games featuring authentic military weaponry and vehicles.
For a more authentic feel, try any one of the multitude of games that resemble actual joysticks or gamepads.
Hard Drivin' (1989), developed by Atari, promised to deliver "the world's first authentic driving simulation game."
Diliberto Winery - This winery is designed to look like an authentic Italian Piazza and the designers did an absolutely gorgeous job.
Unfortunately, not all of the attention was either good or authentic.
At the same time, productions such as Chicago's "Dream of Arabia" in 2008 strive to be "...not just colorful, but authentic."
While there may never be agreement over what constitutes "authentic" Middle Eastern dance, it is certainly a vibrant art form that continues to bring pleasure to performers and audiences throughout the world.
With 31 different states that each feature their own culture and tradition, there is no set definition of what qualifies as the "authentic" Mexican dance.
In 1999, an article published on Online Athens revealed the first authentic feng shui home built in Athens, Georgia.
Authentic and traditional Feng Shui formulas have been programmed into this hand held compass.
In authentic classical feng shui, Compass and Form schools, only an element can activate an element.
If you follow authentic classical feng shui, this will require a compass reading and a flying star report.
The ambitious truck driver's enterprise flourished and the bonsai pachira aquatic tree became the accepted authentic money tree.
Instead, save some money and splurge on an authentic Sedu or Chi iron for professional results.
Luckily, there are Vidal Sassoon salons throughout the country that you can frequent for an authentic salon cut.
Be sure to check the seller's reputation, however, to be sure you are getting an authentic product in good condition.
The page encourages fans to be brave enough to show off their authentic tresses to the world by uploading a photo to the "Tyra Banks Show" website.
Easily one of the most elaborate eras in history, the following medieval hair designs offer plenty of authentic inspiration should you decide to capture the look of the medieval time period.
If authentic Chinese food is what you are craving, then it will definitely be your lucky day!
The park features over 155,000 trees from all over the world plus a variety of activities and museums, such as the Japanese Tea Garden (pictured at right), authentic Dutch windmills, and the glass-domed Conservatory of Flowers.
The five-acre garden features reflecting ponds, intricate bridges and plantings, and an authentic tea house.
In fact, San Francisco has been consistently credited for having the most authentic festivities outside of China itself.
Attend this fair if you are looking for authentic souvenirs and a chance to experience a Chinese New Year that is so close to the original, you may forget you aren't actually walking down the streets of China itself.
M.A.C. is available in Macy's and other department stores, however a visit to an authentic M.A.C. location will give you time to work with a color stylist who can help you find the best products for your skin type and complexion.
If you are looking for a more traditional line of threads while still holding onto the authentic feel of Monterey, try out the Monterey Bay Clothing Company.
In order to provide a truly authentic experience, The Tonga Room serves fresh fish flown in from the Hawaiian Islands on its dinner menu.
Girls board shorts are available in a wide variety of price ranges (from the simplest of styles to the more high-end authentic surf shop brands).
Now, in order to control sales and distribution much more closely, the authentic products are only sold in official company brand boutiques.
Micro Kitten's mission statement is all about catering to strong, smart, sexy women who want authentic Brazilian bikinis with fashion flair.
A lot of sites claim to offer the peekaboo bikini look, but their products are just plain tame compared to the authentic look of The
Although pocket bikes hit the European world before making an appearance in the U.S., by 2004 the Razor Pocket Rocket began to make a name for itself as a miniature electric replica of an authentic racing pocket bike.
To be authentic to the show, girls should store their wand in their socks or in their shoes.
This guaranteed the purchaser that they had an authentic Pound Puppy.
The dozer includes authentic rolling tracks, lights and sounds.
The playset offers up to 150 authentic show phrases, real show environments and comes with two Fashion Switch figures.
You can buy authentic Power Wheels replacement batteries and chargers from the Fisher-Price website ranging in price from $30.00 to $60.00.
Enjoy a blast from the past with authentic 80s legwarmers.
Prepare to spend hours perusing these modernly authentic looks.
For animal lovers, the faux versions look just as authentic as their genuine counterparts.
You can buy your parts at the Essentials and the Gourmet Depot, both stores are guaranteed to sell only authentic Braun parts.
Remington has authorized several retailers to sell authentic parts.
This way you can return the item if it arrives damaged or is not authentic.
If you have the space and the money, however, you may want to spring for a vintage popcorn cart replica to complete the authentic feel of your home theater.
However, before purchasing from an online retailer, make sure the company carries authentic Cuisinart parts.
The freezer tub reflects an authentic old-fashioned image and is constructed of stained, sealed and lacquered New England pine secured with durable galvanized metal hoops.
To be protected and to guarantee that you are getting an authentic product, only buy from an authorized Sub-Zero representative.
It isn't likely that you'll be able to get your hands on whale oil (or that you would want to) in order to make authentic Colonial candles.
The company is based in Meridian, Idaho and their first product was the Authentic Scentsy Bar.
In fact, there are some manufacturers who create fragrance oils that actually contain a small amount of essential oil to help give the product a more authentic scent.
They have a lovely authentic feel, however there are also some drawbacks in using real candles outside.
The lights themselves flicker to look more authentic.
Wickless candles that carry the Scentsy Authentic seal are soot and flame free candles made with soft wax to maximize fragrance.
Their signature product is the Authentic Scentsy Bar.
Whether you choose authentic or reproduction styles, the variety in unique holder designs make it simple to create a sleek and funky retro style stamp.
While they aren't really "candles" in the truest sense of the word, they can often look like authentic candles.
Of course the more expensive suits are more authentic, made from better materials, probably more washable and much better suited to those people who are professional Santas.
It's not going to be completely authentic, but most people will get the idea and you'll save a lot of money.
Many national costumes are not something you can just walk into your local costume shop or rental house and buy or rent, especially if you're looking for something more authentic than cartoonish.
However, it's not impossible to create an authentic look if you are willing to spend a little time searching for what you need.
Reviewing pictures of traditional costumes may be the best way for you to figure out all the details that need to be included in an authentic national costume.
If you buy one of these sorts of costumes, don't expect them to be authentic.
Don't wear them to cultural events where people will be dressed in authentic national clothing.
With the proper details, any Renaissance costume can be authentic and stunning, regardless of size.
If you want to be authentic, go for a white or cream-colored shirt with blue sleeves.
Makeup and face paint works really well to create a more authentic look.
You can also add a loose-fitting vest (which could be made quite easily by altering a pillowcase) for a more authentic look.
Scarves should be colorful, and if they have fringe, they'll look even more authentic.
Labeled "Authentic Gene Simmons Costume," this outfit includes everything you need to become "The Demon" except for a mask or makeup.
However, if you have the time and inclination, the actual makeup will help your costume look authentic.
This is one of the fastest ways to put together a Jedi outfit, but it may not have the authentic feel of a custom-made costume.
Creating your own Indian costume takes a bit of skill and attention to small details, but the end results are worth your efforts and are much more authentic than store-bought costume options.
When authentic tribe portrayal is of importance, check multiple sources and references for costume inspirations.
For a very authentic yet affordable selection of grass skirts, check out KTS Hula Supply.
The skirts offered through KTS cost a bit more than those from a discount retailer or online shop, but they are decidedly authentic looking.
If you live in Hawaii, California or other tropical region, then you have the option of making or purchasing an authentic hula costume for your child.
Authentic hula skirts are crafted from ti leaves, which are wider than strands of grass.
Authentic hula costumes also feature Haku lei, which are worn on the head in lieu of a single flower tucked behind the ear.
There is no end of websites instructing how to make leis, whether something very authentic or a fun project with kids.
What's more, the virtually unlimited selection of Renaissance costumes for children is a blessing for parents who don't enjoy hunting for must-have clothing and accessories for kids determined to imitate authentic Renaissance villagers.
If you want to make your Alice Cullen costumes somewhat authentic, you'll need to study Alice's fashionista clothing sense.
Sites like Dress Like a Pirate have a huge selection of items in a number of categories - gothic and steampunk in addition to authentic wear.
For those who truly want an authentic look, there is nothing like sewing something yourself, thus guaranteeing both quality and individuality.
Adding a few accessories and finishing touches to your Indian costume will complete the look and make you look more authentic.
For an authentic Santa look, be sure to wear a pair of white gloves and a pair of wire rimmed glasses.
If you are serious about your period look, you'll want to invest in something more authentic.
You'll find that these costume ideas really look authentic when the small details such as hair and makeup are recognized, so be sure to go retro for best results.
Nothing ushers in the holiday season more than an authentic looking Santa ho-ho-ho-ing in front of exuberant crowds.
If the team dances a cultural dance, such as the Can Can, Flamenco or Irish step dance, be sure to incorporate authentic costume details, such as shoes or flared skirts to complement the dance style.
With some creativity, you can create an authentic Mexican outfit with some cash to spare!
If you want to celebrate Mardi Gras in an authentic mask, you don't have to spend a fortune.
As long as you keep being your authentic self you will eventually find the right person for you.
My general sense is the site appears to be an authentic dating site attracting those looking to meet a variety of people with varying ethnicities.
Keep an eye on others eyes and their messages will become more authentic.
Although the authentic Club Bounce is only available in Southern California, there are similar style clubs in other locations.
Search through the following poems and prose, and find words that strike you as an authentic reflection of how you feel about your girlfriend.
That is the fact that you will only be successful finding a date if you are authentic and real - and trust that the other person will be, too.
It's better to be shy and authentic than outgoing and fake.
Spending time getting to know yourself, so that when you write your profile (or talk about yourself with a date) you are not only presenting an authentic self but you are also clear about what you are looking for.
Have faith that the right person is out there, and by learning to enjoy being your authentic self you can't help but find him, whether he's hiding in an online profile or right there across the bar.
Some simply want their rings designed with the past in mind, while others search for an authentic vintage ring with that unusual, retro look.
While the ring will not be authentic, so long as the spirit behind the proposal and the relationship is genuine, the ring will symbolize nothing but the best intentions of the happy couple.
Some couples prefer to keep as close to the appearance of the authentic celebrity ring as possible, but the sheer size of the stones makes an affordable ring impossible.
While diamonds with authentic certificates are more expensive than ungraded stones, couples who choose a certified gem can be assured that their purchase is of high quality and from a reputable source.
Authentic vintage engagement rings may use some of these techniques to add romance to the ring, while contemporary engagement rings frequently feature bolder, more obvious heart motifs.
Couples may find authentic art deco styles through estate sales, antique dealers, or online dealers, and even if the ring does not initially feature heart shapes it may be possible to replace the center stone with a different shape.
All Verragio rings have the name stamped on the inside of the ring so you can be sure that yours is authentic.
Authentic vintage style rings are best found at auction or a jeweler specializing in vintage rings.
Authentic Verragio rings have the name Verragio engraved inside the shank of the ring.
The symbolism of pearls in general and the rarity of authentic Tahitian pearls can create an unusual and meaningful wedding ring.
Authentic pearls feel cool when handled while fake pearls heat up to room temperature quickly.
If you want an authentic Royal Asscher cut, look for a diamond with the laser-engraved logo.
Authentic Royal Asscher rings have the company logo and a unique identification number lasered into the stone's girdle that is best viewed with a jeweler's loupe.
It is easy to identify an authentic Royal Asscher diamond ring thanks to their authenticity technology.
If a jeweler is not willing to provide a certificate with the ring, there is a chance that the ring is not authentic.
Working with an authorized retailer will give you the peace of mind that you are purchasing an authentic Asscher diamond ring.
Authentic Foods crust is made with rice flour and almond meal flours.
Two of our companies use this flour--Authentic Foods, with their Pie Crust Mix, and Kay's Naturals Almond Cookie Bites.
Pamela's Products, Bob's Red Mill, Tom Sawyer, and Authentic Foods all make gluten-free mixes for your bread recipes.
An authentic Chanel bag is certainly not for the budget conscience, with prices ranging from $1000 to $2000 a bag.
An authentic Chanel bag will always arrive with an identity card.
If you have a question whether or not a bag is authentic, get the advice of a Brighton representative at a store near you.
Looking for blemishes or rough patches on the leather is one quick way to tell that someone is trying to sell you a fake instead of an authentic Fendi bag.
Shop on sites like eBay and Craigslist with caution and be sure to familiarize yourself with authentic Fendi handbags before you make a purchase in order to avoid paying an authentic Fendi price for a replica Fendi bag.
Authentic bags constructed of leather and other high quality materials are generally heavier than imitations, and fake materials often feel like plastic.
You can also purchase authentic bags through Macy's, Dillard's and Von Maur.
There are a few identifying characteristics that will help you purchase an authentic All Weather bag.
You can shop for authentic pre-owned designer handbags at Couture.
Authentic handbags manufactured by this designer usually cost between several hundred dollars and a thousand dollars.
It is possible to find authentic Burberry purses at lower-than-retail prices.
When purchasing designer handbags online, it's important to take great measures to ensure that the bag is actually authentic.
Even the slightest imperfection is usually a sign that the bag is not an authentic Gucci.
Lining of authentic bags should be made with a durable cotton material tagged with a serial number inside.
If you want to invest in an authentic Dior bag, it's important to make sure that the merchandise you are being offered is the real deal.
So how can you tell if the Balenciaga you bought is authentic?
The goat leather used by Balenciaga gets better with age -- a bag that looks worse for the wear may not be authentic.
Bluefly is one of the leading and most reliable retailers for authentic discounted designer merchandise.
However, authentic Vuitton goods feature gold or brass metal hardware.
Remember that authentic Chanel bags will be accompanied by an identity card which guarantees that your bag is a genuine Chanel product.
Chanel does not shrink wrap their purses; an authentic they will come with a dust bag.
In order to preserve your Chanel bag, it is also recommended that the product be stored in its protective dust bag (all authentic Chanel bags will come with a dust bag).
Most Fendi bags that are sold online are not authentic products.
African Creations is an online retailer that carries a small amount of authentic good from Africa, including a few handbag models.
Bag Borrow or Steal - This is one of the best places online to find vintage handbags that are 100% authentic.
These handbags are made in Indonesia, and as such, offer a truly authentic homemade look and feel.
These handbags are authentic replicas of the original Lightship basket, which today is better known as the Nantucket Basket.
The faux leather is accented by visible top stitching, which lends the material an authentic look.
A little extra effort and research, however, may make your quest to find an authentic style less difficult.
However, most of the Chanel merchandise available on the internet at discount prices is rarely authentic Chanel goods.
Since these are photos of authentic bags, they may help you in identifying the a genuine Rialto purse.
Your best bet for locating an authentic Disney Hannah Montana backpack is to check out the Disney store either at your local mall or at its official online site.
If you purchase one of the retired heart and star purses from an eBay seller, try to buy from a seller who displays an authentic registration label with the bag, as well as one who posts many pictures.
With that being said, women on more than one occasion have experienced the embarrassment of having it revealed to them post-purchase, that their handbag may be cute to look at, however it is anything but authentic.
Even if it isn't immediately noticeable (if they used impressively strong glue), an authentic designer bag typically have the lining sewn in.
Since Vuitton obviously uses authentic leather, the straps begin to darken as they come in constant contact with your hands and the elements.
Buying such an item in an open air market or in a foreign country such as China or Mexico, greatly increases your chances of being persuaded into a less than authentic purchase.
Shopping outlets for designer purses is one way to get around the cost, but it only works if the company offers authentic bags in authorized outlets.
A service like My Poupette can help consumers find authentic handbags, and provide lists of trusted sellers as well.
The luxurious Italian calf leather, with its soft buttery feel, is only one of the many reasons women everywhere love authentic Marc Jacob's Blake handbags.
Knowing what to look for when shopping for an authentic Marc Jacobs Blake handbag will protect you from becoming a victim of the counterfeit handbag market.
With its classic style, variety of color choices, and perfect size, an authentic Marc Jacob's Blake handbag would be a perfect fit in anyone's handbag collection.
Other websites that aren't as well known or are operating out of someone's home are far more likely to sell fakes trying to pass them off as authentic.
A salesperson should be able to tell you if your wallet is authentic.
From time to time, authentic bags will crop up, but it's important to purchase only from verified sellers whose LV products have been authenticated.
If you're interested in authentic Vuitton products, but don't want to break the bank, you're in luck.
The FashionPhile website has compiled a whole page of absolutely authentic, high-quality monogram denim wallets that have been pre-owned (or "gently used," as their website puts it).
Otherwise, eBay is your best bet, although it's important to shop from reputable sellers who sell only authentic merchandise.
The quality of material and sewing are the quickest ways to tell an authentic handbag from a fake.
They, along with millions of other high-end handbags, are regularly counterfeited and sold as authentic, usually to unsuspecting buyers who believe they are purchasing the "real deal."
By considering designer-inspired or mid-level authentic designer bags rather than exact replicas of designer handbags, you can avoid the many issues associated with counterfeit bags.
It is important to shop only from reputable sellers who are recognized for selling authentic merchandise.
The best matches are the signs that show an innate sensitivity and authentic character.
For example, if you're an actor, you can call upon the fiery depths of your moon sign to lend authentic emotions to your acting.