Austin Sentence Examples
Is it too far to go to Austin? she asked.
With Austin Phelps and Lowell Mason he prepared The Sabbath Hymn Book (1858).
Austin was settled in 1855, was incorporated as a village in 1868, and was chartered as a city in 1873.
His father, Joseph Austin, was a merchant of the city of Leeds; his mother, a sister of Joseph Locke, M.P. for Honiton.
Mr Austin was educated at Stonyhurst, Oscott, and London University, where he graduated in 1853.
Henceforth his name was known in all European countries; the English translation by Mrs Austin was the occasion of one of Macaulay's most brilliant essays.
In the interval the claims of one writer and another were much canvassed, but eventually, in 1896, Mr Austin was appointed.
The most effective characteristic of Mr Austin's poetry, as of the best of his prose, is a genuine and intimate love of nature.
On his return in 1821 he added to his work the study of psychology, and that of Roman law, which he read with John Austin, his father having half decided on the bar as the best profession open to him.
In it are the Scoville Memorial Library (about 8000 volumes in 1910); the Hotchkiss preparatory school (opened in 1892, for boys); the Salisbury School (Protestant Episcopal, for boys), removed to Salisbury from Staten Island in 1901 and formerly St Austin's school; the Taconic School (1896, for girls); and the Connecticut School for Imbeciles (established as a private institution in 1858).
AdvertisementIn July 1656 two women Quakers, Mary Fisher and Ann Austin, arrived at Boston.
With these volumes was published an excellent biography, The Life of Albert Gallatin, also by Henry Adams; another good biography is John Austin Stevens's Albert Gallatin (Boston, 1884) in the "American Statesmen" series.
Austin, who found continuous elongation with increasing fields, the curves obtained bearing some resemblance to curves of magnetization.
The church of Austin Friars, origin- ally belonging to a friary founded in 1253, became a Dutch church under a grant of Edward VI., and still remains so; its style is principally Decorated, but through various vicissitudes little of the original work is left.
Such are Austin Friars, Crutched Friars, Blackfriars and Whitefriars.
AdvertisementThe house of the Austin Friars or Friars Eremites was founded in Broad Street Ward in 1253.
A facsimile reprint (1883) of Robinson Crusoe has an introduction by Mr Austin Dobson.
The city is served by the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, and by the Sumpter Valley railway, a short line (62 m.) extending from Baker City to Austin, Oregon.
The pine and hardwood areas occur chiefly in the north-eastern part of the state, and are bordered on the west by scattering growths of hardwood, extending as far westward as Austin.
The principal cities are San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Galveston, Fort Worth, Austin, the capital, Waco, El Paso, Laredo, Denison and Sherman.
AdvertisementThere is a general land office at Austin under the charge of a commissioner.
The main university is at Austin, and the medical department (established 1891) at Galveston.
Wharton and Henry Smith (1794-1851) until 1835, when Santa Anna overthrew the federal constitution of 1824 and established a dictatorship. A consultation of representatives from the various settlements met at San Felipe de Austin, October to November 1835.
Under Austin's influence the delegates rejected an independence resolution and recommended a union with the Mexican Liberals for the restoration of the constitution of 1824.
The weakness of the Mexican Liberals and the necessity of securing aid in the States led the Austin party to abandon their opposition to independence.
AdvertisementWooten (ed.), A Comprehensive History of Texas, 1685-1897 (2 vols., Dallas, 1898), contains a reprint of Yoakum with notes and several chapters by various writers on Anglo-American colonization, the revolution against Mexico, the land system, the educational system, &c. A series of monographs dealing mostly with the period before 1845 will be found in The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association (Austin, 1897 sqq.).
Austin, who had come up to Uganda in 1897 with Macdonald and had fought through the mutiny operations, revealed the regions north of Mt Elgon.
The village and valley belonged of old to the emperor, who in 1234 gave the advowson to the Knights of St Lazarus, by whom it was sold in 1272 to the Austin Canons of Interlaken, on the suppression of whom in 1528 it passed to the state.
He was condemned to abjure or be burnt; and preferring the former alternative, was committed to the Fleet prison and afterwards to the Austin Friars in London.
This order had its first seat in England at Colchester, where a house for Austin canons was founded about A.D.
The Austin canons' house at Thornton, in Lincolnshire, is remarkable for the size and magnificence of its gate-house, the upper floors of which formed the guest-house of the establishment, and for possessing an octagonal chapter-house of Decorated date.
This order was a reformed branch of the Austin canons, founded, A.D.
There are no traces of the fortified palace of the bishops of Durham, of the White Friars' monastery founded in 13J4, or of the Austin priory founded in 1341.
Austin is served by the Houston & Texas Central, the International & Great Northern, and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railways.
The principal newspapers of Austin are the Statesman (Democratic, established in 1871), a morning paper, and the Tribune (Democratic, established in 1891), an evening paper.
Austin is the principal trade and jobbing centre for central and western Texas, is an important market for livestock, cotton, grain and wool, and has extensive manufactories of flour, cotton-seed oil, leather goods, lumber and wooden ware; the value of the factory product in 1905 was $1,569,353, being 105.2% more than in 1900.
Under the influence of General Sam Houston the capital was for a time in 1842-1845 removed from Austin to Houston, but in 1845 an ordinance was passed making Austin the capital, and it remained the state capital after Texas entered the Union, although Huntsville and Tehuacana Springs in 1850 and Houston in 1872 attempted in popular elections to be chosen in its place.
The first Anglo-American settlement in Texas, established on the Brazos river in 1823 by members of the Austin colony, was San Felipe de Austin, now San Felipe.
In 190 9 Austin adopted a commission form of government.
The nave of the church of the Austin Friars or Eremites in London is still standing.
For five years he was assistant city attorney in Austin, and from 1891 to 1898 was attorney of the 26th judicial district of Texas.
Ballades in Blue China (1880, enlarged edition, 1888), Ballads and Verses Vain (1884), selected by Mr Austin Dobson; Rhymes a la Mode (1884), Grass of Parnassus (1888), Ban and Arriere Ban (1894), New Collected Rhymes (1905).
The passage of a bill proposed by him (November 1 775) to arm and equip ships to prey upon British commerce, and for the establishment of a prize court, was, according to his biographer, Austin, " the first actual avowal of offensive hostility against the mother country, which is to be found in the annals of the Revolution."
It is also noteworthy, says Austin, as " the first effort to establish an American naval armament."
It is built on the left bank of the Aar, and grew up around the religious house of Austin Canons, founded about 1130 and suppressed in 1528.
Since John Hollway's and other early experiments of Lawrence Austin and Robert Sticht, no serious attempts have been made to utilize the heat escaping from a converting vessel in smelting ore and matte either in the same apparatus or in a separate furnace.
Austin, of Denver, Colorado, and both at Leadville and Silverton raw ores are successfully smelted with as low a fuel consumption as 3 of coke to zoo of charge.
It revived in the charming naivete of Cowper's lyrical letters in octosyllabics to his friends, such as William Bull and Lady Austin (1782).
The pietra Jura work belongs to the Persian school; and the common belief that it was designed by Austin de Bordeaux, a French architect in the service of Shah Jahan, is probably incorrect.
He afterwards succeeded the "extruded" Udall of St Austin's, London, where according to the Warning-piece he was still pastor in 1657.
Austin (1784-1870),(1784-1870), attorney-general of the state, who said that Lovejoy had died "as the fool dieth," and compared his murderers to the men who threw the tea into Boston harbour just before the War of Independence.
Thus Austin found that at the Charleston mills, Arizona, 92.13% of the total silver recovered was extracted after 1 hour, 94.10% after 2 hours, 95.9 2% after 3 hours, and 100% after 4 hours.
Gradually the Austin canons of Interlaken bought out all the other owners in the valley, but when that house was suppressed in 1528 by the town of Bern the inhabitants gained their freedom.
His pupil, Samuel Hopkins, in 1765 published two volumes from manuscript containing eighteen sermons and a memoir; the younger Jonathan Edwards with Dr Erskine published an edition in 4 volumes (1744 sqq.), and Samuel Austin in 1808 edited an edition in 8 volumes.
And when at the middle of the century the other great mendicant orders of Carmelites and Austin Friars, and also Servites arose their propagation showed that the possibilities of the mendicant movement had not been exhausted by the Dominicans and Franciscans.
The Report was translated into English by Mrs Sarah Austin in 1834.
Indeed, the acquired tendency to virtuous conduct may become so strong that the habit of willing it may continue, " even when the reward which 3 I should be observed that Austin, after Bentham, more frequently uses the term " moral " to connote what he more distinctly calls " positive morality," the code of rules supported by common opinion in any society.
The Gilbertines were a purely English order which took its rise in Lincolnshire, the canons following the Austin rule, the nuns and lay brothers that of the Cistercians.
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But the plan backfired as Austin Irish Whipped Taker into steel turnbuckle.
On 5 August, Austin was wounded, being shot in the right buttock.
The 1932 Austin 7 Arrow Foursome Sports is a contemporary conversion of the standard factory Austin 7 short wheelbase chassis by Arrow.
Liza Austin, the leader, revived the group in 1980 and now they perform on the British folk festival circuit.
Austin was killed on his third trip in advance of the front lines to rescue his wounded comrades.
Austin Marr conservatory blinds provide high quality, made to measure conservatory blinds.
Phil Austin had led the campaign for steel crankshafts.
When the ball was played back to McSheffrey, he hit a sixteen yard curler which Austin dived to save.
Built like the proverbial nightclub doorman, Austin has also adopted the " thou shalt not pass " mentality of that particular brethren.
It is to Austin that we owe the distinctive ethos of History at Lancaster.
Paul Austin, a British expat based in Dubai, lost many thousands of pounds in the Imperial fiasco.
In the USA the notorious antisemite Austin App and the right-wing libertarian Harry Elmer Barnes were publishing revisionist tracts.
This is the first major illustrated monograph to be published on the work of the British sculptor Austin Wright.
I think Austin is a town more full of computer nerds than music lovers, really.
But most famous - or perhaps I should say notorious - of all was the Austin Allegro.
But strike bowler Austin dismissed both openers and Tom Kearney also picked up a couple of wickets as Rainham pushed for the win.
Thoby priory occupies the site of a 12th century priory of Austin Canons which was dissolved in 1536.
I do not purport to be any kind of expert on Austin music.
Joe Cline specializes in lost creek, davenport, rob Roy, northwest hills, great hills, lake austin.
London Taxi Export operate a world wide spares mailing service for owners of Austin & Rover engined London style taxicabs.
Lambert, Le mariage de Madame Roland, trois annees de correspondence amoureuse (Paris, 1896) Austin Dobson, Four Frenchwomen (London, 1890); and articles by C. Perroud in the review La Revolution francaise (1896-99).
In 1881 Mr Austin returned to verse with a tragedy, Savonarola, to which he added Soliloquies in 1882, Prince Lucifer in 1887, England's Darling in 1896, The Conversion of Winckelmann in 1897, &c. A keen Conservative in politics, for several years he edited The National Review, and wrote leading articles for The Standard, On Tennyson's death in 1892 it was felt that none of the then living poets, except Swinburne or William Morris, who were outside consideration on other grounds, was of sufficient distinction to succeed to the laurel crown, and for several years no new poet-laureate was nominated.
George Gissing, the novelist, was at one time their tutor; and in 1905 Mr Harrison wrote a preface to Gissing's Veranilda (see also Mr Austin Harrison's article on Gissing in the Nineteenth Century, September 1906).
There are insane asylums at Austin (the State Lunatic Asylum), San Antonio (the Southwestern Insane Asylum), and Terrell (North Texas Hospital for the Insane); the Texas School for the Deaf (1857), an institution for deaf, dumb and blind coloured youths (1889), a School for the Blind (1856), and a home for dependent Confederate soldiers, at Austin, a state orphan home (1889) at Corsicana, an epileptic colony at Abilene, and a state reformatory (1889) for boys under seventeen years at Gatesville.
The church follows the plan adopted by the Austin canons in their northern abbeys, and has only one aisle to the nave - that to the north; while the choir is long, narrow and aisleless.
Joe Cline specializes in lost creek, davenport, rob roy, northwest hills, great hills, lake austin.
Unfortunately, this was another short-lived episode in Austin 's annals.
Striped pjamas & herringbone shirt are a small selection from the Austin Reed range which also includes italian stripe shirts & cufflinks.
Silk scarves and suit covers are a select part of the Austin Reed collection which also includes check shirt and brushed twill trousers.
She has served on the Boards of many philanthropic organizations including the Boston Symphony Orchestra Overseers (1993-2003), YWCA (1988-1998; Austin, Boston and New York), DoSomething (2003-2005) and Public Allies (2006-present).
She holds an MA from New York University and a BA from the University of Texas at Austin.
You will notice that there are a lot of "B" type movies and lower quality wholesale movies for sale, but you can find movies like Austin Powers and Analyze That.
Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox play themselves in an attack on California's education budget cuts.
Cover girl favorite Megan Fox wed her on-again, off-again boyfriend Brian Austin Green (Beverly Hills, 90210) in 2010 in a private ceremony at a resort on the Big Island of Hawaii.
We also worked with a graphic designer based in Austin, Texas, Leah Duncan, on a patterned runner for a series called Wildflowers and Power lines, which is a statement about the collision of technology with nature.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - While he's part of the real professional wrestling world, he lends his voice to this series playing the part of a regular guest commentator, as well as a doctor, scientist, and weapons expert.
Best known for her roles in the Transformers movies and the film Jennifer's Body, Fox is currently married to actor Brian Austin Green.
Actor Verne Troyer, who is best known for playing Mini Me in the Austin Powers series of films, made a sex tape in 2008 with his then-girlfriend Ranae Shrider.
There are also rumors she will reprise her Foxxxy Cleopatra role for another Austin Powers film.
He did, however, answer questions at a film festival in Austin, Texas, but made no mention about his arrest or rehab treatment.
Fawcett majored in biology at the University of Texas at Austin but switched to an art major before dropping out.
Fox married her long time boyfriend Brian Austin Green (who played David in the original run of Beverly Hills 90210) in 2010.
After graduating from high school, Owen attended the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in English.
After a year, Matthew McConaughey went back to his home state of Texas and enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in law.
McConaughey would eventually graduate from the University of Texas at Austin, but not with a law degree.
Moore is the producer of the Mike Myers Austin Powers movies.
Although she'd acted in films before, in movies such as Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Fighting Temptations, it was the chance at playing Deena in Dreamgirls that had Beyoncé losing weight just to get the role.
Brian Austin Green and fiancé Megan Fox are on the rocks as she showed up at the Golden Globes alone.
Okay, this issue just has to be addressed…how does Brian Austin Green do it?
Seriously, he's 34, she's 22, her career is red hot and his is lukewarm and lest we forget, he's Brian Austin Green and she's Megan Fox.
Fathom is an adaptation of the comic book series of the same name, and Fox is set to appear in the leading role, as well as acting a co-producer along with Brian Austin Green.
She also owns a restaurant in Austin, Texas, called Bess Bistro and a combination floral shop and bakery called Walton's Fancy and Staple.
Lowe also had small parts in several comedy movies, including Wayne's World and all of the Austin Powers films.
Along with acting in several films each year, Bullock also runs her own production company as well as a restaurant and bakery/floral shop in Austin, Texas.
Bullock also owns Bess Bistro, a restaurant in Austin, TX and another Austin business, Walton’s Fancy and Staple.
Sandra maintains homes in Los Angeles and Texas, and on occasion Bess Bistro patrons can even catch a glimpse of this down-to-earth celebrity overseeing her Austin restaurant.
In 2010, the Princeton Review ranked the University of Texas, Austin as the top party school in the nation.
The oldest university in Texas is the flagship school located in Austin which was founded in 1883.
Times Higher World University Rankings rated UT Austin as 15th in the nation overall, with many of the university system's doctorate and degree programs ranking in the top 25 overall.
They ship foods to the Austin and San Antonio, Texas areas.
Whole Foods began in Austin, Texas in 1980.
Madonna, Austin Anderson, Charles Fleischer, Stan Lee, and NAS are all featured on the company's celebrity gallery.
Also listed as one of U.S. News' Best Places to Retire, Austin, located in south central Texas's Hill Country, offers a variety of cultural and outdoor activities for seniors to enjoy.
In addition, Austin is noted as the live music capital of the world; seniors can listen to an array of musical flavors.
Austin is billed as cosmopolitan, high-tech and soulful and many seniors find that it's the perfect place to enjoy retirement.
Austin is the center of the Texas government.
Austin was named number two in Money magazine's "Best Places to Live" in 2006.
With it's beautiful scenery and rich music scene, Austin is also a great place to retire.
Operated by Holiday Retirement Corporation, Englewood Estates is an independent living retirement community on Jones Road in Austin.
Dr. David Duhon established the Sleep Disorders Center of Central Texas in Austin in 1993.
Finding an Austin sleep dentist is not difficult.
There are many well-qualified sleep dentists in Austin.
Location of office - Many specialists are in major metropolitan areas such as Dallas, Houston and Austin; however, other specialists have established their practices in less populated areas.
Texas Sleep Medicine is the Austin sleep clinic of Dr. Ashwin Gowda, a physician who is board certified in sleep medicine and psychiatry.
Sega President Shoichiro Irimajiri turned to Tatsuo Yamamoto of IBM Austin.
The most I ever had was 20 and it was a awesome sight walking through a SpacePort with all these people following me, like in an opening sequence of an Austin Powers movie.
Look out for Bret "Hitman" Hart's sharpshooter, Steve Austin's stone cold stunner, and Mankind's mandible claw.
Austin Lone Star RV Resort--Enjoy year round camping with full hookups at this great RV resort.
Central Texas has the Austin Zoo and Zilker Botanical Garden.
The company has sites in Austin and San Antonio, as well as in suburban areas in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston areas.
She also has performed as a dancer in the Austin Powers films, as well as Showgirls and American Virgin.
The Catholic Archives of Texas, located in Austin, houses another large collection of manuscripts, sacramental records and documents.
The Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Office is located at 1100 West 49th Street in Austin, Texas.
Plenty of lenders are prepared to offer residents of Austin Texas mortgage refinance options.
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Beyonce has appeared in several movies, including Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Birth of the Pink Panther.
Jessica White forms an Austin Powers-style sexy threesome with Grammy nominated Gnarls Barkley.
Coco Nicole Austin hails from Palos Verdes, California, and the star got her professional start as a swimsuit and lingerie model, but of late, seems to be enjoying the role of wife to actor and famed rapper Ice-T.
There are several Coco Nicole Austin bikini pictures that covey the model’s sense of style, and viewing these photos will help you to get a good grasp of the type of bikini she favors.
The aptly named Never 2 Funky houses several revealing photos of swimsuit model Coco Nicole Austin, but this time around, the star looks refreshed and stylish in a deep true-red bikini.
To be sure, swimsuit model Coco Nicole Austin is still in the prime of her career, and without a doubt, there are sure to be more photographs of the star in a bikini.
Certain models like the Austin Air Healthmate and the Honeywell Enviracaire receive good reviews on a regular basis.
Salado, Texas, is tucked between Austin and Dallas on Interstate 35.
She holds a bachelor's degree from George Mason University and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.
Freelance writing jobs in Austin can earn a writer an average salary of about $58,000 a year.
Many freelance writing opportunities exist in Austin, the state capitol of Texas and the unofficial live music capital of the state.
Freelance Austin writers may branch out as consultants to find work as a technical writer or copywriter.
Several consulting agencies in Austin place writers in positions as copywriters, technical writers and documentation specialists.
Beautifully crafted from leather and imprinted with Johnson and Austin bucks, this checkbook cover demonstrates the lifeblood of the outdoor hobbyist or deer hunter in stunning detail.
The Backyardigans is a musical-themed show featuring five very imaginative friends, Uniqua, Pablo, Tasha, Austin, and Tyrone.
Camp Champions-Created for kids ages six to 18, Camp Champions is located in central Texas within driving distance of Austin and San Antonio.
Camp Bluebonnet-Located in Youngsport, Texas, an hour north of Austin, Camp Bluebonnet is a camp for children with diabetes as well as their siblings.
If you go with something hippie-chic, you can pull off the total retro look without looking like you belong in an Austin Powers movie.
Are you interested in learning more about Austin Butler on Life Unexpected?
Austin Butler debuted as a recurring character on The CW's Life Unexpected in the spring of 2010.
Austin Butler returned as a recurring character for season two of the series.
Actor Austin Butler sat down with Love To Know Soap Operas to discuss Jones' interest in Lux, the Cassidy family and Life Unexpected.
Austin Butler portrays Jones, the high school quarterback who is one of two romantic interests for the titular character.
You can follow Austin on Twitter, friend him on MySpace and keep tabs on his upcoming projects with his official website.
Of course, you can also watch Austin Butler on Life Unexpected any time his character appears in the story line.
Love To Know Soap Operas would like to thank Austin for taking the time to chat about Life Unexpected and wish him luck in all his future endeavors.
When Lucas and Peyton married, she was rooting for them and finally began to find a real love of her own in Julian (Austin Nichols) in later seasons.
She was also with Victor for a time before marrying Stefano, and is the mother of Austin, Billie, Lucas, Philip, Rex, and Cassie, and the grandmother of many.
Professional wrestling rivals The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin both sport noticeable ink on their arms.
While working for Body Adorned, a tattoo studio in Austin, TX, Katzen did everything from simple "quickies" to complex Celtic knot work to vital, eye-catching effects to moody oil-paint effects.
The charming town of Fredericksburg, Texas is situated in the Texas Hill Country, just 70 miles west of Austin and 65 miles northwest of San Antonio.
Located in Austin, Texas, UT offers a Texas University watch in gold for alumni.
The Living Yoga Program teacher training includes either one or two intensives at an ashram outside of Austin.
Wakefield founded Thoughtful House Center for Children in Austin, Texas in 2005 and worked as autism researcher in USA.
Denise Austin DVDs - Denise Austin is practically synonymous with home workout videos.
The Medicus Insurance Company has its company headquarters in Austin, Texas.
The 20th annual SXSW festival will take place March 10 - 19 in Austin, TX.
The showcase shows are spread across several venues, but concentrated mainly on one main drag in Austin, so SXSW attendees can easily pop in and out of venues, checking out as many bands as possible.
The Beastie Boys, who will be screening their new film "Awesome, I Fuckin' Shot That" in Austin, will hold an interview session on March 15.
Season 2 auditions were held in the fall of 2002 in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Detroit, Nashville, Austin, and Atlanta.
Some auditions were also held in Austin, but Hurricane Rita forced the relocation of the remainder of those auditions to San Francisco.
At the Austin, Texas music convention, Mayer performed a showcase concert and attracted the attention of Aware Records.
Ciara was born Ciara Princess Harris in Austin, Texas, on October 25, 1985.
She also has a younger brother named Austin.
She is focused on breaking into the country music business and works with professionals like Grammy-winning producer Dallas Austin in hopes of doing just that.
Randy Bailey - Randy is 50, from Austin, Texas.
This season featured a cast of popular characters like fan favorite Austin Scarlett.
Alexandra, Kevin and Robert were then eliminated, followed by Austin.
Though he was not involved in sports while growing up, after graduating from nearby Austin Peay State University he headed west where he established himself as a personal trainer for the stars.
These fembots were later used again in the Austin Powers films.
Million Dollar Man - While not fully a robot, astronaut Steve Austin of the 6 Million Dollar Man TV series became a bionic human with legs, an arm and even one eye replaced by robotic implants that transformed him into a superhuman.
I made eight or so indie films between Dallas and Austin before moving to Los Angeles.
Any organization with a website, in central or southern Texas, can benefit from SEO training in Austin.
The large volume of positive buzz about SEO in business-centered cities like Austin relates to putting an online strategy into place that drives customers interested in your goods or services to your website.
To keep expenses at a manageable level, many businesses are choosing SEO training in Austin and other Texas cities rather than engaging outside companies.
Austin has no shortage of steakhouses, but a few choices definitely stand apart from the rest.
He was bitterly denounced by slaveholders and also by such non-slaveholders as disapproved of all antislavery agitation, and in January 1827 he was assaulted and seriously injured by a slave-trader, Austin Woolfolk, whom he had severely criticized in his paper.
Of the old castle, called Nenagh Round, dating from the time of King John, there still exists the circular donjon or keep. There are no remains of the hospital founded in 1200 for Austin canons, nor of the Franciscan friary, founded in the reign of Henry III.
Austin, and the brothers Gregory, whose discoveries have great importance from a geographical point of view.
It is met at several points by lines which serve the rich mining districts to the south; at Cobre by the Nevada Northern from Ely in White Pine county in the Robinson copper mining district; at Palisade by the Eureka & Palisade, a narrow-gauge railway, connecting with the lead and silver mines of the Eureka District; at Battle Mountain by the Nevada Central, also of narrow gauge, from Austin; at Hazen by the Nevada & California (controlled by the Southern Pacific) which runs to the California line, connecting in that state with other parts of the Southern Pacific system, and at Mina, Nevada, with the Tonopah & Goldfield, which runs to Tonopah and thence to Goldfield, thus giving these mining regions access to the Southern Pacific's transcontinental service; and at Reno, close to the western boundary, by the Virginia & Truckee, connecting with Carson City, Minden, in the Carson Valley, and Virginia City, in the Comstock District, and by the Nevada-California-Oregon, projected to run through north-eastern California into Oregon, in 1910, in operation to Alturas, California.
About the time of the Revolution he took orders, and was shortly afterwards made rector of St Austin's, London, and lecturer of St Dunstan's in the West.
Austin is the seat of the Southern Minnesota Normal College and Austin School of Commerce (1896), and has a Carnegie library, court house and city hall.
He is also from Austin, and he's in Internet publishing, too.
Austin established the first permanent Anglo-American settlement at San Felipe de Austin on the Brazos river.