Audio Sentence Examples
Unwilling to face him, she turned on the audio portion.
Fred had recently discovered the library rented audio tapes of mystery stories.
I've stuck to the original mono audio, and the series loses nothing for that.
Audio sounds, music and dialog are great.
Just drag your files into the program and burn your data or audio cd!
The audio quality has improved, but in subtle ways.
Capture the subtle overtones and nuances of instruments, vocals and effect changes that 24-bit audio provides.
It would contain the basic audio decoding circuitry to enable CDI format sound playback.
How can I listen to audio clips or watch video on Century Digital?
The kernel level Midi input means that from midi trigger to audio output will be even faster than before.
AdvertisementAudio is presented in the original English language mono soundtrack.
Noise - The word " noise " originated in audio practice and refers to random spurts of electrical energy or interference.
The audio background music is like a soundtrack for a fantasy-adventure movie.
As for sounds and other audio effects, it is a good experience.
Audio dialog in X-Men Legends 2 is pretty good.
AdvertisementOf course the course comes with a set of audio CDs.
Audio Circus have received live session airplay on BBC Radio Wales.
The work combines audio, animation, computer graphics and digital video and the club environment with live performance.
Up to four tracks of 16-bit, 48 kHz pristine and uncompressed audio can be recorded simultaneously to the 40GB internal hard drive.
After looking at all these serious audio solutions at seriously stupid prices I bought some cheapo 65W consumer stuff.
AdvertisementThe building project with double-wall cladding depending on the audio bandwidth.
This audio codec requires a bit rate of 192 kbps to provide good audio quality on stereo stations.
For starters you get an audio commentary from the director giving an insight in what he was trying to achieve.
Digital-to-Analogue converters turn strings of bits into audio signals.
This upgrade provides future proof access to the world of external multi channel audio decoders regardless of future changes in technology.
AdvertisementNormally audio descriptions should fit within periods of silence, or over quiet inconsequential; sound.
More than 20 audio guided meditations on a wide variety of daily life themes.
A type of port that gets audio from a built-in microphone or a microphone jack.
External FX Plugins allow for direct integration of external hardware effects processors into the VST audio mixer.
Coming full circle, he is experimenting with various styles of audio production under the same moniker.
In terms of audio there is little difference, both releases having only mono English audio.
Audio English mono - sounds okay but rather muffled compared to the other tracks.
Would the option of audio narration be attractive to students who may learn better by " hearing " explanations along with the animation?
Motorola has several popular baby monitors, one of which is equipped with both video and audio features.
Most cheaper models have monochrome black and white screens, perfect for those consumers who want only basic audio and video.
Other facilities such as the Sedona Training Associates offer audio CDs, detailing their anger management course.
Many audio CDs are available that lead you through guided imagery exercises that take ten minutes or less.
The room was equipped with a surround sound audio system as well.
While Trish was working as a co-host of the Canadian professional wrestling talk show Live Audio Wrestling, she was approached by representatives from the WWE.
He calls fellow actor Philip Seymour Hoffman his nemesis on the DVD audio commentary for The School of Rock.
He provided audio commentary for the Seinfeld DVDs.
Passengers of all ages will also enjoy the new Carnival Triumph Seaside Theatre, which features a 12-foot by 22-foot jumbo-sized LED screen with a crystal-clear picture and a 70,000-watt, surround-sound audio system.
Tone stimulation is an audio reinforcement that can be used in place of a verbal command.
Other training dogs in the area may also mistake the audio command as meant for them.
These accessories are both visual and audio additions.
The following audio CDs offer an intensive learning experience for specific Foo Fighter's singles.
When you are reading along with the tablature, you should also have an audio copy of the song available to listen to.
Gear reviews are another common feature of the magazine, like the McKnight Guitars Creation Audio Labbs MK4.23 Footime Score/Page Turner featured in Issue 68.
It has several pockets including a sleeve pocket on the left tricep, two inner flap pockets, and an audio pocket that is perfect for a phone or iPod.
For some people, large print and, or audio books can make it easier to enjoy literature.
Learn about an individual's favorite authors and then hunt down their books in large print or on audio.
You can communicate by video, audio or chat.
For seniors that loved to read, books with large print or audio books may be the perfect gift choice.
Storytelling recorded on video or audio - Residents may be able to narrate stories from their own pasts.
Here, in the helmet section, you find helmets for adults and juniors, as well as audio helmets and audio kits.
The audio, on the other hand, could've been a lot worse.
Audio soundtrack is good, but some of the music tracks tend to repeat themselves at times.
In addition, audio specialists, production assistants and managers are all involved in various facets of each video game.
Some companies even assign specific designers to focus on the script and writing dialogue for their games, especially when a game is story and spoken audio intensive.
God of War features some of the best and most rewarding gameplay around, as well as top-notch boss battles, excellent visuals and terrific audio.
Black is easily one of the best looking games to grace the current-gen systems, and the when paired with the outstanding audio, it makes for one hell of a presentation.
The audio in Black is done well, and suits the high caliber feel of everything.
At this point, the audio is just insulting.
Some people hypothesize that the gameplay in some of the classic video games was actually better than in more recent releases; clearly people weren't playing those early games for their graphics or audio quality.
The audio is standard chit-chatter, nothing special, but nothing horrible either.
It is very possible to make a range of Mii celebrities from the silver screen, the audio booth, and the small screen.
It is relatively easy to develop these game types to use little bandwidth; they do not need to be graphics or audio intensive, and are not usually very taxing on processors or servers.
The audience looks really good, although it is pretty dark.The audio, as if anyone had any doubt, is phenomenal.
The graphics and audio are fantastic and work beautifully in creating an atmosphere that successfully envelopes you into the world of Gordon Freeman.
Locate the three audio logs, by yourself or with another. 15 points.
If you want your converted files to go in a specific directory on your computer, then click the Select button and pick a location.Lastly, you can pick the frame rate and audio quality of your converted file.
But gradually, video games with their blaring audio and costumed aliens burst from the booths in the Las Vegas Convention Center and...
MoonShell is a full-featured multimedia player, including DPG video files (a file conversion program is needed), audio files (MP3/NSF), picture files (JPG/BMP/PNG) and TXT text files.
Media files can be loaded onto a regular SD card and then they can be played through the Nintendo DSi Sound audio player feature on the DSi.
It accepts AAC audio, as well as MP4, M4A, and 3GP files.
Do the graphics and audio really matter?
Thankfully, there is an option the turn the audio off.
The audio music soundtrack is some dorky pop music that keeps repeating itself through out the game.
The stellar audio and visuals only deepen an already immersive experience.
Although Rez was technically a rail shooter, the visual and audio aspects of the game also play a huge part.
Games now can feature cinematic music and audio effects, supported by hardware.
These would include JPEG image files and MP3 audio files, because there is a built-in image viewer and music player.
In others, there are only audio cues, or no cues at all.
You can access the sound test in the locker room after earning $9000 and getting the audio set in the shop.
Several other stars of the film also make audio appearances in the video game.
Want to run your own fast food restaurant, mix rap songs in your own audio studio or play at fighting crime?
The audio dialog in the game is enhanced with text on-screen.
Audio music soundtrack is directly taken from the Star Wars movies.
Of course, though, depending on your chosen platform the quality of the graphics and audio can change.
For audio, its theater-like sound is extremely crisp and full of detail.
There are other very important roles, such as operations, project management, audio, and marketing, but the bulk of a game studio's employees fall into these three categories.
Recording audio from PC games and systems such as the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable is relatively simple, but getting good quality music from, say, the Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360 is quite a feat.
Download and install Audacity, a free audio editing program.
The audio, while there isn't much to it, goes along well with the entire style of the game.
In about 40% of the games you will encounter graphics issues (ghosting, choppiness), sound issues (choppiness, missing audio), and other problems (no start-up screen).
Overall, the machine has improved the graphics and audio quality to enhance the gaming experience.
The Xbox also has a very fast custom 3-D processor for handling video display, an audio system that supports 256 channels and Dolby AC3 encoding and a built-in 8 gig hard drive.
If that isn't enough, you also get VHF TV audio.
You can print, and in some cases get audio recordings, of the stories, but best results always come from memorizing and retelling the stories with proper intonation for maximum dramatic effect.
Like some others in this list, you can also download the stories in audio format.
Many cell phone companies, like Nokia and Audio Vox offer their own accessories specifically designed for their phones.
Complete with Bluetooth, the Nokia 3250 is compatible with a wide variety of audio formats including MP3, M4A, RealAudio 7/8/10, WMA, and eAAC+.
These are similar in form as cables you'd find that convert a stereo mini plug into RCA audio cables.
You may also want to check if your phone is capable of playing other audio formats in addition to the standard MP3 that most people use.
It also has a voice recorder function that can handle up to 60 minutes of audio.
Video and audio podcasts are available through Apple's Podcaster download.
Choose the design that best suits your ear shape and preferences, but also be sure to read up on reviews for ease of use, audio quality, and range.
Shazam overcomes this mind-crunching conundrum, because it is able to take a small sample of any audio track and work to identify the exact title and artist.
Programs=== If you have one of the advanced audio editing programs like Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition or something similar, then you can chop down an audio clip to ay section you want in superb detail.
With one of the other types of phones using a file system, you can save the audio clip to the ringtone folder.
While your wireless data plan may be perfectly adequate for Facebook, e-mail, and sports headlines, streaming audio through the iPhone and Internet radio is a different beast altogether.
Previously known as FlyTunes, the application offers access to over 500 channels of satellite radio-quality audio.
The Core Pocket Media Player (TCPMP) can handle most video and audio formats without utilizing an abundance of system resources.
The Pandora app offers streaming audio tailored to your music preferences.
Softick Audio Gateway has A2DP/AVRCP profile support that allows you to listen to stereo music with Bluetooth.
When using these products for audio, the battery life varies greatly.
The three microphone multi-directional audio recording is great too, as are the apps available for it, like Skype Mobile, NFL Mobile, and more.
While most smartphones these days use either the standard 3.5mm or 2.5mm audio jack, such was not the case with the Mogul smartphone by HTC.
If you already have some longer audio files on your computer, like some of your favorite songs, it's very easy to "clip" those MP3 files into smaller files.
Savion Glover's Official Website includes biographical information, the latest news on the dancer, and tap audio.
Nexstar is at the cutting edge of technology, allowing dance instructors to upload their music before arriving at the competition, while also providing audio and visual performance critiques on flash drives.
Some video hosting sites will disable your audio, even after you video has been online for quite some time, if they sense a copyright infringement.
Their motives are purely fun, and you can catch great dance lessons to learn every part of thriller through their video and audio sections.
Taps will be played, either by a bugler attending the funeral service or from an audio recording.
Making an audio or visual record of your interview is always an excellent idea if your relative agrees.
You can also choose to take an audio tour of the exhibits.
Audio clips will tell you about each exhibit and takes about an hour.
The Ellis Island website has sample clip of the audio tour.
Your only cost will be the ferry rate and if you decide to do the audio tour.
Traditional programs will include a textbook, tests, and an audio component so students can listen and follow along.
The kit includes an audio CD, writing component, flash cards and a booklet to help guide you through exercises.
Choose the Teach Me button and the computer will say the word, spell out the word visually and with audio and say the word in a sentence.
We want to continue to offer robust learning environments that include video, audio, text, etc. for the students.
The videos will show each step of a figure as it is being made, often with audio explanation or text next to the video.
If you want a more extensive tour experience, add an audio tour based upon your interest level.
From native American history to the city's architecture, there is an audio tour guide perfectly suited for your personality and passions.
Then you can wander the cell blocks at your leisure while taking the audio tour.
It's also essential to have a quality sounds system and assign someone to be in charge of the audio visual equipment.
Most stations can be listened to with existing Windows and Mac audio players, or from the station's website.
In 2005, the movie was restored to improve audio and picture quality.
Features include instant messaging and the ability to upload photos and audio files.
Along with traditional text chat, you can also try video and audio chat.
You can meet up to 15 new people in an hour, using instant messaging, web cams, and audio to get a grasp of whether or not you'd be interested in going on a real date at a later time.
Because there are chat, audio, and visual aspects involved with speed dating online, you get a better picture of what someone is really like before meeting him or her in person and experiencing disappointment.
Car Audio and Electronics - Sometimes people are more interested in the car's stereo system than the car itself.
If you are one of those people, writing for Car Audio and Electronics might be your dream job.
This often requires strong multimedia skills, as an e-course can include audio, video, PowerPoint slides, or PDF handouts.
The subject may have videos or audio online you can embed or link to.
Some offer text files online, while others provide PowerPoint presentations, audio files, video, or interactive content.
Subscribers can listen to a reading from Rob in streaming audio format.
There's also a parent resource center where parents and educators can download music and character videos, as well as selected audio clips.
However, the laws vary from state to state on whether you can record audio.
Egyptian Castle offers a unique feature--the ability to download classic Arabic films in audio format for easy listening as you surf the web.
For seminars, company meetings, and more, special audio visual technicians and special equipment, such as LCD projectors, microphones, and podiums, may also be available.
The combination of visuals and audio is powerful; use sound to complement the scene, not overpower it.
In addition to adding important sound effects and music to your film, you also need to clean up the rest of the audio associated with your production.
After you've cut the scenes deemed unnecessary and adjusted your audio, you'll want to focus on color.
Audio is a crucial component of a high-quality movie.
In order to make the most of your viewing experience, you will need a high-definition-enabled television and a surround sound audio system.
Audio Video Revolution makes it easy to find the movie review for which you are searching by sorting their films out by genre.
The sounds of an active airfield were actually recorded on audio tape by two men playing in the squash court.
There is a theory that disembodied spirits can imprint their voices on electronic media such as digital audio recorders, film and audio tapes.
According to Auerbach, an EVP is something that occurs when an apparition, which is pure consciousness without vocal chords, psychokinetically affects an electronic medium, leaving an audio imprint on said medium.
The simplest way is using a digital audio recorder in a location that is reported to be haunted.
Actually, this is just how paranormal investigators view their own investigation footage by listening to the audio and watching the video separately.
After all, a good ghost story is much more interesting that an orb photo or garbled sounds on an audio tape.
If your project contains pages that use a database function or involves several large audio and clips, you may also find a budget hosting service is insufficient for your needs.
Half Price Car Audio has items from Stinger, Kicker, Hifonics and more.
Car Audio Discount Plus offers stereos, speakers, amplifiers, subwoofers and more.
The speakers you choose will make all the difference when it comes to your car audio system.
Unlike other popular websites offering free book collections, Project Gutenberg also has foreign language titles and free audio books.
You can also listen to most of those stations for free online as well - simply look up the station site and see if they offer a streaming audio link.
Project Gutenberg offers a number of free ebooks and free audio books for avid readers.
If you are unable to attend a class due to illness or other commitments, you can listen to one of the audio CDs you'll receive as part of your FPU membership or borrow the DVD lesson from your instructor.
Each episode features an interaction and a way to 'listen' to the audio files of the interactions in Spanish with English translations appearing under the dialogue text.
You can also pick up an audio guide inside the Colosseum, or just wander near other tour groups and listen in to pieces of their speech.
The admission price includes an audio guide, which helps visitors learn more about the history and meaning behind each exhibit.
The National Park Service offers a short orientation film near the dock as well as audio walking tours, which feature the actual voices of guards and inmates.
Grace to You Podcast Info Page Podcasting A podcast is a method of automatically receiving an mp3 audio file via an RSS feed.
With PowerTracks Pro Audio 10 you can even fine-tune the vocal removal frequency range, and optionally reduce the level of residual vocal reverb.
This layer of abstraction allowed the user interface front-end to be conveniently separated from any audio device specifics.
Multiroom audio is a rather glib phrase often used by installers.
Even in those days I always gravitated toward the audio side of the equation.
Multiple audio channels and noise-reducing headsets complete the entertainment offerings.
Ride With Me - Large collection of original audio programs on travel in the United States with special emphasis on traveling interstate highways.
The computer revolution in digital audio has created new possibilities for musical composition and research that were scarcely imaginable a decade ago.
Two audio inputs - perfect for plugging an audio mic or guitar into GarageBand.
The symptoms of system incompatibility with audio hardware are often intermittent clicks or drop-outs.
Their finished products are of the highest standard from bespoke joinery to their state of the art audio visual systems.
It includes information on audio description - additional narration added to dialog to explain what is happening on screen or stage.
The solution enables 3 to offer streaming media services with both audio and video, such as live newscasts.
Silent black and white newsreels, for all their visual power, seem somehow less frightening, immediate, offensive than actual audio archives.
Digital audio cross conversion - coax to optical and optical to coax.
It has 2 scarts, UHF coaxial and stereo audio output.
If you have the retail card, you will need a phono to minijack adapter for the audio.
Also, media engines may need to coordinate themselves e.g. to synchronize audio playback with presentation of video streams to achieve lip synchronization.
Sound playback is choppy The most common cause of sound playback problems is from sound cards that do not support 48 kHz audio playback.
There's some reviews on the press page and the title track is on the audio page for your listening pleasure.
Disk one has no less than 4 audio commentaries then you get disk 2 for a whole plethora more.
Some machines produced at this time may have phono plugs for audio, plus a special ' locking ' BNC connector for video.
Publications from the British Library Sound Archive The British Library Sound Archive produces a range of audio and print publications from the British Library Sound Archive The British Library Sound Archive produces a range of audio and print publications related to its collections.
Audio wise; to cop an awful pun, its pretty sound.
Try the trash cabaret Dynamite Boogaloo at Audio on Thursdays, or the " homo electro punk disco ", F*ck The Pain Away.
The audio cassettes used with the recorder should also be good quality.
Audio transfers and battery recharge via USB 2.0 are quick.
We recently created a number of wonderful audio recordings.
He recently reprised his Tomorrow People role for a number of audio adventures.
I'm dreadfully mortified that audio digital production riverside video these things have happened to annoy you.
The training courses can be accessed 24/7 and many of them contain an interactive element, including role-playing and audio.
He has an exhaustive knowledge of all things audio visual especially if it involves light sabers and wookie rage.
Lose Weight Now was at number 8 in the UK's overall best selling self-help audio charts for 2003.
How do I change the group to view from an embedded audio signal?
There is a headphone socket located on the back panel How do I adjust the volume of the audio?
And whenever you wish, you can insert an audio CD and listen to your favorite songs.
Most of the sound energy was front soundstage with good audio panning on occasion across the front channels.
Custom Audio Designs reserves the right to alter the specifications of any product without notice.
Channel Plus are offers a new system distributing S-Video and composite video with digital or analog stereo audio over Category 5e wiring.
Quite a few laptops have very much substandard built in audio cards which are noisy in themselves before you even connect a source.
The image above shows a blank revision 1 board, which had a completed audio subsystem.
The audio is presented in French mono with clear and easy to read English subtitles.
The sound is absolutely superb, giving your audio system a bloody good workout.
Additionally, the DVCPRO HD format includes robust uncompressed audio, which is perfect for audio sweetening in post production.
At least there are no issues with the audio sync.
Students who locate audio tapes or CDs of Civil War music may select songs to enhance The Civil War American Civil War.
Whole villages come together to listen to the New Testament on audio cassette tape.
Cameron Presentations provide the full range of Audio Visual rental services with our own trained technicians to provide a full turnkey event hire service.
Audio quality, on the other hand, is rather tinny from the mono speaker.
The speakers in a projector are normally so tinny that they can be disregarded and any use of audio will need to be augmented.
If audio is used, creative must include a mute button or audio on/off toggle.
Roach and Arnfield (1995) describe their procedure for automatic alignment of audio with prosodic transcriptions, although this is highly sophisticated operation.
The successful candidate will of course be an exceptional audio and copy typist with pr... Home page link only.
Click on underlined links to hear audio clips of them.
The multi-channel audio path and the smart handling of multi-channel audio files are still unrivaled.
If the videotape is not of adequate audio / visual quality they may be asked to submit a further videotape within 1 month.
But the option of using the text as bullet points with audio voice-over needs to be made more explicit in the induction.
How do I adjust the volume of the audio?
On arriving at the site each visitor is given an interactive audio wand.
To listen to the audio Webcast we recommend that you register in advance.
I 'm dreadfully mortified that audio digital production riverside video these things have happened to annoy you.
Lose Weight Now was at number 8 in the UK 's overall best selling self-help audio charts for 2003.
Audio and video restoration tools Fix poorly shot footage using Studio 's new cleaning and restoration tools.
The new audio guide system is provided to registered blind and sight impaired visitors as part of the admission charge.
The static menu pages are pretty boring and the snippets of audio dialog from the film are somewhat muted.
In January 2001, the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport published a review of subtitling, signing and audio description.
Chorus by Mat Davidson, audio, 3 mins, interlude for 5 voices, commissioned by susan pui san lok.
An audio tape track on which a sync tone has been recorded is called a ' stripe '.
Reducing audio file load times Remember - not everyone uses T1 connections to the internet !
We want Government to provide funding so more books can be transcribed into alternative formats, and to zero rate VAT on audio books.
Audio Typist / Secretary - Legal Exp not required !
This audio book is an unabridged recording of Richard Walker 's The Barefoot Book of Pirates.
These audio cassettes contain the complete and unabridged stories.
This pack contains the book and audio cassette of the complete and unabridged story.
But Melodyne also goes much further... as a remix tool it offers access to undreamed of creative possibilities for the manipulation of audio.
As someone seeking information in audio recording mixing, you search for tips and " reliable " hints to utilize when recording and mixing.
American network NBC aired snippets from both the audio and video tapes in March.
Audio and videocassette tapes and books of charismatic pastors circulate very widely among the public.
His performance is possibly the most memorable villainous turn to be featured in a Big Finish audio drama with it being very strong.
Intel 's High Definition Audio supports array microphones with up to 16 elements -- useful for voice recognition systems.
To listen to the audio webcast we recommend that you register in advance.
The most common systems used for encoding are Windows® XP or Windows® 2000 workstations equipped with audio and video capture cards.
Basic policy limits assets worthless overnightthis audio to the.
While traditional baby monitors help parents monitor their babies through audio even when they are in a separate room, video monitors allow parents to not only listen to their children but watch them.
When actress Shannyn Sossamon named her son Audio Science in 2003, she made a statement to the world about her family's individuality.
With gentle, but stimulating audio and visual creations, art and music come alive as baby's natural appetite for curiosity is strengthened even further.
Along with audio monitors, monitor sets are available that include wireless Baby Movement sensor and Audio Monitors.
These systems not only relay audio by monitor but also monitor your baby's movement as well.
If you already own an audio monitor and would like to also monitor your baby's movement, you can purchase a Babysense V Movement Monitor separately.
The most basic monitor - an audio monitor - allows you to listen to your baby while you are in a different room.
For parents who need peace of mind in order to sleep well and go about their evening activities in confidence, baby monitors with video and audio functions combined are a great choice.
For these basic functions, a standard baby monitor with audio only is a fine choice.
The following brands offer baby monitors with video and audio functionality that transmit both audio signals and video footage from the baby's room to wherever you happen to be in the house.
From audio and video options to night vision and the ability to record the images, these baby monitors offer it all.
The camera function can also be turned off for audio feed only, giving flexibility to the parents.
Lorex makes a two camera system that also offers two way audio.
If multimedia business presentations involving rich media objects like videos, animations and audio is what you do, you may choose Macromedia Flash.
Many also come with surround-sound speakers, as TV manufacturers assume you will want enhanced audio as well as advanced picture display.
Crutchfield offers high definition, DVD and audio systems for the home theater.
And try them out with different sources of audio - radio, CDs, television, DVDs.
Test the sound for the types of audio to which you are going to be listening.
The effect should be of a seamless audio experience.
What most people do not realize, though, is that the iPod can also store computer files and will play audio files besides songs, such as lecture notes and language recordings.
It doesn't take much to mar the mirror-like finish on this audio player.
Oftentimes, car audio shops have demo units on the floor for you to test out.
Whether you are a casual listener or heavy partier, there is a perfect audio system for you.
Navigation systems typically offer both text and audio instructions and these can be available in a choice of languages.
Look comparatively at the megapixels and resolution and audio quality.
This is one of the more high-tech models, complete with advanced lane guidance, photo viewing, built-in microphone, speed limit information, audio recording, emergency services, live help, and more.
Jenda is a unique electronic wall calendar clock that actually allows you to leave personalized audio messages for yourself on given days of the week.
Audio - With iTunes and other MP3 jukebox players, the home computer now doubles as an entertainment center and with the right speakers, it can compete with your home stereo in the sound quality department.
Computers with USB, audio, video and Firewire ports on the front of the machine are much more convenient and allow you to make your connections fast and easy.
If you are going to do graphic design, audio editing, video editing or a combination of all three, Macs are popular in that regards.
Many newspapers and graphics companies use Mac computers since they seem to push graphics and process audio and video more efficiently than comparable PCs.
To meet the needs of their patrons better, many libraries are offering access to websites that provide e-books, printable books, and/or audio books for readers of all ages.
Some sites have audio, which is ideal for busy moms; however, you can always turn the audio off to read aloud to your child.
While it seems like getting a picture book online would be easy, it is actually rather expensive to make sure that the book and audio that go with it are good quality.
They often have a natural appeal to kids who think they don't like to read due to the audio and animation that sometimes accompanies them.
When kids listen to audio books and other content online, their listening skills grow and they learn that there is more than one way to present a story.
Audio books are presented electronically, either by online streaming or by downloading to a mobile device.
Audio books also help young children build reading skills.
As with printed books, kids and adults can enjoy audio books together.
Whether they choose to snuggle up and listen to a short story or hear it aloud and then act it out, there are many ways for parents to engage in audio books and support their kids in listening to them.
Most sites ask parents to pay a fee to download books or subscribe to an audio book service.
Kids Audio Books boasts more than 200 downloadable audio books and stories for kids as well as printable coloring books.
Audible Kids is part of Audible, one of the best-known online retailers of audio books.
Audible Kids offers audio versions of bestselling kids' books, lets kids and parents listen to samples, and organizes content by age range and subject matter.
Look for the speaker symbol for books that are available with audio.
All of the stories are fully animated with audio.
The site includes more than 1800 fiction and non-fiction books, along with comprehension quizzes and audio for a number of titles.
Consider finding books online that also have audio, so children can read along with the story if they aren't proficient readers yet.
Visitors can choose between frequent guided tours and self-guided audio tours.
Many stories also come with audio clips, so your child can hear the words on the page.
If you are translating from a foreign language to English, Google Translate also gives you an audio version of the English word.
The wonderful thing about this particular resource is that many of the books are also available in audio format.
The volunteers there take the time to record audio of themselves reading their favorite public domain books.
At LibriVox, you can download any of these audio books for free, or if you wish to join the effort, you can record some books of your own.
Tetris 5 is straightforward, and the only addition to the original game is some sound effects and audio as you play the game.
The AbsolutePeak Hypnosis Center offers a single audio track for you to listen to.
Read through the Hypnosis FAQ and how the audio hypnosis works so that you can have a good feel for online hypnosis.
The website is part of the Hypnosis Online Excellence group and also includes a free training course to help you learn hypnosis in about five days via audio downloads to your computer or MP3 player.
That does require a fee, but you'll have it tailored more to your needs than the general free audio courses.For over 500 audio scripts you can download, go to Hypnosis Downloads.
Within second, you can have the German version, the origin and-in most cases, an audio track pronouncing the word for you.
When you click this feature, a short audio clip will load, speaking the word you choose.
You also have the option to listen to an audio clip of a speaker using the word.
You can also hear the Spanish word in audio format if the word or phrase is available.
If you're looking for a quick audio translation or pronunciation, there's a good chance you're on the go and not sitting in front of your computer.
Audio, video and other animations are available as well, but in a language more advanced than the kids' version.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the web page, you'll find areas with very informational content such as Catholic Q&A, Traditional Mass, document and audio libraries, and even a Bible search utility.
Contributors are not limited to photographs; iStockphoto also accepts illustrations, flash artwork, videos, and even audio.
Most podcasts are simply audio files, but others have instructional videos.
Relaxation CDs - Whether selecting a guided relaxation CD or simply a CD of soothing music and nature sounds, CDs can help create an audio atmosphere conducive to relaxing the mind and by extension the body.
Includes an audio version of this anger management guide.
Anna Paquin signed with an agency and took a few small offers, including several television commercials and the narration of an audio book.
She was a volunteer with Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, a non-profit group that makes audio recordings.
In July 2010, an audio tape was leaked of Gibson admitting to assaulting then-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, the second of a series of foul-language-filled tirades made by the actor.
Audio technologies for distance learning include podcasts, audio conferences, phone conversations, audio recordings, and CDs.
Audio files can be individually distributed to all students, selectively e-mailed, or accessed on a single Web site.
The program utilizes traditional distance learning methods as well as technologies such as videorecordings and audio clips.
In addition to postal mail and print-based methods, hybrid courses may use videorecordings, audio clips, e-mail, digital downloads, Internet-based research and information, or electronic discussion boards.
The elegant, austere tower sits alone with no messy cables buttons to mar its appearance yet it yields professional sound quality for the radio or your favorite audio files.
Features include voice-delivered weather announcements, radio tuner with dual alarms and an audio jack.
If you're well-versed in the various poses, you can even turn off the audio track and listen to your own music.
The audio version is narrated by famed Iyengar yoga instructor Patricia Walden.
You can try a free one-week online trial at the Yoga Learning Center and have access to more than 50 audio and video instruction for yoga and meditation.
Package include the online class work, audio lessons, and a digital manual for $297.