Audiences Sentence Examples
His lectures drew large audiences, including many Protestants.
It is a mistake to say that he grew more conservative in later years; but his judgment grew more generous and catholic. He was a greater orator than man of letters, and his sermons in New York were delivered to large audiences, averaging one thousand at the Masonic Temple, and were printed each week; in eloquence and in the charm of his spoken word he was probably surpassed in his day by none save George William Curtis.
In 1807 he was appointed Lady Margaret professor of divinity at Cambridge, and lectured to large audiences on biblical criticism, substituting English for the traditional Latin.
Few of those in the audiences of Moliere, returning home under the grey walls of St Germaindes-Pres, knew that within that monastery the men whose midnight they disturbed were laying the basis for all scientific history; and few of the later historians of that age have been any wiser.
The play received accolades from critics and audiences alike.
He succeeded in maintaining his disguise, and on arriving at Khiva went safely through two audiences of the khan.
In 1561 he went to teach theology in Rome, reckoning among his pupils Robert Bellarmine, afterwards cardinal; then passed into Sicily; and in 1569 he was sent to Paris, where his expositions of the writings of Thomas Aquinas attracted large audiences.
Mr Chamberlain had relied on his personal influence, which from 1895 to 1902 had been supreme; but his own resignation, and the course of events, had since 1903 made his personality less authoritative, and new interests - such as the opposition to the Education Act, to the heavy taxation, and to Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and indignation over the revelations concerned with the war - were monopolizing attention, to the weakening of his hold on the public. The revival in trade, and the production of new statistics which appeared to stultify Mr Chamberlain's prophecies of progressive decline, enabled the free-trade champions to reassure their audiences as to the very foundation of his case, and to represent the whole tariff reform movement as no less unnecessary than risky.
Elizabethan plays were often bawdy and the audiences were rowdy!
The logical form of the argument makes it especially valuable in public speaking, before uncritical audiences.
AdvertisementHe was also distinguished as a reciter, and on a visit to the United States in 1871 read extracts from his works before large audiences.
In 1901 he was received by the sultan; the pope and many European statesmen gave him audiences.
His "more stately genius," as Mr John Morley calls it, was already making him the undisputed master of the feelings of his audiences.
In the principal coffee-shops of Cairo are to be found reciters of romances, surrounded by iiiterested audiences.
The pope admitted him to six long audiences in the course of two months, wrote an enthusiastic letter to the grand-duke praising the great astronomer, not only for his distinguished learning, but also for his exemplary piety, and granted a pension to his son Vincenzio, which was afterwards transferred to himself, and paid, with some irregularities, to the end of his life.
AdvertisementThe new songs ' mix of styles is proving sufficiently adaptive to win him burgeoning audiences around the world.
Page always looks on the bright side of life and audiences quickly relate to his genuinely affable nature with some serious cheekiness thrown in.
The regimented North Korean military audiences listening stiffly to their great leader seem positively animated by comparison.
Anticipating the impact Will the report cause undue anxiety or optimism among audiences or readers?
The flawless technique and supreme artistry of Chinese pianist Lang Lang has left audiences awestruck and critics lost for words.
AdvertisementUnlike many of this summer's blockbusters who have relied on mega stars to lure the audiences, Open Water stars relatively unknown actors.
He now performs to a mixture of audiences, including churchgoers and non-churchgoers.
In addition we create formats for sport and game shows, shoot commercials and produce high quality webcasts for global audiences.
We don't know what audiences want, we would n't deign to guess.
Combines live action with classic Disney animation to illustrate proper dental hygiene for young audiences.
AdvertisementThe effect of her actions on audiences ranges from a sense of pity to a horrified disbelief that such a woman could actually exist.
Unlike audiences in World War 1 who needed escapism, the audiences of the 1940s were looking for something more.
Remember that a typical 18th century fiddler would have played for a greater variety of audiences and situations than today.
Working 4 restaurants per week for over 20 years has taught him to create flashy, attention-getting magic that makes audiences scream.
Designed as a chamber production for unusual spaces, this production has thrilled audiences around the country with its intense intimacy.
With a wonderfully intimate style, Stacey has charmed audiences with a remarkable repertoire of standards.
For American audiences the film was re-titled " Young Scarface ", but that's a complete misnomer.
By varying the compilation parameters, different webs may be produced over similar material for different audiences.
Or perhaps present-day audiences have a new-found relish for gore more like that of their Elizabethan counterparts.
Where else, for example, would you encounter the witty put-down of unruly audiences that opens Frogs?
The project aimed to build on the key recommendations in the report Research into Audiences for Contemporary Dance in the North West.
Regionally produced drama and entertainment can be a potent and effective means of expressing such regionalism and meeting the needs of audiences.
Despite the apparent respectability of the West End halls, music hall was still associated with wild audiences and high living.
The end result is some superb trial scenes, where the audiences hopes are raised or dashed, depending on how evidence is accepted.
In the mid-1980s, Wessex Films was producing two revues a term that were regularly screened to audiences of over 150.
His greatest drama was, ironically, first staged at a private club in London because it was considered too scandalous for Paris audiences.
Well, in his mind, he was challenging preconceptions, possibly the audiences, possibly his own self-doubt.
The show was originally labeled a children's program, but its silliness and clever skits also appealed to adult audiences.
For fifty years, Peter Brook's opera, stage, and film productions have held audiences spellbound.
Even tho Home Improvement drew larger audiences than Frasier, the Cheers spin-off had a younger viewership.
I think the audiences stopped watching scary movies when Hollywood made a seemingly endless stream of graphically violent brainless movies.
He wandered from village to village and town to town, preaching to enormous audiences, always in the open air; the earnestness and straightforward eloquence with which he insisted that true repentance came from the heart, that pious pilgrimages and the absolution of the Church were mere outward symbols, appealed to all classes.
Forced and distorted expression, exaggerated emphasis, point and antithesis, an affected prettiness, are studied with the view of gaining the applause of audiences who thronged the lecture and recitation rooms in search of temporary excitement.
Forever is a compelling modern tale of friendship that will resonate with audiences of all ages.
Often catchy phrases are used in the musical lyrics as they are retained in the audiences' memories for longer than spoken words.
And he has American rightists accusing him of " Jew-hatred " for the benefit of audiences whom he may never address.
Soumik will be treating Leeds audiences to an hour long sarod recital accompanied by tabla virtuoso Shahbaz Hussain Khan.
The show is a riot of sassy songs that sweeps audiences along in its breathless wake.
The show was originally labeled a children 's program, but its silliness and clever skits also appealed to adult audiences.
Classical songstress Lesley Garrett will be treating audiences to an intimate evening of entertainment at The Bridgewater Hall on Thursday 15 June.
For fifty years, Peter Brook 's opera, stage, and film productions have held audiences spellbound.
Giles Ponsford was not only stager manager and actor but also a madcap schemer in generating audiences for his show.
He has decided to release more of his awesome material, the routines which he uses to stun audiences around the world.
Davis argues that the specific tautology implicatures which actually arise in English are not ones that audiences could work out.
But through-composed opera in English was not a crowdpuller - it was only acceptable to specialized audiences such as a school or a court.
Through the treachery of a surprising white devil, Shakespeare challenges his audiences to spot the true color of villainy.
Television audiences of over 20 million, although almost unheard of today, were not that unusual back then.
The Wild Bunch broke new ground when it was unleashed on audiences.
Private funders could include distributors, exhibitors, venture capital investors, or more surprisingly â only in the short-term -- audiences.
The goal of motivational speakers is to cause their audiences to aspire to be something better.
Although aimed at slightly different audiences (the iPod at an older, more image-conscious crowd, the U2 at budget shoppers), these two flash music players have a lot in common.
Bible stories geared toward children are based on the books of Bible from which adults pray and study but are written specifically for younger audiences.
The imaginative depiction of the North Pole and Father Christmas are magnificent, stirring wonder in young audiences.
The Pokemon cartoon was dubbed into English for American audiences.
There are many different scrapbooking styles and not all pages will appeal to all audiences.
Fox is another network with strong appeal for young audiences, lead by the powerhouse American Idol.
There are programs intended for small children and very adult programs that should only be watched by mature audiences.
While this may be partially true, many of the most popular musical productions from today and yesterday are being rearranged to meet the skill level and attention span of middle school performers and audiences.
Lady Gaga extends her unusual wardrobe choices to her live shows, and audiences are continuously surprised by her frequent costume changes.
The performance earned rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.
While some have called the album a calculated attempt to gain favor with country audiences, others applaud the openness of Fireflies.
Jennifer Aniston captivated with audiences as one of the stars of Friends with both her likeable character Rachel Green and her famous hairstyle.
Singer Nicki Minaj appeared on morning show Good Morning America to perform for live and television audiences.
At a time when most of his contemporaries are retired, this legend shows no signs of stopping and is even reaching new audiences with his recent song, Stoned in Love, released in 2006.
During the mid 1960s, Tom strengthened his hold on American audiences by modeling himself after popular crooners like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin with his release Green Green Grass of Home.
As Lindsay quickly outgrew Disney's family films, she began looking for older roles that would help her reach new audiences.
In addition to rapper Ali G, Baron Cohen also introduced audiences to Borat (a Kazakhstan reporter) and Bruno (a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion presenter).
David Letterman is now in his 25th year of entertaining audiences with his late night talk show.
In these roles, Mendes demonstrates that she is a flexible actress, able to switch from drama to action to comedy in the blink of an eye to capture and delight audiences.
While Seth Rogen's first starring role was in the wildly successful comedy Knocked Up, this funny guy has been entertaining audiences in smaller parts for some time now.
There could be no better way to make her mark than in a movie that resounded with young audiences across the country, but this was simply a stepping stone for Fisher.
She has captivated fans and audiences with her wide-eyed portrayals of a vast range of characters and her skilled performances in many demanding roles.
The movie was released in 3-D, and audiences raved over every aspect of the film.
It wasn't long before he was making international audiences laugh through his stand-up comedy and acting.
Although young, Kristen Stewart has consistently impressed audiences and the film industry with her performances.
In Red Dawn, she worked with Patrick Swayze for the first time, several years before their fancy footwork charmed audiences in Dirty Dancing.
While the show was funny, it failed to draw in audiences and only lasted a single season.
Television audiences fell in love with the actress and enjoyed seeing her grow up over the years.
Audiences, show producers and her parents were worried this could ruin Candace's self-esteem and possibly lead to an eating disorder, similar to the one plaguing Growing Pains co-star Tracey Gold.
She did take on guest roles on sitcoms such as Cybill and Boy Meets World, but it was her role in two television movies that gave audiences a more grown-up view of the young actress.
Later that year they kicked off their first world tour to record-breaking audiences worldwide.
These movie stars are the ones who bring in huge audiences to any film they appear in, just because their names are so well known and respected.
Entertainment is used as an escape, and audiences don't necessarily want to mix their escape with heated exchanges or outlandish views.
Whether they are acting, playing sports, modeling, or performing in another format, Brazilian stars offer their talent to audiences worldwide.
Due to film techniques, many short actresses are able to disguise their diminutive frames from audiences.
The costume shocked audiences, but was allowed by censors since it had originated on ostensibly respectable stages in Europe, such as the Gaiety in London and the Folies Bergère in Paris.
That was infinitely more appealing to male audiences and it was achieved not through nudity, but through an undressing that mimicked the disrobing which preceded a sexual encounter.
These acts were so popular that in 1951 Frenchman Alain Bernadin opened the Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris to bring American-style striptease to European cabaret audiences.
They've sold millions and millions of records, played live in front of some of the largest audiences ever assembled and have one of the most devoted, passionate fan bases in the history of contemporary music.
Eight albums into a very successful career, the band shows no signs of slowing down since they are currently working on a new record and can often be found on tour playing before devout audiences.
For audiences, this was all perfectly acceptable.
There's nothing to reference a cowboy hunk in the entire video - which actually may be an effort to appeal to crossover pop audiences in terms of style.
They often show movies that are made for general audiences and are suitable for families to watch together.
Since this time, RLTV has continually grown as more television and cable companies continue to realize the value of senior audiences.
You can use the maps to plan your vacation or compare the parks for what Disney treasures translate to foreign audiences and what alterations were made.
In this way, the online video game show is not appropriate for younger audiences.
These are all kart-racing games, so the simplified arcade style racing is suitable for younger audiences.
Perhaps one of the single greatest strengths of video games is their inherent appeal to younger audiences.
The more Miis you transfer and the more Miis that get transferred means the more opportunity for Miis that you know to show up in ''Wii Play'' with Remote Mii in any game that has audiences.
In addition to the dancers that everyone loves, audiences love Lythgoe's interactions with the dancers and the other judges.
For these audiences, the show provides new delights each season.
Both of these groups were fed up with the strict structure and lack of creativity found within their respective classical ballet academies, and desired to inspire audiences and fellow dancers in a whole new way.
Isadora Duncan alternated negatively shocking and positively uplifting audiences during these early years of Modern dance, drawing inspiration from Greek figurines she had often studied.
Following the same format that made audiences go wild for American Idol, the show televised an auditions special before the competition formally began.
Like its predecessor Riverdance, Flatley's show brought the art of Irish stepdancing to larger audiences all over the world.
The production continues to thrill audiences with infectious excitement and a universally understandable story of conflict and resolution.
As a pioneer in the craft, Graham did not only have to create the first of modern dance pieces, she also had to create its first audiences.
In the end, keeping to one's authentic message as a dance routine develops will help maintain fresh new choreography and entertain audiences and dancers for years.
Movies such as The Karate Kid 2 introduced audiences to the steps of the Bon Oduri dance to welcome and remember their ancestor's souls.
Still touring today with three companies, it is only one of many Celtic dance performance companies touring and entrancing audiences worldwide.
No longer limited to local audiences, people from all countries can learn about dance competition rules, see past and present dancers, and discuss anything at all with other enthusiasts.
The young boy who sang a Jackson 5 song for the auditions, and sang it again at Michael Jackson's Memorial in July 2009, Shaheen Jafargholi, was also loved by local and television audiences alike.
Especially for dance groups or for public performances, the samba is a lot of fun for audiences.
More than that, he is remembered by performers and audiences alike as one of the finest examples of a true master of the arts.
The dance uses a backslide technique, creating an illusion that thrilled audiences then and continues to do so today.
This illusion is one of the main reasons that audiences are so wowed by the Rockettes.
What the older and the newer features have in common is that they wow audiences.
While audiences love seeing what the Rockettes can do in addition to the act that originally made them famous, audiences still love seeing this original audience favorite.
Ever since their first performances in The Big Apple, the Rockettes have been able to entertain audiences of various types.
Older generations are impressed with the dancing skills and the precision of the chorus line, while younger audiences are pulled in by the fun and surprise surrounding the Christmas elements of the show.
The Rockettes are known world-wide for their exquisite dancing, but it's the atmosphere and the old-world charm that make the Christmas show of the Rockettes such a delight for all audiences.
Michael Jackson's out-of-the-box choreography, paired with stunning costuming, terrifying makeup and gorgeous, spooky sets provided the full package for the Halloween-themed video that captured audiences the world over.
Even Michael Jackson's way of walking could thrill audiences.
Audiences around the world went crazy for Michael Jackson's hip thrust.
Audiences leave the show singing the title song and swinging their umbrellas, tapping their toes and in love with the world, largely because of the happy dancing and singing in this scene.
Audiences all over the world were thrilled by his interpretations of classic roles like Albrecht in Giselle.
While his artistic life is firmly rooted in America, the roots of his birthplace shine through in his precise style of dancing that has thrilled audiences for decades.
As Filipino culture has spread around the world, the "clack-clack" of the bamboo poles has delighted audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Just as Mexico is a vibrant and diverse country, folkloric dances of Mexico continue to grow and thrill both audiences and dancers as they share in their historic art.
From a story in the New Testament, to the big screen, Salome's infamous dance has enraptured audiences for centuries.
The more stylized you make your Michael Jackson dance moves, the more you will look like the King of Pop did when he was thrilling audiences like no other.
While there may never be agreement over what constitutes "authentic" Middle Eastern dance, it is certainly a vibrant art form that continues to bring pleasure to performers and audiences throughout the world.
This legendary San Francisco performance space has been in almost continuous operation since opening its doors in 1920, and has seen the likes of Frank Sinatra, The Marx Brothers, and Carmen Miranda dazzle its audiences.
When Jessica Alba starred in the TV show Dark Angel, her sexuality seemed to draw audiences more than the strength of the program.
Just be warned that there string styles show some nudity and are for mature audiences only.
Although tastefully done, the site is better suited for mature audiences.
Still, the website is a bit too hot for general audiences, so be forewarned.
Wicked Weasel bikini galleries are truly for mature audiences.
Marie Osmond has been entertaining audiences for decades.
Eventually, designers began to hold their own shows inside restaurants and other popular spaces, reaching wider audiences than ever before.
This year's 90-minute show dazzles audiences with a smashing opening scene, "Sleighride", and runs nonstop through "The 12 Days of Christmas", "Here Comes Santa Claus", and "A Little Girl's Dream".
Nearly every town center, shopping area, and church hosts their own presepe, many of which are elaborate, hand-carved and painted scenes that inspire awe in their audiences.
This is part of how Edward charmed Bella (and audiences) and will add to your coo factor…as well as make the costume!
Websites designed for adult audiences sometimes offer explicit dating games that are not suitable for younger audiences.
Dating games offered on websites that feature nude photos and other explicit material may offend certain audiences.
This can humanize characters and make them more appealing to audiences who may feel that the special circumstances of the movie or the individual character may be unattainable, no matter how entertaining they are.
Projects can involve writing for several different audiences.
Much like Dolce and Gabbana, Fendi has been busily capturing audiences with its remarkable handbag styles that are truly hard to ignore.
An interesting dress-up drawer or box can be a great springboard for play-acting, role-playing and pretending; young children love to create plays and shows for family audiences.
Few developments in world cinema have had as profound an effect on American audiences as the influx of Anime movies from Japan.
Most people think of anime as being relatively new to our shores, with Katsuhiro Ôtomo's 1988 masterpiece Akira being the first full-length anime feature to really impact American audiences.
These shows were produced in Japan and marketed to American audiences in the late sixties and early seventies.
The style was clearly different than anything American audiences had experienced, but it was welcomed by the kids who watched it and remembered fondly by them as adults today.
Akira was definitely the first full-length anime to be widely accepted by American audiences.
Audiences were thrilled by the action and emotion that it presented and still are today.
While these movies are considered classics today there's not much of anything in them that might qualify them as scary movies anymore, but in their day they horrified audiences.
Hindi audiences demand a lot for their movie dollar, and the movies contain a lot of drama, comedy, and action.
While many Americans demand realism from their films (and seldom get it, although they think they do), Bombay audiences want their movies to be as far removed from life as possible.
These names mean little to most Americans, but to Bollywood audiences, these girls are box office gold.
Bollywood film audiences are dedicated fans and these Bollywood babes are treated as much like VIPs and celebrity in their native lands as Hollywood actresses are in the US.
In 1976, audiences were held in suspense by Gregory Peck and Lee Remick in the first of the Omen series of horror movies.
With the support of each film's distributor, these movies are available to online audiences in a completely legal fashion.
Also, the old story doesn't ring as true as it probably did before; modern audiences probably do wonder frequently, "Why didn't she just leave, get an apartment, a job, a puppy?"
UltraScreen audiences also enjoy powerful digital sound through a combination of JBL Professional's Academy Award® winning ScreenArray® cinema sound system run through Crown International's Digital B-Chain® technology.
The results can be hits or misses but still give audiences a peek of what to expect.
Note also that all movie trailers are not equal, many movie companies release different versions that are targeted for specific audiences.
R-Rated movies are meant for mature audiences and Plugged In reviews them.
Another reason is that these movies are fast becoming the norm and being marketed to mainstream audiences.
Avatar movie pics are a popular search engine topic, since the film is one of 2009's top grossing movies as well as a smash hit with audiences everywhere.
James Cameron, who directed Avatar along with films like Titanic and Aliens, brilliantly transports Avatar audiences to the alien planet of Pandora with the use of stunning special effects.
Movies like Dr. Terror's House of Horrors and The Birds were all popular in the 1960's, giving audiences thrills and nightmares for months.
Re-creating old movies allows directors and screenwriters to have a new take on an old idea, along with giving audiences nostalgic feelings.
Large, oversized posters meant to advertise an upcoming film, horror movie posters were especially beneficial for their audiences.
The film was a remake of the original Halloween, written by John Carpenter, and drew opening day audiences unlike prior releases of the film.
Remakes of movies, especially horror movies, are very popular because they have plots that audiences are already familiar with.
Whether you love chick flicks as a genre or are just a fan of romantic comedies, there is no denying that these type of films certainly make their audiences happy.
While each of the upcoming movie sequels out there may appeal to different audiences, there are still a lot of passionate offerings for those who are unaware of what they want.
Time travel and science fiction movies featuring time travel are usually very easy to find due to their popularity with large audiences.
While many Easter movies are made especially for children, there are some that are made for older audiences as well, such as The Passion of the Christ.
Horror films are popular with audiences for a myriad of reasons.
At the time, the Disney executives behind the film wanted to make sure that the film stayed evergreen to new and growing audiences.
Rated R films can contain sexual themes or scenes, drugs, alcohol, violence, language and other themes unsuitable for younger audiences.
For younger audiences, general questions relating to the holiday are best.
Hummel, best known in its native Denmark but increasing in the eyes of international audiences, has recently released a new smart-foam technology for a "customized" fit.
It's important to bear in mind that the goal of exotic dancers is to dazzle their audiences.
The show's unique cast, including actress Kate Richie (who literally grew up on the show), continues to please audiences in Australia and many other countries.
The telenovela was adapted for American audiences by actress Salma Hayek, Ben Silverman and Silvio Horta.
A classic soap opera family, the Hopes offer audiences all the drama, chaos and tragedy viewers expect.
The telenovela seesaws from love and joy to despair and disaster with unprecedented vigor, and audiences can't get enough.
Creating and maintaining a website is a relatively simple process and despite worries of waning viewing audiences, they can be enormously popular Internet destinations.
Telemundo's in-house production of novelas for American Hispanic audiences remained true to passionate tales told by those in other countries.
Univision, another Spanish language network, also imports telenovelas for American audiences to enjoy.
Many DVDs also feature subtitles or English translation allowing American audiences access to some of the more elegant storylines.
The Betty La Fea telenovela has influenced international television and strikes a chord with audiences all over the world.
I don't think the audience is waning as much as the networks claim, but rather, the way watching soaps has changed, but the models for measuring those audiences has not.
The dense Native American culture is also recognized and celebrated throughout the winter months, as audiences can enjoy a variety of animal dances including the buffalo and the eagle.
Audiences fell in love with Mickey and flocked to theaters to see the cheerful mouse.
The first watch was made by the Ingersoll-Waterbury company (which is today known as Timex) in 1933, five years after Mickey Mouse first charmed audiences in his big screen debut.
I continue to have a variety of audiences and venues regarding ASD's.
As you can see, there are many similarities between memos and business letters, even though both of them are used to communicate to different audiences.
Just remember that the sketches usually contain some raunchy moments that aren't suitable for all audiences.
Audiences expecting competitive cheerleading performances will be slightly disappointed.
Audiences rarely mind when key steps from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" find their way into a cheerleading performance.
The male audiences loved them and the idea of the servant who's only too glad to make sure everyone's happy, and has been a fantasy ever since.
Audiences come not just to see the world's most striking models outfitted in the smallest amount of clothing, but also for the opportunity to see pop icons perform songs from their latest album labels.
They represented the North/South divide, the working classes versus middle class snobs, and most of all, Oasis appealed to American audiences in a way that Blur never did.
There were plenty of chances to hone her talents before discriminating audiences, too.
Perhaps most shocking to audiences at the time was the nudity included in the play.
Rihanna toured with Gwen Stefani to support the album, giving her the opportunity to play in front of huge crowds and different audiences that might not normally have given her music a chance.
African music has received a lot of attention over the last decade, with well known pop artists like David Byrne and Paul Simon bringing it to mainstream audiences.
These Leeds, UK, kids have shared the stage with the likes of Franz Ferdinand and Deerhof and wowed the audiences all around.
This song was perhaps their biggest hit, and the one first brought them to American audiences.
The play, based on the book of the same name by French author Gaston Leroux, tells a tale of romance, obsession and intrigue in the Paris Opera House and has been wowing audiences since its 1986 debut.
Will modern audiences fall in love again with a 14-year-old movie in a new skin?
In 1999, he released a self titled album, his debut to American audiences, and scored three country chart top five hits.
Whichever side audiences take, it is clear that the group has a serious goal to help hurting youth.
Nothing makes a band as unhappy as being forced into the role of one-trick pony, and it didn't take long for Radiohead to tire of taking to the stage in front of audiences only interested in hearing them play Creep.
The band took to berating the audiences for wanting to hear the song before they played it, and then eventually they stopped playing it altogether.
A variety of online resources are dedicated to bringing audiences the best of Montana's music.
Instead, the film went on to win an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, and audiences and critics were no less enthusiastic about the soundtrack.
Tours with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill and Rascal Flatts followed, helping Swift to reach even wider audiences.
The movie version of Mamma Mia received decidedly mixed reviews from the press but has been a hit with audiences, earning major box office numbers.
The studio found the story, which was based on the book The Hidden Fortress by Akira Kurosawa, to be overly complicated and felt that audiences wouldn't understand or take to the film.
Although Lucas had a deal in place to do a sequel to Star Wars, neither him nor the studio were sure how audiences were going to react to the film.
However, eventually he was convinced that audiences wanted more of the story, and so he began making films again.
This first self titled album won the group three Soul Train Awards, but they didn't really reach mass audiences until 1999 with the release of The Writing's on The Wall.
The video stunned audiences and critics alike when it debuted on December 2, 1983, and it still sets the bar for music video achievements.
They set the mood for films and television shows, and often the effect is so subtle and perfectly matched to what is going on on-screen, audiences don't even notice the music at the time.
A good soundtrack can create drama and suspense, get audiences worked up, and help tell the story, or just make you want to turn up the volume.
This second film of the popular franchise was a futuristic thrill ride that kept audiences on the edge of their seats.
Sam Phillips, owner of Sun Studios, shared Elvis' fascination with African-American music but was struggling to sell those artists to white audiences.
He began to dabble in music, but failed to wow either his teachers or audiences at the talent contests in which he took part.
Phillips appreciated the so-called "race records" that had enamored Elvis, but he had had a hard time convincing white audiences to give the music a chance.
In the radio station markets that have oldies stations, the channels remain popular--not just with those who lived through the song's first run but with younger audiences who fall in love with the tracks.
Franklin's performance of the song was a hit with audiences, and she soon landed a new record deal with Arista.
These stations have a wide range of different programming platforms, ranging for youth programming to music and news aimed at older audiences.
Many - if not most - pop music songs are derived from rap music elements, and rap music and culture is frequently used to advertise products to young audiences.
While it might not be seen like the most popular genre with younger audiences, classical music still has a large following and can be heard online through numerous different sites and applications.
Lloyd Webber doesn't actually consider the show, called Love Never Dies, to strictly be a Phantom of the Opera sequel, but audiences and the press have tagged it as such since it brings back the original Phantom characters.
Kesha stressed that the song was not to be taken literally and that when she wrote it, it wasn't necessarily intended for the young audiences it has been marketed to.
Smaller studios as well as the Chamber Music Hall provide other places for musicians to practice, learn, rehearse and eventually play for audiences.
Not only do these students have the opportunity to learn with leading professional musicians and conductors, but they also have the experiences of performing for large, adult audiences.
One of the longest running musicals in history, audiences have been discovering and falling in love with the music from the production since 2003.
The song flopped initially but in 1942, it became a hit - partially because the reminiscence resonated with audiences separated from their loved ones because of World War II.
The song has since become Cuomo's favorite song to play live - which is a good thing, since audiences demand it.
Because the audiences of the Circuit were so demanding, Hendrix was able to refine his style to meet their musical ideals.
Audiences would yell out for Norma Jean during Parton's performances.
The legendary Grand Ole Opry helped bring country music out of the south and to national - and then international - audiences.
Like The Cure, Depeche Mode often gets lumped into the goth camp - at least to American audiences.
That didn’t matter to 90s audiences, who couldn’t get enough of singing along to its addictive chorus.
Another band similiar to The Beatles in the US pop music scene was the Beach Boys, whose 1950s pop sentiments resounded with 60s audiences looking for surfing fun.
Jeana Keough's marriage has dissolved during the show, and audiences were privy to the disintegration of her relationship.
Trista and Ryan Sutter - The Bachelor and The Bachelorette introduced audiences to these two who somehow seemed to find real love on TV.
This show is full of rhythm and excitement that audiences continue to enjoy even more than in seasons past.
The show debuted for American audiences on the NBC network in 2004.
Her audition blew the judges and audiences away.
Trust those audiences; if they aren't cheering you on, you're not wowing them.
Despite that, Eisen, a True Life producer, says "Audiences are skeptical about reality television.
Serving as both co-producer and host/judge, Gordon Ramsay showed audiences a bit of a softer side to his personality in dealing with the amateur competitors.
You need to know your target audience and which networks reach those audiences.
If you create a character for yourself it may be difficult to maintain on camera if you do make the cut, and audiences tend to sniff out the people who are acting.
Audiences warmed up to Sweeney very quickly, and she has been the host ever since.
The 2011 broadcasting season looks to bring even more reality shows with fresher feelings to mass audiences.
There is a large audience for reality television, and some of the cable shows like Project Runway and Top Chef bring in audiences that can rival many big network programs.
Bravo first introduced TV viewers to the Real Housewives of Orange County, unsure how audiences would respond to watching the privileged lives of women in a gated community in California.
In the U.S., two separate attempts to present the show to domestic audiences failed with viewers.
However, the show's formula has produced megastars elsewhere - think Susan Boyle of Britain's Got Talent - and that chance of seeing the next big thing get their big break is what keeps audiences tuning in season after season.
A seasoned performer with a music background, Fator wowed audiences with his array of characters and impersonations as well as his vocal chops.
Suhr herself is popular with audiences for her straight attitude, funny comments and gorgeous looks.
His even temperament and genuine concern for the contestants he was supervising made him a hit with home audiences.
Audiences were re-introduced to Kim Richards of Beverly Hills when the former child star turned up on the latest Real Housewives series.
Star Wars literally took audiences without any advance warning.
The first time the stars radially streaked in the viewport to indicate that the Millenium Falcon had successfully entered hyperspace, audiences gasped and then cheered.
When the credits rolled, audiences stood and applauded until the lights came on.
Released in 1933, King Kong powerfully effected studio audiences, primed to feel fear by the clever gimmick of having nurses standing by in theaters where it was showing.
The story that is labelled 'gen' is 'for general audiences'.
The subplot belongs on the page not on the screen and because it would have had audiences sitting confused in their uncomfortable theater seats for much longer than needed to tell the story of the Goblet of Fire.
Finally after three films audiences are shown a professional Quiddich match in a pitch that rivals every sports arena you've ever seen on Earth.
Perhaps the distributor thought the accent would be incomprehensible to American audiences? or that the 'unfamiliar' sound just wouldn't play well to American listeners?
The acting is slightly campy by today's tastes and the effects unimpressive, but at the time, this movie had audiences both terrified and attracted.
Stepping outside the realms of the television series just a bit, Whedon's imagination explodes onto the big screen, bringing in a broad scope of sights for audiences to see.
Some performers will be recognized from their previous work, but because of the abundant talent and skill of the cast, actors audiences know are unrecognizable as anything but their characters after just a few sentences.
Sure, it's a comic book movie and based in a fantasy world, but to grab an audience you have to show some realism, you have to show some emotion, otherwise you're just showing off and nowadays audiences can tell when they are being duped.
Max Headroom was perhaps the first view American audiences had of cyberpunk.
Regardless, audiences approved of the film, and over 60 percent said that they would see it again.
In the first film, audiences are introduced to Elina, a wingless flower fairy who must save all of Fairytopia.
Williams' use of classical Wagnerian style composition and the leitmotif created a lasting impression that is easily recognizable by audiences born long after the first film aired.
On October 6, 2009, the world blacked out for two minutes and 17 seconds, introducing the Flash Forward TV show to television audiences.
In Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Superman, William's music enthralled, excited and inspired audiences across the world.
While superheroes and heroines are fantasy, it's nice to have female heroines for female audiences to enjoy.
Godzilla thrilled audiences as the two battled, but producers raised the tension even more when they introduced a giant octopus, too.
Audiences cheered as Godzilla and Ebirah struggled in the water and Godzilla ripped Ebirah's claws off.
In 1962, the movie King Kong vs Godzilla brought the popular American ape monster into battle with Japan's number one monster star and thrilled audiences on both continents.
While the 50 foot gorilla-terrified audiences, the movie monster carried with it a dualistic role in an archetypal Beauty and the Beast way.
Both carried audiences into fantasy worlds where monsters existed and challenged film makers to stretch their abilities to make special effects more believable.
However, audiences learned in the 1964 Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster that one Rodan survived.
While Gamera was well received by American audiences, by the time this movie was released, Godzilla already had four movies out and as monster popularity goes, was a hit.
The god Mothra, a creature that looked like a cross between a giant moth and a bee, arrived on the scene and attacked Godzilla in a mythic battle that left audiences stunned as it appeared that Mothra was about to destroy Godzilla forever.
BlogAds recruits bloggers who have strong audiences, and maintains a strict invitation-only policy.
While MySpace might not be the number one social networking site anymore, it is still one of the higher ranking sites--especially among younger audiences.
The blog usually covers stories as in-depth feature type articles, drawing the attention of mixed audiences.
Alchemy has experience designing sophisticated websites that address a company's needs while reaching their audiences.
In 1757 Voltaire came to reside at Lausanne; and although he took but little notice of the young Englishman of twenty, who eagerly sought and easily obtained an introduction, the establishment of the theatre at Monrepos, where the brilliant versifier himself declaimed before select audiences his own productions on the stage, had no small influence in fortifying Gibbon's taste for the French theatre, and in at the same time abating that "idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman."
In 1567 he was elected a fellow of his college, and subsequently was chosen lecturer of St Clement's church, Cambridge, where he preached to admiring audiences for many years.
He would frequently have audiences of the king, by whom he was graciously received.
A pageant and masque given by 2,000 participants before audiences of Ioo,000 led to the construction in 1917 of a municipal theatre in Forest Park, with accommodation for 9,270.
His peculiar strength lay in his power of adapting himself to audiences of every kind, and throughout his public career he was highly appreciated by all classes of society.
The later years of his life were spent in ardent anti-slavery propaganda, and his eloquence moved large audiences in London, as well as in Paris, Brussels and other parts of the continent.
On the two following days Dr Lukacs and Mr de Justh had audiences of the king, but without result; and on the 31st Hungary once more entered on a period of extra-constitutional government.
In his own day he took high rank as a pulpit orator, and even royalty had to beg for a seat amongst his audiences; but his sermons are now forgotten.
Even oratory was intended quite as much for readers as for the audiences to which it was immediately addressed; and some of the greatest speeches which have come down from that great age of orators were never delivered at all, but were published as manifestoes after the event with the view of influencing educated opinion, and as works of art with the view of giving pleasure to educated taste.
Towards the end of the period we note the beginnings of the triple division of medieval preaching into cloistral, parochial and missionary or popular preaching, a division based at first on audiences rather than on subject-matter, the general character of which - legends and popular stories rather than exposition of Scripture - was much the same everywhere.
He had public and private audiences with the pope on the 9th of April and the 11th of May 1848, but recorded next to nothing in his diary concerning them, though numerous other entries show an eager interest in everything connected with the Roman Church, and private papers also indicate that he recognized at this time grave defects in the Church of England and a mysterious attractiveness in Roman Catholicism, going so far as to question whether he might not one day be a Roman Catholic himself.
For the stately declamation, the sonorous, and beyond a doubt impressive, chant of Quin and his fellows, Garrick substituted rapid changes of passion and humour in both voice and gesture, which held his audiences spellbound.
The functions of the first dragoman are mainly political; he accompanies the ambassador or minister at his audiences of the sultan and usually of the ministers, and it is he who is charged with the bulk of diplomatic negotiations at the palace or the Porte.
He was in constant demand as a lecturer from 1843, when he made his first appearance on the platform, always drew large audiences, and, in spite of his bad management in money matters, received considerable sums, sometimes $600o or $7000 for a single winter's lecturing.
We find him delivering a lecture to audiences of " all the chief learned of the city of London."
Next come the four palatine prelates, the majordomo, the superintendent of the household and its staff, and successor of the ancient vicedominus; the master of the chamber, who presides over the arrangement of audiences; the auditor, or private secretary; and finally the master of the sacred palace (magister sacri palatii), a kind of theological adviser, always a Dominican, whose special duty is nowadays the revision of books published at Rome.
Each tana - or rabbi of the earlier period - had a spokesman, who repeated to large audiences the discourses of the tana.
He banished the musicians and singers, and forbade all kinds of games; he devoted himself to the administration of justice, and gave public audiences to the people for the redress of their grievances.
A quaint figure in the pantheon of the heroic age is Hanuman, the deified chief of monkeys - probably meant to represent the aboriginal tribes of southern India - whose wonderful exploits as Rama's ally on the expedition to Lanka Indian audiences will never weary of hearing recounted.
Everywhere the imperial competitor was victorious, and crowded audiences importuned him to display his talents.
In 1875 he was appointed one of the Old Testament revisers; in1880-1882he delivered by invitation, to very large audiences in Edinburgh and Glasgow, two courses of lectures on the criticism of the Old Testament, which he afterwards published (The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, first edition 1881, second edition 1892, and The Prophets of Israel, 1882, which also passed through two editions); and soon after his dismissal from his chair he joined Professor Baynes in the editorship of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and after Professor Baynes's death remained in supreme editorial control till the work was completed.
In 1847 Emerson visited Great Britain for the second time, was welcomed by Carlyle, lectured to appreciative audiences in Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and London, made many new friends among the best English people, paid a brief visit to Paris, and returned home in July 1848.
In 1830 a rising in Dresden led to his being named joint regent of the kingdom along with King Anthony on the 13th of September; and in this position his popularity and his wise and liberal reforms (for instance, in arranging public audiences) speedily quelled all discontent.