Audience Sentence Examples
The audience laughed and he glanced up at the stage.
This officer's audience lasted a long time.
Prince Vasili sternly declaimed, looking round at his audience as if to inquire whether anyone had anything to say to the contrary.
Hannah sat and began talking about Paris again to an audience eager to hear her.
Cynthia wasn't finished, but now her sole audience was David Dean.
The audience, composed of students and townspeople, interrupted him with the cry "Quid de anima."
Pierre looked solemnly at his audience over his spectacles and continued.
The audience included the Dawkinses, still in residence after an airplane mechanical problem delayed them yet another day.
I guess she was about the only one in the audience.
His work held the rapt attention of his audience.
AdvertisementFred attempted to pick the lock, as no keys were provided, but the audience became restless and impatient.
He set down his box and smiled at his attentive audience.
The audience sits aboard other ships located beside the stage.
The feeling was palpable in the air above the audience.
The lounge also has special theme nights where audience participation is encouraged.
AdvertisementHis replacement early morning audience consisted of two old ladies from Indiana who'd just checked in, Pumpkin Green, and Paulette Dawkins.
Other than their surreptitious glances at the audience, they were totally involved all the time.
Abstract ideas are difficult to convey on television, or at least to an audience accustomed to fast-paced action.
The audience has a fine time booing this haughty pirate and enjoying a tit-for-tat repartee when Hook asks us for advice.
She's a seasoned singer and performer with a great "feel" for a song and warm, humourous audience rapport.
AdvertisementUnfortunately, Cynthia Dean had chosen the wrong audience.
Maybe that was what she needed to do – tell the entire story to an unbiased audience.
It was this which made him add to his labours the burden of delivering every year from 1831 to 1848 a course of gratuitous lectures on astronomy for a popular audience.
This work, in which his system was for the first time presented in what, with a few minor alterations, was its ultimate shape, found some audience in the world.
The choir had very good diction, which enabled the audience to hear Nancy Bush's words clearly.
AdvertisementHer huge sparkling eyes create an instant rapport with her audience.
It's a sworn oath for magicians not to tell the audience how a trick is done.
Production values can acutely alter audience perception of this scene.
The rhetorical situation isn't simply found, but is in part created by the rhetor in conjunction with an audience.
It would be awkward enough talking to Josh, without having an audience.
No preacher of the century had this mastery over his audience.
Edwards' famous sermon at Enfield in 1741 so affected his audience that they cried and groaned aloud, and he found it necessary to bid them be still that he might go on; but Davenport and many itinerants provoked and invited shouting and even writhing, and other physical manifestations.
In an open space near the old palace stood the celebrated plane tree, beneath which Prince Nicholas gave audience to his subjects, and administered justice until the closing years of the 19th century.
An opera called La Muette, which abounds in appeals to liberty, was played, and the audience were so excited that they rushed out into the street crying, " Imitons les Parisiens !"
On the 18th he made his second appearance and delivered the speech, which electrified his audience.
The audience was temporarily in his court.
This audience becomes a living part of a new creative process, unbound by the old cultural accretions of " Art music " .
Break your audience into smaller groups Promote teamwork by gathering feedback from groups brainstorming ideas outside of the main meeting room.
He manages to draw the audience into a private life set in a ' private sanatorium ' .
The audience had an impossible task ahead of them - namely to choose 20 young slammers to got through to the semifinals.
Many classics were played, the audience almost swooning as each was introduced.
The Exemplars are demanding an immediate audience.
Plautus in more than one place thinks it necessary to explain to the spectators of his plays that slaves at Athens enjoyed such privileges, and even licence, as must be surprising to a Roman audience.
Nevertheless his speech was a superb effort of oratory; for more than two hours he kept his audience spellbound by a flood of epigram, of sustained reasoning, of eloquent appeal.
Their interior is divided into a series of compounds, each entered through a flat-roofed audience chamber.
One of his greatest successes was as Benvenuto Cellini, in which he displayed his ability both as an actor and as a sculptor, really modelling before the eyes of the audience a statue of Hebe.
We know, however, that the vizier of Upper Egypt (at Thebes) in the eighteenth dynasty, had 40 (not 42) parchment rolls laid before him as he sat in the hall of audience.
No public man of his time was more fitted to act as unofficial national orator; none more happy in the touches with which he could adorn a social or literary topic and charm a nonpolitical audience; and on occasion he wrote as well as he spoke.
At first the orations of Henley drew great crowds, but, although he never discontinued his services, his audience latterly dwindled almost entirely away.
It is a witness delivered to a hostile audience, whether they will hear or no.
Above these rise the towers of the Roman Catholic cathedral, the high curved roofs of the royal audience halls, the palace gateways, and the showy buildings of the Russian and French legations.
One of the audience, with a contemptuous remark, took a handful of pebbles to pelt him with.
Still, they could not believe that it was according to the will of the caliph that they here thus treated, until a certain number of their chiefs went as a deputation to Hisham, but failed to obtain an audience.
In virtue of the common-stock of opinion among the interlocutors and their potentially controlling audience, this process was more valuable than appears on the face of things.
His efforts on behalf of Wagner, who was then an exile in Switzerland, culminated in the first performance of Lohengrin on the 28th of August 1850, before a special audience assembled from far and near.
Of course an entire epic could not be recited on a single occasion; nor can we suppose that it would be thought out from beginning to end before any part of it was presented to an audience.
The hymn to the Delian Apollo ends with an address of the poet to his audience.
They are read out by an intelligent Brahman to a mixed audience of all classes and both sexes.
The dominion of the Swedes was very unfavourable to the development of anything like a Finnish literature, the poets of Finland preferring to write in Swedish and so secure a wider audience.
He had early trained himself in the art of speech-making, in the forest, the field and even the barn, with horse and ox for audience.
Ruling with the help of the Royal Audience, the governor was absolute master of the country, and regulated the smallest details of life.
She spent her last years at St Cyr in perfect seclusion, but an object of great interest to all visitors to France, who, however, with the exception of Peter the Great, found it impossible to get an audience with her.
Persia continued to increase; in December 1904 a special mission under Mirza Riza Khan was received in audience by the tsar; and in May 1905 Muzaffar-ud-Din Shah himself left Persia to visit the courts of Vienna and St Petersburg.
He appealed in his odes and sonnets to a restricted audience already educated by the chivalrous love-poetry of Provence and by Italian imitations of that style.
Echegaray succeeded to the literary inheritance of Lopez de Ayala and of Tamayo y Baus; and though he possesses neither the poetic imagination of the first nor the instinctive tact of the second, it is impossible to deny that he has reached a larger audience than either.
He believed, he subsequently told a Unionist audience, that the Opposition could have turned out the Government at this time owing to the indignation about the shortage of munitions; but that would have meant an election and renewal of party feeling, and so have prevented the concentration of effort on the war.
The poignant ballad had Chip Taylor beckoning a young lady from the audience called Florence.
First you need to develop rapport with the audience; then you can bring humor in.
It also signaled the point at which the band was at its best and feeding off the massive audience acclaim.
Humor, music and eye-popping acrobatics leave the audience wide-eyed with wonder.
The curtain came down; the audience's applause was tumultuous.
Each session was organized with short introductory presentations, followed by commentaries from panel discussants before opening the discussion to the audience.
His landmark book on improvisation proved that musical experimentalism could engage a wide audience across many fields with issues of vital importance to humanity.
They needn't have been, for with consummate professionalism, Salander had perfectly fitted his song to his audience.
The audience gradually warmed to the musical quality and inspired playing from a richly talented quartet coping admirably with often technically difficult scores.
The first quarto of Hamlet offers its audience an interesting new way of looking at an extremely familiar text.
We will always support the broadest range of audience accessing our activities.
Lots of changes in tempo here, holding the entire audience rapt.
Eight songs is too few, of course, from a band who could keep an audience rapt for hours.
The force of Richard's stinging rebuke here is felt by the audience, most of whom will know its historical accuracy.
The cast seemed a little taken aback and surprised by the rousing reception the audience gave them come the curtain calls.
The band played a " Last Night of the Proms " style concert to an extremely receptive audience.
Whilst this meant there was an increasingly receptive audience for the pensions debate there was also considerable noise.
The EX Factor finalists literally graced the red carpet as they came under the hammer in front of a star gazed audience.
His songs were witty and well crafted with highly intelligent lyrics and his between-song stories and audience repartee were of the same high standard.
In the audience, Philip Seymour Hoffman is already bored rigid.
Two drunken sailors in the audience last night said their singing sounded like a couple of parrots fighting.
Al is particularly good at adapting his humor to the audience - he can be clean, very saucy or something between the two!
If looking directly at audience members seems a bit scary at first, then look at the audience as a whole.
Make sure you are speaking to your audience, not to the floor, ceiling, or projection screen.
Technically the strategic inter-cutting between Close-Ups of the performers and members of the audience is a simple and apparently seamless device.
Martina, ever so slightly self-conscious, intent on ignoring the cameras and the audience.
Moral talk rarely has much effect upon its audience, because its real purpose is to make the speaker feel even more self-satisfied.
Performers in black masks, dwarfed by flickering shadows, invited the audience to share their fears.
But of course there's one more twist in the tale, designed to bring a final shudder to the audience.
In the midst of these ineffective councils the chief sits usually silent a kind of a gagged audience for village orators.
If you present a simulacrum of a 17th century performance to a 20th century audience, what response do you get?
But Shakespeare's audience knows that it is a mortal sin to attempt marriage when you are already married.
Judging by the suppressed sniggers from the audience, they were no more impressed by this than I was.
It even started with some suitably spirited singing, and drew many a laugh from the enthusiastic audience.
Generally thought to be a superb gig, the audience were noted to have burst into totally spontaneous mid-song applause more than once!
Plus learn how to dress up as a mommy and distract your audience for a spookily spotless spectacle!
It was a very mixed audience covering every age bracket with a fair sprinkling of young females.
Lots of gags about having a stooge in the audience, but not hugely funny.
Finally, music at its best will help the audience understand the delicate subtlety of the storyline - the subtext.
Members were informed that COT/COM/COC had decided to hold open meetings on specified topics to an invited audience on fairly technical subjects.
He delighted the audience when he introduced a special guest, Paul Williams, to sing tenor.
Donate Your thesis Would you like your postgraduate thesis or dissertation on the moving image to reach a wider audience?
He was instructed to go ahead; there was no need to request an audience.
On the 25th of November Sidney presented a petition to the king, praying for an audience, which, however, under the influence of James and Jeffreys, Charles refused.
The opening lecture of his course was listened to by a large and appreciative audience.
He therefore sent a representative of high rank, who had audience of the tsar, and returned with proposals for a treaty and for the residence of a Russian royal prince in Lhasa in order to promote friendly relations.
From 1753 till within a short period of his death, which took place on the 18th of June 1788, he preached regularly in Nicolson Street church, which was constantly filled with an audience of two thousand persons.
He was a man of the world as well as a divine, and in his sermons he exhibited a tact which enabled him at once to win the ear of his audience.
Bright publicly deprecated the popular tendency to regard Cobden and himself as the chief movers in the agitation, and Cobden told a Rochdale audience that he always stipulated that he should speak first, and Bright should follow.
The epistle, on the other hand, rather takes the place of a public speech, it is written with an audience in view, it is a literary form, a distinctly artistic effort aiming at permanence; and it bears much the same relation to a letter as a Platonic dialogue does to a private talk between two friends.
His style, if occasionally somewhat turgid, was elevated and passionate, and it always bore the impress of that intensity of conviction which is the most powerful instrument a speaker can have to sway the convictions of an audience.
The Gagan Mahal, or ancient audience hall, is now a mass of ruins, but when complete must have been a beautiful building.
Despite the effect of a false rumour of retraction and a forged confession, his adversaries in despair summoned him to four public conferences (1st, 18th, 23rd and 27th of September), and although still suffering, and allowed neither time nor books for preparation, he bore himself so easily and readily that he won the admiration of most of the audience.
They tried to create a Breton pop sound which attracted a wide audience.
We will reach a whole new audience with this " .
I even threw in a bit of audience banter.
He was positively beaming as he noted that the audience was largely made up of lawyers and law students.
At the start of the second act I had to enter through the audience in a total blackout.
An authentic Queen stage set complete with lighted gangways, risers and stairways fitted with audience blinders.
But it is delivered to the audience with such brio, such attack - and such uniformly excellent acting.
Q. A man in the audience said, " If ministers stop preaching hellfire, they will have no control over their people.
Due to the noise the audience make mimes of the words being spoken have been developed.
Her highly theatrical piece explored the familiar topic of love in an original way which audience members found extremely moving and emotionally provocative.
The basic point is incredibly complex, examining tolerance, loyalty and cowardice with a visceral punch to the audience.
In shadow puppetry, the audience only sees the shadows of the puppets, thrown onto a screen by a light or a fire.
The audience at a piano recital does not consist entirely of pianists, or at an opera of operatic singers.
It is not a film which you can view passively; it does not patronize its audience by providing fully sequential information.
Michael Crawford never made an audience squirm quite like Eddie did.
He also elaborates the episodes most attractive to his audience, notably those of Dido and Aeneas and Lavinia, the last of whom plays a far more important part than in the Aeneid.
The two most famous among its buildings are the Diwan-i-Am or Hall of Public Audience, and the Diwan-i-Khas or Hall of Private Audience.
The speech seemed likely to divide the audience, when Wendell Phillips took the platform.
As a lecturer he could command an audience of little less than 1000 in the theatre of the Royal Institution, and his fame had spread far outside London.
Lord Palmerston was no orator; his language was unstudied, and his delivery somewhat embarrassed; but he generally found words to say the right thing at the right time, and to address the House of Commons in the language best adapted to the capacity and the temper of his audience.
His gestures were scanty, his voice was not powerful, but he was desperately in earnest, and he held his audience whether his sermon contained a picturesque and detailed description of the torments of the damned, or, as was often the case, spoke of the love and peace of God in the heart of man.
It was his duty as professor to lecture at least once a week in term time on some portion of geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, geography, optics, statics, or some other mathematical subject, and also for two hours in the week to allow an audience to any student who might come to consult with the professor on any difficulties he had met with.
Le Roi s'amuse (1832), the next play which Hugo gave to the stage, was prohibited by order of Louis Philippe after a tumultuous first night - to reappear fifty years later on the very same day of the same month, under the eyes of its author, with atoning acclamation from a wider audience than the first.
The audience was moved to tears, the poet was fined for reminding the Athenians of their misfortunes, and it was decreed that no play on the subject should be produced again.
A large bare floor is undoubtedly bad for acoustics, for when a room is filled by an audience the hearing is much improved.
In Constantinople he had audience of Andronicus II.; he gives an enthusiastic description of St Sophia.
The papacy being then vacant, a definite reply to his proposals was postponed, and Bar Sauma passed on to Paris, where he had audience of the king of France (Philip the Fair).
Demosthenes has at command all the discursive brilliancy which fascinates a festal audience.
During a prolonged audience he had received from the pope assurances of private esteem and personal protection; and he trusted to his dialectical ingenuity to find the means of presenting his scientific convictions under the transparent veil of an hypothesis.
On January 18th, 1904, Mr Chamberlain ended his series of speeches by a great meeting at the Guildhall, in the city of London, the key-note being his exhortation to his audience to "think imperially."
Indeed, during the long audience to which we were admitted, it was almost impossible to converse, so loud were the shouts of the people in the Thuilleries Gardens, which were full, though it was then dark.
Sensing an indifferent if not hostile audience, he retreated to his lab after our ice cream desert.
The Watchers then relegated themselves to the role of a benevolent audience in the bloody basketball game that was Damian's war.
Besides, Fred will have the audience salted with all his old lady friends.
Many of the frisky paraders held water pistols and other more potent hydro-arms, squirting the audience, which responded mostly with glee, but often with return fire.
The dropped hose snaked away, further scattering the audience, the Deans among them.
If anything, the audience looked askance at the crude comment.
The timing for the demon lord to request an audience couldn't have been worse.
And why their leader is demanding an audience with me to discuss you.
By threatening me, by condemning me, and finally, by seeking a discreet audience with me.
You will find more blood, wash basins and fresh attire inside. I will collect you on the hour for an audience with the master.
There were six large ornate sheet music cabinets along one wall and comfortable seating for eight, although Sarah was the only audience ever in attendance.
Given the extenuating circumstances, I believe we'll obtain approval without an audience.
Maybe that was what she needed to do – tell the entire story to an unbiased audience.
Film, Text, Audience (Dr. L Spinks) This course focuses upon the poetics and politics of cinematic adaptation.
Powered by an incredibly powerful 10 Liter supercharged engine, this aircraft can perform spectacular unlimited aerobatics that will amaze the airshow audience.
Michael Gambon is quite superb as Sir John Falstaff, and completely captures the audience's affections from the start.
Is the only audience to its the unofficial African.
I don't pretend to understand the alchemy that inspires an audience to chase after one film sight unseen, and not another.
Performing three songs for fifteen minutes in front of a global audience of 3 billion is not altruistic.
We're going to inspire our audience with a righteous anger.
Sure enough, Jimmy Eat World played a blistering set, albeit to a largely apathetic audience.
The audience enter a booth one at a time to watch a three minute performance through a small rectangular aperture.
The lucky person was Jack Burgess who also was warmly applauded by the audience.
The news was greeted with thunderous applause from an audience.
In the Old Club House a highly appreciative audience greeted Graeme's late night show.
He also had an armful of posters which which he teased the audience.
Lee broken mikes fronting slack Punk they cut a smile into our faces with still half an audience resisting arrest.
When you expose the artifice of theater, the audience will trust the performers to take them anywhere.
But I beg these talented young artistes to consider that their audience do not know the text as well as they do!
Mr Boom keeps the younger audience attentive in the new marquee.
The audience seemed particularly attentive whenever she was on stage.
Here she captivated the audience, & us with her singing, that has a romantic & midnight zone feel to it.
There will be a workshop performance to an invited audience on Thursday August at 12.30pm.
Putting music on for the sake of getting great bands heard by a wider audience is what it is all about.
Market Who is the intended audience for the course?
The photo shows an appreciative audience during the day.
Even a captive audience won't necessarily dance to your tune.
The award was voted for by the packed audience at the event in Hoxton on Saturday.
Notes on style All authors are asked to take account of the diverse audience of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
A mooted move to a younger target audience may be discounted.
The communication should be delivered in clear and concise language for a non-specialist audience.
The studio audience then votes on the best two to pick a winner.
Soundtracks are not permissible unless played live in front of the cinema audience or at the time of filming.
That our television associated with future its viewing audience Top Home Entertainment worldwide his vision was limited.
Seeing the Dalai Lama address an audience in 1993 - such a tiny man yet he filled the auditorium with his radiance.
Adapted from Mr. Evans's tell-all autobiography, the movie takes the audience on an intimate journey into the mind of this Hollywood legend.
At Northampton and at each successive show the audience seemed quite awed by this visual effect.
Do you think you ' make more sense ' to a Northern Irish audience than to a crowd in a pub backroom in Cambridge?
How far I succeeded I can only leave the audience or reader of Klytemnestra's bairns to judge.
The enigmatic Nick Cave treats the audience to his dark, enticing piano balladry.
Blending incisive observation with light-hearted banter, a welcome rapport was developed with the audience.
The open-air cafes with their emphasis on consumption attempt to meet the needs of a very different audience.
His instantly likeable, goofy manner, successfully cajoled the audience into a perfect mood for the rest of the show.
Occasionally they defy audience patience too, but on the whole this is an enjoyable caper from first-time director Scott Roberts.
That we are so ready to empathize with these comic caricatures is as much reflects of Roberts ' craft as the audience's sentimentality.
An audience of 22 were entertained most royally in the Village Hall by a delightful evening of festive carols.
Traverse - the acting area is down the middle with audience sitting on two opposite sides, a bit like a fashion show catwalk.
Initially, despite heavy censorship, he was able to give his audience some glimmer of the truth.
We had a webcast audience of more than 500, and two satellite channels were filming.
Also seen in the audience were songwriting genius Scott Reilly, and velvet-voiced Canadian chanteuse Denise MacKay.
How do we convince the audience of " Uncle Manny " sincere motives with out sounding cheesy.
The piece was beautifully choreographed, the characters were very well portrayed & engaged the audience with humor & charm.
At the last meeting, David Bernstein told a skeptical audience that " pure chrysotile is rapidly cleared from the lung.
This suggestion struck an obvious chord with the audience who enthusiastically clapped their approval.
We wanted the audience to feel the fetid claustrophobia of the bunker.
A masterful performer, Roy gently coaxes the audience in giving it what matters most - the song.
Amazingly they all colluded, so the audience took it right between the eyes when the big moment came.
To be honest, I think they've become too complacent with what is, in effect, a captive audience for their products.
These range from the most fundamental - giving the wrong speech - to losing composure in front of a live audience.
The audience listened spellbound as the band played songs with their original introductions, many accompanied by duet concertina.
The target audience is more the historian than the whiskey connoisseurs.
An added bonus for the Paris audience was provided by some cleverly contrived animated film, which provoked considerable laughter.
The book also assumes from the outset that the audience is already conversant with computer -based statistical packages.
By encouraging media coverage, we hope to take the issues to a broader audience.
Such claims were obviously thought too gross for a domestic audience; they would strain the credulity of ordinary Bosnian Serb peasants.
A gentleman in the audience had traveled from Cardiff to see this croup - how's that for enthusiasm?
I read poems in a dark church crypt to a small, keen audience.
I wanted a name that would pique the curiosity of my perspective audience.
A lifesize cutout of Kylie in Fever pose danced about above the audience throughout Basement Jaxx's set.
Jane then gave a rousing performance to a packed out audience with Lionel giving a top class tap dance along side.
In 2001, Cara Dillon's eponymous solo debut was quietly released (via Rough Trade ), on an unsuspecting audience.
The death of Home Rule not only decimated his British audience, it also freed Irish protestantism from the restraints of political cohesion.
Many people in the audience found they could n't decipher the words, despite their being in English.
The audience The conference attracted 153 delegates, the largest number to date.
According to the Harrogate Advertiser a storming rendition of Riverdance caused such delirium that the audience would not stop clapping.
In this horrifying denouement resulting from the clash of multiple perspectives, the audience confronts the dead, wounded, and defiant.
Wanda Jean ' s audience seemed desperate to talk about anything other then the powerful documentary we were there to imbibe.
In utter disbelief his asked Herod " Where do you get this audience?
The day will conclude with a panel discussion during which the debate will be thrown open to the audience.
How dare he show such disrespect to his audience.
Feb 2005 Dressed soul diva Ms Sheila Ferguson for her appearance in An Audience With Joe Pasquale.
A key point is that it's targeted as attracting female drinkers, previously a hard audience to reach for real ale.
The quality was quite stunning and had the audience clustered around it positively drooling!
He suggested that Baptist ministers are not considered Kosher - speaking in an Anglican church tonight [albeit with a truly ecumenical audience] .
If the central character does not emote, then there is little for an audience to connect to.
The audience demanded an encore which they were never going to get.
Extremely articulate and instantly engaging, Knight threw in material that this trade audience had clearly not heard before.
The audience was screaming and applauding, we were totally enraptured.
Today's audience wants more escapism - not that they want just dumb films.
Audience a campaign to make data as standard ESP.
He had considered every eventuality, from instant imprisonment to a freely given audience, hut he was totally unprepared for what now happened.
This was not an audience which knew exactly what it wanted and certainly not an audience that obviously wanted exactitude.
The small audience made up for numbers by their sheer exuberance.
He will have surprised his audience by his claim that no social improvement can be achieved purely by government fiat.
Tonight the audience faced a dilemma; attend the gig or watch the series finale of The OC on E4.
The audience participants will be able to hear the footfalls of the dancers on the other side of the screen.
Bonn gig has more interaction with the audience and showed Stuart to be the best frontman a band could have.
So I asked the audience at the warm-up gig, ' is it OK to do this subject?
Not only did the GLC teach the audience how not to dress, they also instructed how to sex up an uncooked ham.
Keywords can also fit well into speaking engagements scripts or audiotapes scripts as well as audience handouts.
It's a bit like offering a handshake to your audience.
Young, dashingly handsome, and with enough pectoral muscles to get the audience screaming in lust whenever his shirt is removed.
These attacks on an almost hard-wired complacency are vital in terms of grabbing the audience and demanding that they listen.
This was used by people in the audience wearing hearing aids.
Last night, I had one of my best ever heckles (well, audience participations ).
A lot of thought and planning went into this category and produced some hilarity throughout the slide show audience.
Even members of the audience watching exhibitions of stage hypnotism can be influenced.
As he redoubled his efforts so the mirth of the audience grew more hysterical.
Danny has a unique style that combines stand-up, improvisation, story telling, audience participation and the odd bit of magic.
As the first note was struck the audience erupted into a sea of flying bodies and the already hot atmosphere became incendiary.
The question of the audience and the society for poems was there in a very inchoate form.
Good sight lines are important acoustically as they prevent absorption of the direct sound by grazing incidence over the heads of the audience.
Kicking the Moon draws the audience into their bizarre and quirky world, where impressive acrobatic and juggling skills become almost incidental.
The audience, carefully selected to be hostile, offered a series of gratuitous insults to the Prime Minister.
His curt response was met with a round of applause from animal dealers and vested interest groups in the audience.
On the back row, and also intermingled on the third row, are the studio audience.
The show at Prince's LA villa was seen by a very intimate audience - only fifty odd guests were invited.
However that did not seem to bother the band or audience one iota despite such close quarters.
Our repertoire mainly comprises well known Irish folk songs to get the audience singing and lively jigs and reels to set the toes tapping.
The announcement cleaved the audience in two, Alun's supporters quietly jubilant, Rhodri's deeply resentful.
The positive press coverage has helped to promote a new image of rural landscape to a wider audience.
A woman in tonight's audience had a laugh like a hyena and she laugh like a hyena and she laughed all the time.
I am more than happy to pass the ` baton ' on to you (uproarious laughter from the audience ).
He has transfixing lyrics that leave the audience with stitch from belly laughter!
They just aren't someone you want to have over for dinner, (audience laughter ).
The happy audience strolled back out into the stormy night feeling much levity in comparison to the evenings heavy weather.
The audience took an instant liking to it, which was demonstrated by the gentle swaying of bodies.
We have an amazing audience of music lovers around the world who are crossing genres.
The more specific your content offering is to your audience's needs, the more likely it is to inspire loyalty.
Homebrew glorify it by playing tight and neat numbers with witty lyrics that scream for a crowd scene and lots of audience participation.
Hirsch's Tim is easiest for the audience to identify with, an ordinary kid thrown into an emotional Maelstrom.
Indeed, I felt quite meek, compared to the reaction of the audience.
The audience enters to find bleak wire mesh framing a space which is bare apart from two wooden pallets.
This reaches a wider and more diverse and regular audience than the largely metropolitan focussed commercial gallery sector.
These high tech poles are used to enable the sound operators to reach any part of the audience with a directional microphone.
The audience was comprised of mostly middle-aged, and older, males.
The last person does the mime for the audience.
His great-great nephew Kevin Minns was among the audience - Mr Minns is Lord Nuffield's closest living relative.
Additional materials and audience have a notepad handy when presenting at your poster session.
Aimed at adults - in fact it was one of the first series to feature nudity - the prgramme failed to find an audience.
The audience laughs so much you miss so many great witty one-liners.
Opal After tea, the audience returned to their seats and Terry Davidson introduced Ross Chapman to talk about Australian opal After tea, the audience returned to their seats and Terry Davidson introduced Ross Chapman to talk about Australian opal.
The audience gave him a rapturous standing ovation which lasted at least 14 seconds.
The lack of audience and the lack of any real panache in their script-writing was a bit of a let down.
Director Marc Levin was asked how the general audience could be persuaded to see films like this rather than the usual commercial pap.
Using techniques of stop-motion, duplication and substitution the works extend an invitation to the audience to be willing participants in their fictions.
One of expanded cinema's major aims is to work against audience passivity and compel active participation in one form or another.
Audience figures seem to indicate that a lot of licence-fee payers listen to her.
Throw the diabolo over your head, perform a quick half pirouette to face the audience again & catch the diabolo in the cradle.
After opening with a half-decent comedy song, the two launch straight into a double-pronged, yet playful assault on the audience.
But as the evening continues, she begins to get more playful with the audience.
Jack Straw is merely indulging in a tactical ploy for a domestic audience.
When the plays were performed for the entire democratic polis the experiences of audience members were, of necessity, not equal.
I missed the title of the next song, a light and almost poppy song that went down well with the audience.
This is an unashamedly Populist book, written to bring his notions of the digital revolution to a mass audience.
Our characters, around the Cluedo board distributed quality postcards to the target audience.
Forced into the intimacy of the characters, the audience are made privy to the story behind their decaying relationship.
The actual audience achieved was 2,585 (including complimentary tickets ), or 54 per cent.
At six God renewed my strength to preach the glad tidings to a crowded audience at the Foundery.
Some of his faces caused a titter in the audience, who were then asked to stand and sing ' Hosanna ' .
There was a loud titter among the audience who thought this was an accident.
With Sasha, Digweed was responsible for bringing progressive trance and house to an eager audience in the genre's fledgling years.
Dressed as nuns the trombone trio wowed the audience with their fantastic playing and choreography.
I got a few good laughs, I also had a real tussle with the audience.
Well you are not sure and I don't want to look a twit in front of Adrian and the rest of the audience.
The audience hangs on the president's every one-liner; the slightest deadpan twitch induces guffaws (pretzels not included ).
On several occasions he's looked deeply uncomfortable; with the sound, with the audience, with himself.
The show is a circus theater spectacle involving fire juggling, audience participation and a very tall unicycle.
He seemed completely uninterested in the presence of the audience.
Using a dull, monotonous voice will not impress the audience and can make the topic sound uninteresting.
The audience, too, was clearly unsettled by some of the paraphernalia of faith, played up to look initially like drug taking.
And somehow he always managed to say what the majority of the audience were already secretly thinking but could not verbalize.
The terms include a vernacular which probably referred to commonly known techniques that needed no further explanation for an audience of 18 century soldiers.
You can feel the good vibes from the audience.
An escaped lunatic disguised -even from the audience - begins to take his unsuspecting victims, one by one.
A great comedy routine with a little wager which gets the audience interested!
All you need is a single card and your bare fingers to permanently warp your audience's reality.
Webcast of these events - you're welcome to join our virtual audience!
The SDC is pleased to be hosting a live Webcast of these events - you're welcome to join our virtual audience!
Anyway; on this occasion they were being so well-behaved that I almost felt competent enough to face an audience.
Soon his suspicions prove well-founded, the majority of the Letterman audience laughing at rather than with him.
His uniqueness as a performer stems from his ability to captivate an audience through a stunning delivery of his perceptive and often wry lyrics.
Comedy was provided by the ever youthful Tony Jones who only has to walk on stage to receive spontaneous laughter from the audience.
This led to his being appointed in 1783 camariere segreto to the pope, an office which involved the duty of receiving those who desired an audience.
This secured complete liberty of conscience everywhere within the realm and the free right of public worship in all places in which it existed during the years 1596 and 1597, or where it had been granted by the edict of Poitiers (1577) interpreted by the convention of Nerac (1578) and the treaty of Fleix (1580) - in all some two hundred towns; in two places in every bailliage and senechaussee; in the castles of Protestant seigneurs hauts justiciers (some three thousand); and in the houses of lesser nobles, provided the audience did not consist of more than thirty persons over and above relations of the family.
By two other measures of Gabinius loans of money to foreign ambassadors in Rome were made non-actionable (as a check on the corruption of the senate) and the senate was ordered to give audience to foreign envoys on certain fixed days (1st of Feb.-1st of March).
A road has been cut through the centre of the building, the mosque turned into barracks, and the hall of audience allowed to fall into ruin.
The emperor in April of the following year entered Illyricum with a powerful army, but during an audience to an embassy from the Quadi at Brigetio on the Danube (near Pressburg) died in a fit of apoplexy.
Pollio was the first Roman author who recited his writings to an audience of his friends, a practice which afterwards became common at Rome.
Niccolini blasted tyranny in his tragedies, the novelist Guerrazzi re-evoked the memories of the last struggle for Florentine freedom in LAssedio di Firenze, and Verdis operas bristled with political double entendres which escaped the censor but were understood and applauded by the audience.
So great was Bismarcks distrust of Italian parliamentary instability, his doubts of Italian capacity for offensive warfare and his fear of the Francophil tendencies of Depretis, that fof many weeks the Italian ambassador at Berlin was unable te obtain audience of the chancellor.
When an influential deputation was sent from Finland to St Petersburg to represent to him respectfully that the officials were infringing the local rights and privileges solemnly accorded at the time of the annexation, it was refused an audience, and the leaders of the movement were informed indirectly that local interests must be subordinated to the general welfare of the empire.
According to the story in Acts xii., Agrippa, gorgeously arrayed, received them in the theatre, and addressed them from a throne, while the audience cried out that his was the voice of a god.
The audience, composed of students and townspeople, interrupted him with the cry Quid de anima?
Huxley, to the delight of an appreciative audience, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England a course of lectures on birds, and a few weeks after presented an abstract of his researches to the Zoological Society, in whose Proceedings for the same year it will be found printed (pp. 415-472) as a paper " On the Classification of Birds, and on the taxonomic value of the modifications of certain of the cranial bones observable in that Class."
These outworks, with a few gateways, the audience hall and the baths, were the only parts of the building that survived in 1840.
To fill posts near his own person he summoned certain of the Perugian clergy who had been trained under his own eye, and from the first he was less accessible than his predecessor had been, either in public or private audience.
He reached London on the 24th of May 1901, had an audience with the king on the same day, was made a G.C.B.
The fault of the 1 7th-century sermon was a tendency, less prominent in Jeremy Taylor than in any other writer, to dazzle the audience by a display of false learning and by a violence in imagery; the great merit of its literary form was the fullness of its vocabulary and the richness and melody of style which adorned it at its best.
It is amusing to find him speaking jubilantly of the unexpectedly large audience of eight which assembled to hear his first lecture (in 1854) on partial differential equations and their application to physical problems.
In theatrical matters in the old days of stock companies the verdict of an Edinburgh audience was held to make or mar an actor or a play.
But whatever was the character of his audience he never failed, by the clearness of his statements, the force of his reasoning and the felicity of his illustrations, to make a deep impression on the minds of his hearers.
With perfect self-possession, which was not disturbed by the jeers that greeted some of his statements, and with the utmost simplicity, directness and force, he presented the argument against the corn-laws in such a form as startled his audience, and also irritated some of them, for it was a style of eloquence very unlike the conventional style which prevailed in parliament.
From that day he became an acknowledged power in the House, and though addressing a most unfriendly audience, he compelled attention by his thorough mastery of his subject, and by the courageous boldness with which he charged the ranks of his adversaries.
On his arrival in Paris he had a long audience with Napoleon, in which he urged many arguments in favour of removing those obstacles which prevented the two countries from being brought into closer dependence on one another, and he succeeded in making a considerable inpression on his mind in favour of free trade.
Thirty Croat deputies of those provinces resolved to lay their kinsmen's grievances before the Emperor, and his refusal of an audience played a material part in alienating Croat sympathies from the Crown.
Strangely enough the only attempts to consult the Yugosla y s themselves were an audience to which the Emperor Charles summoned Father Korosec and a journey undertaken by Count Tisza in Sept., with the crown's approval, to Zagreb, Sarajevo and Dalmatia.
A further "exile" at Chatenay and elsewhere succeeded the imprisonment, and though Voltaire was admitted to an audience by the regent and treated graciously he was not trusted.
He was crowned with laurel in his box, amid the plaudits of the audience, and did not seem to be the worse for it.
Passing Bokhara, they reached Samarkand, where the emir, whose suspicions were aroused, kept him in audience for a full half-hour; but he stood the test so well that the emir was not only pleased with "Resid Effendi" (Vambery's assumed name), but gave him handsome presents.
Destitute of natural oratorical gifts and somewhat ungainly in his manner, he attracted and even riveted the attention of his audience by a rare combination of intellectual keenness, emotional fervour, spiritual insight and power of dramatic representation of character and life.
Camille Desmoulins said that the piece had done more for the Revolution than the days of October, and a contemporary memoir-writer, the marquis de Ferriere, says that the audience came away "ivre de vengeance et tourmente d'une soif de sang."
He gained over the duchess of Kendal with a bribe of £i i,000 from his wife's estates, and with Walpole's approval obtained an audience with George.
He adapted both tragedies and comedies from the Greek, but the bent of his genius, the tastes of his audience, and the condition of the language developed through the active intercourse and business of life, gave a greater impulse to comedy than to tragedy.
Of the epic poets of the Silver Age P. Papinius Statius (c. 45-96) shows the greatest technical skill and the richest pictorial fancy in the execution of detail; but his epics have no true inspiring motive, and, although the recitation of the Thebaid could attract and charm an audience in the days of Juvenal, it really belongs to the class of poems so unsparingly condemned both by him and Martial.
The court of Audience, in which the archbishop presided personally, attended by his vicar-general, and sometimes by episcopal assessors, has fallen into desuetude.
The pope frequently received him in private audience, and in 1854 conferred on him the degree of D.D.
Machiavelli, meanwhile, was reading his Discorsi to a select audience in the Rucellai gardens, fanning that republican enthusiasm which never lay long dormant among the Florentines.
Among the audience was Macklin, whose performance of Shylock, early in the same year, had pointed the way along which Garrick was so rapidly to pass in triumph.
Because catechumens as well as the faithful were present at the sermons, the preachers thought it becoming to throw them in; but the audience must have been aware that their secrets were open ones.
On his return from Elba it is true that Murat, the king of Naples, took his side; but recklessly opening an offensive campaign, Murat was beaten at Tolentino (May 2-3), and he found himself compelled to fly in disguise to France, where the emperor refused him an audience or employment.
These doctrinal decisions and the sentence against the Remonstrants were, at the 144th sitting, read in Latin before a large audience in the great church.
Montaigne visited most of the famous cities of the north and centre, staying five months at Rome, where he had an audience of the pope and was made a Roman citizen, and finally establishing himself at the baths of Lucca for nearly as long a time.
Griffith Jones, preaching at Llanddewi Brefi, Cardiganshire - the place at which the Welsh Patron Saint, David, first became famous - found Daniel Rowland (1713-1790), curate of Llangeitho, in his audience, and his patronizing attitude in listening drew from the preacher a personal supplication on his behalf, in the middle of the discourse.
His commanding stature, the symmetry of his form, the dark and melancholy beauty of his countenance, rather rendered piquant than impaired by an obliquity of vision, produced an imposing impression even before his deep and powerful voice had given utterance to its melodious thunders; and harsh and superficial half-truths enunciated with surpassing ease and grace of gesture, and not only with an air of absolute conviction but with the authority of a prophetic messenger, in tones whose magical fascination was inspired by an earnestness beyond all imitation of art, acquired a plausibility and importance which, at least while the orator spoke, made his audience entirely forgetful of their preconceived objections against them.
But his speeches were packed with epigram, and expressed with rare felicity of phrase; his terse and telling sentences were richer in profound aphorisms and maxims of political philosophy than those of any other statesman save Burke; he possessed the orator's incomparable gift of conveying his own enthusiasm to his audience and convincing them of the loftiness of his aims.
Garrick now brought Irene out, with alterations sufficient to displease the author, yet not sufficient to make the piece pleasing to the audience.
It seems, then, that if we imagine Homer as a singer in a royal house of the Homeric age, but with more freedom regarding the limits of his subject, and a more tranquil audience than is allowed him in the rapid movement of the Odyssey, we shall probably not be far from the truth.
The two volumes of his speeches, as edited by James Redpath, were fortunately made from verbatim reports, and they wisely enclose in parentheses those indications of favour or dissent from the audience which transformed so many of his speeches into exhibitions of gladiatorial skill.
Les Burgraves, a tragic poem of transcendent beauty in execution and imaginative audacity in conception, found so little favour on the stage that the author refused to submit his subsequent plays to the verdict of a public audience.
She was greatly delighted with the monkeys and kept her hand on the star performer while he went through his tricks, and laughed heartily when he took off his hat to the audience.
But after it was over, the adjutant he had seen the previous day ceremoniously informed Bolkonski that the Emperor desired to give him an audience.
All these things were repeatedly interrupted by the enthusiastic shouts of the audience.
In particular, the words "I will come back to dinner," evidently displeased both reader and audience.
When her vocal organs needed exercise, which was usually toward seven o'clock when she had had an after-dinner rest in a darkened room, the pretext would be the retelling of the same stories over and over again to the same audience.
The gig went reasonably well, considering a bizarre mix of mainly comedians and a few punters in the audience.
She 's a seasoned singer and performer with a great " feel " for a song and warm, humourous audience rapport.
But once you build up a rapport with the audience, then you can bring humor in.
A rapt audience heard O'Donnell expand on the themes explored in his recent best selling books on Emmet.
The force of Richard 's stinging rebuke here is felt by the audience, most of whom will know its historical accuracy.
It was very well received by a large audience and Julian subsequently spent an hour giving further explanations and taking questions.
Missing Ray - Oct 04 Nice place to play, big stage receptive audience.
After a refreshment break members of the audience will have a chance to tell stories, too.
He regaled the audience with funny stories of his previous roles, which included being an accountant !
Now rephrase in modern terms - which nation would Jesus use today for an American audience?
In an era when audience share targets often rule, it now resonates more powerfully than ever.
It 's a perfectly innocent, cartoony style film although it is a simple retread of numerous other movies aimed at a younger audience.
I was playing (and trying to sing) Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano backstage and did n't realize the audience had come in.
The audience would often sing ribald songs with explicit amorous lyrics such as Where did the spider bite you, dear?
Meanwhile the ringside audience increased and everyone was smiling.
The event was a celebration of lesser published, underground limericks which left the 70 strong audience rolling in the aisles.
At TVC " consents " have already been obtained and exist for standard audience rostra and agreed configurations.
But for a young cast to rouse such strong emotions in an audience is something very special indeed.
There were NO roving microphones and it became hard to hear other audience members.
Accordingly, Rumsfeld would be without an audience if he chose to ruminate on the subject among this group.
He manages to draw the audience into a private life set in a ' private sanatorium '.
Al is particularly good at adapting his humor to the audience - he can be clean, very saucy or something between the two !
A simple philosophy but a very effective one as the band achieved both aims tonight and seduced a new audience.
But of course there 's one more twist in the tale, designed to bring a final shudder to the audience.
Anthony Smith was the seemingly aloof uncle who moved the audience when he finally showed his love for his sickly son.
But Shakespeare 's audience knows that it is a mortal sin to attempt marriage when you are already married.
I Wanna Hold Your Hand in an English folk club complete with singalong chorus from the audience.
I have a framed sketch drawn by a fan in the audience at Kettering.
The slew of horror movies that has been thrown onto the screen are not about truly scaring the audience, but only startling them.
Its a bridge to prepare Minogue 's vast audience for a smorgasbord of styles and sounds.
His answer was to inform me that the target audience was 38 year-old Christian soccer moms !
They played their first solo performance at Royal Festival Hall, London, to a sold-out audience of 4000.
He scanned the audience in two seconds, then launched into a personal reminiscence that had the audience spellbound for 40 minutes.
The audience remained spellbound for the duration of his talk.
An acknowledged top class photographer, his slide shows were enthusiastically received by a spellbound audience.
Generally thought to be a superb gig, the audience were noted to have burst into totally spontaneous mid-song applause more than once !
Plus learn how to dress up as a mommy and distract your audience for a spookily spotless spectacle !
As for steering away from what the audience wants, we 're not reactionary at all.
Even the improptu stripper on the hall stage failed to cheer up the deeply disappointed audience.
The audience 's initial reaction to these antics was stunned silence, swiftly followed by baffled amusement.
Robertson 's pedigree is undoubted and he does n't just give everything he 's got, he sucks an appreciative audience dry as well.
No distractions, no surreptitious glances at the audience, they were totally involved all the time.
It does get a tad boring, tho, repeating the same spiel, tweaked depending on the audience, so many times.
Eric was entertaining, I liked how he teased the audience for an encore.
The FA Cup final will be televised live on BBC1 to an expected audience of more than 2.5m for the second year in succession.
The audience was introduced to the key interactive tools used today to draw viewers ever more deeply into the televisual experience.
I then hope to create a fantastic, seamless transition taking the audience from the tempest at sea to Prospero on his island.
Some children play the rabbits, the ducks and the thieving weasels while the audience learns and sings the chorus of four songs.
The actual audience achieved was 2,585 (including complimentary tickets), or 54 per cent.
He would deftly invite the audience to go with him on a tightrope walk, led by his imagination.
All titles perhaps designed to titillate the curiosity of a medieval audience.
Some of his faces caused a titter in the audience, who were then asked to stand and sing ' Hosanna '.
With Sasha, Digweed was responsible for bringing progressive trance and house to an eager audience in the genre 's fledgling years.
His voice trembling with emotion, Hoffman asks the audience to congratulate his mom if they see her.
The unlikely adventurers kicked off their fundraising efforts with an ' RBS bush tucker trial ' in front of an audience of 100 colleagues.
The audience is subject to a series of twanging noises as you desperately tweak the headstock.
Well you are not sure and I do n't want to look a twit in front of Adrian and the rest of the audience.
The audience hangs on the president's every one-liner; the slightest deadpan twitch induces guffaws (pretzels not included).
On several occasions he 's looked deeply uncomfortable; with the sound, with the audience, with himself.
A form of communication is required that makes the subject appealing to a wide audience without losing the essential scientific underpinnings of the process.
He said he did not think The Office 's understated ironic humor would be lost on an American TV audience.
There's a great pleasure to found in throwing an unknowing audience a curve ball set something up one way and completely surprise.
How many times can the villian be unmasked in front of a GQ audience (as in The Fugitive).
What makes it worth while is what it does with those stock elements and that is to unnerve the audience.
Heather Bell is a fictional character, an actress, whose aim was to create emotion and unsettle the audience.
To evaluate the project Stalking Histories carried out videotape interviews with audience members to assess their responses to the marketing.
The area around the viewing platform is usually busy with the extended main stage audience.
A great comedy routine with a little wager which gets the audience interested !
All you need is a single card and your bare fingers to permanently warp your audience 's reality.
The SDC is pleased to be hosting a live webcast of these events - you 're welcome to join our virtual audience !
I believe the introduction of his writings to the North American audience will become a wellspring of godly wisdom and inspiration.
There are whoops from the audience, and the Sangeetham festival finally clicks into focus.
He took the stage and immediately began trying to win over his audience.
He gave a subtle, low key performance and did not wink at the audience.
Demand is such that we have increased the print run and have a worldwide audience on the web !
Always trying to wrong-foot the audience, and mostly succeeding.
The controversial comedian's set was rude enough to cause apoplexy among the more conservative audience members.
He used the rhetorical device of ethos to convince his audience by appealing to their morals.
When he reminded the audience of the ten commandments, he was using ethos to persuade them to follow a virtuous path.
The dramatic performance was rich in sad pathos and left the audience with teary eyes.
Try not to reference any inside jokes when speaking to a large audience.
The actor's elocution was so impressive that the audience was mesmerized by him.
The young comedian's puerile jokes were not appreciated by the mature audience.
The speaker's powerful rhetoric amazed nearly all of the audience.
The audience was impressed by the rhetoric the young girl used in her speech.
The bastion for women's rights strongly defended her argument in front of the audience.
While they were not planning for an encore, the band was thrilled to please the audience with another song.
In hopes of hearing another song, the audience began shouting, "Encore! Encore!"
The articulate speaker intrigued the audience with his message.
The whole speech was connected to a single metaphor, so the audience was slightly confused.
There was no stopping Charlie in his tirade; he held a captive audience.
Bluegrass is such a narrow genre of music that it has a relatively small audience.
Hersublime voice caused the whole audience to get chills when she hit the high notes.
Her incendiary dance performance was amazing to watch and kept the audience enthralled.
A beautiful convergence of music and dance left the audience in amazement.
Encourage independence-Don't automatically assume your child needs an audience or your assistance.
So, be sure you know the tone and intended audience of a travel guide publisher before you buy one of its books.
The Nintendo DS is made by the same company that makes the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance systems, but it is intended for a different audience.
A resonator model banjo projects the sound forward and is perfect for someone playing for a large group of people or an audience.
With such a large target audience, antique collectors and appraisers are constantly browsing listings in search of sports cards.
This is less costly for the county and allows them to reach a wider audience.
I gave my dog loving audience a dog treat this week, and I didn't want to leave the cat lovers out.
Whether you want to find a story about Daniel and the Lion's Den or Jesus Feeding the 5,000 finding it in an illustrated children's Bible story will make it more interesting and memorable to a young audience!
Hanna Montana, Zack Efron, High school Musical, and Pirates of the Caribbean are just a few of the books for an older audience.
Most children love to have a captive audience while they read a Dr. Seuss book or other early reader.