Auber Sentence Examples
The brigand Fra Diavolo, the hero of Auber's opera, was a native of Itri, and the place was once noted for brigandage.
His name has gained a world-wide celebrity as the title of a famous opera by Auber.
In La Muette de Portici, familiarly known as Masaniello, Auber achieved his greatest musical triumph.
Official and other dignities testified the public appreciation of Auber's works.
One of Auber's latest compositions was a march, written for the opening of the International Exhibition in London in 1862.
This song, set to music by Auber, was on the lips of every Frenchman, and rivalled in popularity the Marseillaise.
It was the irrepressible upward tendency that caused the French government in 1859, acting with the advice of Halevy, Meyerbeer, Auber, Ambroise Thomas and Rossini, to establish by law the Diapason Normal.
The pedigree-makers have hailed him in turn as the descendant of a Norman "Auber, earl of Passy" and as the heir of Hereward, "the last of the English."