Au Sentence Examples
Baron de Reiffenberg, Le Chevalier au cygne et Godfrey de Bouillon (Brussels, 2 vols., 1846-1848), in Mon.
Munich is divided into twenty-four municipal districts, nineteen of which, including the old town, lie on the left bank of the Isar, while the suburban districts of Au, Haidhausen, Giesing, Bogenhausen and Ramersdorf are on the opposite bank.
Other works by him were Reponse au livre de P. Nouet sur l'eucharistie (1668); CEuvres posthumes (Amsterdam, 1688), containing the Traite de la composition d'un sermon, translated into English in 1778.
In the struggle against the Jansenists he used all the influence he had with the clergy to secure the passage of the apostolic constitution of the 31st of March 16 J3 (Relation de ce qui s'est fait depuis 1653 Bans les assemblies des iveques au sujet des cinq propositions, 1657); but in the rebellion raised by Retz, archbishop of Paris, against the king, he took the part of the king against the pope.
The metals may be arranged in a series according to their power of displacing one another in salt solutions, thus Cs, Rb, K, Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Cd, Tl, Fe, Co, Ni, Sn, Pb, (H), Sb, Bi, As, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pd, Pt, Au.
The parish church of Au, in the Early Gothic style, contains gigantic stained-glass windows and some excellent wood-carving; and the church of St John in Haidhausen is another fine Gothic structure.
Munich contains several gymnasia or grammar-schools, a military academy, a veterinary college, an agricultural college, a school for architects and builders, and several other technical schools, and a conservatory of music. The general prison in the suburb of Au is considered a model of its kind; and there is also a large military prison.
For example, in the curve for gold-aluminium, ignoring minor singularities, we find two intermediate summits, one at the percentage Au 2 A1, and another at the percentage AuAl 2.
Of the minerals containing gold the most important are sylvanite or graphic tellurium (Ag, Au) Tee, with 24 to 26%; calaverite, AuTe2, with 42%; nagyagite or foliate tellurium (Pb, Au)16 Sba(S, Te)24, with 5 to 9% of gold; petzite, (Ag, Au) 2 Te, and white tellurium.
Matthiessen observed that the density of alloys, the composition of which varies from AuAg 6 to Au 6 Ag, is greater than that calculated from the densities of the constituent metals.
AdvertisementMatthiessen and Bose obtained large crystals of the alloy Au 2 Sn 5, having the colour of tin, which changed to a bronze tint by oxidation.
Aurous oxide, Au 2 0, is obtained by cautiously adding potash to a solution of aurous bromide, or by boiling mixed solutions of auric chloride and mercurous nitrate.
When a concentrated solution of auric chloride is treated with caustic potash, a brown precipitate of auric hydrate, Au(OH) 3, is obtained, which, on heating, loses water to form auryl hydrate, AuO(OH), and auric oxide, Au 2 0 3.
With concentrated ammonia auric oxide forms a black, highly explosive compound of the composition AuN2H3.3H20, named " fulminating gold "; this substance is generally considered to be Au(NH 2)NH.
Au 2 0 2, have been described.
AdvertisementAuric cyanide, Au(CN) 3, is not certainly known; its double salts, however, have been frequently described.
Aurous sulphide, Au 2 S, is a brownishblack powder formed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into a solution of potassium aurocyanide and then acidifying.
Lyon, "Un Idealiste anglais au XVIII.
The 11th century only has been treated in detail by Louis Halphen, in Le Comte d'Anjou au XP siecle (Paris, 1906), which has a preface with bibliography and an introduction dealing with the history of Anjou in the 10th century.
Rambaud, L'Empire grec au dixieme siecle (1870); see also Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch.
AdvertisementHe married in 1793 Mlle Deloche, daughter of a former avocat au conseil; the young pair were greatly straitened in means in consequence of the depreciation of the assignats.
The symbol (alp) which is known as Legendre's symbol, and denotes the positive or negative unit which is the remainder when au s (-1) is divided by a prime number p, does not appear in this memoir, but was first used in the Essai sur la theorie des nombres.
Among his own productions are a treatise, De la morale des peres, a history of ancient treaties contained in the Supplement au grand corps diplomatique, and the curious Traite du jeu (1709), in which he defends the morality of games of chance.
Other works on Polish history which may be especially mentioned are La Pologne au moyen age (3 vols., Posen, 1846-1851), an edition of the Chronicle of Matthew Cholewa 1 (1811) and Ancient Memorials of Polish Legislation (Ksiegi ustaw polskich i mazowieckich).
A long and eloquent Discours au roi (detailing the duties of a prince, and translated from a Latin original written by Michel de l'Hopital, now lost) was dedicated to Francis II.
AdvertisementWith the exception of his description of the French Revolution, which was chiefly a political manifesto, all his early works refer to the middle ages - De La feodalite, des institutions de Saint Louis et de l'influence de la legislation de ce prince (1822); La Germanic au vin e et au ix' siecle, sa conversion au christianisme, et son introduction dans la societe civilisee de l'Europe occidentale (1834); Essai sur la formation territoriale et politique de la France depuis la fin du xi e siècle jusqu'et la fin du xv e (1836); all of these are rough sketches showing only the outlines of the subject.
He devoted some volumes to a history of Spain, which had a well-deserved success - Charles Quint, son abdication, son sejour, et sa mort au monastere de Yuste (1845); Antonio Perez et Philippe II.
Paul Leroy-Beaulieu (Les tats- Unis au XX Sicle, Paris, 1904) would assign primacy to the United States as far back as 1885.
Many Years Later He Wrote Discriminatingly About Those Dix Ans Au Canada (1888) That Saw The Establishment Of Responsible Government.
His Pelerinage Au Pays D'Evangeline (1888) Is A Splendid Defence Of The Unfortunate Acadians; And All His Books Attract The Reader By Their Charm Of Style And Personality.
He founded the Anti-Jesuite, afterwards the Reformation au XIX' siecle, in which he advocated the separation of the Church from the State; but he gradually abandoned Protestant doctrine.
In the Chamber, where he subsequently represented Riom, he formed the group of the Appel au Peuple.
Early in 1789 he had published twenty cantos of licentious verse, in the fashion of the time, under the title of Organt au Vatican.
Other works of Delavigne followed each other in rapid succession - Louis XI (1832), Les Enfants d'Edouard (1833), Don Juan d'Autriche (1835), Une Famille au temps du Luther (1836), La Popularite (1838), La Fille du Cid (1839), Le Conseiller ra p porteur (1840), and Charles VI (1843), an opera partly written by his brother.
See further the bibliographies to the articles on Metternich, Gentz, &c. For the latest developments of the " Austrian question " see Andre Cheradame, L'Europe et la question d'Autriche au seuil du XX.
Mehmet Au banished them to Esna, in Upper Egypt; and the few that remained in Cairo called themselves Awalim, to avoid punishment.
The Mission archeologique fran4aise au Caire, established as a school by the French government in 1881, was re-organized in 1901 on a lavish scale under the title Institut francais darchologie orientale du Caire, and domiciled with printing-press and library in a fine building near the museum.
In the troubles which overtook the Islamic empire with the accession of Othman, Egypt was greatly involved, arid it had to be reconquered from the adherents of Au for Moawiya (Moawiyah) by Amr, who in A.H.
Au, who had won the victory, was then appointed governor.
To this the beys assented, but with considerable misgivings; for they had intercepted letters from Au to the Albanians, endeavouring to alienate them from their side to his own.
Deceptive answers were returned to these, and Au was induced by them to advance The Maine- towards Cairo at the head of 3000 men.
The Mamelukes in the citadel directed a fire of shot and shell on the houses of the Albanians which were situated in the Ezbekia; but, on hearing of the flight of their chiefs, they evacuated the place; and Mehemet Au, on gaining possession of it, once more proclaimed Mahommed Khosrev pasha of Egypt.
Thither the pasha despatched three su@cessive expeditions (one of which was commanded by Mehemet Au), and many battles were fought, but without decisive result.
Mehemet Au seemed to hesitate, and then complied, and was at once invested.
In the year following the massacre the unfortunate exiles were attacked by Ibrahim Pasha, the eldest son of Mehemet Au, in the fortified town of Ibrim, in Nubia.
Mehemet Au, lissatisfied with the treaty concluded with the Wahhabis, and vith the non-fulfilment of certain of its clauses, determined to end another army to Arabia, and to include in it the soldiers who had recently proved unruly.
Ismail re-established and improved the administrative system organized by Mehemet Au, and which had fallen into decay under Abbass indolent rule; he caused a thorough remodelling of the customs system, which was in an anarchic state, to be made by English officials; in 1865 he established the Egyptian post office; he reorganized the military schools of his grandfather, and gave some support to the cause of education.
The great bulk of the code was an obstacle to the multiplication of copies of it, whilst the necessity for them was in a great degree superseded by the publication from time to time of synopses and encheiridia of its contents, composed by the most eminent jurists, of which a very full account will be found in the Histoire au droit byzantin, by the advocate Mortreuil, published in Paris in 1846.
Abteilung, pp. 216-226 and 440-442; Ludwig Braunfels, Kritischer Versuch fiber den Roman Amadis von Gallien (Leipzig, 1876); Theophilo Braga, Historia das novelas portuguezas de cavalleria (Porto, 1873), Curso de litteratura e arte portugueza (Lisboa, 1881), and Questoes de litteratura e arte portugueza (Lisboa,1885); Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo, Origenes de la novela (Madrid, 1905); Eugene Baret, De l'Amadis de Gaule et de son influence sur les me urs et la litterature au X VI e et au X VII e siecle (Paris, 1873).
C. von Savigny, Flach studied the teaching of law in the middle ages and the Renaissance, and produced Cujas, les glossateurs et les Bartolistes (1883), and Etudes critiques sur l'histoire du droit romain au moyen age, avec textes inedits (1890) .
Trained at the Ecole des Chartes and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, he made his first appearance in the world of scholarship as the author of an excellent book called Etudes sur l'industrie et la classe industrielle a Paris au XIII e et au XI V e siècle (1877).
If A, B have the same sign, this is equivalent to au = cosh mO, (23) if the origin of 0 be suitably adjusted; hence r has a maximum value a, and the particle ultimately approaches the pole asymptotically by an infinite number of convolutions.
If A, B have opposite signs the form is au = sinh mO, (24) this has an asymptote parallel to 0=0, but the path near the origin has the same general form as in the case of (23).
Indeed, it would be hard to find anything less consonant with godliness and divine perfection than the pranks of this juvenile god; and if poets and thinkers try to explain them away by dint of allegorical interpretation, the plain man will not for all their refinements take these amusing adventures any the less au pied de la lettre.
For a long series of suggested bases of classification see Raoul de la Grasserie, Des Religions Comparees au Point de Vue Sociologique (1899), chap. xii.; cf.
Apart from the modern studies by Lair, FunckBrentano, Lang and Barnes, referred to above, there is valuable historical matter in the work of Roux-Fazaillac, Recherches historiques sur l'homme au masque defer (1801); see also Marius Topin, L'Homme au masque de fer (Paris, 1870), and Loiseleur, Trois Enigmes historiques (1882).
He delighted to keep himself in this way au courant with the latest developments, and lost no opportunity of establishing relations with men of scientific reputation.
They are versions of three medieval stories taken from French and German sources, and dealt with the Chevalier au lion, of Chrestien de Troyes, with Duke Frederick of Normandy, and with Flores and Blancheflor.
He had successively fought for the Samanids and the Ziyarids,3 a dynasty of Jorjan, and his son Imad addaula (ed-dowleh, originally Abu 1 Uasan Au) received from Mardawij of the latter house the governorship of Karaj; his second son Rokn addaula (Abu All Uasan) subsequently held Rai and Isfahan, while the third, Moizz addaula (Abu 1 Ilosain Ahmad) secured KermAn, Ahvaz and even Bagdad.
Its centre was led by Sheikh Au Khan, covered by twenty-four field-pieces.
He had collected a small army in Mazandaran, and was supported by Fath Au Khan, the powerful chief of the Kajar tribe.
Yusuf Au, the general commanding the royal troops, defeated and slew Suleiman, and replaced his master on the throne, reserving to himself th protectorship or regency.
Had Au Mardan declared himself an independent ruler he would have been by far the most important of the three persons named.
From Kerman, however, where he found an asylum, the latter addressed an urgent appeal for assistance to Au Murad.
It does not appear that Nadir Mirzas cause was ever seriously espoused by the Afghans nor that Fath Au Shahs claim to Meshed, as belonging to the Persian crown, was actively resisted.
Since Fath Au Shahs accession he and his brother Mahmud had been, as it were, under Persian protection.
Hasan Au, farman-farma, or commander-in-chief, and his brother and abettor, had an army at their disposal in Fars.
He was buried at Kum, where is situated the shrine of Fatima, daughter of Imam Riza, by the side of his grandfather, Fath Au, and other kings of Persia.
While revolution prevailed in the city, robbery was rife in the province of Yezd; and from Kazvin the son of Au Mirza otherwise called the zulus-sultan, the prince-governor of Teheran, who disputed the succession of Mahommed Shah, came forth to contest the crown with his cousin, the heir-apparent.
Fifteen or sixteen years later it was repeatedly pointed out to the authorities that the revenues from the customs of the Persian Gulf would be much increased if control were exercised at all the ports, particularly the small ones where smuggling was being carried on on a large scale, and in 1883 the shah decided upon the acquisition of four or five steamers, one to be purchased yearly, and instructed the late Au Kuli Khan, Mukhber ad-daulah, minister of telegraphs, to obtain designs and estimates from British and German firms. The tender of a well-known German firm at Bremerhaven was finally accepted, and one of the ministers sons then residing in Berlin made the necessary contracts for the first steamer.
As the most uncompromising 5Ufis appear the greatest pantheistic writer of all ages, Jelal ud-din Rumi (1207-1273; 604672 Au.; see RUM!), and his scarcely less renowned predecessor Farid ud-din Aflar, who was slain by the Moguls at the age of 114 lunar years in 1230 (627 A.H.).
The lives by Charles Nisard - that of Julius in Les Gladiateurs de la republique des lettres, and that of Joseph in Le Triumvirat litteraire au seizieme siecle - are equally unworthy of their author and their subjects.
He defended himself in an Apologie au roi (1625), and was liberated in September, his sentence being commuted to banishment for life.
Berthelot's works on the history of alchemy and especially his Chimie au moyen age (3 vols., Paris, 1893), the third volume of which contains a French translation of Jaber's works together with the Arabic text.
A good sketch of the whole subject will be found in Aubertin's Histoire de la langue et de la litterature frangaises au moyen age, ii.
Silver sulphide, Ag 2 S, occurs naturally as the orthorhombic acanthite, and the cubic argentite; the telluride, Ag 2 Te, named hessite, assumes cubic forms; other tellurides containing silver are petzite, (Ag,Au) 2 Te, and sylvanite, AuAgTe 4.
The chief tributaries of the lake on the U.S. side are Thunder bay river, Au Sable river and Saginaw river.
Zichy, Voyages au Caucase (2 vols., Budapest, 1897).
In 1893 he was nominated professor at the Ecole des Chartes, and gave a successful series of lectures which he published (Manuel des sources de l'histoire de France au moyen age, 1902-1906).
In the Essai d'un traite complet de philosophie au point de vue du Catholicisme et du progres (1839-1840) Buchez endeavoured to co-ordinate in a single system the political, moral, religious and natural phenomena of existence.
Kabul and Kandahar were occupied; and Shere Au was forced to fly, and soon afterwards died.
The best general study of the cycle is to be found in Gaston Paris's manual La Literature franraise au moyen age (new and revised edition, 1905).
His Discours sur l'etat des lettres au XIIIe siecle, in the sixteenth volume of the Histoire litteraire de France, is a remarkable contribution to that vast collection, especially as coming from an author so profoundly learned in the ancient classics.
Vinet's Chrestomathie francaise (1829), his Etudes sur la litterature francaise au XIX me siècle (1849-51), and his Histoire de la litterature francaise au X VIII me siecle, together with his Etudes sur Pascal, Etudes sur les moralistes aux X VIme ei X VII me siecles, Histoire de la predication parmi les Reformes de France and other kindred works, gave evidence of a wide knowledge of literature, a sober and acute literary judgment and a distinguished faculty of appreciation.
See Edouard Gouin, L' E gypte au XIX e siecle (Paris, 1847); Aime Vingtrinier, Soliman-Pasha (Colonel Seve) (Paris, 1886).
A modern account of him, Un pretendant portugais au XVI.
Ferri, L'Histoire de la philosophie en Italie au XIX e siècle (Paris, 1869); C. Werner, Die italienische Philosophic des zg.
The Cornette blanche of Arques, the Poule au p81 of the peasant, successes as a lover and a dashing spirit, have combined to surround Henry IV.
Hourst, Sur le Niger et au pays des Touaregs (Paris, 1898), English translation, French Enterprise in Africa.
It lay at the head of au arm of the sea, which reached far inland and admitted the Greek trading ships into the heart of Lydia.
The power of the microscope is thus represented by presupposing day-light with a wave-length of 550 Au.
In 1852 he published his Histoire de la theologie chretienne au siecle apostolique, which was followed in 1863 by L' Histoire du canon des saintes ecritures dans l'eglise chretienne.
They may occur Au, Auricles.
On the ethics of the Catharists, see Jean Guiraud, Questions d'histoire et d'archeologie chretienne (Paris, 1906); and P. Alphandery, Les idees morales chez les heterodoxes latins au debut du XIII e siecle (Paris, 1903).
Their au pair, Philip's business partner and his wife all see the empty flat as an ideal place for a secret assignation.
Have the beef bourguignon, and pay extra for a side order of potatoes au gratin.
Friend E suggested I only employ au pairs who were too fat to attract a social life.
We place au pairs for periods of stay from three months to 2 years.
Each family will be asked to provide an au pair with two referees who can vouch for their integrity.
Include details of the tasks you will be wanting the au pair to complete.
His dad was leaving for work, and there was the usual kisses and waves and " say au revoir to Papa, S!
She disagreed, and bade au revoir to her favorite mosaic, the " unswept floor " in the Vatican.
Sandwich choices consist of a roast beef au jus or roasted chicken.
Au contraire - I spotted Serkis straight off - those wonderfully bulbous, heavily swagged eyes of his gave the game away.
These are on very elliptical orbits, and almost all approach within 38 AU of the Sun.
Try the lobster pot Au feu or the welsh lamb.
Women returned to the home - le retour Au foyer - and a climate of what one might call regressive sexual politics prevailed.
And you don't even know what ' Au gratin ' means... Um, got any lager?
But the other woman, satisfying her first pangs of hunger, was now bent rather low over her macaroni au gratin.
In the hour allocated for cooking, Chris managed to create eight dishes including haddock kedgeree, courgette au gratin and sweet-and-sour pork.
English speaking live-in nanny / au pair required for 4 year old boy.
An Au pair Plus must be a EU national.
Sandwich choices consist of a roast beef au jus or roast beef au jus or roasted chicken.
He said " Au revoir " to me - which I thought a little tactless.
Lelia is a female Manfred, and Dumas had some reason to complain that George Sand was giving them " du Lord Byron au kilo."
La Mare au diable (1846) is a clear-cut gem, perfect as a work of Greek art.
In the later years of his life he turned to the study of the earlier phases of the science which he did so much to advance, and students of chemical history are greatly indebted to him for his book on Les Origines de l'alchimie (1885) and his Introduction a l'etude de la chimie des anciens et du moyen age (1889), as well as for publishing translations of various old Greek, Syriac and Arabic treatises on alchemy and chemistry (Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs, 1887-1888, and La Chimie au moyen age, 1893).
Besides many papers communicated to the academy of sciences, of which he became a member in 1714, he published Memoires pour servir d l'histoire et au progres de l'astronomie (St Petersburg, 1738), in which he gave the first method for determining the heliocentric co-ordinates of sun-spots; Memoire sur les nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la mer du sud (Paris, 1752), &c.
All departmental expenses were to be submitted for the approval of the comptrollergeneral, a number of sinecures were suppressed, the holders of them being compensated, and the abuse of the" acquits au comptant "was attacked, while Turgot appealed personally to the king against the lavish giving of places and pensions.
The queen disliked him for opposing the grant of favours to her proteges, and he had offended Mme de Polignac in a similar manner (see Marquis de Segur, Au Couchant de la monarchic, p. 305306).
After several minor notices that appeared in journals at various times, Des Murs in 1860 brought out at Paris his ambitious Traite general d'oologie ornithologique au point de vue de la classification, which contains (pp. 529-538) a " Systema Oologicum " as the final result of his labours.
During 1822 and the succeeding years he travelled about Europe on the search for materials for his Collection des chroniques rationales fran4aises ecrites en langue vulgaire cat XIII e au X VI' siècle (47 vols., 1824-1829).
Yanoski, De l'abolition de l'esclavage ancien au moyen age et de sa transformation en servitude de la glebe (Wallon and Yanoski had jointly composed a memoir to compete for a prize offered by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1837; Wallon's portion of the memoir became the foundation of his Histoire de l'esclavage dans l'antiquite above mentioned; Yanoski's part, the expansion of which was prevented by his early death, was posthumously published in 1860; it is no more than a slight sketch); Benjamin Gubrard, Prolegomenes au Polyptyque d'Irminon (1844); Fustel de Coulanges, Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France (2nd ed., 1877), and Recherches sur quelques problemes d'histoire (1885) (the latter work contains an admirable discussion of the whole subject of the colonatus, founded throughout on the original texts); Stubbs, Constitutional History of England (3 vols., 1874-1878).
Waddington's Inscriptions of Syria may also be consulted; Dussaud (Rene) and Frederic Macler, Voyage archeologique au Safi et dans le Djabel ed-Druz (1901).
A full account of his literary activity and ecclesiastical troubles will be found in Abbe Albert Houtin's La Question biblique au XIX e siècle (Paris, 2nd ed., 1902) and La Question biblique au XX e siècle (Paris, 1906), but the latter especially is largely unfair to the conservatives and sadly lacking in religious feeling.
On the occasion of the Galician outbreak of 1845, when the Ruthenian peasantry massacred some hundreds of Polish landowners, an outbreak generally attributed to the machinations of the Austrian government, Wielopolski wrote his famous Lettre d'un gentilhomme polonais au prince de Metternich (Brussels, 1846), which caused a great sensation at the time, and in which he attempted to prove that the Austrian court was acting in collusion with the Russian in the affair.
Fleming, Magnets and Electric Currents (London, 1898); C. Maurain, Le magnetisme du fer (Paris, 1899; a lucid summary of the principal facts and laws, with special regard to their practical application); Rapports presentes au Congrks international de physique, vol.
Now only during the early part of his career could Map fairly be referred to as simple "clers au roi Henry," and both extracts emphasize the fact that his work dealt, almost exclusively, with Lancelot.
At the Ecole des Chartes, where his career was remarkably brilliant, his valedictory thesis was an Essai sur les revenus publics en Normandie au XII' siècle (1849), and it was to the history of his native province that he devoted his early works.
His prose Avis au peuple francais (August 24, 1790) was followed by the rhetorical Jeu de paume, a somewhat declamatory moral ode addressed "a Louis David, peintre."
Bellin, Description ge'ographique des debouquements au nord de St Dominique (1768); the Jamaica Handbook (London, yearly) and Sir C. P. Lucas, Historical Geography of the British Colonies, vol.
His researches were at that time directed towards the Byzantine period of the middle ages, and to this period were devoted the two theses which he composed for his doctorate in letters, De byzantino hip podromo et circensibus factionibus (revised in French for the Revue des Deux Mondes, under the title of "Le monde byzantin; le sport et l'hippodrome," 1871), and L'Empire grec au X e siecle, Constantin Porphyrogenete (1870).
With the exception of his description of the French Revolution, which was chiefly a political manifesto, all his early works refer to the middle ages - De La feodalite, des institutions de Saint Louis et de l'influence de la legislation de ce prince (1822); La Germanic au vin e et au ix' siecle, sa conversion au christianisme, et son introduction dans la societe civilisee de l'Europe occidentale (1834); Essai sur la formation territoriale et politique de la France depuis la fin du xi e siècle jusqu'et la fin du xv e (1836); all of these are rough sketches showing only the outlines of the subject.
However reluctant some states may be to bind themselves to any rules excluding recourse to brute force when diplomatic negotiations have failed, they have nevertheless unanimously at the Hague Conference of 1907 declared their " firm determination to cooperate in the maintenance of general peace " (la ferme volonte de concourir au maintien de la paix generale) 1, and their resolution " to favour with all their efforts the amicable settlement of international conflicts " (preamble to Peace Convention).
Whereas Leibnitz confined a large area of the world to wholly unconscious perceptions, and therefore preferred to call the souls of inorganic beings " Entelechies," Fechner extended consciousness to the whole world; and accordingly, whereas Leibnitz believed in a supramundane Creator, " au dessus du Monde " and " dans le Monde," Fechner, in the spirit of Schelling, identified God with the soul of the world.
Their intervention was prompt; and the dubious attitude of France, which led to her exclusion from the concert and encouraged Mehemet Ali to resist, only led to his obtaining less favorable terms. (See MEHEMET Au.)
Trained at the Ecole des Chartes and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, he made his first appearance in the world of scholarship as the author of an excellent book called Etudes sur l'industrie et la classe industrielle a Paris au XIII e et au XI V e siècle (1877).
Minns, Scythians and Greeks (Cambridge, 1909); for the history of Kaffa see Heyd, Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen age (Paris, 1886), vol.
Vinet's Chrestomathie francaise (1829), his Etudes sur la litterature francaise au XIX me siècle (1849-51), and his Histoire de la litterature francaise au X VIII me siecle, together with his Etudes sur Pascal, Etudes sur les moralistes aux X VIme ei X VII me siecles, Histoire de la predication parmi les Reformes de France and other kindred works, gave evidence of a wide knowledge of literature, a sober and acute literary judgment and a distinguished faculty of appreciation.
Ferri, L'Histoire de la philosophie en Italie au XIX e siècle (Paris, 1869); C. Werner, Die italienische Philosophic des zg.
Latin au becomes o (cOla, c a u s a; or, a U r u m); Old Catalan has kept the diphthong better, but possibly we- should attribute the examples of au which are met with in texts of the 13th and 14th centuries to the literary influence of Provence.
What a saute of game au madere we are to have, my dear!
Au revoir! exclaimed Prince Andrew, and with a bow to them both he went out.
Au revoir, Prince Repnin! and he spurred his horse and galloped away.
Au revoir, Beauche; I'll keep the best palace in Moscow for you!
The French attributed the Fire of Moscow au patriotisme feroce de Rostopchine, * the Russians to the barbarity of the French.
Food includes classic Greek dishes like meze and kleftiko as well as French favorites like steak au poivre.
An au pair could be the answer you are searching for in regards to childcare for your child.
Some choose to hire a nanny, while others would rather use an au pair.
An au pair, however, typically is a participant in a program referred to as the United States Information Agency or USIA.
The USIA began the au pair exchange program in 1986.
The introduction of an au pair into the family is a great learning experience for everyone involved.
Internet. There are several placement agencies, such as Great Au Pair; Au Pair Care; Au Pair USA; and the International Au Pair Agency.
An au pair truly becomes a member of your family, affording bonding opportunities for everyone, especially your child or children.
Finally, once you've agreed to participate in the program either as an au pair or a host family, give it some time before you terminate the relationship.
Since then, Oprah has been seen running races, helping African orphans, and covering hurricane damage all au natural, stopping the media dead in their tracks.
Through lunch, a sweaty workout or a brisk dive in the pool, a lipstick stain stays put and provides just enough color so that you won't feel as though you're sporting au natural lips.
With just a touch of sparkle and a tad bit of shine, even an au natural day can be a little glossier.
Carve and serve with au jus and horseradish.
We turned to famed raw food chef Bryan Au for the answers.
Find out more about Bryan's book and television show and the raw lifestyle in our raw food diet interview with Bryan Au at LoveToKnow Diet.
What is a holiday dinner without potatoes au gratin?
Many families looking for a nanny or au pair are willing to work around a college student's schedule, and sometimes you can even find a live-in position to lower your cost of attending school even further.
Lifestyle cruises encourage passengers to shed their inhibitions by traveling "au naturel."
Whether you are a professional sommelier, the president of your local wine-club or just looking for a nice bottle to go with your coq au vin, you will find people like you here, talking about wine.
Now, if I received a brown-bagged wine my first assumption would be that this particular bottle was intended for a salad or for the coq au vin I'm making for dinner.
Parents might prefer an au pair, a young person, usually a woman in her early twenties, often from abroad, who lives with the family to provide child care.
Roasted vegetable dishes like a mushroom Au Gratin can be cooked two or three days beforehand and heated for 20 minutes before serving.
Despite encouragement from Banks, some women are still wary about wearing their hair au natural.
Whether you choose to shave, wax, or go au natural, know that it leaves a big impression on those around you.
However, if you're interested in enjoying the sun au naturelle, there are numerous places you can go in America and around the world.
The machine is fully automatic and can create espresso, cappuccino, café au lait and lattes.
The leather on the Au Sultan design is highlighted by a patina effect to give it an incredibly smooth appearance.
This may be a full time nanny or au pair, or an occasional baby-sitter.
The nearby Huron and Au Sable National Forests offer ample opportunities for all varieties of outdoor sports.
Naturists, those who believe that almost any activity is better au naturale, believe that by practicing naked yoga, men and women expand their overall philosophy of health.
When LoveToKnow Diet wanted to learn all about raw food health and the raw lifestyle, we turned to a true expert-- raw food chef, author, and television host, Bryan Au.
Bryan Au told us all about "cooking" raw food.
My TV show is titled Raw Organic Saving the Planet with Bryan Au.
Before opening the door, turn and find the shopkeeper/host/hostess and say au revoir madame/monsieur or merci madame/monsieur…au revoir!.
Generally speaking, if you want to talk about a sport that you play in French, you either use jouer au of faire.
Au fait is the expression you're looking for in French.
You can even get pajamas for the dog (although most dogs prefer to relax and sleep au naturel).
Stockings and pantyhose have been replaced with the au naturel look, and panties -- well, we all know how those have changed.
If you like to indulge in some "what ifs" and "how abouts", you can explore Smallville alternate universe (AU) stories on most large fan fiction sites.
Goat Milk Stuff also offers unscented soaps for people who prefer their soap "au natural."
You'll find roast chicken with vegetables and steak au poivre, just to name two.
Specialties include coq au vin and boudin noir, a black sausage with sautéed apples on the side.
Filet mignon au poivre and paella are among the house specialties.
The menu features hanger steak and frites, coq au vin, surf-and-turf parpardelle, grilled shell steak and pan-roasted salmon.
Aged and slow-roasted, the prime rib is served au jus with a choice of regular horseradish or creamy horseradish sauce.
The menu is highlighted by roast beef and au jus dinners, as well as as regional favorite--roast beef sandwich on a kimmelwick roll, known as a beef on a wick.
The automatic curb sender was originally designed by Lord Kelvin for the purpose of diminishing the effect of inductive re- Au tardation in long cables.
In ordinary hand-sending the Au c curb end of the cable is put to one or the other pole of the ti .
He was shut thi in the fortress of Varignano, and after endless discussions as to Au jether he should be tried or not, the question was settled by an To ii hetti amnesty.
Turning now to Leibnitz's conception of the world as a process, we see first that he supplies, in his notion of the underlying reality as force which is represented as spiritual (quelque chose d'analogique au sentiment et a Tappan), both a mechanical and a teleological explanation of its order.
In a secret article of the treaty the sultan undertook in the event of a casus foederis arising, and in consideration of being relieved of his obligations under the articles of the public treaty, to close the Dardanelles to the warships of all nations " au besoin," which meant in effect that in the event of Russia being threatened with an attack from the Mediterranean he would close the Dardanelles against the invader.
When he realized the strength of the national reaction, he allowed the patriotic fascisti free rein to reestablish order and practically exercise many functions of Government, while he assumed an attitude of Olympic calm and posed as being au dessus de la melee, so as to avoid compromising himself with any party.
Gaza, Tiberias and Petra (Reinach, Textes relatifs au Judaisme, p. 198).
Captivite de la famille royale au Temple (2 vols., 1852, and many subsequent editions), containing copies Of original documents, and essential to the study of the question, although its sentimental pictures of the boy martyr can no longer be accepted.
After this it is surprising to find that in his next poem, Le Chevalier au Lion, Lancelot is once, and only once, casually referred to, and that in a passing reference to his rescue of the queen.
Upon the disgrace of Vauban, whose Dime royale had much in common with Boisguilbert's plan, Boisguilbert violently attacked the controller in a pamphlet, Supplement au detail de la France.
Schelle, Turgot (Paris, 1909); and Marquis de Segur, Au Couchant de la monarchie (Paris, 1910), contain much that is based on recent research.
It is, moreover, highly probable that he was the author of a radical pamphlet entitled La Philosophie au people frangais, published in 1788, the text of which is not known.
Brehier's L'Eglise et l'orient au moyen age (Paris, 1907) contains not only an up-to-date account of the Crusades, but also a full and useful bibliography, which should be consulted for fuller information.
During 1822 and the succeeding years he travelled about Europe on the search for materials for his Collection des chroniques rationales fran4aises ecrites en langue vulgaire cat XIII e au X VI' siècle (47 vols., 1824-1829).
It possesses the five vowels a, i, u, e, o, both short and long, and one pure diphthong, au.
A full account of his literary activity and ecclesiastical troubles will be found in Abbe Albert Houtin's La Question biblique au XIX e siècle (Paris, 2nd ed., 1902) and La Question biblique au XX e siècle (Paris, 1906), but the latter especially is largely unfair to the conservatives and sadly lacking in religious feeling.
Pierre Loti in Au Maroc has described his diplomacy in Morocco.
In October 1902, the court decided both questions in the affirmative, awarding the payment by Mexico of the annual sum claimed, not in gold, but en monnaie ayant cours legal au Mexique.
Luchaire, Manuel des instituticns francaises (Paris, 1892); P. Guilhiermoz, Essai sur l'origine de la noblesse en France au moyen age (Paris, 1902); Brunner, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte, Band ii.
He brought out his first play, La Belle au bois dormant, in 1894 and his first volume of poetry, La Chambre blanche, in 1895.
The form in which certain of the references to him are couched favours the above view; the compiler of Guiron le Cortois says in his prologue that "maistre Gautier Map qui fu clers au roi Henrydevisa cil l'estoire de monseigneur Lancelot du Lac, que d'autre chose ne parla it mie gramment en son livre"; and in another place he refers to Map, "qui fit lou pro pre livre de monsoingnour Lancelot dou Lac."
He prepared a new edition of the monk Theophilus's celebrated treatise, Diversarum artium schedula, and for several years devoted his Saturday mornings to laboratory research with the chemist Aline Girard at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, the results of which were utilized by Marcellin Berthelot in the first volume (1894) of his Chimie au moyen dge.
In collaboration with his pupil Andre Reville, he wrote the chapters on "L'Emancipation des villes, les communes et les bourgeoisies" and "Le Commerce et l'industrie au moyen age" for the Histoire generate of Lavisse and Rambaud.
In 1779 he published an important investigation of the laws of friction (Theorie des machines simples, en ayant regard au frottement de leurs parties et a la roideur des cordages), which was followed twenty years later by a memoir on fluid resistance.
At the Ecole des Chartes, where his career was remarkably brilliant, his valedictory thesis was an Essai sur les revenus publics en Normandie au XII' siècle (1849), and it was to the history of his native province that he devoted his early works.
Of these the Etudes sur la condition de la classe agricole et l'Nat de l'agriculture en Normandie au moyen dge (1851), condensing an enormous mass of facts drawn from the local archives, was reprinted in 1905 without change, and remains authoritative.
Au revoir!-- and she left the hall.