Attrition Sentence Examples
When the attrition is carried further, so that the grain is reduced to small round pellets, it is termed " pearl barley."
Its great hardness also enables it to resist attrition.
Others will suffer the steady attrition of chronic health problems that diminish the quality of their life for much of their old age.
About a third of the jobs will be lost through natural attrition.
This doctrine of Attrition had not the undivided support of the theologians of the later medieval church; but it was taught by the Scotists and was naturally a favourite theme with the sellers of Indulgences.
It breaks up into fragments, which become rounded by attrition, but after they reach a certain minuteness are borne along by currents of water or air in a state of suspension, and are not further reduced in size.
Hayes (1996) summarized what was known about key strategies for minimizing student attrition from courses for adults.
Hard kill means will damage or destroy the target system, and are thus a means of inflicting attrition.
Excessive staff attrition is not a problem in India.
In the end complete success rewarded the sacrifices and efforts of the Federals on every theatre of war; in Virginia, where Grant was in personal control, the merciless policy of attrition wore down Lee's army until a mere remnant was left for the final surrender.
AdvertisementHence for the indifferent Christian, Attrition, Confession and Indulgence became the three heads in the scheme of the church of the later middle ages for his salvation.
There is very low attrition, with only two people failing to complete the program over the last 25 years.
She concluded that poor supervision may be directly linked to increased student attrition from some child branch courses.
The argument about the famous 3 per cent attrition rate is also rather spurious.
Douglas Haig, the British commander in chief on the Western Front, called for " ceaseless attrition " to break the trench stalemate.
AdvertisementThe attrition of the Quartermaine clan in Port Charles is a bone of contention with many fans.
Company's who take advantage of these programs also see an increase in employee productivity, reduction in attrition, fewer grievances filed, and less disciplinary problems.
As the part east of the river was once covered by the ice-sheet, its hills have been lowered and its valleys filled through the attrition of glaciers until the surface has a gently undulating appearance.
The policy of "attrition" upon which Grant had embarked, and which he was carrying through regardless of his losses, was having its effect.
Yet the attrition if slow was sure, and by the end of the century the proportion of land belonging to Roman Catholics was probably not more than one-tenth of the whole.
AdvertisementHow can you reduce staff attrition sufficiently to enable you to redirect resources to other types of training?
A center with high attrition will constantly be hiring new recruits, whatever performance gains are put in place.
The long-term effects of gradual change can be more damaging than short-term developments, but places are very rarely protected from gradual attrition.
Detailed attrition data are understood by staff and specific measures are taken consistently to reduce attrition data are understood by staff and specific measures are taken consistently to reduce attrition rate.
There are conditions in which we have an abnormal increase in the tissue elements but which strictly should not be defined as hypertrophies, such as new-growths, abnormal enlargements of bones and organs due to syphilis, tuberculosis, osteitis deformans, acromegaly, myxoedema, &c. The enormously long teeth sometimes found in rodents also are not due to hypertrophy, as they are normally endowed with rapid growth to compensate for the constant and rapid attrition which takes place from the opposed teeth.
AdvertisementTactically the Confederates were almost always victorious, strategically, Grant, disposing of greatly superior forces, pressed back Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia to the lines of Richmond and Petersburg, while above all, in pursuance of his explicit policy of " attrition," the Federal leader used his men with a merciless energy that has few, if any, parallels in modern history.
Should one of these teeth be destroyed the opposed one loses its natural means of attrition and becomes a remarkable, curved tusk-like elongation.
It is clear that sample attrition has reduced the number of cases available for longitudinal analysis. [Link to Doc Pan on Attrition] .
When the summits of these are worn by mastication their surfaces present circles of dentine surrounded by a border of enamel, and as attrition proceeds different patterns are produced by the union of the bases of the cusps, a trefoil form being characteristic of some species.
Organization and tactics did not affect the issue directly, for the conduct of the men and their junior officers gave abundant proof that in the hands of a competent leader the " linear " principle of delivering one shattering blow would have proved superior to that of a gradual attrition of the enemy here, as on the battlefields of the Peninsula and at Waterloo, and this in spite of other defects in the training of the Prussian infantry which simultaneously caused its defeat on the neighbouring field of Auerstadt.
It shows no trace of grinding lines or attrition, nor yet of the blows of a hammer.
Treating this rule as axiomatic the Schoolmen elaborated their analyses of the sacrament of penance, distinguishing form and matter, attrition and contrition, mortal and venial sins.