Attributes Sentence Examples
Among Mrs. Marsh's attributes was mind reading.
Something as simple as calling her sweetheart or pointing out her many attributes could put her in a romantic mood.
Not only does a good army commander not need any special qualities, on the contrary he needs the absence of the highest and best human attributes--love, poetry, tenderness, and philosophic inquiring doubt.
Thought and extension are peaceable attributes in this one substance; there are infinitely many other attributes, but these only are known to us.
The Schoolmen sought to establish other divine attributes by negation of human weaknesses and by finding in God the cause of the varied phenomena of creation.
There are states which possess some attributes of sovereignty, but no others; states possessing internal autonomy, but not externally independent; states which are more or less under the influence of others.
The theory that states are equal, and possess all the attributes of sovereignty, was never true.
The savage attributes to animals the same ideas, the same mental processes as himself, and at the same time vastly greater power and cunning.
Schelling attributes to man an intellectual intuition of the Absolute God; and as there is, according to him, but one universal reason, the common intelligence of God and man, this intellectual intuition at once gives man an immediate knowledge of God, and identifies man with God himself.
The Father in Clement's mind becomes the Absolute of the philosophers, that is to say, not the Father at all, but the Monad, a mere point devoid of all attributes.
AdvertisementAs to the origin of the peach two views are held, that of Alphonse de Candolle, who attributes all cultivated varieties to a distinct species, probably of Chinese origin, and that adopted by many naturalists, but more especially by Darwin, who looks upon the peach as a modification of the almond.
Athena has been variously described as the pure aether, the storm-cloud, the dawn, the twilight; but there is little evidence that she was regarded as representing any of the physical powers of nature, and it is better to endeavour to form an idea of her character and attributes from a consideration of her cultepithets and ritual.
The usual attributes of Athena were the helmet, the aegis, the round shield with the head of Medusa in the centre, the lance, an olive branch, the owl, the cock and the snake.
None of these books relate to law; and the better opinion seems to be that there were two Tribonians, apparently contemporaries, though possibly some of the attributes of the jurist have been, by a mistake of the compilers or transcribers of the Lexicon of Suidas, extended to the man of letters of the same name.
The parts in the one case, the general name or common attributes in the other, are only, he seems to have argued, so many subjective points of view from which we choose to regard that which in its own essence is one and indivisible, existing in its own right apart from any connexion with other individuals.
AdvertisementThe universal consists of the non-different elements or attributes in the separate individuals, which alone exist substantially.
If the frequency of each A is independent of the frequency of each B, then the attributes a and b are independent; otherwise they are correlated.
As a unity Gandharva has no special attributes but many duties, and is in close relation with the great I gods.
One question on which great contention arose was as to the propriety of applying to the Divine nature attributes which belonged to the human nature - e.g.
When the deities were regarded as anthropomorphic they naturally wore clothing which, on the whole, was less subject to change of fashion and was apt to be symbolical of their attributes.
AdvertisementThe demonstrations of the unity and the attributes of God, with which the treatise De Melisso, Xenophane et Gorgia (now no longer ascribed to Aristotle or Theophrastus) accredits Xenophanes, are plainly framed on the model of Eleatic proofs of the unity and the attributes of the Ent, and must therefore be set aside.
If, from whatever cause, any of the chromatin loops belonging to the functional order be lost the descendants of such a cell, being unable to restore these loops, will be minus the functional attributes associated with the lost elements.
When, with the political rise of Babylon as the centre of a great empire, Nippur yielded its prerogatives to the city over which Marduk presided, the attributes and the titles of En-lil were transferred to Marduk, who becomes the "lord" or Bel of later days.
Local tradition attributes the establishment of a permanent camp at this spot to Julius Caesar, but Louvain only became important in the nth century as a place of residence for the dukes of Brabant.
The divine attributes with which the Semitic kings of Babylonia had been invested disappeared at the same time; the title of " god " is never given to a Kassite sovereign.
AdvertisementIn most cases, however, these belong to the category of minor deities or represent old local gods assimilated to some more powerful god, who absorbed, as it were, the attributes and prerogatives of these minor ones.
The cannibalism and community of wives which he attributes to certain races of that island do certainly belong to it, or to islands closely adjoining.
The Teutonic heroes are, in the main, historical personages, never gods; though, like the Greek heroes, they are sometimes endowed with semi-divine attributes or interpreted as symbolical representations of natural forces.
Therefore science will begin with those attributes of objects which are most general, and pass on gradually to other attributes that are combined in greater complexity.
It colours all his writings, and is intimately connected with some of the most characteristic attributes of his mind, a quick sympathetic imagination, a fine feeling for local differences, and a scientific instinct for seizing the sequences of cause and effect.
His high appreciation of Christianity, which contrasts with the contemptuous estimate of the contemporary rationalists, rested on a firm belief in its essential humanity, to which fact, and not to conscious deception, he attributes its success.
For the rest, frugality, industry and patience characteffize all the bread-winners; courage and burning patriotism are attributes of the whole nation.
The style was applied only to the representations of sacred personages and scenes, and as the traditional forms and attributes of the Brahmanic and Buddhist divinities were mutable only within narrow limits, the subjects seldom afforded scope for originality of design or observation of nature.
Sir Ernest Satow states more definitely that Sakakibara attributes its origin to the year 1695, when portraits of the actor Ichikawa Danjiuro, colored by this process, were sold in the streets of Yedo for five cash apiece.
The Scandinavian version of the story attributes the deed to Atli's lust for gold.
Thus defined, idealism is opposed to ordinary common-sense dualism, which regards knowledge or experience as the result of the more or less accidental relation between two separate and independent entities - the mind and its ideas on one side, the thing with its attributes on the other - that serve to limit and condition each other from without.
The patriotic action of the council and its attendant popularity enabled it to recover considerable administrative control, which it continued to exercise for the next eighteen years, although its deterioration in ability, becoming every year more noticeable, as well as the rapid rise of democratic ideas, prevented it from fully re-establishing the supremacy which Aristotle, with some exaggeration, attributes to it for this period.
Alcuin attributes the authorship of the Latin form - the Gloria in Excelsis - to St Hilary of Poitiers (died 367).
He points out the contradiction between the attributes of infinity and individuality.
But whatever its exact attributes, as he conceived it, it was still strictly a congregational office.
His attributes are a pitcher, cornucopiae (", horn of plenty"), rushes, marine animals and a sceptre.
Moser to describe states possessing some of the attributes of sovereignty.
There are also states which have certain of the attributes of sovereignty, but are subject to servitudes or burthens imposed by treaty, usage, the sense that in regard to the same matters at the or force.
Many attempts have been made to enumerate the attributes of sovereignty, i.e.
Hobbes (Leviathan), analysing these attributes, enumerates twelve attributes.
The attributes of the deities appointed to preside over the months and signs were to some extent influential.
We may not always agree with his portraiture, but the men and women whom he saw exist for us instinct with the life with which he endows them and animated by the motives which he attributes to them.
In these instances most of the flowers were abortive, but a few were fertile, which he attributes to the dust of the apices having been wafted by the wind from other plants.
His attributes were the spear and the burning torch, symbolical of the devastation caused by war (in ancient times the hurling of a torch was the signal for the commencement of hostilities).
He attributes all the evils that afflict society to the pressure of competition, whereby the weaker are driven to the wall.
Considered as a history of algebra, this work is strongly objected to by Jean Etienne Montucla on the ground of its unfairness as against the early Italian algebraists and also Franciscus Vieta and Rene Descartes and in favour of Harriot; but Augustus De Morgan, while admitting this, attributes to it considerable merit.
At Jebel-kahar and west of Traras, Pomel attributes certain conglomerates, red sandstones and purple and green shales to the Permian.
The result was attained when there was a definite volume called the New Testament by the side of the earlier volume called the Old Testament, complete like it, and like it endowed with the attributes of a Sacred Book.
By the last decades of that century a preliminary list of these new Sacred Books had been formed and placed by the side of the Old with substantially the same attributes.
In other areas, however, there is still volcanic activity, and in many cases volcanoes to which only tradition attributes eruptions can hardly be classified as extinct.
Suidas attributes numerous works to him, amongst others a number of letters to Apollonius of Tyana.
She was one of the Nereids, and distinguishable from the others only by her queenly attributes.
But one cannot attach moral attributes to the original Being itself, because these would imply limitation.
It has no attributes of any kind; it is being without magnitude, without life, without thought; in strict propriety, indeed, we ought not to speak of it as existing; it is " above existence," " above goodness."
He was plainly an ancient deity of the race, for attributes of many kinds are crowded together in him.
Gods are represented with their appropriate attributes - the fire-god hurling his spear, the moon-goddess with a shell, &c.; the scenes of human life are pictures of warriors fighting with club and spear, men paddling in canoes, women spinning and weaving, &c. An important step towards phonetic writing appears in the picture-names of places and persons.
As an example of this stage in one of its aspects may be taken the European belief in the corn spirit, which is, however, the object of magical rather than religious rites; Dr Frazer has thus defined the character of the animistic pantheon, "they are restricted in their operations to definite departments of nature; their names are general, not proper; their attributes are generic rather than individual; in other words, there is an indefinite number of spirits of each class, and the individuals of a class are much alike; they have no definitely marked individuality; no accepted traditions are current as to their origin, life and character."
Otherwise, however, these attributes survive.
Aristotle's critics hardly realize that for the rest of his life he had to live and to struggle with a formal and a mathematical Platonism, which exaggerated first universals and attributes and afterwards the quantitative attributes, one and many, into substantial things and real causes.
There are therefore two kinds of belongings, universals and attributes; and in both cases belonging in the sense of having no being but the being of the substance.
In brief then the common ground of the Categories and the Metaphysics is the fundamental position that all things are substances having belonging to them universals and attributes, which have no separate being as Plato falsely supposed.
The only logical conclusion is that the Categories, being nearer to Plato on the nature of attributes, and still nearer on the relation of universals to substances, is earlier than the Metaphysics.
Things are substances (oioiam), each of which is separate individual (Xcopu rTOv, TO& TL, Kae' 'KaQTov) and is variously affected as quantified, qualified, related, active, passive and so forth, in categories of things which are attributes (ovy13€07paiTa), different from the category of substance, but real only as predicates belonging to some substance, and are in fact only the substance itself affected (avr6 it€irovObs).
There are attributes and universals, real as belonging to individual substances, whose being is their being.
Thus even God is a substance, a separate individual, whose differentiating essence is to be a living being, eternal and very good; He is however the only substance whose essence is entirely without matter and unconjoined with matter; and therefore He is a substance, not because He has or is a substratum beneath attributes, but wholly because He is a separate individual, different both from nature and men, yet the final good of the whole universe.
But at bottom there remains the fundamental position of Aristotelianism, that all things are substances, individuals separate though related; that some things are attributes, real only as being some individual substance somehow affected, or, as we should say, modified or determined; and that without individual substances there is nothing, and nothing universal apart from individuals.
His mother trained him in reading the Bible, of which he read through every chapter of every book year by year; and to this study he justly attributes his early command of language and his pure sense of style.
But in our own age conscious statecraft is also at work, as in Canada, where the genius of statesmen is gradually endowing that dominion with all the attributes of independence and power.
Each spirit, as it quits its nanja or natural haunt to enter the mother, drops a churinga, a slab of stone or wood marked with the child's totem and containing its spirit attributes.
There are in reality two species of substances, or entirely distinct things, those which are impenetrably resisting, and those which are conscious substances; and it is impossible to reduce bodies and souls to one another, because resistance is incompatible with the attributes of spirit, and consciousness inexplicable by the attributes of body.
He believes that mind and soul are inherent attributes of all bodies.
Thereupon Spinoza advanced a pantheism which supposed that bodies and souls are not, as Descartes thought, different substances, but merely attributes - the one the extension and the other the thought of one substance, Nature or God.
If things different but similar have the same attributes, and are thereby the same, then in the first place the Kantian categories, though thoughts of mental origin and therefore confined to mind, are nevertheless applicable to things, because things, though different from, are the same as, thoughts, and have the categories of thoughts; in the second place, the Fichtian Ego of mankind is not the Absolute Reason of God, and yet is the same Absolute Reason; in the third place, the Schellingian Nature is the "other " of Spirit, and yet, being a mere reflex of the Idea of Nature, is identical with Spirit; and as this Spirit is everywhere the same in God and men, Nature is also identical with our Spirit, or rather with the Infinite Spirit, or Absolute Reason, which alone exists.
Different things, however similar, have only similar attributes, and therefore are never the same.
As with his master, his reasons for this view are derived, not from a direct proof that unconscious Nature has the mental attributes supposed, but from human psychology and epistemology.
On this false abstraction Sigwart has made an excellent criticism in an appendix at the end of his Logic, where he remarks that we cannot isolate events from the substances of which they are attributes.
However, he illustrates their supposed contradictoriness by examples, such as one substance with many attributes, and motion from place to place in one time.
There is no contradiction (as Aristotle said) between a man being determined by many attributes, as rational, six-foot-high, white, and a father, and yet being one whole substance distinct from any other, including his own son; nor is there any contradiction between his body being in bed at 8.15 and at breakfast at 8.45 within the same hour.
He thinks that it is the origin of the categories of causality, which he refers to " conation," and substance, which he attributes to the interaction of active subjects with their environment and to their intercourse with each other.
The result of this confusion is that the moderns have no name at all for a distinct thing, and, being mere slaves of abstract terms, constantly speak of mere attributes, such as activity, life, will, actuality, unity of mental operations, as if they were distinct things.
But an attribute, though real, is not a distinct reality, but only a determinant of a substance, and has no being of its own apart from the substance so determined; whereas a substance, determined by all its attributes, is different from everything else in the world.
Though, for simplicity and universality of thought, even in science, we must use the abstraction of attributes, and, by the necessity and weakness of language, must signify what are not substances by nouns substantive, we must guard against the over-abstraction of believing that a thing exists as we abstract it.
We never know anything except as determined by its attributes; but that would not prevent us from inferring something determined as unconditioned, whether infinite or absolute.
We know, from the concomitant variations between its vibrations and our perceptions, that its vibrations are not mere conditions but real causes of our perceptions; and that those vibrations are not our perceptions, because we cannot perceive them, but are real attributes of the bell.
The independence of metaphysics as the science of being, the principles of contradiction and excluded middle with their qualifications, the distinction without separation between substance and attributes, the definition of substance as a distinct individual thing, the discovery that the world consists of substances existing apart but related to one another, the distinction between material and efficient causes or matter and force, the recognition both of the natural and of the supernatural - all these and many other half-forgotten truths are the reasons why we must always begin with the study of Aristotle's Metaphysics.
Suldas attributes twenty dialogues to him, but of these no fragments remain.
It seems, however, that as time went on some of them acquired a more extended character; thus Ba'al and Astarte assumed celestial attributes in addition to their earthly ones, and the Tyrian Melqarth combined a celestial with a marine aspect.'
A tendency to form a distinct deity by combining the attributes of two produced such curious fusions as Milk-`ashtart, Milk-ba'al, Milk-'osir, Eshmunmelqarth, Melqarth-resef, &c. As in the case of art and industries, so in religion the Phoenicians readily assimilated foreign ideas.
Now insects that possess noxious attributes, and the same is true of other animals, usually have a conspicuous warning coloration which appeals to the eyes of enemies and helps them to remember more easily the cause of an unpleasant experience, helps in fact to establish a psychical association between a particular style of coloration and a nasty taste or a painful wound.
But if all the species in question resemble each other the resemblance will be mutually beneficial to them because the association between the two attributes they have in common, namely distastefulness and a particular scheme of colour, will be rapidly established.
But, by whomsoever conferred, knighthood at one time endowed the recipient with the same status and attributes in every country wherein chivalry was recognized.
Tradition attributes the foundation of this most illustrious order of knighthood to Magnus I.
The object of the hybridizer is to obtain varieties exhibiting improvements in hardihood, vigour, size, shape, colour, fruitfulness, resistance to disease or other attributes.
Caetani indeed (Nineteenth Century and After, 1908) attributes the economic decadence of the Roman Campagna to the existence of free trade throughout the Roman empire.
In a playful letter to Dr Clephane, he describes his satisfaction at his appointment, and attributes it in some measure to the support of " the ladies."
The first is the type of a certain a priori view, then regarded as the safest bulwark against infidelity, of which the main tenets were that the being of God was capable of a priori proof, and that, owing to the finitude of our faculties, the attributes and modes of operation of deity were absolutely incomprehensible.
A number of statues, busts, gems and coins represented Antinoos as the ideal type of youthful beauty, often with the attributes of some special god.
Maria compositus," consisting of about 160 discourses on the attributes, titles, &c., of the Virgin Mary.
On the 17th of October it was ordered that the committee to which the bill was referred " should be empowered to receive information touching such books as tend to atheism, blasphemy and profaneness, or against the essence and attributes of God, and in particular the book published in the name of one White, 1 and the book of Mr Hobbes called the Leviathan, and to report the matter with their opinion to the House."
His attributes were a sceptre of ears of corn, sometimes a drinking-cup, which is being filled by Demeter.
A papyrus of the Roman period in the British Museum attributes the invention of horoscopes to the Egyptians, but no early instance is known.
His fusion with Horus and Etom has already been noted; further we find an Ammon-Re, a Sobk-Re, a Khnum-Re; and Month, Onouris, Show and Osiris are all described as possessing the attributes of the sun.
He was often given the solar attributes, and was credited as a great warrior.
In the XXVlth Dynasty, when a line of Pharaohs sprang from Sais, she regained a prominent position, and was given many cosmogonic attributes, including the title of mother of Re.
In the case of the six kings of the XXVIth Dynasty, Africanus, the best of his excerptors, gives correct figures for five reigns, but attributes six instead of sixteen years to Necho; the other excerptors have wrong numbers throughout.
Petrie considers that one of the kings buried at Abydos, provisionally called Nar-mer and whose real name may be Mer or Beza, preceded Menes; of him there are several inscribed records, notably a magnificent carved and inscribed remembered that even Manetho attributes to him ninety-four years; its length probably caused the ruin of the dynasty.
It examines into the nature and attributes of God and the human soul.
His main result is that God is infinite, and as such, incomprehensible; that his attributes of goodness, knowledge and power are credited to him only by inference from their effects; that this inference is logically valid and sufficient for human thought.
The king shares his power with the parliament (Rigsdag), which consists of two chambers, the Landsthing and the Folkething, but the constitution contains no indication of any difference in their attributes.
The dogmas of Islam are not copious, and the attributes of God are the chief 1 Von Kremer, Gesch.
Eyton in his history of Shropshire identifies it with one of the "Ludes" mentioned in the Domesday Survey, which was held by Roger de Lacy of Osbern FitzRichard and supposes that Roger built the castle soon after 1086, while a chronicle of the FitzWarren family attributes the castle to Roger earl of Shrewsbury.
Tradition attributes to Wallace strength equal to his courage.
No Scottish king ever embarked on such a coup d'etat as the arrest of " the whole Scottish House of Lords," and Knox, who attributes a much larger design to James V., must have been deceived by rumour.
His numerous writings were much esteemed, especially by the evangelical party, to which he belonged; the best known are his Treatise on the Records of Creation and the Moral Attributes of the Creator (London, 1816) and The Evidence of Christianity derived from its Nature and Reception (London, 1821).
His attributes are the trident and the dolphin (sometimes the tunny fish.) As represented in art Poseidon resembles Zeus, but possesses less of his majestic calm, his muscles are more emphasized, and his hair is thicker and somewhat dishevelled.
There is an interchange of the divine and human attributes, a communication of the former which deifies the receptive and passive human nature.
Thus Eleaticism, though professedly dogmatic, was inconsistent in its theory of the One and its attributes, and openly sceptical in regard to the world of nature.
He has furnished some of the attributes of the ordinary conception of the devil.
The strong tendency towards concentrating in one deity - Marduk - the attributes of all others was offset by the natural desire to make the position of Marduk.
But for the substitution of Assur for Marduk, the Assyrian pantheon was the same as that set up in the south, though some of the gods were endowed with attributes which differ slightly from those which mark the same gods in the south.
At the same time, since the invoking of the divine powers was the essential element in the incantations, in order to make the magic formulae as effective as possible, a large number of the old local deities are introduced to add their power to the chief ones; and it is here that the astral system comes into play through the introduction of names of stars, as well as through assigning attributes to the gods which clearly reflect the conception that they have their seats in the heavens.
According to Mr Gore this means that Christ, on his incarnation, became subject to all human limitations, and had, so far as his life on earth was concerned, stripped himself of all the attributes of the Godhead, including the Divine omniscience, the Divine nature being, as it were, hidden under the human.'
With the establishment of the Babylonian empire, under Khammurabi, early in the 2nd preChristian millennium, the religious as well as the political centre of influence was transferred to Babylon, Marduk became the Bel or lord of the pantheon, many of En-lil's attributes and myths were transferred to him, and E-kur was to some extent neglected.
Pais, Atakta (Pisa, 1891), 55, who attributes its foundation, under the name of Tauromenion (which it soon lost), to the Zancleans of Hybla (afterwards Megara Hyblaea).
As Boyle lecturer, he dealt in 1704 with the Being and Attributes of God, and in 1 705 with the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion.
These lectures, first printed separately, were afterwards published together under the title of A Discourse concerning the Being and Attributes of God, the Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation, in opposition to Hobbes, Spinoza, the author of the Oracles of Reason, and other Deniers of Natural and Revealed Religion.
The propositions maintained in the argument are - "(1) That something has existed from eternity; (2) that there has existed from eternity some one immutable and independent being; (3) that that immutable and independent being, which has existed from eternity, without any external cause of its existence, must be self-existent, that is, necessarily existing; (4) what the substance or essence of that being is, which is self-existent or necessarily existing, we have no idea, neither is it at all possible for us to comprehend it; (5) that though the substance or essence of the self-existent being is itself absolutely incomprehensible to us, yet many of the essential attributes of his nature are strictly demonstrable as well as his existence, and, in the first place, that he must be of necessity eternal; (6) that the self-existent being must of necessity be infinite and omnipresent; (7) must be but one; (8) must be an intelligent being; (9) must be not a necessary agent, but a being endued with liberty and choice; (to) must of necessity have infinite power; (I I) must be infinitely wise, and (12) must of necessity be a being of infinite goodness, justice, and truth, and all other moral perfections, such as become the supreme governor and judge of the world."
In order to establish his sixth proposition, Clarke contends that time and space, eternity and immensity, are not substances, but attributes - the attributes of a self-existent being.
Clarke has been generally supposed to have derived the opinion that time and space are attributes of an infinite immaterial and spiritual being from the Scholium Generale, first published in the second edition of Newton's Principia (1714).
The truth is that his work on the Being and Attributes of God appeared nine years before that Scholium.
Each individual thing is the same only with itself, although related to other things; and each individual of a class has its own individual, though similar, attributes.
The point of view is to be modified profoundly by what follows - by the doctrine of the class-concept behind the class, of the form or idea as the constitutive formula of a substance, or, again, by the requirement that an essential attribute must be grounded in the nature or essence of the substance of which it is predicated, and that such attributes alone are admissible predicates from the point of view of the strict ideal of science.
Many attributes, too, were predicable, even to the end, in an external and accidental way, not being derivable from the essence of the subject.
The thought of contingency was too easily applied to these attributes, and an unsatisfactory treatment of modality followed.
Mathematical knowledge is not involved in the same condemnation, solely because of the " archetypal " character, which, not without indebtedness to Cumberland, Locke attributes to its ideas.
So he explains " concepts or general notions " 1 by an abstraction which he represents as a sort of alt-relief operated by attention and fixed by naming, association with the name giving to a set of attributes a unity they otherwise lack.
The Babylonian Ea, who sometimes has serpent attributes, introduced - like the American serpent Votan - knowledge and culture.
Compare the snake attributes of the Erinyes; see Harrison, 217 sqq..
In Laodicea he apparently replaced an older deity with serpent attributes.
Here it is evident that some of the attributes of prominent serpent-gods will be purely secondary.
For example, when one considers how often milk is used in the tending and propitiation of venerated snakes, it is noteworthy that in Roman cult the truly rustic deities are offered milk (Fowler), and it is no less singular that many of the old goddesses of Greece have serpent attributes (Harrison).'
Hence he attains salvation, being delivered from sin and fear and death, for the divine attributes are not ontological entities to be discussed and defined in the schools, but they are realities, entering into the practical daily life.
But he rejects Taylor's derivation of this alphabet from the Sabaean script, and contends that it is borrowed from the North Semitic. To the pedantry of the Hindu he attributes its main characteristics, viz.
In 1802 he published Natural Theology, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity collected from the Appearances of Nature, his last, and, in some respects, his most remarkable book.
The Platonic dialogue Hipparchus attributes it to Hipparchus, son of Peisistratus.
Nay, when, on analysing the functions and attributes of those two divine figures, each of them is found to be but a compound of several previously recognized deities, sectarian worship may well be traced right up to the Vedic age.
The postulate of an Evil Being arises from the difficulty, at all times acutely felt by a certain type of mind, of reconciling the existence of evil with the divine attributes of perfect goodness, full knowledge and infinite power.
In 3 9 he visited Athens, where he behaved in a most extravagant manner, assuming the attributes of the god Dionysus.
In later mythology, under Alexandrian influence, the Horae become the four seasons, daughters of Helios and Selene, each represented with the conventional attributes.
The Strand, the modern portion of the town, has all the attributes of a seaside resort.
In the 4th century, however, Philippus of Theangela in south Caria describes Leleges still surviving as serfs of the true Carians, and Strabo, in the 1st century B.C., attributes to the Leleges a well-marked group of deserted forts, tombs and dwellings which ranged (and can still be traced) from the neighbourhood of Theangela and Halicarnassus as far north as Miletus, the southern limit of the "true Carians" of Pherecydes.
But they are not without benevolent and beneficent attributes.
Otto Ribbeck attributes to him one of the shorter poems usually assigned to Virgil.
If we wish, said Kant, to give a real existence to the thing in itself or the noumenon we can only do so by investing it with the attributes found in our own internal sense, viz.
The term "Nature" is put more into the foreground in the Treatise, a point which might be urged as evidence of Bruno's influence - the dialogues, moreover, being specially concerned to establish the unity, infinity and selfcontainedness of Nature 2; but the two opposed Cartesian attributes, thought and extension, and the absolutely infinite substance whose attributes they are - substance constituted by infinite attributes - appear here as in the Ethics.
He was the friend of regular correspondent - a third of the letters preserved to us are to or from him; and it appears from his first letter that their talk on this occasion was "on God, on infinite extension and thought, on the difference and the agreement of these attributes, on the nature of the union of the human soul with the body, as well as concerning the principles of the Cartesian and Baconian philosophies."
This act was illegal and beyond the attributes of the executive power.
About the same time he began to study with care Samuel Clarke's celebrated Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, which had been published as the Boyle Lectures a few years previously.
God is therefore a unity, possessing, in the perfect degree, those attributes of power, will and knowledge which humanity possesses only in part.
We find ourselves on the verge of a system of abstractions, or " attributes turned into entities," as barren as any excogitated in medieval times.
What really is - the Pneuma - neither increases nor diminishes; but its modes of working, its different currents, can be conveniently distinguished and enumerated as evidence of so many distinct attributes.
Greeks; but the attempts which have sometimes been made to ascribe certain attributes of the Portuguese to the influence of these races are altogether fanciful.
Matthiolus, who attributes the origin of the name of the tree to the use of the nuts by the inhabitants of Constantinople for the relief of short-windedness and cough in horses, remarks that no ancient writer appears to have made mention of the horse-chestnut.
This accommodation of truth, by altering the form and substance of it to meet the views and secure the favour of ignorant and bigoted contemporaries, Morgan attributes also to the apostles and to Jesus.
More certain, and also more striking, is the fact that the leading statesmen in the American War of Independence were emphatically deists; Benjamin Franklin (who attributes his position to the study of Shaftesbury and Collins), Thomas Paine, Washington and Jefferson, although they all had the greatest admiration for the New Testament story, denied that it was based on any supernatural revelation.
The Fates were also called Parcae, the attributes of both being the same as those of the Greek Moerae.
The southern part of the peninsula is occupied by Kamchadales, who exhibit many attributes of the Mongolian race, but are more similar to the aborigines of N.E.
We can now consider the special attributes of the anthropomorphic God.
Cicero attributes to him the saying that he did not require the aid of the gods in the construction of the universe; in other words, he reduced the formation of the world to the operation of natural forces.
The true explanation of things was to be found, according to Strato, in the forces which produced their attributes, and he followed Aristotle in deducing all phenomena from the fundamental attributes or elements of heat and cold.
The assembly of all householders in villages of less than 30 households, and of 30 elected men in villages having from 30 to 300 households (dne from each io households in the more populous ones), constitutes the village assembly, similar to the mir, but having wider attributes, which assesses the taxes, divides the land, takes measures for the opening and support of schools, village grain-stores, communal cultivation, and so on, and elects its ataman (elder) and its judges, who settle all disputes up to fio (or above that sum with the consent of both sides).
The legend attributes its foundation to Diomedes, and the figure of a horse, which appears on its coins, shows the importance of horse-breeding in early times in the district.
The attributes of the goddess were the ram, the he-goat, the dove, certain fish, the cypress, myrtle and pomegranate, the animals being symbolical of fertility, the plants remedies against sterility.
The tradition which assigns the first employment of the Greek word 4aAoa041a to Pythagoras has hardly any claim to be regarded as authentic; and the somewhat self-conscious modesty to which Diogenes Laertius attributes the choice of the designation is, in all probability, a piece of etymology crystallized into narrative.
By theology is commonly understood the systematic presentation of the teaching of some positive or historical religion as to the existence and attributes of a Supreme Being, including his relation to the world and especially to man.
From this has arisen another popular error, which attributes extraordinary curative properties to its flesh when dried and pulverized.
His personal attributes are an ivy wreath, the thyrsus (a staff with pine cone at the end), the laurel, the pine, a drinking cup, and sometimes the horn of a bull on his forehead.
But the title of emperor was also used in the middle ages, and is still used, in a loose and vague sense, without any ecclesiastical connotation or hint of connexion with Rome (the two attributes which should properly distinguish an emperor), and merely in order to designate a non-European ruler with a large extent of territory.
It is constructed to show all the possible combinations of a set of logical terms with their negatives, and, further, the way in which these combinations are affected by the addition of attributes or other limiting words, i.e.
The most usual attributes of Apollo were the lyre and the bow; the tripod especially was dedicated to him as the god of prophecy.
The already existing worship of Athena Hygieia had nothing to do with Hygieia the goddess of health, but merely denoted the recognition of the power of healing as one of the attributes of Athena, which gradually became crystallized into a concrete personality.
Sully in his Economies royales attributes to his master the "great design" of constituting, after having defeated Austria, a vast European confederation of fifteen states - a "Christian Republic" - directed by a general council of sixty deputies reappointed every three years.
To Laromiguiere he attributes the lesson of decomposing thought, even though the reduction of it to sensation was inadequate.
The answer to this is that in the case of contradictory statements - A and not A - the latter is a mere negation of the former, and posits nothing; and the negation of a notion with positive attributes, as the finite, does not extend beyond abolishing the given attributes as an object of thought.
There are more particularly two gods - Ea and Bel - whose powers and attributes pass over to Marduk.
Besides absorbing the prerogatives of Ea and Bel, Marduk was also imbued with the attributes of other of the great gods, such as Adad, Shamash, Nergal and Ninib, so that, more particularly as we approach the days of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, the impression is created that Marduk was the only real deity recognized, and that the other gods were merely the various forms under which he manifested himself.
According to Luther, however, it is not merely in words that the attributes of the Godhead qualify Christ's human nature.
The Lutherans held that the Incarnate One possessed all divine attributes, but either willed to suspend their use - this is the Kenosis doctrine of the Lutheran school of Tubingen in the 17th century - or concealed their working; the latter was the doctrine of the Giessen school.
Their exact attributes are obscure.
It is comparatively unimportant to the determinist whether the cause to which he attributes conduct be the self, or the will, or character, or the strongest motive, provided that each of these causes be regarded as definitely ascertainable and that its effects in sufficiently known circumstances be calculable.
This influence, so far as it has affected moral as distinct from political speculation, has been exercised primarily through the general conception of human progress; which, in Comte's view, consists in the ever growing preponderance of the distinctively human attributes over the purely animal, social feelings being ranked highest among human attributes, and highest of all the most universalized phase of human affection, the devotion to humanity as a whole.
Renan, no prejudiced judge, pronounces him "the most Christian man of his time," and attributes to this his success as a reformer.
Khammurabi attributes to Shamash the inspiration that led him to gather the existing laws and legal procedures into a code, and in the design accompanying the code the king represents himself in an attitude of adoration before Shamash as the embodiment of the idea of justice.
Rather as that city which most nobly expressed the noblest attributes of Greek political existence, and which, by her preeminent gifts both of intellect and of moral insight, was primarily responsible, everywhere and always, for the maintenance of those attributes in their integrity.
The fondly cherished theory which attributes Milesian descent to the bulk of the native population has at length been assailed.
The legendary account attributes the subjugation of the various peoples inhabiting Munster to Mog Nuadat, and the pedigrees are invariably traced up to ` his son Ailill Aulom.
He was not indeed aware how deeply he had committed himself; otherwise he would have observed that his argument, if valid against the Many of the vulgar, was valid also against the One of Parmenides, with its plurality of attributes, as well as that, in the absence of a theory of predication, it was useless to speculate about knowledge and being.
Accordingly, in the seventh book of the Republic, where Plato propounds his scheme of Academic education, he directs the attention of studious youth primarily, if not exclusively, to the concurrence of inconsistent attributes; and in the Phaedo, 102 B-103 A, taking as an instance the tallness and the shortness simultaneously discoverable in Simmias, he offers his own theory of the immanent idea as the solution of the paradox.
They have also retained many ancient sayings, proverbial in their style, which enforce many of the truths of natural religion as to the attributes of God.
His most common form is that of a vigorous young man, with wings on his forehead; his attributes a stalk of poppy, and a horn from which he drops slumber upon those whom he puts to rest.
Although a coarse, selfish and violent man, without any of the attributes of a statesman, Lancaster won a great reputation for patriotism; and his memory was long cherished, especially in the north of England, as that of a defender of popular liberties.
As there can be no doubt that the ghosts of dead men have been worshipped in many lands, and as the gods of many faiths are tricked out with attributes derived from ancestor-worship, the system of Euemerus retains some measure of plausibility.
By this process of forgetfulness and misinterpretation, mountains, rivers, lakes, sun and sea would receive human attributes.
It is certainly true that divine beings in most mythologies are apt to acquire solar with other elemental attributes, including vegetable attributes.
Under the names of Baiame, Pundjel, Mulkari, Daramulun and many others, the south-eastern tribes (both those who reckon descent in the female and those who reckon by the male line) have this faith in an All-Father, the attributes varying in various communities.
If we grant, however, for the sake of argument, that the early Hottentots worshipped the infinite under the figure of the dawn, and that, by forgetting their own meaning, they came to believe that the words which really meant " red dawn" meant " wounded knee " we must still admit that the devout have assigned to their deity all the attributes of an ancestral sorcerer.
Whether we regard Gaunab, Heitsi Eibib and Tsui-Goab as originally mythological representations of natural phenomena, or as deified dead men, it is plain that they are now venerated as non-natural human beings, possessing the customary attributes of sorcerers.
Muller frankly recognizes that not only are animals symbols of deity and its attributes, not only are they companions and messengers of deity (as in the period of anthropomorphic religion), but they have been divine beings in and for themselves during the earlier stages of thought.
More than many other gods they retain in their titles and attributes the character of elemental phenomena personified.
In the Hava-Mal Odin claims for himself most of the attributes of the medicine-man.
And, again, when one perceives the tendency to look upon the alleged ancestor or weli as an almost divine being, there is much to be said for the view that the patriarchal figures were endowed by popular opinion with divine attributes.
In the early part of his residence at Peking, when enjoying constant intercourse with scholars of high position, Ricci brought out the T'ien-chu shih-i, or "Veritable Doctrine of the Lord of Heaven," which deals with the divine character and attributes under eight heads.
He claims to have shown that the dogmas of the eternity of matter and the permanence of the world are false; that their description of the Deity as the demiurgos is unspiritual; that they fail to prove the existence, the unity, the simplicity, the incorporeality or the knowledge (both of species and accidents) of God; that their ascription of souls to the celestial spheres is unproved; that their theory of causation, which attributes effects to the very natures of the causes, is false, for that all actions and events are to be ascribed to the Deity; and, finally, that they cannot establish the spirituality of the soul, nor prove its mortality.
The discussion, which lasted for three days, Augustine and Aurelius of Carthage being the chief speakers on the one side, and Primian and Petilian on the other, turned exclusively upon the two questions that had given rise to the schism - first, the question of fact, whether Felix of Aptunga who consecrated Caecilian had been a traditor; and secondly, the question of doctrine, whether a church by tolerance of unworthy members within its pale lost the essential attributes of purity and catholicity.
The contradictions he finds in the common-sense conception of inherence, or of "a thing with several attributes," will now become obvious.
Such, of course, is not the case, and so we have as many contradictions as there are attributes; for we must say A is a, is not a, is b, is not b, &c. There must then, according to the method of relations, be several As.
And this they can do at once and completely when, as is the case, for example, with the several attributes of an object, they are not of opposite quality.
The Isis temples discovered at Pompeii and in Rome show that ancient monuments as well as objects of small size were brought from Egypt to Italy for dedication to her worship, but the goddess absorbed the attributes of all female divinities; she was goddess of the earth and its fruits, of the Nile, of the sea, of the underworld, of love, healing and magic. From the time of Vespasian onwards the worship of Isis, always popular with some sections, had a great vogue throughout the western world, and is not without traces in Britain.
In Arabian philosophy the reaction sought to deny that God had any attributes.
Later writers (Euripides being the first) assumed the existence of a number of Erotes (like the Roman Amores and Cupidines) with similar attributes.
His attributes are the bow and arrows and a burning torch.
These people he calls the Italici, to whom he attributes also the culture known as Villanova.
It wasn't as if she were wearing a bikini, and her only physical attributes were a flat abdomen and smooth curves – well, those and her breasts, but they were over proportioned - out of balance, so to speak.
The created image inherits the attributes of the template.
Determination and a strong focus are therefore all-important attributes.
Where decorative graphics are used these include null alt attributes instead.
Decorative images have NULL alt attributes to ensure they are ignored by screen readers.
Images are supplied with descriptive alt attributes where appropriate.
Most of the attributes listed above have an analog in convert.
In addition, the new Object panel provides localized stacking control of multiple attributes for unlimited and unique visual appearances.
The names inside the entity boxes, below the entity name, specify attributes that belong to that entity.
Other desirable attributes would include analog and digital circuit design, AutoCad, networking and an understanding of the Marine environment.
Like the features of size, longevity and beauty, the utility of trees adds to the perception that they have divine attributes.
The minimum information that shall be made available is text content, text input caret location, and text attributes.
If the user cancels the dialog, the attributes will not reflect any changes made by the user.
Some people seem to take an instinctive dislike to having attributes in an XML document whose content is 20 lines long.
In short, he voluntarily divests himself of many of his divine attributes.
Because of God's absolute simplicity, divine attributes signify perfections that are really identical with the divine essence and with one another.
We should evolve a true federalism through dynamic and universally applicable fiscal policies and attributes.
Wouldn't it be great to find an anniversary gift that can include all of these attributes?
Often, but not always, myths are recited explaining the origin, attributes and behavior of these strange and sacred habitants of liminality.
All hyperlinks can have attributes associated with them to provide more information and a way of previewing the target before activating a hyperlink.
And this objection attributes to speeding all the benefits of experience, which seems rather ill-advised.
A new modified Chartered Professional Review for those who are already incorporated tests only the additional attributes required of a Chartered Engineer.
Attributes by those who home owner insurance las vegas purchased insurance ability of small.
Conch, Disk and Mace are the attributes held in three of Her four hands (the fourth would normally hold a lotus ).
They illustrate creating plugins, and accessing mainframe attributes through them.
This will include a breakdown of the role and a list of skills, experience and personal attributes thought necessary for the job.
However in spite of the great benefits these attributes bring, the agreement to take the drug turns into a Faustian pact.
The diversity of our cultural and natural patrimony and the joy of our people are the very attributes that most fascinate visitors.
Job Analysis To recruit the right person requires an accurate picture of the job itself and the skills and attributes it demands.
These attributes make a bike that's more than a mere plaything.
The Mishnah attributes to Ezra a decree that each male should immerse himself before reciting the morning prayer or studying.
Thus, retrieving an SQL ref value as a Ref object does not materialize the attributes of the structured type on the client.
Among the many attributes of lime masonry mortar, it appears to be highly resistive to the heat of fire.
Value for money is high on the Caliber's list of attributes, undercutting mainstream rivals by a healthy margin.
If your source document has been through schema validation, then the elements and attributes will be annotated with a schema validation, then the elements and attributes will be annotated with a schema type.
Both of these attributes help you head toward your goal of constant self-improvement.
It's a far cry from the freestanding arcade machines whose attributes remain relatively static.
He united all the attributes that the Ancient oriental theosophy assigned to the Supreme Being.
Thus strain 630 has the genetic attributes of a fully virulent, highly transmissible, drug resistant strain.
The universal substance, which we may call the absolute, is at this stage of our investigations not endowed with the attributes of a personal Deity, and it will remain to be seen by further analysis in how far we are able - without contradiction - to identify it with the object of religious veneration, in how far that which to metaphysics is merely a postulate can be gradually brought nearer to us and become a living power.
His main principle was a rigid unitarianism which denied the independent existence of the attributes of God, as being incompatible with his unity, and therefore a polytheistic idea.
Exner attributes the double daily maximum, which is largely a consequence of the 12-hour wave, to a thin layer near the ground, which in the early afternoon absorbs the solar radiation of shortest wave length.
These attributes jarred on the sensitive Ritson, who racked his brains for contumelious epithets such as "stupid and disgusting," "cart-loads of rubbish," &c.; and during the greater part of the 18th and 19th centuries Lydgate's reputation was at its lowest ebb.
Native tradition attributes these mines to the Siamese, but no importance can be attached to this, as it is very general for the Malays to give this explanation for anything which is obviously not the work of their own ancestors.
A theory, which seems to have some probability in its favour, is that these mines were worked by the Khmer people during the period of power, energy and prosperity which found its most lofty expression in the now ruined and deserted city of Angkor Thom; while another attributes these works to the natives of India whose Hindu remains are found in Java and elsewhere, whose influence was at one time widespread throughout Malayan lands, and of whose religious teaching remnants still linger in the superstitions of the Malays and are preserved in some purity in Lombok and Bali.
In its native lands it attains a vast age; Pliny attributes to several trees then growing in Rome a greater antiquity than the city itself.
Although Wolfe Tone had none of the attributes of greatness, "he rises," says Lecky, "far above the dreary level of commonplace which Irish conspiracy in general presents.
Being devoid of all attributes, it can be the object only of meditation, not of practical devotional rites; and philosophy can only attempt to characterize it in general and vague terms, as in the favourite formula which makes it to be sachchidananda, i.e.
But later times nearly strangled Zoroastrian piety, not only by laws of ritual purity but also by newly evolved secondary deities - personified attributes, and the like.
Clarke's Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God is really a priori.
We find something curiously similar in James Martineau's Study of Religion (" Implicit Attributes of God as Cause," sub fin.).
She strove to impart also something of the refinement and ornamental attributes of Western civilization, and aspired to raise her adopted fatherland intellectually and artistically to the west-European level.
So extravagant are the deeds ascribed to him, and so marvellous the attributes with which he has been clothed by the fond idolatry of his countrymen, that by some he has been classed with the Amadises and the Orlandos whose exploits he emulated.
Suetonius (Augustus, 66) attributes the loss of the imperial favour to Maecenas having indiscreetly revealed to Terentia, his wife, the discovery of the conspiracy in which her brother Murena was implicated.
The bishop emphasizes the distinction between metaphor and analogy; though the conceived attributes are not thought as they are in themselves, yet there is a reality corresponding in some way to our ideas of them.
According to Darmesteter, the Zarathustra of the Avesta is a mere myth, a divinity invested with human attributes, an incarnation of the storm-god, who with his divine word, the thunder, comes and smites the demons.
The epithet rrpovoia (" forethought") is due, according to Farnell, to a confusion with irpovaLa, referring to a statue of the goddess standing "before a shrine," and arose later (probably spreading from Delphi), some time after the Persian wars, in which she repelled a Persian attack on the temples "by divine forethought"; another legend attributes the name to her skill in assisting Leto at the birth of Apollo and Artemis.
Of the alternatives three Gods or una res - which his Nominalistic logic presented to Roscellinus, Roscellinus had chosen the first; Abelard recoiled to the other extreme, reducing the three Persons to three aspects or attributes of the Divine Being (Power, Wisdom and Love).
The origin and development of episcopacy in the Christian Church, and the functions and attributes of bishops in the various churches, are dealt with elsewhere (see Church History and BIsHoP).
It is rather in the manner of Aristotle, and freely attributes to Plato any ideas of other philosophers which appeared to contribute to the system.
A fresh epoch was, however, inaugurated by Ergamenes, a contemporary of Ptolemy Philadelphus, who is said to have massacred the priests at Napata, and destroyed sacerdotal influence, till then so great that the king might at the priests' order be compelled to destroy himself; Diodorus attributes this measure to Ergamenes' acquaintance with Greek culture, which he introduced into his country.
The household was always the centre of religious cult, and certain objects in the house - the door, the hearth, the store-cupboard (penus)- seem always to have had a sacred significance, and so became the objects and later the sites of the domestic worship. Of the cult of animals there is just sufficient trace to show that it must formerly have had its place in religious rite; the animals, once the objects of worship, appear in later times as the attributes of divinities, for instance, the sacred wolf and woodpecker of Mars.
The nature and attributes of God; His gracious purposes towards man; the relation of man to God, with the practical consequences that follow from it; the true nature of religious service; the call to repentance as the condition of God's favour; the ideal of character and action which each man should set before himself; human duty under its various aspects; the responsibilities of office and position; the claims of mercy and philanthropy, justice and integrity; indignation against the oppression of the weak and the unprotected; ideals of a blissful future, when the troubles of the present will be over, and men will bask in the enjoyment of righteousness and felicity, - these, and such as these, are the themes which are ever in the prophets' mouths, and on which they enlarge with unwearying eloquence and power.
General terms such as "Socialism," "Slavery," "Liberty," and technical terms in philosophy and theology are frequently the cause of controversies which would not arise if the disputants were agreed as to the Intension or Connotation of the terms. In addition Connotative terms, as those which imply attributes, are opposed to NonConnotative, which merely denote things without implying attributes.
Besides these works he wrote A Letter to Mr Dodwell, arguing that it is conceivable that the soul may be material, and, secondly, that if the soul be immaterial it does not follow, as Clarke had contended, that it is immortal; Vindication of the Divine Attributes (1710); Priestcraft in Perfection (1709), in which he asserts that the clause "the Church.
According Lo both, it is always some substance, such as Socrates, which is quantitative, qualitative, relative, somewhere, some time, placed, conditioned, active, passive; so that all things in all other categories are attributes which are belongings of substances.
In this process of accommodating ancient prerogatives to new conditions, it was inevitable that attributes belonging specifically to the one or the other of these gods should have been transferred to Marduk, who thus from being, originally, a solar deity becomes an eclectic power, taking on the traits of Bel, Ea, Shamash, Nergal, Adad and even Sin (the moon-god)- a kind of composite residuum of all the chief gods.
Purchas says that Yaqub himself, jealous of the multitude of Aidars disciples and the greatness of his fame, caused him to be secretly murthered; but Krusinski attributes the act to Rustam a few years later.
This view, however, has not met with general acceptance, on the ground that, in Semitic mythology, the moon is always a male divinity; and that the full moon and crescent, found as attributes of Astarte, are due to a misinterpretation of the sun's disk and cow's horns of Isis, the result of the dependence of Syrian religious art upon Egypt.
By this process of forgetfulness and misinterpretation, mountains, rivers, lakes, sun and sea would receive human attributes, while men would degenerate from a more sensible condition into a belief in the personality and vitality of inanimate objects.
But as the collection of authentic decretals does not begin till Siricius (385), the pseudo-Isidore first forges thirty letters, which he attributes to the popes from Silvester to Damasus; after this he includes the authentic decretals, with the intermixture of thirty-five apocryphal ones, generally given under the name of those popes who were not represented in the authentic collection, but sometimes also under the names of the others, for example, Damasus, St Leo, Vigilius and St Gregory; with one or two exceptions he does not interpolate genuine decretals.
Thus, retrieving an SQL REF value as a Ref object does not materialize the attributes of the structured type on the client.
Value for money is high on the Caliber 's list of attributes, undercutting mainstream rivals by a healthy margin.
If your source document has been through schema validation, then the elements and attributes will be annotated with a schema type.
Subroutine Attributes A subroutine declaration or definition may have a list of attributes associated with it.
Most likely, you try and update a subset of attributes on user objects.
It could well be that language emerged from ritual, which among other attributes, is a substitutive form of emotion.
Other Christian commentators on the lives of saints are more cautious in their acceptance of these attributes as supernatural in nature.
He united all the attributes that the Ancient Oriental Theosophy assigned to the Supreme Being.
That depends on the scheduling attributes of the LWP pool that is used to execute the unbound threads.
When options are specified, they set or unset shell attributes.
Some of the FIELD attributes defined by the VOTable format correspond to standard information in the corresponding ColumnInfo object, and some do not.
Some of the most important attributes of urban wasteland habitats are essentially ephemeral.
Bayer 's fungicide development manager Eileen Bardsley attributes this to fenamidone 's zoospore activity.
To understand why these attributes are so important in corporate settings, let's take a quick look at why innovation is such a struggle in large organizations.
Before you begin the process of choosing a preschool for your child, you need to decide what attributes are important to you.
Equally running shoes that retail over $90 have attributes that may not be necessarily improve your running except for how you look.
Our cat litter's product attributes make it convenient for everyday use or used as a healthy check-up measure.
Flower essences work by flooding the imbalanced soul quality with its positive, healthful attributes, thus displacing negative energies and correcting imbalances.
With all of these attributes, the acai fruit seems almost too good to be true.
Buddhist teachings refer to tridosha as the three poisons, and it is on these three attributes that many Tibetan diagnoses and remedies are based.
In addition to being able to withstand the agitation of a washing machine and drier, a washable rug contains several other attributes most standard area rugs do not.
Southwestern décor can include attributes and influences from several areas.
This is particularly true with celebrity perfumes that are popular due to the signature of the Hollywood star, rather than the attributes of the fragrance itself.
Even with all the wonderful attributes of eyeliner, is it the right decision to go permanent?
Although it may be difficult to find a foundation with all of the attributes of an excellent natural foundation, it is possible to find pair up products or use the products in such a way to fit the needs of even the most discerning taste.
Use a recent image that captures your positive physical attributes without being dishonest.
No matter the skill level, every photographer wants to make the most of the images he captures by using effective posing that shows off the model's greatest attributes.
Understanding the material's positive and negative attributes can help determine which style of pot will work best for your cooking project.
Despite these shining attributes, Carl is frequently reduced to paying for his, ahem, female companionship.
A great photo of a model is taken with special attention paid to showing off their best attributes.
When asked about what he attributes to his success, he says that when he was in middle school, his mother turned off the television and began requiring that he and his siblings read two books and do book reports on them each week.
The oil of the coconut is valued for it's cosmetic attributes when added to skin lotions.
Once a bride understands the basic considerations for her wedding attire, she can begin to choose among different attributes of the gown itself to find the most stylish, attractive dress for her summer nuptials.
Here are the most common attributes of someone that compulsively lies.
Now that you've explored many of the attributes and possible choices for your linen grommet top drapes, you're ready to begin browsing for the ideal draperies for your room.
Though she also works out with a fitness trainer, Alley attributes much of her success to the prepackaged meals and counseling program.
In addition to acting, he is passionate about American cars, a love he attributes to his mechanic dad.
Finding free money is possible, and probable, depending on your grades, attributes and your determination to locate it.
While the breed is still in development, certain attributes appear in most Labradoodles.
The Labradoodle combines many of the best attributes of its parents.
It is 1 to 2 feet high, and often the same across, attributes which fit it well for certain positions in the rock garden.
In the next section, C. nitidus is a fine hardy and very beautiful plant, combining the attributes of Star Tulip and Mariposa.
Consider carefully what attributes are essential for your flooring before looking for a supplier.
When pricing a granite countertop, take into consideration the following attributes.
The cost of the tiles does vary however, as the price can be affected by such attributes as tile thickness, color, size, shape, strength and texture.
There are many types of monorail light systems on the market, each with their own attributes.
Because of the sheer number of windows needed in a sunroom, the windows need to have several specific attributes to be affective.
A statement, however, that many feel still indirectly supports an industry which is dedicated to an image of woman as valued solely for her physical attributes.
The company attributes its growth and success to savvy marketing techniques.
Low karat gold can also be used for visual effects and to alter various attributes of the blend such as conductivity.
At first glance, the selection at Sheer and Sultry is mostly naughty, but each item notes attributes under the thumbnail picture.
Once you have chosen a plus size black formal dress that shows off your best attributes while hiding those that are less flattering, wearing it will make you feel sexy, stylish and confident.
The suits all note their various attributes - many of them have additional features to enhance your figure and improve your look overall.
While modeling places a large emphasis on good looks, there are other important attributes that can help you be successful.
These are all attributes that you might want to know in advance, before you decide to purchase.
On the flip side, many action games do not have the same kind of complexity when it comes to improving your character's attributes.
In these games, players take on a character class with particular skills and unique abilities, upgrading the attributes by completing tasks.
After each fight, you earn experience and gain levels a la RPG style, which let you distribute points to stamina, technique and power attributes.
First was the limitation of the interface with character selection, class and attributes.
The patch doesn't change the characters' attributes and is merely a visual alteration.
Character attributes like strength, intelligence and endurance are improved by gaining levels or by purchase from guilds and characters you will encounter.
It breaks down all the character classes, races, attributes, skills and magic available in the game.
It's chock full of blood (which you use to power up your attributes or regain health), talking severed heads, and weird S&M informants that follow you throughout the acid trip-induced story line.
You can jump right into a game with the Play Now mode (essentially an exhibition game) with basic team stats and player attributes.
Choosing the right team to chase the Super Bowl means having a good grasp on the Madden NFL 10 player attributes.
Similarly, the Madden NFL 10 player attributes have been assigned to best represent how these players actually perform in real life.
In this way, the attributes were not on a true 100 point scale.
Part of this has to do with the shift in the Madden NFL 10 player attributes as described above, but Favre did through a league-leading 22 interceptions last year too.
Most of the player attributes assigned to Favre for Madden 10 are lower than the attributes he received in Madden 09.
Some characters have better attributes added to their pitches, making it a little more versatile.
Moreover, as you play the game, you can earn points to upgrade moves, special attacks, appearance, and other attributes.
From that team management screens, you can view the different player attributes, just like in other EA Sports games, and perform player transactions as you see fit.
Be sure to look at their varying attributes and appearances before making your final decision.
The attributes that these races have in the beginning aren't that different, but they become amplified as the game progresses.
One technique is to build the character around your attributes.
Role-playing games have a number of attributes in common.
Beyond the physical appearance, the Smackdown vs. Raw Create a Wrestler mode allows you to choose your own special superstar move sets, attributes, entrance music, and personal brand.
As if the enjoyment of the career mode wasn't enough of a reward already, playing through the season mode with a created wrestler can also aid in improving the character's attributes and ratings.
You gain experience and level up and acquire weapons and increase attributes like an RPG.
The Semillon adds femininity, with melon and floral attributes and some other oddball but seductive bits.
Birth spacing, gender, physical attributes, and being a twin also affect personality formation and the interpretation of birth order and behavior.
That sense of specialness also applies to children's physical attributes and conditions.
Psychometric tests convert an individual's psychological traits and attributes into a numerical estimation or evaluation.
Social scientists have been studying and reporting on gang membership and attributes since early in the 20th century.
Psychological tests are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and attributes, including achievement and ability, personality, and neurological functioning.
These tests are designed to inform the test administrator about attributes such as the test-taker's abilities, perceptions, and motor coordination.
Instead the terms, male and female, refer to the masculine and feminine aspects, or attributes, that occur in everything in nature.
Throughout the following centuries, the female and male attributes of the yin yang symbol have grown to include additional concepts and qualities.
Many of the attributes of the koi symbolize several lessons and even trials individuals often encounter in life.
If you wish to be successful in your career, or if you need courage when asking for a promotion, a koi symbol will imbue you with the fish's positive attributes.
In this day when low-fat is touted as the way to stay healthy, some research attributes the consumption of low-fat dairy foods to a higher risk of infertility.
This study actually attributes the stimulation of ovaries to a protein found in the livers of animals called the Insulin-like Growth Factor.
Most styles are complimentary to a specific body type, and you can also use color and patterns to divert attention away from your less than best attributes.
Regardless of all the fit attributes you see on an advertisement, you don't actually know how well any swimsuit will fit your body until you actually try it on.
On the other hand, if you want to accentuate your natural attributes, a demi cup bikini top will make you look sassier than Marilyn Monroe.
Despite spending so many hours working out, she is not bulky, a fact she attributes to the good work of her personal trainer.
You need to pick out your best attributes and emphasize them.
Collectors sometimes view them as the most distinguishing attributes, basing their purchase solely on this feature.
There are many different types of portable heaters, each with different attributes.
Regardless of which air purifier you're interested in buying, there are certain attributes that it should have to ensure you're getting a good value and a solid product.
Players try to match a set of three cards according to various attributes (color, shape, or pattern).
The former president of Parker Brothers attributes the game's success as "clobbering your best friend without doing any damage."
Show your personality with your words, and highlight your best features and attributes.
Don't be afraid to talk about your positive attributes.
Whereas flattering clothing show off your shape and enhancing your attributes.
Include a lengthy list of your partner's best attributes, and it will be truly unforgettable.
When listing your own attributes, it's important to be honest.
You can list your personal details, including physical attributes, interests and habits.
As part of your profile, you can be extremely specific in the type of partner you are seeking from his/her physical attributes to background and habits.
He might notice your body language and physical attributes, but mainly he'll try to get you to flirt in return and share his feelings.
You can love attributes about a person like their sunny disposition or winning smile.
Try to brainstorm a list of attributes you can use to help you stand out from the crowd of writers competing for the same jobs.
One of its many attributes includes being made from bull-calf leather.
This is arguably one of the most easily recognizable attributes of the handbag.
You can read about each animal's attributes to gain a better understanding of yourself.
Does your partner balance out your attributes and vice versa?
As long as Capricorn is devoted and appreciative of Scorpio's attributes, there will be harmony in the kingdom.
He often ended up intoxicated, and this aggravated the beast's other negative attributes.
If she's happy, her lover will be the happy recipient of all the attributes that make Scorpio such a desirable mate.
Combine these attributes with their other Taurean traits of earthy sex appeal and good looks, and it's no wonder other zodiac signs fall all over themselves to meet the newest sign on the block.
No Child Left Behind attributes the responsibility for a lack of student achievement to teachers and their curriculum development, but fails to recognize how factors such as class size and damaged buildings contribute to the problem.
There have also been documented cases of people returning in a new life bearing the same physical attributes such as scars and birthmarks that they had in a previous life.
However, there are multiple tales of monsters living among the various lochs in Scotland, and some of the attributes of those creatures may have been bestowed upon Nessie (the affectionate name given to the Loch Ness Monster).
While these attributes don’t apply to all money management services, current customers cite the following general pros and cons for these products.
Abrams attributes the Alias series creation to an idea thrown around in the writer's room for Felicity and cast Felicity alum Jennifer Garner in the lead role of Sydney Bristow, a college student who is also a superspy.
Stars-light, magic and mystery are all attributes given to this design element.
If you want a guardian angel tattoo to commemorate a loved one who has passed on, try giving some of that persons' attributes to the angel.
These attributes are still in use in today's airbrush equipment.
Women may opt for a traditional design, or customize a traditional idea with more feminine attributes.
The Seamaster collection contains a number of watches with special attributes, like a regatta countdown timer or water resistance down to 1000 feet.
Diamond accents round out the luxury features but they don't detract from the watch's technical attributes.
Listed below is a breakdown of the attributes and events that brought about the phenomenon and drove the value of Swatch collectibles into the stratosphere.
Among the watch's high-tech attributes are inverse chrono functions, chrono sub dials, bi-directional rotating bezel and screw-in mineral crystal.
It dazzles the eye with a brilliant blue dial and satisfies the tech geek with an array of professional attributes.
Additional attributes include silvered guilloché dial, transparent case-back and adjustable strap buckle in pink gold.
Attributes include a gold and steel case, genuine leather strap, automatic self-winding movement and calendar date window at three o'clock.
Along with impressive tech attributes, some Oyster Perpetual watches are made of platinum and boast a generous sprinkling of diamonds.
These preliminary Western research results are helpful, as they affirm that everybody can benefit in some way from the positive attributes of moving the body daily and seeking a state of relaxation.
The Summary of Qualifications allows Rogers's key attributes to be seen at a glance.
Character letters are helpful especially for positions where these attributes are important to the specific job.
Any conformation you can provide with regards to these attributes would help aid in these goals.
Develop required KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and abilities - a list of special qualifications and personal attributes that you need to have for a particular job) with the Resume Place Context-Challenge-Action-Results builder.
To ensure fairness in the hiring process, the previously mentioned physical or cultural attributes are not allowed to enter into the decision making process of hiring for an open position.
These words are often attributes that employers want their employees to have.
Words like leadership, intelligence, dedicated, energy level, initiative, direction and ability to handle conflict all provide a clear indication of the person's attributes.
Make it an original based on the true skills and attributes of the person you are writing about.
If you are pursuing a professional career, tailor the career objective to that job's specific attributes.
This selection highlights some of the attributes of successful entrepreneurs, such as tenacity, creativity, and innovation.
When you've decided your priorities, make a list of all the attributes you'd like in your next SUV.
Certain physical attributes can be improved.
Antioxidants and amino acids are remarkably healthy attributes.
It is important to note that Dr. Susanne Talcott, one of the researchers from the Texas A&M University said that while the food has good attributes, there are many other great foods on the market as well.
Everyone wants younger-looking, clear skin, but not everyone realizes that their diet may be robbing them of those attributes.
When visiting the castles, or looking at pictures of their interior and exterior attributes, one often gets the impression that the castles are the most stately and luxurious residences ever built.
While Greek culture retains many of its own attributes and history, there is no denying that the reign of the Ottoman Turks in Greece has left its mark behind, the most prevalent of which is the cuisine.
Shopping for the right bridal ensemble is a great time for you to play up your God-given physical attributes.
With all of these positive attributes, it's easy to see why there are so many microfiber undergarments readily available.
A great alternative to traditional lingerieteddies or peignoirs is agood set of cheeky styled shorts that will not only display your feminine attributes to the hilt, but also feel very sporty and playful.
You can change some of the attributes in order to have a little more control over its looks.
Again, be careful setting these attributes, as you don't want to annoy your visitors with loud repeating music!
Mindless Self Indulgence simply does not yet display these very necessary attributes for a political or socially minded sound.
Even though the format of this show is similar to the other Bravo shows that showcase women within the social scene of certain cities, this show definitely has some original attributes.
One of her most unique attributes during the season was her modified mohawk hairdo and her multicultural background that made it difficult for other contestants to figure out her nationality.
They are more resilient than their predecessors, with attributes enhanced by more than 25 percent compared to previous models.
Social Network Theory attempts to analyze and explain communication and other behavioral attributes within an organization.
Because of these blogger characteristics, more bloggers have the following attributes than mainstream journalists do.
Within the code, size attributes define both width and height of the image.
These attributes are not required, but when included they allow you to resize the image easily.
While this is a cool HTML trick, ideally you should set the attributes to the actual size of the photo.
You can try your hand at creating and testing hyperlinks at the W3Schools website, and learn about all the standard attributes.
She's not heavily endowed with common sense or ambition, but she does have attributes.
To endow the universal substance with moral attributes, to maintain that it is more than the metaphysical ground of everything, to say it is the perfect realization of the holy, the beautiful and the good, can only have a meaning for him who feels within himself what real not imaginary values are clothed in those expressions.
A theory that has received much support in the past attributes the reflections to thin bubbles of water, similar to soap-bubbles, in which form vapour was supposed to condense.
All conceptions which do not possess these two attributes - of being vivid in themselves and discriminated from all others - cannot be true.
In truth therefore these attributes do not belong to body at all; and if we go on in the same way testing the received qualities of matter, we shall find that in the last resort we understand nothing by it but extension, with the secondary and derivative characters of divisibility and mobility.
The first book, after a short introduction upon the nature of theology as understood by Aquinas, proceeds in 119 questions to discuss the nature, attributes and relations of God; and this is not done as in a modern work on theology, but the questions raised in the physics of Aristotle find a place alongside of the statements of Scripture, while all subjects in any way related to the central theme are brought into the discourse.
There is no reason to suppose the human voice has varied, during the period of which we have evidence, more than other physical attributes.
These examples show that Napier was in possession of all the conventions and attributes that enable the decimal point to complete so symmetrically our system of notation, viz.
Howitt and Dr Roth appear to have satisfied themselves of a belief, common to most tribes, in a mythic being (he has different names in different tribes) having some of the attributes of a Supreme Deity.
The usual attributes of Silenus were the wine-skin (from which he is inseparable), a crown of ivy, the Bacchic thyrsus, the ass, and sometimes the panther.
In the end, this volume diverges into the Attributes, construing God in the likeness of man via eminentiae.'
But he is immortal as the man against whom Kant directed his tremendous battery 1 Human attributes magnified, or their weak points thought away.
In this way, the attributes are suggestively allotted among the four traditional proofs; 7 but we miss an explicit rebutting of Kant's hostile assumption, that it is incompetent for us to take the thought of God piecemeal.
Martineau's two main proofs yield two sets of attributes; those known as.
Although Spinoza's theory attributes a mental side to all physical events, he rejects all teleological conceptions and explains the order of things as the result of an inherent necessity.
Darwin attributes this to the fact that the northern forms were the more powerful (Origin of Species, 5th ed., p.458).
The Egyptians themselves delighted in identifying together goddesses of the most diverse forms and attributes; but Ubasti was almost indistinguishable in form from Tafne.
It is noticeable that even the more highly developed forms of liturgical prayer tend, in the recitation of divine titles, attributes and the like, to present a survival of this magical use of potent names.
But his good fortune did not last, and he attributes the calamities that came upon him to the ill will which his bold maintenance of justice had caused, and to his opposition to every oppressive measure.
As results of Roberval's labours outside the department of pure mathematics may be noted a work on the system of the universe, in which he supports the Copernican system and attributes a mutual attraction to all particles of matter; and also the invention of a special kind of balance which goes by his name.
The attributes of Demeter are chiefly connected with her character as goddess of agriculture and vegetation - ears of corn, the poppy, the mystic basket (calathus) filled with flowers, corn and fruit of all kinds, the pomegranate being especially common.
St Jerome attributes to Victor some opuscula in Latin, which are believed to be recognized in certain apocryphal treatises of St Cyprian.
At this point Origen succeeded in avoiding the heretical Gnostic idea of God by assigning to the Godhead the attributes of goodness and righteousness.
Most, if not all, of his wonderful attributes may be ascribed to the Irish predilection for the grotesque.
He is generally characterized by the sceptre and diadem, the usual attributes of kings.
The exact extent, however, to which each particular class of enemy has affected the protective habits and attributes of spiders is by no means always evident; and it is impossible to discuss the question in detail within the limits of a short article.
In the religious system of Numa, Quirinus and Mars were both recognized as divine beings, distinct but of similar attributes and functions; thus, like Mars, Quirinus was at once a god of war and a nature god, the protector of fields and flocks.
As the great nature-goddess, the attributes of fertility and reproduction are characteristically hers, as also the accompanying immorality which originally, perhaps, was often nothing more than primitive magic. As patroness of the hunt, later identification with Artemis was inevitable.
Vincent attributes to Rhazes the statement that copper is potentially silver, and any one who can eliminate the red colour will bring it to the state of silver, for it is copper in outward appearance, but in its inmost nature silver.
Each community could speak of its own baal, although a collection of allied communities might share the same cult, and naturally, since the attributes ascribed to the individual baals were very similar, subsequent syncretism was facilitated.
Spinoza derived from Crescas his distinction between attributes and properties; he shared Crescas's views on creation and free will, and in the whole trend of his thought the influence of Crescas is strongly marked.
The first hint of the employment of the dog in the pursuit of other animals is given by Oppian in his Cynegetica, who attributes it to Pollux about zoo years after the promulgation of the Levitical law.