Attitudes Sentence Examples
There is, it is true, a smoothness and finish about them not often seen elsewhere; but, as though to avoid the exaggerations of Audubon, Gould usually adopted the tamest of attitudes in which to represent his subjects, whereby expression as well as vivacity is wanting.
As has already been indicated, it was in their religious attitudes that the essential difference lay between the Sassanid Empire and the older Iranian states.
The first is the "Adam and Eve" dated 1507, in which both attitudes and proportions are as carefully calculated, though on a somewhat different scheme, as in the engraving of 1504.
Something of the imposing unity of his work was also, no doubt, due to an extraordinary power of memory, which enabled Millet to paint (like Horace Vernet) without a model; he could recall with precision the smallest details of attitudes or gestures which he proposed to represent.
The relationship of Talmudism to the Old Testament has been likened to that of Christian theology to the Gospels; the comparison, whether fitting or not, may at least enable one to understand the varying attitudes of Jewish thinkers to their ancient sources.
It matters not what the clocks say or the attitudes and labors of men.
By the patient study of the behaviour of precocious young birds, such as chicks, pheasants, ducklings and moorhens, it can be readily ascertained that such modes of activity as running, swimming, diving, preening the down, scratching the ground, pecking at small objects, with the characteristic attitudes expressive of fear and anger, are so far instinctive as to be definite on their first occurrence - they do not require to be learnt.
In the settlement of labour disputes conciliatory methods were successful in the formative period, when the parties to disputes adopted customary attitudes of hostility and fought to the end unless they were reconciled by the Board to a final agreement or to an agreement to arbitrate.
This would be so if people acted independently and without guidance, but actually they are sometimes misled by published advice and movements in the market intended to deceive them, and, even when they are not, they watch each other's attitudes and tend to act as a crowd.
The extent to which these two attitudes have been combined or separated is discussed in the ensuing article which deals with the various schools of modern metaphysics in relation to the principles of the Aristotelian " first philosophy."
AdvertisementAn overwhelming naturalism swamped the older reserves of Egyptian art, and the expression of the postures, actions and familiarities of daily life, or the instantaneous attitudes of animals, became the dernier cri of fashion.
The John and Paul are conceived and executed really in the great style, with a commanding nobility and force alike in the character of the heads, the attitudes, and the sweep of draperies; they represent the highest achievement of early German art in painting.
It treats of the attitudes of consciousness towards reality under the six heads of consciousness, self-consciousness, reason (Vernunft), spirit (Geist), religion and absolute knowledge.
The first of these attitudes taken alone is dogmatism; the second, when similarly isolated, is scepticism; the third, when unexplained by its elements, is mysticism.
To be categorical, a judgment does not require a belief in existence, but only that something, existent or not, is (or is not) determined; and there are two quite different attitudes of mind even to a non-existent thing, such as a square circle, namely, unconditional and conditional belief.
AdvertisementI cannot stand people with sassy attitudes.
But two individuals exemplify the different attitudes which the nation adopted towards its new environment and its wider opportunities, Joseph the tax-farmer and Jesus the sage.
We constantly see him in the wall-paintings portrayed as a priest in the conventional attitudes before the images of the gods.
In such work the painters of Upper Germany at this time, working in the spirit of the late Gothic style just before the dawn of the Renaissance, show considerable technical attainments, with a love of quaint costumes and rich draperies crumpled in complicated angular folds, some feeling for romance in landscape backgrounds, none at all for clearness or balance in composition, and in the attitudes and expressions of their overcrowded figures a degree of grotesqueness and exaggeration amounting often to undesigned caricature.
There are people who harbor attitudes about models, particularly wild string bikini models, that are dangerous and can get you into difficult situations.
AdvertisementIt led to a certain ambivalence in their attitudes toward the organized labor movement, despite their commitment to greater economic equality.
Equality mainstreaming occurs when these ideas, attitudes or activities routinely incorporate an equality perspective and become a normal feature of mainstream thinking.
We are given a final adjuration to change our attitudes in chapter twelve.
Such attitudes have been reflected in the predominantly ' common sense ' explanations of pit alignments to date.
He didn't simply hope to foster public attitudes toward indigenous peoples that would be the basis for a multi-cultural society based on mutual respect.
AdvertisementThey are planning a new campaign aimed at children to try to change attitudes toward violence in the home.
However some negative attitudes have also been reported in previous studies.
Itâs peopleâs attitudes, and I was exactly the same before Adam got ill.
I also found that other friends who were pregnant had what appeared to be very carefree attitudes throughout their pregnancies.
They seem careless in their attitudes to people infected or affected by HIV.
Consumers tend to buy attitudes, based on belief and instinct, and are increasingly discerning in their choices.
Gillett makes helpful observations in this chapter on the complex set of attitudes surrounding the operatic diva.
The speed at which the range has diversified reveals a major shift in attitudes toward Fairtrade.
These are attitudes engrained in many sections of Indian society.
He took up aerobatics in 1994 originally to overcome a fear of flying in extreme attitudes.
What do such hopes tell us about our attitudes to mortality and our attitudes to human finitude?
Moreover, the small numbers of workers in these areas were often Russians deeply imbued with colonial attitudes.
As a result of these new attitudes to language development there is an emerging research impetus in linguistics which concerns itself with recent change.
The difficult subject of child mortality and attitudes to it are discussed, using evidence that is inevitably incomplete.
These can be deeply ingrained and sometimes lifelong inflexible attitudes and behaviors.
We have experienced a breakdown in societal attitudes concerning the practicality of staying married throughout the mutual lifetime of a couple.
It would be worthwhile to explore how group members ' differing attitudes toward one or more topics or ideas might affect social mitosis.
Different attitudes to what happened after death, including systems of eternal reward and punishment; belief in eternal nothingness; and ghosts.
Her specialist interests include medieval hospitals and religious and social attitudes to charity and the poor, and lay women's piety.
Having examined attitudes to contact, we now turn to attitudes to cultural pluralism.
I want to make a difference, play my part in changing attitudes and challenging preconceptions.
Increasingly, the attitudes of male professionalism have seemed outrageously at odds with a supposedly caring profession.
Amidst these good girls, we run a gamut of attitudes toward their male protagonists.
The stress now no longer falls on the observation of basic morality and the cultivation of wholesome attitudes as a means to higher rebirths.
It ignores cases where subordinate minorities may develop a negative self-concept together with positive attitudes toward the dominant group.
We can hardly take a purely hostile attitudes to someone who has been so seminal and creative.
Kay Bell disliked what she saw as inverse snobbery in the attitudes of the book.
Weatherson (2003) has replied that de re attitudes do not require to be about exactly one particular (precisely specifiable) object.
But somehow, their crises seem superficial, their attitudes to them are soft and easy.
These attitudes are perhaps symptomatic of today's ' me ' society.
Developer attitudes Developers vary in their approach to mixed tenure development; many would prefer there to be no tenure mix.
But in reality you will probably find attitudes are relatively tolerant.
The superb ensemble creates vivid, delightfully winning characters with sharp, witty attitudes; even their political discussions are full of pointed humor.
British attitudes shifted from relative openness to dislike and distrust, and even racial xenophobia.
Silent contemplation and the total deadening of consciousness by perseverance for years in unnatural attitudes are among the commonest forms assumed by this mystical asceticism.
In the Roman communion the structure of the sacred edifice, the positions and attitudes of the priest and the congregation, the order of service, emphasize the mystery and the divine efficacy of the sacrament.
At Oxford his behaviour procured him a ducking in the Cherwell, and a wrecking of his rooms, but the cult spread among certain sections of society to such an extent that languishing attitudes, "too-too" costumes and "aestheticism" generally became a recognized pose.
The differences in attitudes and styles of East and West are skilfully woven together in Puccini 's ravishing score.
And finally, The video, Addicted to Oil, satirizes attitudes toward fossil fuels.
This pack stimulates your awareness of self-development issues and starts to foster appropriate skills and professional attitudes to learning, growth and success.
Enhance self-esteem, develop skills and explore attitudes and values as well as acquire and extend knowledge.
It can have a negative effect on the attitudes, motivation and self-esteem of lower ability pupils.
It 's bound to happen on any tour, but on this one there were no snobby attitudes and everyone got along well.
There are no exorbitant fees, silly club house rules, snooty attitudes or outrageously priced drinks !
In what ways are societal attitudes to health risks similar to other kind of risks?
For instance a great deal of attention has been paid to the effect on girls of gender stereotyped attitudes in schools.
Anyone involved in selecting for promotion must be warned against stereotypical attitudes based on age.
These attitudes are perhaps symptomatic of today 's ' me ' society.
But the discriminatory attitudes and thoughtless behaviors, these are what make life difficult, these are the sources of oppression.
Twain 's reputation was sufficient to shape public attitudes toward Arabs by people who rarely paid any attention to the region.
Psychotherapy produces gradual benefits in academic performance and attitudes, but girls who are underperforming at school would also benefit from special educational support.
The same attitudes that accompanied the colonization of our own frontier are found today in Brazil and other countries with wild unharnessed rainforest wilderness.
Youngsters from poorer backgrounds (boys, especially) can buckle to peer group pressure and develop negative attitudes to learning early on.
Z is for Zillions of people hall-marked by conscientious leadership, hopeful attitudes and collaborative discipleship.
Today's churches often do their best to eradicate lukewarm attitudes and cultivate a culture of authenticity.
Most trends fluctuate because of emotions and attitudes, but consumers can be influenced by peers, third-party reviews, and celebrities.
All animals have emotions, attitudes and personalities just like people, and cats are super sensitive.
The reason for the high failure rate may be that couples who choose to cohabitate have more liberal attitudes about marriage and divorce.
Talking about people and causes that need support can inspire charitable attitudes.
Attitudes certainly have changed withand increasedawareness of the impact waste has on the environment.
In the workplace, business and stressors contribute to a number of problems, including poor worker performance, negative attitudes, and days absent from the job.
Find ways to measure stress and attitudes in employees and improve workplace conditions and pressures.
They are taught to obey authority, follow rules and improve their attitudes at school and home.
It can be tough to stay calm and cool in the face of these preteen attitudes.
This group aims to fight homophobic attitudes while also providing teens with the information they need to help them understand their sexual identity.
You must be able to observe his/her attitudes as well as behaviors.
The stars who have been dubbed the sexiest combine natural good looks with their own personal styles and attitudes, resulting in their statuses as sex symbols.
Fortunately, attitudes have been growing and changing over the years, and today actors of all races and creeds enjoy the same successes.
College students are poised between worlds, still a bit immature, but ready to try on more adult stances and attitudes.
Marshall shrugs it off but those attitudes will be hard to change.
The expectation is that as more plus size models are seen in more magazines and commercials and people who are fat-phobic see that these women are gorgeous and sexy, attitudes will shift.
Attitudes towards additional nuptials have changed greatly over the years and women can now feel free to celebrate the event as they see fit.
Not only will you find age contemporaries there, you'll probably find individuals with life experiences and attitudes similar to your own.
This silly poem is a flamboyant and glorious declaration of enjoying life and changing attitudes about aging.
The main difference is that those people have different attitudes about work and employment.
Yoga and other exercise programs - Physical exercise and stretching will improve overall health and help residents maintain positive mental attitudes.
Chair exercise - Exercises that can be done while sitting in a chair improve health and attitudes.
The voices, attitudes, use of slang, and personality of the characters also seem to be consistent with current times.
Two diagnostic tests that are often used are the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) and the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI).
Short of major long-term changes in the larger society, the best strategy for prevention of anorexia is the cultivation of healthy attitudes toward food, weight control, and beauty (or body image) within families.
There are many strategies that parents can undertake to help encourage healthy attitudes toward weight, food, and exercise in their children.
A projective test is one in which a person's patterns of thought, attitudes, observational capacity, and emotional responses are evaluated on the basis of responses to ambiguous test materials.
Body language-Communication without words, also sometimes referred to as "non-verbal communication"; conscious or unconscious bodily movements and gestures that communicate to others a person's attitudes and feelings.
The questions asked on the MMPI-A are designed to evaluate the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavioral traits that comprise personality.
In addition to family interaction patterns and various aspects of the parent-child relationship, children's own thoughts, feelings, and attitudes may influence their social behavior.
As in the TAT, each story is carefully analyzed to uncover the child's underlying needs, conflicts, emotions, attitudes, and response patterns.
Projective test-A type of psychological test that assesses a person's thinking patterns, observational ability, feelings, and attitudes on the basis of responses to ambiguous test materials.
Moral development is the process throught which children develop proper attitudes and behaviors toward other people in society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws.
Parental attitudes regarding alcohol and behaviors related to alcohol use have a major impact on how children and young adults view drinking alcohol.
Children's responses to their own drawings and their perception of the level of their competence is often affected by the attitudes of their peers and adults who react to their art work.
This concept is used to explain the intergenerational transmission of attitudes, problems, behaviors, and other issues.
It teaches individuals how to change their thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes, while providing techniques to lessen anxiety, such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and refocusing.
Households headed by a single father increased substantially after the early 1980s, reflecting society's changing attitudes about the role of fathers in child rearing.
The attitudes and behavior taught to children in sports carry over into adulthood.
Martin, Paige D., et al. "Expressed Attitudes of Adolescents Toward Marriage and Family Life."
Personality-The organized pattern of behaviors and attitudes that makes a human being distinctive.
Even so, attitudes about home schooling vary widely from state to state, and there is a patchwork of regulation across the country.
The most effective form of prevention appears to be a stable family that models responsible attitudes toward mood-altering substances and behaviors.
Personality development is the development of the organized pattern of behaviors and attitudes that makes a person distinctive.
Social attitudes towards homosexuality and bisexuality have varied over the centuries, from complete rejection, or homophobia, through covert acceptance, to complete normalization, with many degrees in between.
Personality tests and inventories evaluate the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavioral traits that comprise personality.
Sibling rivalry is also affected by the presence in the family of a special needs child, divorce or other family trauma, and ethnic and cultural attitudes toward family relationships.
These aspects include teaching methods, instructional materials, teacher attitudes, as well as the way the performance of students is assessed.
The development of self-esteem in young children is heavily influenced by parental attitudes and behavior.
Schools can influence their students' self-esteem through the attitudes they foster toward competition and diversity and their recognition of achievement in academics, sports, and the arts.
Although people's attitudes about masturbation differ widely, there is no evidence that masturbation is in any way physically, psychologically, or emotionally harmful.
The IMB contends that motivation to engage in prevention behaviors is a function of one's attitudes toward the behavior and of subjective norms regarding prevention behaviors.
Cultural attitudes towards beauty and thinness may also be a factor in whether a person binges.
Many researchers believe that in order to foster creativity in schools, education should be based on the discovery of knowledge and the development of critical attitudes, rather than on the passive absorption of knowledge.
Just as certain actions and attitudes on the part of parents can encourage creativity, others have been found to discourage it.
Elitist attitudes are unfortunately issues at all dance studios; however, the size and level of prestige of the studio you attend may crank that up a notch or two.
This ensures that those who give 100% will have the best possible shot at winning, rather than having a team mixture of dedication and half-hearted attitudes.
In terms of skill, you can learn an incredible amount of dancing moves and attitudes from studying and learning Michael Jackson's signature style.
Some of his attitudes may seem dated to us now, but the core content is still well organized, comprehensive, and easy to read.
Considered a form of expression, emo incorporates everything from clothing to music to attitudes to hair styles.
A woman with bobbed hair was bold and embraced new fashions and attitudes.
The asymmetrical design yields to many different attitudes, and you can create very different results.
With its versatility and wide range of attitudes, these types of ponys are a great choice for many occasions.
They should also have positive attitudes and consistently exhibit appropriate behavior and performance levels.
The more open and realistic attitudes of many other countries goes a long way toward promoting better mental health and personal comfort in your own skin.
The fact is, attitudes about the human body are far more relaxed, so swimsuits are usually quite skimpier.
With terrific attitudes like theirs, it's no wonder that folks clamor to meet The Roar!
Women's bodies and attitudes have changed, so much so, that now many women in their sixties can still feel confident in a bikini.
Raven is more concerned about helping young girls see their own inner beauty, which is why she's teamed up with the Dove campaign and is involved in self-esteem workshops which promote healthy body attitudes.
While there are exceptions to every rule, there seems to be a divide in attitudes about wearing skimpy bikinis.
Thankfully, attitudes and designers are changing.
Regardless of changing attitudes over the years, the ever shrinking bikini has managed not only to survive, but actually flourish.
Big hair, big jewelry and big attitudes were not only in style they were a requirement to being cool.
Fairies come in all shapes, sizes and attitudes, so customizing a fairy dress for any occasion is possible.
I am bothered by his attitudes toward his previous girlfriend.
Those who impress us with humble attitudes and big hearts from the shallow trenches of glitz, glamour, and a "me, me, me!" mentality?
If you choose to upgrade your membership, you will take a questionnaire about your attitudes and behaviors that have to do with sincerity and integrity.
If people are acting like children or have bad attitudes, that's probably not form you want to join.
Like horoscopes for people, pet horoscopes describe the attitudes and personalities of your pets based upon the sign under which they were born.
Remember, attitudes and personalities of pets born under the same sign will vary depending on their life experiences, so take that into consideration as well when you are trying to decipher your pets behavior and personality.
But as they get older, it can become a problem when friends' attitudes and youth culture become a bigger sway on behavior.
Learning the definitions of parenting styles may help generate an awareness of how your behaviors and attitudes affect your children.
Sometimes known as empathy, clairempathy is the sensing of attitudes or emotions of others.
Their half-naked status, ethereal attitudes and superior intellect led to the mistaken conclusion that they were aliens.
Calling a lower back tattoo a "tramp stamp" is many women's way of thumbing their nose at antiquated attitudes about a woman's right to express herself.
Both attitudes will push the growth rate for this sector to more than 30%.
Another reason is that attitudes toward foreigners, especially Westerners, remain mixed.
Basic character qualities and beliefs affect your actions and attitudes on the job.
By the end of the movie, any resemblance to actual cheerleading is gone in favor of "dance battles" and attitudes.
For several decades, Weight Watchers has helped millions of people lose weight and keep it off through a healthy blend of eating right, exercising, and changing attitudes towards food and dieting.
Retraining the instincts, and restoring balance and healthful attitudes towards food takes patience.
Fitness Attitudes offers exercise charts for free that are designed to track progress with cardio programs.
Many of today's fitness celebrities had a profound influence on the development of exercise programs, as well as America's attitudes about exercise.
The 1920s brought about a change in attitudes about sexuality and beauty.
The Intimate Attitudes Lingerie Catalog is $8.00 but that is reimbursed when you order from the catalog.
Fortunately, attitudes have started to grow up and designers are getting to work.
With the help of the reverend's daughter, he arranged a high school prom just across the town's border and forced the reverend and the entire town to review their attitudes toward music, dancing and religion.
As the idea of popular Christian music is controversial for some, these attitudes may play a role in the popularity of Christian soundtracks.
Interestingly, True Beauty combines elements of all three shows, with physically beautiful contestants learning life lessons about themselves and their attitudes through the use of hidden cameras.
Leslie left the house voluntarily because she wanted to try and make a better life for herself but felt the attitudes of the others were counterproductive to her goals.
This generally includes a critique of the current menu as well as the setup of the kitchen, and the attitudes and abilities of the kitchen staff.
However, after public attitudes towards Jon soured, the network announced plans to rename the show Kate Plus Eight and continue without Jon.
The other tribe is the Survivor Villains, who became infamous for their sneaky game play and conniving attitudes.
Ranging in age from 18 to 71, their professions, attitudes, and backgrounds were all radically different.
Turning classic fairy tale elements upside down is an important gimmick used in these dark and sometimes graphic tales, capitalizing on the familiar to create humor, irony, or illustrate changing attitudes.
The chance for a fallen angel's redemption, the seductive nature and their dangerous attitudes are all compelling material.
However, it wasn't until the 1950s when it was used to bind families, cultures, behaviors and attitudes.
Resonating with anyone who has ever dealt with the particular vagaries and attitudes of the elderly, the comic strip was a surprise success.
Its policy "was to avoid notoriety and public attitudes; to secure privileges without attracting needless 1 A collection of these laws was published in his General History of Connecticut (London, 1781), by the Rev. Samuel Peters (1735-1826), a Loyalist clergyman of the Church of England, who in 1774 was forced by the patriots or Whigs to flee from Connecticut.
It is well known just how widespread racist attitudes are within the police.
She took no pains with her manners or with delicacy of speech, or with her toilet, or to show herself to her husband in her most becoming attitudes, or to avoid inconveniencing him by being too exacting.