Attending Sentence Examples
Where are you attending college?
At least he was planning on attending.
It's perfect for alfresco dining or attending open air concerts.
Military training is compulsory on all lads over ten attending government schools.
To encourage the instruction of children who by reason of distance cannot attend a government or government-aided school, grants-in-aid are made for each pupil attending farm schools.
On the one hand he worked out the general theory of the magnetic circuit in the dynamo (in conjunction with his brother Edward), and the theory of alternating currents, and conducted a long series of observations on the phenomena attending magnetization in iron, nickel and the curious alloys of the two which can exist both in a magnetic and non-magnetic state at the same temperature.
Enactments about the pursuit of thieves, and the calling in of warrantors to justify sales of chattels, are other expressions of the difficulties attending peaceful intercourse.
If you're attending a Thanksgiving dinner rather than hosting, then a wine's versatility will be the most important factor in your choice.
She took Sarah's hands, probably thanking her for attending.
The difficulties attending the experimental investigation of the forces acting between magnetic poles have already been referred to, and indeed a rigorously exact determination of the mutual action could only be made under conditions which are in practice unattainable.
AdvertisementAfter attending the Ecole Polytechnique at Paris, he became professor of physics successively at Bologna (1832), Ravenna (1837) and Pisa (1840).
Great care is necessary in attending to the watering of the young and delicate seedlings, which are ready for transplanting in from fifty to sixty days after sowing.
After attending the gymnasium of his native town, he studied at Marburg and Heidelberg, and then, attracted by the fame of Liebig, went in 1839 to Giessen, where he became a privatdozent in 1841, and professor of chemistry twelve years later.
The cloister garden was too small for the crowds attending his lectures, and on the 1st of August 1490 he gave his first sermon in the church of St Mark.
Manning thereupon proceeded to Rome to pursue his theological studies, residing at the college known as the "Academy for Noble Ecclesiastics," and attending lectures by Perrone and Passaglia among others.
AdvertisementNay more, the difficulties attending on the assumption of a common authorship of the Gospel and Apocalypse, independently of the question of the apostolic authorship of the Gospel, are practically insuperable.
Prophecies current among the Christians in Syria of the destruction of Mahomet's sect after six centuries of duration added to the excitement attending these rumours.
In May 1803, after attending further courses of lectures in Edinburgh, and acting as assistant to the professor of mathematics at St Andrews, he was ordained as minister of Kilmany in Fifeshire, about 9 m.
He is god of omens and ruler of the omen birds; but the hawk is not his messenger, for he never leaves his house; stories are, however, told of his attending feasts in human form and flying away in hawk form when all was over.
After attending school at Northwich, he began to help his widowed mother on the farm, but to escape from that uncongenial occupation he persuaded her in 1811 to remove to Manchester and start a pawnbroking business.
AdvertisementAfter attending the gymnasium of his native place, he went to study natural science at St Petersburg, where he graduated in chemistry in 1856, subsequently becoming privatdozent.
While attending mass at Viterbo (13 March 1271) he was attacked by Guy and Simon de Montfort, sons of Earl Simon, and foully murdered.
After attending classes at Edinburgh University (1825-1826), Blackie spent three years at Aberdeen as a student of theology.
The old Methodist body even excommunicated persons for attending "Bryanite" meetings.
In 1671 he visited Barbados, Jamaica, and the American continent, and shortly after his return in 1673 he was, as has been already noted, apprehended in Worcestershire for attending meetings that were forbidden by the law.
AdvertisementAfter attending the diet of Regensburg, he shared the captivity of Clement VII.
The great general houses such as Rylands's, Philips's and Watt's in Manchester, and Cook's and Pawson's in London, some of which are manufacturers to a minor degree, continue to flourish because under one roof they can supply all that the draper requires, and so enable him to economize in the time spent in buying and to save himself the trouble of attending to many accounts.
Carlow to a minor post (1839) in the Irish ordnance survey, thence (1842) to the English survey, attending mechanics' institute lectures at Preston in Lancashire.
The pontifical "chapel" (capella) is the papal court for purposes of religious worship. In it the pope is surrounded by the cardinals according to their order; by the patriarchs, archbishops and bishops attending at the throne, and others; by the prelates of the Curia, and by all the clergy both secular and regular.
They were to be supported by five bombarding monitors ("Marshal Soult," "Lord Clive," "Prince Eugene," "General Crawford," M24 and M26) and covered by five British destroyers ("Swift," "Faulknor," "Matchless," "Mastiff" and "Afridi"), with three British destroyers and six French torpedo boats attending on the monitors ("Mentor," "Lightfoot," "Zubian," "Lestin," "Capitaine Mehl," "Francis Gamier," "Roux," "Bouclier").
In the case of the two leading Church of England societies, the bishops (being members) are ex officio on all executive committees; but their labours in other directions prevent their ordinarily attending.
Continuation schools (herhalingsscholen) must be organized wherever required, and are generally open for six months in winter, pupils of twelve to fourteen or sixteen attending.
Probably nowhere is there an agricultural population so prosperous, and so free from the risks attending seasons of drought or of flood.
From 1879 to 1882 he lived at Zurich, then the headquarters of Social Democracy, when, besides attending the university, he took part in editing the Social Demokrat.
Perhaps for this very reason, however, the German art schools have had no such cosmopolitan influence as that exercised by the schools of Paris, the number of foreign students attending them being comparatively small.
At the same time good fortune was attending the operations of the French in the Rhineland, where they were aided by Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, a satisfactory financial arrangement between these parties having been reached in the autumn of 1635.
From 1831 to 1833 Mill was largely occupied in the defence of the East India Company, during the controversy attending the renewal of its charter, he being in virtue of his office the spokesman of the court of directors.
In the case of ordinary public meetings those who convene the meeting stand in the position of licensors to those attending and may revoke the licence and expel any person who creates disorder or makes himself otherwise objectionable.
His father, a district physician, died early, and the boy, after attending the gymnasium of Czernowitz, was obliged to teach in order to support himself and prepare for academic study.
This he succeeded in doing, in spite of the Seven Years' War and of the difficulties attending the thorny Gottorp question in which Sweden and Russia were equally interested.
Although the phenomena attending isogamous and oogamous reproduction respectively are essentially the same in all cases, slight variations in both instances appear in different families, attributable doubtless to the independent origin of the process in different groups.
After attending the grammar schools of Melton and Oakham, he entered St John's College, Cambridge, and while still an undergraduate he addressed in February 1712, under the pseudonym of Peter de Quir, a letter to the Spectator displaying no small wit and humour.
On the morning of the examination, after attending mass, he was assigned by one of the doctors of the assembled college two passages (puncta) in the civil or canon law, which he retired to his house to study, possibly with the assistance of the presenting doctor.
Lights and Buoys.-In view of the difficulties attending navigation in the Gulf, and the impossibility of arranging with the Governments of the littoral for the provision of lights and buoys except on terms which would have greatly hampered shipping, the British Government, in view of the great preponderance of British shipping in the Gulf, has established since 1912 a very complete system of lights and buoys, the cost of which is shared in equal moieties by the Government of India and H.M.
The freedom with which he fraternized with his Protestant neighbours called forth the rebuke of his bishop (George Hay), and ultimately, for hunting and for occasionally attending the parish church of Cullen, where one of his friends was minister, he was deprived of his charge and forbidden the exercise of ecclesiastical functions within the diocese.
Prevented by illness from attending, Jefferson sent to the convention elaborate resolutions, which he proposed as instructions to the Virginia delegates to the Continental Congress that was to meet at Philadelphia in September.
In this connexion it is interesting to note the account given by Severus of the synod held at Rimini in 359, where the question arose whether the bishops attending the assembly might lawfully receive money from the imperial treasury to recoup their travelling and other expenses.
For two years he stayed with a Lutheran clergyman of the name of Sartorius, whilst attending the lectures of the Athenaeum Illustre.
He died suddenly of apoplexy on the 13th of March 1845, in London, while attending a meeting of the council of the Royal Society, of which he became a fellow in 1813 and foreign secretary in 1839.
After attending the Tagalog school at Cavite he entered the Jesuit College in Manila but did not graduate.
The explanation of these discrepancies in the fundamental constant is not at all clear, but they may be taken as an illustration of the difficulties of manipulation attending the use of this instrument, to which reference has already been made.
In the Lauras the young monks lived a cenobitical life, but the elders a semi-eremitical one, each in his own hut within the precincts of the Laura, attending only the solemn church services.
After several years at sea and after trying various occupations on land, Paine took up his father's trade in London, where he supplemented his meagre grammar school education by attending science lectures.
In consequence, largely, of the dangers attending its navigation, it was not visited by the European traders of the 16th-18th centuries so frequently as other regions north and east, but in the Rio Pongo, at Matakong (a diminutive island near the mouth of the Forekaria), and elsewhere, slave traders established themselves, and ruins of the strongholds they built, and defended with cannon, still exist.
Excommunicated by the Franciscan chapter-general in 1670, he remained a devout adherent of his church, although he maintained friendly relations with the Anglicans, accepting their orders and attending their churches.
All children between the ages of eight and twelve years are required to attend a public school at least twelve weeks in a year (six weeks consecutively) unless excused on account of weakness of mind or body, unless the child can read and write and is attending a private school, or unless the child lives more than two miles from the nearest school and more than one mile from an established public school wagon route.
On other occasions also Vamacharis commonly offer animal sacrifices, usually one or more kids; the head of the victim, which has to be severed by a single stroke, being always placed in front of the image of the goddess as a blood-offering (bali), with an earthen lamp fed with ghee burning above it, whilst the flesh is cooked and served to the guests attending the ceremony, except that of buffaloes, which is given to the low-caste musicians who perform during the service.
It derives its name from the dangers attending its navigation, or, according to an Arabic legend, from the numbers who were drowned by the earthquake which separated Asia and Africa.
Just before he died, says his secretary, Tobias Lear, he felt his own pulse; his countenance changed; the attending physician placed his hands over the eyes of the dying man, "and he expired without a struggle or a sigh."
This paper, with others published in 1786 and 1788, is concerned with the phenomena attending the freezing of various substances, and is noteworthy because in it he expresses doubt of the supposition that "the heat of bodies is.
In 1740 he was commissioned majorgeneral to conduct the expedition against Cartagena, but died while attending to the embarcation, at Annapolis, Maryland, on the 7th of June 1740.
His father was a merchant in good circumstances, and he received a liberal education at the college of Rouen, afterwards attending the military school at St Cyr.
Not only were concubinary priests - a term which was now made to include also those who had openly married - forbidden to serve at the altar and threatened with actual deposition in cases of contumacy, but the laity were warned against attending mass said by "any priest certainly known to keep a concubine or subintroducta."' But these heroic measures soon caused serious embarrassment.
Ten fellows and 16 choristers were added in 1394 to the 70 scholars, the choristers attending the school like the scholars, and being generally, during the first three centuries of the foundation, promoted to be scholars.
These circumstances serve, in part at least, to explain the fact that the success attending the use of anti-bacterial sera has been much inferior to that in the case of antitoxic sera.
The central cattle market and slaughter-houseslfor the inspection and supply of the fresh meat consumed in the metropolis occupy an extensive area in the north-east of the city on the Ringbahn, upon which a station has been erected for the accommodation of meat trains and passengers attending the market.
The immediate cause of his death was an attack of pneumonia, but the disease was aggravated by the excitement attending his sudden change in circumstances and the incessant demands of office seekers.
Until the abandonment of this experiment in 1847, Ripley was its leader, cheerfully taking upon himself all kinds of tasks, teaching mathematics and philosophy in the school, milking cows and attending to other bucolic duties, and after June 1845 editing the weekly Harbinger, an organ of "association," which he continued to edit in New York from 1847 until it was discontinued in 1849.
After attending King Edward VI.'s grammar school, Birmingham, he studied at Birmingham hospital, and afterwards at King's College, London, with the intention of making medicine his profession; but after taking his degree at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1843 he changed his mind.
There Petrarch made his acquaintance, and, finding him a man unfit for any noble enterprise, declined attending him to Rome.
A common problem has been how to reduce a state to submission or subordination while ostensibly preserving its independence or existence; to obtain power while escaping responsibility and the expenditure attending the establishment of a regular administration.
The distribution of density is similar to that attending a desert mirage, but the transition is not so abrupt.
Of the progress of the malady, and the circumstances attending the death of Mirabeau, Cabanis drew up a detailed narrative, intended as a justification of his treatment of the case.
Attending the International Meteorological Congress of August 1873 at Vienna, he fell ill of cholera, and died a few hours after his arrival at Arcetri, on the 10th of September 1873.
The first newspaper of the colony, written in Dutch and English, was published in 1824, and its appearance marked an era not only in the literary but in the political history of the colony, since it drew to a crisis the disputes which had arisen between the colonists and the governor, Lord Charles Somerset, who had issued a decree prohibiting all persons from convening or attending public meetings.
After attending the high school and the university of Edinburgh, he embraced the profession of medicine, and devoted himself chiefly to the study of anatomy, under the direction of his brother John.
While attending Grantham school Newton lived in the house of Mr Clark, an apothecary of that town.
His industry was unremitting, and, besides attending to his duties as an associate justice and a professor of law, he wrote many reviews and magazine articles, delivered various orations on public occasions, and published a large number of works on legal subjects, which won high praise on both sides of the Atlantic.
At any one of the m 2 -26 - 3K points the variable curve and the consecutive curve have tangents distinct from yet infinitesimally near to each other, and each of these two tangents is also infinitesimally near to one of the n 2 -2T-3t common tangents of the two curves; whence, attending only to the variable curve, and considering the consecutive curve as coming into actual coincidence with it, the n 2 -2T-3c common tangents are the tangents to the variable curve at the m 2 -26-3K points respectively, and the envelope is at the same time generated by the m 2 -26-3K points, and enveloped by the n2-2T-3c tangents; we have thus a dual generation of the envelope, which only differs from Pliicker's dual generation, in that in place of a single point and tangent we have the group of m2-26-3K points and n 2 -2T-3c tangents.
In private houses it found its way more slowly, partly from an apprehension of danger attending its use, and partly from the discomfort which was experienced in many cases through the gas being distributed without purification, and to the careless and imperfect manner in which the service pipes were first fitted.
The vrivTELa on the third day of the Thesmophoria at Athens was observed only by the women attending the festival (who were permitted to eat cakes made of sesame and honey).
So that from any one or more of these, without all of them together, or from all of them together without attending to their comparative obligation, it is not possible to exhibit any distinct prospect of the English ecclesiastical constitution.'
Pleasure, in Aristotle's view, is not the primary constituent of well-being, but rather an inseparable accident of it; human well-being is essentially well-doing, excellent activity of some kind, whether its aim and end be abstract truth or noble conduct; knowledge and virtue are objects of rational choice apart from the pleasure attending them; still all activities are attended and in a manner perfected by pleasure, which is better and more desirable in proportion to the excellence of the activity.
Although he had been most violent in denouncing the anti-clerical policy of the Combes cabinet, he now announced his willingness to recognize a new regime to replace the Concordat, and gave the government his support in the establishment of the Associations cultuerles, while he secured some mitigation of the severities attending the separation.
Under Turkish rule it was impossible to obtain a liberal education in Bulgaria, and young Stambolov, after attending the communal school in his native town, was apprenticed to a tailor.
Of the pupils attending in the latter year, 74% were Roman Catholics, 12% Protestant Episcopalians and 11% Presbyterians.
The shire court for Lincolnshire was held at Lincoln every forty days, the lords of the manor attending with their stewards, or in their absence the reeve and four men of the vill.
In 1236 Cordova was conquered, and Seville fell in 1248 with the help of a fleet from the Basque coast and of the Moorish king of Granada, who was Fernandos vassal, paying tribute and attending Cortes when summoned.
In fact, we find enthusiastic bee-men and women travelling several hundreds of miles and devoting time, money and labour in attending conferences of bee-keepers in America, while the proceedings usually last for several days and are largely attended.
The lords of the castle had the right of attending the archbishops of Canterbury on state occasions as chief butlers.
Their violence prevented "the pasha," as they called him, from attending the convention summoned to Warsaw on the death of Bathory; but at the subsequent election diet, which met at Warsaw on the 9th of July 1587, he appeared at the head of 6000 veterans and intrenched himself with his partisans in what was called "the Black Camp" in contradistinction to "the General Camp" of the Zborowski.
The errors attending the determination of the size of a microscopic object depend chiefly on the accuracy of the objective micrometer; any errors in the micrometer being magnified by the objective.
The students attending lectures in 1904 were 62, of whom 51 matriculated, and the number of degrees conferred to the close of that year was 180, the great majority of these degrees being granted ad eundem gradum.
There weren't many details, and she could only guess that this was not the normal case, as some stories mentioned Oracles attending great feasts.
Just then, one of the attending firemen tested the hose with a tentative burst, scattering a curbside group that screamed in delight.
I had the immense pleasure of attending a seminar with master Jeff Bolt.
Those attending a conference abroad tend to be the envy of their colleagues so complaints about such trials and tribulations elicit little sympathy.
He was a frequent visitor to Peckham while attending rehearsals of his first major play afore Night Come at the Royal Shakespeare.
The numbers attending each of these chapels cannot be accurately ascertained.
A fairly recent regulation has astonishingly repealed a 65-year old royal decree which forbade children under the age of 14 from attending bullfights.
Indeed, there is an attempt to point out the business case for attending to privacy.
An inception cohort of 1010 patients with RA attending rheumatology clinics was followed for a median of 11.4 years.
A full time course attending college for a minimum of 14 hours per week.
Several students are now attending the local sixth form college.
The Gazette had received several phone calls of complaint from those attending the commemoration.
Of course, attending at least one fest noz (night dance) is almost compulsory!
He was accused of attending conventicles in 1672, and died 15th March 1673, aged about 51.
In 1727 he died of a cold caught in attending the coronation of George II.
The Chairman thanked the delegation on behalf of Council for attending the meeting.
During the two years of conversion to organic production the farm hosted more than 400 visitors attending many demonstration and educational events.
Adjoining us is a dental health facility staffed by salaried dentists attending NHS patients.
He became steward of the local Working Men's Club and after attending evening classes he became a pit deputy.
We notice REYES, kneeling behind him attending to the rear derailleur of her racing bike.
Attending this clinic is a consultant hematologist, Dr. Beverley Hunt, who has extensive experience in blood clotting disorders.
I'm attending the opening of my garage door.
Students should know classical electromagnetism and quantum mechanics before attending this course.
A £ 500 accidental Damage excess will apply whilst attending the event.
Ann has been attending conventions since shortly after she discovered fandom in the early ' 60s.
He wrote about his personal experience attending incidents in and around the pretty south Shropshire town which has its own fire station.
I was delighted to see so many geriatricians attending this meeting.
The questionnaire was first validated in a pilot study of patients with advanced glaucoma attending the glaucoma clinic.
Graduands, guests and staff attending a graduation should be aware that graduation ceremonies and receptions are regarded as public events.
Whilst attending to and bringing in wounded, he continually exposed himself to enemy gunfire.
The figure of 30% for pupils attending a gymnasium should be treated with caution.
We also saw our first Toco Toucan and several hummingbirds attending a Flame Tree in bloom?
He believes only Tory councilors should claim back expenses they incur for attending meetings - sheer hypocrisy.
Guests attending the day included industrialists, staff, and friends of the students as well as the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Chris Taylor.
The MBTI® is a self-report inventory with four psychological dimensions, energizing, attending, deciding and living.
So if your attending a LAN you can post there, or if you have over 50 posts or something.
Then again, when you have a USAF Rockwell B-1B lancer attending everyday you can maybe forgive them.
Those attending the launch will receive a complimentary copy of the report.
Tonight, I'm attending a lecture by a guy who makes architecture look like web design - Will Allsop.
Players will be attending the camps at 11am on Wednesday, with Brizzley Bear, the club mascot, attending on Thursday morning.
Mrs Hepworth does not recall a doctor attending during the visit, nor anybody administering any medicine to Miss Brown.
Among those attending the inaugural meeting were previous Ben Nevis race winners, cross-country, track and road runners.
Forceful or incorrect use of forceps by the attending obstetrician can cause serious damage in these soft spots.
Only 10% of the children registered with the GDS were of Asian ethnic origin compared with 54% of those attending the CDS.
Oscar night no matter which party you ended up attending!
For example, take information about the number of patients attending outpatients.
I recently had the immense pleasure of attending a seminar with Master Jeff Bolt.
Anyone attending an orthodox synagogue today will see that the men are all wearing prayer shawls.
Within a few weeks they were attending a film premier together.
Attending to the social environment of captive primates is fundamental to their welfare.
He is currently attending courses on advanced restorative, cosmetic and implant dentistry.
Training is also free of charge to any student whose department confirms that s/he has a valid academic reason for attending the course.
Manchester City Longsight Library At the Longsight Library all children attending two of three events received silver medals.
Emergency vehicles attending the site should be met by the person in charge of safety or a senior steward.
Their problems seemed to begin when their daughter, Iris, accidentally swallowed an Ecstasy tablet while attending a birthday party with her mother.
The ESRC endorses and sponsors the symposium and has made 50 bursaries available for full-time PhD students attending the event.
Across Scotland, 1388 (71 %) cases attending for viral load monitoring are receiving antiretroviral therapy.
The next weekend, Jim was attending a local show where the District was running a tombola.
Attending international events like this, where simultaneous translation is often used, can be challenging.
Patients attending leg ulcer clinics may therefore appear to be younger than would generally be expected to have a leg ulcer clinics may therefore appear to be younger than would generally be expected to have a leg ulcer.
Those attending university outside of Wales will still have to pay the full top-up fee amount.
Employers, key stakeholders and Scottish ministers will be attending to celebrate the unveiling.
However, Kroes, attending a competition conference in Italy, sounded upbeat.
However such schemes should not prevent the attending veterinarian from preventing suffering in the animals under his care.
On this weekend as with any other we will organize the workshops to match the ability of the students attending the course.
Himself a stalwart weaver, he was opposed to physical force movements and did all he could to restrain the violent resistance to trade oppression which was so common; yet through attending and speaking at the meeting (1819) at Peterloo, Manchester, which was intended to be a peaceful gathering to petition for Parliamentary reform and a repeal of the Corn Law but ended in a massacre, he was arrested for a breach of the law, convicted and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment.
An arrangement was effected, however, whereby that citation was cancelled, and Luther betook himself in October 1518 to Augsburg to meet the papal legate, Cardinal Cajetan, who was attending the imperial diet convened by the emperor Maximilian to impose the tithes for the Turkish war and to elect a king of the Romans; but neither the arguments of the learned cardinal, nor the dogmatic papal bull of the 9th of November to the effect that all Christians must believe in the pope's power to grant indulgences, moved Luther to retract.
In the case, however, of many observatories, especially as regards the older records, no data for reduction exist; further, the reduction to the open is at best only an approximation, the success attending which probably varies considerably at different stations.
But in time the excesses attending the game rendered it unfashionable, and after the Revolution it became practically a pothouse recreation, nearly all the greens, like the alleys, having been constructed in the grounds and gardens attached to taverns.
After attending classes in the Dundee grammar school and in the high school and university of Edinburgh in 1780, he joined H.M.S.
The Antarctic-Alpine region is the complement of the ArcticAlpine, but unlike the latter, its scattered distribution over numerous isolated points of land, remote from great continental areas, from which, during migrations like those attending the glacial period in the northern hemisphere, it could have been recruited, at once accounts for its limited number of species and their contracted range in the world.
The length of time and other disadvantages attending the combustion method have caused investigators to devise other processes.
The duties of the other viziers were limited to attending the divan; they were called kubbe or cupola viziers from the fact that the council met under a cupola; they were pashas with three horse-tails, and were attended by large retinues, having generally achieved distinction as beylerbeys.
He can simply observe, analyse and experiment upon the phenomena attending the action of the drug, and classify it with other agents analogous in character."
He studied medicine at Göttingen, 1 7771 7 80, attending at the same time Kaestner's mathematical course; and in 1779, while watching by the sick-bed of a fellow-student, he devised a method of calculating cometary orbits which made an epoch in the treatment of the subject, and is still extensively used.
After attending the Latin school of his native town, Gotthold was sent in 1741 to the famous school of St Afra at Meissen, where he made such rapid progress, especially in classics and mathematics, that, towards the end of his school, career he was described by the rector as "a steed that needed double fodder."
Chamois-hunting, in spite of, or perhaps owing to the great danger attending it, has always been a favourite pursuit among the hardy mountaineers of Switzerland and Tirol, as well as of the amateur sportsmen of all countries, with the result that the animal is now comparatively rare in many districts where it was formerly common.
After attending the grammar school at Lancaster he spent six years as an apprentice to a druggist in that town.
On the 5th of April 1906, while attending a debate in the Reichstag, Prince Billow was seized with illness, the result of overwork and an attack of influenza, and was carried unconscious from the hall.
After he had retired from public labours he lingered for some months, enduring the severest agony without a murmur, and cheerfully attending to all the duties of a private kind which his diseases left him strength to discharge.
Other things we might actively avoid attending to because we find them painful or disturbing - the repressed unconscious.
Closing the morning session, Jim Coulson remarked that he had felt rather like attending a timber revivalist meeting !
But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending.
None of the children attending the pilot had previous touch-typing skills.
The event was a tremendous success with over 600 people attending.
Patients attending leg ulcer clinics may therefore appear to be younger than would generally be expected to have a leg ulcer.
In religion he was a Fundamentalist, attending the village Wesleyan Chapel with unfailing regularity.
I need to spend hours studying this weekend for my exams; ergo, I will not be attending the game.
He hoped to achieve a state of enlightenment by attending numerous courses about unfamiliar topics.
The man was a religious skeptic and had never considered attending church.
By attending the baptism and presenting the child with a lovingly chosen gift, you are indeed sharing in this special day with all who love the honoree.
If you are attending a baby shower, it is common to select a card to go with the gift you've chosen or give a card with a heartfelt message in it, perhaps with a gift card as well.
Caution - Before your wax treatment begins, make sure that the clinician attending to you has let the wax cool down a bit.
After eight years of shopping, attending an Ivy League school to become an Epidemiologist and working as a budding politician, she was completely broke.
Most veterinarians stay active in their field, whether by attending conferences, conducting research or taking continuing education courses.
An option of actually attending the school in London is available to those who wish to do so.
While attending school, students are also given the opportunity to participate in design competitions and art shows where they can showcase their work.
Attending a ball is a very special occasion and I agree that you want to look your best.
You're getting married or attending a wedding.
They may be spending some extra time outdoors, going on vacation, attending a dear friend's wedding (the tears do tend to roll!) or just prefer something that's completely budge-proof and reliable.
If you've always dreamed of a flawless airbrushed finish to your skin, check out Luminess Airbrush makeup to help you look picture perfect, whether you're simply running errands or attending a swanky soiree.
There are many places you can hone your craft, such as attending art school or taking classes at a local community center.
Beginning scrapbookers often love attending home party events, but crafters with no interest in learning about the hobby will only keep your other guests from enjoying themselves.
If you're a passionate scrapbooker looking to take her crafting skills to the next level, attending Creating Keepsakes University could be the experience of a lifetime.
Since then, attending one of these amazing workshops has become a rite of passage for serious scrapbookers.
If you find it difficult to fit in scrapbooking between work and taking care of your children, attending CKU will give you plenty of opportunities to enjoy your craft in a relaxing atmosphere.
If you're interested in attending Creating Keepsakes University, you can learn more about the program by visiting the CKU Web page.
A Web site is also great advertising for your craft show appearances, especially if you can send out email updates of what shows you'll be attending.
Finding accommodations is up to the individuals attending the convention; be sure to reserve hotel rooms in advance if you are attending a large convention.
So, it's easy to tuck into your scrapbook tote when attending a crop.
Do you have activities planned, like a bike tour in Volcano Country, attending a luau, or visiting one of the botanical gardens?
Ski lessons may help you improve specific ski skills, but attending one of the top ski clinics will take your skiing to the next level.
There are numerous benefits associated with attending a multi-day ski clinic.
Attending church service or spiritual events is another activity for managing stress.
Teens attending the camps range in age from 12-18, depending on the type of facility.
If the graduate will be attending college, design a card using the school's colors or mascot.
By encouraging teens to work hard on their science project, attending their science fair, and lending support when they need it most, you are showing your teen that you love them and desire to be involved in their life.
While you want your speech to capture the attention of everyone who is attending the ceremony, you also need to ensure that your speech is primarily geared toward your fellow classmates.
A good amount for someone living at home and attending college is $75.
A young man who is attending a renaissance prom may be a little unsure about what to wear.
If you're not attending a party for the graduate, keep your gift with you until after the ceremony.
Cash graduation gift etiquette may not be something a lot of people know about, but when attending a graduation party, it is a good to have some sort of idea about what to get the graduate.
If you are throwing your own graduation party or attending one that your friends are throwing, you can expect to hear a few graduation songs in between the hits.
No one wants to miss out on having the time to be a normal teenager, such as attending sporting events and dances.
Currently be enrolled in and attending school for that semester with a GPA of 2.0 or above.
While many of these scholarships might be awarded to underclassman that won't be attending anytime soon, the funds can really help when you're settling down to try and figure out college finances.
Heading off to college can be tough; however, you can help make the switch easier by buying a shirt for your friend from the college he'll be attending.
But when it comes to an engagement party, you only invite those who will be attending the actual wedding.
There needs to be adequate restroom facilities for the number of people attending.
Proper etiquette does not require loved ones to bring a gift when attending a wedding engagement party.
Pick the best ones based on the bride's personality and the guests attending the shower.
Some couples, such as Julia Roberts and husband Danny Moder, didn't even tell their guests they would be attending a wedding on July 4, 2002.
With no one on the guest list knowing they will be attending a wedding, there's no one to accidentally rat them out to the press.
Some couples like to share it with those attending the rehearsal dinner.
Let your invitation tell your guests what kind of celebration they will be attending - the colors, the theme, the level of formality.
After attending a wedding, young girls once brought home a piece of cake to slip under their pillows in hopes of dreaming of their future husband.
Marriage or couples counseling, attending marriage workshops or conferences, meeting with clergy -- all these can be extremely helpful.
Dear Sharon, My fiance and I are having a destination wedding that only 7 people will be attending.
Whoever hosts the shower, whether friend or family, should plan on distributing favors both as an expression of thanks for attending and a memento of the occasion.
What type of favor you will give depends on who will be attending the shower.
Things like personalized shot glasses and Page wine stoppers may be gender neutral, but keep in mind the ages and people attending.
Thank you for attending our wedding on March 10, 2007!
The Smiths think you're too sweet for attending their wedding.
Avoid white, cream, or ivory - even if you are attending a summer wedding.
Beach wedding favor candy is a fun and delicious way to thank guests for attending your wedding.
No matter what time of day or how many guests you have attending, planning a simple menu for the reception in advance allows you to really enjoy the day.
Even if children are attending, you can hand out sparkling grape juice in bottles as an alternative so they are not left out of the themed favor.
Of course, if you are attending a theme wedding, like a Halloween wedding or country western wedding, and the couple requests you dress in certain outfits, you can ignore the guidelines above.
Wedding guest wear doesn't need to be an overly complicated issue, but your clothing should reflect the type and time of the wedding you will be attending.
Many people attending outdoor weddings are not prepared for the whimsical effects of Mother Nature.
Dress respectfully, as if you were attending a church service (unless otherwise specified).
Choose a set of pumpkin ornaments to give guests as a thank you for attending your wedding.
Between the cost of attending a wedding and purchasing engagement and shower gifts and wedding guest attire, many guests want to find wedding gifts under 100 dollars.
Not only do wedding vows reveal to everyone attending your ceremony what makes your bond with your partner special, but the vows also contain promises that you make to your loved one.
In the frenzy of planning wedding decorations for the reception and attending to the hundreds of other details to create a beautiful wedding, many couples overlook the importance of decorating their wedding aisle appropriately.
Wedding reception favors are a great way to thank your guests for attending your special occasion.
Even if the alcoholic is out of the person's life, getting support and attending meetings can still be beneficial.
But, attending a family gathering on your first day without cigarettes might be too much to face!
Studies have shown that attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings can increase an alcoholic's chances of recovering from this debilitating dependency.
While attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is completely voluntary (members are not required to attend meetings), it is heavily encouraged.
Although there is no requirement to speak or even interact with others when attending meetings, it is considered to be a very beneficial form of therapy for speakers and listeners alike.
Continue attending your meetings and following the steps in your chosen stop smoking program.
Attending a 12-step program or support groups that are given through free drug rehab centers can be a helpful first step.
After high school Tom Cruise moved to New York and then Los Angeles in the search for acting work, supporting himself by taking jobs in restaurants and as a porter while attending drama classes.
James lived a rather upper-crust existence, attending several prestigious British schools including Woolhampton, Harrow, Bristol University, and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
I am thrilled and looking forward to attending the Foundation's Dream Halloween event this October.
According to one, they're only seen together as a couple when attending parties.
The Special Olympics World Games will take place in Shanghai, with as many as 7,000 athletes attending the event.
After attending Princeton High School in Sharonville, Ohio, she studied at the School for Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati.
People magazine is reporting that Lindsay Lohan is attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
The current admission that Lohan is attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings will hopefully put her on the right track and earn back the respect of her Hollywood peers.
Despite attending and graduating from Long Beach Polytechnic High School, a school well-known for its students' academic and athletic prowess, Snoop made the news for his many misadventures.
While Trump announced that Conner could keep the crown, she will be attending a drug and alcohol rehab program for treatment.
Despite her "ugly duckling" status, Longoria went on to be crowned Miss Corpus Christi 1998 while she was attending college.
While attending college, he also coached the Gloucester High School soccer team.
The two met in 2001 while attending University of St. Andrews.
Prior to attending Loyola Marymount University in 1991, Elite Model Agency offered her a modeling job.
Born in 1972 in Houston, Texas, Garner got her start in acting while attending Denison University as a chemistry major.
Berry originally was supposed to receive the star in 2003, but scheduling conflicts kept her from attending a ceremony until this year.
Hathaway acted in many productions while attending Millburn High School in New Jersey.
Shortly before his arrest, Sutherland was seen attending a party celebrating the new Fox TV fall lineup at Area, a trendy local night club.
As Sarah grew older, she continued on the road to stardom by attending The Professional Children's School in New York City as well as the prestigious American Ballet Theater.
Conrad works at an internship for Teen Vogue while attending the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.
It wasn't enough for Natalie Portman to be a talented actress, and in 1999, she began attending Ivy League school Harvard University.
Apparently, while attending a Sundance Film Festival event, Dunst was acting "erratically."
Dina was often seen attending Hollywood parties with her young daughter and accused of riding the wave of Lindsay's success to her own benefit.
Equally as important to earning his degree, while attending film school he met casting director Don Phillips, who would introduce him to Dazed and Confused director Richard Linklater.
Cate Blanchett began acting while she was attending the Methodist Ladies College in Melbourne, Australia, appearing in many productions including The Odyssey of Runyon Jones.
Slip 4 - While attending a GM fashion event, Lohan's dress was a little too loose when she turned to the side, once again, exposing herself.
While attending NYU, she would go to various clubs and bars on open mic nights in her spare time, eventually dropping out of school to pursue her career in comedy.
Given the schools she was attending since such a young age, it's no surprise that Lewis penned her first song at the age of 12.
After attending the prestigious Collegiate School for Boys in New York (he was class valedictorian), he graduated from Princeton University and later from Yale University with bachelor and master's degrees in English Literature.
While in college he played both basketball and baseball.He began acting while attending Yale, performing in several college plays.
Maybe it's time she consider seeing a therapist and attending an anger management class or two.
After attending the awards, Hilton, not surprisingly, wanted to attend one of the hottest parties in town.
Jackman was known to be gifted at singing and appeared in the musical My Fair Lady while attending high school.
After attending the University of Arizona for two years, Richie was best known to the public as Paris Hilton's best friend and a club-hopping socialite.
Sandra studied music and ballet dancing as a child.After attending high school in the United States, where she took part in school theater productions, she went on to East Carolina University.
Bullock's reps announced that she would not be attending the London premiere to attend to "personal" matters.
Danielle Fishel is attending university and working towards a degree in psychology.
Punky was always written as a joyful, positive character, and parents liked the role model she turned out to be for their children.By the fourth season of the show, Punky was attending junior high school.
Rapper and musician Tupac Shakur was shot after attending a boxing match in Las Vegas.
If you're interested in attending a People's Choice Award ceremony, you can buy tickets to the event here as well.
Whether she's attending a birthday, wedding, holiday celebration or bat mitzvah, your mini fashionista will want to stand out in the prettiest girls' party dresses.
If you are attending a conservative event, then stick with neutral colors that will blend well with the crowd, such as whites, off-whites, earth tones, light pinks, or black.
Will the jacket only be used for special occasions such as when attending church or going to a fancy restaurant?
The most common way to buy Kelly's Kids clothes is by either hosting or attending a house party.
The official web site gives instructions on how to become a rep, should you like, and also discusses hosting and attending parties.
If you are interested in attending a party, you can fill out a form on the web site and they will let you know of a party in your area.
Unless the boy is attending a black-tie affair, he should be allowed to have some options in shoes, socks and his tie.
Special occasions for girls can run the gamut from serving as a flower girl to attending a high school prom.
The style of dress that your daughter wears typically has a lot to do with both her age and the event she will be attending.
Poor quality dresses can still be cute, but if your family will be attending multiple birthday parties over a short stretch of time, your infant's dress will need to survive several washings.
Although the reputation of this business program is almost unbeatable, anyone who is interested in attending Harvard must be prepared to dedicate themselves to their education.
If you're not attending a program hosted by your own university, it's especially important to make sure the courses will transfer to your degree program.
Attending school in another country also offers untold opportunities for personal growth.
Rankings - Some students seek out the prestige of attending a top school.
Some colleges offer special visits allowing you to shadow a current student for the day, attending all his or her classes and even spending the night in a dorm for a taste of the complete college experience.
Planning and attending a college party are experiences most students want to have at least once.
You also may be liable if someone gets injured while attending your party or is harmed afterwards as a result of intoxication.
Even if you don't plan to drink or serve alcohol at a party, you should still consider attending or hosting a party during college at least once.
There are two main degrees you can receive from attending a grad school.
One advantage of attending a private college is the school may be able to offer more institutional grants or scholarships than a state-funded university.
If your faith is an important part of your life, you may enjoy attending a private college with a religious affiliation.
For example, taking classes in computer gaming or adventure recreation may be much more difficult when you're attending a small private school.
Grants are normally based on income and the cost of attending school, so you may or may not be able to receive any grant money.
While there are websites like College that list scholarships available to students attending any institution and pursuing any degree, don't forget to check with the college you intend to attend.
Community colleges may be an affordable option, especially if you are only attending part time while working full time.
Will a public university provide you with a suitable education instead of attending the exclusive private college?
This means that the government subsidizes the interest while students are attending school or deferring payment, so they do not have to pay any interest until they start making payments.
Generally, the cost of earning your degree online should be fairly comparable to attending a similar brick and mortar university.
Compare your odds of winning a scholarship when students from across the United States may enter versus an award that is only available to students attending a single school.
Contact the financial aid office of the college you are interested in attending.
Once attending USD Law, we highly encourage our students to take advantage of our Academic Support Program which offers a variety of services and programs specially designed to help first-year law students succeed.
When the time comes to apply, you should visit the website of the graduate school you are most interested in attending and review its admission guidelines.
Those who wish to stay safe when attending these parties should prepare themselves prior to the event.
Attending an online university can be difficult in this regard if you are really looking for a student lifestyle without enrolling at a traditional college.
The second is to apply to the college or university you are interested in attending.
Attending a Catholic high school may also give you a leg up on affording college.
Over the past three decades, the cost of attending college has increased at three times the rate of inflation.
In addition, attending a Catholic high school can cost many thousands of dollars a year, placing it well out of reach of many middle-class families.
To find out more information about scholarships for attending high school or college, you may want to meet with the financial aid office at your school.
Students attending PPCC enjoy a high-rated education and numerous opportunities whether they are seeking career advancement, specialized training or general courses towards a higher degree.
Students interested in attending AJU tuition free should check out their marketing partners page for more information.
The cost of attending PCC is about $7,500 per year, including tuition and room and board.
For more information about attending Merced Junior College, visit the college's website.
If you're interested in attending Troy University, you can find out more about this school through the official Troy University website.
The first students began attending in 1968.
About 5,000 students are enrolled annually, most of those attending on campus.
Nine off-campus centers make attending classes more convenient for area students.
Finally, you can choose from a variety of colleges to determine the potential costs of attending those schools.
With the cost of attending college constantly on the rise, the best financial aid colleges and universities can help put an education within your reach.
That's a sizable percentage of the cost of attending the university, and makes the total cost competitive with that of state schools and in many cases more affordable than attending an out-of-state public institution.
College grant money defrays the cost of attending a higher education institution, making a college degree more attainable for students at any financial level.
Many families looking for a nanny or au pair are willing to work around a college student's schedule, and sometimes you can even find a live-in position to lower your cost of attending school even further.
You may not feel comfortable attending the classes in which you enroll if most of the other students are much younger than you or have little in common with you.
Of course, the noise and energy level can be part of the fun, but if you're hosting or attending one of these parties, it's important to be respectful of your fellow students as well.
If you drink responsibly at parties and keep an eye out for the safety of other people who are attending, it's likely that you won't have any negative experiences at a wild party.
Whatever school turns out to be the right fit for you, don't let the prospect of tuition costs get in your way of attending.
The cost of attending a secondary school is insurmountable for some students.
Attending college also has social benefits, which include meeting new friends and networking with local business people.
Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa provides college courses, career training and opportunities for personal improvement to thousands of students attending classes at 11 sites and online.
In the Yale School of Drama, the Technical Internship Program and Special Research Fellows program carried a yearly cost of $13,125 for students attending in 2009.
Tuition averages one-third the cost of attending courses at a state university.
Approximately 50 percent of students attending Owens Community College receive financial aid or scholarships to supplement their educational expenses.
Owens offers students the flexibility of attending one of two campuses in Toledo and Findlay, Ohio.
This will require that you take more courses and can take anywhere from three years or longer to finish, depending on whether you are attending school full or part time.
Accreditation also plays a role in whether a college or university is able to offer Title IV assistance to students attending their programs.
Each university may have specific requirements based on the program, and you should consult with the admission guidelines of the university you are considering attending.
Although attending classes on site may be the best choice for most college students, it's not ideal for everyone.
All-nighters or other such study marathons can interfere with getting enough sleep, exercising, making it to meals, or attending to other important health concerns.
Students who seek a college scholarship for distance learning online often have full-time jobs or related commitments that make attending classes in person impossible.
Career Center - If you're in high school or attending any classes at a brick-and-mortar institution, the career center associated with your school is an excellent resource for finding scholarships.
Students are assured they will receive the same time and attention as they would if they had been attending school in the actual classroom.
This allows a working educator to further their studies without attending traditional classes.
In fact, some cite that online courses are even more time intensive than attending classes in person.
Attending gives students flexibility and convenience and is less than half the cost of other online high schools.
If you do as well, attending a Christian college is a surefire way to find a built-in network of peers that share many of your beliefs.
It also lists seminary master's and doctoral degree programs and includes a variety of articles, which include a piece on deciding whether attending a Christian college is right for you.
Whether you're 18 or 80, attending college creates opportunities for you as both a student and a graduate.
You can expect to find a very clean facility with adequate staff to cover the number of dogs attending for the day.
By the tone of this question, I am sure you can surmise that I believe the allergy is "an act" to prevent me from attending our family cottage with my dogs since the family my niece belongs to does not like animals.
At nine years of age, your dog is not likely to make a complete personality transformation, but you may be able to help her relax a bit by attending a socialization class with her.
At a minimum, make certain that any program you are considering attending is a licensed provider of dog grooming training in the state where the organization operates.
Attending Florida home improvement expos is one way to see these ideas firsthand to decide if they are right for your home.
Buyers can select an antique or natural finish for the ring, as well as their curriculum, date and degree and designs to represent the sports or activities the participated in while attending college.
Be sure to offer guests a light snack and refreshments and make the party fun for all who are attending.
If you're a rebel kind of guy planning on attending a wedding, dance, or black tie affair, scuff up your boots and learn how to make a shocking statement.
Of course, wearing a tie is expected if you're attending a formal occasion like a wedding, a funeral or a special date.
When attending a funeral, you should be dressed tastefully.
This is a special occasion and whether you're celebrating a personal event or are attending a once-in-a-lifetime party, you can help make the night memorable for everyone involved.
If the after 5 event you are attending is more relaxed and laid back, you may choose to wear a pair of dark dress pants and a stylish button-down shirt.
The key factor to keep in mind is that the "rules" of the past has relaxed quite a bit in recent years, but that doesn't mean that you should show up in something that is not appropriate for the occasion in which you are attending.
Most of the time extremely useful and free information about organic gardening in your area can be gained simply from attending.
Just be sure to leave the white dress at home if you're attending an engagement party, wedding or a funeral.
Whether you're attending a summertime formal dinner or plan on spending a day at the beach, having the right plus size summer top will get you through the affair looking and feeling your best.
If you are attending a formal summer event such as an afternoon wedding or baptism, you can always wear a work top paired with a dressy skirt or dress pants.
When attending a cocktail party, any of these fabrics are appropriate, but when choosing your dress it's important to know a few "don'ts" that apply to cocktail dress etiquette.
These dresses are perfect for throwing on for running errands, having lunch with friends, attending barbeques, spending time with family - for general occasions where you want to be comfortable.
They are called "tea length" because they were once the expected attire when attending an afternoon tea or ladies' luncheon.
A black formal dress makes you look chic, stylish and sophisticated whether you are attending a special dinner, a wedding or any other formal event.
Whether you are attending a special occasion, spending the night on the town or going to a Sunday service, you will look fabulous and feel wonderful wearing designer plus size summer suits.
Sun dresses and summer go hand-in-hand; add a flirty fabric like chiffon and you're sure to feel girly and innocent whether you're attending a garden wedding, going on a picnic or on a weekend date.
These are legitimate questions which cross the minds of many women, once they learn formal attire is required for an event they will be attending.
Perhaps you're a wedding guest, part of the wedding party itself or attending some other type of social event that calls for your best attire.
An attending physician will check for jaundice and other symptoms of poisoning.
Simply reading materials or attending safety workshops isn't enough to keep everyone on the job safe.
While many find meeting new people to be the main attraction of attending a center, others may be put off by certain personalities.
Also, consider attending local Chamber of Commerce functions and professional association meetings relevant to the type of work you want to do.
Make sure that the event you will be attending is senior specific so you are guaranteed to meet others who are close to your age and may share similar interests, beliefs, and ideals with you.
These events are often broken down into age brackets so you will be paired up with others attending the event who are close to your age.
If you are interested in attending a speed dating event, but feel a little less than confident, consider asking a friend to go with you.
You never know where that someone special may be, so be open to attending various events.
The Hilton Anaheim is a favorite selection for people whose trip to the area includes attending an event at the Anaheim Convention Center.
In 1970, he began attending the Kanazawa Munici College of Industrial Arts and Crafts, about which he's often remarked this his studies often took second place to his doodling.
The original creator of this amazing game is Alexey Pazhitnov, a Russian who came up with the idea for Tetris in 1985 while attending the Moscow Academy of Science's Computer Center.
Whether you'll be hosting a big holiday get-together or attending an event in a relative's home, it helps to know how to choose the best wines for Thanksgiving dinner.
If stimulation fails to initiate regular respiration in the newborn, the attending physician attempts resuscitation.
Before attending a dance, it is appropriate to learn proper etiquette so you can respect the Pueblo's native American traditional dance motivations.
Whether you plan on taking dance lessons in one of their tribal styles, or attending a pow wow or festival, learn what is going on prior to attending.
These competitions can often become a day trip, making attending the competition easier, not to mention more affordable.
Attending dance recitals, competitions, and festivals provides dance immersion experiences that can help you learn.
For an overview of what you can expect to learn, read more about West Coast Swing and East Coast Swing before signing up for and attending your first lessons.
When attending a ballet class, expect to start out at the barre.
Attending a summer dance camp is an unforgettable experience for dancers, not only from the standpoint of learning new techniques, but also a memorable time of meeting new friends.
Attending a camp with your team requires registering early in order to reserve spots.
Registering involves a deposit and informing the administration about how many team members will be attending the camp.
Not only does attending camp provide excellent technique practice and new exciting choreography, but professional experience that helps in dance team competitions.
Taps will be played, either by a bugler attending the funeral service or from an audio recording.
When attending a funeral or burial service, it's customary for the immediate family to formally receive guests as they arrive.
If you are attending a support group and more and more of your life is now defined by your ailment, you are probably not in a healthy environment.
Throughout the years, the prospective teachers attending her college continued to swell in number.
The main difference between being home schooled and attending a traditional school is the delivery of the material, not the end result.
If attending a convention is just impossible for you to do, don't despair.
Minnesota Historic Sites Home School Days - offers a variety of activities throughout the year, from dressing up in period costumes to visiting museums and attending summer camps.
Physically disabled homeschooled children need not feel isolated from their peers by attending special classes.
Children who have been attending public school may miss friends and activities left behind once homeschooling begins.
In many localities, attending a Christian school requires providing one's own transportation or paying expensive tuition.
You can make excellent contacts that can lead to employment opportunities by attending these types of meetings.
The consultant typically demonstrates several different products and gives those attending the event a chance to ask questions or use the items on their own.
Whether you are looking for a part time job that is flexible enough to allow you to work while attending school or if you are seeking a long-term career opportunity, seeking a position with major retailer might be a great idea for you.
Flip-flips. While flip-flops are the norm now for running errands or attending classes, they are inappropriate footwear for office buildings.
It's up to you to decide whether or not it's in your best interest to invest your time, energy and money attending college.
You can acquire certification or other credentials by attending classes at your local community college.
Attending one of the mortgage broker schools in Arizona is not only a good idea for mortgage professionals within the state who want to learn everything they can about their profession, but it is also a state requirement.
Attending an approved school fulfills the state requirement while also preparing professionals to pass the required exam to obtain a broker license in this state.
Attending a school that is not approved may get you the education you need, but will not fulfill the requirements needed in order to qualify for a license.
This is after attending mortgage education classes.
Attending an auction can be a nerve-wracking experience.
If your schedule won't permit attending a live support group or you feel uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your thoughts with strangers, you may prefer to express yourself in an online community.
Before you spend your time shopping for a dress, keep in mind the types of events you will be attending.
Generally, this means that you must be currently attending high school or earning your GED.
Universities often enter into agreements with drug companies to provide low-cost options for people attending their college.
Lowell, M.D., Ph.D., is the attending physician who made this procedure possible.
Nesting--the napping and fatigue occurring in pregnancy are jolted by a sudden burst of energy that leaves some women papering the nursery, making long to-do lists and attending to other important provisions.
Shorts tend to be casual, but there's no need to wear full length pants to look stylish at work or while attending special occasions.
Attending Lamaze classes is the best way to learn the method, but you can also learn it by reading books or researching online.
Modern society holds many stigmas for mothers under the age of 20, especially for those who are still attending secondary school.
If you're attending a performance at the Orpheum, keep an eye out for your personal safety.
If you are attending another function within the confines of the city, check out the St. Regis' seasonal offers for room packages and discounts.
Or I could be out on the road dropping off orders at stores, getting new accounts or attending meetings regarding events.
Attending pool parties this summer will be much more fun if you can do more than splash around at the shallow end.
Of course, if you're attending a particularly exciting private pool party, you can always wear your favorite see-through swimsuit and get all the party goers' attention.
If your child is interested in competitive swimming, then attending a week-long swim camp just might help him to get a jump on the competition.
Moreover, if you are attending a luau, you'll also be able to find accessories like grass skirts, leis, and even straw hats decorated with flowers.
Additionally, if you are attending a private pool or beach party, then Malibu Strings can help you find a look that stands out from all others.
This style might not be for everyone, but if you are attending a private pool party, then you might want to consider this look.
David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim are a couple who met in the 1990s while attending Parsons School of Design located in New York City.
Early Barbies were "social butterflies," and spent their time attending parties and playing tennis.
Bottom heavy gals who are attending a formal event should choose a dress with a full skirt.
Going all out '80s can be a bit garish today, so unless you're attending an '80s party, opt for infusing a few fun elements of the era into your clothing or accessory choices to stave off wardrobe boredom.
One of the best ways to see what the latest trends are, besides attending runway shows, is to turn to women's fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle and InStyle.
These can make you feel like you're attending a garden party in the 1920s with a modern flair.
If you're attending a summer wedding in the tropics, consider a more formal look, like a long sundress with spaghetti straps.
If you have your choice of bridesmaid dress, you're going to prom, formal, or attending a holiday party, you may not want to wear it again.
If you're attending a holiday party, try red, a metallic, or any jewel tone.
Designers tend to be a step or two ahead of the game in displaying their clothing, so attending a show (if you're lucky!) or browsing photos of fashion shows in the fall will be your first chance to see what will be hot in the spring.
When you are choosing the best adult board games for a party or a game night, you need to take into consideration the personalities of the people attending.
Before attending an afternoon or evening at a candle show, you may want to view a PartyLite candle list.
Hosting or attending a Gold Canyon candles party gives you access to some of the best scents and products.
If attending candle making classes is not possible then there are other solutions available.
In 2004, Oprah donated $5 million toward scholarships for students attending Morehouse College in Atlanta.
You can use the basis of the Celebrity Bartender concept but use your school's "celebrities" to serve dinner to those attending the event.
Basketball tournaments can be held in the local school gym and a fee can be charged at the door for those attending the event.
Catholics observe the holiday by attending midnight masses held in Chinese, English, or both languages.
To show them honor for attending, Buddha named a year after each one.
For many, attending a midnight mass and then gathering at another person's home for a feast called Le Reveillon is customary.
Attending a large holiday parade in person can be an experience of a lifetime.
The holidays are hectic, so it is easy to forget your family in the midst of finishing a yearend report at work or attending yet another neighborhood party.
Consider making a big batch of one goody and then attending a cookie swap so you can get several varieties in exchange for your labor.
Attending Christmas Eve services is customary in some churches.
Support your local children's hospital or performing arts center and get new inspiration for your holiday decorating by attending a Festival of Trees event.
Christmas traditions in Italy include attending Mass or church services, opening a gift, walking through town to enjoy Italian Christmas decorations, and visiting with friends and family.
While many people have pre-Christmas traditions that involve opening a present or two and attending church services, there's often plenty of time for holiday games as well.
If you're attending a Halloween or costume party in your steamy ensemble, it's important to anticipate how well your costume will work.
Famous couple costumes are a great option for twosomes attending a masquerade ball, Halloween party, or just chaperoning a kids' event.
For added emphasis, drinking a red drink or biting down on a fake blood capsule before attending a party will help make your tongue stand out against white face makeup.
Depending on the party you're attending, you may want to be mindful of some puns.
If you are only attending the celebrations once and want something simple and inexpensive, or are making masks for kids, you can go a much more basic route.
Whatever sort of event you are attending, you will never run the risk of overdressing, so you should just pick the most outrageous outfit that appeals to you.
It's not uncommon to see huge numbers of little girls attending the Nutcracker dressed in the Victorian party dress of the heroine Mary, or a fairy costume to represent the Sugar Plum Fairy.
This traditional twosome is ideal for couples attending New Year's Eve costume parties.
Renting can also be ideal if you are attending a ball as a group.
Finding singles who share your religious values is easier when you do it at a church that you are already attending.
Many Catholics are deeply committed to God and to their religion, attending church regularly, and following the church rules faithfully.
Consider attending a church, synagogue, or temple.
While you may not meet the man you will one day marry attending college, the opportunity to meet guys is probably the easiest.