Attendance Sentence Examples
Howie was the only other person in attendance for the service.
Oh, very well, you may stay in attendance on me.
A number of those in attendance asked if the service was still on for seven o'clock.
But among their countrymen generally strict attendance to religious observances, a wide bounty to religious foundations, may be set down as national characteristics.
His diligent attendance at the Royal Library attracted the attention of the keeper of the manuscripts, the Abbe Sallier, whose influence procured for him a small salary as student of the oriental languages.
The adjutant in attendance came into the tent.
Never mind there were only three hundred die-hard fans with nothing else to do in attendance for the end of the year outing of a last place team.
With the exception of Lori, a childhood playmate; Katie, the groom's sister; and Saundra, the receptionist at the groom's veterinary clinic – and of course, Carmen, the bride; everyone in attendance was a member of the Reynolds family.
Memon requires your attendance in the great hall.
Attendance records are also kept by the online school.
AdvertisementAs the attendance at his classes continually increased - pagans thronging; to him as well as Christians - he handed over the beginners to his friend Heracles, and took charge of the more advanced pupils himself.
Randy Byrne was joyously married with mother Cynthia in proud attendance, attired in her Radisson original dress.
Attendance at school between the ages of 7 and 14 is, with certain exceptions, compulsory.
Nobody in attendance was expecting the extreme ferocity of the debate, so it made many people feel uncomfortable.
Lastly, do a little research on your guest of honor and others in attendance.
AdvertisementThe crowd could be whipped into frenzy, leading to more game attendance and even better performance by other athletes as they felt the support and the pressure.
The minimum school attendance requirement is 24 hours of study during the academic year.
The term school phobia was first used in 1941 to identify children who fail to attend school because attendance causes emotional distress and anxiety.
Either method will yield adorable cookie favors every woman in attendance will love.
Your attendance in black tie appropriate dress is appreciated.
AdvertisementBecker reports that despite the high cost of attendance, some type of financial aid is provided for all students who choose to apply for it.
That EFC number is then subtracted from the cost that you will pay for your college attendance.
The cost of your college attendance that is taken into consideration includes not simply the classes and tuition, but also other fees as well.
Students who do not attend school full-time must track their hours to ensure they meet the minimum attendance requirement.
Learning about all of the programs available and the requirements for attendance will help students pick the right program.
AdvertisementThe community college is focused on providing educational opportunities to all potential students including those whose work and family obligations prevent campus attendance.
The OnlinePlus Paralegal Program at MTI College is held partially online and requires on-campus class attendance one evening per week.
The Ring of Champions Category is battled between the dog chosen for Ugly Dog of the Year and all previous World's Ugliest Dog Winners in attendance.
While not an actual "wedding" since you're already legally married, you can renew your vows with your husband and have a memorable celebration with all of your family and friends in attendance.
If there are co-workers in attendance, ask them to say a few words as well.
I visited with many of the women in attendance asking them what the challenges were of traveling with a group of other women.
In some areas, schools have adjusted start times to accommodate for better sleep patterns for teens and in doing so have seem improved grades and attendance.
This may be due to rising ride maintenance costs, decreasing park attendance, or larger economic issues such as depressions or recessions that limit tourism and keep guests from enjoying a day at the park.
This was the case with Miracle Strip Amusement Park in Panama City, Florida, which closed in 2004 due to declining attendance, and the MGM Amusement Park in Las Vegas, which gradually shrank and closed as attendance dwindled.
The event has become so popular, in fact, that attendance during Halloweekends often rivals the busiest summer days and the number of weekends has been expanded to accommodate the demand.
By 1960, because of declining attendance and the inability to modernize the park, LeSourdsville Lake was sold to former Cedar Point concessionaires Frank Murru and Howard Berni.
Film stars Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright, Oliver Phelps, James Phelps, Michael Gambon and Daniel Radcliffe were in attendance for the grand opening.
The success of the July opening show at the Hollywood Bowl - with more than 10,000 people in attendance -- has prompted the creators to rearrange their tour schedule to add more shows.
Usually, local alternatives to public schools do not require tuition, while private schools do require parents to pay tuition for student attendance.
Often separation anxiety disorder begins around age six or seven at a time when it can interfere with school attendance.
Several clinical studies have shown that MST has improved family relations, decreased adolescent psychiatric symptoms and substance use, increased school attendance, and decreased re-arrest rates for adolescents in trouble with the law.
Another less common reason for retention is poor attendance due either to truancy or medical absences.
However, by junior and senior high school, retained students tend to have more behavior problems, more difficulties with peer relationships, lower self-esteem, and poorer attendance.
Adolescents may be successful in treating psychosocial disorders through regular attendance in self-help groups or 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
Parents may also fail to understand the attendance laws or have cultural biases against the education system.
For an event as important as a holiday party in which anyone and everyone will be in attendance, make sure that everything looks perfect… the outfit, the makeup and the updo!
The requirements range from being in session a set number of days a year and keeping attendance records to keeping records of work completed.
Laws and requirements vary by state from requiring no notice to requiring attendance records, quarterly reports, letters of intent and testing.
Besides travel time, public schools also uses time for things like taking attendance, breaks between classes, and dealing with unforeseen disruptions.
Parents are required to submit attendance records to the local superintendent every month.
You should also make sure someone certified in CPR is in attendance, although a professional lifeguard would cover this requirement.
If you are planning a bridal shower or other wedding-related event where one or both of the betrothed will be in attendance, the Newlywed Game is the perfect activity.
You can also use it on a couples' retreat, at an anniversary party, or anywhere else there will be married or soon-to-be married pairs in attendance.
If any concerns remain about using real candles at the wedding, for instance if there are to be a lot of children in attendance, consider battery operated candles.
In the late 1960s through the mid-1980s, Radio City suffered from low attendance and building decay.
A "Bloody" Virgin Mary, Rudolph With Rabies, Decapitated Caroler and a burned tree were in attendance, as well as a hapless husband electrocuted while putting up lights.
Dances should have several adult chaperones in attendance.
Even if the celebrities don't show up, there will definitely be a red carpet-worthy handbag in attendance - this Inge Christopher clutch lights up any room as soon as it enters.
He named the Chinese years after each animal in the order of their arrival as a demonstration of his gratitude for their attendance.
Other centers require you to pay regardless of attendance to hold your spot or pay for a set number of days no matter how many you will need.
Some daycare centers require payment on a daily or weekly basis, while others will demand upfront payment for a month or even several months of attendance to guarantee your child's spot.
On occasion, promoters will push attendance by dropping ticket prices after the show starts.
In fact, many churches across the United States reported record-breaking attendance in 2008!
There may be a slight attendance fee to pay, but most will host the events for free with the hopes of getting bigger business from you down the road.
They made Soap Opera History when they wed on November 16, 1981 with 30 million viewers watching on television and screen legend Elizabeth Taylor in attendance as the villainous Helena Cassidine.
This immersion style of learning to teach yoga is only marginally more expensive than attending a similar training in the United States, making attendance within financial reach.
The training costs about $2,500, and like all programs, attendance and homework are required.
There is a variety of attendance options, including one-day yoga and music passes starting at $99.50, or a full-experience four-day ticket for $450.
There are many attendance options, starting with a day pass for $295 up through an eight-day intensive for $1,285.
Often, schools will reduce the demands of game or practice attendance for students who are involved in more extracurricular activities than just the squad.
Again, the disadvantage of depending solely on cheer camps for choreographies is that other squads in attendance will possess identical routines.
Cheer camps are a great place to learn the basics of an advanced stunt, but as far as taking these stunts into a new unique territory you will have to seek further measures than a mere camp attendance.
Free Stuff 4 Kids has a teaching certificate, grade sheet, and attendance sheet kids can use when they are "playing school" with their friends at home.
Only you observe weight changes, so if being accountable to another person, such as a Weight Watchers leader, encourages you to stick with the program, online "attendance" may disappoint you.
As the attendance at shows grew, so did the violence.
At the time, it was the largest music festival, with 500,000 music fans attending the event over the three days, and while its attendance figures have been surpassed, its importance has not.
During the festival, Tanglewood offers such enticements as lower-cost seating for area residents on Friday nights, lectures and rehearsals open for attendance on Saturday mornings and the full concerts.
Most party planners suggest estimating around 80 percent attendance (unless you know of extenuating circumstances that would affect a large group).
The father/daughter dance is a tender, emotional moment, one everyone in attendance looks forward to.
Making it easy to stop by on the way home from work can help increase attendance.
However, because news of a party will spread pretty quickly, attendance could get out of hand.
To avoid overcrowding, keep party attendance within safety codes for the area of the beach you reserve.
For instance, Orthodox Jews do not believe that women should read from the Torah or lead prayers at a service when there are males in attendance capable of doing so.
Before the reunion starts, gather random facts about the various family members in attendance.
The food and drink offered at any birthday party will depend on the time of day the party is being held, and whether there are children in attendance.
A mix of games can break the ice among guests and add a surprising element of fun for everyone in attendance.
These should include the same details as an announcement along with a contact name and number to use to confirm attendance.
Each guest should then write the other guests' numbers on a sheet of paper and attempt to at least write the first name of each person in attendance.
Before deciding which games to include in your event, be sure to consider the ages and preferences of the people who will be in attendance.
For blue options, mix a batch of frozen Blue Hawaiian cocktails for the non-driving adults in attendance and a pitcher of non-alcoholic Blue Hawaiian punch or blue Kool-Aid for the youngsters and designated drivers.
The ceremony was held outdoors, with the entire family in attendance.
They did, indeed, represent the aristocracy of wealth, for they had to pay a subscription of four louis, a large sum at that time, besides six livres for attendance.
Charitable institutions take, as a rule, the two forms of outdoor and indoor relief and attendance.
Venezuela, it is true, has a comprehensive public instruction law, and attendance at the public schools is both gratuitous and nominally compulsory.
Once prime minister, his personal popularity proved to be a powerful unifying influence in a somewhat heterogeneous party; and though the illness and death (August 30, 1906) of his wife (daughter of General Sir Charles Bruce), whom he had married in 1860, made his constant attendance in the House of Commons impossible, his domestic sorrow excited widespread sympathy and appealed afresh to the affection of his political followers.
In 1565, like many other English exiles, he made his headquarters at Louvain, and after a visit to the Imperial Diet at Augsburg in 1566, in attendance upon Commendone, who had been largely instrumental in the reconciliation of England with Rome in Mary's reign, he threw himself into the literary controversy between Bishop Jewel (q.v.) and Harding.
Prayers for the dead, attendance at funerals of gildsmen, periodical banquets, the solemn entrance oath, fines for neglect of duty and for improper conduct, contributions to a common purse, mutual assistance in distress, periodical meetings in the gildhall, - in short, all the characteristic features of the later gilds already appear in the statutes of these Anglo-Saxon fraternities.
On the 12th of March 1874 he informed Lord Granville that he could give only occasional attendance in the House of Commons during the current session, and that he must " reserve his entire freedom to divest himself of all the was carried, but the abolition of the paper-duty was defeated in the House of Lords.
After carrying his motion for the abolition of the slave trade on the 10th of June, he was forced to give up attendance in parliament, and he died in the house of the duke of Devonshire, at Chiswick, on the 13th of September 1806.
The attendance on the 1st of September 1905 was 16,530, the percentage on those enrolled 84.6; the total enrolment was 18,719.
On his return to Florence early in January 1503, Machiavelli began to occupy himself with a project which his recent attendance upon Cesare Borgia had strengthened in his mind.
His attendance was accordingly requested, and the invitation was willingly accepted as giving him a long-wished-for opportunity both of publicly vindicating himself from charges which he felt to be grievous, and of loyally making confession for Christ.
His parents, descended from ancient and powerful families, were in constant attendance at the court of Louis XV., and (as was generally the case then in their class) neglected the child.
The town hall is not large enough for an assemblage of all the voters, but actually the attendance is usually limited to about Zoo, and since 1901 there has been in force a kind of referendum, under which any measure passed by a town-meeting attended by 700 or more voters may be referred, upon petition of loo legal voters, to a regular vote at the polls.
For cities of above 8000 inhabitants (for which alone comparative statistics are annually available), in 1902-1903 the ratio of average attendance to school enrolment, the average number of days' attendance of each pupil enrolled, and the value of school property per capita of pupils in average attendance were higher than in any other state; the average length of the school term was slightly exceeded in eight states; and the total cost of the schools per capita of pupils in average attendance ($39.05) was exceeded in six other states.
In 1 9 051906 the percentage of average attendance in the public schools to the number of children (between 5 and 15 years) in the state was 80; in Barnstable county it was 95, and in Plymouth 92; and the lowest rate of any county was 68, that of Bristol.
Since 1850 truant and compulsory attendance laws (the first compulsory education law was passed in 1642) have been enforced in conjunction with laws against child labour.
An important part of the dragoman's duties is to attend during any legal proceedings to which a subject of his nationality is a party, as failing his attendance and his concurrence in the judgment delivered such proceedings are null and void.
In 1847 an educational board was established, and there are numerous schools; attendance is compulsory, but none of the schools is free.
Thirlwall replied by pointing out that no provision for theological instruction wa,s in fact made by the colleges except compulsory attendance at chapel, and that this was mischievous.
On this occasion, the act providing for the census was interpreted to authorize the collection of details regarding accommodation in places of public worship and the attendance thereat, as well as corresponding information about educational establishments.
Although the interest on the state fund had risen to $70,000 in 1819, this together with an equal sum raised by the cities and towns was insufficient, and to meet the deficiency the patrons in each district were required by a " rate bill " to contribute in proportion to the attendance of their children.
The compulsory education law as amended in 1907 and 1909 requires the full attendance at a public school, or at a school which is an approximate equivalent, of all children who are between seven and fourteen years of age, are in the proper physical and mental condition, and reside in a city or school district having a population of 5000 or more and employing a superintendent of schools; in such a city or district children between fourteen and sixteen years must attend school unless they obtain an employment certificate and are regularly engaged in some useful employment or service; and outside of such a city or district all children between the ages of eight and fourteen years and those between fourteen and sixteen years who are not regularly employed must attend school on all school days from October to June.
A capitation grant is given for every child in average daily attendance at the schools.
The percentage of attendance has rivalled that in the primary schools of Scotland, and in 1905 attained to 86.9%.
The members of the legislature are paid $5 for each day's attendance during the session, besides an allowance for travelling expenses.
The attendance at government schools reached in 1908 a total of nearly 20,000, as against 8000 in 1898, the highest attendance recorded under republican government.
In 1908 over 10,000 natives were in attendance at schools.
The schools are open to all pupils between the ages of six and twenty-one, and attendance for twelve weeks each year, eight of which must be consecutive, is compulsory for those between the ages of eight and fourteen.
For children between the ages of eight and fourteen attendance for twelve weeks, six being consecutive, is compulsory.
The total enrolment in the public schools in 1908 was 131,582, with an average daily attendance of 90,419.
On the day set apart for worship (Wan Phra, or" Day of the Lord ") the attendance at the temples is small and consists mostly of women.
Among the laity, on the other hand, the ideal of holiness found realization in the observance of the ordinary principles of morality recognized by the world at large, in attendance upon the means of grace provided by the Church, in fasting at stated intervals, in eschewing various popular employments and amusements, and in almsgiving and prayer.
Every year the senate was to appoint sixteen of its number to be in constant attendance upon the king in rotas of four, which sedecimvirs were to supervise all his actions.
On the 23rd of July 1431 his legate opened the council of Basel which had been convoked by Martin, but, distrustful of its purposes and moved by the small attendance, the pope issued a bull on the 18th of December 1431, dissolving the council and calling a new one to meet in eighteen months at Bologna.
In 1768 Rolland declared that the university, which held Greek in high honour, nevertheless had reason to lament that her students learnt little of the language, and he traced this decline to the fact that attendance at lectures had ceased to be compulsory.
A compulsory education law of 1902 - to operate, however, only in the city of Baltimore and in Allegany county - requires the attendance for the whole school year of children between the ages of eight and twelve and also of those between the ages of twelve and sixteen who are not employed at home or elsewhere.
Primary education is free and compulsory; the standard of attendance is high and the instruction fair, but a large proportion of the older inhabitants.
Tot/15,s de Acosta, governor from 1797 to 1809, confirmed this report, and stated that the Indians were clothed in bark, and compelled in many cases to borrow even this primitive attire when the law required their attendance at church.
These institutes are held for a five or ten day session and attendance is required of every teacher.
In the school year1907-1908the school population was 734,617, the actual enrolment in public schools was 441,377, the average attendance was 260,843; there were approximately 3392 male and.
The practical management of the royal stables and stud devolves on the chief or crown equerry, formerly called the gentleman of the horse, who is never in personal attendance on the sovereign and whose appointment is permanent.
Exclusive of the crown equerry there are seven regular equerries, besides extra and honorary equerries, one of whom is always in attendance on the sovereign and rides at the side of the royal carriage.
Compulsory attendance had been adopted in 1888, but did not come into effect until after the enactment of the law of 1896.
It provides for uniform, free and non-sectarian primary instruction, and compulsory attendance for children of 6 to 12 years of age.
The state also makes appropriations for the payment of a portion of the tuition in high schools and academies distributing it among the districts in proportion to the rate of school tax in each, appropriations for paying a portion of the salary of school superintendents where two or more districts unite to form a supervising district, and appropriations for general school purposes to be distributed among the districts according to the number of teachers trained in normal schools and to average school attendance.
The Marriage Act 1898 dispensed with the necessity of the attendance of a registrar at marriages celebrated at a nonconformist place of worship, substituting in place thereof a person duly authorized by the trustees of the place of worship, if the persons intending to be married so desire; but the parties may, if they wish, still require the presence of the registrar.
He was elected deputy to the National Convention, and pressed for the execution of Louis XVI., but a mission to the army prevented his attendance at the trial.
In rural communities the attendance is usually good, the debates are sensible and practical, and a satisfactory administration is generally secured.
From the ancient division of the Roman acolytes into Palatini, or those in attendance on the pope at the Lateran palace, Stationarii, or those who served at the churches where there was a "station," and Regionarii, or those attached directly to the regions, it would seem that the number forty-two was only the actual number then existing and not an official number.
In 1886 he was created a raja bahadur, exempted from attendance at the civil courts, and appointed a member of the legislative council of Bengal.
But the king required his courtiers, and his courtiers in turn needed their servants in permanent attendance.
Under the Old Kingdom the attendance on and services for a dead magnate - the sacrifices and libations at his tomb - were left, together with endowments, to a staff of priests, called "servants of the ko(ka)," whose offices were hereditary.
The abbey was dissolved (12th of July 1559), and within a year Feckenham was sent by Archbishop Parker to the Tower (loth of May 1560), according to Jewel, "for having obstinately refused attendance on public worship and everywhere declaiming and railing against that religion which we now profess" (Parker Society, first series, p. 79).
Henry's only son was Edward, prince of Wales (1453-1471), who, having shared the many journeys and varying fortunes of his mother, Margaret, was killed after the battle of Tewkesbury (May 4, 1471) by some noblemen in attendance on Edward IV.
This body consisted partly of young warriors in constant attendance on the king, and partly of senior officials whom he called together from time to time.
Allied with the Liberals against the orthodox Protestants, who were threatening religious liberty, the Catholics assisted in 1857 to establish a system of non-sectarian state schools, where attendance is not obligatory nor instruction gratuitous.
It was a service due to the crown, usually forty days' military attendance annually.
These committees comprise not only real experts, such as retired veteran missionaries, and retired civil and military officers who have been active friends of missions while on foreign service, but also leading clergymen and laymen who, though not personally acquainted with the mission fields, become almost equal experts by continuous attendance and careful study.
On the 24th of April, as she approached Edinburgh, Bothwell accordingly met her at the head of Boo spearmen, assured her (as she afterwards averred) that she was in the utmost peril, and escorted her, together with Huntly, Lethington and Melville, who were then in attendance, to Dunbar Castle.
In 1889 the state recognized private denominational schools, and in 1900 passed a law of compulsory attendance.
While many buyers from America and Russia are personally in attendance at the sales, many more are represented by London and Leipzig agents who buy for them upon commission.
Bouillon, &c. For officers in the army, there are the Ecole de Guerre or staff college at Brussels with an average attendance of twenty, a riding school at Ypres where a course is obligatory for the cavalry and horse artillery, and for soldiers in the army there are regimental schools and evening classes for illiterate soldiers.
Hitherto since 1842 in all primary schools instruction by the clergy in the Catholic faith was obligatory,children belonging School g g law of to other persuasions being dispensed from attendance.
By law it is free and compulsory, but in some districts the attendance of many children is impossible.
In 1790 he joined the Jacobin Club, in which the moderate elements still predominated, and was assiduous in attendance at the debates of the National Assembly.
During the years of its composition he remained in or near Paris, at first in attendance on his royal pupil, with whom he became a great favourite.
The attempts to combine personal government with representative institutions was one of much interest; it was more successful than might have been anticipated, owing to the disorganization of political parties and the absence of great political leaders; in Germany, as elsewhere, the parliaments had not succeeded in maintaining public interest, and it is worth noting that even the attendance of members was very irregular.
School attendance is compulsory between the ages of eight and fourteen, and is enforced by truant officers.
Meanwhile an attempt on the part of Gloucester to exclude the cardinal from the council had failed, and it was decided that his attendance was required except during the discussion of questions between the king and the papacy.
In the year 1784 he left Cambridge, and soon afterwards received from William Pitt the office of a patent searcher of the customs, which required but little attendance, and enabled him to devote a considerable portion of his time to his special studies.
The Year of Jubilee, in 1525, was unprecedented in its scant attendance, but the jubilees of 1575 and 1600 again saw great armies of pilgrims marching to Rome.
A Board of Arbitration (1895) has authority to make and publish investigations of all facts relating to strikes and lock-outs, to issue subpoenas for the attendance and testifying of witnesses, and "to adjust strikes or lock-outs by mediation or conciliation, without a formal submission to arbitration."
The attendance in some school of all children from 7 to 16 years of age is compulsory, and of the population of school age (1,500,066) 988,078 were enrolled in public schools.
The first part was conducted in private by the chancellor and four examiners (temptatores in cameris), and included an inquiry into the candidate's residence, attendance at lectures, and performance of exercises, as well as examination in prescribed books; those candidates adjudged worthy were admitted to the more important examination before the faculty, and the names of successful candidates were sent to the chancellor in batches of eight or more at a time, arranged in order of merit.
In the disputes in March 1919, between the railwaymen and the Government, he was the chief leader of the men, and at a moment of crisis he flew across to Paris to discuss the question with Mr. Lloyd George, then in attendance at the Peace Conference.
Before the break-up of the conference of Troppau, it had been decided to adjourn it till the following January, and to invite the attendance of the king of Naples, Laibach being chosen as the place of meeting.
Later, in 1804, we find him with a class of about thirty, lecturing on his whole system; but his average attendance was rather less.
Luther wearied his superiors with his attendance at the confessional.
He was constant in his attendance in parliament, and spared no pains in pressing on measures of practical utility.
Of the two conflicting sentiments, the favour of the young, gaining as years passed away, naturally prevailed; sophistry ceased to be novel, and attendance in the lecture-rooms of the sophists came to be thought not less necessary for the youth than attendance in the elementary schools for the boy.
That, whereas before the time of Protagoras there was little higher education in the colonies and less in central Greece, after his time attendance in the lecture-rooms of the sophists was the customary sequel to attendance in the elementary schools, is a fact which speaks for itself.
In 1828, after a year's special preparation, young Fremont entered the junior class of the college of Charleston, and here displayed marked ability, especially in mathematics; but his irregular attendance and disregard of college discipline led to his expulsion from the institution, which, however, conferred upon him a degree in 1836.
Sessions are long in primary schools, and attendance was made compulsory in 1874 (and must not be less than two-thirds of all school days).
The average school attendance for all minors of school age (5-20 years) was 5 9.9%; of those native-born 61.5, of those foreign-born 34.6; of coloured children, including Asiatics and Indians, 35.8, and of white, 60.8%.
Thus the declaration of Paris, 1856 (to which, however, the United States, Venezuela and Bolivia have not yet formally acceded), prohibits the use of privateers and protects the commerce of neutrals; the Geneva conventions, 1864 and 1906, give protection to the wounded and to those in attendance upon them; the St Petersburg declaration, 1868, prohibits the employment of explosive bullets weighing less than 400 grammes; and the three Hague declarations of 1899 prohibit respectively (I) the launching of projectiles from balloons, (2) the use of projectiles for spreading harmful gases, and (3) the use of expanding bullets.
He was the son of William Airay, the favourite servant of Bernard Gilpin, "the apostle of the North," whose bounty showed itself in sending Henry and his brother Evan (or Ewan) to his own endowed school, where they were educated "in grammatical learning," and were in attendance at Oxford when Gilpin died.
From Wood's Athenae we glean the details of Airay's college attendance.
After a short time spent in attendance on the philosophers at Athens, he was summoned by Aulus Gabinius, governor of Syria, to take part in the campaigns against Aristobulus in Palestine, and in support of Ptolemy Auletes in Egypt.
The school age is from five to twenty-one years, and for children between the ages of seven and fourteen school attendance for three months in each year is compulsory.
The total enrollment for the year ending the 1st of August 1906 was 39,377, with an average daily attendance of 25,174; the average length of the school year was 5 months and, 19 days.
Attendance at the camp training, in so far as the claims of men's civil employment do not infringe upon it, is compulsory, and takes place at one time for all - generally the first half of August.
School attendance is not compulsory, however, and the gain upon illiteracy (75%) appears to be very slow.
The range of studies is wide, and the attendance large.
The mining schools at Copiap6, La Serena and Santiago had an aggregate attendance of 180 students in 1903, and the commercial schools at Iquique and Santiago an attendance of 214.
The more important agricultural schools are located at Santiago, Chillán, Concepcion and Ancud, the Quinta Normal de Agricultura in the national capital having a large attendance.
The public primary schools numbered 1961 in 1903, with 3608 teachers, 166,928 pupils enrolled, and an average attendance of 108,582.
In addition to the public schools there are a Roman Catholic university at Santiago, which includes law and civil engineering among its regular courses of study; numerous private schools and seminaries of the secondary grade, with a total of 11,184 students of both sexes in 1903; and 506 private primary schools, with an attendance of 29,684.
The detective is the direct descendant of the old "Bow Street runners" or "Robin Redbreasts" - so styled from their scarlet waistcoats - officers in attendance upon the old-fashioned police offices and despatched by the sitting magistrates to follow up any very serious crime in the interests of the public or at the urgent request of private persons.
By that code as well as by the former code the police have a legal sanction for doing what by practice they do in England; they take evidence for their own information and guidance in the investigation of cases and are clothed with the power to compel the attendance of witnesses and question them.
In the last Martial imagines his friend wandering about discontentedly through the crowded streets of Rome, and undergoing all the discomforts incident to attendance on the levees of the great.
In 170 he returned to Rome with the latter, who, on departing thence to conduct the war on the Danube, having with difficulty been persuaded to dispense with his personal attendance, appointed him medical guardian of his son Commodus.
He was assiduous in his attendance on Queen Hortense until the Hundred Days brought him into active service again.
There was a compulsory attendance law, which, however, was not enforced.
In every district having as many as Soo children between the ages of five and twenty the state requires that the school be taught not less than nine months a year; and a compulsory education law requires the attendance of all children between the ages of eight and fifteen for four months each year, in cities all between the same ages for the full school year, and between the ages of seven and sixteen if found frequenting public places without lawful occupation.
These lictors were probably supplied from the lictores curiatii, thirty in number, whose functions were specially religious, one of them being in attendance on the pontifex maximus.
The income from the state school fund is divided among the counties on the basis of the total number of days of attendance of the public school pupils; the legislative appropriation, however, is apportioned among the counties according to their assessed property values.
The total number of teachers in the public schools in 1908 was 10,279; the total school enrollment was 402,866, with an average daily attendance of 289,167; and the average length of the school term was nine months and two days.
The Roman Catholic Church has 361 schools, with 1835 teachers and an attendance of 33,000 pupils.
It is said that he refused to conform to the rules for regular attendance at chapel, and that he protested both against the enforced celibacy of fellows and the obligation to take holy orders within seven years of their election.
The rest of the Jews rated the Sadducees as atheists, just as the rest of the Greeks rated the Epicureans as atheists and discerned, as Plutarch said, the sardonic grin behind the mask of their obsequious devotion to the ceremonies at which the force of public opinion compelled their attendance.
The auditor has the fullest powers of investigation; he may require the production of any books or papers, and he may require the attendance before him of any person accountable.
That act abolished the old school boards and school attendance committees, and substituted a single authority for all kinds of schools and for all kinds of education.
Local authorities may require premises to be cleansed and disinfected; they may order the destruction of bedding, clothing or other articles which have been exposed to infection; they may provide proper places for the disinfection of infected articles free of charge; they may provide ambulances, &c. In the case of a person found suffering from infectious disease who has not proper lodging or accommodation, or is lodging in a room occupied by more than one family, or is on board any ship or vessel, such person may by means of a justice's order be removed to a hospital; a local authority may pay the expenses of a person in a hospital or, if necessary, provide nursing attendance; any person exposing himself or any other in his charge while suffering from infectious disease, or exposing infected bedding, clothing or the like, is made liable to a penalty.
The duty of notification is imposed upon the head of the family, and also upon the medical practitioner who may be in attendance on the patient.
The minimum length of the school year is fixed by a statute of 1893 at twenty weeks; the average length is about twenty-eight weeks; A compulsory education law, enacted in 1901, requires the attendance at some public or approved private school of each child between the ages of seven and fifteen during all the time that school is in session, except that necessary absences may be excused.
School attendance is compulsory for twenty weeks each year in rural districts and for thirty weeks each year in cities of the first and second class for all children between eight and sixteen years.
In 1909 there were 685 public schools in the state; the total number of pupils of school age (six to eighteen years) was 102,050, the number enrolled in the public schools was 84,804, and the average daily attendance was 66,774; the total number of teachers was 2255 (1645 women), and the average monthly salary of men teachers was 888.13 and of women $57.44; and the total expenditure for public education was $2,762,581 for the year, being more than twice as much as was expended by the state ten years before.
He was a faithful friend and remarkable for his punctual attendance.
Both senators and deputies receive 20 lei for each day of actual attendance, and travel free on the railways.
At the close of the 19th century, however, the accommodation was insufficient, the attendance limited in consequence, and the percentage of illiterates high; reaching 88.5% in some of the rural communes.
He was constant in attendance at prayers and sermons.
There were universities in Bogota and Medellin, the former having faculties of letters and philosophy, jurisprudence and political science, medicine and natural sciences, and mathematics and engineering, with an attendance of 1200 to 1500 students.
Although primary instruction is gratuitous it is not compulsory, and these figures clearly demonstrate that school privileges have not been extended much beyond the larger towns, The total attendance, however, compares well with that of 1897, which was 143,096, although it shows that only 5% of the population, approximately, is receiving instruction.
Great stress is laid upon virginity (although there is not a sign of monasticism), upon fasting (especially for the bishop), upon the regular attendance of the whole clerical body and the " more perfect " of the laity at the hours of prayer.
He became not merely Chancellor of the Exchequer, but also leader of the House of Commons, the Prime Minister concentrating his energies on the work of the War Cabinet (see English History), the supreme directing authority, of which Cabinet Mr. Law was also a member, though he was not expected to give regular attendance.
For all children between the ages of nine and fourteen inclusive, school attendance is compulsory.
The total number of teachers in the public schools in 1908 was 4 2 43; the total school enrollment, 107,493; the average daily attendance 94,333.
His table, attendance and officers were an honour to the nation.
It is known that while still at Woolsthorpe Sanderson's Logic had been read by him to such purpose that his tutor at Trinity College excused his attendance at a course of lectures on that subject.
In order to explain to Newton the cause of the delay, Halley in his letter of the 22nd of May alleges that it arose from " the president's attendance on the king, and the absence of the vicepresidents, whom the good weather had drawn out of town"; but there is reason to believe that this was not the true cause, and that the unwillingness of the council to undertake the publication arose from the state of the finances of the Society.
The French princess, a lively young woman of no sense, died in the stifling atmosphere of the Spanish court, and from the attendance of Spanish doctors.
He was exempted from attendance in the parliament of 1625 on the ground of age and infirmities, and died on the 29th of March 1628.
By a law of 1907 school attendance (24 weeks per annum in the country - a law of 1903 had required only 20 weeks-32 weeks in cities) was made compulsory for children between seven and fourteen years of age who do not live more than 2 m.
When hostilities were renewed between England and France in 1354 Sir James was in constant attendance upon the Black Prince, and earned a great reputation for valour.
Political disturbances, in which both professors and students were im plicated, lowered the attendance to 860 in 1834.
Many members of the Right gave up the struggle and emigrated, or at least withdrew from attendance, so that the Left became supreme.
To compete for power or even to express an opinion on public affairs was dangerous, and wholly to refrain from attendance might be construed as disaffection.
Each member receives 15 dinars for every day of actual attendance, and travels free on the railways.
The university was simply an examining body, no residence in any college nor attendance at lectures being obligatory.
In 1901 these schools numbered 55 and had an attendance of 2653 pupils.
Privy seals addressed to men of wealth and position commanded their attendance at church before the deputy or the provincial president, on pain of unlimited fine and imprisonment by the Irish Star Chamber.
He sat on the commission for the reform of the canon law, and was in constant attendance during the parliaments of 1552 and 1553.
He was assiduous in his attendance, and, though frequently standing almost or quite alone, especially in the Erastian controversy, he exercised a material influence on the result of the discussions of the Assembly.
He accordingly matriculated there on the 5th of November 158r, and immediately entered upon attendance at the lectures of the celebrated physician and botanist, Andrea Cesalpino.
During this time she nresided at its meetings and took an active part in its work, until advancing years prevented her attendance, but her interest in the welfare of the association was maintained to the last.
The result was a fresh triumph for the papacy, Archbishop Wido, in face of the ruinous conflict in the Church of Milan, being forced to submit to the terms proposed by the legates, which involved the principle of the subordination of Milan to Rome; the new relation was advertized by the unwilling attendance of Wido and the other Milanese bishops at the council summoned to the Lateran palace in April 1059.
The chief associates of Eros are Pothos and Himeros (Longing and Desire), Peitho (Persuasion), the Muses and the Graces; he himself is in constant attendance on Aphrodite.
In the Roman Catholic Church the duties of a prebendary as such generally consist in his attendance at choral office in his church.
Records were nearly non-existent but the kindness of the Ouray school personnel allowed Martha's attendance until matters were straightened out.
There were six large ornate sheet music cabinets along one wall and comfortable seating for eight, although Sarah was the only audience ever in attendance.
With the exception of Lori, a childhood playmate; Katie, the groom's sister; and Saundra, the receptionist at the groom's veterinary clinic – and of course, Carmen, the bride; everyone in attendance was a member of the Reynolds family.
Are there enough in attendance to constitute a quorum?
Attendance at the March lecture surprised our lecturer, Clive Rouse, who considered the subject rather abstruse.
Successful and unsuccessful applicants are usually notified within two weeks of attendance.
In attendance was the esteemed golf course architect Rees Jones.
Substitution Policy If having confirmed attendance you find you are unable to attend the event our cancelation policy will apply.
But 80% do not bother to come to court and the authorities have no power to compel attendance.
Consider if weekends are good times or bad to maximize attendance.
The post will require periodic attendance outside normal working hours.
At the end of March, the average attendance for the UK stood at 32.
If they don't accept your explanation they can take you to court for irregular attendance.
As a result, full and punctual attendance is a requirement for ongoing membership.
This benefit is not payable in respect of outpatient attendance, Maternity or Psychiatric Day Care.
Even in pagan old England, church attendance actually began to rise last year!
Through deputizing on members ' behalf, the MPA has achieved over 80% attendance of 160 plus meetings.
An exhibition of world class bonsai with demonstrations and artists in attendance able to offer information and advice.
Students at the pass/fail borderline are obliged to attend the oral whereas attendance at the Distinction borderline is voluntary.
The parent birds are normally in attendance to the fledged chicks at all times.
The consul General, head of the French consul in London, will also be in attendance to mark the occasion.
Inspectors ' reports were full of praise; however, attendance remained erratic.
The biggest fall was on council estates, where attendance dropped nine per cent in 2002.
Episode 6 (14 FEB 91) " Assassin " attendance figures for the Leisure Center are far too low.
The event promises to be a night of glamor and style with the press and fashion glitterati in attendance.
There will be a special commemorative dinner next month prior to the Stoke game, at which all living inductees will be in attendance.
Certainly Patron, Jackie Ransom, who was in attendance despite being far from well, seemed to enjoy the musical interlude.
By the time of the ballot there may be fewer than thirty prospective jurors in attendance.
A working knowledge of attendance allowance and disability living allowance is assumed.
Attendance at religious services seems to be declining, and worshippers become more predominantly middle-aged.
A record of attendance will be kept to create a database of experienced independent moderators.
Also, where attendance is necessary, this can be carried out by the supervisor or his authorized nominee.
Steve can be seen taking a look, with a moving orb in attendance.
Attempts by the parents to insist on attendance result in heightened distress, or temper outbursts.
The Beaufort holds an annual point-to-point with an average attendance of 2,500 people.
In attendance was his widow Sue, a former policewoman, their ten year old son David and Bill's parents.
You will be sent a printout should your child's pattern of attendance show any irregularities.
Richard is elected projectionist No qualified projectionist is in attendance.
They may feel falsely reassured that regular hospital attendance means that any cancers will be picked up anyway.
Those of you who were in attendance will remember how much fun we had at our poetry recitation last February.
For postgraduates, pro rata refunds will be calculated on the number of completed months of attendance.
In fact the tech rehearsal schedule was running behind, so nobody complained about my late attendance.
Then it would be absolutely requisite that the hours of attendance should be considerably extended.
Along the same lines, offering a disco season ticket or a VIP card (ie discounts) encourages attendance and creates loyalty.
Whilst photocopying is largely self-service, technical staff are available to undertake longer runs during times of their attendance.
Was it when you grew slack in your attendance at the place of worship?
Please note that some schools impose a time limit for attendance at a feeder school.
Twenty people were in attendance and during ten hours of solicitous labor the picture was again unrolled, reframed, and hoisted.
Watt had a rather similar Calvinist upbringing leavened with attendance at the grammar school in Greenock.
So the payment must be a wholly voluntary payment and not linked to attendance at the event.
A television team was also in attendance, seeking out suitably zany people with which to film interviews.
In May 1695 he had been ordered to discontinue his attendance at the council.
He attended every spring the meetings of the militia at Southampton, and rose successively to the rank of major and lieutenant-colonel commandant; but was each year " more disgusted with the inn, the wine, the company, and the tiresome repetition of annual attendance and daily exercise."
Plain in plumage, being greyish brown above and dull white below, while its quills are dingy black, variegated with white, there is little about the mocking-bird's appearance beyond its graceful form to recommend it; but the lively gesticulations it exhibits are very attractive, and therein its European rival in melody is far surpassed, for the cock-bird mounts aloft in rapid circling flight, and, alighting on a conspicuous perch, pours forth his ever-changing song to the delight of all listeners; while his actions in attendance on his mate are playfully demonstrative and equally interest the observer.
Under these arrangements it was not thought wonderful that Lennox discreetly declined the danger of attendance, even with 3000 men ready to follow him, at the risk of desperate street fighting.
But, as a survival of the earlier state of things, one of his two quaestors was quartered at Eryx, the other being in attendance on himself.
Attendance at a lecture on Hertzian waves given by Sir Oliver Lodge at the Royal Institution in 1894 resulted in the Lodge-Muirhead syntonic system (see 26.538), which anticipated Marconi.
The more important agricultural schools are located at Santiago, Chillán, Concepcion and Ancud, the Quinta Normal de Agricultura in the national capital having a large attendance.
Therefore I would advise you, as you tender your life, to devise some excuse to shift of your attendance of this Parliament, for God and man hath concurred to punish the wickedness of this time.
According to Father Greenway he was "a man of great piety, of exemplary temperance, of mild and cheerful demeanour, an enemy of broils and disputes, a faithful friend and remarkable for his punctual attendance upon religious observances," while his society was "sought by all the most distinguished in the archduke's camp for nobility and virtue."
Mabillon never allowed his studies to interfere with his life as a monk; he was noted for his regular attendance at the choral recitation of the office and the other duties of the monastic life, and for his deep personal religion, as well as for a special charm of character.
The Jazz day itself, in scorching weather, also achieved new attendance records, to make the whole weekend a resounding success.
The parade caught the mood of their lord and any brevity soon softened down to respectful attendance.
A truant officer will be assigned to each family in order to work with them to improve their child 's attendance at school.
On top of your hourly rate you will recieve a £ 5 attendance bonus per day and a £ 5 unsociable hours allowance.
At the end of the afternoon, a Care Bear baby shower favors can let guests know their attendance and gift was appreciated and give them a fun reminder of the afternoon.
These schools do not have counseling available, but receive strict supervision while in attendance.
Teachers have a pretty strict schedule, so they might allow you to speak while they are taking attendance, or during the last few minutes of class.
At sporting events, a costumed school mascot may appear on the sidelines to fire up the students, parents and community members in attendance.
In addition, the general malaise depression brings on makes teens care less about grades and attendance.
Students in attendance often must wear a standard uniform, speak in a certain manner, and are expected to abide by the Catholic beliefs, all while gaining their education.
Student attendance is tabulated automatically online, but offline work will need to be documented by students and confirmed by parents.
The parents of the bride and groom should be in attendance as should all members of the wedding party.
By the time all of the guests have said a little something about themselves, everyone in attendance should be much better acquainted.
This game games is sure to bring howls of laughter from everyone in attendance.
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren arranged a hush-hush ceremony in 2008 when they married at the Beverly Hills courthouse, with no family or friends in attendance.
When the bridegroom begins his speech, he thanks friends and family for their attendance and good wishes.
You'll also need to be sure to have one for everyone in attendance.
By the time the guest of honor is in attendance, everyone will be communicating like old friends.
It's no longer considered taboo for men to be in attendance.
Nowadays showers can be hosted by a couple close to the engaged, with those in attendance being allowed to bring a date as well.
Use the bride and groom's engagement photo, a childhood photo from the bride, or a group picture of the bride and many of the guests in attendance.
Be sure to attach a tag that expresses your gratitude for their attendance at your wedding.
After all, you want to take the time to properly thank the person for attendance and their gift, but do not want to spend an hour on each note, especially if you may have hundreds to write.
Another creative idea is to include everyone in attendance in the vows, asking them to vow to be supportive of the marriage by standing and giving a cheer in agreement.
This is one way to present vows that will not be forgotten by those in attendance.
Ultimately you bridesmaids are in attendance to celebrate with you and will be fine with the dress choice because they know you had their best interests in mind while choosing the dresses.
Regardless, a Seattle wedding is one sure to be remembered by everyone in attendance.
These spaces often have limitations on event attendance, making them perfect for small ceremonies.
Most members consider attendance of these meetings an important element of their sobriety.
Sponsors within the fellowship have found that regular attendance, especially in the beginning, can increase the member's chances of successfully kicking an alcohol addiction.
Of course your favorite reality television stars will be in attendance.
According to People magazine, Grant, Sir Elton John, Kate Moss and Elle Macpherson, among roughly 250 others, were all in attendance at the public ceremony.
Many of the guests in attendance were said to be dressed in black and painted their fingernails to match.
The Trump-Kushner wedding was held at the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey. 500 guests were in attendance, including celebrities such as Regis Philbin, Natalie Portman, Russell Crowe and Barbara Walters.
Even though the ceremony was small, only about 65 people were reportedly in attendance, there was a three day party leading up to the ceremony.
Actress Sacheen Littlefeather, who was also an activist, appeared at the ceremony in his place and explained why Brando was not in attendance.