Attend Sentence Examples
My king, I must attend to the preparations.
My guard will attend me into the city.
You want to attend my lecture? got some business to attend to with the other Immortals.
He arrogated to himself the privileges of royalty, made servants attend him upon their knees, compelled bishops to tie his shoelatchets and dukes to hold the basin while he washed his hands, and considered it condescension when he allowed ambassadors to kiss his fingers; he paid little heed to their sacrosanct character, and himself laid violent hands on a papal nuncio.
Julie will attend college full time in the coming session.
She has other things to do, and no time to attend to me.
Again she asked he attend, if possible.
But she had to force herself to attend, for what he was saying did not interest her at all.
Those who were out-and-out Episcopalians did not attend at all.
AdvertisementRiley's comments were simple but moving and made Dean wonder if he were the eulogized party, who would speak so kindly of him—or, for that matter, even attend the memorial.
He'll attend you at the feast this evening.
He no longer pressed him to attend public functions.
But first, there's business I need attend to.
Your own mother, and no time to attend to her child?
AdvertisementYet the thought of the alleged good guys losing the ultimate war because she didn't attend a stupid meeting didn't sit well with her.
A law enacted in 1908 requires that children between eight and fifteen years of age shall attend school twenty-four weeks each year, provided the public school in their district is in session that length of time.
In a large exchange a number of operators are necessary to attend to calls.
Being close enough so that she could attend college while living at home had been their rationalization, but she suspected they were also trying to stimulate her social life.
I had business to attend to.
AdvertisementI would be honored if you chose to attend.
I have matters to attend to.
Canaan (Palestine and the south Phoenician coast land) and Amor (Lebanon district and beyond) were under the constant supervision of Egypt, and Egyptian officials journeyed round to collect tribute, to attend to complaints, and to assure themselves of the allegiance of the vassals.
The foreign deputies were invited to attend, only to assist by their advice in the settlement of a controversy which concerned the Netherland church alone, and which the Netherland church alone could decide.
When he went to Frankfort he was still under the influence of the extreme Prussian Conservatives, men like the Gerlachs, who regarded the maintenance of the principle of the form of bitter personal hostility; in 1863 the ministers refused any longer to attend the sittings, and Bismarck challenged Virchow, one of his strongest opponents, to a duel, which, however, did not take place.
AdvertisementEvery parish must have an annual parish meeting, which all local government electors for the parish are entitled to attend.
Cynthia would attend the New Jersey wedding—thank God for Visa—while Fred and Dean would hold down Bird Song.
On the 9th of January 1405 he found time to attend a court at Higham Ferrers and be admitted to a burgage there.
It was an additional misfortune for Alexius that his father should have been too busy to attend to him just as he was growing up from boyhood to manhood.
To encourage the instruction of children who by reason of distance cannot attend a government or government-aided school, grants-in-aid are made for each pupil attending farm schools.
He was able, however, to attend the funeral of Queen Victoria on the 2nd of February 1901, and preached a remarkable sermon before the king and the German emperor on the following day.
Interview shortlisted applicants may be invited to attend an interview.
Mechanics and tradesmen who come in person to the forest on no other errand, are sure to attend the wood auction, and even pay a high price for the privilege of gleaning after the woodchopper.
A parent must attend the auditions with you.
Apparently this town was cluttered with them and my great-aunt and her husband had a thankless life mission to attend to the trash.
Dean sent two dress shirts with neckties and a card of congratulations but did not attend the ceremony.
Your cousins attend the Day School two blocks down.
In spite of this, however, and of the skill with which he presided over the debates, the conference came to nothing owing to the refusal of the king of Prussia to attend.
In 1918 he went to England with the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Borden, to attend the Imperial Conference.
Certain regularities attend the corresponding property of the melting-point.
Notable differences attend the neutralization of the chromophoric and auxochromic groups.
But if we attend to the circumstances under which this theme arises, its purport and development become deep and natural.
Representatives are sent from each inferior to each superior meeting, but they have no precedence over others, and all Friends may attend any meeting and take part in any of which they are members.
Up to this time Wesley says he had no notion of inward holiness, but went on "habitually and for the most part very contentedly in some or other known sin, indeed with some intermission and short struggles especially before and after Holy Communion," which he was obliged to attend three times a year.
According to Dr Jakob Jakobsen, the name means the voe (waa) of the skollas, or booths, occupied by the men who came to attend the meeting of the ling, or open-air law court, which assembled in former days on an island in the Loch of Tingwall (hence its name), about 3 m.
But Sunday Schools were first adopted by Charles to meet the case of young people in service who could not attend during the week, and even in that form much opposition was shown to them because teaching was thought to be a form of Sabbath breaking.
But whenever any measure of importance was to be decided a meeting was called of het publiek, that is, of all who chose to attend, to sanction or reject it.
In 1663 he invaded royal Hungary, with the intention of uniting all the Magyars against the emperor, but, the Magyars steadily refusing to attend any diet summoned under Turkish influence, his plan fell through, and his only notable military success was the capture of the fortress of Ersekujvar (Neuhausel).
In considering the relative brightnesses of the different spectra, it is therefore sufficient to attend merely to the principal directions, provided that the whole deviation be not so great that its cosine differs considerably from unity.
There he took another wife, as the Jewess allotted him by Vespasian after the fall of Caesarea had forsaken him, and returned to attend Titus and to act as intermediary between him and the Jews who still held Jerusalem.
He continued for some years to attend the Upper House, and to take part in its proceedings.
The Homeric heroes themselves are represented as having considerable skill in surgery, and as able to attend to ordinary wounds and injuries.
The special difficulties which attend deep mining, in addition to the problems of hoisting ore and raising water from great depths, are the increase of temperature of the rocks and the pressure of the overlying strata.
He took a leading part in the examination into the army plot; was one of the commissioners appointed to attend the king to Scotland in August 1641; and was nominated one of the committee of safety in July 1642.
In 1819 he was apprenticed to Nicholas Wood, a coal-viewer at Killingworth, after which he was sent in 1822 to attend the science classes at the university of Edinburgh.
In 1431 he was deputed by John II., king of Castile, to attend the council of Basel, in which he made himself conspicuous by his learning.
There is no evidence to show that the Vincent who was sub-prior of this foundation in 1246 is the encyclopaedist; nor indeed is it likely that a man of such abnormally studious habits could have found time to attend to the daily business routine of a monastic establishment.
He ceased to attend meetings of the council of state, and was much away from Berlin.
As the Anglican divines soon ceased to attend the assembly, and the Independents were few in number, it was the work of Presbyterians only, the Scottish members carrying their proposal to make it an independent document and not a mere revision of the Thirty-nine Articles.
Machiavelli had to attend the camp and provide for levies amid his many other occupations.
He presented a report upon the subject, and in the summer of the same year received orders to attend Francesco Guicciardini, the pope's commissary of war in Lombardy.
However, there are laws requiring that each school be taught at least six months in a year, and that children between the ages of seven and fourteen attend for at least twelve consecutive weeks, and for a total of sixteen weeks in every year.
He usually walked twice a week to attend.
As a member of the legislature Clinton was active in securing In 1801 a state convention adopted an amendment to the constitution giving the council an equal voice with the governor in the matter of appointments; but Clinton, who is often represented as the father of this movement, though chosen as a member of the convention, did not attend its meetings.
Equal success did not attend the efforts of other administrators; in 1891-1892 Karl Peters had great trouble with the tribes in the Kilimanjaro district and resorted to very harsh methods, such as the execution of women, to maintain his authority.
But there was no strong power, as in England and France, to attend to the execution of the provisions.
Every subject was bound under penalty of a fine to attend church on Sunday.
All the citizens were expected to attend the annual town-meeting, and such male inhabitants as were not citizens were privileged to attend and to propose and discuss measures, although they had no right to vote.
Hohenstaufen, surnamed Stupor Mundi, in alliance with Pisa, against a Genoese squadron bringing a number of English, French and Spanish prelates to attend the council summoned to meet at the Lateran by Gregory IX.
An important part of the dragoman's duties is to attend during any legal proceedings to which a subject of his nationality is a party, as failing his attendance and his concurrence in the judgment delivered such proceedings are null and void.
The compulsory education law as amended in 1907 and 1909 requires the full attendance at a public school, or at a school which is an approximate equivalent, of all children who are between seven and fourteen years of age, are in the proper physical and mental condition, and reside in a city or school district having a population of 5000 or more and employing a superintendent of schools; in such a city or district children between fourteen and sixteen years must attend school unless they obtain an employment certificate and are regularly engaged in some useful employment or service; and outside of such a city or district all children between the ages of eight and fourteen years and those between fourteen and sixteen years who are not regularly employed must attend school on all school days from October to June.
In a city of the first or second class every boy between fourteen and sixteen years of age who has an employment certificate, but has not completed the course of study prescribed for the elementary public schools or the equivalent, must attend an evening school not less than six hours each week for a period of not less than sixteen weeks each year, or a trade school not less than eight hours a week for sixteen weeks a year.
State school buildings can be, and sometimes are, used for religious instruction on days and at hours other than those fixed by law for ordinary school work,; but no child can be required to attend, except at the wish of its parent or guardian.
About 157,000 white children and 6500 Maori children attend schools of one degree or another.
The Dutch deputies remained a fortnight longer to attend to ecclesiastical business.
On the 27th of March 1808 he was able to attend a performance of the Creation, given in his honour, but it was his last effort, and on the 31st of May 1809 he died, aged seventy-seven.
All children between eight and fifteen years of age, and all between fifteen and sixteen years of age who are not regularly employed in some useful or remunerative occupation, must attend the public school all the time it is in session or a private school for the same time unless excused by the city or the county superintendent because of mental or physical disability or because of proficiency in the branches taught in the first eight grades.
Each school district is required by law to keep its school open at least three months a year and all children between the ages of eight and fourteen are required to attend for the full term; if unemployed they are required to continue in school until they have attained the age of sixteen.
On his return he entered Rome with an ovation (a minor form of triumph), temples were built, statues erected in his honour, and a special priesthood instituted to attend to his worship. The people were ground down by new forms of taxation and every kind of extortion, but on the whole Rome was free from internal disturbances during his reign; some insignificant conspiracies were discovered and rendered abortive.
Lord Palmerston took a copy of this letter, and promised to attend to its direction.
The only valid reason for preferring women to attend men rather than members of their own sex is the difficulty of obtaining a supply of equally well qualified and satisfactory male nurses.
On that day many attend the synagogues who are seldom or never seen in them at other times.
From the first he was greatly attracted towards historical studies, and this was shown when he began to attend the gymnasium of Oettingen, and in 1782, when he went to the university of Altdorf, near Nuremberg.
In the 13th century it was held by Nicholas Fitz Martin of the earl of Gloucester for the service of finding a bow with three arrows to attend the earl when he should hunt in Gower.
In the grand duchy the forest has almost entirely disappeared, but owing to the compulsory law of replanting in Belgium this fate does not seem likely to attend the Belgian Ardennes.
There is some evidence that he was summoned to the Council of Chalcedon,' though he could not attend it, and the concluding portion of his book known as The Bazaar of Heraclides not only gives a full account of the "Robber Synod" of Ephesus 449, but knows that Theodosius is dead (July 450) and seems aware of the proceedings of Chalcedon and the flight of Dioscurus the unscrupulous successor of Cyril at Alexandria.
Cabinet ministers may participate in the meetings of either House and on the request of either House must attend its session.
Few Moslems attend the secondary schools.
But his views did not prevent him from profiting to the utmost by one very bad abuse, for he did his utmost to secure the retention of his frigate in port, in order that he might be able to attend parliament.
For five weeks, from the 20th July onwards, Russians and Austro-Hungarians, as well as Rumans, attend the fair which is held at Falticheni, chiefly for.
Statutes provide that all children between the ages of 7 and 14 years living in such districts must attend school annually for at least eight consecutive weeks.
They are youths aged from twelve to sixteen, selected by the sovereign in person, to attend on him at state ceremonies, when two of them, arrayed in an antique costume, assist the groom of the stole in carrying the royal train.
The free school system now provides free high schools for all children within the state; for an act of 1903 requires any town not maintaining a high school, or school of corresponding grade, or not uniting with adjoining towns in maintaining one, to pay the tuition of any of its children who attend a high school or academy within the state.
All children between the ages of eight and fourteen and those between the ages of fourteen and sixteen who cannot read and write English are required to attend either a public or an approved private school for the full term unless excused by the school board on account of physical or mental infirmity.
The purpose of the visit was to attend a three-day colloquium on South Africa and Social Policy.
All FMB members are invited to attend the congress.
You must attend all courses on a punctual basis unless prevented by events beyond your reasonable control.
In order to properly attend them a priest should have a conveyance.
Students taking the Plant Biology option may attend a week-long field course in southern Portugal.
Like the general meeting it was announced by the town crier, and all who had business at it were invited to attend.
The partner of the applicant used to run a day nursery his children attend.
The rural dean may be invited to attend the meeting of the PCC.
We have invited a delegation to attend our next meeting and I am sure they will receive a warm welcome.
Members of the parliamentary delegation have asked that social affairs ministers attend at some stage of the negotiations rather than only civil servants.
He wished the Club and it's members continued success in the future, and seemed genuinely delighted to have been asked to attend.
This section is a brief digression in answer to a question posed by a visitor to the church I attend.
You will be required to attend client meetings, site surveys and liaise with other dis... Advertiser Profile View/Appy 10.
He also told one disciple not to attend the burial function of his father.
Two of our students have been offered scholarships to attend St Paul's Girls ' School for their secondary education.
I strongly encourage citizenship education practitioners to attend, ', said Bernard Crick.
Any suitably qualified elector who is not able to attend the appropriate polling station to cast a vote can apply to vote by post.
Responders may be asked to attend any medical emergency in their area.
Shamefully, it took me almost thirty years from the time I first listened to English sacred music to attend my first evensong.
We hope that many of you will come to meet old friends and contemporaries and to attend evensong in chapel.
I have used these since that time and now have no fear of any networking event that I attend.
They attend lectures, a tutorial and then sit a two-hour written exam.
At this stage we would like to invite expressions of interest from anyone wishing to attend, contribute to or host panels.
Later this month over 200,000 visitors are expected to descend on the trade exhibition fairground in Frankfurt to attend the 27th Achema.
Later this year 3.5m football fans, including a million from overseas, will attend the World Cup finals in Germany.
Many devoted ferret owners attend pet ferret owners attend pet ferret shows where they compete.
An invitation had been received to attend the church hall fete on 17 th June 2006.
Tonight the audience faced a dilemma; attend the gig or watch the series finale of The OC on E4.
All short-listed finalists are invited to attend the STAR Awards Ceremony in October 2005 in London.
It may also be possible to arrange for a local fire brigade crew to attend a fire drill to witness it.
To add the necessary flavor, members are invited to attend the gala in appropriate period dress.
Our April visit, however, meant we could attend one of the seasonal shows put on by the maiko, or apprentice geishas.
All students are encouraged to attend short courses and workshops aimed at developing generic, transferable skills.
The conference organizers are keen to encourage geographers from around the world to attend this meeting.
Members of the CLICK network are expected to attend a get-together at least once a year.
A total of 150-200 guests are expected to attend the evening get-together.
Although relieved the headache had subsided, Carol now felt ' wrecked ' and unable to attend work today.
Where a party fails to attend a hearing then the Committee may either adjourn the hearing or hold it in the party's absence.
Members of the public will be able to attend the hearings at Manchester Town Hall.
Offered the chance to travel with the group, talk to Sun Ra, and attend the concerts, I rocket into seventh heaven.
Charles Dickens writer 1835 Charles Dickens visited Exeter several times, the first to attend the hustings for the Exeter City Council elections.
A contract arrangement with Westcountry Ambulance Trust was modified to allow patients to attend hydrotherapy at St Austell.
Director Dominic Champagne's claim that you could attend the show repeatedly and see new things each time is not ill-founded.
The lottery must be incidental to the exempt entertainment, i.e. it must not be the only or the only substantial inducement to attend.
The groups do not have a membership and are deliberately informal, driven by those who attend, rather than the project workers.
To attend community meetings and examine the scope for joint agency initiatives 16.
In some cases you may be asked to attend an interview.
Students are required to attend introductory September courses in mathematics, statistics, economics and econometrics before the main teaching program starts in October.
Tissa and his family have a date to attend an investiture at Buckingham Palace in December 2003.
Today, I received an invitation to attend a work related training session in the UK.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of staff, students and to members of the general public to attend the lecture.
Graduates are warmly invited to attend both of these events.
The people who get the most benefits out of the CIPR are the ones who get actively involved and attend events.
And, although the country is very strictly ruled by a military junta, people are allowed to attend church.
Children in Taiwan can attend preschool in public or private kindergartens.
Otherwise, you can contact the cemetery office with the section and lair number and staff will attend to the lair number and staff will attend to the lair.
No lovely lass to attend to my every desire.
You must register with creative launchpad for each seminar you wish to attend.
All Kindred, even those of Caledonia, are welcome to attend, but should be mindful to obey the laws of Eboracum.
Are the courses you would like to attend not available in a convenient location near you?
Potential candidates should attend either the lunchtime one (beginning at 12.40) or the after school one (beginning at 4.15 ).
So I had to attend a court martial of the sergeant in charge, to give my version of events.
There are numerous ahadith with compelling evidence which show that women have the full right to attend the masjid.
He pleaded for the strength to attend the prayer meeting.
As a Non-statutory Director he is not entitled to attend board meetings but he will have some authority to bind the company.
All qualified mentors are required to attend an update annually and are invited to attend one of these sessions.
The unit is actively involved in the training of medical, midwifery, nursing and sonography students who attend clinics throughout the week.
They then find that the NHS midwifery service is unwilling to provide a midwife to attend them anywhere other than hospital.
Anyone who predicts that 350, let alone 1,000, spectators are suddently going to attend is very, very misguided in their thoughts.
He is paying for the families to attend his bar mitzvah - he is LONG past the traditional thirteen years old!
As many as 1,000 people attend the mosque to pray there during the Ramadan season.
The event really came into its own when in February 1967 Clown Smokey succeeded in gaining permission for Clowns to attend in full motley.
Failure to attend to these details may easily set up a severe neurosis.
Attend to the basis of life the Unified Field to bring nourishment to all the various aspects of life.
The new arrangements under the Eight Hours Act enabled the workmen of various pits to attend the final obsequies in large numbers.
All first year ordinands attend the Focus on Prayer weekend in the Lent Term.
Standard entry question invites client to attend to a desired outcome.
Did the cases ever attend the same hospital outpatients clinic?
The cost of training Not all managers were happy about paying overtime for staff to attend training.
He attended all the identification parades which he was required to attend.
Applications for tickets should state which day you will attend, and enclose a check payable to Guildford Museum.
The lunch is in aid of the Fund to send young helpers to Lourdes where they attend the sick pilgrims.
Would this disorderly crowd of soldiers attend to the voice of their commander, or would they, disregarding him, continue their flight?
There was within him a deep unexpressed conviction that all would be well, but that one must not trust to this and still less speak about it, but must only attend to one's own work.
When sixteen years old he began to attend the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and from 1837 to 1839 studied at the Ecole des Mines.
The fairy women who come to the births of children and foretell their fortunes (Fata, Moerae, ancient Egyptian Hathors, Fees, Dominae Fatales), with their spindles, are refractions of the human "spae-women" (in the Scots term) who attend at birth and derive omens of the child's future from various signs.
At the birth of Ogier le Danois six fairies attend, five of whom give good gifts, which the sixth overrides with a restriction.
These defects have long been felt, but Congress is not disposed either to admit officials to attend its sittings or to modify the methods to which it has grown accustomed.
The ordinary duties of these committees are to raise and spend money for electioneering and otherwise in the interests of the party, to organize meetings, to look after the press, to attend to the admission of immigrants or new-comers as voters; and generally to attract and enrol recruits in the party forces.
This is the rule, but in some parts of the South and West nominations for members of the state legislature and county officials, and even for members of Congress, are made by primary assemblies meeting over the entire area, which all the party voters are entitled to attend.
In rural districts little difficulty arises, because it is known what citizens belong to each party; but in cities, and especially in large cities, where men do not know their neighbors by sight, it becomes necessary to have regular lists of the party voters entitled to attend a primary; and these lists are either prepared and kept by the local party committee, or are settled by the votes of the persons previously on the party rolls.
Later, when the Church had come to be tolerated and patronized by the state, her numbers increased, the rule that fixed certain days for baptism broke down, and it was impossible for bishops to attend every baptismal service.
Such hypotheses attend to Aristotle's philosophy to the neglect of his life.
After America's entrance into the World War he went to Europe in 1918 to attend conferences and to inspect the U.S. naval forces, and early in 1919 was in charge of their demobilization.
This sudden leap into popularity seems to have been occasioned in connexion with a veiled allusion to Irving's striking eloquence made in the House of Commons by Canning, who had been induced to attend his church from admiration of an expression in one of his prayers, quoted to him by Sir James Mackintosh.
A special invitation was sent him by the king to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn, accompanied with the gracious offer of 20 to buy a new suit for the occasiont More refused to attend, and from that moment was marked out for vengeance.
Every child between the ages of six and fifteen must attend either a public school or a duly authorized private school.
Circuit stewards had attended the district meetings before 1817 but in that year their right to attend was established.
As buyers of finished goods for London and the country do not attend it, certain departments of the home trade are hardly represented, but practically all the spinners and manufacturers and all the export merchants of any importance are subscribers.
In these cottages or cells a Carthusian monk passed his time in the strictest asceticism, only leaving his solitary dwelling to attend the services of the Church, except on certain days when the brotherhood assembled in the refectory.
At the age of fourteen he went into his father's printing office, but continued to attend the grammar school in the afternoons.
He was re-elected to Congress in March 1775, and on the 10th of May was again chosen to preside, but on the 24th he left to attend a meeting at Williamsburg of the Virginia Burgesses.
But once again misfortune was to attend the attempt.
In the vinery and peach-house, attend to the keeping down of insects by syringing; and promote the growth of the young shoots, by damping the walls and paths morning and evening.
Attend to the dressing of shrubberies; lay turf-edgings, and regulate the surface of gravel walks.
Propagate all sorts of pot-herbs, and attend to the hoeing and thinning of spinach, onions, turnips, carrots, beet, &c. Earth up cabbages, cauliflower, peas, beans and early potatoes.
Attend to the gathering of fruit as it ripens.
Attend to trenching and digging in dry weather.
Attend to raspberries and blackberries as advised for last month, if they have not already been attended to.
Here, if we attend to the effect of the whole revolution, we shall find that the electric states of the respective masses have been greatly increased; for the ninety-nine parts in A and B remain, and the one part of electricity in C has been increased so as nearly to compensate ninety-nine parts of the opposite electricity in the revolving plate B, while the communication produced an opposite mutation in the electricity of the ball.
Some medical lectures he did attend, but as long as Frau Neuber's company kept together the theatre had an irresistible fascination for him.
But soon he was compelled to share his duties with Adalbert, archbishop of Bremen, and a year or two later Adalbert became virtually the ruler of Germany, leaving Anno to attend to affairs in Italy.
Men refused to attend their ministrations; in some cases they were subjected to what was afterwards called boycotting.
It was apparent that large and influential parties still regarded political meetings as something in themselves dangerous and demoralizing, and hence the demand of the Conservatives that women and young persons should be forbidden to attend.
In Prussia a majority of the Tipper House and a very large minority of the Lower House (193 to 206) voted for an amendment expressly empowering the police to break up meetings in which anarchistic, socialistic or communistic doctrines were defended in such a manner as to be dangerous to society; the Saxon Conservatives demanded that women at least should be forbidden to attend socialistic meetings, and it remained illegal for any one under twenty-one years of age to be present at a political meeting.
Although many Roman Catholic children attend the public schools, the number of separate schools is, under the influence of the priesthood, steadily increasing.
The king of Granada did homage to Ferdinand, and undertook to attend the cortes when summoned.
In Galicia the extreme party, ism in Oa- headed by Smolka, had always desired to imitate the licia and Czechs and not attend at Vienna; they were outvoted, Bohemia, but all parties agreed on a declaration in which the final demands of the Poles were drawn up;' they asked that the powers of the Galician diet should be much increased, and that the members from Galicia should cease to attend the Reichsrath on the discussion of those matters with which the Galician diet should be qualified to deal.
They would only attend, however, on their own terms, which were a complete recognition by the government of the claims made in the Declaration.
The women of an Egyptian household in which old customs are maintained never sit in the presence of the master, but attend him at his meals, and are treated in every respect as inferiors.
The whole country is divided into districts, in each of which a medical man is appointed with a salary, who is under the obligation to attend to poor sick and assist the authorities in medical matters, inquests, &c. The relief of the poor is well organized, mostly on the system of out-door relief.
Every child is bound to attend the parish school at least from the seventh to the thirteenth year, unless the parents can prove that it receives suitable instruction in other ways.
King's Scholars, trained at one of the training colleges, and King's Students who attend one of the universities, form the chief source of supply of certificated teachers.
In January 1644, a Scottish army crossed Tweed, to aid the parliament, with preachers to attend the synod of Westminster.
While in some counties the sport has suffered, towns men who formerly would have been too far from a meet can now secure transport for themselves and their horses in all directions; and as a consequence, meets of certain packs are not advertised because of the number of strangers who would be induced to attend.
It is his business to look after the pack which is not hunting, to walk them out, to prepare the food for the hunting pack so that it is ready when they return, and in the spring to attend to the wants of the matrons and whelps.
In 1412 he was delegated by his native city to take part in the election of a successor to the vacant crown of Aragon; and in 1416 he received a special invitation to attend the council of Constance, where he supported the cause of the Flagellants.
Crowds of petty traders attend, bringing all those miscellaneous articles that can be packed into a pedlar's wallet; and the neighbouring villagers look forward to the occasion to satisfy alike their curiosity and their household wants.
By general consent King Ferdinand was invited to attend the adjourned congress, fixed to meet at Laibach in the spring of the following year.
He managed, however, to attend the lectures of the Stoic Musonius Rufus, and subsequently became a freedman.
And although it is recognized that the works had not been prosecuted with the caution that they required, yet in view of the serious difficulties that would attend the collection of the little that had been left by the first excavators, every proposal for new investigations has been abandoned.
A number of priests attend and repeat prayers for the repose of the soul of the departed.
The people attend on the hills where the "towers of silence" are situated, and perform in the sagris prayers for the departed souls.
These dignities he relinquished for a time in order to attend the king as chaplain during his captivity in the hands of the parliament.
After his return he spent a month in a visit at his old home in Canton, Ohio, and at the end of this visit, by previous arrangement, he visited the city of Buffalo, New York, in order to attend the Pan-American exposition and deliver a public address.
All children between seven and fourteen years of age must attend a public, private or parochial school during the entire time that the public school of their district is in session unless excused by the district board.
As is common throughout Malayan lands, the trade of North Borneo is largely in the hands of Chinese shopkeepers who send their agents inland to attend the Tamus (Malay, temu, to meet) or fairs, which are the recognized scenes of barter between the natives of the interior and those of the coast.
Here he studied under Moritz Haupt and Otto Jahn until 1851, spent six months in Berlin (chiefly to attend Buckh's lectures), and completed his university studies at Leipzig (1852).
The schools are open nine months in the year, and all children between eight and fourteen years of age are required to attend some public, private or parochial school during these months unless excused because of some physical or mental disability.
All children between the ages of eight and twelve years are required to attend a public school at least twelve weeks in a year (six weeks consecutively) unless excused on account of weakness of mind or body, unless the child can read and write and is attending a private school, or unless the child lives more than two miles from the nearest school and more than one mile from an established public school wagon route.
The colonists were compelled on pain of death to accept the doctrine of the trinity, respect the authority of the Bible and attend church.
When elected, Ketteler refused to allow the students of theology in his diocese to attend lectures at Giessen, and ultimately founded an opposition seminary in the diocese of Mainz itself.
The Protestants refused to attend an assembly where even the most conciliatory prelate could hardly condescend to meet them on equal terms. Nor was Pole allowed to use the only possible means of overcoming their reluctance.
Not favouring the creation of a strong national government he declined to attend the Annapolis Convention in 1786, but in the following year, when the assembling of the Constitutional Convention was an assured fact, although he opposed the purpose for which it was called, he accepted an appointment as one of the Massachusetts delegates, with the idea that he might personally help to check too strong a tendency toward centralization.
He lived principally at Clapham Common, but he had also a town-house in Bloomsbury, while his library was in a house in Dean Street, Soho; and there he used to attend on appointed days to lend the books to men who were properly vouched for.
The executive was to consist of a minister-secretary of state and of the members of the senate, who were entitled to attend and address the diet and who might be the subject of interpellations.
As Sweden had to attend to her own affairs, Finland was gradually reverting to independence and paganism, when in 1209 another bishop and missionary, Thomas (also an Englishman), arrived and recommenced the work of St Henry.
On that day Bacon, as he had feared, was too ill to attend.
In 1274 Llewelyn refused to attend at Edward's coronation, although the Scottish king was present.
Nevertheless, the bulk of the Methodists continued to attend the services of the Church, and to receive the sacraments from regularly ordained parish priests, although a schism was becoming inevitable.
In January 1537 he received a sharp letter of rebuke from the king's council, together with the suggestion that the differences might be discussed with royal deputies either in France or Flanders, provided that Pole would attend without being commissioned by any one.
After inviting Henry to a disputation, which he refused to attend, St Bernard returned to Clairvaux.
Soon after the issue of the charter the archbishop left England to attend the Fourth Lateran Council.
The minimum is practically always exceeded, and trebled or quadrupled in the case of the more enthusiastic men, and the chief difficulty with which the officers responsible for training have to contend is the fact that no man can be compelled to attend on any particular occasion.
Civil employees were now appointed under the new laws to attend to this work.
At the age of fifteen he was sent to London to attend University College school.
In 1834 he again visited England, to attend the meeting of the British Association at Edinburgh.
He soon left the Wordsworths to spend four months at Ratzeburg, whence removed to Göttingen to attend lectures.
The High Church party in England had induced Vere to dismiss him from the chaplaincy; but he was still held, deservedly, in such reverence, that it was arranged he should attend the synod, and accordingly he was retained by the Calvinist party at four florins a day to watch the proceedings on their behalf and advise them when necessary.
By 1787 his practice at the equity bar had so far increased that he was obliged to give up the eastern half of his circuit (which embraced six counties) and attend it only at Lancaster.
The royal baillis had to attend the Parlement, in order to answer for their judgments, and at an early date was fixed the order of the different bailliages, in which the cases coming from them were heard.
She allowed him to attend the council in order that he might be trained for his work as emperor.
In 1872 a government with a pronounced German tendency took office in Vienna, and the Bohemians for a time again refused to attend the parliamentary assemblies of Vienna and Prague.
By Article 2 all questions submitted were to be decided by a majority of the arbitrators, and each of the contracting parties was to name one person to attend as agent.
Hoof t died on a visit to the Hague, whither he had gone to attend the funeral of Prince Frederick Henry, on the 21st of May 1647, and was buried in the New Church at Amsterdam.
The young are often taken from the nest and reared by the people to attend upon and defend their poultry, a duty which is faithfully 1 and, owing to the spurs with which the chaka's wings are armed, successfully discharged.
All children between the ages of 7 and 15 are required to attend school for the full school year, and those who at 15 years of age have not completed the grammar school course must continue to attend until they either complete it or arrive at the age of 17.
Furthermore, children past 15 years of age who have completed the grammar school .course but are not regularly and lawfully employed at some useful occupation must attend a high school or a manual training school until 17 years of age.
He invited Petrarch to attend him when he made his triumphal entry at the end of May; and from this time forward for a considerable period Parma and Vaucluse were the two headquarters of the poet.
Any owner of property or ratepayer may attend the audit and object to the accounts, and either on such objection or on his own motion the auditor may disallow any payment and surcharge the amount on the persons who made or authorized it.
On the evening of the gth of February 1567 Mary took an affectionate farewell of her husband, and went to attend some gaieties in Edinburgh.
The representatives of the local councils attend not as denominationalists but as Evangelical Free Churchmen.
With particular regard to this last named duty the college deputed two of its members to attend all meetings of the states-general, to watch the proceedings and report at once any proposals which they held to be contrary to the interests or to infringe upon the rights of the province of Holland.
He was educated by his mother because, being a Protestant, he couldnot attend school, and he grew up at once thoughtful and passionate, studious and social, handsome in person and graceful in manners.
Bratianu and Cogalniceanu were sent to Berlin to endeavour to prevail on the representatives of the Powers there assembled in June 1878 to veto the cession of Bessarabia to Russia; but the Rumanian delegates were not permitted to attend the sittings of the congress until the Powers had decided in favour of the Russian claim.
In June 1642 he was summoned to attend the king at York.
For the reception of the sacraments, and for other religious offices, the abbot and his monks were commanded to attend the nearest church (Novellae, 133, c. ii.).
He had his country houses and fisheries, and when he travelled to attend parliament his retinue amounted to upwards of ioo persons.
Garrison overcame the elder Whittier's desire for the full services of his son, and gained permission for the latter to attend the Haverhill academy.
A forester was "an officer sworn to preserve the vert and venison in the forest, and to attend upon the wild beasts within his bailiwick."
He was entertained in France, and was taken by Maximilian to attend the funeral of the emperor Frederick III.
The archbishop answered with words as scornful as their own, and took his way to the minster to attend vespers.
The royal courts are no longer to attend the kings persona vexatious practice when sovereigns were always on the move, and litigants and witnesses had to follow them from manor to manorbut are to be fixed at Westminster.
In 1825, when he went to France in the suite of Prince PM Esterhazy, to attend the coronation of Charles X., the canal du Midi especially attracted his attention and suggested to him the idea of regulating the rivers Danube and Theiss.
They used to attend the temple in rotation, and be present at the sacrifices; and as this duty fell to each in his turn, the men of the class or family which he represented were expected in their several cities and places of abode to engage themselves in religious exercises, and especially in fasting.
The size of the empire made it difficult, if not impossible, to attend to these assaults, or to control the ambition of successful generals, from one centre.
The next year he was at Frankfort settling the future condition of Germany, but was summoned to London in the midst of his work, and in 1818 had to attend the congress at Aix-la-Chapelle.
Although the former of these lays stress upon the fact that the sheriff's supervisory powers are universal many men did not attend his tourn.
The deacons superintend the financial affairs of the church, co-operate with the minister in the various branches of his work, assist in the visitation of the sick, attend to the church property and generally supervise the activities of the church.
And even when the presentations before the mind are so clear that assent to their truth cannot be refused, the possibility of assenting still rests with the will, which can refuse to attend to any presentation, or can refuse assent with the sole motive of proving its freedom.
Sometimes there is another church and small settlement in the upper valley, to which, once or twice in a summer, the Lapps come from great distances to attend service.
Partly, again, the analytical distinctness of Aristotle's manner brings into special prominence the difficulties that attend the Socratic effort to reconcile the ideal aspirations of men with the principles on which their practical reasonings are commonly conducted.
The city was too much disturbed with political dissensions to attend to him; so Filelfo crossed the Apennines and settled in Florence.
Notwithstanding his manifold engagements, he found time to attend to the tenderer affections; for it was during his residence at Strassburg that he married, in August 1540, Idelette de Bure, the widow of one Jean Stordeur of Liege, whom he had converted from Anabaptism.
Each district school must be open at least three months each year, and children between the ages of eight and sixteen are required to attend either a public or a private school, unless excused because of physical or mental infirmity.
He returned a few times for a brief sojourn to attend the meetings of the Greek Chamber; but there could be no rest for him until the Treaties of Neuilly and of Sevres were finally signed.
Pericles had introduced the practice of giving a small bounty from the treasury to the poorer citizens, for the purpose of enabling them to attend the theatre at the great festivals, - in other words, for the purpose of bringing them under the concentrated influence of the best Attic culture.
They also reorganized the Albert Agricultural College at Glasnevin for young men who have neither the time nor the means to attend the highly specialized courses at the Royal College of Science; and the Munster Institute at Cork is now devoted solely to the instruction of girls in such subjects as butter-making, poultry-keeping, calf-rearing, cooking, laundry-work, sewing and gardening.
The Irish Education Act of 1892 provided that the parents of children of not less than 6 nor more than 14 years of age should cause them to attend school in the absence of reasonable excuse on at least 150 days in the year in municipal boroughs and in towns or townships under commissioners; and provisions were made for the partial or total abolition of fees in specified circumstances, for a parliamentary school grant in lieu of abolished school fees, and for the augmentation of the salaries of the national teachers.
The story goes that the ardri Aed Oirdnigthe (797-819) made a hostile incursion into Leinster and forced the primate of Armagh and all his clergy to attend him.
He refused to attend the councils or to take any part in the government until 1321, when the Despensers were banished, and war broke out again between himself and the king.
Cited before the court of Paris, the Black Prince refused to attend, and war broke out in Gascony, Poitou and Normandy, but with fresh tactics (1369).
But though five firms applied without delay for licences to work under his patents, success did not at once attend his efforts; indeed, of ter several ironmasters had put the process to practical trial and failed to get good results, it was in danger of being thrust aside and entirely forgotten.
Since 1899 all boys have been obliged to attend lectures on theology and religion during six out of seven years of their curriculum to obtain the B.A.
Many girls attend the provincial institutes, and some have successfully gone in for the B.A.
The stocks of bee-keepers who attend to the instructions given in text-books are rarely visited by this disease.
Nestorius was present with an armed escort, but refused to attend the council on the ground that the patriarch of Antioch (his friend) had not arrived.
In vain did Rib-Addi send touching appeals for aid to the distant Pharaoh, who was far too much engaged in his religious innovations to attend to such messages.
He was captured and beheaded with his accomplices in November 742, and in February 754 Constantine held in the palace of Hieria a council of 388 bishops, mostly of the East; the patriarchs of Rome, Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem refused to attend.
Theodore refused to attend or recognize the new council, and was banished first to Bithynia and thence to Smyrna, whence he continued to address his appeals to the pope, to the eastern patriarchs and to his dispersed monks.
All children between 7 and 16 are required to attend school, but those over 14 are excused if they labour; every township of more than ro,000 inhabitants must support an evening school for those over 14; and textbooks are provided by the townships for those unable to purchase them.
The bishops, headed by Ivo, bishop of Chartres, refused to attend the ceremony of marriage, but one was found to perform it.
She owed it to the dead to attend one Guardian's wake.
Cynthia confessed they didn't attend as often as they should— as much as she did when her son was at home.
Cynthia would attend the New Jersey wedding—thank God for Visa—while Fred and Dean would hold down Bird Song.
Iliana, we have a Council meeting to attend in a couple of hours.
Riley's comments were simple but moving and made Dean wonder if he were the eulogized party, who would speak so kindly of him—or, for that matter, even attend the memorial.
Feedback is elicited through questionnaires from all applicants who attend.
It is important for him/her to attend for an interview.
The interested stakeholders need to attend the meeting.
Clients are offered an opportunity to attend various courses which are designed to enable them to live independently.
The curator ad litem did not attend the Tribunal convened on 20 March 2006.
More than 3,000 people ae expected to attend the gigs, which sees Embrace and singer Sandi Thom perform on Saturday.
The majority of private school students attend schools with some religious affiliation, most commonly with the Catholic Church.
Other expenses included an apothecary to attend the sick poor and some education for the workhouse children.
All suitable short-listed applicants will normally be invited to attend for interview.
Free information packs, including a disposable ashtray, will be given to those who attend the day.
Substitution Policy If having confirmed attendance you find you are unable to attend the event our cancelation policy will apply.
We also offer occasional guided weekend visits to heritage attractions in the UK to students who wish to attend.
However, if you are recalled, you would be required to attend the recall audition at the School.
The county court bailiff will serve an order to attend the hearing.
Servers are expected to attend Church on a regular basis, whether on the serving schedule or not.
Students can attend on a full- or part-time basis, usually taking from three to five years to complete the course.
During the dot com boom I made a good wage, which allowed me to attend two or three a year.
Students at the pass/fail borderline are obliged to attend the oral whereas attendance at the Distinction borderline is voluntary.
International alumni often attend pre-departure briefings to explain the Brookes experience.
For the ultimate in personalized indulgence, select suites include the services of a personal butler who will attend to your every whim.
Children with disabilities who are not in Catholic schools because they attend State special schools are often left out of parish catechesis.
They are taught the catechism, and are directed to attend Divine Service.
Yet there are people who actually attend the ceremony in carriages where the plain white robes have been hung up instead of proper blinds.
Shareholders are able to nominate the chairman of your company or a third party proxy to attend the meeting on their behalf.
The vise chancellor shall not attend any part of a meeting at which his or her salary is being discussed.
Chester area hold open sessions for you to attend.